Café Plaisir: October's Jaunt Chapter 9 - Comeuppance part 2 Due Reward

Story by October_Flixard on SoFurry

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#24 of Café Plaisir: October's Jaunt

The collaborative Café Plaisir trio of... Dark Violet Coldstone and YuriMikoto


Chapter 8 of October's Draught! Collectively titled; October's Commupance!

Yes! In full trust of my closest friends and confidants in the Cafe Plaisir circle, I placed the next big step of the story in their able paws as a collaborative effort.

It was most of a year whilst these three labelled and toiled to present the next major installment of the main Cafe Plaisir series... ultimately writing a 50k word novella! This is part two!

The combined creative intensity of Yuri, the great and powerful muse of Violet and the ever-plotting mind of Coldstone, put together into a single, mighty, project! They're all very much on form, too. My faith was well-placed, I'm sure you'll all agree. ^.^

Here, at long last, after great deal of toil and tinkering, is the final result..!

The chase has come to a sad close and it seems that doom is inevitable. What will become of our protagonist?

Read and find out!

This was a truly spectacular effort by all involved that has my deepest appreciation for all they've done! They're all amazing folk, I love them all very much as you can see and I hope you heap praise upon them all for this!

The Café Plaisir setting is currently run by the talented: Dark Violet to whom belongs too many in this part to name, here. z: )

Also featuring the work in this part of too much to detail, here! Coldstone to whom belongs Neon and Kat YuriMikoto

Café Plaisir was originally created by: Palibakufun

To whom we're all ever grateful for this fun facility of filth.

  • - - Due Reward - - -

For a while, everything seemed unfocused. A sharp pain woke the Ninetales with a start, bringing life and awareness to the rest of his body again. "Ooooh~ ... for Fortuna's sake, stop ringing..."

October felt a violent throb in his head steadily easing away as his senses struggled back into coherence. He was lying on a flat, cool surface that was very smooth. A faint sense of cotton mouth made his tongue reflexively lap out to try and moisten the offending spaces. Next came the flexing of his limbs: four legs with twitching paws, nine tails sloppily sprawled across the unusual ground but slowly swaying back to life, and two ears that twisted and turned to pinpoint sounds. Nothing seemed amiss, thank goodness, but there was one detail nagging his sense of touch...

Lifting a paw up to sniff it, October found a waxy substance still holding on. Careful investigation showed it was slicked along parts of his belly as well, spoiling the flow of his fur. It took a moment for him to remember it had gotten there from Eclipse's trap during the big chase.

Headache nearly gone, the Ninetales began reviewing his thoughts about what had happened last. He had slid across the floor of the shower room. Eclipse and his siblings had been closing in. He had shouted the password. He had reappeared in his Tower, then...oh!


Fury rose quick in October as he pushed himself onto all fours. Firenze had used his own planar room to catch him! He had even brought someone else to his home to do it! This had to be tied in with Coco's request to add a message system somehow...She must have figured out she could take others with her and told Firenze!

Not even a single day, and already, he had been betrayed by yet another 'would-be friend'. He should have known there was no trusting a management type, no matter how nice they tried to be!

Firenze, the general manager of the Café, had very likely been in on it too! It was probably his idea from the start, since he had caught October the first time.

October was plotting it all out now. He would figure out some way to bite Firenze in such a way that he would yelp and cry like a little... something! Then he would go and show Coco a lesson or two about trust. Maybe exact some punishment on her tails. That would be quite appropriate for a Vulpix dishonoring a majestic Ninetales like that...

Having been intent on stalking out to confront the targets of his anger, October realized he had no idea where he was. Firenze had captured him with a thunder wave, right? That meant he should be in the Café somewhere. But where would they have put him for Clarice to deal with?

He finally looked around at the room in front of him and felt his fury drain away like honey in front of a Heracross. The entire room was bedecked in tile or similar material, heavily resistant to water damage. There were stools, large tubs of assorted sizes, and many, many shower heads.

October's tails instinctively fled low and fought their way between his legs as he looked wildly about at all the different sources of dreadful water. Some of them were even dripping faintly from recent use. "Oh!"

"Ah, I see we are finally awake." said the voice behind October.

The reaction from the Ninetales was quick and dramatic. October turned his head so sharply one would expect to hear a snap. Instead, his eyes widened in surprise as the form of a golden Ninetales filled his view and his mouth dropped a scream. "Augh-AAAOOOOUUGH!"

Firenze's face went from calm and serious to surprised as flames burst forth from October's maw, washing him in orange, yellow, and smoke. The sudden force of the flamethrower going off gave October enough inertia to push away, throwing him to the floor and cutting the flame off just as suddenly.

With a small groan of pain, October looked down his sprawled form to the vision of perfect terror that had startled him so. The short lived flames were gone, leaving only hints of smoke wisping about as Firenze busily brushed at his mane with a paw. "Damnation, October. If you go off that easily all the time I'm starting to wonder why I haven't had to call the fire department sooner. We really need to work on that."

Firenze was considered an ideal specimen of a Ninetales by the standards of many - not including the fact he was nearly half again the average size of one. Nearly five feet tall in height, the casual spread and poise of his nine golden tails made him seem like a giant at seven. His golden hues shimmered flawlessly in the light, showing off the untarnished fur without a single hair supposedly out of place. The tell-tale marks of fiery orange on his tail tips only made his colors more eye-catching when they moved; like living, moving fire with gleaming red eyes peering through you.

The legendary waiter of Cafe Plaisir got his mane back in check from the sudden gust of flame, making one last pass through the crest of fur along the top of his head before rising up onto all fours and slowly padding his way towards the prone October. Despite being impressive in size, each step was carefully placed, elegant, and taken without hesitation of performance - Firenze really did pull off sophistication as if it was completely natural; perhaps it was.

If October had not landed badly on his tails when he had knocked himself over, he probably would have been caught up in that red gaze of the lead Ninetales. Thankfully, the pinch of pain reminded him to focus on his true goal and convinced him to scramble up onto all fours again. October fixed a glare at Firenze, feeling the fury within rekindled with the sight of one of his betrayers.

A low growl came from the red-and-black Ninetales throat. All that came out of Firenze was a slow sigh and a chastising look a parent might give a fuming child. Why was Firenze not concerned for his life?

October knew why: Firenze knew just how terrified he really was under the glare and threats. The Brave Adventurer was cowering against the Boss of the Underground Lair - a wet, drippy lair set in the guise of worshipping hygiene. October was at a serious disadvantage in here, never mind the fact Firenze was bigger, more experienced, and had already outsmarted him more than once now since he had come to the Café...

A flicker of awareness brought some sanity to the neurons going wild in his head - the door out of the room was right behind Firenze. Even if it was locked, a solid blast of flame would bring it down, or at least weaken it soundly to a body slam.

Plan devised, October bound to the side, intent on darting for the nearest door. Firenze halted in his approach as October leapt, but both watched in horror as the red-and-black Ninetales suddenly flopped belly first onto the tile floor with an ungraceful gasp, paws slipping out from under him.

October grumbled to himself as the sensation of waxy residue on his belly reminded him of the paw also coated with it - of course that was the same paw that had been the main point of balance and weight. He flushed with embarrassment as he tried to scramble back up.

A paw landed on the low of his back and pressed down, trapping him. October looked back to find Firenze there. The bigger Ninetales only needed one paw to keep him down, unless he tried something more forceful. October could hear the insidious laughter of a Mightyena in the back of his head as Firenze cocked his head and looked at October with some concern. "Are you okay, October? You shouldn't be jumping around like that if you don't have your wits about you. Perhaps that thunder wave was a bit much after all-"

That was the spark that renewed October's drive. The memory of being shocked, hearing Firenzes words, the anger he had earlier about the betrayal of trust; October rolled in the middle of Firenzes worrying, slipping free of his paw. He managed not to slip on the waxed paw as he darted towards the door again. The momentum would help fight off the knockback from the flamethrower. All he had to do was take in a deep breath now for a strong, straight volley at the door...

"October! Don't you dare try to burn that-"

The rest of the words were drowned out as October's mind went back to all the other adventurers that had started with that line. With malicious delight, he opened his maw wide and unleashed all his rage and other emotions into his fire. The heat surged forth and escaped his body...

...Only to vanish in a pathetic little firecloud as something went wrong and it doubled back into him. It wasn't as if he swallowed it - the flames wouldn't answer at all! Caught off guard, October ran through the small cloud and slammed face first into the door with a loud thunk!

His body bounced back and toppled belly up, leaving October cursing, confused, and sporting a brand new headache. He could still hear Firenze's frustrated sigh, however. "Damnation, October! Will you hold still for a minute at least? That wasn't even the exit - that was the door to the toilets."

Deliberately ignoring the last part and not willing to oblige in the slightest, October rolled onto his belly as he glared at Firenze. The other Ninetales was slowly approaching again. Thoughts of the Tower came to mind. "Saturdaymorningra-"

Firenze's eyes flashed a brilliant pink glare and October found himself staring back blankly, mouth hanging open, tongue sticking out. Shaking his head in confusion, October tried to...remember what he had been trying to do just now. He could have sworn it had something to do with escaping. Panic started to rise up above all else now. "W-Wha...What did you do to me!?"

"I locked down your fire powers and hid away your memories on how to use your planar room. Don't worry, both are temporary." Firenze stated calmly, stopping several paces away. The calm, methodical way he was cutting off each and every escape plan was only grinding harder into October's brain, along with the fact he didn't know what a 'planar room' was right now. "Don't bother with the other door, please." Firenze continued, gesturing to October's left. Sure enough, another door similar to the one he had run into stood there. "Even if you did break it, one of our bouncers is on the other side with more than enough muscle to break you like a twig. I would greatly prefer you in one piece and not severely injured."

No firepower, no magical escape, no door, not even some windows to jump through with a painful landing to break his fall - October couldn't think of any other way he could possibly escape other than smooth talking his way out. He had a feeling that wouldn't work in the slightest, either.

With nothing left for his anger to put drive into and being stared at by Firenze, October rolled over onto his side and sprawled gracelessly, closing his eyes as he gave into the humiliating gloom of despair that had been huddled in his heart since the start of this hunt. "Fine...I get it, you win, Firenze. What are you going to do to me?"

He heard the soft pads step across the tile as Firenze moved in. Whatever the Ninetales' plan was, October was at least going to be a rag doll of weight about it to make it difficult...or so he thought. He heard a soft chuckle from Firenze right above him. "Well, more like what Clarice wants done with you..."

Even in his despair, a chill of fear and something else shot along his spine. October opened an eye to glance at the bigger Ninetales despite himself. Firenze was right there, looking him straight in that eye. His pose was not threatening, nor was it casual, and yet the way he looked at him made that second sensation ride back up his spine again. "What Clarice wants?"

Firenze nodded to him, smiling the smile of the wickedly amused. "Indeed. It is finally time for you to face the consequences of invoking Clarice's wrath, October. You see, the bounty on your head...was to give you a bath."

The golden Ninetales gave his prone companion several seconds to digest this information, waiting patiently for a reaction. October's other eye shot open as he lifted his head from the tiled floor. "A BATH!? I had my ass chased from basement to rooftop over a BLOODY BATH!? Oh Fortuna...shoot me now!"

Firenze shook his head with disbelief. "No one, Fortuna or otherwise, is going to shoot you, save perhaps Rain Flower." Firenze said calmly. His expression had a dash of humor with serious concern. "Did you really think my dislike of you would mean I was going to do something horrible to you? I'm a little hurt, October, that you would think of me in such a way..."

Ouch. Hearing Firenze actually say that he didn't like him stung more than he had expected. In the back of his mind, logically, it was not surprising he was 'disliked', especially with the way he broke rules and his entrance into the Cafe in the first place...why was he surprised at all? Still, he found a traitorous tear trying to form in his eyes as he couldn't help but respond. "You don't like me? Well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised at that. Small wonder you didn't send Eclipse after me in the Tower instead."

The frown on Firenze's face intensified, surprising October, as did the coming words. "I would never do that to someone, not unless they had a deep seated fantasy about being raped. Even then I would second guess such an idea." Firenze peered at October with a different expression now, although October wasn't sure what it was. "As for disliking is a complicated subject, and one we are going to deal with along with your bath, assuming you are going to finally cooperate?"

As easily as the word 'dislike' had wounded him more than his rage at what happened in the Tower, October felt elation in the way Firenze had defended him from the implication of a cruel fate by Eclipse. He was noticing a trend with today now - send October's stress levels above and beyond the call of insanity.

Still, because it was Firenze that asked, October gave the notion of 'cooperating' a fair try. He felt his ears flatten. He managed to force his tails to hold still, despite their attempt to duck between his legs at the thought of water. "Do I really have to take a bath?" October asked, trying not to let the panic rise in his voice. "I mean, can't we just pretend I got washed off a little running through the rain, and I'm not so bad now?"

The arched brow Firenze made was, unfortunately, as sexy as it was disapproving. "Absolutely not. You are getting your bath regardless, but I wanted to do it on good terms, preferably. Now are you gonna be a good boy and do as I say, or am I going to have to tie you down with the rope on the soap?"

October growled, though deep down he was trembling. "I'll shove that rope up your back-end if you can even try it!" Abandoning cooperation, his prior plan about making this as difficult as possible still had some merit. Despite his abilities all being sealed, being trapped in a rather sturdy looking bathing room, and ramming his head into a door (the throb confirming his headache) he couldn't just sit there and take it! His emotions had been played with too much today: If Firenze wanted him to take a bath, then he would have to bloody earn it after the chaos he had caused him!

"You're right - we'll skip the rope." The bigger Ninetales said with friendly demeanor. October got roughly a second to realize that Firenze was attacking when that big fluffy chest barreled into him! The slippery substance on his paws, adding in Firenzes superior size, knocked him onto his side easily. Before he could even try to scramble up again Firenze had leaped the short distance and pounced on October. The smaller Ninetales gave a terrified yelp and finally moved, managing to turn over onto his belly to try and crawl out from underneath.

It was completely futile. A pair of paws larger than his own slammed down on both, pinning them to the floor. The bigger body was half smothering him with its clean, fire-scented fur. Because he was the one on the bottom, October felt Firenze easily pin his tails to the side where they couldn't fight back adequately - he could even feel a few of Firenzes own coil about them: a double pin.

Something about the position nagged October's brain for a moment, in its frantic state, but once it clicked into place he froze completely. The perfect way to truly keep him pinned would be to bite at his neck and keep his head from moving, but Firenze had not done that. Instead, heated breath washed over his ear as a large muzzle loomed close. The larger male pretty much had October squashed underneath him, yet his weight was supported just enough to allow breath. There was also something poking him questionably in the backside - which was fully exposed because of his tails being...oh shit.

Firenze seemed to sense his acute embarrassment at the sexually suggestive position. It may have very well been intentional too, for the bigger male moved his hips just enough to bump his sheath against the exposed backside beneath him. "I will give you credit in that your resistance seems to know no bounds, but as exciting as this situation is, I do not plan on forcing myself on you, even if your body suggests you wouldn't mind." That smooth voice, polite as it was, held a hint of heat to it. October realized that his little struggle may have caused Firenze to find a little sexual energy in the situation.

What was especially awkward was the fact the current position was causing a great deal of such energy in him! Damn his vulpine-prone attractions! Damn that smooth, luscious fur pressing into his poor, neglected mane! It really did feel like it was smoother than silk. Damn that large sheath pressing against his backside too while he was cursing things!

More than likely, a large dose of his pheromones were floating about now, which would explain Firenze's keen observation to his mixed desires. "I understand your dislike of water, and under less unusual circumstances, I would not force this on you, but you don't give me 'usual circumstances' to try." Firenze's voice came again, more amused, but somehow pleading in a way that made October want to swoon. "So please, cooperate with me so we can make this as quick and easy for you as possible?"

Although he didn't think Firenze could read minds, the image of how they looked right now - with his submissive position and growing desire - made October whine reflexively in embarrassment. "Graf... I would rather not have to do this at all, honestly. I do appreciate you asking nicely, compared to others, but I really must decline, please?" October tried to pry his way forward out of the pin.

His paws wiggled out just a little, before Firenze slid forward a fraction of an inch and covered October again with perfect ease. His sheath kissed that bare patch once more. "Unfortunately, that is not an option. Coco was very generous in her offers for you to do so, and you declined those as well. Since bribery does not seem to work, it has come to this. If you do cooperate, however, I promise you I will make it as painless as possible. You will truly enjoy being clean again."

October huffed with annoyance. Again with the promises of cleanliness! Granted, he did remember how beautiful his fur had been when he first arrived, before the various detriment of menial labour had led him to a life of grime. He had an excellent example of what it could be like again, pressing against him, smelling so sweetly of fire-scents and male...

Realizing he was going to start drooling any moment, October shifted about and stared up at his captor. There might be a light of hope in this moment of darkness, and Firenze himself had offered it up. "Alright, fine; we'll play it your way...but I have a condition! While I'm being cleaned, I can ask you whatever questions I want, and you will answer them for me, honestly! On your pride as a Ninetales!" he tried to sound imposing and confident, but it felt more like he was being whiny - he hated it when he sounded whiny when he didn't want to be. Well, he never wanted to sound whiny, ever! ""

The golden Ninetales gave this a few moments thought, then slowly rose from his place. "Deal. You will do what I say to get you cleaned up, and I will answer your questions honestly. On my pride as a Ninetales." Firenze stepped to the side and waited to see what the red-and-black Ninetales would do.

No longer pinned, October gave himself a quick shake, still down on the floor. His tails did the same as they adjusted themselves, reassuring him of his modesty. "Now, my first question: how did you-"

"Ah ah ah!" Firenze stepped closer once again, but instead of pinning the other Ninetales down again, he nipped at his rump, causing October to jump up with a small yelp and a glare. "Questions start when you're bathing, not before." Firenze chimed in, nudging pointedly with his nose for October to move. "Now, forward."

Despite himself, October obeyed. He walked forward just fast enough to keep Firenze from taking another nip at his backside, watching nervously with quick glances forward to see where he was going. "Hey! I'm allowed to ask questions!"

"You are - but you also agreed to do as I say to get you cleaned up, so you will wait a moment for me to get you started before you start asking. " Firenze replied politely. There was a small glimmer of mischief in Firenze's eye, or perhaps it was just amusement. "Unless you believe my promises to be as hollow as Sinister's and Dextus'?"

October got another small nip on the rump as he got distracted by those words, whining and moving again. How did Firenze know about that? Granted, he supposed that was a pretty blatant incident, and he hadn't been discreet talking about it with Chai or Colin...or Elegance. On the other hand, Firenze wasn't usually around in the mornings - so when did he pick that up? "Alright, alright, stop nipping!"

A loose water droplet fell past his ear, making him jump for a new reason. In all the mayhem going on, he had nearly forgotten what room he was in. He was passing underneath a series of showerheads. Now his fear of a painful, sizzling shower or tub was warring with the confused butterflies of his feelings towards Firenze.

His paws stopped for a moment, his trembling hesitation obvious. This time, Firenze's voice was softer but firm, and only his nose bumped at October's flank. "Keep going."

The butterflies were apparently of sterner stuff than his fear. He started forward again with an increasing whine as they approached the corner of the room.

October was trying to figure out just where they were going to stop when he noticed a frosted glass paneled door coming up on his left. He hadn't noticed it earlier due to the room within having matching tiles.

It was apparently the right place to go, however. "Open the door and step inside." Firenze's command came from behind, prompted by his slowing pace. October obeyed, pushing open the door and entering.

It was a moderately sized room - capable of holding several Pokemon if they didn't mind bumping into each other now and then. There was four unusually shaped shower heads positioned on the walls and aiming at the room's centre.

October's butterflies stirred up again as he ended up in the middle of the room, turning to face Firenze as the other Ninetales entered and shut the glass door behind him. There was no bemused smirk, knowing eyes, or joyful swaggers of dominance in the Ninetales demeanor. The butterflies stirred harder when Firenze settled onto his haunches in front of the door, blocking it from view. He gave an approving nod. "Good boy - since you followed directions, you can ask a question before we start."

* * *

He's like a stubborn little vulpix kit, Firenze thought; refusing to take a bath or groom his tails, because they taste horrible, but the water feels horrible too. He watched the dispirited Ninetales glare gloomily at him when he said 'good boy'.

Dispirited... That certainly was the right word. Honestly, even despite the trouble October had given everyone, he still expected a little more of a fight when he was finally cornered. He'd half-expected that negotiation wouldn't work and that he'd have to tie him down or something while he washed him by force. But... no, he actually gave in and accepted his fate. And with such... despair, too.

He guessed he could understand that. As October turned away, he allowed himself a pained grimace as he remembered his own little invasion of privacy. That note... Firenze had realized then that all he'd done with this was make things worse. He'd heard by now of how October had been chased throughout the Café and assaulted numerous times. Even by one of his closest friends. How must October have felt about all of that? The conclusions he'd jumped to... How betrayed had he felt by the last real home he had left? Firenze idly noted that he might want to keep an eye on that; after all, Ninetales were known for their long-lasting grudges for good reason...

And yet, Firenze couldn't help but notice that October's tails wagged a little at his praising words despite the glare. Silver had told him that October had a 'thing' for foxes. He had thought he simply meant he had a preference for them, but every time he had run into October, his demeanor was one of borderline worship. Try as he might to disguise it as simple admiration, there were too many visual and olfactory cues for it to be otherwise. If this 'thing' was truly that intense, it would explain a few other oddities this dance of tails was displaying...

October's turn had given Firenze had an ideal side profile shot. Despite the glare, the tails slightly tucked between his legs was rather cute. It made it look more like a pout. Apart from the horribly mistreated fur and scent of cigarette smoke, October really did make a stunning specimen of a Ninetales with that coat of red-and-black. It was enough of a display that, when he had thought October was in fact starting to improve his behavior, he had almost considered sweetening the pot to get more cooperation out of him.

