Brothers; or, A Tail of Life and Love in a Glass House (Part 3/6)

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#3 of Brothers

(I'm so sorry for the long wait on this one! Finally got a job since I moved back, though, so hopefully should crank things out quicker. Still, I intend to finish this. Anyway, here's a continuation of last time, while the plot thickens....though, admittedly, I just really wanted to write some good smut with these two. *_* Enjoy!)

Gerhild huffed through her nostrils, tossing from one side to another under her sheets - the otteress' thick, muscular tail thudded into the bedpost, stirring her further from rest. She blinked her eyes open and lifted her head - she had drooled on her pillow a little, and that had gotten her cheek wet. Naturally, she immediately put her head back down when the sun, filtering through her bed-curtains, shined into her sensitive eyes. Not her ideal way to wake up, certainly...

She felt momentarily sick, then - nauseous, the female sat up, her sheets stirring around her. There was a certain uncomfortable twisting in her tummy, and the air seemed thick and humid. She could smell sweat. First, her own...and then, that of another. And not an otter, either. Gerhild snorted in irritation, smelling the air as she kicked her feet over the side of the bed, sliding them into her slippers. She stood - never one to sleep in, Gerhild typically got up before dawn to prepare the tea for the boys. Naturally, she was upset to see that the sun hung rather high in the sky. It was undoubtedly past noon, by her measure. As the brown-furred otteress stood and stretched, her naked, lithe body would come into view of any would-be peeping Toms. Her soft abdomen and small breasts helped conceal a deceptively strong musculature beneath. She had come from a small village of otters who lived by the bay downriver. Their lifestyle was much more laborious, waking up early and working all day, the females even expected to pull their own weight gathering food as well as raising the young. Accordingly, this particular specimen of female river otter was subtly strong, and fancied herself scrappy in a fight. She could fish or wrestle or cut wood as good as any man...

And yet she was here, learning to transcribe and care for books instead of caring for her clan. She easily became bored when reading, and despised writing even more. Gerhild momentarily cursed her mother for birthing her first. This duty ought to have fallen to her puny little sister, or one of her brothers. Leave the reading to the runts of the litter. But it didn't matter now - she'd been here for nigh on three years, and had learned too much. Visiting her family for the past eleven days had been a pleasant experience, at least. She also used the opportunity to bring a few books back, and to attempt to teach a few of the young'n's how to read. Presently, the otter female sighed, pushing her window open to let the humid breeze roll in. Gerhild wasn't homesick, and really, they didn't live that far. Still, she found her disdain for Sechanall's Grove reignited after coming back - and her Master hadn't been kind in giving her so much transcription to do. On her first evening back, no less!

While Gerhild sat by the window, she groaned deeply, feeling a momentary soreness down there. She was nauseous, and sweaty, and it hurt between her legs...was it time for her heat? It ought not to be, at least if all was normal. She scowled - what a horrible start to her first full day back, she thought. She still had transcriptions, and now she would probably have cramps to go along with them. Pushing a paw between her thighs, she felt wetness and warmth, grimacing...but, upon inspecting her little webbed fingers, she discovered not blood but semen.

Just then, she remembered. Last night. Her cheeks warmed to a fever pitch in turn, the otter pinning her tiny, round ears and growling. What was wrong with her? Everything she had seen and done was coming back to her - she could taste the alcohol, his saliva. More, she recalled the taste of his...other parts. What had she done? And why? Gerhild rested her elbow on her desk, her forehead in her paw, kneading her brow and cursing herself as all the details came back to her...

"Oooh, God...yes...Rórdan..." Fulke moaned his approval, slowly bending his knees. The mouse pushed his back against the tree in place of his paw. Carefully, the slender, boyish mouse Fulke knelt down against the white bark, not stopping until he was sitting on his naked butt in the dewy grass. Rórdan skillfully followed the mouse in this without once taking that turgid flesh spire out of his mouth. He closed his eyes and started to bob his head, pulling that member out until just the tip was between his lips before descending again, getting about half of it into the wet cavern of his mouth before it proved too thick and he had to pull back. This motion he repeated, tongue swirling and gathering up any musky pre that leaked out. He started to get into a rhythm, laying on his belly with head between Fulke's legs, refusing to take that hot mouse cock out of his mouth.

