Kayla: Chapter Two - Punished

Story by SMWolf on SoFurry

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#2 of Kayla


Chapter 2: Punished

S.M. Wolf

Copyright copyright 2002, 2010 by S.M. Wolf. Based on characters and situations created by [Kittiara](%5C). All rights reserved by the author. Master David Wolf, Valentia, Todd, and Mike copyright S.M. Wolf. Characters Kayla, Trouble, Marla, Jenny, various Academy employees, slaves, and visitors copyright Kittiara. Zassa copyright her player Reproduction and distribution of this workby any meanswithout the expressed written permission of the author, or hotlinking from another Web site without the expressed written permission of SM Wolf is expressly forbidden. Similarity to any person, living or dead, or similarity to any LARPing character is coincidental.

Kayla sat at her make-up table and slowly drew the brush through her long brown hair. She watched her reflection in the mirror, but she was lost deep in thought.

It had been a month since Master David had bought her. During that time he had been unfailingly kind and considerate towards her. He had not required her to mate with him even once though it was well within his rights as her owner to do so. She had been so afraid of what she would face as somefur's sex slave. Instead she was confronted with an enigma that took her shopping at the mall and lavished clothes on her while requiring very little in return.

She had to admit to herself at least that he had actually been very kind to her. The first morning he had come out of the bathroom after his shower and looked down at her as she lay naked on the bed. When he had stood there for several seconds just staring at her body she had started mentally preparing herself for him to break his word and rape her. She had closed her eyes when he reached out and gently lifted her left nipple ring. She had been certain he would mount her then and there.

Instead he had simply asked her, "Do you wish to keep these?"

Most of her piercings were the reminders of the unsuccessful escape attempt from the Academy by her and her friends and the two weeks of hellacious punishment that had followed. She still grew weak thinking about that failure and the pain she and her three classmates had endured as a result.

Kayla had quietly replied, "No, Master David."

Kayla had thought little more of the incident until later that day. Master David had whisked her off to a discrete medical facility. The doctor had used a local anesthetic and bolt cutters to remove all of the rings and other piercings from her entire body. She had even heard Master David covering for her by mentioning "correcting youthful indiscretions" to one of the nurses assisting with the procedure.

Master David had never asked Kayla how she got the piercings, but she suspected he knew full well that a pleasure slave from the Academy would be given them as a form of severe punishment for some great error in the eyes of the Academy staff. Now the holes in her skin, the last reminders of her pain, were nearly closed. Like so much of the rest of her life here in the penthouse, she was allowed her privacy and time to make her own decisions.

In fact, so far Kayla had only had to oversee the normal operation of the apartment. As long as the dripping faucets were fixed and the pantry had plenty of food, Master David was happy. She was scrupulous about reconciling the household accounts daily, and her Master had even complimented her. She had beamed the entire morning after he gave her that compliment.

The staff of the apartment complex was efficient and unfailingly courteous to her. There had been no parties yet, but several of Master David's top managers had visited on business. Some she now knew by first name. She was surprised at how kind and respectful they were to her. They seemed to actually look forward to seeing her when Master David was busy and they had to wait. She wondered if that might be because they thought she was Master David's sex toy. It seemed to be more because they wanted to see her instead, though.

But she still had not given herself to Master David.

She put down the brush with a loud sigh. She placed her elbows on the table and propped her muzzle up on her paws. Staring at her reflection in the mirror, she wondered what her other friends from the Academy would do if they were in her position.


Kayla actually laughed out loud at the image that came to mind. The very first night Marla would have been leaning up against the bedroom door frame, naked except for her collar and cuffs, twirling her lead and asking Master David, "Hey, Sailor, looking for a good time?"

Marla would have dived into her life as a sex slave with a wealthy and admittedly handsome male wolf with abandon. Kayla continued laughing as another image, this one of a withered Master David desperately trying to crawl from bed as Marla grabbed his ankle and pulled him back into bed while imploring him, "Just one more time!"

Kayla threw her head back and laughed as more images of Marla and Master David engaged in various forms of sex play, each more extreme and outrageous than the last, came unbidden to her mind.

After several minutes she wiped the laugh tears from her eyes and resumed her position contemplating herself in the mirror.


Like Kayla, Jenny had some reservations that even the Academy had not fully removed. Her problems seemed to center more around fear than actual reluctance. With Master David to guide her it was likely her fears would have soon vanished, and Jenny would have been sharing his bed as his sex partner by now.


Kayla snorted.

There was no question that Zassa would have been as bad if not worse than Marla and possibly even kinkier. Kayla suspected Zassa would have been Master David's dessert the first evening. She could easily imagine Zassa slinking out her clothes, climbing up on the table, spreading her legs wide to expose her dripping cunt and saying, "Take me, Master!" in a low, sexy voice. Zassa would have loved to pleasure Master David early and often.


