Sweet Tooth

Story by Smack on SoFurry

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It was a lovely day, as Kapu had planned a wonderful potluck with all of his friends. However two of his friends are going to get closer than they had intended.

This story contains mostly unaware vore and if that doesn't suit you then traverse somewhere else or take a peak at it and maybe you'll like it.

Smack belongs to me

Dex belongs to http://www.furaffinity.net/user/vibrantwolfgm

Kapu belongs to http://www.furaffinity.net/user/keavemind

I really love how this story turned out. I hope you enjoy it as well!

Sweet Tooth

"Try this one." Requested a golden retriever as he handed a glass of green liquid to his friend, "You sure this one will work?" he said bringing the glass to his lips. "Of course!" he said nodding his head at his friend, "Ok, bottoms up!" he said as he tilted the glass back and jugging it all down. "How do you feel?" he said placing his paw on his friend's shoulder, "K-Kapu...I don't feel well." He said as his knees started to buckle, grabbing his friend's torso, he collapsed on the floor.


"Dex?" Smack asked while leaning up against a salt shaker, "Five more minutes mom." He groaned as he rolled onto his back. "Dex! Get up!" he demanded as he walked over to his tired friend.

"What?! What is a matter with yo-" he words got cut off, as his attention was drawn towards the enormous salt shaker. "W-when did I become so small?" he said started to quiver from fear.

"I found you like this." He said while extending his arm, "Do you remember what happened last night?"

"Yeah, I do." he said as he grabbed his friend's arm and pulled himself up, "I was trying a new potion out with kapu."

"A potion?"

"Yeah, it was supposed to make you normal size."

"Aw, that's kinda sweet of you guys."

"Yeah, we-"

"But hold on, if it was supposed to be for me. Why did you try it?"

"If it worked correctly, it shouldn't have shrunk me. As you can see, it seems to have backfired."

"What do we have here?" Spoke a booming voice from behind dex, "Not one but two micros? This is a good find."

"If you don't mind me asking, who are you? And how are you in our friend's house?" smack questioned as he walked closer to the edge of the counter.

"Well, my pink friend, I was invited to the potluck by your boyfriend Epic, he must've told you about me. I am Rawley." He said as he stuck out his finger to shake smack's hand, "He made no mention of his bf being a micro."

"It is a pleasure to meet you." He said as he shook the giant finger, "What did you bring?"

"I brought some homemade brownies, topped with a lot of blue and pink sprinkles."

"Wait, you have blue and pink sprinkles and you just so happen to find two micros who are also blue and pink? You also think finding two micros is a 'good find'." Dex interjected as he stepped beside smack, "That's pretty convenient, isn't it?"

"It surely is." He said as a grin started to appear across his face, "I had found you asleep on the floor when I walked in and placed you on the counter. I thought it was tragic that the potion backfired, our dear smack could've been normal for once."

"How did you know dex was shrunk because of a potion?" smack question with a bit of skepticism in his tone, "You wouldn't know about why the potion backfire would you?" he asked while crossing his arms.

"You like to question things don't you?" he said as he pinched the fur on smack's back and pulled him up towards his muzzle, "Keep questioning, and you'll be my next snack." He spoke in a low growl, while bring his tongue out and running it up smack's body.

Pressing his paws against the tongue, which stunk of rotten fish and unwashed teeth, "Dude, get your tongue away from me!"

"I'm sorry, sometimes I can't control myself. Would you like to be put down?" he said as he unwrapped some tin foil from a baking tray.


"As you wish." He said as he lowered smack towards the tray of brownies, "Brace yourself, they are still warm."

"What!?" smack said as he directed his attention below him, "What are you doing with me?!" he questioned.

"I am making you a new home for you in those brownies." He cheerfully answered while he continued to move smack towards the tray.

"Put me down!" he demanded as he started to claw at the giant cat's fingers.

"Ow!" he yelped in pain as he let go of his grip on smack, dropping him towards the tray of brownies.

Screaming as he plummeted through the air, smack tried to brace himself for the fall but he had failed to realize that he wasn't falling towards the brownies, instead he was falling straight for the metal handle. Landing head first onto the tray's handle, with a loud ~thud, smack's body went limp and slide off the side of the handle and rested on top of a sprinkle riddled brownie.