" like that, huh, Rór...?" He urged the rat on. The paw on the back of Rór's head gripped at a bit of his headfur, a reminder that he was in charge. The rat gave a soft little moan as Fulke started to grind his hips upward, not content to let his chubby lover control the pace - instead, he started to fuck the fat little rodent's mouth. While Rórdan indeed gagged a little when the cock pushed in too far in, and his jaw was starting to hurt, there was no hesitation in taking him ever deeper. Once he had been skeptical of such an act; but now, he whimpered and moaned around the dick's tip as it slipped in and out of his mouth, drool trickling from the corners of his lips and dribbling down the shaft. Finally, that spit would slide over Fulke's balls, which were bouncing lightly with the force of his thrusts. After several minutes of this treatment, Rórdan was left gagging and choking, letting those nuts slap wetly against his chin as his mouse boyfriend skullfucked him, pulling his hair, moaning and curling his toes in the grass. The fat rat knew he was doing a good job.

Of course, neither of them realized that they had, in fact, been followed.

"Aah...Rór...swing your ass around here...beside me..." she heard him say; Rórdan would feel the grip on his headfur loosening a bit. The rat did as he was instructed, pulling that cock out of his mouth and groaning - he didn't want to be without that wondrous shaft in his mouth. Fondly kissing at his tip, Rór moved to kneel beside the other male instead of between his legs. His lips found that flesh again, though he just licked the tip for now, slowing down a little bit in anticipation of what was next. Fulke busied himself with the other boy's trousers, making Rórdan blush a little. The fat rat wiggled his hips as he felt the mouse's paws tugging his pants down over his big butt. Gerhild watched her fellow student's big, black-furred nuts flop out, the male lifting his tail as soon as he became exposed. Then, his trousers came right off, leaving nothing to the otter girl's imagination! She watched, silent from behind a bush, ears perked as Rórdan loosed a moan into the air. Peering closer, she saw that his boyfriend's digits had slid below his wide belly to grab at his prick.

"A-ahh..." the rat cooed out, spreading his legs as his much smaller cock throbbed in his lover's jerking paw, feeling the soft flesh rubbing over his own. His trousers were pooled in a pile beside him as he started to hump into Fulke's paw, pushing his shaft in and out of that clenching paw and putting Fulke's cock back into his mouth at the same time. "Mmph.." he groaned when the other male stopped rubbing him down there. He felt said paw rub his cheek next though, and he opened his eyes; Gerhild ducked back into the bush more. She had followed him, curious where it was he went at night. Now, she was finding out - and as much as she knew she ought not to look, she couldn't help but be curious...

"Here..." she heard the mouse say, pulling the horny, eager cocksucking rat off of him. He used a paw to tilt the chubby boy's chin up, and Fulke's eyes met his boyfriend's. The rat smiled. "...Missed me, huh?" Fulke asked with a cheeky grin, making Rórdan blush. "M-mhm..."

"My dick taste good?" he pressed him, apparently not satisfied with just that. Gerhild blushed intensely and pinned her ears back at the sheer lewdness of that statement. She saw Rórdan mouth something back, but it was in just a whisper and she couldn't make out the words. Fulke seemed satisfied by whatever it was the rat had said...but the paw that wasn't tilting the boy's chin up pushed closer, nearer the first. The mouse pushed his finger against Rórdan's lips, and Gerhild narrowed her eyes a little, the lantern being too little light to see everything...

Rórdan seemed to know what was coming next. Gerhild squinted, careful not to break any twigs as she stepped from one hedge to the tree in front of her, ducking behind it and looking closer. The rat had taken two of Fulke's slim pink fingers into his mouth and was looking him right in the eyes as he started to bob his head, tongue lashing those digits and eagerly drooling all over them, trying to get them nice and wet. He nibbled the other male's fingertips with his big teeth, tail high over his back as he filled his mouth with the other boy, visibly eager to taste and to please. The otter wouldn't know anything about this sort of behavior, but it felt so good for the rat to let loose like this - Fulke was his escape from his work, his future, and even the shameful thing he had done today. In truth, his fellow, female student had heard the soft clinking of his coins in his purse on his way out and intended to follow him to see what he was buying. She had no suspicions of him stealing the money, not yet. What she bore witness to now, though, was far more interesting...

