The Runt Triumphant

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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The youngest member of an exceptionally close family returns home from college, determined to reunite with his parent and siblings like never before.

This story was written for Handofblades as part of my January Patreon request days. It contains sexual acts between multiple consenting adults, involving incest. :3

The Runt Triumphant

Jacob took a deep breath as he walked up the garden path, eyes fixated upon the all too familiar front door of the family home. It had only been a couple of months since he was last here for Christmas vacation, and on that visit, life at home had been exactly as he always remembered it. He loved his family, and they loved him. But, they'd never been particularly sensitive towards Jacob about the one thing towards which he had always been most uncomfortable. His height. All his life, he'd been the runt. A zebra not with the powerful, athletic bodies of the rest of his family, but lean and skinny, barely five and a half feet tall. At home, at school, that had defined him. He'd always been the runt. The meek, quiet, shy one in a family of powerful and handsome extroverts.

Even around the holidays, fresh from the freedom and experience of his first semester at college, Jacob had been squeezed right back into his shell as soon as he arrived home. It didn't matter to his family, or indeed to him, that for the last few months he had been free from those expectations. That he had been able to craft himself a new image. A new personality, freed from the weight of countless years of teasing and more tender, careful, wholly sheltered treatment than the rough and ready lifestyle enjoyed by the rest of his family. He could have walked in with a mohawk, shaved fur and a full body's worth of gang tattoos, and his mother still would have kissed him on the forehead and called him her little colt. His brother and sister would still have grabbed him and tickled him like a child until he wept with laughter.

And though Jacob promised himself even now that this time was going to be different, he was afraid that once he stepped through the door, the nineteen years of habit were going to reassert themselves once more, and prevent him from sharing with them the truth of his new, more confident and unabashed self.

Sure enough, no sooner had Jacob set his bags down to open the front door, he heard a squeal of joy from within.

"My baby's back!"

His mother appeared at the end of the hallway in a loosely flowing dress that strained to contain her vast, heavily jiggling breasts as she ran towards him. Jacob stepped inside with his bags, and allowed himself to be swept up in the arms of the woman almost a full two feet taller than himself. She pressed his face into her clothed cleavage, and kissed the top of his head repeatedly.

"How are you my little one? Are you sleepy from your trip? You can go take a nap before dinner if you'd like. I'm making you a special dinner. Your absolute favourite."

A door opened a short way down the corridor, and two figures began to shove their way through, fighting to exit the door at the same time even though it was barely big enough to allow one of them to pass. Upon hearing the commotion Jacob's mother let him go, and both she and the smaller zebra turned to see the twins straining to be the first to greet their younger brother. Zachary was bigger and buffer than ever, and even though he was only a couple of years older than Jacob, with his barrel chest and tufted dark hair across his belly and under his long muzzle, he looked like an ancient beast of a man by comparison. Kerry meanwhile looked the same as ever. Plump, but gorgeously so, rounded in all the right places. They both stood taller than their mother, well over seven and a half feet in height, and both in nothing but underwear. A pair of boxer shorts for Zachary, and a bra and panty-shorts for Kerry.

They rushed forward to greet their little brother, but their mother headed them off with flailing arms and a frustrated tone.

"Hey! I thought I told you two, clothes. Now. This is your brother. You know the rules."

Jacob felt his mother jump slightly as he reached out and placed a hand on her arm, clearing his throat.

"Uh... mom, it's fine. Really. It's not like I haven't always known what goes on at home. Like, even when you all hide it. And since I turned eighteen, when you didn't have to keep it quiet any more... well, I just mean, you've already been acting innocent for a year longer than you've had to."

He dodged past his mother's frustrated, concerned expression and grabbed both the twins by an arm each as they sullenly made their way towards the stairs.

"Guys. Come on. Don't listen to her. I'm okay with it. Really."

Kerry shook her head though, and Zachary mimicked his sister a moment or so later.

"Nah, mom's right, squirt. Just because we're all a bunch of pervs doesn't mean we should force you to watch that. Even if you are cool enough not to be freaked out by it. There'll be plenty of other chances. Don't worry. You go settle in. We'll get dressed and say hey properly soon."

At that moment, the last member of the family appeared. The largest, strongest of the lot. Standing at just under eight feet, yet the leanest and most trim in his athletic build next to Jacob himself, was the zebra's oldest brother. He was ten years older than the twins. Twelve older than Jacob. Growing up, he'd been more like a dad to them than a brother. And now, as he approached their mother and wrapped her up in his arms while he looked at the younger trio standing by the stairs, he did so with paternal pride shining in his eyes.

"Terrance. Come on. Not in front of Jakey."

Squirming in her oldest son's strong embrace, Jacob could see his mother's cheeks flushing. Her whole body writhing not in an attempt to escape her son's touch, but in stimulation because of it. He looked around at his twin siblings once more. Then back at his brother and mother. Throughout his teenage years, he'd come to realise that they weren't a normal family. That they were closer. Not just speaking in a familial sense, but intimately closer than perhaps any other family in the world. His twin brother and sister had always acted more like a couple than siblings or even best friends, at least when they were behind the closed doors of home. And when they'd turned eighteen a few years back, it had stopped being a mere suspicion. The rumbles and rustling noises from their bedrooms at night had become unmistakable, and before long, they hadn't even needed two bedrooms, or two beds.

Terrance meanwhile... well, Jacob had memories of getting out of bed for a glass of water when he was eight, perhaps nine years old, and seeing the then twenty or so year old form of his oldest brother leaving his own bedroom and disappearing into that of their mother. He had always been the father figure of the family in Jacob's memory, their real dad having passed away shortly before he was born. And at some point, though of course Jacob's mother had tried to hide it from her innocent, sweet little son, it had simply become accepted within the family that he was father, just as much as he was brother. Not just in terms of how he acted towards them, but also in his actions towards Sasha. His mother, yes. But also, undeniably, his lover. His wife in all but legality.