Trouble had one goal in life - to be free again. There was no doubt in Kayla's mind Trouble would be looking for a way to escape at every opportunity. She probably would have consented to mate with Master David soon after arriving. Unlike Kayla, Trouble enjoyed sex immensely. However, Trouble would try to use the sex to gain an advantage over her Master and some sort of edge in escaping.

And Kayla?

Kayla sighed and pushed her chair back. She had no idea what she wanted. Freedom was being a junior executive in a dead end job and the rent due at the end of each month. Slavery was a penthouse apartment in the clouds with a caring male.

Was her freedom worth more than what she had now as a sex slave?

The alternative was by no means terrible. And Master David had thus far been good to his word and done little more than look and occasionally pet her. Her father had probably been more physically demonstrative than her new Master. How much longer would Master David remain patient, though?

Kayla looked at the clock. It was getting close to noon. She had been daydreaming for over an hour. Her morning workout and bath were over, and her fur was dry. It was time to get moving again.

Kayla finished getting dressed and thought about what she would do with the rest of her day. No deliveries or service crews were due into the apartment today, so she had the entire day free until her Master returned. She decided to take some personal time and enjoy the afternoon.

Kayla stopped by the library. Master David had gone to one of his manufacturing plants in another city, and he would not be home until late tonight. In the meantime she had full access to everything in the apartment. She had found several good books in the library and rediscovered her love of reading. She planned to spend the afternoon curled up on the couch with some tea and the latest science fiction novel from her favorite author.

Kayla boiled water in the kitchen and steeped her tea leaves in the hot water. When she was satisfied with the tea, she pulled out the tea bag and disposed of it. A twist of lemon and four lumps of sugar completed her drink. She walked to the living room couch while blowing on her tea to cool it.

Kayla set the tea and her book down on a coffee table. She looked at the couch. A mischievous grin came to her muzzle. Master David had told her she was not being monitored. She doubted that, but even if she was she doubted she would receive a severe punishment for what she was about to do.

Kayla jumped up and landed on her back in the thick pillows and cushions of the couch. She gave a chirp of joy as she wriggled down into the soft cushions.

"Wheeeee!" she cried.

Kayla rolled around several times to settle herself into the couch. Unexpectedly she felt something hard underneath her rib cage. Reaching down she found a cylindrical-shaped object lodged between the cushions. She worked her paw between the cushions and brought it out.

She recognized the object immediately.

It was a credit stick.

Looking at it more carefully, she realized it was a non-secured, single use type. It was given a set amount of credit at the bank. Anyone could use it, but no one could add credit back to it. It was a useful way to make anonymous transfers of credits or to give a cub some credits as an allowance or as a gift

It had probably fallen out of some visiting fur's pocket. Kayla wondered how much credit it had remaining. It probably had just enough for dinner and parking left on it if no one had come looking for it. She hit the display button. Staring at the readout, Kayla gasped and her eyes opened wide in shock.

Two hundred fifty thousand credits.

That was close to ten years of take-home wages for Kayla's old job.

The credit stick had to be returned to Master David so he could find the owner. Kayla got up and started marching towards her Master's office. He had shown her the speed dial button that would put her in contact with him anywhere, anytime. Press one little button, tell her Master what she had found, and everything would be taken care of for her. There would be no fuss, and she might even get a reward of some sort for her honesty and integrity.

As she got closer to the videophone, Kayla's steps slowed. She recalled her thoughts of the morning. No one had come looking for the credit stick yet, so some fur did not want to let people know that they had lost it. It could be mad money. It could be a surprise gift. It could be some young fur's cache taken from their parents. Kayla doubted it was illegal funds. Master David did not appear to allow those types into his home though she might be wrong. She had only known him for a month, and she had no way of truly knowing what he did when she was not with him.

Any way Kayla looked at it, she could keep the credit stick and the funds if she simply did not tell her Master about it. Such an action would be a gross act of rebellion, though. If she was discovered, she would be severely punished. Even Master David would not ignore such a deed.

Kayla turned around and walked back into the living room. She stood staring out the windows. She did not see the clouds and the sun, though. She could only see all the possibilities both good and bad if she did not tell her Master what she had found.

The sun was just touching the horizon when Kayla turned away from the window. She had reached a decision. She walked upstairs and hid the credit stick underneath her underwear. It was not an original hiding place, but Master David never went through her personal items, so it would do for now. She ran back downstairs and awaited her Master's return.

Kayla was on pins and needles the rest of the week. Any moment she expected Master David to demand the return of the credit stick or, more likely, to show up with it and a whip to punish her for defying him.