Fulke's fat cock throbbed, resting flat against his lithe, firmly-defined abdomen; Rórdan apparently couldn't stand to let it throb there untended. Wide-eyed, he wrapped his left paw around the base of his lover's shaft, starting to work that wet dick slowly in his paw, shuffling his knees to push down his trousers as far as he could. The rat kicked them off his ankles, leaving himself totally naked and vulnerable while he suckled on Fulke's fingers. Gerhild could see his butt now, barely - it was black-furred, and dark against the night. It was wide, too, looking like something she might find on an otter housewife rather than a rat. Rats were supposed to be scrawny, or at least she had always thought...regardless. Rórdan's sucking didn't last tremendously long, either; once the mouse's fingers were nice and wet, Fulke pulled them out of the big rat's eager mouth in favor of pushing them down, sliding them and brushing finally against the rat's big butt.

"Spread'm nice and wide..." she heard him whisper huskily.

Rórdan eagerly did as his boyfriend instructed, shuffling on the ground to get a little closer, letting his knees spread. His belly swayed under him and he would feel those wet, hot fingers pushing between his cheeks, under his tail and working the crack of his ass. One nimble digit swirled around his hot, eager tailhole, and Gerhild heard her friend give a womanish moan. He was terribly sensitive back there, it seemed, and there was something incredibly erotic to the otter female in that. Rórdan wriggled his hips, making his ass wobble, his fat thighs quivering in anticipation. He didn't seem to mind the fact that he'd become the 'female' between them in the least. It made Gerhild, a virgin, feel somewhat oddly jealous...her ears pinned a little in annoyance. Accordingly, he gave an eager, hot little moan as Fulke's finger finally penetrated his tight sphincter, sliding between his cheeks and into his ass. It wriggled around softly, making the chubby rat moan sweetly as he started to grind back into that paw, trying to force the digit deeper into himself.

He finally felt Fulke's other paw nuzzle his cheek, and heard the other male speaking. He tilted his head up, perking his little round ears.

"Lick my balls, too..." He urged Rórdan. She could hear them this time, and found herself biting her lip. Gerhild's fingers had slid down to the crux of her thighs, feeling herself through her trousers. She growled a little - she needed to have self control. She was here to follow her fellow student, not pleasure herself. She tugged her fingers away, narrowing her gaze at them once more...

Rórdan had wasted no time in obliging his lover, turning his attentions trailing southward over the fleshy spire of his beau's penis, giving it gentle little kisses as he went. He fawned over the other male the entire time, finally pushing his nose to where the base of his shaft met his heavy balls. He sniffed the musky, rather sweaty genitals with a little blush. The scent was strong and pungent - Gerhild had smelled it before, sometimes even on the rat himself. She had never noticed it quite this way, though. After all, it wasn't unlike the smell a working mammal had, but much stronger, concentrated. Much more male. It made Rórdan's tail sway eagerly above his back, that thick butt of his wobbling behind him as Fulke started to finger him a little faster, getting him used to being penetrated once more. The rat loosed an eager little moan, and Gerhild used this opportunity to take another step closer, staying low to the ground and ducked close under the brush.

He dragged his tongue over that fleshy sac now, and Gerhild could see the other male's legs tense up on either side of him. As he lapped, Fulke slowly grew lazy with his finger, eventually even pulling it out of the rat. Fulke's eyes had lidded, and the rat began to drag his tongue repeatedly over those big balls again, letting them lift up with his tongue before softly bouncing back down, eyes closing as he took in the taste. It was something that he seemed like he was deeply enjoying, a suspicion confirmed by the way he let his licks come freely, dragging his tongue left and right and even getting under those heavy testes to taste him there.

After a bit of this exploration, Rórdan decided to apply what he already knew felt good on Fulke's cock to this new center of pleasure. He pulled one of those balls into his mouth, sucking on the pink flesh as he began to work his tongue over that pouch. Eventually, he took to opening his mouth more, continuing until he had both big balls in his mouth, not quite able to fit them both in their entirety at once. Knowing the sensitivity of this area, his motions were slow and deliberate, gentle. He didn't pull too hard with his lips or shove his tongue roughly against those orbs, instead just massaging them lightly. He pulled off those heavy nuts for a moment, huffing hot breath against them.