Almost. Eclipse had barged in, mayhem had happened, he quickly learned about the incident with Sinister and Dextus from Colin soon after. His consideration quickly changed to a firm 'no'. Although October had apparently been trying to make amends with Eclipse, the fact he had let himself be duped into believing screwing his siblings would help with that was laughable.

"How did you cancel out my fire and lock away...whatever it was you locked away for this...whatever room you were talking about?" Was the first question out of October. Firenze couldn't help but note the extra frustration not even being able to recall 'planar room' was having. "I was under the impression you could put emotions into others, not mess with them mentally."

Laughable as October's choice had been with Sinister and Dextus, he was definitely not a fool. Perhaps being from another world, however, he was simply naive to certain things, and assumed what the rules were with the facts he was given.

"There are three answers to that, actually." Firenze picked up smoothly, "Imprison is a psychic move that essentially allows me to instill my skill over yours with similar abilities. Since you're mainly familiar with the common fire moves of a Ninetales, I took away almost all of your combat ability; you'll notice if you try very hard you might make a small puff of flame. That's about the limit you have, unless you can somehow perform a flame kick, which I don't know how to do. Disable is a ghost move that temporarily disengages your memory of particular things the user desires. Since you were trying to escape, it temporarily froze all memories connected to that particular method."

Firenze couldn't help but grin a bit at the way October's eyes bulged with the information. Apparently it was more than he bargained for. "Fortunately, both moves are quite temporary and 'harmless' in a manner of speaking. If they weren't, the Pokemon Leagues would have probably banned them outright. Used correctly, they are very powerful moves."

Another pause of silence. This time October prompted the other Ninetales. "What's the third answer you were talking about?"

Ah, good, he was paying attention. Definitely not a fool. "It is a common Ninetales ability to be able to instill emotions into others. With the right training and talent, you can do more than just emotion itself," Firenze supplied, "You could create a sensation, such as being touched, hot or cold, or even something more complex like the growing build to orgasm. If it is convincing enough, the body believes it, and reacts accordingly."

October stared blankly for a moment. "That, was a lot more information than I was expecting. You can make a person blast off just by shoving a bunch of horniness in their head? That's so cheating! And I seriously got screwed over by just two debuff moves!? Bloody hell..."

Firenze couldn't help but chuckle at October's indignance. "No, simply injecting arousal or the like will only get them aroused and maybe a bit sensitive to touch. To make them actually climax, you have to inject the need to do so. Eventually the body takes it as true and it triggers. I have seen it happen a few times, myself..."

October had taken his question, and it was time to get the dirty trouble maker clean at last. "I am going to turn on the water now, while you think of your next question. Do not move, understand?" Firenze rose up and stepped across to the closest of the corner showerheads, noting the panicked look on October's face.

"W-Wait! What happens if I move!? It's going to be cold coming out!" he stammered, head ducking low as one back paw rose up and eased backward. The rest of them stayed put, however. Perhaps they realized the only way out of the room was the door in front.

Firenze looked back at October, a paw resting on the handle of the showerhead. "If you move, I will drag you back and pin you down until we're both soaked through, then I will have to clean you the hard way." His expression softened a bit as October seemed to wilt further and he tried to give a reassuring smile. "Remember: I said I would make this as easy as possible. Be brave a little longer and you won't regret it."

October nodded his head and gave a loud huff, apparently steeling himself for the onslaught of water. He watched as Firenze turned the handle on the faucet, then whined when he trotted over to the next one...and the next one, turning each on. His eyes practically bulged when the golden Ninetales flipped the last one and returned to his original position by the door. For the moment, October's ears were up and alert to a most ominous sound...

Four strangely shaped showerheads began to hum and 'squeal' as pressure built. Firenze calmly sat himself back on his haunches again as he watched October's head whip violently to each one, trying to figure out which one was going to let loose terrible pain upon him first. His legs were trembling, his tails were tucked under his legs. That one back paw was trying to move again.


October's leg paused, then reluctantly put the foot back where it had been. It still trembled.

The first showerhead let out a loud hiss as water sprang forth. October finally cracked with a yelp, but kept his position by falling down into a curled up position as a hot mist gushed down over him. The noise was loud and effective at drowning out just about anything - save for the tell-tale whimper of a Ninetales quickly approaching hyperventilation.

"Well?" Firenze spoke loudly against the noise of shower and October. He rose up and circled about behind the other Ninetales and nudged him with a paw. "Stand up now! I didn't say to sit. I told you this would be as painless as possible." He was stern, but polite - a hint of tough love to get the 'kit' to brave the waters.

October peaked out from under his paws, breathing quickly. He saw the many little droplets of mist falling down onto his fur everywhere, and yet he didn't jump or yelp. Something clicked behind those eyes as the breathing slowed down and his head came up a little higher. Firenze gave him an encouraging smile as he looked about at the showerheads. "Well?" Firenze nudged again, "Are you going to stand now? It will be easier to soak you if you're not hiding yourself."

Slowly October rose onto all fours, almost mesmerized by the falling mist. Although it still hissed a little when it landed on him, he barely felt any chill from the wetness. It lasted just long enough to wetten him down a bit before either steaming away or clinging to him cooly. " doesn't burn." he said, barely audible under the noise of the showerheads. "It's's like bathing in cool water, when you're not a fire type...But, how, why?"

Firenze couldn't help but shrug at that, stepping in closer and letting the mist slowly sink into his own fur while October was distracted. As it was a question, however, he figured he would answer it. "I can only guess, since I have never been anything but a fire type, but seeing as we run a lot hotter than most, cooler things are always going to feel 'colder' in that regard. Water is just doubly so like that. If I were to hazard a guess... it's like when a human puts an ice cube on their skin. It feels cold, then the cold seeps in so the nerves start registering 'pain', then the cold numbs the nerves until it's a cool, numb patch."

"Like ice and... okay, that makes sense, I think." October started nodding his head as he thought the example over more closely. He wasn't even paying attention to his fur slowly matting down, or the small pools of murky dark water developing under him as some of the water began to drip down.

"Indeed. You can't freeze a fire type without some very depressing results, so we never reach that numb state cold can induce except through other means. Add in elemental affinities on top of that, and you get that extra sensation of 'discomfort' water gives most fire types." Firenze got another nod from October, then he turned his head with a smile as he gestured up at the misting shower heads. "Would you like it to be even hotter?"

October seemed surprised at the offer, but nodded his head vigorously. With a casual flick of his tails, Firenze summoned up a will-o-wisp in front of each of the misty showerheads. An added hiss was put into the cacophony of noise as the mist became steam, wafting over both of them. It clung just as readily as the mist had, causing both Ninetales to give contented sighs as they turned to bask in the sensation.

October's dreadful phobia of showers had finally been beaten. His tails crept out from between his legs like blossoming flowers to the sunlight. Noticing this development, the red-and-black Ninetales seemed embarrassed. Glancing to his golden idol, however, he saw no teasing smirk on his face, but simply one of friendliness. Encouraged a little further, October turned himself so the steam was directed onto his tails. "Do you really dislike me that much? Why are you so willing to help me and be nice to me if I bother you so?"

Firenze glanced down to see the slowly growing puddle of murkiness beneath the other Ninetales. Satisfied with its growing darkness, he looked back up October and gave a small frown as he considered how to answer that. "Well, to be fair, you did first show up using fake money, drunkenly leering over one of my waiters with intentions most blatant and inappropriate, then led us on a crazy chase that caused quite a bit of damage."

Each little point made October's head go a little lower, and a sheepish smile form on his muzzle. "err...Well, you see...I'm...hraf...."

Firenze had more, however. He began reciting a steady, thorough listing of the many things October did around the Cafe when he thought no one was the wiser: half melting the coffee maker while stealing drinks of guests orders, the constant knocking over of the spices with his tails (accidental though it usually was), the theft of items from the kitchen and following banishment, the many fires accidentally induced, rudely scandalized several guests, the unofficial smoke breaks inside and outside, the Joltik infestation...

Firenze paused a moment to eye October's fur to make sure there wasn't any telltale lumps of more. October mistook the pause as a moment to let it all sink in, his head ducking a bit low and his ears flattening as he whined a little in embarrassment and shame at the lengthy chastisement.

The list continued as well. Frequent incidents during morning meetings, destruction of a supply closet, his resistance to a bath that had caused the bounty hunt. He even listed the hunt for the water contamination on the list.

"Now hold on!" October finally shot up from his submissive state, looking indignant. "I saved the day on that one! I found the source of the contamination, negotiated with a lair full of Galvantula and their kin, and brought everyone back safe and sound!"

Firenze nodded. "Indeed; you saved the day, but with a great deal of risk to everyone involved, counting yourself. I am aware what happened down there thanks to Colin and Elegance, and I suspect you know just how close everything came to ending in a most grisly fashion several times."

October's mouth opened but paused. He lowered his head again as he spoke dully. "Perhaps..."

The golden Ninetales shook his head a bit and sighed. "October, October...I did say this was complicated...I do have a list of good things too, just so you know."

Both Ninetales were now well soaked by the steam of the will-o-wisp enhanced showerheads. Firenze was a shiny golden sponge of pleasing lines and glittery red eyes, while October had the look of a fearsome beast. A handsome fearsome beast, once you took note of his own lines that were not unlike Firenze. It was almost like a transformation from a Muk-covered creature to a Ninetales, The dark trail of dirty water heading for the drain almost made it look like that 'monster' was melting away from the majestic form beneath.

"You have a style of honesty about you that let you befriend Chai with almost no effort. You became friends with Colin as well, who can be a bit of a challenge to get used to for others. You got those two to get along far better than they would on their own. You genuinely went along with Sinister and Dextus' diplomacy to try and make amends with Eclipse. You showed genuine concern for the contaminated water issue and went out of your way to help, bringing along support versus doing it recklessly on your own." Firenze picked up a paw and used it to gently nudge October's head up from its submissive pose, so he had to look him in the eye. "You are an unusual mixture of contradictions, October, which is why I both like and dislike you. I only dislike the parts of you that make you a bad Ninetales and Pokemon. I find the parts of you that make you a good Ninetales and friend to be wonderful. I just wish you played on those parts a little more."

The look of surprise in October's eyes was an event to watch. Firenze could almost see the little neurons firing in his brain, organizing the 'like and dislike' into chaotic piles, weighing their values, and finding himself somehow 'winning' in the likes. " didn't you say bringing them along was find me wonderful?"

Firenze's smile grew, and he winked. "Quite handsome too, now that we got the first layer of filth out of your fur." His face moved in a little closer, practically nose to nose. He felt October gulp against his paw as he tried not to blink. "Think you can get yourself clean from here?"

October gave a weak nod and some undecipherable mumbling. Firenze took his paw away and took a few steps back. One tail swept to the front and deposited a sizeable bottle of what could only be some sort of shampoo between them. "Very good. I was afraid I would have to wash you like a newborn kit. Make sure you're liberal with the stuff, if you would be so kind - unless you want to have another round later today."

The red-and-black Ninetales watched dumbly as the larger, golden Ninetales neatly pressed the nozzle of the shampoo bottle with a tail, putting a large volume of sud-inducing gelatin onto another one. He watched with a mix of horror and awe as Firenze carefully twined his tails together, quickly making a large, soapy brush of gold before they all separated and began caressing over his form thoroughly.

Although he was making a nice show of it, Firenze couldn't help but grimace inwardly as he lathered the shampoo into his fur. This was the strongest anti-bug shampoo they had, and the scent of it was still fairly strong, despite what the label announced. He was only using it because he wanted October to do so, otherwise, he would have just steamed and brushed himself thoroughly. He had about half of himself lathered up before he noticed October hadn't moved yet. "Is something wrong, October?" He waved a paw in front of the others face to make sure he wasn't spacing out. "You don't have qualms about washing together, do you? I didn't take you for the body-washing-shy type."

"Hmm? Oh, ah, no, no. It's not that. It's..." October looked away with embarrassment for a moment, then looked down at the shampoo bottle. Apart from the nozzle, the label had been removed, revealing nothing else about it. "Well, actually...I never actually, uh, tried to do this before. Usually I have thumbs" This time, October managed to give a sheepish smile to the surprised Firenze. "I'm not trying to duck out on the wash, really, I swear."

Firenze stared blankly at October for a moment as the other looked towards his tails. Thinking it over, he realized that the red-and-black Ninetales seemed to always let his tails express themselves (and knock things over)...which meant the sort of well practiced lathering he had been doing with his own was not was probably not in October's skill set at all.

"Of course," sighed Firenze. "It's easy to forget, when ordinarily this is the sort of thing a Ninetales would have grown up doing, that you did not, October." Pausing in his own wash up, he showed the other Ninetales a small smirk as he put more shampoo on a tail and began twisting them again. "I suppose I'll have to demonstrate the process again, and how to lather yourself personally. Now hold still."

"W-Wait, what!? I just figured on getting a loofah or some-gah!" October started at the words, much more high-pitched than he would have liked, then again with slightly more dignity when Firenze turned around and swarmed him with nine soapy tails. He coughed and spluttered and fidgeted, but didn't move away - his forelegs were caught in two tails, holding firmly.

"I said don't move, now close your eyes and breath through your nose or you'll get the taste in your mouth." chastised the voice of Firenze. In truth, he was smiling broadly with private amusement at the situation. This was definitely one way to make sure October was as clean as possible....and perhaps indulge in a little bit of revenge for tormenting him with his antics. Good, clean fun.

October said something rude in the middle of his spluttering, having already gotten the taste in his mouth. His resistance and movements slackened, however, showing he was obeying. Gradually Firenze's tails rubbed and worked their way down his form going from head to rump. Like a demented, fluffy car wash, October was gradually revealed with a very soapy-water-whipped crest and mane, half glaring at Firenze with one eye carefully opened.

Then Firenze's tails reached October's belly and midsection, and he went from glaring to gigglish. ", stop, STOP! Don't rub there, hehaha! No! Stop! I'm TICKLISH!"

It was quite a spectacle. Firenze did not stop in his cleaning, but he did slow down as he tried not to tickle October at first. The other Ninetales was simply that sensitive, however. No matter how carefully he tried to lather the fur to make sure the shampoo got in, it was too much. October was now prone on the tile, squirming and kicking. "Oh dear...I shall have to keep a note of this. October's ticklish~" Firenze had to wonder how embarrassing that information was for the other Ninetales, even as he got down to October's lower half. At least it was easier to get to the paws now.

"I AM NOT TICK-Haha-TICKLISH DAMN IT!" Apparently very embarrassing, and October seemed to have a few key points that were extra sensitive. It wasn't until all the tails had finally left his body that October finally stopped laughing and snorting, panting as if he had just run a marathon on the wet tiles. The water running from his form were a lighter shade of gray, intermixed heavily with soap residue as the steam gradually worked the shampoo off.

Satisfied with his work, Firenze had an idea that was both mischievous and useful. Putting more of the shampoo on his tails, he carefully lathered them up halfway before he stepped over October's prone form. He smiled down at the other Ninetales looking up at him worriedly, then neatly twined his tails with October's, squeezing and rubbing against them as he worked the shampoo through all the tails. "To make sure you know how in the future, You're going to wash me. Pay attention to how I'm working my tails, and don't miss any spots."

There was the look of worship he was use to seeing, less hidden than usual. Firenze couldn't help but preen a bit at the attention as he watched October's eyes dart up and down his wet form, amusement rising a little higher when they paused briefly at particular parts. He could feel October's tails twitch in what he could only hope was interest. "W-Wash you?"

Firenze gave him a nod, pulling his tails free as he took a step to the side, posing a little as he opened his stance. "Wash me, and do it well, October, or I'll drag you back to do it again later if I find any missed spots." The words were less stern and more teasing, especially when he held his tails up neatly so everything was visible. "You can skip the tails though. Safe to say they're as clean as they can get."

October pulled himself upright and looked back at his shampoo-matted tails. They were definitely heavier and looked ridiculous, but they didn't seem to mind at all. He only hesitated for a few seconds before he turned himself and began trying to imitate what Firenze had done to him, starting at Firenze's hindquarters and going forward.

The attempt was very clumsy. October's tails could poke and push, but curling about in the right ways to actually lather in the shampoo seemed to be elusive. It was like using a clenched fist instead of an open hand to wash, minus the knuckles. Gradually October was working the shampoo in, but it was very time consuming. The Ninetales was quickly getting frustrated with it, growling, but determined to somehow complete it. "There isn't some sort of trick to this you're holding back from me, is there?"

Firenze shook his head, peering back to watch for the moment. "Not really, you just have remember that your tails are like limbs. Think back to when you were sweeping the hallways and handling the brooms; your tails are more flexible than you think. At least one of them seems to know the trick to it, seeing as it is fondling me most blatantly."

October paused in his work and frowned. One by one he pulled the tails back until he found the fourth one lodged between Firenze's legs. Sure enough, the mischievous appendage seemed to have the idea down very well - a heavy petting that had Firenze's privates thoroughly lathered, and probably a fair bit pleasured too.

Firenze held back a snicker at the way October seemed embarrassed by the tail's actions, curling his toes into the tile. Stammered apologies were given as October forced the tail to let go. Just as well - If it kept that up, he would have to amend some of his plans for the day. "If one of them gets it, the rest should be able to pick it up. Concentrate now. You definitely know you can do this."

October swatted the fourth tail away with a huff as it reached for Firenze's crotch and tried again. The work was slow as before, but taking the awkward pointers he had just been presented with, he slowly but surely began to work out a real rhythm to the movements. Although slow, his tails were steadily working their way up Firenze's form, disheveling fur and blurring out the golden hues with white froth.

"Good, very good. Don't forget the paws. Remember I have eyes and a nose and don't smother me. Mind the ears a little..."

Firenze eventually had to shut his eyes and hold his breath as October reached his face. By then the other Ninetales had enough practice with manipulating his tails that his touch was gentle enough, and once he was done he immediately put his tails into the steam of the showerheads. "This isn't something you do every time you have a wash, is it? This stuff stinks a bit."

Firenze carefully wiped the shampoo off from around his eyes to peek carefully. He couldn't find any missed paths that were obvious, but the scent of the shampoo by his nose made it all the worse to deal with. "Not all the time, no. It's more of a... 'situational' application. Let's get this bothersome stuff off now."

Guiding his own tails into the path of steam, both Ninetales gradually freed themselves of the odorous concoction. The trail of sudsy water was no longer tainted with the murky traces of filth acquired around the Cafe. Both were as one with cleanliness - almost divine in their washed states.

Naturally, that meant they looked ridiculous, as most tend to look when their fur got soaked and it wasn't properly brushed. Despite this, Firenze gave October an approving nod when he looked the other Ninetales over. "I daresay we can officially declare you 'clean', October. Doesn't that feel nice?"

October did not respond at first to the question of how it felt, but considering the fact he was half walking in circles to peer at himself and looking for any missed spots of shampoo. His movements were a bit more lively, his eyes seemed a bit more alive, and there was a certain twitch in his tails...yes, he was surely feeling that sensation of pride every Ninetales had when they were spotless and clean. He even shifted a tail to conjure up an illusionary mirror, much to Firenze's surprise. October definitely seemed to have a knack for those.

Firenze felt that pride himself as he smirked at the moving form of the other Ninetales. Definitely satisfactory. "Now, for one last thing..."

The red-and-black Ninetales paused and looked back towards Firenze, nine tails splayed and all twitching happily as they slowly gave off steam of their own. Apparently they were keen to speed up the drying process on their own. "One last thing?" he asked worriedly, glancing about to try and find whatever imperfection he had missed that would prompt such a statement. The conjured mirror promptly faded from existence as it was no longer needed.

Firenze took the opportunity to turn off all the steam showerheads, leaving the room with an eerie silence of drippy points and hanging 'fog'. He took a brief detour off to one corner where a bucket of hidden supplies were kept (thus explaining where the shampoo had appeared from), leaving October to drip and fret until he came back with...several brushes! "One cannot be a handsome male specimen without a proper grooming. Let out your heat a bit, but not too much, or you'll puff up like a Jigglypuff."

Blinking in surprise, October did as he was told and found himself being groomed meticulously by brush strokes. Firenze had started down at his tails first, causing twinges of delight both from the tails themselves and October. The sensation felt oddly pleasurable, for some reason.

October was unusually quiet, in fact. Firenze couldn't help but note this as he admired the warm, steaming fur as it was processed to perfection. He had expected some sort of remark about being free to go, or where his after-shower mint was, or-

"Did you really ask to be Ravage's pet and let him abuse you in the dungeon?" finally came out from October's mouth. The Ninetales wasn't looking back at him.

Firenze's brushing paused. That had not been the question he was expecting. "I beg your pardon?" The brushing started up again, a little more slowly.

October's gazed turned to him now. His eyes spoke volumes in the amount of thinking he seemed to have put into this. "I ran into Ravage, before this big chase scene. He showed me pictures of you bound up, strapped to a... hraf, being treated like a..." October swallowed nervously and glanced away for a moment. Firenze could feel the nervous energy in the tails he was finishing up on. "...It was just a mean joke on his part, right? That was some other Ninetales he caught and did that to...right?"

Ah. The Pictures. Ravage had taken quite a few when he has first asked to be his pet. Firenze felt his insides twitch a tiny bit to the memory of more recent things...but not enough to distract him. "Big Chase scene? You speak as a writer, working your way through the plot twists of a rather dirty story. Why does it matter to you, whether it's true or not?" Firenze countered, brushes drifting onto October's flanks. They were working all the more slowly now as they had to adapt to body shape and work to get all the nooks and crannies available. One brush was even carefully being applied to parts most intimate, secretly gauging the other Ninetales feelings to the subject matter. "Why is it fine for any other Ninetales to be bound that way?"

