Into the Horizon: Battle of Destiny

Story by Talon Drago on SoFurry

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#7 of Into the Horizon

Warning: Story contains language and suggestive material. You have been warned. Also, this chapter is shorter than the just happened that way. Oh and this is a continuation of the previous chapter.

Into the Horizon: Battle of Destiny

As the three ships faced off, and the Siberia and Fox ship prepared for a fight, the Wolf Capitan responded in a way not expected.

"Good, I'll assist you. The station is heavily armed and shielded; if the Siberia will assist me in taking down the shields you can beam both the Human, and the Core, onto the Fox ship."

Everybody present for the conversation was shocked. The same ship who had tried to kill the crew of the Siberia now wanted to help them.

"Why are you helping us," asked Max?

"Simple," replied the tired looking Wolf, "I cannot allow my superiors to place any more innocent blood on our hands. This has gone too far and I intend for it to stop. My crew is with me and we are at your service."

With that, the Wolf ship and the Siberia began their attack run. The Wolf ship opened up on the station first. The weapons impacted with the shields having an effect, but not enough of one to weaken them. The Siberia then opened up with the new and improved antimatter cannons. Since there was no crew to worry about, Ron had increased the power to them as much as was possible. This caused a reaction by the station. Shield power decreased by 5%.

"Not much," said the Wolf commander, "but its a start."

As the battle raged on, the Wolf ship took damage. However, it was designed for intense battle and could take much more damage than it had already received and still function. The Siberia took several direct hits from the stations main cannons, which sent massive power surges throughout several systems. Luckily enough they were life support and gravity plaiting. Neither was needed since the ship was empty. The fox ship stayed well out of range. They knew that the other two Wolf ships that CJ had informed them of would be coming, as would half of the Wolf space fleet. However, the nearest one was five hours away.

Admiral Ulra was shocked at the new turn of events. She was the commander of the space station. She had been placed in charge of seeing to the safety of the core and the application of knowledge retrieved from it. Now it seemed her underling had decided to take matters into his own hands. As she stormed into the control center for the station she immediately ordered that every available Wolf ship report to their location. She knew that they would never hold out against two very formidable ships, but they could retrieve any property stolen. As she took her seat in the command chair she hailed Commander CJ.

"Commander CJ, explain your actions immediately!"

"Now Now Ulra, yelling won't help your situation any. You see, I told you that I cannot allow you to destroy any more lives on your quest for blood. You'll not only destroy Humans and Wolves, but you'll mark our descendants with our sins forever."

"Commander I strip you of your rank and order you to surrender immediately. First Officer James Wolven, I hereby promote you to Capitan. Please remove CJ from the bridge."

"I'm sorry Admiral, I cannot do that. You see I also agree with the Capitan. I'm afraid you have no friends on this ship."

Ulra knew she was defeated. She continued shouting orders to the helpless command crew. They managed to hold out for another twenty minutes; however, the combined fire from both ships proved more than the station could handle.

As the two engaged ships circled the station, their combined weapons fire finally overloaded the shield emitters causing the external shields to fall. The Fox cruiser then came into range and beamed both Scott and the Core onboard before all three jumped to maximum warp. The mission had been a success, the Core was retrieved, Scott was rescued, and the Siberia was spared a premature death. They had planned to use the Siberia as a battering ram to disarm the Wolf ship if necessary. However, the Wolf ship changing sides solved the need for this. Power was restored to the life support system by a repair team, and the Siberia was once again staffed.

As Scott awoke he once again found himself in yet another strange place. He was becoming tired of waking up in random places. Prisoner or not, being moved in his sleep was just rude. As he sat up, he slowly recognized the dark gray walls of the Siberia. He thought it a dream until Ron and Bane walked into the room.

"Well hello sleeping Beauty."

"Bane, how did I get back here?"

Bane then proceeded to tell Scott the entire story from the time he was taken.

"Wow, so we have the core, formed an alliance, and saved my ass."

Scott had been informed that he was to rest for a few days before returning to anything resembling duty. He had internal bleeding from the numerous beatings he had taken. As he sat listening to the list injuries he had received, he realized that there were injuries that couldn't be treated as easily as a broken bone. Three very large wolves with everything from single penetration to triple penetration had raped him. He had had cocks thrust into his mouth. He had been beaten to within an inch of his life. He slowly felt a rage rising within him. He didn't deserve any of it, it was those damn wolves.

Bane noticed that Scotts face was slowly rearranging itself with a look that could only be described as anger mixed with disgust. Worse of all it seemed to be directed only at him. He figured it was because of the treatment he had received by his captors. He got up and excused himself from the room. He decided to give Scott his space, only time would heal his wounds.

Scott watched as Bane got up and excused himself. He then realized that he had been burning a hole though Bane's head with his gaze. A wave of grief suddenly washed over Scott. He had known Bane for years. He was practically a brother to him. Yet he directed anger on the only other person besides Ron who understood him. He couldn't help how he felt about the situation. But he couldn't take it out on Bane. It wasn't fair, he wasn't responsible for the treatment Scott received. Under better circumstances, he might have even enjoyed it had it not been aimed at torture.

After they had exited Wolf space, Ron made it possible to beam back and forth between the Siberia and the Fox ship during high warp. A meeting was called between the leaders of each ship as well as the now reunited trio. They had won the battle, but in doing so each ship was now a fugitive from their prospective governments. Each had betrayed their leaders by cooperating with each other. They had no choice but to continue helping each other, they needed each other if they were to survive. There were some tough decisions that must be made. Scott, Ron, and Bane could not help but to smile at the situation. They knew it was the start of the new allied government. It would not be easy but a new future had been born. The question remained, would they have a part in it?