Rórdan turned his head and whimpered as he felt Fulke's second finger begin to push up to join the first, pressing insistently against his tight, saliva-slicked pucker. It prodded there, pushing against that entrance a couple of times before managing to push inside. It stung a little bit as it worked his way deeper, but a little pain now would save him more later. They had learned to be careful with this kind of activity primarily through trial and error. The rat knew all too well that Fulke's impressive girth and length could be painful, but with practice and stretching and foreplay, that pain could be diminished to a slight bit of initial discomfort. And so, for now, he took that finger, just whimpering softly. Meanwhile, Gerhild found her fingers dipping between her thighs involuntarily once more...

"..Doesn't hurt too much, does it?" The mouse asked timidly, his immense penis throbbing just between his slender thighs, hanging over Rórdan's nose like some totem of rodent masculinity.

"N-nah...I'm okay. You can keep goin', Fulke..." He replied, leaning up to nuzzle his belly. The mouse fingered him slower now, just gently pushing that pair of digits in and out. The pinching subsided to a dull burning sensation before going away after a few strokes. Rórdan leaned down, dragging his tongue past Fulke's navel and back to the tip of his cock, sucking it back into his mouth.... bobbing his head again, he slathered that pink shaft in his saliva, eyes closing as he got back into the rhythm of things. He evidently loved sucking on Fulke like this...hearing his pleasured moans, tasting the salty pre that dribbled occasionally from his tip. He got a little more confident now, taking him deeper into his mouth, pushing past the five-inch mark and starting to get near the root of his dick with each pass. He gagged a little bit and had to pull back now and then, but Rórdan was intent on someday taking him all the way to the base. The excited manner in which he went about his task had drool trickling from the corners of his mouth, something exacerbated by the soft moans that left him as Fulke started to push his fingers in faster. His boyfriend was fucking him on those digits now, making his big butt wobble and the bottom of the two rodents squirm, his own dick starting to drool pre from its' skinny little tip.

" don't you turn over? Get on your back and spread your legs for me..." Fulke said in a hushed voice, making Rórdan's round ears pin back. The main event was fast approaching...and Fulke wanted to do it with him on his back. A wet pop could be heard as his sucking mouth pulled off the cock he had been servicing for nearly ten minutes now. The lewd sound made Gerhild blush even more, and she couldn't see it, but Rór was too.

Rórdan eagerly rolled over once those fingers had pulled out of his receptive rump. The chubby rat boy spread his thick thighs, his four and a half inches of slender cock throbbing against the underside of his wide belly as he let his tail rest against the ground, spreading himself...Fulke did the rest for him then, though. Just as he spread his legs and bent his knees a bit, Fulke grabbed at his ankles and tilted him back, lifting his legs clean off the forest floor and making him look very vulnerable, his thick butt pointing right at Fulke's cock. Gerhild saw Fulke's fingers lacing with his toes and that hot tip kissing between his cheeks, nudging up against his puckering hole.

"Oooh...Fulke..." He moaned out, eyes closing in anticipation as Fulke's sex pressed against his butt. Soon, though, he would feel that heated, thick shaft pull away; the fat rat blinked his eyes open and looked between his legs. What had happened?

And then he saw why Fulke had stopped. Gerhild saw too, her head tilted as she peeked out from under the bush to look a little closer, starting to crawl out to hide behind a nearer tree. The mouse boy had spread those thick thighs wide, and was digging his nose in against Rórdan's tailhole. Gerhild's eyes widened and her breath hitched, listening to the fat rat's surprise: "Fulke, what're you..." his voice trailed off as he gave a series of low, sensual moans, curling his toes in delight while the mouse's tongue gave long, languid strokes over his anus. Now more confident, Fulke pushed his face right between those thick butt-cheeks, his snout digging against the rat's taint while his tongue lashed him over and over again.

