Along with the Snow Pt. 2

Story by Calico64 on SoFurry

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#43 of Writings

Part 2 of Lunar_Nobis's commission.

The day of the date has finally arrived! Winter Solstice and Golden Goal have gone out skating. This can either be a disaster or the date of the century! Find out what happens, right here!

Part 1:

Night came very slowly on that day. Winter stood outside of his house, telling his mother he was going out for a bit, and to his relief, she didn't ask where he was going, only that he stay in contact if he was going to be late. His hair was brushed, he showered twice, and he put on some expensive cologne that Home Stretch let him borrow. He checked his watch for the fourth time that minute, and he tapped his booted hoof on the icy sidewalk. A fresh blanket of snow had dropped on and off that day, and now the clouded sky was almost completely dark. The street lights were on, and cars were driving by the neighborhood very slowly to keep from skidding on the frozen roads.

The call had gone a little too smoothly. There was no hesitation on his part, as Home Stretch had told him, and Fable had told him, and he decided was the best way to do it. It worked, she agreed almost immediately, and agreed to meet him at his house, as she didn't live very far away at all, just a few blocks away. Things had gone well, but even that made Winter nervous. Well, you could have gotten him to be nervous about a duck crossing the street in that moment. Hell, a fish swimming in a pond would have made him nervous. A baby reaching for him to hold her would have made him nervous!

But he took a deep breath, and brushed his hand through his long, sky blue hair. There was entirely too much that could go wrong, and that out weighed his notion of things going well. He took another deep breath, just calm down, play it cool. Just try not to be nervous, and stop checking your phone every five seconds. It's not even seven o'clock yet, she may just be coming down the street, or maybe she's still powdering her nose, or... something. There's no need to freak ou--

"Hey Winter!"

"GAH!!!!" He jumped out of his bright bluish white fur as she came up behind him and put her hand on his shoulder. He took some more deep breaths as he held his chest.

"Sorry!" She said, and gave a small, nervous giggle. "Are you ready to go?" Golden Goal said as she brushed her light brown mane behind her shoulder. She wore a bright red beanie that came down to the to just above her eyes, and those bright green irises smiled at him as she stood there in her thick black coat, and heavy burgundy sweatpants. She also had an dark orange backpack, which had several patches of hockey teams that she had been following for many years. Golden looked him over to see that he had on only a light jacket and long black pants that looked like they barely had fabric at all. On his back, he wore a white backpack with red shoulder straps.

"Dear lord, Winter. Aren't you freezing? You barely have anything on!"

"I'm alright, it has to be a lot colder than this to bother me." He smiled. He turned and began to walk with her down the sidewalk. They didn't say much at first, they simply waved at cars passing by very slowly. One of them even rolled down their windows, and shouted that they're crazy to be out here in the snow. It was true, snow was literally everywhere, and if it weren't getting so dark, they may have gone snowblind from staring at it too much, but that was a worry for another time.

"So... Hockey, eh?" Winter asked, and her eyes instantly shot to him, and he swore that he saw sparkling in them as they beamed him a smile.

"Why, yes. I happen to be quite passionate about hockey. And so far as I could tell, I'm glad we moved to Ranchtown, because the Nightmares are quite formidable as a team. I feel like I got a lot of chance to be part of it." Her fists clenched as she raised them up to her chest level, as if she was poised for a fight.

"How long have you been playing?" Winter Solstice asked, a little amused that he got such a rise out of her without much effort at all.

"Oh, for as long as I can remember, and before that I watched all kinds of games. My favorite team, by far, is the Canterlot Mighty Bucks. They are my ultimate goal, joining them would be amazing! If I even got a second string position on that team, I would feel that my life is all but complete!" The fire that burned in her eyes could melt every inch of snow around them if it truly emitted heat.

She looked over at him to see he was smiling, and Golden noticed that she was becoming quite intense. She smiled back and scratched the back of her beanie. "Aherm, anyway, I also love this place for its pond, it's absolutely perfect weather right now. So we can go ice skating!" Her teeth shined as her smile widened.

"Well, yeah, but I warn you, my ice skating is a little rusty." He said this, but in truth he hadn't ice skated for a very long time. His ice skates were way back in in his closet, and it took him a little while to find them. Thankfully, though, they still fit his hooves, albeit quite snug.

"Ah, no worries. I'll take it slow with you, maybe I'll even show you a couple of moves." She looked off in the distance, seeing that the park was quite near now. With so few cars on the streets, it was easy to walk the city blocks. Getting to the park was a breeze, and both of them marvelled at all of the evergreen trees that were covered in beautiful patches of snow. The pond had iced over completely, and as they neared it, they heard a guitar playing somewhere nearby.