"Smack!" yelled dex as he ran towards the tray, "What is wrong with you? He could've died!" he said as he climbed onto the tray.

Running across the sticky surface he felt a shadow begin to loom over him, turning his head, he noticed a frosting dispenser.

"Just some finishing touches." Rawley mumbled as he squirted the rainbow-colored frosting all over the brownies.

Turning back towards smack, he tripped on a protruding sprinkle and slammed his muzzle onto the surface of a soft brownie. Placing his paws on opposite sides of his face, he pushed against the brownie in an attempt to free his muzzle from the brownie's grasp.

"Oh?" Rawley said as he stopped pouring frosting, "Seems to me, that a sprinkle is loose." He said as he pressed his frosting covered finger onto dex's back, pushing him deeper into the delicious treat.

"Stooop!" pleaded dex as he flailed his arms in protest but his muffled pleas were ignored as he was pushed further into the gooey brownie.

"Mmm, just a little deeper dexy." He muttered as he reached down his pants, placing two digits on his member. Rubbing his fingers across the top of his cock, he felt dex squirming under his finger, "My tiny victim." He moaned while his member grew more erect.

~click, kapu's bedroom door unlocked.

Turning his head towards the hallway, he removed his hands from the tray and from his pants.

Slowly the door to his room open, kapu's blanket covered body shuffled pass the doorway and into the bathroom.

"Well, then" He said glaring down at smack, "Let me get you in your brownie."

Opening his eyes, smack cowered in fear as the giant hand lowered towards him. "Don't be afraid little one." He said as he grabbed the micro's torso, "You are gonna like your new home." He said as he placed smack on his back, placing one finger on top of him.

"Please, just leave us alone." He pleaded one last time while his body began to sink into the warm surface, barely having the strength to fight, his body quickly became enveloped by the brownie. Staring at the large finger baring down on his body, he felt oddly comforted by the warmth and softness of the brownie.

"Enjoy your new home." He said as he removed his digit form smack's chest, leaving only his head protruding from the top, "You'll make a great sprinkle." He said picking up the frosting dispenser, he continued to cover the brownies with frosting.

"Ah!" Dex exclaimed as he poked his head from the side of the treat, "Finally some air." He said as he gladly started to breath in the fresh air.

"There we go! Looks great!" Rawley praised himself as he put the finishing touches on the brownies.

~click, the bathroom door unlocked, revealing an exhausted Kapu. Turning his head towards the kitchen, "Who are you?" he asked while shifting his movement from bathroom to the kitchen.

"Hi! You must be kapu." Rawley greeted as he extended his hand towards him.

"Yes, I am." He said as he reached for the felines slightly wet hand, "Are you here for the potluck?" he said while extending his hand.

"Yes, my name is Rawley, I was invited by Epic." He said as he shook kapu's hand, "He said he had a boyfriend that would be here but I haven't seen him. I think he said his name was Smack."

"Kapu!" smack screamed from the depths below.

"Ah yes, he did tell me that someone would be early." He said while releasing the grip on Rawley's hand, "Are those brownies gluten free?" he said directing his attention to the tray of tantalizing treats.

"Kapu! Please you're staring right at me!" smack pleaded as kapu's stare started to give a deep feeling of dread.

"Do you want to try one?" he said while licking frosting from his fingers, "I don't think it'll ruin your dinner if you have just one."

"Hmm" he pondered, "I do have my eye on one." He said as drool started to leak from his mouth.

"Here." He said as he reached for a knife, "Which one?"

"The one in the corner." He said while he pointed his finger towards the smack filled brownie.

"Oh god no." Smack revolted as he tried breaking free from his imprisonment, his eyes started to grow wide as the knife started screaming towards him. As the knife cut into the treat, he buried himself deeper into the brownie in fear as he didn't want to be cut by the knife.

"Here you go." Rawley said as he handed the frosting covered brownie to him, "I hope you enjoy."

"Thanks, looks good." He complimented as he gripped the treat from behind, "Smells good too."

Smack felt dazed, as he raced through the air and was brought closer to his friend's muzzle. Fearing that he was going to be crushed, he started shifting his body around, trying to break free from the brownie's hold.

"I think I can fit this in one bite!" Kapu bragged as he opened his maw, ready to devour the treat.

