Redefining Reality

Story by TenebraeVulpis on SoFurry

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"Mom, I have something to tell you..."

A bead of sweat formed at his temple as Kody swallowed yet another tasteless string of synonyms for 'I don't know how to say this, but a picture I drew has come to life and I just thought you might want to know.' To make things worse, the fictional femme fetal stood fractured by fear and the feeling of knowing nothing of what would happen next. No amount of reassuring contact could comfort either Kody or Rachael into saying what they both knew had to be said.

Kody's mother had since moved from one cabinet to another, continuing the chore of sorting out the just-washed cookware. A new song began playing past the wordy DJ getting in his last seconds of advertising. Paused at the doorway, Kody waited nervously for a moment of recognition. Waiting was one thing, but he was stalling; praying for any excuse to avoid delivering his message.

"Oh, Kody, your soup isn't quite ready yet. I didn't know how much to make, so I put in an extra can," his mother called, already aware of his presence. Without turning, she finished placing the last pan and walked straight to the stove upon which a simmering pot of chicken noodle soup sat. Stirring absentmindedly, she once again hummed along to the radio tunes.

There was already a colorful ironstone china bowl and spoon set aside next to the stove. It was now or never. With one last deep breath Kody turned back to face Rachael. "So, how do you think we should do this? Want me to go in first and warm her up to the idea, or just..."

His whispered voice slowly trailed off as his gaze fell to the t-shirt that Rachael had so quickly thrown on. Senses Fail was hardly distinguishable between the two overbearing mounds that were also known as Rachael's breasts. It hadn't occurred to either of them just how small the shirt fit on her broad chest. She was hardly presentable, even by the most liberal of standards.

"Or what? You're not even looking at me," she murmured slightly louder than she should have. As though taking a subliminal cue, her eyes fell until she caught just what Kody had been staring at. She let out a gasp.

"Was that you Kody? Is something wrong," his mother asked softly from behind the kitchen wall.

Without thinking Kody turned and started pushing Rachael toward the stairs. "Quick, go upstairs and look in the top drawer by my desk, there'll be a brown hoodie in there that's too big for me. Should fit you." As soon as her foot hit the first step he whipped around and stuck his head in the door leading to the kitchen. "Yeah, that was me mom. I just," he hesitated, "I was just wondering if it would be okay if I had a friend over."

The look that his mother gave was enough of an answer, yet she enforced it verbally too, "Kody! You can't honestly be serious! You were just suspended and you're asking me if you can have a friend over? I'm sorry, mister, but you're grounded-"

"But mom," he cut her off, "she's really nice and-"

"And I don't care if she was the nicest girl in the world; you are not having someone over. Don't you remember that you are grounded, or did that little piece of information slip your mind?"

In fact, that piece of information hadn't even been considered. Kody had lost all sense of anything else in the world ever since the night before. "That's just the thing, mom, I already invited her over," he glanced briefly back and saw Rachael stepping quietly down the stairs, "and she is already here."

She had barely settled on the last step when Kody's voice rang through her raised ears. It was a signal, if any, that he was ready for her to come in. Somewhere in the back of her mind she only hoped that he had some eloquent plan for what was about to happen. Two steps forward, then three more. The doorway had seemed so far away, yet already she was through and staring down a piercing gaze that could have only come from someone who had seen a ghost.

Kody was almost positive that she was about to scream-probably fitting for the circumstance. Yet the only thing that escaped past his mother's lips came out as a surprised gasp. Her eyes were immediately lit with what he could only guess was awe.

Rachael made the first move. "Hi," she gave a soft wave and gave her best apologetic face, "I'm sorry for showing up so randomly. Please don't be mad at Kody, it was more my idea than his."

For an eternity-or just seconds, Kody had no way of telling-his mother simply stood, the same slightly awkward and disturbed glare he held when Rachael first appeared up at his bedside only the night prior. She was going to scream, he knew it.