"Oooohoooohn....oh, yes...good God, that's amazing..." Rórdan cursed, his paw reaching down. He seemed ever bit as surprised as Gerhild at the mouse's bold move, but undaunted - he urged his lover on softly, lifting his legs up in the air like a female, spreading them wide. Rather than the solid and firm thickness of the other male's shaft (which he had felt plenty of times) this was much wetter, slenderer and yet broader across one side...his hole didn't clench and push against it, rather the soft flesh seemed to meld together more naturally. Soon Fulke was actually pushing his tongue up the rat's fat bum, and Rórdan squealed in pleasure, his cock throbbing as he reached down to start jerking off slowly, pumping his penis in time with Fulke's softly-thrusting tongue. Gerhild was mere feet away now, unabashedly cramming her fingers up inside of herself, biting her lip against any stray moan that threatened to break free. Rórdan seemed to like feeling the little mouse take control. He spread his legs wide, and Gerhild silently wished she were the one getting licked. The wet feeling between his cheeks with that tongue gliding in and out of his ass...she could imagine experiencing it herself, and was intensely jealous.

"Mmmh...that's so nice,''s dirty, but...I like it...~" The rat admitted in a softly-cooing voice. The mouse's lips were softly sucking on the rat's rectum by now, and the tubby male was squirming in delight with each wriggle of younger rodent's tongue. He was breaking the point of contact while creating suction too, resulting in loud lewd popping and sucking noises as he worshiped the rat's musky tailhole. The noises were music to Fulke's ears, but Rórdan, being more bashful, blushed. "F-fulke...keep it down..." He grumbled, though he whimpered when the mouse pulled off of his hole, replacing his nimble tongue with two of his fingers, easily sliding them right in. Peeling his thick thighs apart, he sighed as Fulke wrapped one arm around his shoulders...looking the mouse in the eyes, he huffed, black-furred ears pinning back as their lips met. He let Fulke's fingers twist and writhe and thrust inside of him, still preparing him, even with all the wetness from his spit and generosity of his fingering. Still, Rórdan adored every moment of it as his tongue slipped against his boyfriend's. The scholarly rat couldn't help but moan into his mouth as the mouse started to finger him hard and fast, getting more lewd, wet sounds from the rat's eager ass. Gerhild watched their passion and felt a little pang of loneliness - but also, a more immediate arousal. She couldn't help but grind her fingers into herself, covering her mouth against a soft coo...

"Ooooh, please...Fulke...I need you.." He whimpered, laying back in the grass, the mouse's fingers wringing proclamations of desire from his obese lover, tugging and stroking inside of him. The otteress watched as, after a moment, the mouse pulled his fingers from her fellow student's hole, making him shudder - a determined look flashed over Fulke's face and he brought the fingers that had just been knuckles-deep in his boyfriend's butt to his nose, sniffing them with a playful glint in his chocolate-brown eyes. One by one he brought those digits to his mouth and suckled on them, making Rórdan and Gerhild shudder together. She couldn't' tell if she was disgusted or aroused, but she felt a knot in her tummy starting to tighten; she bit down on her arm, using all the willpower she had in her little body to keep herself from moaning or squirming.

The rat laid back eagerly as the younger male pushed him by his shoulders, his legs spreading willingly. That fat, uncut, thick penis rubbed up between his cheeks, Fulke's saliva-wet fingers digging into the fur of his leg. The fat rat boy's big ass wobbled as it came into full view, pointed up at his lover while he moaned.

"Y-yes...I need you inside of me again, Fulke..." he whimpered. Gerhild found herself blushing as he admitted this - with Fulke he felt wanted. It didn't matter to the rat that he was with another boy. The thought perplexed and aroused Gerhild further, and she pumped and twisted her fingers inside her slickened passage eagerly, growing ever closer to sweet, heavenly bliss. He - Rór, that was - didn't have to feel scared about his future or think about the past. Someone really, truly loved him...and now was an especially intense moment. She saw the other rodent's gaze soften somewhat, and he nodded at the fat rat. "It's okay, Ró are. Mine. I love you..." she barely heard him say.

"I love you to-" Rór whispered, cut off at the last second as Fulke's meaty, fat cockhead started to slide into Rórdan's willing, feverish passage. A hot moan loosed from the rat's lips as his boyfriend started them off...slow, but not too slow, beginning by rocking his hips and gently poking him, massaging his insides with the head of his cock. It worked its' way inside wish just one firm push. This set the rat, who had been getting teased with the prospect of this all night, into a sort of mating frenzy. A string of eager little moans and coos left the older boy as Fulke bent over him, clearly focused. Not even half of it was in, but what was there was all it took to have the fourteen year old rat whimpering his boyfriend's name, pre leaking from the head of his short, chubby cock.