Struggling to remove himself from the brownie, he stopped to glare up to see a horrifying site. The pearly white teeth and saliva covered tongue coming to greet him, as kapu pressed the brownie into his maw, it started to break apart from the increasing pressure. Realizing that this was his only chance, Smack started to push against the brownie and attempt to reach for the monstrous claws.

"Help I'm in here." He yelped as he was tossed to the left side of his mouth.

"Mmm, this is good." He complemented as he continued to chew.

Inside the left cheek pocket, smack watched as the once solid square was now a ball of salvia mush. Freezing in place he watched as the tongue pushed the ball of food towards the back of the throat, with an audible gulping sound the brownie was gone, disappearing into the depths of his friend's esophagus. Before he could think, the tongue lunged towards him, dragging him out of his safety pocket, "Noo! Leave me alone I'm not food!" he pleaded as he was placed under a molar, in complete fear, he froze staring at the remains of a brownie, that dripped from the tooth onto his fur.

"I seem to have missed some." Kapu mumbled to himself as he rolled a piece of brownie under his tooth, for it to be made into a swallow friendly size.

Launching himself onto the tongue, smack watched as the tooth quickly clamped down making an audible cracking noise.

Kapu whined in pain, as he covered his muzzle "My toothie." He said with a concerning tone, "I think I cracked it." he mumbled as he quickly swallowed the last bite of brownie and ran off to the bath room.

Lying flat on the tongue, he looked at the front of the mouth waiting for it open, so he could grab kapu's finger that had been sent to survey the damage on his tooth. While he waited, the aroma in the mouth started to get to him, the mixture of gluten free bread and sugar filled brownie began nauseating him, bringing his normally pink face to a darker green.

The ground below him started to move, gradually he began to slide back towards the void of his friend's throat. Helplessly, he tried to grab ahold of the tongue but his saliva covered paw pads couldn't keep their grip. "Come on!" he begged while his body was being quickly lowered into the dark esophagus. Before he could make another attempt to move, the tongue pressed back and sealed his fate as he was thrown down into the depths.

Entering the throat, he felt the vibrations of the fleshy tube bringing him to his destination. Relaxing him with its vibrating motions, coating him in mucus and more salvia before dropping him into the humid chamber.

"Since Kapu's teeth are out of commission, we will have to do something else to get you inside him." Rawley concluded as he reached into the tray and pulled dex from the brownie.

~ Later during the party

Placing an ice bag against his cheek, kapu slumped over the table, resting his head on his paw, he let out a groan of annoyance as he fixed the bags position on his face.

"Hey kapu! Would you like a drink?" Rawley asked as he placed a drink mixer on the counter top, turning his body to face him.

"Yes please, a swimming pool if you could." He spoke rather quietly as he tried to not open his to wide and trigger pain in his tooth.

"One swimming pool coming up!" he said as he opened the dink mixer and started to reach for pineapple and vodka.

Light flooded into Dex's tunnel, he barely had enough time to stand before liquid started to pour in from above. Taking in a deep breath, he quickly recognized the mixture of pineapple and liquor, "I must be in a drink mixer."

"How many ice cubes?" a muffled voice asked.

"Three please." Another muffled voice replied.

Immediately after hearing the answer, Dex pressed himself up against the walls as ice cubes came crashing down in front of him.

Closing the lid on the mixer, Rawley began shaking the mixer vigorously.

Inside the mixer, Dex gripped tightly to an ice cube as he slid around the container. Keeping his head down and eyes closed, as his fur was coated in vodka, rum, pineapple juice, and coconut cream.

After shaking the mixer for a few seconds, Rawley poured the drink into a hurricane glass and topped it with blue curacao.

"Wait, you don't have a strainer?" Kapu asked as wrapped his fingers around the glass.

"Um..." he pondered as shuffled through his bag, "I must've forgot it."

"No matter, it should taste just as good. " he said as he dipped his claw into the drink and proceeded to stir it.