There was no scream, no noise at all. Rachael was almost sure that her ears had stopped working entirely. Then a voice fell on her deaf ears like an atom bomb, "Excuse me, but would you please let me speak with my son for a moment?" All eyes fell on Kody alongside a tidal wave of doubt and fear.

Each step he took subconsciously. The only thought going through his mind centered on just how fast he was about to lose everything. Rachael was staring the entire time, not that he noticed at all. The notion of what his mother had asked failed to settle in her mind until he turned and spoke with his eyes "Don't worry, everything will be fine."

He knew everything wouldn't be fine, but it was the only thing he could think that would at least make an attempt at comforting her. And then Rachael was out of site. Immediately his mother placed both hands down on his shoulders. The weight seemed unbearable. "Kody," she began, "you don't know how relieved I am to know that you're making friends, and I respect you as a growing adult, but this is just a little strange. You've never once spoken to me about knowing any girls, and I noticed that she was wearing the sweatshirt your aunt gave you last Christmas."

A brief pause gave Kody all the time he needed to piece together just what his mother was about to so boldly assume. Reacting purely on instinct, he blurted out the first thing his lips would produce, "Mom! It's not like that, I swear! We're just friends!"

As though standing slack jawed and blushing heavily weren't enough telltale signs, his mother had a sense about her that could tell whenever he was lying. Yet, amongst the pang of uncertainty smeared over his face, Kody's mother somehow found understanding. Placing both hands on his shoulders, she looked directly into his eyes and spoke softly, "Kody, it's fine. I'm not mad. If anything, I'm happy that you found someone. It's just a little hard to realize that my baby is growing up so fast."

Beyond any state of awe, Kody couldn't seem to process what had just happened. The fact that she hadn't run away screaming meant that she didn't see Rachael as he did, but that made no sense. And amidst the entire ordeal, she accepted that he had become a sexually active teenager? He hardly recognized hands were no longer clenched on his shoulders, but pressed against his back. His mother was hugging him, whispering into his ear, "You don't have to hide anything from me, Kody. And remember that I'll always love you, no matter what."

He still hadn't fully grasped what had happened before he was abruptly turned around and nudged forward. He walked back into the hallway where an anxiously waiting Rachael stood, wide-eyed upon seeing Kody's drained face. "What happened? Is everything okay?"

Her frantic questioning was cut short by an action more comforting than words: an embrace. Why this made sense over everything that had just occurred left them both nothing but speechless saps. It wasn't until Kody's mother yet again stepped in and offered the two some soup and recommended watching a movie or two in the living room. "I'm going to work on some tax stuff, so I'll be in the office if you need me," was the last she said before calmly walking away.

* * * * *

Kody and Rachael decided against pursuing reasoning for the events that had unfolded, to rather just let sleeping dogs lie. With soup in hand, they took opposite seats on the living room sofa, both feeling strangely uncomfortable making contact of any sort with the each other. Neither could say why, but the premise that Kody's mother seemed all together rational about the whole ordeal left the two of them more perturbed than anything. It couldn't be explained other than to say neither would admit to having a single exhibitional synapse and would not know what to do if caught even touching one another.

It wasn't until near the middle of the second romantic comedy that Kody's mother peeked into the room, only to find what could be described simply as a platonic movie night. Kody sat slouched over one arm of the sofa, Rachael the other. With a soft laugh she walked in and made her presence known, "Kody, I'm going to bed. Do be mindful of the time, so don't stay up too late. You're still in trouble, you know."

Before he could say anything, Kody's mother had already rounded back down the hallway. He briefly glanced at Rachael who had already met his gaze. She spoke first, "Do you think she's going to come back?"

"No," Kody replied, "when she says she's going to bed, it means that she's out for the night."

