The Advanced Class

Story by Shilvascat on SoFurry

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My first commission ever! [email protected]/* <![CDATA[ /!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/ ]]> */ commissioned this, and it's part 1 of 3. 2.3k words or so. Thoughts?

Adam let out a soft sigh, padding down the empty hallway, all the lockers closed and the floor freshly waxed. He always enjoyed coming here early in the morning, when the school was empty and clean. It was his favorite place- and soon, he'd be leaving it. Valedictorian, to be sure, but he would be gone, off to college. Harvard, perhaps- he had a meeting the next day. The slim rabbit was excited to be going to the college of his dreams- there was no way he wouldn't dazzle the recruiter, after all- but still, to be leaving his school of thirteen years...

He was startled out of his musings by the sound of a slamming classroom door. "Adam? You here, I assume?" Adam grinned. Mr. Evans was always here early in the mornings- the brown-furred teacher was extremely tall for a mouse, but was still barely six inches taller than the rabbit. The bespectacled mouse rounded the corner, tugging on the hems of his brown tweed jacket as usual. "Adam! There you are! You're looking rather spiffy. What's the occasion?"

"Haven't I told you? I have a recruiter showing up tomorrow!" Adam was dressed better than usual. Always a snappy dresser, he'd taken it to the next level today: spit-shined leather loafers with a tailored white dress suit, with turquoise trimmings that clung close to his thin frame. He thought it made him look more scholarly- it probably did.

Mr. Evans chuckled a little, shaking his head. "You did, but why are you dressed up now?" Adam shrugged, unable to keep a small grin off his face. "Excited, I suppose?" The rabbit nodded a little; Mr. Evans was probably right. Honestly, he had no idea why he dressed up today instead of tomorrow. It didn't bother him none, though. There was nothing wrong with overdressing for school- he just turned more heads that way, not only from the girls, but the boys, too.

"Adam?" The blue rabbit blinked a bit, looking up. Mr. Evans crossed his arms. "Stop zoning out. You're a great student, but you've always had that problem." Adam grinned and nodded, saying goodbye to Mr Evans and padding off to class, his pawfalls echoing down the hall. He had to get ready- after all, first hour was only an hour away.

"Adam?" Adam looked up from his book- it was fifth hour, History. He basically already aced the class- he'd stopped paying attention halfway through the semester. "Adam, the office called. They want you to go down." Adam nodded to his teacher, slipping a bookmark in place and standing up to the oooh's of his classmates. He couldn't help but grin- everyone knew he wouldn't be in trouble, but it was still tradition to pretend everyone getting called down to the office was in trouble. To be fair, most were.

He gave the secretary a soft smile as he walked past her desk into the principal's office itself. She nodded back, letting him by without question- he visited the principal pretty frequently. The two had lunch at least once a week, to talk about how the school was running, and exchange ideas on how to make it better. An older badger looked up as Adam closed the door behind himself, standing up and offering his hand. "Adam! Glad you could make it. Sit down, sit down- I'll be quick, because I know you're in class." Adam took the hand, shaking it firmly and taking a seat at the edge of a nearby chair. "Remember how you said you wanted an advanced class, something to help students of your, ah... caliber to excel, get an early start on college?"

Adam nodded, relaxing in his chair. The poor rabbit had been feeling bored in most of his classes, and had approached the principal with a suggestion- create a separate class for advanced students. It would be three hours long, and a few college professors would come down from a state university and teach a couple gen eds. That way, the more advanced students could get an early start on their university career, and keep them from getting bored.

Smart students getting bored was an actual problem at this school. While Adam was too good of a rabbit to do much harm, there had been several incidents involving common household chemicals and the vents. One time they had to evacuate the school because a yellowish mist started coming from the air conditioning, and someone called it mustard gas. It was harmless of course, but a problem nonetheless.