Along the right side of the walkway, they came across a blue pony, bundled up in a black coat, and matching padded pants. He wore sunglasses, although it was quite dark at that point, he was still very visible in the street light just to the right of him. He strummed on his tan brown acoustic, and he was quite good. He had a dark gray mane, and a little soul patch below his muzzle, with a small mustache to match. He also wore a black fedora hat that fit snuggly over the top of his mane, allowing his unicorn horn to pop out of the front.

"Oooo, I've never seen this pony." She said, looking toward Winter, who shrugged and shook his head, he'd never seen this guy either.

As they approached, he smiled at them, using his horn to lift his hat toward them and nod.

"My my my, what are you two youngin's doin' in a blizzard of the soul at dis time'a night?" He asked as he gently strummed his instrument.

"Oh, we're just gonna go ice skating on the pond. The weather is perfect for it. What's your name?" Winter asked, watching carefully as his left hand traveled up and down the frets of the guitar, playing as if it were as natural as breathing.

"Ha!" He gave a small burst, causing them to draw their heads back a little. "Me name's Sixstrings, da pleasure is mine." He nodded toward them.

"Oh, well I'm Golden Goal, and this is Winter Solstice." She said, and Winter nodded toward him. "You're really good on that guitar, how long have you been playing?"

"Ever since da doctor cut my cord and set me free, milady. So if you really wish to brave da dangers of de night for freedom, den you have my blessings. I will play for as long as love shines free as da winter snow, and de mornin' wind." He started playing a light, slow melody. "Ya'll enjoy ya selves. May ya love flow as de snow will blow. Back and forth and back and down as de love will go. In all directions, along with tha snow."

They smiled at him, and Winter was about to say that they weren't exactly in love, but then he looked at Golden, who was merely blushing at his poetic nature. She nodded toward the pond at Winter, and he nodded. They began to walk down the path, and he kept playing uninterrupted. It was a slow, melodic tune of simplicity, and beauty, and it did, indeed, match the slow drift of the falling snowflakes.

They sat in the snow beside one another, on the bank of the frozen pond as they switched their boots out for ice skates. She noticed that his blade was quite dull, and she giggled a little at this, but speed wasn't really on the list of needed attributes that night.

He was shaky as he stood up on the blades, and slowly worked his way to the ice. She took big steps, as if she was walking on giant lily pads. She got to the ice, and instantly began to glide evenly on the surface, spinning around to face toward him. She gave herself a light push toward the edge of the ice to him. Golden reached out toward him with both of her hands, and he gave her a very nervous smile.

"Come on, you can do it. Just reach for my hands, and keep yourself upright. Don't lean too far back or forward, just keep your weight distributed evenly."

He took her hands, and she pulled him out onto the ice. Suddenly, he was skating across, as she made smooth movements, skating backwards with simple, little gliding steps. "Use the sides of your blades to guide your direction, and keep your skates straight, if you feel them beginning to split your legs, just adjust your hooves inward and get them straight again." She instructed him, and he was keeping his eyes fixed on his skates. "Hey, look at me."

He looked up at her, and he was glad that he did. The moon finally showed through the clouds, and her visage was almost dreamlike. She let his hands go for a moment, only to twirl three times in front of him, and then grab his hands again. Golden pulled Winter closer, and for a moment, he could feel her breath on his cheek, as her breath made small puffs of vapor in the cold, winter air.

"Keep it steady." She said, and let his hands go. She turned all the way around, and then began to race up to the end of the pond, starting to ride the coast, very close to the shore. She glided along the edge of the pond, and looked back at him with a smile.

Winter was going steadily, starting to pick up his skating a little. Remembering his lessons as a colt. He wasn't swift and fluid like Golden, but he was handling his own. He leaned a little to the right, and made a very wide turn toward her as he glided over the ice.

"There ya go! See? I knew you could pick it up if you tried." She called back to him. "Now come catch up to me!"

"Catch up to you? I'm not that fast quite yet." He hollered toward her, and she laughed a little.

"Oh yeah? Well, I'll go slower. Come on, I'm sure you can pick up some speed." Golden turned back around and skated backwards once again. "See? Now you can catch up to me."

He leaned forward a little bit, and started to push himself a little faster. He gained up speed at a steady rate, and he started to close the distance between them.

"That's the spirit!" She said, and clapped a little. "But you're still not quite getting there!"

"Aww, come on! Give me a break, I'm just now picking this back up."

They travelled back to the place they started, and they could hear that sixstrings was still playing, though it was a bit of a faster tune.

"Oh yeah? Well, what if I said if you caught me, I'll give you something special?" She said, and began rubbing her hands together, wringing them one by one.

"Something special? Like what?" Winter asked, and she giggled.

"I guess you're gonna have to catch me to find out!" She winked at him, and kept up a steady pace as she skated backwards, keeping up a fluid motion. As she reached the other side of the pond, she began to make a wide turn around the coast once again. She stood on one skate as she traced the shallow water around the outer rim of the pond. As she did this, Winter took a sharp turn and started skating fast!