As though taking that as her cue, Rachael scooted herself across the sofa until she was hip to hip with Kody, then let herself fall across his lap. Kody responded by wrapping an arm under her waist and pulled her closer. His other hand deftly began trailing across her stomach to her side and then to her hip where he eventually found her tail, splayed out across the length of the sofa. It twitched, making Kody jump.

"What's the matter scaredy-cat, afraid my tail might bite you?" Rachael gave a haughty grin.

Kody immediately noticed the tone she used and realized exactly what they were about to do. Now it came down to how fast it would take for him to realize and reciprocate in the appropriate manner. "No, but I was kind of hoping you would." There was no need to keep her waiting.

Just less than rushing, he hunched over until his left cheek brushed past her muzzle and went straight for her neck. A kiss here, a nip there, the fading taste of shampoo lingered on his tongue as a stray thought of hairballs knocked his confidence, but only momentarily. He recovered as he threaded his right arm under her left to latch a rough grip on her breast. The heavy cotton and polyester hoodie smothering her upper body wrinkled under his hand. She gasped and immediately let out a heavy sigh.

Rachael enjoyed the fast pace, yet her mind insisted they start heading in a different direction. While still lost amidst the intoxicating scent of Kody's skin, her right paw dumbly batted his hand away until her mind caught up enough to grab a hold of his wrist. With an almost needed force she pried his massaging fingertips away from her chest and extended her arm downward.

Immediately her chest screamed for attention, yet her mind was focused entirely on the pursuits on another location. Kody was daftly aware of anything happening outside his toothy nips at Rachael's neck and his heavy voice breathing words that would melt the ear off of a priest. It hadn't occurred to him exactly where his hand was being led until he no longer felt the soft material of the hoodie under his fingertips and instead grabbed hold of the elastic waistband of the shorts fitted tightly around Rachael's muscular hips.

The heat emanating from the area was enough to catch his attention. In fact, it was enough of a shock both to realize where his hand rested and just how hot it was that he lifted his gaze to meet hers, or so he thought. Her eyelids were shut tight while she made feudal attempts to bite at her own lower lip. She was losing quickly to her animalistic side. Her mind was losing the battle between rational thought and irrational action.

With the last bit of conscious thought Rachael sat up abruptly, only to continue to fall forward, tucking her legs under her body as she went. Kody didn't have time to think before he was met with the seductively swaying posterior end of a familiar body. His first glance gave way to an unmistakable wet patch that soaked through her shorts. A sultry moan caught his ears off guard as his eyes caught up with the same lids that had been closed only seconds prior. Her pupils were dilated and almost glazed over. Rachael's body had taken over completely.

Without anything more than a faint nod he knew what was about to happen. He took no time in placing his hands firmly on her hips, thumbs under the waistband. Slowly, teasingly this time, he slid the shorts down until they crumpled at her bent knees. If Rachael's body could have made it any more obvious how ready she was it would have gone far beyond overkill.

Kody's lust overtook him as both hands fell firmly on her haunches, to which she mewled in anticipation. With an unbearable pressure building in his loins he thrust forward, anticipating Rachael's warm enveloping folds of flesh. She jumped the instant contact was made with her lips and gave a breathy moan of desire that quickly turned to a whine of desperation as she realized the only thing making contact was polyester.

Confused, she spun around in a flash, only to find him staring flabbergasted down at the shorts that he still had on. An obvious wet spot only accented his raging hard-on as it feudally attempted to escape. Growing more desperate by the second, her paws flung out, latching onto his waistband. In a borderline feral rage her nub-like claw tips made short work of the material keeping her from the prize she so feverishly desired. Without care or concern for his wellbeing on her part, Kody had only been able to cringe and pray deftly, his posterior already perched unsteadily on the arm of the sofa.