The brush upon sheath found no real sign of held back arousal. In fact, apart from the initial jump for having the brush there, October gave no reaction to it other than to look away as if embarrassed for having asked his question. Firenze shook his head a little as he stepped forward a little, guiding the tails slowly forward as they brushed with the fur. "What good is asking me to be honest with you, if you cannot even be honest with yourself, October? Bathing together is supposed to be a time of camaraderie - to build our friendships and show we are not afraid of each other. You can say whatever you want to me, and no one will know but us. What better time to tell me something so personal? Have I not shown I can be trustworthy?"

October gave a long sigh as he seemed to think on it. Slowly he formed his thoughts into words. "I have not met many Ninetales in my time. I remember Silver told you I was 'weak' to them. There are other 'foxes' that exist in other worlds I find interesting, but there are a few kinds, such as Ninetales, which I am particularly drawn to..." Slowly, October's head turned back to look at Firenze. His eyes scanned along the other Ninetales as his next words came out almost whimsical. "The fact you make a striking example of one just makes it more complicated."

A spark of alarm flitted across October's eyes as he looked away again, fidgeting. The brushes slowed once more as Firenze considered this, ignoring the opportunity to tease. "That is quite the compliment, to hold us above other foxes, and to hold me above even that," he spoke thoughtfully, "But that doesn't really answer my question: Why is it fine if it is some other Ninetales bound in those pictures?"

"Because..." October turned back to look at Firenze, eyes wide, mouth open in hesitation. "Because... I don't know any other Ninetales here! The only other one I know is Verrin, and he is in another world! You are the only one I know personally, and of every moment of that you're always so Damned Perfect!"

October's voice almost cracked as the words came pouring out. Even Firenze looked surprised as the brushing stopped entirely, red eyes wide and locked with the other Ninetales. "You're a bloody giant of a Ninetales," October's rant gained power, "you practically run the place like breathing alongside the others!" He took two steps towards Firenze, almost nose to nose. "You're popular, you're confident, you don't make any fucking mistakes, and you out-do me in every way since I have gotten here!" Just as suddenly, October turned about and stepped off the opposite way. His tails were twitching in agitation. "You practically radiate 'coolness' in such a way I can only dream of! How the hell am I supposed to ever compare to that?"

Firenze felt things quickly getting out of hand. How had this turned about so suddenly on him? The Pictures? It would be irony that out of all the things to spark a scene would be those pictures being shown to the worst possible choice. He tried not to audibly sigh. That Zoroark... Well, now wasn't the time to consider him. Rather, the more pressing matter at hand. "October, I--"

But Firenze couldn't get a word in edgeways. In everything going on, that moment of peace from having been cleaned had somehow unleashed an emotional beast. "You think I'm just a fake, right?" October spat bitterly behind him as he didn't meet the others eye, pacing about more. " I'm just some creature from another world that just looks like a Ninetales. You're just buttering me up to make sure I stay to pay for my trouble-making and then get out of your way?" Suddenly, October's eyes were locked with his own once more, coming closer, staring intently. "Why else would you be going through all this trouble for me?"

The look in the red-and-black Ninetales eyes was one of madness. That was the first thought in Firenze's head. Unlike other Ninetales, October's eyes were much more visible, their subtleties expressed in green and black. "All I wanted was for you to acknowledge me as me, not some funny-colored lookalike!" October's voice was thick with emotion. His tails were lashing about even more, steam rising up as his body heat quickly and steadily climbed. "And I want to figure out why the fuck I keep wanting to get under you while I'm venting myself like this! Why do you have to be so blast-damned sexy and perfect!?"

October practically jumped in place as he turned about again - he was circling the whole room now at a frantic pace. "Why would you make yourself some broken bitch, like all that greatness of a vulpine is worthless and there to be abused by anyone that pleases?" Once more, the rambling Ninetales stopped, glaring at Firenze. "Why do I have to deal with both those images IN MY HEAD!?"

Firenze found himself bewildered at the words being thrown at him. He couldn't answer those questions, try as he might to find a solution to calm the Ninetales down. He finally understood what it was he was seeing in those eyes: pleading sadness. October couldn't find an answer either, and it was driving him crazy. All those emotions running rampant, feeding into each other, leaving him panting visibly-hot breaths and gritting his teeth as he tried to catch his breath after that outburst...

October stared at him for several more seconds before he blinked and looked away. His head was cast down, ears flat. Even his tails had sunk to the still-wet tile, making a faint hissing noise, frighteningly still compared to how they'd been lashing about mere seconds before. October's temperature had risen steadily during his outburst, but now that he had seemed to express his frustrations, the shimmering aura was slowly tapering back down. Somehow, he had not fluffed out the rest of his fur in doing so, though it was probably all dried by now. No... Now, the smaller fox just looked exhausted. Smaller than he usually looked, too. Was he doing that on purpose? Shying away in embarrassment at his outburst? Firenze had never seen him like this before, so it was difficult to read him.

One by one, Firenze's tails applied their brushes to October's form. Without the water to wring out, it was only a matter of getting everything settled properly now. "I am a very proud Ninetales," Firenze said in a slow, gentle voice, "There are almost no Ninetales nor Vulpix who are not proud. Much of that is part of us in instinct, I suppose, but that does not mean we are perfect. Passion is often considered a sin, did you know?"

October's head came back up, ears rising a little, as he looked back to the Golden Ninetales. His eyes still spoke of pain, but they were listening too. Firenze continued on as he stepped forward a little more, brushes along his chest fluff now. "Misused, passion can make you do a lot of things without considering the consequences. That trait is common in many species, and quite frankly the majority of fire types, if you think about it."

This time, Firenze got a small nod out of him. "I am very proud of the way I can control my passion and express it without overindulging too much. I come from a proud family with proud dreams. I was taught how to be majestic and how to do well at...well, I was basically raised to set a good example." The golden Ninetales gave a small shrug at this, though he looked thoughtful. "I suppose that does make a rather high standard for others to live up to, myself included...but that is part of why I went and asked Ravage to let me try and be his pet."

He had told himself he wouldn't let thoughts of pet time with Ravage distract him from the task at hand. Despite this, October had brought him back to those memories of what had started it all. He could think of nothing else to say that might mollify October's paradox, so perhaps explaining his reasons might work as a temporary solution? From the hurt and confused looking eyes still on him Firenze still had October's attention, after all. "I have always endeavoured to be the ideal waiter here at Plaisir, " He resumed, " I wanted to set that example of excellence, like in anything I do. I wanted to be a senior waiter, the lead manager; I wanted others to respect me for my actions. It is a heady thing, having others respect and admire you for doing a good job, inspiring them to do the same because they can dream of one day being in the same position... and that was part of the problem."

Firenze's brushes had worked their way up into the crest above October's head. Only two of them were at work now as the rest ran out of things to do, but they went unnoticed by October. "The problem?" October replied, "Those are great things to go for. I would love those things! I might actually be more comfortable around you if I was in a similar position, even if I was only the second best. At least it wouldn't be as big a stretch as 'Morning Shift Debt-Prisoner October'." October added an inflection of sarcasm to the self-made title, although he sounded amused at his own joke.

The last line pulled a grin out of Firenze, and a small snort of amusement. "Those are great things if that is all you ever want in your life, October, but I was so busy being the best to everyone around me, I never gave the other side of me a chance to express itself. To understand why I had it. As hard as it may be for you to understand, October... I do have a submissive side. A side that lets someone else take the leash, if you'll forgive the use of the word. What if I wasn't always the 'Top Dog'? What if I let someone else control things?"

October was frowning at him now, looking confused. Thinking over what he said, Firenze took a guess at what the befuddling part was. "I have almost never experienced my submissive side." He chose the words slowly and carefully. "I have, by customer request, been submissive, but that is not the same as choosing to do so of my own volition. I decided it was time that I take action and find out just how much I was truly missing out on. That is why I chose to go to Ravage after some consideration."

Whether or not October understood what he meant, it certainly got a reaction out of him. Fully groomed and looking like his clean, striking self from his first time in the Cafe, October turned and faced Firenze direction. More energy seemed to flow through him now. "But why like that? Why the pictures? if you just wanted to experience being submissive, why did you have to go that far?"

Firenze shook his head as he settled onto his haunches. He was still fairly damp himself, though a bit drier thanks to October's heated speech earlier. Firenze shook his head as he settled onto his haunches. He was still fairly damp, having been focused on cleaning October up. He would have still been quite damp were it not for the heated display of affection and frustration earlier.) "Because I had to know for certain what my limits were. It would be no good and rather humiliating if I did it with any timidity. If I was going to risk the respect of my peers over a simple, idle curiosity, I may as well go at it with determination, so I wouldn't be tempted a second time. I would only have to fix my reputation once. Although, I will admit the risk of losing all that work on my reputation played its own perverse role in it all..."

Now with a new objective, his tails came back to life as they started going over his own golden fur. "Of course, just because one is being submissive, doesn't mean doesn't deserve any less respect than another. It takes two to have any sort of relationship, and it requires some sort of respect to maintain it. It really has no application to one's job position either, but I cannot deny confusion can make it harder to pay attention to one's job."

October's indignation was obvious. Firenze could see him getting ready to say something about how absurd it sounded. "Before you tell me that is foolish, hear me out, "Firenze interrupted, "Think about your uncertain feelings towards me - you clearly find me attractive and imagine yourself submitting under me, and yet in all your time here, the only point you ever once submitted to someone willingly was because you were trying to make amends for the chaos you caused. That was with Sinister and Dextus. Even then, they did not treat you very differently for it, did they?" Firenze paused briefly, watching as October's expression softened into thoughtful recollection, " As I understand it, you even got some revenge on Dextus afterwards. What nags your mind the most is why you feel different wanting to submit to me than doing so with others."

The thought must have been very intriguing - or possibly mind-breaking - because October paused in mid exclamation. His brows furrowed in heavy thought. Even his tails seemed to be 'discussing' the idea between themselves. "...Go on..." He finally said, warily.

Firenze gave a small nod. Now came the conclusion. "I went as far as I could without direct risk to my well being to see if I would lose control and say no. I deliberately put myself in the most compromising position I could, so that I would know for certain if what I was feeling was truly submissiveness or just some nagging, dirty thought hiding beneath a theory of stupidity." Firenze paused in his explanation as a few of the brushes were suddenly about his face - combing out mane and crest as he tilted his head left and right. "I went to a professional master who I knew would do his best to test me while actually respecting my wishes if I said stop, and I tested myself. I did that because I would not be able to respect myself if I did not find out for certain what I was capable of."

There, it was said and done. Firenze had explained himself thoroughly - insofar the important details - of why he had done it. If he had made it even longer, he suspected October would have given up on it halfway and made his own conclusions. Now the question was if that would still happen now...

October was silent, thinking. He was staring at Firenze the whole time as well. Finally, a tail twitched, and he blinked. "So, after all that, what did you find out?" There was something else in those eyes now, mixed with curiosity. That intensity from before was still there, but slowly settling down.

Feeling encouraged, Firenze shifted the brushing of his fur to his tails - each one taking turns grooming the other. It helped to give him some focus so he didn't look too nostalgic to some of the discoveries he made. "I found there was more to that submissive side than just giving up control, and the opinions of others. I learned about things that actually make me nervous - my flaws that I had covered up so well with my efforts to be 'perfect'. I can do a surprising number of things willingly because the pleasure I can get in the process can be just as amazing as when I'm in control, and sometimes more, because I don't have myself to hinder it."

He noted how October's ears began to flatten out again, a look of worry growing on the Ninetales face. Firenze couldn't help but chuckle a bit at that. "Also, I learned about particular things I do not like, which I will tolerate to a point, and that this sense of submissiveness is by no means my strongest trait. I am still very much a proud, dominant Ninetales, October, but now I know that there is more than one way to let my passion burn, and it can be stoked in more ways than one. And that there are limits to what I will do."

The dismayed look didn't grow any further, but October was clearly having some trouble digesting that. " the end, you enjoyed it.." he glanced up to see a new look of amusement on Firenze's face. He realized why it was there and gave a low grumble. "That's not what I meant!"

Firenze snickered anyways, grinning a grin of mischief and delight as he finally finished his own brushing. They had been greatly delayed by the topic, but with October acting less intense, it seemed safe enough to push forward. "Maybe it's not funny to you, but in hindsight, it's hilarious to me, in private, without others to know I'm laughing at my own ego for blinding me to new potential." He eyed October carefully now, settled to a smirk as he posed himself for the red-and-black Ninetales. "Now that we're all cleaned up... I would like you to move around some, pose for me, so I can make sure we didn't miss anything."

Caught off guard, October began to move about, mirroring Firenze's own movements, save a bit less flashy. Firenze had actually gotten a very good display of him mostly finished earlier when he had been ranting, moving about the room in expressive angst. With the passion behind it, it had been a rather stunning sight. Now he got to enjoy that view again, fully ready, just not as 'wild'.

Both of them, freshly groomed as they were, were a sight to behold. "So just to make sure I'm understanding this, you're saying you enjoyed being Ravage's pet, but you don't do it all the time, and it was an eye-opening experience?" he brought up in wary conversation.

"Mhmm," Firenze hummed, eyes following October more deeply than the other Ninetales realized. When he was cleaned up and not playing quite so coy, he was all the more handsome...and yet he knew that there would be further trouble down the road that would sully that imagery. "I am Ravage's pet, but I do so on my own time when the mood is right...or he asks. He usually has good timing when he does, however. Just because I enjoy it does not mean you have to go and put yourself out to try and match me either. Be yourself, October. Work on those flawed parts, and you can be your own legend here as you please. It's much easier to compare yourself to others when you're yourself. I even have a suggestion on how to help you out on that."

That made the Ninetales pause, looking at Firenze with a mixture of wariness and curiosity. "A suggestion? To make my own legend here? Heh ...Rrf, so long as it has nothing to do with Ravage or Clarice...what did you have in mind?"

Firenze gave a small chuckle at that, and slowly approached October with a friendly smile and a small glint in his red eyes. "Well, If you're still filled with some doubts about what I said and how you feel...why don't we test those feelings out somewhere in private?" Firenze's smile grew a little wider as he waited for October to catch on.

The click of realization behind October's eyes was a delight to see, especially when the response went to temptation and coy again. He could even smell some of his interest, now that it wasn't disguised by filth or shampoo. "W-What!?" October was definitely blushing, and stammering to but. "B-But, you, me....that...that's not how this is supposed to work! Why are you actually offering me that!?"

Oh, how the tables were turning! Firenze was going to milk the moment for all its worth. - if he was going to help open up October's eyes, he might as well do it with style. "Several reasons," he mused, "One, your looks alone are pleasantly tempting."

Firenze slipped in closer while October processed the compliment, looking like a stunned, well, Ninetales. His voice lowered itself to be softer. "Two, your tail was fondling me quite a bit earlier, and I have been politely holding back..."

A small whine of embarrassment came from October's throat. Firenze smiled and put his muzzle towards the others ear. "Three, a little part of me wants to even the scales for the troubles you have caused me since you've come here..."

The golden Ninetales definitely heard October swallow, hard. He could see those tails twitching nervously. Firenze put on his best sultry voice. "Four, it occurred to me that, since you do fantasize about being under me, an excellent way to make amends for some of those things is to let me hire you for some fun." His muzzle was practically pressed against October's now. The smallest of movements brushed them together.

Firenze could swear he could hear the other Ninetales heartbeat pick up. He could see the way his tails twitched in anticipation of those fantasies. He couldn't help but feel a little rush of pleasure at the reactions.

His eyes peered deeply into October's as his voice came back a little louder, pleasantly conversational. "Just think about it: You can settle some of your debt, find out more about how you feel about me, and have a good time all at once, and no one will know but us. We just have to saunter over that way as if we're off to discuss Ninetales business..and I can show you how unbroken I am...but of course, you are free to decline. There will be no consequences for doing so."

Firenze pulled back now so he could see October clearly. Though silent, the mad stir of thoughts was evident in the way those green eyes darted rapidly in small movements over Firenzes' form. His temperature had gone up a little bit as well. The lack of further words seem to draw October into realizing he was staring. With a blush he turned his head away, tails twitching nervously as he debated.

With a smirk, Firenze moved about to pick up the brushes and the shampoo bottle to return them to the little white bucket hiding in the corner of the steam room. The sway of his steps and tails only served to distract October more from his decision. The red-and-black Ninetales looked even more embarrassed when he sat down on his haunches before him, now waiting openly for an answer.

October swallowed nervously, trying to look Firenze in the eye and yet not. He tried sitting on his own haunches, but both noticed October's bulging sheath and peeking black tip. He promptly stood back up, succeeding in only looking like a nervous virgin with his first prostitute. The silence crept on until finally, October cracked. "I... I... Hraf! I'll... give it a try. It's just between us though." he let out a long sigh as some of the nervous energy finally eased away.. "So, what now? Do we have to see Clarice so she's satisfied I'm clean?"

Firenze smiled at him, but shook his head as he got back up, heading for the door. "No. She knew when I caught you, so there should be nothing left to deal with on that front. If she does give you trouble later, let me know and I shall sort it out."

The opened door let them back out to the main grooming room again, which felt much cooler now. Firenze accepted it - it was inevitable as a fire type that rooms would feel 'cold' having a hot bath or shower of any sort, he would adapt again quickly enough. "I imagine the only thing she will bother you about now is the Pro-squared-Creation samples. I respect your wish to not not be made into a 'sperm factory', but it would probably save you some grief if you just gave her the sample and said 'no' afterwards."

October let off a small grumble as he followed, shivering a bit at the 'cold' of the room. "She is obsessed with balls, that one. She would bother me just as much with or without the sample. I may as well enjoy denying her fully than giving in halfway, as a way to pay her back for her attitude. I still can't believe she hasn't been fired...What?" October paused when he nearly ran into Firenze's backside. "What's so funny?"

Firenze had stopped and looked back at him with a mystified expression, then a large smile as he was clearly holding back a chuckle. "I'm sorry. That just now, reminded me of a few things."

Now October was the one with the mystified look as the other Ninetales regathered himself before Firenze spoke again. "Ahem. Yes, well, she may not be the friendliest Glaceon around, but she is very good at dealing with all the numbers involved in a business like this. One reason I am rather glad we have Coco to pick up that slack." He gave October a sly look and a smirk as he resumed his path towards the proper door out. "You might consider trying to melt her somewhat icy heart with hot, passionate love making if you try to woo her. I'm sure you would be regaled as a hero beyond myself If you made her a sweeter lady."

October snorted loudly at that thought as the door opened and they proceeded out. "For Fortuna's sake, you don't ask for much, do you? I would rather..." October followed along closely, then blinked in confusion when the door opened easily and revealed an empty hallway of the basement level. "I thought you said there was someone guarding the door?"

"I did indeed, and I told him when he heard the showers running, he could head off." Idly glancing about, Firenze didn't see anyone to worry about. No one in sight. "I figured by then you would be sufficiently obedient that I could keep on top of you. On that note..."

Firenze turned to face October once more as the other stiffened. The alarmed, blushed look on his face suggested he had almost forgotten their plans. "I will need a little time to make sure we are undisturbed. Just in case you get second thoughts, I suggest you go to the guest lounge and have yourself a nice drink, wind down a little, then come to my room, whatever your answer is. Even if you decide the answer is no, we can still talk 'Ninetales business. Does that sound agreeable?"

Firenze had placed his nose neatly to October's just before the last sentence. Both took in the air and scents from the others nose before they parted. October managed a faint nod of his head despite his wide-eyed look. "R-Right. I mean yes! Yes...a drink sounds grand. I will, think, about this...Thank you." The last part was added in belatedly, but earnestly.

A big pleasant smile on his muzzle, Firenze gave October a wink as he turned about and walked off, tails high and hips swaying ever so slightly. "Then I shall see you in an hour's time. Try not to be too late, please."

October nodded his head slowly, looking worried and thoughtful. "Right...right..."

* * *

It was still raining. It wasn't a simple shower, nor was it a grandiose summer storm with warm air and shafts of sunlight between bolts of lightning. This was an unrelenting downpour of cold, grey water. The dark stratus cloud loomed over the Oklahoman plains, and from the Café's lounge, there were a lot of plains to be seen.

But October didn't register it. He was looking towards the Café's rain-soaked gardens, but he wasn't looking at them. Even cold, icy water seemed a little pale in comparison. Instead he sat on a small blue beanbag in one of the corners, an open cup of coffee beside him wafted steam into the air. His eyes were disconnected from this world, focused on watching his own thoughts.

He had a lot of them, especially now.

The Café's lounge was one of the more spacious areas of Plaisir. Its high roof complimented the large floor space, and around the soft, patterned, earthy-coloured carpet were scattered a multitude of cushions and chairs. It was much like the Waiter's Lounge, but of course, more elegant. Hanging lights were trimmed with blue and gold plating, and in one corner was even a small bar stocked with drinks, at which a Luxray had been busying himself earlier. Along one wall were a series of large ceiling-to-floor windows, the same ones that October was staring out now, offering unparalleled views of Plaisir's gardens. The green leaves and hedges were visible as smudges beyond the rivulets of water cascading down the glass.

The room was - unsurprisingly, given the rest of the Café today - almost empty. There was a human female a few chairs away, tapping at some kind of electronic tablet quietly, and every now and again someone would walk by - but aside from that, October was left alone.

Slowly, he slid a tail around to his front, and watched it thoughtfully - then intently. His expression turned to one of concentration. He guided the tail further, the now-groomed black-furred tip sliding around the mug of coffee.

It wobbled as he picked it up. The liquid inside rippled, sending another waft of steam through the air. Foreseeing a rather unpleasant possible future, he stopped trying to lift it, and leant down to sip the lukewarm, yet pleasantly bitter liquid.