Instead life remained unchanged. No fur appeared at the door asking for the credit stick. Master David made no mention of it to her. She calmed down eventually as life continued normally.

That Friday night Kayla was standing beside Master David in the main lobby when her next big break came. They were just returning from a new restaurant. It had been touted as the best place to eat in town in the reviews. Master David had finagled reservations for the evening. They had sampled the five course meal with accompanying wines, and it had lived up to every expectation they had.

Because Master David had decided to take a taxi tonight to avoid parking difficulties, they were using the public elevator from the main lobby instead of the private one from the underground garage. To get to the penthouse apartment, the occupants of the elevator had to punch in a numerical code on the keypad. It changed according to the guest and only worked when the person was expected. On the other paw, Master David had a personal code that never changed. The few other times they had used this elevator, Master David had shielded Kayla from seeing his code with his body.

Tonight, though, the sumptuous meal and alcohol left him a bit lackadaisical. He left enough of a gap that she could see the seven digit code he punched in. Kayla had always had a good head for numbers, and the Academy had forced her to learn things the first time under threat of painful and degrading punishment. She instantly stored away Master David's personal code in her memory.

Kayla lay awake that night in Master David's bed. His soft breathing and warmth beside her reminded her of his presence. She had everything she needed to make an escape attempt. Should she make a run for it?

Kayla spent the night tossing and turning but could not reach a decision.

Kayla's final break came Monday morning. She lay on the bed watching Master David. He was transferring his keys, credit stick, identification and other small items to his pants pockets. He had a large wad of cash from a winning weekend trip to the local casino. He had called her his "good luck charm" as she stood beside him watching him win at high-stakes blackjack. Kayla looked on as he negligently tossed it into a bureau drawer. She had seen him put at least fifty 1,000 credit notes into the roll. Knowing him, she doubted he would even remember they were around tomorrow.

Kayla waited patiently as the days passed. Thursday night came. She ate with Master David and enjoyed a comedy in the home theater. Outwardly she spent the evening laughing with him, but inside she was planning for the night.

Kayla had decided to try to escape. It scared her to think of the consequences of failure, but she was certain she could be gone from the apartment and lost in the bustling city before her Master awoke in the morning.

Around midnight Kayla carefully crept from the bed and went to the bureau. Silently she opened the drawer. She found the wad of money as she expected. She lifted it out and carefully closed the drawer.

Kayla stealthily walked to the door and opened it. She turned and looked at the still sleeping form of Master David. She could make out his dark fur against the white sheets in the light from the moons. He slept so peacefully. She stopped and took a long last look at him and stored away his visage in a special corner of her memories. Despite the fact he was her owner and Master, he was still a very good fur and a kind male. She was sorry to be leaving him, but freedom drew her.

Kayla closed the door and went to her room. She grabbed a nondescript dress and blouse from the closet and put them on. She did not even bother with underwear. She would toss out everything at the first chance she had anyway. She took the credit stick from its hiding place and stuck it and the credit notes into a small purse. She returned to the closet and found a comfortable pair of shoes but did not put them on. She took a quick look around her room. Strange how it felt more like home than her old apartment even though she had been here for little more than five weeks.

Kayla went back into the hallway. Master David's bedroom door was still closed. She had not awakened him. She padded down the hallway carrying her shoes so she would not make any sound. She continued down the staircase and on to the public elevator. She drew a deep breath and punched the call button. She was rewarded with the sound of the elevator starting.

Kayla stood before the elevator doors waiting for the car to arrive. She shifted nervously from foot to foot. She wanted her freedom, but her conditioning told her that she was wrong to escape from her Master. Worse, her heart was not really into what she was doing. She kept trying to sort out her feelings but could not.

The elevator door quietly opened. Inside the car was dimly lit for the nighttime. She stepped into the car and punched in the seven digit code she had seen Master David use. The green ACCEPT light came on, and the doors started to close. In less than four minutes she would be down in the lobby and on her way to freedom. Once out the doors she would be nearly impossible to find among the teaming masses of the city with the credits she had to buy other fur's silence.

Kayla's paw shot out at the last moment and stopped the doors from closing. She rested her forehead against the cool metal of the door frame and closed her eyes. She was so torn apart by what she was doing that she was close to being physically ill. She wanted to go, but at the same time she wanted to stay. Uncertain what to do, she balanced on the cusp of her decision.

Reluctantly Kayla stepped out of the elevator and back into the apartment. The elevator doors slid shut behind her. She stood staring blankly at the floor for several minutes.

Kayla raised her head and started to take a step only to stop dead.

Two yellow green embers stared at her from the darkness.