Then there was a pause. His flag was raised to full mast while his shorts splayed savagely around his thighs. Both were breathing heavily, Kody more so out of fear than Rachael's desire as it flared her nostrils. Her eyes were narrowed on her target, his eyes widely scanned where his shorts were just a moment ago, quickly ensuring everything was still intact. Relief pulsed through him as his senses returned to him. Before he could even feel the cool air around his exposed shaft a rush of bristled fur crept against it. He twitched as his eyes quickly refocused to see Rachael's cheek brush tentatively against his member, her hot breath firing off every nerve and synapse it fell upon.

"Rache," he gasped, her tongue now roughly lapping its way around the base of his towering erection, "stop real quick. I'm about to fall off-"

His words had fallen on deaf ears as Rachael's sultry attentions forcefully continued as she pressed her muzzle and tongue against his twitching phallus. A soft cracking of wood was followed immediately by the much louder creaking and crunching coffee table Kody had backed onto that crumbled under his weight.

As the proverbial dust settled, Kody found himself sandwiched between the unfaltering carpet and the lustrous gaze of a very, very impatient muzzle. Her rasping breath fell on his forehead as Rachael's body demanded instant satisfaction, her hips already grinding mercilessly down his abdomen. Before a single word of protest could escape his lips, a shiver raced up his spine. A heat beyond that of his own erection contacted the base of his softening manhood in such a way it sprang back to life immediately. Not to be overwhelmed by the solely physical desires of his lower extremities, Kody mustered up enough strength to push both himself and Rachael to a seated position.

The abrupt move failed to stir Rachael from her hormonal rampage, instead only making her lust grow. She could feel his pulsing shaft under her rump and let out a mix between a low growl and a sultry moan. Her body wanted it badly. So badly, in fact, she was practically shaking. No, she was being shaken, by none other than Kody. His firm grip around her triceps tugged her violently back and forth. As though the cloudy haze around her head became windswept and blew away, rationale trickled back into perspective. A dazed and befuddled Rachael sat awkwardly atop a seemingly perturbed and concerned Kody.

Her hot face calming to a warm blush, Rachael's soft eyes met with Kody's and she spoke quietly, "So, you really have quite the effect on me, don't you?" The floating tone in her voice made it apparent just how flustered her body still was. With a faint smile Kody let words go unspoken, instead he simply wrapped both arms tightly around her and rested his head in her bosom. For several seconds the moment seemed commonplace. That is, until Rachael detected a rather warm appendage tucked comfortably between her posterior cheeks. "Kody," she paused to find the right words, "is there something you would like me to take care of?"

He knew exactly to what she was referring, yet he allowed a shy nod of his head to answer for him. Tenderly Rachael pressed a paw against his chest until he lay flat on the carpet, his hips straddled by hers. That same paw traced its way down his abdomen in such a teasing manner Kody's cheeks burned red. Her hips positioned barely high enough, Kody's shaft was gripped and steadied. No eye contact was made, as she concentrated on her perfect placement.

In one fell swoop the entirety of his member was surrounded in her velvety folds. The pressure alone made him wince, then instinctually raise his hips toward hers as his hands simultaneously reached for her backside. As she settled herself, now resting both paws on the ground behind her to balance herself, a long sigh escaped her muzzle. It was not one taking care of another, but both satiating each other's needs. Kody's eyes opened in time to see Rachael's close as a moan escaped her lips. Both catching their breaths, Rachael's moans tapered off into quiet coos until her eyes opened again to catch Kody's gaze. Then they continued.

Rachael lifted herself until Kody's raging hard-on nearly slipped out, then plunged back down on him to the hilt. She repeated this process again and again while Kody's boldness grew to the point that his hips would thrust up to meet hers as they came down. Petty small talk was traded for grunts and other noises made from the passionate love-making they were engaged in. Kody's hands clasped her rear with fervor and assisted her with every movement. Even with the help, her legs began to grow tired. Hoping for some relief, Rachael lowered herself in such a timed fashion Kody had hardly noticed her hot breath on his neck and face.