He replaced the mug on the small table to his side, already returned to his previous reverie. Out of all his thoughts, one seemed to drift to the front of his mind.

He could murder a cigarette.

During his shower, none had ever been picked out of his mane. None had fallen out, and patting the quiff of black fur on his head, he realised there weren't even any of the telltale lumps that usually signalled their location.

Of course... Firenze, or someone, must have taken them while he'd been unconscious. Silently, he hoped they'd give them back.

...Did he? He thought about this for a while, bending down for another grateful gulp of his coffee. Even if he had them now... Firenze knew about the smoke alarms in the basement, and outside was as wet as ever. But that wasn't even the main point. He'd just had a shower, and now he felt... well... did he really want to spoil it?

"Hey, Black-tips." Said a voice behind him, making him start as he was snapped from his musings. He turned, watching the large, shaggy-looking Luxray from behind the bar sit beside him. October recognised him faintly... Ceylon. Often worked on these afternoon shifts. Warm, aloof, and a fellow Brit. "What's going on over here?"

October gave him a passive glance. "What is it with people here always giving me nicknames?"

Ceylon shrugged, giving a vague smile. "It's fun?" His mane really was shaggy, but that certain kind of shagginess that only comes when someone's tried to brush it and failed. A large, deep blue apron was draped across his back, with the Café's logo embroidered in one corner. In the feline's tail, a small shot glass was being carried, and as October noticed it it was offered towards him. "Here. Try this."

October looked at it skeptically. "I admire your plan, but I was already caught about two hours ago. There's no bounty any more. No spiked drink for me, thank you."

Ceylon gave a snort. "Hah! Please, that message has already gone out. Nice idea, though. I expect there are other ways I could capture you that would be more fun, however..."

This made October go quiet as recent thoughts came back to the surface. He pushed them down, for the moment anyway, and looked back towards the green liquid. There were swirls of white in it, and it looked frothy. It was almost like it was a milkshake of some kind. "So what is it, then?"

"Only my very own withdrawal cure." Ceylon said in his usual exaggerated Queen's English. He flourished gently with his tail, trying not to let the liquid spill. "Perfect for when the nicotine hits."

October turned, inspecting him closer. "Your very own? Didn't take you for being a partaker in the death sticks."

"Not anymore, thanks to this stuff. Kinda hinders your work as a prostitute if you're gonna go around smelling of 'em all the time, y'know?" He grinned happily as his elocution slipped, offering the drink again. October looked at it for a moment, and then concentrating firmly, got the same tail as before to curl around it. It wobbled in his grasp.

He leaned down, and sniffed it. It smelt like banana. "What's in this stuff, anyway?"

"Pecha. Magost. Syrup of Custap. Bit of salt to make it nicer."

October stared at him skeptically.

"Hey, could be worse. Coulda made it alá Plaisir."

October suppressed the smirk, and feeling his controlled grip begin to waver, decided to throw it back in one gulp.

After he was done coughing all over the nicely patterned carpet, he straightened up, swallowing away the harsh aftertaste. Turns out, he found himself thinking, that when you put salt in a drink to 'make it taste nicer', that's far more of a warning that it sounds to begin with. And it's a pretty big warning in the first place. "With medicine that bad, I'll stick with the disease. Will probably kill me more slowly."

Ceylon giggled to himself, lounging against a nearby armchair. "It's not Yorkshire Blend, but it gets the job done."

October gave a mock-giggle in return, looking back out through the windows. Again, that thought.

"Ceylon..." He started again after a moment's silence. "You're friends with him, right?"

"Yep." Ceylon replied confidently. No pursuing or questioning... he'd been waiting for something like this, evidently. October took a moment to compose his words.

"What's he like? As a friend, that is."

Ceylon shrugged, waving a paw. "About the same as he is to others. Passionate, I suppose would be the best word for him, maybe a little too much for his own good at times. A bit domineering. An air of pride that only a Ninetales can pull off." He smiled at October. "And... friendly. He genuinely cares. I know he didn't take the job as General Supervisor just for better pay or the feel of power - he actually cares about this place and those in it. I've never seen him be closed to a problem amongst the staff. Y'know how he works?"

October bit his lip slightly. "I haven't, um..."

Ceylon blinked at the hesitation, and then snickered to himself. "I didn't mean it like that. I meant... well, he works the afternoon shift, this one, y'know? Wakes up late morning. And after he's done, at 10pm, most waiters retired back to their rooms, or go sit in the waiter's lounge to hang out with friends. Pursuing their own interests, as you do."

"And he doesn't, you mean?"

Ceylon grinned, shaking his head. "There's barely a change. He clocks off, and then takes to walking the Café. He'll chat to people in the bar, he'll go and see how the late-night chefs are getting on, wander around Captivate... he gets a fair few customers that way."

"He's that horny, eh?" October said. Perhaps Firenze wasn't that interested in him - the idea lanced through his mind briefly. Perhaps he was just looking to sate a mere lust...

But Ceylon shook his head, before pausing. "Well... okay, he's as much of a nymphomaniac as any other waiter here. Did say he was passionate, you know? But that's not why he walks around."

Ceylon turned, climbing into the armchair he was leaning against, curling slightly into it and facing October as he relaxed. "He wanders the Café because he wants to make sure that people are having a good time. Both customers and waiters... if there's a problem, he wants to be there to solve it."

October shifted. This was hardly making it better - Ceylon was making him out to be some kind of perfect being. "He's told you this, eh?"

"And I've seen it. Heard a few stories too..."

October decided to divert the train of conversation to the right tracks.

"That's not all he does though, right?"

Ceylon raised his eyebrows. "You're asking something specific, aren't ya?"

October's face remained expressionless. "Ravage showed me a few pictures. I asked him, and..."

"Ahhhh..." Ceylon nodded. "Well, we all have our secret vices, y'know?"

October paused, looking at him. "What do you think about that? As his friend, how do you... feel about him doing that?"

This time, Ceylon was quiet for a while. His eyes peered at October, as if seeking something before answering.

"What?" October asked after enough time had passed.

"Sorry..." Ceylon said, giving a small smile. "Just seeking your true question."

October waited, feeling a tad sheepish. That seemed to be a trend today.

"You like Chai, don't you?" Ceylon asked, finally. "The tricky little Umbreon, not the tea."

October frowned, nodding. "Well, yes." He didn't clarify the current issue of Chai betraying him; he had yet to confirm it had really happened. He suppressed those thoughts for now, along with the pang of pain they caused.

"And from what I've heard from some on the Morning Shift, you and he have really gotten into the 'Plaisir Spirit'...."

October glanced out of the window as a smirk passed across his muzzle. "...I've indulged." He muttered, and then chuckled a little. Ceylon smiled back.

"And, forgive me if I'm being personal here - you and he strike me as the kind to like it rough. Am I right?"

October shrugged, that smile staying on his muzzle. "Mmmmm, it's been known to happen..." He chuckled again.

"Most likely at his request, or at his pushing anyway."

"Is there a point to this, or are you just fantasising a little about the guy?" October shot back with a grin. "'Cause if that's the case, well..."

Ceylon waved a paw at another chuckle. "There's a point, there's a point. Now, you like Chai. You think he's a decent Pokémon, as good as the rest - if not better. Give or take. In short - you respect him, yes?"

October nodded. "Of course, yes."

"Now, let's say that, one day, Chai asks you to bite him a little more. Hold him down, maybe try your usual stuff a bit rougher than normal. Not in the fighting style, but in you really going to town on dominating him. Now, if he said that..."

October nodded his head quickly. "Yes yes, I get your point. Just because I dominate Chai doesn't mean I don't respect him. I get what you're saying..."

"Do you?" Ceylon asked, talking quickly, as if getting to another point. "Because, of course, there's a difference between that and wanting to be tied up in the Dungeon, right?"

"Yes, of cour-"

"Is there?"

October paused. Ceylon's eyes seemed to gleam.

"...That wasn't very fair of you...." October muttered.

Ceylon shrugged. "Got you to admit something." He settled back. "As much as you may like to hold up the idea of all kinks being fine and good, it's a lot harder in practice."

October stayed silent, watching the rain again.

"It's easy, isn't it?" Ceylon commented. "To say it's fine. To imagine yourself hold up that tacit agreement not to judge others based on their fetishes. But we do it, we can't help it. We all judge, even if it's just a little voice in the back of our minds."

There was a pause, and then Ceylon shifted where he sat."When we have sex, it's a bond of trust. It's motivated by lust, by base instincts, but there's still that trust. When you have sex with someone, you're incredibly vulnerable. Every time you choose to become so intimate with someone that you get that close for that period of time... especially with some of the abilities we have..." He paused again, his digits dancing a little. Static crackled between two claws, and he rose an eyebrow.

"But..." October started, only to be cut off.

"It's a strange truth, but a truth nevertheless. When Firenze walks down to that Dungeon, he is no more vulnerable or weak than you are with Chai on the roof... at half six... three days ago."

October looked sharply at the Luxray.

"Sorry. It's not just you that wanders up there, y'know..."

October shrugged, his tails curling behind him. Again, that sheepish feeling.

"Now go on. Ask your real question."

He shuffled again, and glanced back. Ceylon was watching him intently. The Luxray was reading him like a book, and it wasn't comfortable.

"Well..." October started. "How can you be sure that he'll be safe?" October let his mind remember darker times. "It can start with indulging, with self-discovery, and can end in... in a breaking of the spirit. And when I finally find this one Ninetales that can hold the foxes high in dominance and majesty... I don't want that...."

Ceylon paused, and then slowly, he slipped his tail underneath the blue apron and lifted it up. Underneath, a pale brown leather collar was strapped in place, with a leash curling around it.

October flicked his eyes from it to their owner.

"I am not a... Master. Well, not on the level that Ravage is." Ceylon stated. "But I enjoy the BDSM scene from time to time, when it suits me. I've had many wear this collar. I've had to replace the leash about four times already from all the the biting I do." He gave the briefest of smiles. "When you hold that leash, like I do, you learn something."

"Oh?" October said. He couldn't think of much else to say.

"The leash isn't a statement of worth, or ability. It merely shows who's taking the lead for the next five minutes. When you hold a leash, you hold a responsibility to whomever's on the end. The responsibility to make their night as enjoyable and pleasurable as you can. If they don't like something, you shouldn't do it." Ceylon smiled a bit, letting the apron fall again. "Oh, it's fun to play it up, to talk to them, try a little dirty language, say how much of a slut they are and how much they love having a big bad boy like myself putting them in their place... but it's always, always an act."

Ceylon curled his tail around himself. "BDSM is based on three rules - safe, sane, consensual. If at any moment the act stops being any of those three, the session is over. And it's for both participants too."

"And who's to say Ravage will abide by that?"

Ceylon smirked. "Because someone did their research." He paused. "I told you I was his friend, after all..."

"You looked Ravage up?"

"Of course. I have a few connections here and there, and the Café provided me with what I needed. Even talked to a few of Ravage's past pets. Learned a few things I probably shouldn't have about the Zoroark too, in the meantime..."

October perked an ear worriedly.

"...but that's beside the point. All of them said the same thing. Ravage upholds everything I've said. I've met few who understand the Master role more than him." He leant his head down, his expression serious as he watched October. "Firenze is doing this for his own reasons, which he may tell you if he so wishes..."

"I... know of a few." October commented.

"Good. Anyway..., he is doing this for his own reasons. I trust Ravage absolutely to provide Firenze with what he needs. But more than that - someone more important than me who trusts Ravage. Firenze." He smiled at October. "Firenze walks out of Ravage's room every time with head held high. The next day, he goes to work just as normal, and then spends those off hours making sure that others are as safe and as satisfied as he always does. That's what Plaisir is about, and that's what he is about."

October licked his lips nervously. "Bloody... Guinan... hraff..."

Ceylon smiled a bit more broadly, giving a light chuckle. He rose, stretching out his large paws, and then dropped to the floor. "Anyway. Enough of this tosh. I should get back behind the bar, in case my patrons want anything."

"You mean patron, surely?" October said, emphasising the singular as he peered at the Luxray. There was still only the woman in the lounge, who hadn't moved.

"Oh, I wasn't talking about those in this lounge... I only left the others without a bartender for so long, because, well, something told me they wouldn't be in need of one for a little while."

October tilted his head. He looked back at the bar. Next to it was a sign above a set of double doors with frosted glass - "Special Lounge". Aha.

"By the by," Ceylon said as he wandered away, tail swishing behind him, "you're welcome to come back for another of those shots anytime."

October frowned, lifting his head. The empty shot glass sat on the nearby table. Next to it, the cup of coffee was half-finished. He hadn't even realised he hadn't been drinking it.

Oh well, he thought, as he downed the last of the now unpleasantly cool liquid.

Now was as good a time as any.

* * *

October stood before the tall mahogany door, taking several deep breaths as he realized how tense his muscles were, even after that shower business. This was where he was supposed to meet him, wasn't it? A brief moment of uncharacteristic uncertainty struck him as he stared at the ajar door. That didn't seem like Firenze; would he really have left it half-open like that? Or was it just that the great golden bastard was expecting him? He shook his head, realizing he was being far too careful for his own liking, and crossed the threshold before him.

As his tails slipped past and half-threw it closed again, October looked up at the room in front of him. Many different reds followed him everywhere he looked - the dark velvet of the soft fur rug, the lighter ruby-coloured fabric on the sofa to his right, just across from the blazing orange flame in the fireplace, and the armchair. The armchair was currently occupied by the greatest flame of all, the glorious Ninetales that was Firenze, flanked on the seat by invitingly plump red cushions and his own tails, neatly coiled around at his side, the dark amber-gold tips waving up and down ever so slowly.

The larger Fox had just been watching the flickering flames casting light on the bricks behind it and shadows on the carpet before it, his gaze moving to the large four-poster bed, framed perfectly by the walls and curtains like a work of art. The curtains were closed, obscuring a window to the outside world, leaving the two foxes in a universe of Firenze's own once the door had closed behind October. Once he heard the soft click, though, Firenze turned to him with a calm look, the new angle revealing the half-filled glass of red wine in his paw. He reached over to a brown wooden table behind him and placed the glass down next to the dark-coloured bottle. The room was too dark to read the label - the only light came from the fireplace; the lamps overhead, which normally would have illuminated the sculptures and tapestries that decorated the walls with golden light, were turned off - not that that was what October had been watching. He was instead mesmerized (though not really surprised) by how elegant and regal everything was. It suited Firenze.

"There you are," Firenze said calmly and nodded to the sofa, gesturing for him to take a seat. He obeyed, surprised he'd let him on such precious-looking furniture. He'd already forgotten for a moment that he was clean - it was the lightness of his fur, easily felt during the sudden hop onto the seat, which reminded him. It really did feel nice... but very, very unusual. He wasn't sure he liked it, honestly... His thoughts were interrupted when Firenze continued. "You're a little later than I expected. Did something delay you?"

How late had he expected him to be, knowing the bigger Fox's opinion of him? He expected to sense disapproval, but perhaps that was a little optimistic. By now, surely Firenze was used to his antics and was merely exasperated. Or maybe he'd gone far enough that he felt nothing at all about this. ...Or maybe he was overthinking it.

"Yes, I met Ceylon outside," October replied, a little distractedly. He was more occupied by how wonderfully soft the fabric felt under his paws as he climbed onto it, and how his rear sank into it when he sat down. It must have shown, either in his expression or body language, as Firenze began to smile at him in amusement. October shrank a little under that look, embarrassed. He probably looked like a wild animal unused to civilization. He supposed that was pretty much exactly what he was, but still.

"Ah, I see. Anything I should worry about?" Firenze asked, his eyes meeting October's own briefly. There it was, that care for the staff that Ceylon had mentioned. Subtle though it was, it was really quite noticeable now that it had been pointed out.

"I... think he helped me understand a little better," October admitted, nodding slowly. As time went on, he felt more and more reassured about the whole thing... but...

"Oh? Has he rendered this meeting redundant, then?" Was October imagining it, or was there a hint of disappointment in Firenze's voice? Hastily, perhaps a little too hastily, he shook his head in response.

"No, no. There's... There's still the matter of not understanding it very deeply. It's all well and good to be told things, but..."

" experience them is better, yes?"

"Something like that." Watching Firenze's softening expression, he considered what he was about to 'experience'... and tensed up, ears involuntarily tilting back. "Wait, no, I meant..." He glanced to the side at his slowly wagging fourth tail, the traitor. He willed it to quiet down. He didn't expect it to listen.

"October..." Somehow, Firenze's voice was both soothing and terrifying at this moment. It caught his attention again - their eyes met once more. "You're still nervous, aren't you?"

The eye contact didn't remain for long. October forced himself to look away. He'd already admitted everything so far, and had little more to say.

"I'm not going to harm you," the golden one assured him. "But, nor am I going to force you. I wanted to do this for your sake, but... like Ravage, I will respect your decision if you've changed your mind and you decide not to."

He took a deep breath, met his gaze again and nodded.

"I trust you," he said simply.

"You're still tense..." Firenze breathed, his gaze seemingly tracing down his body. He seemed to be eyeing the smaller one's subtle muscle movements, little things that October himself couldn't have helped. "Here, come along."

He slowly stood up and, with a flick of his head, told October to move to the bed. After a moment of staring in curiosity, he obeyed, hopping down from the sofa and up onto the mattress. It was bouncy and soft, but did not creak. Was this some kind of memory foam mattress? October resisted the urge to shake his head in disbelief (but lack of surprise) at the fact that even his bed was fucking perfect.

"Now, sit and hold still for me."

He obeyed, planted his rear firmly on the bed, let his tails curl around himself to his side and reined them in with a paw to make sure they didn't do anything stupid. Under his watchful eye, they squirmed a little in apparent protest, but eventually settled down.

Except for the fourth from his left. That one never settled down. In fact, it seemed to only wriggle more excitedly as Firenze approached, climbed onto the bed with a single graceful motion and stepped around to behind him. Those great bushy tails traced along his shoulder and down his side in the larger fox's wake, a surprisingly firm but pleasant touch.

He shivered slightly, but noticeably, as Firenze's tails slowly caressed his side and hips. Both nervous and excited, he found himself taking a sharp breath as he willed himself to calm down. This was really going to happen... The weight of the situation hit him suddenly - he was in Firenze's room! Being attended to by the golden beast himself! He couldn't quite believe it...

"I want you to relax, October," the beast suddenly said, the voice snaring October's attention again as the dexterous tailtips went to work stroking and pressing on the strained, tired muscles. "What is it? Are you worried?"

"Not worried, per se, just..." October took a quick breath as the tender touch slowly soothed his body. "...stage fright, I suppose," he mumbled, half-disguised with a sigh. He could feel his face begin to heat up with a faint blush when he heard Firenze's soft, deep chuckle. He was seriously amused by this?

"That's understandable," Firenze said quietly, barely missing a beat, not distracted in the slightest by his tails' agile motions, all of them separate and spreading along his body to press and rub at nine different spots. October found himself wondering how the hell one could even have the coordination to do that in the first place, let alone do so while talking. He also found himself deeply enjoying his touch, of course.

"Yeah, but..." Slowly, his eyes closed as he felt himself involuntarily leaning towards the probing tails once they shifted over mainly to his left side. He made no effort to resist it.

"Oh, come now, October." Firenze chuckled again, not a hint of disappointment in his voice. Just amusement. October wasn't sure if that was better. "You're going to make me feel bad! Don't tell me that bath has broken your indomitable Ninetales spirit?"

The crimson one couldn't tense up. He would have, under such teasing, but Firenze was just too good. He idly wondered if the tail massage was a common thing for him, if he did it for all of his customers. And... whether or not he did it for Ravage.

"N-Not at all...!" was his feeble attempt at a reply. His voice broke, so he quickly trailed off and hoped the bigger 'tales wouldn't notice... Oh, he noticed. And oh, he laughed.

"Oh good, good!" The golden one declared, still chuckling. October's face burned at the sound.

"Really...! I'm fine!" He suddenly managed to lift his head and turn back to look at the other fox with a glare. It was distressing, how easily taunting him seemed to work... with just about anything, really.

"I have no reason to doubt you, October," Firenze growled smoothly. "After all, there's evidence. My, that one still isn't shy about its feelings..."

October's ears perked up and he frowned at him in confusion. 'That one'?

Firenze briefly glanced down, a filthy smirk on his face. October followed his gaze.

Once again, his fourth tail had sneaked off and placed itself firmly between Firenze's hind legs.

Damn it all.

As he quickly withdrew his tail, his exasperation must have shown on his face, because Firenze laughed once again. October looked back up to see his red eyes glinting faintly in the semi-distant firelight. He wondered what he had cooked up in his head.

He didn't wonder long; a few of Firenze's tails, about three of them, wandered lower down his body. Stroking along his rump, along a few of his own tails and down under to reach his hindquarters. Without thinking, October rose slightly from his sitting position to expose himself more, allowing the tails to probe further, one slipping briefly between his legs, drawing a gasp from him.

"It seems part of you wants to get started immediately," Firenze growled. October considered it for a moment. "Would that be correct...?"

"Well, it might not be unwise," October mused, just as his train of thought drove over the bump that was Firenze's tail brushing against his quickly-warming sheath. After a little squirming, to get a little more comfortable, he managed to continue. "You know... it wouldn't leave room for any doubts or... regrets."

Quietly, he turned his head to the side, towards Firenze. With his ears back, he glanced up at the bigger fox, his maw half-open; it wasn't like he was short of breath yet, so it had to be something like dull shock at the fact that this was happening.

"Would you like to move on immediately, then?"

Firenze was watching him, gauging his reactions. October's appearance seemed to simultaneously worry and please him; he was being sufficiently submissive. Realizing this, he tried to harden his expression, and regain a little pride.