Kayla dropped to her knees and bent forward to place her forehead on the marble tile in a gesture of total submission.

A shadow detached itself from the darkness and walked over to stand in front of Kayla.

Master David looked down at Kayla's prone form. Wordlessly he extended his right paw and snapped his fingers. Mutely Kayla rose up to her knees and handed her Master the credit stick and credit notes before dropping her head back to the marble tile.

Master David looked down at the objects in his paw for several seconds before speaking.

"You had everything you needed to escape. Credit, my access code, an escape route, and a good headstart," Master David commented.

He paused.

"Why didn't you leave?" Master David asked Kayla in a puzzled tone.

"I don't know," Kayla replied in a strained whisper.

Master David gently bounced the credit stick and notes in his paw several times before closing his fingers tight around them.

"Get up and return to bed. I will punish you tomorrow night for trying to escape," Master David told Kayla.

The next day was almost unreal for Kayla. Master David seemed to have totally forgotten about what had happened the previous night. He even went so far as to leave her alone for several hours as he went to various appointments. She had little doubt though that he would make good on his promise to punish her that night.

Kayla considered trying to escape again, but without credit she would have a tough time on the streets. She also doubted she was truly being left alone. Her best chance was over and done with. She would have to live with the consequences of her actions and face her punishment at the paws of her Master.

Kayla just prayed she would make it through the night.

At dinner Master David ate heartily but allowed her only a small portion of a bland fish dish and some water. After dinner he ordered her to use the toilet and bathe herself thoroughly. She was still washing her fur when Master David walked into the bathroom.

Master David had changed from his normal stylish casual clothing to a pair of blue spandex briefs. The bulge of his sheath could be easily seen on the front of the tight fitting pants. He stood just inside the doorway with his arms crossed as she stared at him.

"Like what you see, Kayla?" he asked her.

Suddenly aware that she was staring at her Master's crotch, Kayla dropped her gaze.

"Yes, Master," Kayla replied. It was the truth, but hopefully it would help get her through this night as well.

"Good. Finish bathing so we can get on with your punishment," Master David ordered her.

Kayla quickly rinsed the remaining fur shampoo from her body and got out of the bath. The full length fur drier quickly dried her pelt.

Kayla stood facing the wall as the drier sensed its job was done and shut itself off. She could not delay it any longer.

It was time for her punishment.

Kayla knelt in front of her Master with her head bowed. Master David looked down at the beautiful young female otter on the floor in front of him and smiled. It promised to be an interesting night for both of them.

Master David put a stern face back on and curtly commanded Kayla, "Stand up and follow me!"

Kayla stood with her muzzle against her chest and her paws at her side. Her Master turned and walked to a section of blank wall beside the doorway. He reached out and pressed three tiles in rapid sequence. Kayla could hear a faint click. A hidden door opened.

Master David walked through, and Kayla followed him into her Master's private dungeon.

The hidden room was painted a pleasant off-white color. Several sections of the walls and the entire ceiling were covered in mirrors. There were a variety of chairs ranging from stiff wooden straight-backed chairs to sumptuous padded leather love seats positioned about the room.

Kayla's eyes were drawn to the other things in the room, though. Scattered about on the walls of the room were a series of hooks. From the hooks hung a variety of whips, paddles and canes. Several shelves displayed diverse dildos and butt plugs ranging from minuscule to truly elephantine. One section of wall was covered with a wide variety of clamps. A large bin of clothes pins rested on the floor beside the clamps. Over twenty feet of wall space was taken up by hooks holding a variety of cuffs, gags and other bondage gear. Chains and leather straps, some attached to pulleys and winches, hung from the ceiling. Also scattered about the room were a variety of stocks, racks, an X-cross, and other bondage devices and furniture.

Altogether Master David had a complete dungeon most suitable for punishing any rebellious slave fur.

"Follow me," Master David commanded Kayla.

Together they walked to the far end of the room. Kayla looked over the various instruments and devices in the dungeon as she passed them. She was surprised at the quality and quantity of items. In some ways they surpassed the Academy's tools. Kayla had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.

Master David stopped at a simple bench drawn up against the far wall near a corner. The bench was about four feet long, eighteen inches wide and fifteen inches high. The top was covered in a thick blue vinyl cover with some padding underneath. It had four plain wooden legs.

On the wall above the bench were a set of manacles attached with short chains to a heavy steel plate. The large bolts in the plate ensured the victim would not be able to escape by pulling the manacles from the wall.

"Sit down, Kayla," Master David quietly commanded her.

Nervously Kayla say down in the middle of the bench. Like the other slaves, she had been punished many times at the Academy. Each of the slaves had found their own way to deal with the experience. For her part, Kayla had always found waiting for the punishment to begin was the worst part. She found a blank spot on the far wall and stared at it intently to take her mind off what was happening to her. It would not stop the pain when her punishment began in earnest, but it helped keep her panic in control now.