Her wet tongue splayed over his cheek, catching the edge of his mouth. Too caught up in the sensations of his lower extremities since taking over complete control of the speed and rhythm, his subconscious forced his tongue to mingle with hers in a sloppy kiss. Mouths and groins grinding, Kody could tell he would not last much longer. The heat in his loins had grown unbearable with Rachael's perfect control of her inner muscles. His pole was being massaged and squeezed by every single millimeter of her walls, and he knew he would reach his boiling point at any moment.

Almost sensing his quickening pace and desperate gropes, Rachael's paws moved between their bodies. Her breasts had been begging for attention for so long, she had to oblige them. Tweaking both sensitive nipples with her claws, she moaned loudly into her kiss. Inadvertently, her body shuddered, pushing Kody over the edge. With one final thrust his hips contacted hers, his seed flooding into her in waves. He broke their kiss with one loud groan while his hips bucked one final time. Between his erratic thrusting and the warm liquid filling her completely she peaked, arching her back low and growling into the open air. She rode out her orgasm inaudibly, enough so she could hear her racing pulse in her ears.

Their senses were numb as they rode out the afterglow, his softening rod still rigid enough to stay buried in her dripping mound. Still breathing heavily, they locked lips again in a more romantic entanglement, allowing each other time to exhale. Rachael let her body lay against his, their heartbeats both slowing. Kody's hands still held their hold on her hind quarters as her ears picked up the faintest sound. In her relaxed state of mind, she was convinced it was only the television that had been left on. Not until Kody heard those same footsteps Rachael picked up did a panic overcome him. He knew immediately what had just transpired and just how awkward the situation had just become.

Kody's mother had been woken by their loud actions and, in a heavy-eyed daze, wandered down the hall to investigate the source. She stood in the doorway, jaw agape, hands covering her mouth and flushed cheeks. How much she had witnessed was a mystery, but that she had seen any instantly made his stomach turn knots...

* * * * *

Kody woke with a start, immediately unsure of his surroundings. He was sure just moments prior he had been discovered in a most intimate position: he lay on the floor in front of the couch, Rachael's body splayed over his like a sheet, his arms stretched out with each hand clenched tightly on Rachael's hind quarters, her toothy muzzle lip-locked with his... yet the bed he found himself in matched nothing from the past few nights. For a paralyzing moment he took into account what his nerves told him: a light sheet covered his legs and midsection, both arms lay palms up by his sides, he tasted alcohol throughout his cavernous jaw, and an open air chill swept over an awkward-feeling appendage hanging off the edge of the bed.

A wave of panic welled inside him and immediately subsided. An entire lifetime flashed before his eyes, forcing reality upon his sobering mind. From the narrow snout jutting out from his face down to his rhythmically twitching broad tail he realized everything that had just occurred just so happened to be a dream. He knew his name was Kody. He knew he was twenty-four years old. He knew his newly released novel had been pronounced the number one selling book for an entire week. The only thing that seemed to slip his mind was where exactly he was.

Kody felt something brush against his arm and he jolted upright. A seemingly familiar voice echoed through his mind, "What's the matter scaredy-cat, afraid I might bite you? You didn't seem to mind last night."

The voice belonged to Rachael, his wife. The recollection struck him as odd; if Rachael were beside him, that would have meant he were at home, right? He glanced down to find her playfully nipping at his forearm down to his fingertips. The same eyes he saw the night prior pierced right through him. "You know Rachael, I had the strangest dream last night that I was a human."

As soon as he said it, the word left a strange feeling on his tongue. The word was not part of any standard vocabulary; it was completely fictional. "Human," Rachael chirped, "you mean like those things in your book?"

The weight of her words forced him to swallow. Of course, why else would he have imagined himself as such a make-believe thing? Kody breathed a soft sigh, falling back onto the bed, or would have had his head not made contact with the headboard, resulting with a loud crack! His sigh faded into a mixed chortle of a moan. "That's it, I'm never drinking again..."