He worked his skates on the ice as quickly as he could, cutting the distance between them as she made a spectacle of it. Her eyes widened as he approached her.

"Whoa, hey, steady now!" She said, but at this speed, he didn't really know how to stop. He caught her, but at the same time, both of them collided. He tackled her onto the shore, where they were met with a soft sheet of snow to break their fall. He got up from on top of her, about to say a steady stream of apologies. To his surprise, she was laughing. Not only laughing, but more guffawing. She gave him a pat on the cheek as if to slap him, and then her laughter trailed off a little bit as Golden looked up at him.

"So... what was that about giving me something special?" He asked her, and she gave a small chuckle. Her brown hair was now poking out the front of her beanie. The beautiful music coming from the guitar began to grow a bit louder as they gazed into each other's eyes.

"Oh, I don't know if you want it." She spoke softly, pursing her lips a little.

"Well, what if I do?" He nearly whispered to her. Running his hand over her cheek, to her forehead where he brushed her hair to the side, out of her eyes.

"You sure?" She asked ever so quietly.

"Mmmhmm." Their muzzles touched, and their lips pressed against one another. Her nose was cold, but her lips were so warm. It was a moment that turned his mind blank, and they lived in that moment for a good, long while. Over time, their lips were flat against one another, and they both tilted their heads opposite one another. For the longest time, they stayed on the shore of that pond, and kissed. Over and over, their fingers traced over their cheeks, and down to their necks.

After a moment that felt as if it could last forever, they softly broke the kiss, and gazed at one another. Their cheeks flushed, and eyes barely open.

"You're very cold." He said, and she nodded.

"Yeah, I didn't expect it to reach this temperature tonight. We should probably get inside." She leaned her muzzle against his, closing her eyes, and they cuddled for a moment, before finally getting to their hooves.

They retrieved their boots and backpacks once again, and as they exited the park, they noticed that Sixstrings was gone. However, for some reason, his music kept on playing.

They got to her house, and snuck to her room while Golden's mother was asleep. The two of them got out of their wet winter wardrobe and Golden was still shivering. Now in his black t-shirt, and boxer briefs, he wrapped his arms around her, there in the middle of her room. It was a room covered from corner to corner with hockey memorabilia, posters, trophies, hockey figures, and fan flags. Her floor wasn't filthy, but now it was covered in their clothing as they hugged one another close.

Golden cuddled up into his warmth, and was amazed at how he could still keep warm after they were wet from melted snow, and just coming home as the wind began to blow, and cut through their winter wear like it was barely there. Her face was numb, but now blood began to flow to it rather quickly as it pressed against his chest. Her freezing hands rubbed up underneath his black shirt, and before she knew it, she was more or less all wrapped around him like a Heartswarming gift.

She became very warm over time, and the two of them sat on her bed, covering up with her comforter.

"So, I don't suppose this date would be complete without a movie, right?" He asked, and smiled at her. She laughed, calling him a goof under her breath. She got up from the bed, and went over to her computer. After a few moments, she began a movie. As it started with the beginning credits, she got up from her seat, and she brushed her long hair from her shoulders, and onto her back. In that moment, she smiled at him, and it was beyond description.

She was dressed in a blue t-shirt, and black shorts that she had on under her winter pants. She smiled at him with her eyes half open, and it may have been the light shining behind her, but Golden looked as if she was glowing. She didn't even get out of his view of the movie she played as she crawled back into the bed. As she neared him, his hand came to her neck, and she leaned into his palm. Golden's smile brightened as Winter began to caress her up to her cheek, and her muzzle turned to his and they met with another very long, wonderful kiss.

After a moment, the sounds of the movie were lost in that instant. Her hands caressed his chest, and they were lost to the rest of the world. Once again, they seemed to disappear without a single trace, and that's how they wanted it to be. As their kiss broke, she put both of her knees on either side of his legs, and she removed her shirt, revealing the black bra she wore.

To her surprise, Winter pulled her close to him, and began to kiss her chest, causing her to blush deeply. Especially when his hands reached down to her ass, and squeezed both of her butt cheeks.

"Mmmm, don't slap me, please." He smiled up at her, and she began to laugh. That fit of laughter was interrupted as she gasped. He started caressing her buns. The fabric of her short shorts was especially thin and she could feel every touch of his amazing hands.

"I'll forgive you, for now." She moaned, speaking softly. Golden was not ashamed to admit that her butt was very sensitive. Winter's hands worked her rump, and his lips laid small kisses on the visible parts of her breasts. Her fingers combed through his blue hair, and she pulled her head back. Her eyes closed, and she softly whispered. "Oh, yes. Don't stop."