No... This wasn't the time for pride. It was like Firenze had said - no one could see them here. There was no point in trying to act proud, not here. He'd already expressed his reverence towards the golden one, after all. What would he gain from trying to act tough?

Maybe this was... a chance to relax. Maybe he just needed to explore this too.

He nodded, hesitantly. He was not entirely sure that he really did want to just dive right into all of this. But then again, it was like he'd just said - he didn't want to leave room for doubts. Reassuring himself that Firenze had gone through something similar and came out a better person, he nodded again, with a little more conviction this time. Maybe he'd felt the exact same trepidation back then, too. That thought was a calming one.

"I'm ready," he declared, still a little quietly but with certainty. "I'm..."

He was cut off with a soft groan by a somewhat firmer stroke of his sheath by Firenze's tails, and the feeling of a heavy paw on his back, near his shoulders. He wasn't pressing down, it was more of a reassuring pat-on-the-back kind of gesture, but October couldn't help leaning forward.

He was rewarded with a poke under his tails, dead on the mark, of a tail that spread a cool, wet fluid. He couldn't suppress a yelp, it was far too cold! And where exactly had he gotten that!? When and from where did he pull a tube of lube!? The fucker could at least have warmed it up first...

His protests died quickly as he realized he was probably going to appreciate this preparation. October himself tended not to prepare his 'subjects' like this, but luckily, he tended to associate with the kind who tended not to complain. Plus, he was quite a bit smaller than Firenze, which probably meant the other fox would usually have a little more... difficulty...

...October's eyes widened as he belatedly realized he was quite a bit smaller than Firenze. He would indeed be very grateful for that preparation very soon.

"No need to be nervous," Firenze hummed softly, with a faintly teasing melody. He must have felt the tension in his body return with the tails still occupied with the idle massaging of his back and sides. "I'll be gentle... for as long as you want me to."

After a brief moment of failing to speak, not so much surprised but alarmed at how he seemed to know just what he was thinking, October finally managed a quiet "Appreciated". He yipped softly in response to another poke of his near-untouched hole and a good, gentle squeeze of his sheath, both from probing tails. By now, the tip of October's black cock was poking out, exposed to Firenze's scrutiny.

"Ready, then?" the greater fox asked, a faint smile on his face as the massaging tails receded. October looked up at him and nodded, perhaps a little more eagerly than he intended.

With a pleased purr and one last glance over October's form, Firenze stalked over to directly behind him. The red one watched nervously as he was slowly mounted, feeling the gentle but firm grip of his paws at his hips preceding the touch of the soft fur at his chest against his back.

October looked up a little, from the golden hips to the golden face. Their eyes met. The beginnings of panic faded away quickly under his gaze. Part of him had been screaming to escape what could be a dangerous situation... but, a stronger part of him wanted this. Feeling the warmth, the heat of his body envelop his own, he couldn't deny that desire. His studious expression, always watching October's reactions, reminded him of one thing Ceylon had said - that he cared deeply for his coworkers and partners. There was no danger here. Taking a deep breath, he relaxed his body once again.

"Let me know if it becomes too much, all right?" Firenze said, leaning forward ever so slightly to press his tapered tip to his slick rear. October let out a short laugh to disguise the high-pitched whine that he knew was coming as he silently cursed himself for not appraising its length, and glanced away, a gesture at which the larger Ninetales frowned.

"To be honest, this is all a little much already," he muttered. Looking back and seeing the near-imperceptible worry in his partner's face, he quickly continued. "B-But I'll be fine! I can do this. I'll... be annoyed with myself if I can't go all the way."

Firenze chuckled after a moment of thought.

"Well... Dare I say I'm proud of you? Just a little?" Firenze said, his voice, the gentle press forward, even the motions of his tails stroking along the smaller fox's sides, teasing good-naturedly.

Once again, October let out another undignified whimper at the probing member - he was deadly accurate with that thing - the sound a little louder now as he felt the fox lean over atop him, and felt his hot breath against his ear.

His desire took over, and he couldn't help himself from pushing back a little. He hated to think of it as pleading, but that was basically what it was. He'd daydreamed about this, after all, and now it was about to happen.

...Holy shit, it was about to happen. He had to really try to stop himself from fangirling beneath his idol 'tales, but when Firenze answered his silent plea with a tender press forward with his hips, pushing the tip into him and spreading him open, the excited squeal he was holding back was forced out. He could feel his entire body heat up, his face warmed by the worst embarrassment he'd ever felt, and his rear warmed by the penetration.

Damn, it was hot, and damn, he was thick. His ass was already burning, but at least he was prepared for it, somewhat. Still, he couldn't help tensing up, which only made things harder. He took a deep breath, shut his eyes tightly and flexed his claws, spreading his hind legs a little, the pawpads brushing against the smooth silk of the bedsheets.

Firenze's weight atop him shifted just before he felt a lick at the base of his left ear. It twitched and tilted back, but the feeling was oddly reassuring, and it helped him to relax. Another gentle push forward, along with a soft grunt from above him drowned out by his own heavy breath, carried Firenze a few more inches inside him.

He felt the larger fox's paws shift position slightly, hooking under his hips and gripping there as he prepared to delve deeper. He could feel those strong paws kneading away and his agile tails wrapping around to cover him in fur, pressing simultaneously at various points throughout his body, but mostly his rear half. Every time Firenze pushed forward, October tensed involuntarily, but it was never long before the larger fox's gentle ministrations coaxed him back into relaxing, making it that much easier.

Trying to help out, October weakly pushed back, though every instinct told him to recoil. As his breathing began to quicken, he felt himself slowly descending. His chest soon rested on the soft silk sheets, his forepaws braced against the yielding material as he pushed back, for that little extra leverage. He wasn't even paying attention to his claws - reflexively extended, they dragged through the fabric, cleaving jagged lines down the bed; forward, away from them.

It felt like he kept doing this for an eternity, inch by agonizing inch, until finally, the soft fur of the sheath bumped against his rear. Feeling that, October let out an intense sigh of relief. He could definitely say this was the most full he'd ever felt... And he could say with pride that he'd taken Firenze! Not that he would parade around with the news, exactly, but he would be silently proud of himself.

"You're doing well, so far," Firenze growled. "Very well..."

His pride swelled again. Praise, from atop him? What manner of dream was this? He was starting to think that maybe that was what this was.

"Glad you're having fun," he declared. Well, he tried to. In reality, he only got about halfway through the first word before his breathlessness caught up to him, and the rest of the sentence was lost in a long, delirious whimper. It ended up coming out pretty much as "Guuaahh", much to Firenze's amusement.

"How cute," he chuckled, then waited perfectly still and silent for the half-second before October's indignant rebuttal - or, his attempt at one, anyway.

"Shut-- hraf..." He quickly figured it'd be better not to say something like that to someone like Firenze. He was kind of at his mercy, after all.

He opened his eyes and blinked rapidly, clearing away the white starlike spots in his vision. Was it just his imagination, or was the fire across the room burning brighter, casting wilder shadows? He didn't get to think on it for long, not that it mattered; Firenze soon began to pull back.

October whined, wriggling his hips a little. In the short time he'd been full, he'd grown used to it, and began to miss it. Began to, anyway.

"You know," Firenze sighed. "I've... thought--" here, he quickly jabbed his hips forward, spearing the smaller fox again with a soft, wet sound and drawing a yelp from him, "--about this before..."

That, along with the sensation of a few hot drops of pre coating his insides, got October's ears perked, though still mostly tilted back. Firenze had... fantasized about him? He felt his whole body growing warmer at the thought. Better not disappoint him, he reasoned, as he began grinding back against him, trying almost greedily to take him deeper, to satisfy the both of them.

"Really now...?" he couldn't help asking. He shifted his forepaws back to a better position to brace, and glanced back at the other fox's face. It was a look of faint concentration, his maw half-open as his head lifted, inclined towards him as he watched in turn.

"Certainly," the golden beast growled, clearly watching the burning red in his face. Well, the extra red. At the same time, he drew his hips back, giving October just enough time to prepare himself for another buck of the hips. He was about to speak, but once again, it all melted into a high-pitched moan as the dick of his dreams delved deep inside him. What a fulfilling feeling... He could see and feel the greater fox leaning further over him, too, his fur brushing against his own as he gained a little extra ground. With a heavy huff, October happily gave the advantage to his partner, delighting in his clean, nearly pure scent as he came closer. The same scent of that shampoo he used back in the shower room now had, oddly, a different meaning to October. That closeness... Being able to examine that scent in such detail was somehow even more exciting, especially now that it was mixed with that intense burning air, not unlike when one's face is near an open flame. That thick, pressured sensation of heat...

"I did say you were quite handsome, did I not?" Firenze continued, smirking faintly. Little red was getting used to that sight, and couldn't help smirking back, filled once again with pride... and cock, as Firenze bucked again. It seemed he was beginning to fall into a slow rhythm of gradual, deep strokes - no sharp or sudden movements - a rhythm that October quickly picked up on and attempted to match with his own grinding motions. Every little thing was beyond warm already... It seemed like the once-cold lube had been heated up by the friction and auras, too, melting into nothing but pleasant sensations.

"Y-Yes, I believe you did," October panted, his eyes wandering now to their hips, overcome with a perverse curiosity. It was quite a sight, seeing the muscles in those supple hips tensing and flexing as he moved, every subtle motion emphasized by the remains of the sunlight outside, peeking through a crack in the curtains, shining on his brilliant fur. It only took yet more of his breath away. He really was being taken, no doubt about it... "But... why me? Surely you could have your pick of any potential partner...?"

"There's a certain... special quality about another of the same species." Firenze took an extra moment to press a little deeper, shuddering at the intense heat. A much more low-key reaction than October's shaky whine. "A certain... rightness."

October nodded weakly. He knew that feeling, all right, and could certainly understand. He was experiencing that rightness here and now, too, after all. He already knew it felt incredible, but... this, this was a whole other level. This was something special.

"Of course, we are a rare species," Firenze continued. "It wasn't very common for one to see a Ninetales wandering about, not back then."

Every time October ever became tense or started feeling pain, or a more intense pleasure from a good deep stroke striking his prostate (to which he always reacted with a yelp), it was like Firenze felt it too, by the accuracy with which his tails pinpointed the perfect spot to stroke and his snout probed at the perfect spot to lick or gently nibble. The crimson fox was always relaxed within instants. Damn, he thought, he was a bloody master at this... How did he do it? It was all so overwhelming...

"Sometimes, I idly wondered..." As Firenze leaned a little further over him and took a deep breath, uttering those words, October realized he could feel his chest expanding and contracting now with every huff and pant, just as a pair of tails slipped down low under his belly, the wonderfully soft fur pressing and stroking his dripping cock.

"...what it would be like..." Every last breath of his, quickened by the tension and the heat, every last groan and growl, almost as loud as his own moans, extracted by his - dare he think it? - submission. Extracted from him.

"...and if you had ever considered it."

"And now you know... I have," October sighed, a faintly satisfied smile on his face. Experimentally, he wriggled his hips a little to each side right as Firenze thrust in again, grinding his rear to his imposingly growing knot and thrusting his own twitching jet-black member into the grip of the heavenly-soft tails. His ears twitched as he listened to the lewd sounds of the cock inside him pushing deeper still, and the damp feeling inside - Firenze's hot spurts of precum slickening the path for easier, rougher access. A much more pleasantly warm lubrication alternative... He was pleased, proud, to hear his partner respond to all of that with a deep rumble. Not quite a growl, but close.

He was more surprised and shocked to feel the cock pistoning in and out of him with faint urgency. His bracing didn't do much as each thrust shook him to the core now. He managed to keep his cool for the most part thus far, just panting and huffing excitedly, but he couldn't help a squeal once the golden fox began to incessantly batter his prostate.

This... This was so different from that "peace treaty". Where before, he was assaulted with selfish Dark lust, he was now being treated with care, teased and pleased with perfect precision. Where before he'd bitten down out of need, he now reached out with his forepaws and clutched at the plush pillow before him out of desire, sinking his fangs deeply into it as he savoured the sensations. Already, the pillow looked pretty damaged. Much like the rest of the bed.

Suddenly, simultaneously, Firenze's tails squeezed at his knot gently, but firmly enough to force a shudder out of him, while the fox himself thrust forward with a burning desire, a powerful purpose - to firmly grind his own knot to the more breathless vulpine's warm hole. October huffed shakily, stretching his forepaws out in front of him as he desirously strained against it, pushing back, tempted by the tantalizing taunt. He opened his maw wide, releasing the pillow for just long enough to moan out at the feeling, at the anticipation...

"And I am delighted... that you took me up on my offer," Firenze all but snarled as, with agonizing slowness, he rocked his hips from side to side, teasing the delirious fox seemingly endlessly, forcing another whine from him. October could scarcely believe he was acting this way. Of course, he was beneath the one he'd looked up to for so long, but... was this really a hidden side of himself that he hadn't explored?

"It's helped me learn much about you, as well," Firenze continued, resting his muzzle on October's left shoulder, and nuzzling in at the side of his neck.

"Mostly, that barely-restrained blaze... of heated passion within you..." That nuzzling, and hearing his voice so close, got a gasp out of him, got his ears flattened back against his skull.

"The most beautiful kind of flame of all, I would say... Mm...?" The experimental second nuzzle got his tongue hanging from his maw and the toes on his forepaws splaying out more as he stretched them, as he just about melted beneath him.

"Oh...? Dear little October has a weak point..."

He couldn't protest. There was no way he would. He did try to make some sort of sound, but whatever it was going to be, it was a very undignified noise by the time he felt Firenze's fangs press firmly to his neck, coming dangerously close to breaking the skin... but with just, just enough force that he didn't. That, combined with another firm grind forward, with October feeling maybe half an inch of the knot slip inside him before it was cruelly pulled back until just the very tip remained inside... He couldn't help himself.

"Nnnniiiiiinnne...!" he whined helplessly, in perhaps the most high-pitched voice he could possibly manage. He would have been utterly humiliated... had he been paying any attention to anything but the devastating emptiness. He wanted, needed, nothing more at this very moment than to cum.

"See? It's not so bad..."

But that didn't last long. Just then, Firenze slammed his hips against October's, burying every last inch into him, just under half the knot and all, with a staggering shock to his very core. At exactly the same time, the twin tails applied perfect pressure to the base of his soaked member, just below the knot, and... it was far, far too much for him. He cried out, the helpless yowl of a wild animal. Everything, every last emotion, sensation, desire, dream and every last word he'd wanted to say came crashing down upon him with an unbearable weight as his whole body seized up and convulsed in rapturous ecstasy.

"You merely needed to... explore this too..."

Unable to do anything else as he was not just pushed, but thrown bodily over the edge of his climax, he arched his back, trying to straighten up to push back against him with as much strength as he could muster, not even caring about the powerful wet spurts of his seed that stained the slashed silk beneath him. But all he could manage, with his limbs so shaky and weak like this, was to desperately claw at the closest thing within reach. The poor pillow didn't have a chance.

"...l-learn more... about yourself, as well..."

He was whispering and panting right in his ear now, he could feel the larger fox's hot breaths against his fur...

"Your own... suppressed... d-desires...!"

But it wasn't over. Firenze wasn't done. Clearly spurred on by October's obvious excitement, he drove in again, and again, harder and harder, seemingly determined to show him the time of his life. October's appreciative moans told him all he needed to know, and it only took a little perseverance to finally bury the knot inside him. It must have been the pressure as his whole body grew tense, the sudden vice that was his already-tight rear, that finally caused Firenze to erupt with blazing heat inside him and a loud, feral cry, almost a roar... One that certainly drowned out his own perfectly-satisfied keening and whining.

This was all so... so perfect. What had he expected from Firenze, really? Left panting and barely able to move, October decided to just resign himself to happily lying beneath the great beast. Numerous thoughts flowed around in his mind. Sluggish as they were, it would be inaccurate to say they 'whirled' about, but his mind was certainly at work considering recent events.

He could hear Firenze's panting above him, and his hot breaths ruffled the messy fur of the back and left side of October's neck. Eventually, the larger fox slowly settled down on top of October, relaxing his body. The two decided wordlessly to lie down together, for a good, proper rest. Fortuna was receiving every last drop of October's praise at the moment, a not insignificant part directed towards how wonderfully comfortable the top of the bed was. Fuck, that silk... He could only imagine what it felt like underneath all that. If Firenze slept here, then it had to have been incredible... He wondered if he'd ever find out.

After what felt like an eternity of catching their breaths and cooling off slightly, the crackling of distant flames and scent of burning wood (and singed silk - October didn't remember belching fire, but knowing him, he probably did) helping to relax them further, Firenze finally spoke up.

"How do you feel, October?" he asked, still a little breathless. October was about to reply, but was stalled by a gentle nip at the tip of his left ear. He shivered a little, before finally responding.

"Better than ever," he huffed, shuffling about on the bed. The soft swishing sound of stroking slashed silk amused him somewhat, though it was diminished by the relaxing sound of crackling fire. How long was that wood going to last? He'd miss that sound when it died out. "I've got to be honest... That was amazing. I think... Yes, I definitely understand things much better now."

"Agreed..." Firenze sighed and slumped, melting onto October a little more. At every little movement, he felt the cock inside him pulse, and shoot another spurt of burning seed inside him. Every time, it served as a lovely reminder of what they'd just done. "You were... much tighter than I'd imagined."

"Really...?" October's ears perked up. Had he imagined him to be looser, a bottom? Seriously? He didn't say that out loud, tempted as he was to.

"Well, you appeared proud. The kind of pride that wavered easily, and would be taken advantage of by someone more dominant." He chuckled softly, unfazed by October's rising indignance. "But... no. Nothing like that. Honestly, that's pleasing to see."

At that, his indignance instantly vanished and he relaxed again with a surprised little huff.

"W-Well, of course...! I've... never liked that whole thing, the... Fox stereotype. You know, that all foxes are submissive and black holes... People keep expecting it, and... well, I never saw you as the type to just act tough, with nothing to back it up..."

"And that's not what either of us really is at heart, not majorly. Obviously, that's perfectly fine, though I'd say it's never quite so black and white. Some individuals, such as myself and apparently you, might have shades of both." Slowly, he gave the back of the red one's neck a few slow, firm licks, as if to further calm and reassure him. "In fact, I find it interesting to see the side you lean towards. It's not very often that one might find a more dominant Fox. You even remind me of myself, somewhat."

Slowly, October felt pride well up in his chest. Another point for him in Firenze's eyes, it seemed! Judging by Firenze's soft chuckle - he heard the deep laugh right near his ear and felt his chest heave against his back - that glee was noticeable.

"I think it would be a shame to ever suppress such a thing," Firenze continued, his voice suddenly becoming teasing again, almost songlike. "In fact..."

During the unbearable pause, October's ears perked up again and he let out an inquisitive whine that was interrupted by the bigger fox's playful nuzzle at his neck and gentle grind of his hips against the red one's rear, drawing a soft gasp from him as he felt that heavenly knot pressing and swelling just a little deeper inside him. If he was teasing him this much...

"Why not exercise it here?" he continued, his voice a little higher, teasing again. "Yet another chance, I think, to learn yet more about each other... and about ourselves. Exploring additional possibilities and seeing what they mean to us."

He knew it was going to be something surprising. It didn't quite register immediately, though - he could scarcely believe his ears. Exercise it here...? Exercise what, his dominance? ...On Firenze?

"October?" he prompted. Apparently, he'd been quiet for several seconds.

"Y-You mean you want me to... On top of... Right here...?" He couldn't even form a proper sentence, he was so shocked!

"Things have been almost entirely out of your control today, I realize," the golden beast mused quietly. "I can't imagine this was enough to make up for all of the trouble you've been caused. Perhaps... this would help ease your mind."

"Ease my mind...!?" October nearly shouted. Probably would have, if he wasn't only just recovering.

"I almost can't tell if that's an exclamation at an outrageous idea, or at an understatement," Firenze laughed. "Well, if it's the former, I want to reiterate that this isn't going to be me completely submitting to you. I know you probably don't want to see that. I'll still hold the reins, though loosely; you are in my room, my own little world, after all..."

Well, that did change things a little. It wasn't like he was asking for October to tie him down and hook him up to that... thing. It was a mere exploration... but still, he couldn't figure out quite how he felt about that idea. His mouth moved as if to speak, but he couldn't utter a sound aside from wordless breaths.

"Look, October..." Firenze's voice suddenly became serious, catching October off-guard in the middle of his consideration, and snaring his attention tightly. "I don't offer myself like this to just anyone. But I do feel that this is something of a special occasion."

A special occasion... No shit! This was perhaps the most unexpected and special of occasions! There were few things October could think of that could top this... Well, there were few things he'd ever been able to think of that could top Firenze, and October himself certainly wasn't among those things. He didn't know how to feel about this...

"So what say you?" Firenze asked, wrapping his forepaws around October's abdomen and hugging him gently, giving him a gentle nuzzle to the neck again. Once again, it got a faint whine out of him. "Shall we switch?"

What to do...!?

"As before, I won't mind if you decline, but I expect that you wouldn't consider it on your own." Slowly, Firenze's body tensed, prepared to react to October's decision. "It's all up to you."

October blinked slowly as he considered his response. Firenze, in utter silence, awaited it.

Eventually, October turned his head to look at Firenze's patient, knowing expression. He must have been really good at reading people, because it looked like he'd completely figured him out and knew what he was going to say, and was merely waiting for him to say it himself. He wasn't sure if that was kind of him, letting him understand his own thoughts and and come to terms with them, or if he was just being a bastard and teasing him by making him say it.

Because really... there was only one answer. It was there, in his mind, enrapturing his thoughts.