The badger paused for effect, then sat forward in his chair. "I talked to the school board, and we got the funding. We're bringing in a professor from Saint Thomas University, and you're going to meet with him to help create the curriculum." Adam let out a happy yelp, standing up. This was more than he was hoping for- he'd actually get to make his own curriculum, and make sure it was on the level that the students would need. No more boredom, and he'd have something nice and juicy to tell the Harvard recruiter.

The badger continued. "Professor Lynch is an expert on effective teaching curriculum, he's well respected in his field and helped revamp Ohio's system from the ground up. I've... never heard of him, and I couldn't find much on him, but I've had him recommended by almost every university president I talked to, so I think it's a great idea."

Adam didn't know who this professor was either, but he sounded intelligent- good. He was a bit worried he'd have to take precious time out of planning time to explain concepts to the professor. "Thanks for this- I didn't actually expect it to take off! This is going to succeed, I promise- and no more, uh, incidents. I promise that, too." The rabbit really was too obedient to actually pull any pranks, he wasn't behind masterminding them.

The old badger nodded and leaned back in his chair with a satisfied grin. "I got a good feeling about this. Real good. He wants to meet with you 6th hour." He nodded a little to himself. "I got you, don't worry, you're excused from math. Not that you need the class hour anyways." Alan chuckled- like every other class, he was done with the book half a semester ago.

The bunny stood up, smoothing off his slacks and nodding to the principal before taking his leave. He always liked that old badger- he would keep in contact after he went to college.

Sixth hour came pretty quickly, and Adam made his way down the sloping hallway to the basement of the old school, where the choir used to meet. For all its academic successes, his school wasn't exactly blessed with funding, and cut choir a few years back in favor of another Science Olympiad team. Adam wasn't exactly against the cut, but he did miss singing. He came up to the choir room door and checked his paper once more time, just in case. '053a'. Nodding to himself, he grasped the doorknob and pulled the wooden slab open.

Inside, the room was a shell of its former shelf. The piano was rolled up against the wall, along with all the chairs where the high schoolers used to sit between songs. The ceiling tiles, once covered in signatures, one signature for each graduating senior, were all removed and stacked in the corner. Adam couldn't help but feel a little wistful- that could have been his signature on that top tile. In the middle of all this were two desks. One was empty, and on the other was perched a doberman.

He was lean and muscled, with a few small scars puckering an otherwise unremarkable face. He was normally colored, a rarity in this day and age, but what really made him stand out was his clothing. If he was a scholarly man, a true academic, Adam would expect him to be dressed in something like brown tweed, messy fur, maybe have thick glasses... but instead he wore faded jeans with rips at the knees, and a wifebeater, complete with ratty, blown out sneakers. Judging by the detail in the bulge between his legs, he wasn't wearing underwear. His outfit really exaggerated the muscles on his body, the thighs of his jeans looking fit to rip at any second, and his wifebeater clinging to his swollen pecs and abs like a second skin.

Tangled, gnarled hair bushed from his pits like a... well, a bush, looking unwashed and sweat-stained, and his shirt was equally neglected, yellow and brown stains marring the ratty fabric. He wore a sneer, and reeked of smoke. "Alan, right?" The rabbit blinked, trying to focus. This perhaps wasn't the appearance he was expecting, but if he was so highly recommended...

"No, it's... it's Adam. Adam Robinson, and you're Professor Lynch, right?" Lynch nodded.

"Lynch is my first name, it's best if you don't know my last. I've heard great things about you- top of your class, GPA approaching 5.0, and rather bored of your classes, right?" Lynch looked the boy over, nodding to himself. His gaze seemed to pierce, like a predator to a prey, rather than a teacher to a student. He had a quiet, crisp accent of undeterminable origin. Adam nodded at the doberman's question. At least he seemed more presentable while talking than he looked. "Good. Now, your principal has contacted me about setting up a program, something to make you and yours a little less... bored with your classes. Do you want to help me start it up?"