His hands only left her hind quarters for one instant, and before she knew it, her bra fell downward. Her eyes opened and she gazed at him, gawking as her breasts were exposed. He gazed at her beautiful, light brown nipples as they were bared before him. Before she could even ask how he did that, one of her nipples were engulfed in her mouth, and she didn't care anymore. Her moan was a little louder this time. She gripped his hair hard as he sucked on her areola, caressing it with his tongue.

Golden's willpower was fading fast, and with dire need, and hunger, her hand traced the side of his chest and stomach, down to the immediately noticeable bulge in the bed cover. The whites of her eyes showed clearly as she looked down at him, and her hand traced the length, and girth. Winter was as hard as an iceberg, and it felt like there was no end to his shaft.

"Sweet mercy, Winter! Are you planning to break me?" Golden breathed out the words as his mouth switched to her other nipple, and she gritted her teeth.

"Mmmhmmm." He hummed, and her grip on his hidden weapon tightened. He suddenly pulled her down lengthwise onto the bed, and rolled up on top of her as he began to kiss both of her breasts together.

"Ohh! Okay." She smiled at him as he did his work. As he kissed down under her tits, his fingers pulled her shorts off, along with her panties. Just by the strong, juicy smell, he could tell that she was absolutely soaked. The fact that cool air was now directly touching her beautiful, opened labia only made things worse.

He saw the look on her face as he caught a good glimpse of her womanhood, and it was a mixture of many expressions. There was a strong need, but a glimpse of worry, and one of excitement as well. As he pulled his underoos down to his knees, her face only turned a darker shade of red. His knees were planted on either side of her flanks, which displayed her cutie mark of a hockey goal red siren light, and his rock hard cock leaned forward, patting her pussylips, making her flinch just a little at how heavy it was. She gazed at his throbbing member, and a whole new barrage of expressions showed of her face as she stared. All of them were offsprings of amazement, and slight terror.

That was until Winter came up to her face to face, and her eyes met his. Their lips locked once again, and his sex organ began to rub against hers. She moaned into his mouth, and pushed her tongue against his as her hands grabbed the back of his neck. Their horns crossed, even clicked together as their lips worked on one another's. He hummed against her lips as well, and he grabbed underneath her knees, lifting them closer back toward her, and her hooves went straight up in the air.

With some care, he pulled back, allowing the tip of his manhood to slide down over her lips, precum rubbing against her crotch. Her eyes opened once again to meet his as their lips stayed together. The look of worry never left, but the look of need was that much stronger. Golden's hands gripped onto his shoulders, and his hands clenched her hips as the head of his cock pushed into her and a muffled cry came into his mouth from her own throat.

She drew in a sharp breath as he pushed deeper inside of her, and all of her limbs locked up tight against him. Golden could not believe that more and more of his length entered inside of her. Her wide eyes gazed upon Winter as his eyes clenched shut. She squeezed his rod with a death grip, and it was so amazingly warm. A great deal of his penis was inside of her as he began to push into her with a little force now. He began to pull in and out of her wonderful pussy lips, and her legs twitched hard.

"Are-- you--" He began to ask, and her hand shot up to his mouth, gripping with with trembling fingers.

"More!" She said in a whimpering voice. "More! More!" Her hand grasped blindly at his muzzle, which did not deter him in anyway. His hips began to pat against hers, as they interlocked and she moaned ever louder as he did not let up. The first orgasm rushed against her, causing her to gasp in a deep breath, and her vagina to grip his cock and loosen up back and forth. His gigantic, light blue dick with dark blue spots created beautiful friction against every part of her vaginal walls, grinding against her g-spot without halting.

As he pushed his whole length inside of her one or two more times, she came once again, this time drawing a high pitched cry from her as she held onto his arms with clenching hands. This did not prepare her, however, for him. He pushed deep into her, his entire length filled her tunnel, and she felt him burst between her legs. Her moans sang a high pitch as her eyes clenched shut. She felt semen gush into her insides, and she twitched through a third orgasm. Her head leaned against his, and the two of them held close.

Golden thought that his sperm was going to shoot inside of her for hours, and she would have been okay with that. Without warning, though, it stopped, and the two of them released their gasping breaths. They panted in sync for a moment, and their sweaty bodies stayed together. Though, a very tired Winter dropped to the other side of the bed from Golden Goal, he stayed inside of her and they bunched up together.

"Mmmmm, fine, you can stay over." She whispered to him, smiling, and he followed suit with a light chuckle. Their cuddling only intensified at this moment, staying close together on her bed. He even pulled the covers over them with a little difficulty. It seemed like forever, but the movie had ended after a while. Winter didn't even know what movie was on, and Golden had already forgotten. The video ended, and the screen went black. Even in the dark, their caressing continued, and their kisses never stopped until the two of them drifted off to sleep.

Outside, the snow continued to fall.