"Does that feel good...?" Fulke asked him almost cutely, making Rórdan nod immediately, swallowing. " feels really nice...I'm ready for more.." he reassured the younger male in his quivery voice. He praised God for Fulke's inordinately large penis as more of it started to lodge inside of his rectum, sliding deeper with each thrust. The mouse was virile too, lots of pre spilling forth from his tip and making for faster, easier thrusting. Five of his eight inches currently at work inside the rat's bowels, the two rodents moaning and squirming in their rut as they mated on the forest floor.

It was so wet as it worked in and out of his ass, the pre from Fulke's drippy tip making it all very pleasurable. He laid back, arms folded behind his head as he enjoyed the sensation of getting properly, finally buggered by his boyfriend, toes curling and lips opening in praises and moans. The thickness of Fulke's cock was by far the best thing about it got more than halfway in, Rórdan could feel the slight ache and heat of the stretching he had to take in order to accommodate the other male's girth. There was something intensely satisfying about that, relaxing and letting the other male open him up.

Rórdan blinked his eyes open, looking over his waist, his legs dangling in the air. He smiled dumbly. Fulke was picking up the pace a little bit now, starting to fuck into him a little faster, at a more moderate pace - not hurried, but even, pleasurable and more than a gentle grind. There was a soft but audible wet slapping sound that came with each thrust as Fulke's large balls came into contact with the rat's fat ass. Rórdan was beginning to sweat with the effort of getting fucked, and his arms tried as best they could to wrap around Fulke but to no avail - the mouse was bent over with the rat's legs in the air, really starting to rut him now.

Gerhild bit hard into her arm, ears pinning - she had put herself in her fellow student's place, her fingers tugging and massaging at her insides. Her thighs parted more and she was barely able to muffle a whimper as she squirted, her walls clenching hard around her digits. The otter humped and squirt her fluid all over her fingers, watching the mouse's big balls swaying, listening to the sounds of their rut as she shivered, knees collapsing out from under her...

Five minutes after Fulke had pushed his penis into his fat boyfriend, he made it to the root. His heavy balls pushed flush to R_ór_dan's rump, and the rat shuddered in delight at the exquisite feeling of being filled so completely. They set to a heated and eager fuck, each boy eager to pick up the pace. Fulke showed his prowess as a young top, wringing sweet and eager moans from his lover.

Eventually the two lovers bored of this, and Fulke tugged his cock out of his lover's eager, fat rump. Once Rórdan rolled onto his paws and knees however, he started shaking his rump to the other male, showing off his stretched hole, thick cheeks wobbling. Gerhild shivered, tugging up her trousers and wiping her paw on the grass below, carefully starting to creep away, but stopping to finish watching them...they couldn't keep going for much longer, could they?

The forest knew of Rórdan's pleasure, as he writhed and moaned the loudest of the two - a soft whimper when Fulke nudged his cock inside, to the loud wails when their balls would come clapping together, the mouse currently humping and bucking away, tugging his hips back, impaling him on that big, fat mouse cock. All he needed was Fulke. The boy's legs spread and he moaned like a female in heat while his fellow teenage stud bred him, huffing and moaning; his big belly and heavy moobs swayed with each contact of their bodies, his assfat rippling while Fulke grunted and groaned. Gerhild stared at them, still dizzy from her orgasm, but knowing they couldn't' see was too dangerous to stay, and yet she couldn't peel her eyes from them.

"O-ooohnn...!" The rat squeaked, his shaft exploding with heavy, thick ropes of his cum across his belly and the floor of the forest, his tongue lolling out of his mouth momentarily, squirming and moaning and squeaking as he came on Fulke's cock.

The mouse didn't seem satisfied, though - even as his hole clenched and pulsated around him in post-orgasmic tremors, the mouse boy fucked away, rolling his hips and bouncing them off of the rat's own, preing heavily enough to make some fluid drool from the other boy's hole. She didn't know how long they went...but she slipped off into the night, back to her home, ears pinned as she thought. Rórdan was gay, had a boyfriend, and...for some reason, she was aroused. She should have found such a thing disgusting, but she didn't...

It wasn't until the fat rat came home, late and drunk, that she would find out why.

(Phew. This one was fun to write. Please leave me some feedback, if possible! And rate and share of course. Thanks to all who read. <3)