Well, I..." He paused, took a breath and gulped. He really didn't think he could refuse. He would have said as much, if he could manage words other than a hearty "...yes!"

Firenze responded with a warm smile and a chuckle, and a gentle nip on the ear. "Well obviously, we still have a little time before I can let you go," he said, punctuating that with a gentle grind forward, reminding October that he was indeed still tied. "So take a moment to think about it. Maybe consider what you'd like to do with this opportunity..."

Yes, thought October, cutting off a whine that threatened to rise in his throat. An opportunity. One he wasn't likely to get again. In fact, maybe he would end up disappointed if it did, impactful as such an event was! He pulled softly on Firenze's knot. His rear burned, but oh did it feel good.

October found his thoughts turn to his nature, as the golden fox began to gently stroke claws across his side. His life, his existence, his raison d'etre was exploration and excitement. What was new, what was unknown. The pure adventure of existence! Few boundaries were off limits, and even then.... He realised a smirk had worked its way to his muzzle at the mere thoughts. But here, now... Firenze...

A boundary he would cross. But as he contemplated, and as that magnificent specimen tugged gently with those hips and he had to force down another whine (though his ears stayed lying back), October reasoned that this wasn't just pure adventure. Oh, hell no. Firenze wasn't some mere conquest or adventure.... How odd, that. How important one individual could be. Guards, governments, grand viziers - they were of no matter to him, but leave him Firenze....

With a firm tug, and with Firenze pressing his paws firmly against October's sides, that large, black knot was finally pulled out. October couldn't stifle the grunt this time, but he remained standing - and that was something! He turned his head, and watched as Firenze dropped his front paws onto the bed. In all his glory, with that shaft of precious obsidian beneath him. Oh, he was a magnificent specimen indeed.

No, he wasn't going to mount him just for the adventure. The Top Fox of Plaisir was worth far more than that. He was offering him the chance to be Top Fox for once. This wasn't lust on Firenze's part, October knew that, just like it wasn't on his. Not all sex was so simple. It was a dance, with its own rules and steps, and... this was Firenze letting him have the moment. Even now as Firenze walked before him, and October felt him passing the warm bottle of lube into one his tails, he knew that he had to take it. As fellow vulpines, one climactic act. No pun intended.

The lube dripped from October's shaft as he applied it with one tail tip. It was already warm from body heat, and his shaft hadn't even reached half-mast. The telltale bumps of his knot were half-inflated, too, and they didn't stay as such for long.

Even now, as Firenze laid down before him, he stared. Reverence, eagerness, lust - all were applicable here. More lube dripped between Firenze's hinds as he rolled onto his back, and stared up at him. Oh, those eyes. October swallowed, quietly savouring the moment, the view.

It was only when he considered how he was going to go about doing this when he realized he was actually doing this. The notion hit him like a truck; its cargo of nerves and stage fright tumbled over him like a pile of logs, paralyzing him so that he just stared at the prone form of Firenze before him, lying on his back, ready. Ready to take him.

Holy shit, this was happening. He didn't want to fuck this up. If there was to be one thing he'd do right in this place, he wanted it to be this. Could he do it? Or was he going to embarrass himself in front of him? He thought of backing out... The last second had yet to come, he could still...

No, he didn't want to. He'd thought about this before, if only briefly and in passing, not really believing it would ever come up. He'd... Well, he hadn't really planned it, exactly, but he had an idea of how he would've wanted to do it. He just had to maintain control...

...which obviously meant this was going to be an astronomical disaster, but it was worth a shot.

He took a deep breath. Slowly... This was to be done slowly, he thought. He looked up from Firenze's still-wet member to his patient expression. October was relieved to see he wasn't being rushed, that he was probably doing about as well as could be expected so far.

"I'm ready when you are," Firenze said. "There's no need to be overwhelmed, October. This is for you, after all."

He nodded slowly and stepped over the larger fox, his forepaws resting either side of the prone vulpine's abdomen. He took another deep breath, shaking involuntarily just a little, as he stared with half-open maw at the form beneath him. Beneath him... For him, he'd said...

His cock stirred and twitched, as if eager. He supposed he was eager, if nervous.

It was hard to really register that Firenze was underneath him at the moment. He could never think of him as anything but superior.

But... maybe he was starting to see the difference between superiority and physical position. It was like he'd been told - just because he was beneath him right now didn't mean he was beneath him. There was a difference he was only just beginning to realize.

When that sank in, his motivation returned amidst an odd feeling of relief, and his breathing calmed and slowed as he carefully lined himself up with the golden one's rear. The idea made him feel a little better about the situation. He was still a little light-headed and his breathing wasn't exactly normal, but that was all down to excitement by now rather than the previous apprehension.

Of course, he still wanted to try to impress Firenze as much as possible... but maybe that was being a little ambitious.

He felt the warmth at his belly. Firenze's glistening black shaft, trapped in the mixed gold and red fur. ...Was this too close? Too intimate? It felt unusual to be concerned about that, but he doubted he'd ever been quite so self-conscious. And he had been called a 'prude' by someone here before. Still... it felt nice, being this close to him. Maybe he could take this slowly, savour it...

He glanced up to see Firenze smiling faintly, awaiting his move. His response was halfway between a warm smile to show his appreciation and a cocky smirk to hide the embarrassing self-consciousness. Firenze let out a single-syllable chuckle of acknowledgement, blatantly seeing right through him.

Slowly, he pushed his hips forward, gently and carefully penetrating the larger Fox, drawing a near-silent gasp from him. Only after entering a few inches deeper did October realize he was holding his breath. He let it out in a rather more forceful huff than he'd wanted, breathing heavily against Firenze's dense, fluffy neck fur.

He glanced up at Firenze's face to see how he was doing. He didn't expect much - he hadn't done much - but was a little surprised to see an almost bored expression. The instant he looked, he was met with Firenze's eyebrow raising slightly in an "Are you serious?" kind of expression. ...What? What did he do wrong? But Firenze smiled, amused. So then, it was more like... what was he not doing right?

He felt Firenze's forepaws suddenly rest on his shoulders and pull him closer to him, unexpectedly burying his crimson snout in the fluff in front of him. He briefly and ever-so-slightly lost his balance, driving him deeper into the bigger Fox's depths and forcing a low growl out of both of them.

"Unless you're holding back for your own sake, there's no need to," Firenze said, just about as calm as could be. October could hear the smile and the faint tinge of arousal in his voice. Excitement he'd been holding back...?

"Hrf...?" was October's simple response. He didn't manage any actual words before Firenze spoke again.

"Don't worry about me. Otherwise, I shall have to provoke you." Firenze's tails hovered about, slowly coiling around him as he spoke. October raised an eyebrow, wondering what he meant by 'provoke'... He decided he didn't really want to know.

"I- I was merely being careful...!" he replied in self-defense. Could he argue that his caution with Firenze was technically for his own sake? He didn't say anything out loud about that, just in case. Those tails, probing at his rear and hips, were quite distracting too.

"Well, I've given you fair warning now," Firenze said smoothly. "After all the times you've thrown caution to the wind, you choose now to be careful? I almost didn't think you had it in you!"

He could still hear the smile in Firenze's voice... No, it was more of a grin now. A grin...! So the red one retaliated with a harder buck of his hips, restraining his own groan to get a better listen to Firenze's as he buried himself deeper. Hearing the surprise in that moan felt... pretty good.

October drew back slowly, standing up straighter to watch Firenze quickly regain his composure and look up at him with a slightly more conservative smile. Driving in yet deeper, October closed his eyes as he savoured the pleasure, denying him the sight of Firenze doing the same.

By the time he opened his eyes after a few more deep, slow strokes that drew deep, low moans and growls from the two of them - it seemed October's aim was on point! - Firenze had, typically, collected himself and moved on to massaging October's flanks and back, and especially his hips, with his soft, luxurious tails. Ah, that did not get old...

October found himself shifting about to get closer to those soothing touches, and even trying to match them with his own. But he quickly gave that up, unable to provide the necessary concentration without damaging his performance. Eh, it didn't really matter; he was inside Firenze! He was fucking Firenze! The blatant gleeful grin on his face did not go unnoticed.

Even without considering the ego-inflating aspect, Firenze's ass was pretty damn sweet and enjoyable in its own right. Pleasantly tight and wonderfully warm... It was utterly satisfying to penetrate. Something about the way the larger Fox's muscles tensed along with his own movements, timed just right with a particularly deep and perhaps somewhat victorious thrust to clench with just the right pressure on his slowly-expanding knot... The pleasure mixed with the satisfaction of delving so deeply was almost overwhelming, as evidenced by his unabashedly lustful groan...

...but it still wasn't sufficient. He had to get deeper, show proper reverence for this prime specimen! And for that, he had to move a little. He rose slightly, placing one forepaw a little further up, clutching lightly at the bedsheets by Firenze's shoulder; and the other on the golden one's hip, hooking under the leg, giving his rear a little self-indulgent grope as he settled into a better position. Their eyes locked for a brief instant, October asking wordlessly if he was ready. Firenze, equally silent, playfully mocked such caution with a single daring gaze.

There would be no holding back. They each knew the other understood that, and it seemed neither would rather have it any other way.


So, with a determined jab of his hips, he drove in yet deeper with a satisfied sigh. An excited huff from both of them preceded the wet sound of his thoroughly-lubed knot slipping partway inside. Firenze tensed again, clenched on his knot deliciously with a barely-restrained groan of desire. October couldn't see, but could feel a few drops of Firenze's warm pre stain his chest. Another swell of pride and excited pleasure rushed to his breast at the victorious feeling of that critical hit...

What he could see, however, was Firenze's pleased expression, his maw half-open in a long, mostly-relaxed sigh. Spurred on by that encouraging sight, October soon picked up the pace, not quite losing it and hammering into him just yet, but certainly not taking his time either. He let out a heavy breath with each deep stroke, pulling back almost completely between them, making sure to fully enjoy and savour this. Soon, Firenze's breathing matched his, a chorus of two lust-fuelled vulpines panting in unison as the tempo steadily rose...

This really was something special, October thought. He idly wondered, too, what Firenze had been thinking throughout this. He was a little amused at himself for wondering if his own rear had been satisfactory, but more importantly... was Firenze impressed? Looking at his face, it was hard to tell if he'd been expecting this of October, if this was just pleasure at being taken; and he wondered how much of it was his own efforts and how much was merely Firenze's "guilty pleasure".

It was more a curiosity than anything by now. His worries were dispelled. After all, he didn't feel like he was above Firenze in the slightest. No, that reverence was still there, no doubt about it.

So he was much more interested in finding out just how well he was doing... He supposed he could ask, but that was no fun. He decided on a more interesting, more hands-on way. He slowed a little, made sure his deep thrusts were as accurate as he could make them. He guessed he should probably help Firenze relax, but... well, it seemed like he had it under control, wasn't having much difficulty. Besides, that wasn't October's area of expertise.

He thought he heard Firenze swear under his breath. He would have dismissed it as his imagination running wild if it wasn't for the blissful look on his face that he could barely make out through his own lust-hazed, half-closed eyes. He'd never seen him look so pleased.... Well, he'd only seen him in a sexual situation once before, in the picture shown by Ravage. There, he'd looked rather frightened and bewildered. Here, he looked... like he was in a trance of pleasure. October allowed himself to feel smug for a bit, deciding that was a point in his favour over the Dark Fox...

A solid whap of Firenze's tails to October's rear brought him back to reality. Instinctively, he recoiled away from the sudden touch, which really just ended up driving him deeper. He was met with a little resistance as his now-inflated knot was ground firmly against Firenze's beautiful butt. That got a gasp out of both of them, but October was too surprised for it to descend into a low moan like Firenze's did.

"No holding back, October," the golden one growled, his tails rubbing and stroking the fur of his rump. "I want to see every last bit of what you're capable..." He paused briefly to close his eyes and lean back with a sigh as October quickly resumed. "Admittedly, I'm... curious as to what your usual 'conquests' are like..."

"You mean..." October trailed off, his motions slowing again. Firenze's eyes opened and met his own, moments before the golden one gave him a half-devious, very encouraging smile. His other partners...? He'd been rough with every last one, as he recalled. If Firenze had done his homework on him (and he had no doubt that he had), then he knew what he was getting himself into by saying this.

Firenze nodded in confirmation. "So show me. Don't hold anything back; must I call that an order?"

The smile became a smirk as the golden one watched October's subtle changes in expression. The almost-imperceptible motions of his eyes as he blinked, the noticeable twitch of one ear and his fourth tail wagging eagerly on its own (the little shit)... All betraying his thoughts.

An order... Firenze wasn't kidding when he said he'd still be holding the reins. October was almost balls-deep in the beautiful bastard's butt and he still felt like he was at his mercy. Still... He was fine with that. He could accept Firenze holding his leash. Metaphorically speaking, obviously.

But, either way, even if it wasn't a direct command, he obeyed it. The bed already needed to be fixed up, might as well go all the way. Even the thoughts of having to prove himself began to fade, leaving him with so little to worry about... and thus, no reason to refuse.

Perfect. It was October's turn to grin now, both in excitement and acknowledgement, as the paw on Firenze's rear pulled him up slightly while the crimson fox leaned in close, giving him a better angle. He would have growled something like "You asked for it," but it was hardly necessary. They both knew Firenze had quite literally asked for it.

Now more comfortable too, October was easily able to drive himself deep now that he was in a position where he could really let his hips slam to Firenze's with every thrust. His free forepaw was applying a lot of pressure to the bedsheets under most of his weight and he felt his claws slide almost smoothly through the silk.

Firenze had his hind legs up at October's hips, not quite wrapped around them, but using the position as leverage to get himself a little higher, to make it as easy as possible for October to bury himself as deep as possible. The crimson one showed his appreciation by doing just that, drawing a grunt of moderate pain and heavy pleasure from Firenze with a powerful buck of the hips. Followed a moment later by another... and another, and yet more as he quickly settled into a wild rhythm.

"Perfect," Firenze managed to breathe, writhing about beneath him and using his grip on October's shoulders to pull him closer. "What a wonderful thing, to... to lose oneself in pleasure..."

October merely growled in acknowledgement. Firenze slowly leaned back, lifting his snout and exposing his neck ever so slightly. October leaned in and buried his nose in the soft fur, savouring his scent for an instant before giving his shoulder a firm bite. Not the neck... not yet.

Though this had a lovely effect: Firenze didn't tense up as much as October hoped he would. He must've been expecting it - was he that predictable? - but he did get the golden fox to clench on his swelling knot again with perfect timing. Wouldn't be long before he'd be stuck there... His heart was already racing, but that very thought just sent it into overdrive.

"Ah... But being the one that someone loses themselves for is... satisfying," Firenze continued. "Even flattering... and somehow, especially so, now..."

October growled in agreement. Indeed, it did feel great to lose control... He was feeling that now. He could feel it slipping, and could feel his climax approaching. That heat, that tension... He doubted he'd ever savoured these things quite so much before.

"You think you're flattered...?" October panted, with not a hint of exhaustion in his voice. "Imagine how I feel..." He could feel dull exertion in his body, a faint pain in his rear, but it didn't matter. "...having looked up to you for so long, and now..." He couldn't even consider the soft silk, the crackling flame, the low light. " we are, like a dream..." He couldn't consider anything but him.

Firenze, for his part, grinned a little wider with a heavy huff that may have been a chuckle before it escaped his throat. A few of his tails shifted about, brushing along his flanks before coming together between the two of them. Seven still remained massaging October's body, while his own nine slowly rose and thrashed about with pride and pleasure; and the remaining two moved to begin firmly and feverishly stroking the full length of the great gold's jet-black cock.

October couldn't see from here, with his nose buried in Firenze's wonderfully-fluffy neck, but he could feel the quick movements against the now-damp and matted fur of his belly. With a heavy groan, Firenze arced his back slightly and lifted his snout, lying almost flat on his back.

He left himself so exposed to October. The movement of his head looked deliberate and thought-out, almost certainly a gesture of trust. One that October took as a sign of... approval. Approval, and trust, from him... Maybe Firenze believed in him after all.

Well, he wasn't going to let him down! He asked for it rough, so screw control! Letting out the wild in himself, the beast, October forced a yelp of surprise, pain and pleasure all at once out of Firenze with a powerful thrust, working his hips quickly and with force, fuelled by determination.

He felt Firenze's grip on his shoulders tighten, the great gold's hind legs pressing to his flanks. With his paw on Firenze's rump, October could feel the muscles flexing and tensing... Every last move his partner made, he could feel. No doubt, Firenze was experiencing the same thing.

Both panted heavily in unison, now, punctuated by soft, heavy groans and cries of pleasure as October found his mark. With a feral, confident grin, he took endless pleasure in ruthlessly and accurately battering Firenze's prostate, making the larger Fox melt beneath him with breathless moans.

"There it is..." Firenze gasped. "That's... exactly what I wanted to see, O-October..."

Still going... He was still going strong. He was getting close, rapidly approaching the end... but he wouldn't let himself finish first. He rose slightly, just enough to look into Firenze's clouded eyes, mere inches between their noses. It was clear that both of them had lost themselves to each other now. He wouldn't have to hold himself back for long, judging by Firenze's writhing about, the dampness at October's belly... He could feel the larger fox's member twitching and throbbing urgently, the telltale bump of the knot against his fur... So close now, both of them...

"You ready...?" October growled in a voice fogged with desire, and trailed off into a long, heavy sigh.

"N-Now...!" Firenze replied. His voice almost echoed, resounding deep shades of urgency and desire and lust.

Didn't have to tell him twice.

October's knot had, until this point, been slamming wetly against Firenze's tailhole. He'd held back, he had to, but now the time had come. Time to end this in one final, bestial, indescribably exhilarating act.

The way Firenze's insides squeezed roughly down onto October's knot, when it was finally slammed into him, jolted October's very core. His eyes flew open, the world whirling and spinning around him. Streaks of red and black and yellow cascaded across his vision as his whole body tensed, the feelings overcoming him, making his limbs feel weak. Weakness? Physically, mentally, but that's what it took... give up a little strength and a little security, and pave the way for pleasure...

A streak of gold now. His eyes met Firenze's. They almost glowed with power, with intensity. Firenze, the glorious, the golden, that passionate fox stared back at him, deep pools of pleasure. October stared back, feeling himself shoot off the edge of the precipice... and out, out into the great expanse of ecstasy.

He was no stranger to an orgasm. Primal ones, long-awaited ones, ones with people he loved... each was different, each had their own intricacies. But here, with Firenze, it was just so powerful. His thighs ached, his paws tingled, it felt like there was a sudden pressure from all sides of his body. His mind swam with the feeling as it invigorated him, and he swore he must have cried out. Even the flames in his throat had died, like his very core fire had stuttered as his body gave itself utterly to this pleasure.

He was dimly aware, in the back of his thoughts, of the feeling of his loins tightening and his knot swelling against those tight, black insides. That familiar feeling, the carnal pleasure of his shaft throbbing, pumping seed deep into Firenze. Firenze! October stared down at him, his heart throbbing, watching as he gave on final, intense writhe, pressing his body up against October's. Those eyes remained open, focused on his, so vivid, so bright. Intelligence and passion and desire... oh fuck, why, why did it have to be so perfect...!?

He swallowed, then let out a breath. His chest rose and fell as a cool, refreshing wave spread out to every last extremity, letting his tails flicker in unison as he shuddered. He slipped quickly into the warm embrace of the afterglow as the last of his cum was spent, and the final vestiges of that incredible carnal pleasure faded...

Firenze's eyes still stared into his. October blinked, teetering on some mental precipice, before he collapsed. His body spasmed, giving a jerk as a final few jolts of pleasure washed over his body. He let out a whimper. It was undignified. He didn't care.

He lay there, surrounded by gold. Above him, on either side, and especially below him, was Firenze. Warm, comforting.... Like this? He felt more like a force of nature than a person.

It was some time before October looked up at him. Physically, he was exhausted. October felt like he'd gone through the twelve trials of some mythical hero that he'd probably met at some point. The energy was gone, and it was a risk even lifting his head - he feared even that would bring sharp pain and aches. When he did look up, Firenze was staring back at him. Those deep red eyes were as they always were - full of the charm and dominance and passion of the Ninetales, but no gleaming, no wavering or tumultuous descents into ecstasy.

Firenze stared back at him.

October paused, drinking in that gaze - Then, without warning, started to laugh. He couldn't stop it. He didn't have a chance. It flowed through his body without the mind's intervention. He let it consume him, giggling in the post-coital afterglow.

Across Firenze's perfect muzzle sauntered a slow grin.

* * *

"Mmph. I have bruises in places I didn't know could bruise, and you were being gentle." October complained quietly as they stepped out of Firenze's room and made their way down the stairs to the Cafe lobby."I think I'm going to be walking funny for at least three days, minimum."

That got a small chuckle out of the golden Ninetales as he watched October's gait; he was trying to hide the waddle of his sore rump. "I did not think a writer such as you would be such a drama queen - You should feel fine in two, and not limping before the end of the day if you don't go carousing around all night. I'll even arrange you the day off tomorrow if you promise to rest, just to show you I'm right. It would give you an excuse to write something perhaps, if you wish to retrieve your laptop." Firenze gave him a big smirk when October looked at him with surprise. "I will have a talk with Clarice and Coco. While you may be in debt with us, there is no reason to be harassing your home away from here with silly requests. I am hoping we can start this over as friends."

October snorted at that, looking both embarrassed and amused by the choice of words. "As friends? I think you were aiming for 'friends with benefits' back there." In truth, his mind was thinking over the conversations - and the mutual acts of sex - he had been through today. He was searching for something particular; a nagging doubt of worry. "Firenze, you didn't use any, you know, psychic stuff on me, apart from the Disable and Imprison, right?"