Master David secured first Kayla's left and then her right wrists to the manacles. He grabbed her tail and draped it off the end of the bench to her left.

Master David went to a nearby hook and removed several coils of leather straps and four thin cuffs. Kayla felt him secure the cuffs to her ankles and to her thighs just above her knees. He stood on the bench briefly and looped one long leather strap onto a hook hanging from the ceiling by a chain. The ends of the strap fell to a point about six inches above Kayla's knees.

Master David knelt and used a short leather strap to secure Kayla's ankle cuffs together. He tied two more leather straps to the outside of her ankle cuffs, but left them free for now.

Master David stood up again and tied one end of the long strap hanging from the ceiling to Kayla's left thigh cuff.

"Lift both of your legs up from the bench, Kayla," he ordered her.

Without taking her eyes off the far wall, Kayla leaned back against the wall and lifted her feet as high as she could. Master David tied the free end of the leather strap to her right thigh.

"Drop your legs, Kayla," Master David directed her.

Kayla let her legs fall. The strap held her thighs well off the bench, but she could lower one leg if she raised the other. The arrangement allowed her considerable mobility while restraining her legs from moving too far.

Master David picked up the free strap on her right ankle cuff and tied it loosely to the leg of the bench. He repeated the procedure with the other strap. Satisfied with Kayla's bonds, he stepped back and surveyed his work.

The straps and Kayla's legs formed a large A-shape. Her firm large breasts and pussy slit were invitingly framed by the thin leather straps. She could move her legs about, but the outer straps made it impossible for her to close her legs.

Master David walked over to the dungeon's lighting control panel . He switched off most of the lights. He adjusted a few controls until Kayla highlighted in bright spotlights in a dark room. She saw him come back to stand at the edge of the circle of light he had created.

"Since you have developed a case of 'happy feet', I think it is only fitting your feet suffer the bulk of your punishment tonight, Kayla," Master David sternly told her.

Kayla looked up at her stern faced Master. She shuddered at his words and his demeanor. He meant to punish her severely. What was Master David going to do to her?

A flogging? She had seen one slave nearly crippled by having the soles of his feet beaten with a wooden cane.

Heat? Her sensitive feet could be covered with seared flesh before the night was out.

Clamps? There were clamps here that could crush her delicate foot bones. Her active imagination gave her a graphic glimpse at going through the rest of her life with stumps where her feet had been.

Master David went to a nearby cabinet and opened it. He took something out and hid it behind his body. He returned to stand three feet in front of Kayla with his legs spread wide and his right paw behind his back. He stared down at her for several seconds while she nervously squirmed in dread under his gaze.

Kayla felt herself beginning to panic.

Slowly Master David brought his paw around to the front to show her the instrument of her torture.

Kayla's mouth dropped opened in shocked astonishment at what she saw.

In Master David's paw was a single white feather.

Kayla looked up into her Master's face. A wide grin was spreading over his muzzle. He dropped his muzzle a bit and gave her a purely mischievous wink.

"I hope you like laughing, young woman," Master David told Kayla in a mock severe voice just before he gave a hearty laugh.

Master David sat down on Kayla's right. He slipped his left arm about her shoulders and held her tight. Kayla turned her head to face him. She was still in shock at Master David's choice of punishment.

Master David tapped the feather against the tip of Kayla's nose.

"Kayla, you did something I simply cannot ignore no matter how much I would like to do so. I am going to have to punish you."

Master David paused an looked deep into Kayla's open eyes.

"And it will be a punishment, Kayla. When I am done your ribs and likely other parts of your body will be hurting. It will not be nearly as bad as a flogging or something similar, but you will know you did wrong," Master David told Kayla.

Kayla dropped her head in acceptance of her fate. She had to admit she was getting off very lightly for what she had done. Master David gently planted a single light kiss on her forehead. His muzzle slid up to rest beside her left ear. He whispered, "Your safe word is 'Rex'. Use it if things get too bad."

Kayla looked up at her Master on wonderment as he slid from the bench and resumed a standing position in front of her. He had just said he would punish her, yet at the same time he gave her the means to end her torture if she chose. Not for the first time she shook her head in confusion. Would she ever understand him?

"Hold your feet up as high and as far forward as you can. Keep them still," Master David instructed Kayla.

Kayla swung her feet out as far as she could. Her bonds restricted her movements, but she was able to get her feet about a foot off the floor and almost two feet out in front of her.