After spinning for what felt like hours, Dex slowly came to a stop, floating on top of the alcoholic beverage. Carefully, he stood up, his feet freezing from the icy platform "I must fi-" cutting off his words, the mixer tilted, turning his world upside down. Flailing his arms, he tried to grip onto something ~Screech, the metal screeched as his crawls skid across them. Screaming as he was thrown from the mixer, ~Spshh, he landed into the glass, instinctively opening his eyes to try and see in the liquid. "Fuck!" his voiced muffled through the drink, closing his eyes as they started to burn almost as if they were on fire. Filling his body with adrenaline, he bolted through the liquid, breaching the surface of the water: he felt around for something or anything to hold onto. Tears running down his cheeks, he could feel the momentum shift, rubbing his eyes he could see a blurry golden arm extending further than his eyes could conceive. Swimming to a nearby ice cube, he took deep breaths "I-I need to get out of here." He panted as he felt cold liquid run over his body and spill into the drink, turning it a sky-blue color. Without warning, a claw descended from above and placed itself in the drink.

"You gotta make sure to stir it." Kapu commented as he stirred his drink with his claw, "I like how blue it has turned out."

"Kapu! Stop you are gonna get me killed!" he screamed as he began to spin in a violent circle, clinging tightly to his ice cube yet again.

"There we go!" he exclaimed as he placed his claw in his mouth, sucking it free of the alcohol covering it.

"Ah! Oh my god, that was horrible." He said resting his head once more onto the cube, "I-I can't take more of this." He said as his weak body started to completely give out. Once more, the glass shifted, sending him into the liquid. Sinking towards the bottom, he closed his eyes awaiting his impending doom.

Titling the glass to his lips, allow the drink to pass into the inviting maw "Mmm. <3" he let out a gentle moan as he savored the flavor of the drink.

Feeling his world start to topple over itself, Dex's surrounding area began being pulled towards his friend's maw. Gazing ahead of himself, the sight sent chills down his spine; sharp carnivorous teeth, a warm saliva covered tongue waiting to greet him, and in the back, awaited his final destination, the lack of light couldn't hide it from him. He could sense it, the esophagus of this giant retriever was calling to him. "Mmm <3" Kapu's voice echoed through his ears, as he floated motionless in the pool of alcohol. Gradually moving towards the center, he stared at the landscape of his friend's mouth; he admired the pinkish flesh that wrapped itself around every curve and bump in sight, the seamless transition from the bumps on the roof of the mouth to the smooth and squishy back of his throat, and finally the liquid that started to play host to little bits of wedged food.

Lapping his tongue in the alcohol, his taste buds craved more, pulling the glass yet again up to his lips, he allowed more of the delicious drink to pass into his cheeks.

Drifting into an ignorant sense of safety, Dex was suddenly thrown from his peaceful floating to flailing around in panic as a tsunami of alcohol filled kapu's mouth to the brim. Rapidly approaching the back of the throat, he braced for impact as he slowly rose to the surface of the liquid.

Feeling his cheeks swell from the amount of liquid, he took in a deep breath before attempting to swallow.

Arriving at the surface, Dex immediately directed his attention to the contracting muscles of the throat. "Oh no." he mumbled as he started to regret his decision to not try to escape, turning his body towards a tooth, he began a frantic swim to his last chance of survival. Extending his arm, he reached for the molar "Almost there." He said as his fingertips were inches away from the edge. "Plea-" his words were cut short by a huge wall of flesh redirecting his motion, "Kapu!" he yelped in agony as his body began being sucked into the dark void. He couldn't control his movements, as he was tossed about while the tongue effortlessly flicked him towards his doom. "Someone please help me!" he pleaded but his words fell on deaf ears as his sunk into depths of the throat.


"Ahh, that's good" Kapu sighed in enjoyment while a smile started to spread across his face, "May I have some more?"

"Of course!" Rawley complied as he poured more alcohol into the mixer, "You really like it?"

"I really do!" he said as he lifted the glass up to his lips once more.

Resting on top of a piece of gluten free bread, Smack's ears twitched as the top of the stomach began to gyrate.

"Ahhhhh." Screamed the hole at the top of the stomach.

Reaching out both his arms, he awaited his friend to fall from the opening. Catching Dex in his arms, he quickly lowered him onto the bread's surface, "I've got you." He said while he ran his fingers through his friend's knotted fur.

All dex could muster was a groan as he curled into a little blue ball.

"Rest easy we are going to be ok, just a couple more hours." He comforted his friend as he placed himself beside him.

"I don't like alcohol anymore." He claimed while wrapping his arms around his friend.

"And I don't like brownies anymore." He jokingly commented as he pulled him closer, "let us sleep now, we deserve it."

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