They were in the small, subdued hallway that connected the staircase to the lobby. . "Hold that thought a moment." Firenze nodded towards the desk as they stepped out, revealing a Gardevoir and Pikachu. "Good Evening, Minka, Tyson."

Both Pokemon waved in response, letting the two of them by unmolested. October tried to match the casual 'nothing-is-going-on-here' stride of the other Ninetales as he followed suit, nodding towards the other two as well.

Firenze opened the door to the bar for October, receiving a mock bow for his efforts. Both were smirking at once another, however, when it was October who parted the curtain to the right of the main bar, allowing Firenze to go through this time. The other Ninetales bowed this time, making more of a show of it, before both were chuckling quietly to themselves on the other side.

"Now, You are worried that I manipulated you to go along with everything?" Firenze resumed the topic. October nodded confirmation. "I won't deny that I am quite skilled at using my psychic abilities, be it to induce pleasure or to appear more provocative for the right guests. I cannot outright manipulate them, however." They were now at the intersection of the hall without a sign of anyone around. Firenze settled himself down on his haunches, giving the conversation full attention. "I could have enhanced the mood during either moment of our tryst, but It seemed important to make sure you enjoyed the situation 'properly', as it were."

At that spot, no windows were visible to see outside. Both of them could hear the distant noise of rain pouring down from the skies, however. "I don't like using psychic tricks," October admitted quietly, "Not for something like that, anyways. It feels like, well, cheating. I wanted to make sure I really did everything there with my own mind, not one under the influence."

One of Firenze's tails drifted over and gave October a soft stroke, from mane to tail end. October's reaction was as expected - head perking up, and even rump and tails jumping up a little higher on reflex. "I assure you I did no such thing, so rest easy, October," He replied with a teasing smile, "It is safe to say your feelings for me and that reaction just now demonstrate you did it all entirely of your own volition."

October couldn't help but huff at that, though deep down, he could feel his stomach doing a gleeful somersault at the petting. It did bring up a fresh thought, however. "Speaking of, ah,'re not wearing your collar, I noticed. I thought pets wore their collars all the time?"

Firenze blinked at this, but once he realized what October was implying, reached up to brush at his mane: Nothing but fur was hiding beneath more fur. "As a full time pet, that would be true, but that is not our arrangement. When I am in the particular mood for it, or if Ravage asks and I feel I'm up for it, I wear the collar and he can effectively put a leash on me whenever he wishes. He has other pets and his own job, however, so we have our off time as well."

October mulled that over as Firenze got back up and they made their way towards the staircase to the basement level, frowning a bit at the thought of the collar. "So, if I want to avoid running into you in awkward situations, I just have to keep an eye out for a col-"


Both October and Firenze paused in place, staring in surprise ahead of them. Only October's tails came down into a defensive stance as his ears fell back. Oh no...

There was Rain Flower blocking the staircase, looking ready to kill, and looking oddly glossy along her hide, even for a Vaporeon. "I finally found you! You're not going to slink away this time, you smelly shit-talker! Time for a bath!"

Despite the fact his original fear of water had been neatly trimmed down to a personal embarrassment by Firenze, October still felt his tails twitch in fear at the threat. This was the Vaporeon that had haphazardly tried to wash him and hit Prometheus in the...

"Wait a minute - I thought Prometheus dragged you off somewhere after you blasted him with that big water attack?" October's ears came back up as his puzzled question appeared. The sudden look of panic on the Vaporeon's face made him smirk. "Surely you're not going to try that again with Firenze by me, are you?"

October's confidence grew further as Rain Flower turned to look at Firenze. The spark of surprise and worry that appeared on her face proved she hadn't noticed him at first. The bigger Ninetales had a calculating frown on his face, not to mention the sexy raised eyebrow going. "You attacked October and hit Prometheus in the process? Rain Flower, I thought we had a discussion about innappropriate actions after what happened to Elegance's room?"

"I...we...Ah...Um.....It, uh, was an accident? Eh heh..." All of Rain Flowers previous bravado seemed to have vanished, facing a potentially upset manager. October couldn't help but realize he had never seen her so meek! "Yeah, a misunderstanding. We totally talked it out, and it's all taken care of, really!"

"And yet, here I find you, ambushing us to try and catch October for a bath that he has already taken, several hours ago, I might add." Firenze's voice was dripping with professional concern. "Have you been skulking about this whole time without talking to anyone, or working your shift? I am quite certain yours started at least a few hours ago. Even on such a slow day, I expect my waiters to at least try and be diligent..."

Rain Flower stared blankly at the two of them for a moment before she found her voice. "D-Done!? Several hours ago!? You mean he's-" The Vaporeon looked October over, disbelieving, but as the red-and-black Ninetales turned and posed his freshly cleaned body for her approval (along with the knowing smile and the 'you're so fucked' eyes), she knew it was true. "I, ah, well, I might have gotten stuck in Clarice's closet for awhile, and only got out about thirty minutes ago..."

"What on, er, Earth, were you doing in Clarice's closet?" October couldn't help but ask. Firenze said nothing, given October further opportunity to milk the moment as the Vaporeon flushed and looked away. "Wait, no: Prometheus stuck you in there for dousing him?"

Rain Flower's growing embarrassment said it all - the sheen of her streamline body was not from some unusual refraction of water or other water type trickery - it was still-frozen bits of condensation! For there to still be some after a good half hour meant Rain Flower had to have looked like a frosty Vaporeon when she got out...

He couldn't help it: October gave a loud snort before he put a paw to his muzzle, trying not to laugh. it was too late though - Rain Flower was staring daggers at him now, despite her embarrassment.

Firenze let out a sigh as he looked between the two. "Honestly...I suppose that Prometheus found an appropriate enough punishment for what you did, Rain Flower, so I am not going to go further on that subject. I will, however, have you follow me somewhere private so we can discuss further on your choices of tactics as of late." The Ninetales looked to October with a small smile. "I suggest you go get some rest, October. You have had a busy day; try not to induce any more situations for it, if you would be so kind? Try to consider what you have been through today should you get into a conversation with a friend."

"Y-yes, of course. Thank you, Firenze." October ignored the slight pang of embarrassment he felt himself for reacting so cheerfully to Firenze's attention as he tried to decipher the meaning to his advice. He kept his head firmly in place as he watched Firenze walk past Rain Flower to take the stairs up, motioning for the Vaporeon to follow. October's glee couldn't help but sing and dance inside his head, even as he tried not to grin too broadly at her. Not even the glare she was giving him would dampen his spirits right now.

"...I will get you for this, Redtales. Watch your ass..." The Vaporeon muttered lowly. Only October heard this, in theory, as Firenze was already up and around the corner, but before October could respond to it, she turned and ran after the other Ninetales.

Okay, so maybe that dampened his spirits a little, but in his head, October still got out of that situation with a lot more points than Rain Flower! He shook himself a moment and mentally reminded himself he should be celebrating!

The thought of a nap was very enticing at this point. Even with the distraction, October's ass still hurt. He started towards the descending path of the staircase, thinking about how it would feel to hop onto his bed, just let his legs sprawl out while on his back, lounging without a care in the world as he thought over everything that had happened in that bedroom with Firenze and-


He froze in midstep at the voice. A different dread than the one he had felt when Rain Flower had appeared descended his spine.

He was pretty sure he knew exactly who it was. Turning about to face the hallway, October found himself look back to...Ah. yes. Just as he thought.

There was Chai, standing at the corner as if having just come from the main bar. There was a look of surprise and confusion on his face as the Umbreon stepped closer.

October could feel the smile on his face slowly slip away in mutual surprise. He had thought he would get more time before he had to deal with this...

This was the Umbreon that had been his friend since he came here. This was the friend that let him fuck him with merciless gusto that he really should have been keeping more in check from time to time. This was the adventure buddy who shared not-yet-illegal smokes with him as they heckled various patrons and waiters from a twilit rooftop.

This was the Umbreon who had helped him dodge various waiters trying to get his head in a bounty for a bath. He then tried to turn the tables on him by trying to knock him out in a closet.

In October's seven years of conscious existence, there was one particular thing that he held close to heart as a rule of life: an Adventurer's sense of Loyalty. You never knew what strange things you would run into in worlds with strange monsters or overzealous city guards, but you would always be faithful to your team to help keep each other out of trouble.

It was one of the few 'rules' that October really had, actually...and Chai had broken it.

Chai, the traitor, seemed to have some sort of inkling of what was going through his head. His ears fell back some as his look became nervous. "Look, October...I'll clear out and leave you alone, just, follow me someplace private, and let me say one thing, before you go telling me to fuck off, okay?"

Still tempted to say it anyways, October's gaze became stoic. He had expected Chai would approach him eventually with some defense or another, but not this quickly. Despite the desire to get a break from it all he found himself curious enough to want to know what Chai would say. "Alright. Show me."

With a small nod, Chai turned around and began to walk. His ears had lowered further since his initial plea and his tail was likewise barely off the floor. October followed along as they traveled along the hallway of guestrooms. It felt a little anti-climactic to be sedately walking through without being chased this time. It would be just his luck if someone else (apart from Rain Flower) came along who didn't know the chase was over...

Instead, Chai led him to a glass door leading outside., The Umbreon had lead him to the covered walkway at the back of the Cafe. Elegant, highly durable glass created a safe dome above to keep the rain from touching anyone that wanted a taste of the outdoors. The Cafe even played this up a bit by using decorative stone for the walkway itself; grass tickled gently at bare feet and paws that walked through without a hint of wetness.

Before his time with Firenze, October would have probably never ventured out this way during any sort of rain on the silly fear of it somehow blowing in at him. Now, however, he could acknowledge the fact that the view was 'all sceney and greeny', which was not so bad if you were trying to make a good impression on someone, and that he had no reason to worry about rain so long as he stayed on the stones.

Chai didn't stop to look out at the scenery. Instead he turned almost immediately to one of the service doors that led to the VIP bedrooms for performers and sat himself down facing October. They were still out of the rain but they had the semi-privacy of a corner to their convenience - much to Chai's apparent discomfort. Both Pokemon stared at one another as one waited patiently in silence and the other began to look even more nervous.

* * *

The Umbreon's brain was afire with different ideas of how to do this - he had been hoping for a hint of some sort with October's reaction but the Ninetales wasn't giving him anything to work with. From the moment Chai had said his name back inside the Cafe he had turned into an icy, indifferent creature. Those green eyes pierced through his red ones, uncaring. No rage, no fear, no joy, no sly lust. Clarice at least looked at him with disdain. A bit of anger would have made him feel more miserable what what had happened instead of unsure of what to do...

Oh, how Chai wished this could be settled by just wiggling his ass at the randy fire type!

"October....I...I'm..." Chai started awkwardly, even as he growled at himself and tried again, he couldn't make himself say it. Pride, embarrassment, shame, and guilt; they all mixed together and fought for right of place.

His pride was demanding he remain resolved; all October had gotten was a bath! Hell, he could try and laugh it off as some freakish accident and glibly slide past the embarrassment of the fact he hadn't even managed more than to shove October in a closet to try and catch him...

If his ears could have sank any lower on his head, they would have. Chai hadn't simply failed at catching October. He had failed with a capital 'F' and then some. He couldn't even daze him with Confuse Ray! What kind of Pokémon couldn't use such a stupidly simple move!? He silently cursed his upbringing for leaving him with precious few options that didn't draw blood...

But then there was the crux of it all: Chai had betrayed October. Firenze had come to him, talking about how 'as October's friend' he was in the best position to get October to cooperate 'for everyone's benefit'. He just had to get October to him without causing a fuss, and then the reward would be all Chai's, and Firenze would be very grateful to him.

The very idea of Firenze actually giving a damn about him had nearly made Chai snort with malicious laughter. Oh, if only Firenze knew how ironic that was... How ironic it was that they suddenly seemed to give a damn about him and that it was HIM of all Pokemon they expected to turn on a friend! HIM, when they were the authorities...!

Friend or not, however, it was only a bath, right..? ...and that wasn't like he'd explicitly taken the offer or anything. That wasn't why he had done it. It had been the anticipation of all the things catching on fire or stuff being broken, plus Firenze's damnable ability to seemingly guess what he was thinking, that made him actually debate going along with the plan on his own initiative...

He didn't say yes, but he didn't want to get fired or tricked into being a lure for his friend, so he had said he would think about it. He then went to search out for the red-and-black Ninetales before he got into trouble, only to find him in a lounge full of waiters.

With no time to tell him about the proposal, Chai ran with him. At first the chase had been pretty cool, although he had been confused as hell why October wanted to see Firenze. If October turned himself in for the reward, it was no fur off his back, and maybe he'd get a bonus for escorting him anyways. But the longer the chasing went on, the more drastic the tactics became. October had been remarkably good-mannered with his fire, but when he ended up in a closet, Chai had to do some serious thinking. He'd had to think the unthinkable.

Eventually they would have figured out they had caught Skitter, and come looking for October again. They would be extra thorough, extra careful - and unless October decided it was worth getting wet, he was completely trapped in the Cafe, unable to get away. Capture was a certainty, damage to the Cafe very likely, and Coco, Clarice and Firenze very, very upset...

Now the Umbreon was frozen with his mouth open, expression getting more pitiful by the second. Why were these voices in his head bothering him!? They had never been so outspoken before! Dark types didn't have these sort of feelings! They were a law unto themselves, doing what they want and how they wanted it!

Except that wasn't exactly true, was it..? Chai had lived amongst about the worse Dark types imaginable... and their codes, the few codes they kept to, were rigorously, even viciously enforced... and one of those codes was Loyalty.

Chai's world, before coming to Plaisir, had been one every bit as dangerous as October's and there ought never to have been any question of where his allegiances lay when it came to a comrade or the authorities. The lack of scars across Chai's body was silent testimony to his adherence to this simple, basic code so necessary for survival. In his years on the streets he had NEVER sold anyone out, not once.

And yet...

"You sold me out to them."

October finally spoke, making Chai start. His mouth shut at last, but his fearful eyes locked onto October's and stayed there. There was something growing behind those eyes now. "You tried to collect the bounty for yourself, after helping me dodge all the others. It was a smart plan - except the last part, whatever it was you tried in the closet. I nearly got ambushed by Eclipse and the twins, thanks to you." October said evenly, tails twitching slightly. "Why?"

Well, it gave Chai a direction to take. His brain shouted at him to take the opportunity now before it was lost - before he broke. "I didn't! I didn't mean to! Firenze-came-to-me!" The words were rapid fire, but he swallowed hard and tried to control his speed. "I didn't want to-be-bait and I'm no damn snitch, so I lied and said I'd think about it, but when I went to find you to tell you, you were already surrounded and there wasn't time! I-only-did-it-because-I-didn't-have-a-choice!"

His eyes pinched shut now. He could feel wetness at the edges. Damn it; he was tearing up! "W-We were running everywhere, and we kept getting cut off. When we hid in that closet I realized there was no way you weren't going to get caught unless you ran away, or blew the place up or something! Things were getting out of control! I didn't want you to run, but I didn't want you to destroy the place either. It-was-just-a-stupid-bath! Even that uptight Firenze would keep his word! I thought that if I could at least give you the bounty and if Firenze was the one involved, you'd be okay... There was no other way out...! I'm sorry I turned on you! I'm sorry..!"

There. It was finally out. There were no words left to say. There was nothing left in his mind, desperate to be heard. All that was left was the looming shame and fear inside, glaring down at him and waiting to see his punishment.

Something warm and soft curled over Chai - the smell of it distortedly familiar yet beckoning. He found himself pulled forward roughly and stumbled face first into a leg - October's. Next the Ninetales' head was resting on top of his. His voice was low, but very soft from its earlier lack of emotion. "So, you were going to tell me to toughen up after it was done, and share the wealth, because I was just being a pansy about water? Whilst at the same time, you alone of all the Pokemon here are standing here, apologising; you, actually sorry for what was really done to me. You, actually saying you're sorry..."

All that blabbering like an idiot, and October had pretty much summed it up in a few sentences. Nodding his head weakly, the Umbreon found himself with no other distraction as the wetness of his eyes grew threefold. He was starting to whimper now as he tried to hold back, and failed. His voice was tiny and jagged. "I just wanted to help you... I just wanted to keep you safe... I'm sorry..."

Chai felt something break further in his mind. The shame and pain was still there but the fear from before seemed to fade away slowly to be replaced by something...softer? He had a fleeting sensation as if something had just passed through him, like a ghost, but warmer.

He had no idea what it was, but all he cared about now was crying into that red fur in his face.

He had just one more thing to say. One danger that no-one else had seemed concerned about in all of this. A fear at the back of his mind that he barely dared to voice, whispering, so quietly that not even October might hear it, "Please don't leave..."

* * *

--Try to consider what you have been through today should you get into a conversation with a friend.--

October looked down at Chai with a controlled impassiveness on his face, but his mind was abuzz with thinking. He was trying to consider what Firenze had said to its fullest because it seemed important. Characters in stories were always giving deceptive hints to things, after all: Was Firenze giving him a subtle hint, or just a playful banter to go with the fact he was a writer?

Chai had been struggling to explain himself for awhile, so October had prompted him by mentioning the fact he had sold him out. It made the most sense for a line, really. October felt betrayed, and Chai seemed to be upset that he had betrayed him. It made the most sense in comparison. If October was wrong, Chai would counter it, and reply with some insult while explaining himself at last.

That was the result October was really hoping for. That hope was dashed when Chai became even more miserable looking and started confessing to it all.

That got his ire rising. Chai may have not had a chance to warn him about the hunt sooner, but he could have warned him in the supply closet instead of just trying to take command himself without warning! Didn't he have any concept of teamwork?

A thought slipped up from the back of his mind, carrying a hint of his Fourth tail with it. October found himself thinking back to when he had been waiting in the guest lounge and talking with Ceylon.

--"It's easy, isn't it?" Ceylon commented. "To say it's fine. To imagine yourself hold up that tacit agreement not to judge others based on their fetishes. But we do it, we can't help it. We all judge, even if it's just a little voice in the back of our minds."--

He didn't really see what that had to do with the situation: He had already acknowledged those particular issues. His tails apparently needed to catch up to the present.

A twinge from his eighth tail made the memory blur a little. --To imagine yourself hold up that tacit agreement to not judge others based on their ~beliefs~. But we do it, we can't help it. The face was still Ceylon, but the words were changed, just a little.--

Okay, now October was a little worried: Since when were his tails so animated about giving their opinions? Or speech dubbing? The worry grew as he felt a twinge from Sixth...

It only took a moment, but in October's mind, he saw his life flash backwards in a hurried rush, highlighting random bits only briefly enough to show it was him being reviewed. When it reached the beginning it started over once more. This time, all the highlighted moments were slow enough to show they were all focused on Chai, right up until...nothing. Utter blankness too solid to not be some message from Sixth.

Chai reappeared, but now in Ceylon's place, posture and all. --"Ahhhh..." Chai nodded. "Well, we all have our secret ~pasts~, y'know?"--

That was decidedly a mix of Third and Eighth. Chai certainly hadn't been there in the lounge, and he definitely didn't sound like Ceylon. His tails were talking to him through altered memories.

--October nodded his head quickly. "Yes yes, I get your point. Just because I ~don't know~ Chai doesn't mean I don't respect him. I get what you're saying..."--

--"Do you?" Chai/Ceylon asked, talking quickly, as if getting to another point. "Because, of course, there's a difference between ~a bath~ and wanting ~you dead,~ right?"--

October's irritation grew, this time at his tails for being nosey busybodies. That line still wasn't fair - and out of context to the situation too! Why did they care? They hadn't expressed their opinions on anything or anyone else so far, unless you counted Fourth fondling Firenze! Why did they care about his opinions or beliefs now?

Images of the shower room, of hot, steamy water, October and Firenze cleaning each other. They all seemed to focus on the moments the tails were most involved or in contact

--"Sorry..." Ceylon said, giving a small smile. "Just seeking your true question."--

None of this was really helping the Ninetales at all. Barely any time had passed in the moment. Chai was there, crying in front of him, as he stared down with an expression caught between frustration and anger. His true question? There was only one question, and it had already been answered! Chai had betrayed him!

--"You ~forgive~ Chai, don't you?" Ceylon asked, finally. "The tricky little Umbreon, not the tea."--


October's Fourth tail drew forward and caught October's attention. He watched as it draped itself around Chai and tugged him close, hugging him against October's foreleg. There was a brief stir from the tail within his mind, and then a surge of emotion.

Grief. Guilt. Shame. Affection for October, a desperate desire to somehow change things...

The emotions cut off quickly, but it was enough. Whether it was the surge of naked emotional truth or just his own realizations of what his tails have been trying to say, his irritation was gone. Instead a growing urge to comfort him was there. October pressed his muzzle to the top of Chai's head. "So, you were going to tell me to toughen up after it was done, and share the wealth, because I was just being a pansy about water? Whilst at the same time, you alone of all the Pokemon here are standing here, apologising; you, actually sorry for what was really done to me. You, actually saying you're sorry..." Sorry was indeed a word the Umbreon could never be accused of over-using...

Chai's voice was tiny and jagged. "I just wanted to help you... I just wanted to keep you safe... I'm sorry..." Downcast, ears and tail low, sniffling... Chai was all kinds of pitiful right now such that October had never seen him before... He'd never seen him look so weak or frightened, not even after Eclipse had bitten him. He looked smaller, somehow, now.

Perhaps it hadn't really been entirely about whether or not Chai had betrayed him, as his tails had hinted. It had been about why Chai felt he had to do what he did in the first place.

October didn't really know anything about Chai's past, now that his tails had brought it up. He had hints, clues at a rough upbringing, but nothing else Chai would reveal, and he had respected that privacy...but just because they had gotten along so well from the start, that didn't mean they really thought the same way: did Chai even understand what loyalty meant? To a party of adventurers who lives depended on it daily? To him?