Master David squatted in front of Kayla. He held the feather on its side and began to gently stroke the edge of the feather along the length of her right sole. He watched Kayla closely and noted the most sensitive portions of her foot from her sudden intakes of breath and when she jerked back her foot and curled her toes.

To Kayla's discomfort, Master David repeated the process several times with varying strokes. He applied differing forces as well to see what her reaction would be. Satisfied that he had a good idea of the tender spots on her right sole, Master David repeated the process on Kayla's left sole.

Kayla was keeping a close eye on her Master's handiwork. She had never been tickle tortured, and she did not know what to expect. In a way, it was pleasant. The tickling sensation made her jerk around a bit, but overall it was a relatively agreeable sensation. She had seen Master David nod several times as her foot jumped back from his feathery touch. She suspected those portions of her feet would be the main subject of his attack.

"It's going to be a long night. I might as well get comfortable," Master David told Kayla.

Master David lay down on his belly. He propped his upper torso up on his elbows. His muzzle was inches from Kayla's feet, but safely protected from being kicked by the straps. He extended his right paw and placed the tip of the feather against the center of Kayla's right sole. He glanced up into her anxious face as she looked down at him before he began to gently twirl the shaft of the feather between his thumb and forefinger.

Kayla felt an electric thrill run through her foot and up her leg. She could not help herself. She threw her head back and laughed at the top of her lungs as the tickling registered.

Kayla's Master slowly worked the tip of the feather over her entire arch. Kayla tried to jerk her foot away, but Master David grabbed her ankle with his left paw and held her foot still. After the first minute or so she was laughing so hard tears began to stream down her cheeks from her closed eyes.

Master David stopped after five minutes. Kayla slumped back against the wall. She was breathing hard, but otherwise was in good shape. Master David propped his muzzle on his paws and looked up at Kayla. She was very aware of the view he was getting of her legs and pussy. She was also suddenly conscious of her slightly erect nipples. From the way her Master was staring at her breasts, so was he.

When Kayla's breathing returned to normal Master David pointed to her left foot. Kayla bit her lower lip but presented her naked foot to her Master. He took it in his left paw and began to gently stroke the feather over and between her toes. She could not move her foot, but Kayla did wriggle her toes as the light touch of the feather worked its way across each toe. After the first few strokes she broke down in a fit of giggling.

It was particularly bad when the feather caressed the webbing between Kayla's toes. Her natural inclination to open her toes only pulled the webbing taut and enhanced the tickling. Her Master seemed to know this all too well. He would start by tickling one of the adjacent toes, and then shift to her webbing as soon as she opened her toes.

It seemed like Master David kept at it for hours, but in fact it probably lasted only thirty minutes. Kayla's laughter and squeals filled the dungeon the entire time. It was all she could do to not lose control of her bladder. By the time he was done, Kayla was drenched in sweat from her latest ordeal. Her head hung down, and her breathing was heavy and fast.

Master David got up and sat beside Kayla. He waited for her breathing to slow some. Kayla gradually became aware of her Master's stare. She did not even have to look down to know her nipples had became rock hard. This strange new experience was arousing her, and her Master knew it. He placed his left arm around her shoulders again and drew her close to his body.

Kayla watched almost in horror as her Master slowly extended his right paw until the tip of the feather came into contact with her right nipple. She could feel the light touch of the feather's vane against her engorged tit as her Master moved the end of the feather up and down quickly. The barbs with their little hooks grabbed her tender flesh and pulled it ever so lightly before releasing it, causing electric shocks to run through her breast. Kayla could not help herself. She threw back her head and both screamed and laughed as her first orgasm took her.

Master David did not let up on her. As soon as her first orgasm passed he moved to her other nipple. He took the feather and slowly drew the entire length along the very tip of her nipple. She tried desperately to push her body away, but the wall and her Master's arm held her fast. She was trapped and could not avoid her Master's ministrations. Kayla experienced an extended second orgasm as her Master repeatedly pulled the length of the feather over her left tit.

Kayla was unprepared for Master David's next move. He trailed the feather down her white stomach fur to the top of her pussy slit. Her eyes flew open, and she sat up ramrod stiff as she felt the vane of the feather drawn up and down between her labia. The repeated application and release of pressure as each barbule slid over her tender pink flesh was electric. Her pussy lips swelled, and her clit started to extend.

kayla was shocked at her body's reaction. Surely she could not be turned on by the thought of being tickled there?! However, her body clearly had other ideas.

Master David was watching Kayla's slit very carefully. As soon as he saw her pussy slit open and her clit appear he dove the tip of the feather down on her clit and spun it while keeping the end lightly in contact with Kayla's clitoris. Kayla desperately tried to close her legs to protect herself, but the straps prevented her. She was reduced to raising first one and then the other leg in a desperate attempt to escape the feather.