Adam nodded, flashing his most winning smile. He looked weird, but seemed fine enough. "I'd love to. I'm really, really honored that you chose me to work with- where to begin? Do we start by writing topics, or researching the best professors to have come down here?" Lynch chuckled, returning the rabbit's smile- but on him, it looked unsettling. There was no paper in the room, and no pen to write with. There was no computer with which to research professors. The silence hung in the air an uncomfortably long time, with Lynch just smiling at him, staring him up and down. Finally he reached into his pocket, tugging out a handkerchief and tossing it at Adam, who caught it reflexively. "My methods are interesting, to say the least. You'd better be introduced to them immediately. Tell me, Adam, what's that smell like?" Puzzled, the rabbit brought the handkerchief up to his sensitive nose and gave a deep smell, little bunny nose wrinkling as he did.


The rabbit hit the floor.

Adam walked out of the classroom two hours later, just as final bell rang. The hallway filled with freshmen stampeding from the bandroom, but he wasn't quite aware of it- his head pounded, and he felt tired. That must have been a damn good planning session, but he didn't remember most of it. After dwelling on it for a few moment, he shrugged, putting it out of his head. It wasn't important. The rabbit meandered a few feet away to a bench and plopped down, resting for a moment. God, he was tired. He slid from a sitting position to a laying one, draping one leg over the back of the bench and letting the other slide halfway into the hall, groaning loudly. This drew a few uncomfortable stares as the flood of freshmen moved to walk around his legs, but he didn't care- his balls were hanging loose inside his underwear, and that's all that mattered.

He lay there for a few second, closing his eyes and letting his jaw go slack. He felt a pressure in his bowels momentarily, but disregarded it- almost immediately, a long, wet fart echoed through the hall, greasy bubbles burbling between his cheeks. The traffic almost stopped as the rabbit moaned again, pushing as hard as he could to force the last of it out- they quickly started walking again as the rancid smell roiled over them, like rotten eggs left to bake in the sun. The rabbit's nose twitched as he sniffed it in, a grin spreading across his face.

"Adam?" The band director paused in the middle of his step, surprised to see one of his former students back in the band hallway. "What brings you down here?" The rabbit blinked before sitting up, happily noting how greasy his asscheeks felt rubbing together. "Oh, uh... I'm in a class. Planning a class I mean." The teacher smiled a bit- sounds like Adam. "Advanced class, for smart people. It's so we're not bored." The rabbit's nose twitched again- he felt something tickling him waaaay deep in there.

"Well, I'm glad to hear it, I always knew you were..." The teacher droned on and on- Adam zoned out a bit, frowning. What was in his nose? Curious, he pushed a finger into his left nostril, shivering in pleasure as that nostril stretched over his digit. He dug around a few seconds in the slimy, warm cave before hooking something semi solid. He gave another shiver of pleasure as he felt a long, slimy strand of snot pull out of his nose, thick, chunky and warm. It felt like the damn thing went all the way into his skull. He gave an oblivious smile to the teacher, who stood there in stunned silence as Adam played with the dangling green snot, rubbing it between his fingers and smearing the ooze around. Finally he tipped his head back, lowering the disgusting strand into his maw and swallowing, shuddering as it slid down his throat. Salty.

The professor just stood there, stunned. Adam smiled pleasantly, unaware anything was amiss. "Gotta go, man. Talk to you later, yeah?" He stretched and slid off the bench, plunging his hands down the back of his pants and scratching at his greasy cheeks, scraping the light ooze from his fur. Halfway down the hall he paused to sniff his fingers, murring and suckling on them before continuing. It was a good day.

The Presentation

The professor took a fatal sip of his beer. "For the last time, I 'will' present my findings!" The executive across the table grinned widely. "You know... of course you will. I don't see why it matters." With this, the fox blinked. "It... doesn't?...

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A Present

Ky Walker strolled down the hallway to his dorm, with not a care in the world. He was set! He had his life in order, he was breezing through college, had amazing friends, amazing grades, an amazing family- everything a fox could ever want. He even had...

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