Looking between the four people with whom he had grown up, all of them scantily clothed, all of them so obviously intimately connected, Jacob snorted under his breath. He had been denied entry into this side of his family's life for so long because of his age, and as soon as he had been old enough, it had been made abundantly clear that he was still to be treated like a child. Like a small, innocent, helpless child who should not be exposed to any such debauchery. But he wasn't. College had taught him a great deal over the last year, and not just in an academic sense.

He might still have lacked the strength to stop his siblings from tickling him if they chose to. He might have lacked the height to stand proud and tall over his mother and assure her that he was safe and strong without a word. But... no longer did he lack in confidence. Hell, at Christmas it had been borderline whether he said anything or not. But now, after another entire half year of college life... another half year of parties, of dorm life, of learning that small in stature or not, he was far from lacking in certain skills that were highly in demand amongst his friends and classmates, he had all the confidence he needed.

"Jacob! W-what are you..."

His mother called out, shocked, confused as Jacob cast his bags aside once more, and began to unbutton his shirt right there in the middle of the hallway. He tossed it aside, revealing his lean, twinkish torso with its equally thin black and white stripes. He then reached down to his belt, and began to unbuckle it. Only then did he begin to talk, calling out to his entire family, to all his siblings and his mother at once.

"I'm not a kid any more. I'm not innocent. I never was. I never asked to be protected. Never asked to be shielded or saved from what you guys all do together. I get that you had to before I was eighteen. That you didn't want to influence me before I was of an age to decide myself. But... even then, you still acted like I was ten. Like I would faint or freak out at the sight of it. At the very idea of big, strong bodies doing things that... what, you didn't think I'd be able to do? Things you thought I'd be embarrassed to try and live up to with my tiny, skinny little body?"

His siblings, the twins at least, looked stunned as their brother pulled down his trousers, grabbed the crotch of his boxer shorts, and waved it at them before turning around and doing the same to both mother and eldest brother. Terrance gave a burst of deep, whinnying laughter, and Sasha threw a hand over her muzzle, stifling not a cry of shock, but a moan of desperate arousal at what she saw. Jacob saw her surprise. Her unavoidable lust. And he grinned, dragging down his underwear and exposing what lay beneath. It was barely starting to harden, but already it hung like a thick, curved pipe, over a foot in length and flared substantially at the tip.

Jacob stroked his thick, vast cock, bigger than any other man he'd ever met. He didn't brag by thinking or believing that. It was just fact. He might have been small, but his cock wasn't just big relative to his diminutive size. It was just... big.

"B-but... I mean... you never... I... when you were younger. I never caught you, o-or... had to clean up..."

Sasha looked up over her shoulder, then towards Zachary, obviously thinking of the stains in bedding and clothes she'd been forced to clean in her younger years as a mother. Jacob just shrugged, cupping his heavy, swollen balls in his free hand as he stroked himself some more.

"I learned pretty early that I had to do it in the shower, or the bathtub. Somewhere the... the amount I made wouldn't hang around. And, there's a reason I always offered to help with laundry, mom. So you wouldn't check my clothes the way you probably had to while cleaning up the others."

He took a step forward. Towards his mother and eldest brother, cock now reaching up well over the height of his stomach, closer to his chest in its vastness.

"I am not the innocent boy you think I am, mom. At college... at college, I have people lining up to fuck me. I have a waiting list. I swear to god, an actual waiting list of people who want to spend the night. My professors. My RA. Everyone knows who I am, because of this."

Jacob squeezed his cock, and grunted and a thick ribbon of pre-cum, as large and potent as some men's entire orgasms in their own right, lashed out onto the hallway carpet. He looked deep into his mother's eyes. Then those of his oldest brother, who fucked her nightly. He turned, and looked to where the twins were already grinding against each other on the stairs, shuddering and whispering giddily to each other as they stared at their little brother's cock. He gave a strained, high pitched whinny, and licked his lips as they all stared at him, not looking at his small stature or lithe, skinny frame for once, but at his huge, thick, throbbing cock.

"So, let's stop pretending I'm some innocent little flower that'll bend and break in a stiff breeze. Instead... how about I do what I've been imagining for more than a year now, and fuck you? All of you. Together. And when you're done screaming, and cumming, and begging for more of my cock in your pussies, asses and mouths until I can't keep it hard any more... maybe then I'll take a quick nap, while you all fight over who wants to be at the top of my list for round two."

For a few seconds, the house was completely silent. Jacob shuddered, and squeezed his cock, and for just a moment, he wondered if he'd misjudged things. If he'd taken things too far.

Then he watched his mother dragging herself out of Terrance's grasp. Flinging herself forward, hands already bunching up the front of her dress so she could reach to the pantiless flesh beneath it and begin to grope herself furiously, and dropping to her knees, mouth wide open and grunting mindlessly as she begged to be granted the first taste of her youngest son's colossal cock. Taking one last look around, Jacob grinned as he saw each and every one of his siblings hurriedly stripping off their own clothes. He turned his gaze swiftly back to his mother though, and even as he beamed down at her, shook his head.

"I'm not gonna let you suck my cock, mom."

She whimpered feverishly, and was about to beg, to plead with the her youngest son, when he grinned, and licked his lips.

"Take off your dress, and turn around. I want to fuck you. To cum inside you. I want you to feel every inch of my cock, mom. I want to make you scream with it. To squirt. I want you cumming so hard and so often around my cock, that when you're finally spent, the others will be begging their runt of a brother to be next in line."

By Jeeves

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