Her efforts were unsuccessful of course. Her Master knew exactly what he was doing. She was forced to endure several minutes of the feather caressing her cunt. Soon though her squeals became moans as her Master brought her to complete arousal. He flicked the tip of the feather across her fleshy little nub. She screamed as another orgasm took her.

Master David could feel Kayla's body convulsing from her third orgasm. She went limp and even some gentle prodding with the feather could not elicit much of a response. He was about one third done with Kayla's punishment, and it was a good time for a short break. He left her hanging limp in her manacles and went downstairs to the kitchen. He poured a couple of cold fruit drinks and took them back upstairs to the dungeon.

Kayla still lay limp in her bonds, but her eyes were alert again. She watched her Master approach with the glasses.

Master David slipped back onto the bench. He held up one of the drinks to Kayla's lips. She eagerly drank down the cold, tart liquid. It seemed to help revive her. A few moments later she was sitting back up.

Master David carefully watched his slave as they shared their drinks. When he was done with his. Master David spoke.

"I'm surprised you were so drained by your orgasms, Kayla," he commented.

Kayla dropped her head. In a faint voice she replied, "It's been several weeks since my last one. Having several back-to-back orgasms was...hard."

Master David's left eyebrow arched up.

"Your first orgasms in several weeks? I'm surprised. I know you are reluctant to have sex, but surely a sex slave would want..."

Master David's voice trailed off in confusion.

Kayla was not sure how her Master would respond, but she had to give him a truthful answer.

"My Master never said I was allowed to pleasure myself, so I have not done anything since he bought me," Kayla informed Master David.

David cocked his head. A puzzled look came over his muzzle.

"I had not thought about that. I always assumed with your training, plenty of free time and a wide variety of small fruits and vegetables you were having a good time while I was gone." he informed her.

Kayla snorted softly at the mental image of her using a banana to pleasure herself.

"Okay, several LARGE pieces of fruit..."

Despite her predicament, Kayla could not help but burst out laughing. A large smile erupted on Master David's muzzle.

"Don't laugh. I know three skunk sisters. [One of them considers the other two wimps because they haven't even tried a watermelon,](%5C)" he smugly told her.

Kayla spent several seconds laughing at the thought of a skunkette mounting a large watermelon.

When she calmed back down, Kayla told her Master, "I think she and Marla would get along well. The Academy made it a point to train all slaves, male as well as female, to use a variety of unconventional items for pleasure on ourselves and our Masters. Marla took one look at the zucchini, grabbed two, and proceeded to spend the next hour doing her best to start a zucchini garden in her womb. I think even the instructor was a bit taken aback by her...enthusiasm."

Master David laughed along with Kayla at the mental image her description brought to his mind's eye.

"In the future, Kayla," Master David told her, "when you are not engaged in doing something with or for me you may pleasure yourself or not depending on your desires. I never meant for you to be denied release or pleasure. To be honest I never really thought about it. I apologize for my oversight."

Kayla had to shake her head in wonder yet again. Her Master had just apologized to her when no apology was needed and certainly not expected. He had done it in the midst of punishing for escaping, the worst offense any slave could commit. Even more wondrous, he had given her control of her own body, a right normally exclusively reserved to a Master. She was both shocked and thrilled at his gift.

Master David let several minutes pass quietly. When Kayla appeared to be fully recovered, he set aside the empty glasses.

"Time to get back to your punishment, young woman" he informed her.

Kayla had hoped her ordeal was over, but she realized this was likely to be an all night session. Escape was not something to be dealt with lightly. At least unlike the time Trouble had broken her bonds her tormentor was not using a pain inducer, and the punishment was being applied with a mild paw. Still, she wondered if she would need her safe word soon. Looking at the smiling muzzle of her Master she was not sure if she was sad or glad her punishment was continuing. He seemed to be enjoying her punishment far too much for her comfort.

Mater David sat down Indian-style on the floor to Kayla's left. She watched as he took the tip of her tail in his right paw. He started to stroke the top of her tail with his left paw. Kayla nervously watched her Master as his paw started to work around and under her tail.

Kayla squealed and gyrated her body as best she could as her Master slowly ran his nails through the fur of her tail's underside from near her tail hole to the tip. The delicate touch of his nail tips against her sensitive skin through her thick pelt set her off into another laughing fit.

Master David continued to lavish attention on Kayla's tail. He worked over the entire surface but concentrated on the underside. Like most furs, this was one of Kayla's most sensitive spots. Despite her paroxysms of laughter, Kayla soon felt her crotch begin to moisten again as she became aroused by her Master's touch.