It was clearly a question that made a lot of difference to his feelings... or something. Perhaps. He wasn't sure of anything, right now. He had been betrayed. A lot. None of his friends had covered his back as he'd quietly expected. He was silently smouldering about that... but he didn't want to turn the biggest traitor of the bunch away, not really... Apparently... The strange visions had been very clear about that...

Well, sod it all. At least for now. There was far too much to think and feel for him to yet fathom and he certainly wasn't going to make any snap decisions with how he felt right now, not after everything that had just happened. That didn't feel right. His tails... or whatever that had been all about, could have their way for now. How wonderfully absurd on its own...

Despite the tenseness of the situation, October began to chuckle, deciding to blow it all off for now in a hot gust of humour and the heady emotional high he was still very much feeling. He had to wonder if laying with another Ninetales had caused some strange effect, after all. Some of Firenze's wisdom literally rubbing off on him. Even more absurd. He chuckled louder.

Chai peeked up from the red chest fluff, sniffling and staring with confusion at the sudden outburst. October smiled down at him, "Oh Chai," he said, softly, "I'm afraid we went through and Heaven and Hell, today..."

"H-huh?" Chai looked nonplussed at this. "W-What do you mean, Heaven and Hell?"

October gave the Umbreon a careful lick on the face, cleaning off the tears. "Firenze probably figured you might not sell me out, and by putting the idea in your head, he made sure you would either help bring me in or at least help distract everyone else so he could catch me."

Now Chai looked even more confused. "You're talking shit, October...say that again?" He didn't complain about being cleaned like some kit, clearly wanting answers.

"Firenze was off with some psychic type, could have been watching my every move through the chase. He was probably waiting for the moment you had me subdued so he could swoop in to catch me. When Eclipse tried to grab me in the showers, I teleported away, and the smartass used the same trick of holding my portal open to pounce me just like when I first got here. He probably figured on you luring everyone else away as a decoy, leaving me alone, instead of actually thinking up a different plan and trying to catch me yourself. I imagine he planned on teleporting behind me and catch me unawares if things got too out of hand."

Chai stared at October for several seconds, digesting this. "He...huh...that-sonuvabitch! That bastard played me!? I KNEW IT! Who does he think he is!?"

October's bemused expression seemed to brighten even more at his friend's outrage. He had certainly experienced some mixed feelings about the idea of Chai betraying him. The fact his tails had gone out of their way to stop him from sending Chai away, however, suggested that despite the negative feelings he would have only regretted it afterwards. Chai had meant to try and tell him the plan before they got chased, after all. The betrayal was an accident of choice. Plus, if he hadn't done it in the first place...

Whether or not a simple choice like that would have changed the outcome so drastically was hard to say, but there was no point on dwelling on it now. He would rather have his friend than make him an enemy, and his tails seemed in complete agreement to this arrangement as they coiled themselves around the struggling Umbreon.

"Easy there, Chai! There will be no eating of Ninetales this day." October said with glowing mirth as he finally got the Umbreon under control. "Firenze and I have an... accord. We're on better terms, and it would be a waste of a bath if you went and bit him. It's okay."

Chai gave up on getting away, but he did look surprised at October's cheerful demeanor. "You two have a what? What are you, fuckin'pirates? Hah! You mean you were all nice and docile and let him wash you so he felt he had the upper hand, so you wouldn't get in trouble, and it worked, right?" He sniffled a bit, brushing a paw against his nose to brush away some bit of snot or other. . "Or lemme guess, you two totally fucked each others brains out - no, wait, YOU fucked his brains out and made him your..."

Chai's sarcastic ramble trailed off into a dropped jaw at the sudden look of embarrassment on October's face. Suddenly a new sense of dread was growing in his head. "No, fucking, way. You're kidding!" Chai's tone was a mix of disbelief and awe. His earlier grief seemed utterly forgotten as realisation struck.

October suddenly yelped when a cold nose shoved against his sheath then navigated backwards to his rump. His tails flailed madly in the air as he started dancing in place trying to get Chai away from his still tender ass. "Hey hey HEY! Easy with the prodding there! You're as bad as Sin and Dex! Doesn't anyone just ask politely anymore!?"

But Chai's look was knowing. He came out from under the Ninetales to stare at him with what looked like... admiration. "Holy fuck, October. You got screwed by AND screwed the general manager?" His voice actually trailed to a small whisper, though his growing smirk said it all. "Holy shit."

October huffed, blushed, but maintained some dignity by doing a small flourish of a bow. "Yes, yes, I did. It's complicated, and we're not sharing that with anybody, understand? I'll explain later. Right now, I want some bloody sleep and some aspirin for my ass."

Despite the snicker and the grin, Chai relented leave the topic alone as they made their way to October's room. His mood was considerably improved, though his tone seemed a little more...subservient? He even pushed open the door for him. "I suppose it's not that impressive to get screwed by him, really. People would probably think he was putting you in your place as discipline with their dirty little minds...Prometheus would be totally jealous you tapped that ass though, while getting tapped!"

Chai yelped and growled when October's paw swatted across his rump with claws, despite that, there was a glint of amusement in his eyes as his tail hiked up a bit more. "You're a dirty little mind." October countered with a smirk, though part of him had done it for the small purpose of revenge for insult to his public image. "And they would probably think I made some sort of deal with Ravage to get his ass if it ever came out, and brand me as some manipulator, and you are NEVER hinting at that to Prometheus, ever! No matter how many points it might be worth on the Dogs versus Foxes battle."

Chai paused in confusion at the last line, but shook his head and carried on. "Aw, just forget what others think. They'll gossip about whatever gets their jollies off best." Both were heading back down the hallway, nice and quiet save for the dull sound of rain in the background. "It's not like Firenze wouldn't set them straight otherwise, even if they didn't believe you...oh yeah; what was that thing you said you heard about him, anyways? Did you ever get your answer?"

For a moment, October slowed in his walk as memories came swarming back from earlier. No longer riding on the high of obsession or adrenaline, he couldn't help but grimace at how easily he had let his emotions goad him. Maybe that was another reason his tails had intervened? He had been through a lot of emotional events today. "Ah, that. Well, yes, I got my answer. It was a misunderstanding, in the end, but that was what helped us open a dialogue to talk, and to-"

"-fuck each other senseless?" Chai finished with a grin, causing October to stick his tongue out at him. "Well, that's good I guess. I suppose that's better than just snickering over gossip. Gossip can be fun, but I like being able to act on it too."

"I shudder to think what mischief we would have gotten into if you were there, actually." October took another swipe at Chai's rump, who dodged it deftly this time. "But, Firenze is not too bad, for an authority figure. Just don't ever tell him I said that, or his ego may get even bigger."

Chai's ears had come back up with the humor of topics, but at the mention of Firenze not being so bad, lowered again. "Yeah, right. After going through all that, the only thing I'll be saying to him is 'yes sir' or 'no sir' and make sure I'm at the other end of the room..." Clearly, he was blaming part of his guilt at what happened on the manager Ninetales. "I mean, after-Oof!"

Something pink came flying up the stairs and straight into Chai, knocking the Umbreon over. October barely managed to dodge out of the way before realizing the new tangled mess squirming at the wall was now two eons - Chai and Colin. "Colin!" October called out,"Are you okay? What are you doing, running up stairs like that? Did someone-"

"OCTOBER!" Colin paused in his brief tussle with Chai. He had the Umbreon half tied in his ribbons despite the two paws pressing at his face, claw tips pushing dangerously into his cheeks. "Quick! Run October! They're going to catch you and tie you up and wash you without a care for your sensitive skin!"

October blinked in surprise, then responded once Chai tried to kick the Sylveon off himself with a few choice swear words. "Colin! The bounty is over! They caught me. I'm clean. Let Chai go please...and really? Sensitive skin? Is that why you think I avoided a bath all this time?"

Colin stared dumbly at first, but then his ribbons unraveled with ease, releasing Chai to give one last kick and scramble away, muttering something about 'fuckin Faeries'. Colin didn't seem to register the attack, but instead made his way over to get a closer look at October. His nose twitched and his eyes wandered everywhere. " you already? But I just saw the bounty posted in the waiter's lounge! It was all blurry and splotchy and your face looked like a funny finger painting, but when someone told me what it was for...I've been running around the last half hour looking for you!"

October couldn't help but sigh. He gave Colin an apologetic smile. "They never took it down? It happened hours ago, I'm afraid. It was quite a chase, but Firenze caught me. It wasn't as bad as I thought. I'm sorry Colin. I would have thought someone would have told you it was over."

Colin was staring at him with a strange look. In fact, October couldn't help but feel it was the oddest look he had ever gotten from the Sylveon. It was a little creepy, in fact. "Uh...Colin? Are you there? It's okay, really. Thanks for trying to-"

"HOWCOULDYOUTAKEABATHWITHOUTME!?" Colin exploded with surprising volume, instantly looking ready to take on an entire sink of dirty dishes with the fierceness behind his eyes. "Whydidn'tyousayyoudidn'thavesensitiveskin!? Ithoughtyouwerejustmakingupexcuses becauseofthatandyouweresufferingfrombeingstinkyallthistime! Iorderedyouspecialshampoo andeverything! Iwasgonnasurpriseyouwithtocleanyouupallmyself! GAAAAAAAAH!"

The Sylveon's ribbons rose into the air in a manic display of dangerous swaying, whereas he was now running around in circles, stomping up and down on the floor as he went. Chai and October were completely nonplussed by this apparent tantrum, quickly noting the rising pitch of Colin's voice - surely someone was going to stick their head out a door to wonder who was murdering a Pokemon.

"For fuck's sake, Colin, shut the hell up! You're going to get us in trouble!" Chai had gathered his wits first, stepping forward and applying his own brand of Colin-fighting tactics. "It was just a fucking bath! He'll get dirty again in no time and you can clean him up then!"

"That'snotthepointthat'snotthepointTHAT'SNOTTHEPOINT!" Colin stopped long enough to push his face to Chai's as his voice carried, leaving Chai's ears ringing. He was back to his wailing circles again a split second later. "Howcouldyoutwonotgetmeforhelpwhenthisallstarted!? Whydidn'tanyoneelsetellmeaboutthebountysoIcouldtryanddistractthem!? Ihaditallplannedoutand wasgonnabethehero! GAAAAAAAAAAH!"

"I...guess he really wanted to be the one to help get me cleaned up." October said with weak, careful amusement. He was pretty sure that Colin couldn't hear him through all the noise at this point. He looked to Chai, who was still staring wide eyed at his currently-psychotic sorta-friend. Rather than the usual annoyance, he saw a shot of what was undoubtedly more guilt plaguing his mind. It was probably best not to let Chai set off on Colin. "Any better ideas of how to stop him before someone stuffs a ball in his mouth?"

"Well if it weren't for the fact I think he'd bite it off, I'd suggest your dick, the friggin baby..." Chai muttered, showing more of his usual self again, then took another step forward. "Colin...Colin! COLIN! Stop a moment and let me say something!"

Despite the growing fury of Colin's war dance he paused and turned his head sharply to the Umbreon. He was panting heavily, ribbons still raised. Despite his rage, his manners were still apparently well set.

"I get you're pissed and all, but there's nothing we can do about it now. Why don't we all go downstairs, to your room, and you can snuggle October all you want? You like that, don't you? Hugging his soft fur with your ribbons? Especially now that he's nice and clean now, right?" Chai ignored the sudden 'eep' from October as he caught on to what was being said. "He said he was really worn out from his 'talking' with Firenze and would like a nap. I'm sure he would love someone to cuddle with. I'll even let you have him all to yourself if you want."

Slowly, the Sylveon's ribbons came down from the air and the breathing eased. "I can cuddle him? I can brush him and pet him and snuggle him while he sleeps?" Chai gave a nod. Even October joined in the agreement, looking resigned but accepting of the soothing technique. "I can trim his claws too?"

"Now just a minute - why are you trying to trim my claws?" October protested, confused and offended. "Do I look like some housecat who gets stuck on the carpet?"

"Your claws are too long and they poke stuff! You can still have rough sex with a proper manicure!" Colin answered, not quite a retort. his breathing picked up a little, but he still eased down again as October nodded his head quickly.

"Okay, okay! Claws trimmed! Just, not too much, okay? I like them long. It's, uh, my style!"

Apparently accepting, Colin turned and marched down the stairs to the basement level. Chai and October looked at each other with worried looks, then quickly followed when "Areyoucoming!?" rose up after them.

"You think Colin's okay?" Chai whispered carefully as they followed the Sylveon from several feet away. They had entered from the far end of the basement compared to their rooms, leaving quite a walk for them. "I know Fairy types can be weird, but I don't think I've seen him 'angry' before. He didn't even complain about me kicking him in the balls when he surprised me on the stairs...."

October winced at the thought, and shook his head a little. "I think he's just overreacting a bit. I swear this rain has everyone stir crazy." He watched the restrained gait of Colin's movements - full of energy, yet determinedly keeping to a slower pace so they weren't running. "He'll probably start crying as soon as he has me wrapped up in his least I hope so. Otherwise he might strangle me if I have to get up to piss..."

"You can hold it," Chai said firmly, "He might split in two if you wet his bed."

They were almost to Colin's room now, but there was little else to say. Neither wanted to risk setting Colin off. Colin seemed intent on getting what he was promised., aiming straight for his door. Once they were within paws reach, he stopped and turned to face them both. "Chai can go sleep in your room." Colin said without preamble. The business like tone was completely alien. "You'll stay here until you're all better and I say you can go."

Not expecting such a direct approach from Colin, October reconsidered his notion of a little playful stubbornness. He looked to Chai and gave him a nod. The Umbreon hesitated a bit, but got up and strolled over to the other room. "I guess I'll see you both later. Yell if you need me."

October couldn't help but chuckle a little at that. Really, what were the odds of Colin actually trying to hurt him? if anything, he'd probably get pumped full of soothing feelings, which would actually be useful for his sore rump right now. Perhaps Colin was a big, pink, aspirin...Asspeon? No, too close to Espeon, but all the same...

Colin was actually smiling a little now that he had October all to himself. One of his ribbons pushed the door open slowly...

"W-Wait, October!"

There went the smile, now replaced with a frown. Both Colin and October turned to look at Chai, who was looking at them both sheepishly, but not giving up. "Really. It's important, I swear. You can have him right back Colin in just a minute or two, really!"

With a huff out of the Sylveon, he nodded at October to go forward, but followed along as well. Soon, all three were in October's flame-tarnished room, complete with its mysteriously fixed light...and a brand new bed.

"What in the name of..." October stared on dumbly. Even Colin came out of his sullen state to make a noise of surprise at the cleaned up room. It was by no means 'good as new', but all the sock piles were missing and the smell of grime and filth was significantly less. The new light emphasized the horrible state October's flames and smoking had done to the paintjob.

The crowning piece of the spectacle, however, was the bed. It was a fair bit bigger than the previous broken one October had, complete with sheets of red and black and similarly themed coverings for the pillows. It looked suspiciously like the sort of bed you would give silk sheets, with the most comfortable memory foam material, and reserved for those with the money to spare...

October stepped forward to hop onto it experimentally, confirming those suspicions. It was almost an exact match for Firenze's bed. It had a different style pattern to its sheets and the like, but he had been on it long enough to know quite well how it felt to lay on it. "How in the name of Fortuna did this get in here?" October finally asked, looking at the other two with confusion. "And who cleaned the room? Who fixed the light?"

In way of answer, Chai bumped the door so it opened a bit further - a pair of papers were posted on it."The big one is apparently a sheet confirming delivery of a stored bed, courtesy of management." He read aloud, "The smaller one is a note from the Ice Queen: Your room is a fucking mess. You'll be fined if it isn't fixed up before you finally leave. Don't you dare break that bed either." Chai shook his head. "Wow. Jealous much, you think?"

Colin was staring at the papers too, frowning at something. "Hey...that delivery notice has your name on it, Chai." Suddenly the Sylveon was peering at Chai now, eyes narrowing. "Where did you get the money to purchase a high quality bed from storage...?"

Chai, catching on to the implication, puffed up quickly and held his ground. "I bought it fairly, thank you very much! It's a, uh...present!" Suddenly realizing his story made no sense, Chai suddenly looked away, only to look at October and his knowing smile. He promptly turned his head the other way, out the door. "I was just paying back a, um, favor!"

Which really meant that Chai had ordered the bed as part of his attempt to apologize to October, before he had caught him near the bar. It occurred to October that it was unlikely Clarice would actually give money for his capture. Café credit, on the other hand, was another thing entirely.

"Well, thank you very much, Chai. It's very sweet of you. Isn't it, Colin?" October carefully climbed down from the bed. Maybe having his claws trimmed wouldn't be such a bad thing, if it helped keep the bed in better condition longer. It suddenly held a lot more value than just as a place to sleep...

"Huh?" Colin blinked in surprise at being addressed, and thought it over. Slowly, the Sylveon began to smile, almost normal again. "You mean he didn't steal anything?, Chai that is wonderful!" The Sylveon lunged forward to hug the Umbreon, starling him. "I'msoproudofyou! Wowyoureallycandonicethings!"

"GAAAH!" Chai flailed, this time unbalanced and unable to get a hold to pry Colin off as October snickered. It was too good an opportunity not to use it. "You know Colin, Three to snuggle is better than two. I think Chai deserves a bit of love as well for his good deed." October said with deceptive sweetness, watching Chai's eyes grow wider in alarm.

Colin's hug, complete with it's hyper little gestures of nuzzling and swaying, slowed in thoughtfulness as the Sylveon gave it serious thought. Chai was not amused. "Getoffmeyoucrazypinkandpurplenut-"

That was when everyone paused, unsure at what had suddenly left a trail of fear down their spines. Something about purple...

"OCTOBER! The jar! Where's the sock jar!?" Chai pushed himself up along with Colin, who was likewise cottoning on to the situation with a worried look.

October's face quickly fell into that of horror. "Oh Fortuna! If they turned that over...quick, the dumpster! There's no way they'd wash a bunch of trashy socks! It's the only place that makes sense! Hurry!"

It was not very far at all, in all honesty. The three of them scrambled out the side door and up the stairs to the outside, determinedly ignoring the drizzle of rain as it hissed whenever it landed on fire-type fur, only to find the dumpster there in its usual place. The number of socks October had collected in his search for cigarettes would have hardly filled it halfway, really...

But when you add in a magical coffee jar, carefully attuned to a dimensional plane of lost things that held mostly socks, and applied a perverse sense of gravity to itself that caused its contents to come spilling out when you turned it over...

All three of them stopped and stared upward. A mountain of socks and other oddities loomed before them. The peak just reached the top of the Cafe's first story, but that wasn't the only startling detail. The dumpsters normally present were completely hidden beneath the mass of wet flotsam and small piles of socks were apparent around the area. It was as if someone had let loose a firehose of dirty socks into the air. There was no sign of the jar anywhere, however...

"How the hell did that not get even bigger than it is? That seems like a pretty small catastrophe." Chai observed. "You think Clarice or someone turned it back over?"

"Woah...that's a lot of socks..." Colin was mesmerized by the thought of all those dirty things piled so carefully. "And it's raining too... Oh! What if it falls on us? I don't want to get buried in wet, stinky socks! Who knows what sort of smelly feet they've been on!

October sighed, looking the mountain over carefully. He winced as the rain started to strengthen again. "I think we got really lucky, and the opening got clogged before it could go very far. Just the right volume of fluffy wool and cotton trying to push through and jamming up...but we got to find it before it unclogs, or worse, ends up in a dump and unclogs there. Who knows what else could come out after that."

Looking it over, it seemed likely the can had somehow fallen down back into the dumpster. The pile looked like it had been higher, but part of the top had fallen off with it, reburying it beneath socks and trash that had been shifted by the eruption.

So, all he had to do was dig through trash, with his freshly washed fur, his renewed sense of cleanliness, with the image of Firenze looking so happy at him looking handsome and clean...

A flash of light in the distance declared lightning. The rumbling sound of its thunder followed soon after, laughing obstinately at the Pokemon. The droplets suddenly doubled in intensity.

October pulled his tails up to shield himself on reflex. Colin cried out and retreated back to the stairwell, though Chai stayed where he was, staring up at the mountain of socks. October let out a loud huff.

"Well fuck..."

There was a 'Tch' of amusement. October turned to look at Chai, who had a big grin on his face. "Come on, pansy. What's a pile of dirty socks compared to being chased by all of Plaisir? It's not like I'm not going to help."

It was a very good point. "True," the Ninetales grinned back to his dear friend, "So very true...let's get at it then so we can take a fucking nap."

"Fuck yes." Chai made his approach and neatly jumped onto the dumpster edge, climbing in. "We can get the sheets all dirty and wet and make the cleaning ditzes wash them for us. It'll be great."

The mental image of the horrified, indignant look of Unfezants brought a hearty chuckle out of October. "Oh Chai; what would I do without you?"


Café Plaisir: October's Jaunt Chapter 10 - Loyalty

Café Plaisir: October's Jaunt part 10; Loyalty By October. 'He blanked me, I know he did this time, he blanked me!' thought Neon, irritably. The Jolteon marched rapidly into the massage area, at a storming pace. Normally, her entrance was...

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Plaisir - Short - Little Diamonds

Café Plaisir: Little Diamonds by October, Adult: Harsh Language, M/M, M/F, Slight Violence Another morning in Café Plaisir came about, with a grim certainty about it. The Ninetales woke to Colin's eager knocking, as usual. As ever, the...

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Plaisir - Shorts - Battling Pride - Conflict

Battling Pride - Conflict By October Flixard and Yuri Mikoto Violence M/M NC It was a cool and grey day, blanketing everything in a pale light. The forest was rocky and damp. Even without counting its inexplicably uncanny and almost artificial...

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