Kayla's agitated state did not go unnoticed by Master David. He could see Kayla's pussy grow steadily moister. He looked up at her and smiled. She was surprised to feel herself blush a bit. After the months of sex slave training she thought that nothing sexual could embarrass her any more, but it was so different with her Master that she felt her cheeks start to glow a bit under his smiling gaze.

Master David stopped playing with Kayla's tail. She nearly cried when he placed it back on the bench. She twitched it several times both to relieve the sensations still coursing through it and to try to attract her Master's attentions. Her Master, however, had other games in mind. He allowed her to calm somewhat before moving on.

Master David lay face down on the floor again. He reached out and grabbed Kayla's left heel with his right paw. Grinning up at her, he started to gently tickle her sole just behind her toes. Moving his left forefinger up and down, he ran over the pad of her sole. Kayla was sent into another helpless giggling fit. She tried to withdraw her foot, but Master David's strong grip prevented her. Helplessly she begged her Master to stop, but he merely grinned up at her and continued her tickle torture.

After several minutes of tickling her sole with his finger, Master David stopped. Looking up at Kayla, he ordered her, "Present both of your feet for torture!"

Kayla's ribs were starting to hurt from all the laughing, but she was not going to be defeated so easily. She was not going to give in and use her safe word. Almost defiantly she she lifted her feet and held both of them out for her Master. Master David reached up and spread her toes wide so he could easily access her webbing. Kayla gritted her teeth and clenched her fists in anticipation.

Master David did not keep her waiting. He began to trace intricate patterns over the soles of her feet. Working with both paws simultaneously, he ran a light finger over both of her arches, down her heels and back up to her toes. His fingers found all the sensitive spots on her soles. Kayla squealed but managed to keep her feet relatively still. The straps holding her legs up helped.

Kayla watched her Master's eyes bore into her crotch. She was aware of her own arousal. It would not take much to send her over the edge, and she suspected her Master would soon give her release again. She was surprised by her Master's method, though.

Master David moved his attention to the webbing between Kayla's toes. He gently stroked it, sending electric thrills from her toes up her legs directly into her pussy. She arched her back, closed her eyes and groaned with delight as she had her fourth orgasm of the night. It seemed to stretch on for hours as Master David continued to stroke her sensitive webbing for several more minutes.

The intensity of her orgasm was so great Kayla passed into a semi-daze. She was dimly aware of Master David leaving her. When she came back to her senses she was alone in the dungeon. She was sitting in a pool of her own cunt juices. She looked around nervously. At the Academy she would have faced severe punishment for not remaining alert and responsive to her Master or an instructor. In truth, she was more concerned she had somehow offended Master David.

Kayla was left sitting on the bench for an extended period of time. She could feel her pussy juices drying on the vinyl. She bit her lower lip nervously while she awaited her Master's return. Her arms and shoulders were getting a little stiff, and her ribs and back were actually hurting noticeably now from all of her laughing. She mentally went through her punishment so far. She must have been manacled to the wall for close to two hours.

When Master David returned he again bore cool fruit juices. He was now sporting black briefs, though. Unconsciously, Kayla stared at them as Master David sat down on the bench beside her again. Seeing the direction of her gaze, Master David smiled.

"You were not the only one to get off this time," he told her.

She dropped her eyes to the floor. All of her training and conditioning at the Academy came crashing down on her. Regardless of her feelings about sex, she was the property of Master David and his sex slave. It was her responsibility to serve him. She had failed her Master miserably. She began to cry.

Seeing her reaction, Master David put the drinks down on the floor. He reached out with his right paw and turned Kayla's muzzle to face him.

"Kayla," he said.

Kayla stubbornly kept her eyes closed. Master David shifted on the bench. He placed his left arm behind her again.

"Kayla, what is wrong?" he asked in a concerned voice. Her crying and refusal to look at him were beginning to worry him.

Kayla sensed her Master's concern for her, and it helped. Around her sobs, she was slowly able to slowly explain her sense of failure and unworthiness to her Master.

"Kayla, don't be ashamed. I told you before, I expect complete, total and absolute surrender from you if you wish to be my sex partner. You have not given that to me, so I did not expect anything from you tonight. Had you given me your submission, then I would have had you service me several times during your punishment. Not as part of the punishment, but because you have been arousing me so much. But for now, I am still awaiting your capitulation if you choose to do so and will not force myself upon you."

Kayla half-opened her eyes to look at her Master.

"Besides, my paws needed some exercise," he told her with a wink.

Once again her Master surprised Kayla and sent her off into another round of laughter. This time he joined in with her. Kayla still had a strong lingering sense of guilt heavily reinforced by her training and conditioning, but she knew her Master was not upset with her. For some reason that made her strangely happy.

They shared the cool fruit drinks in silence. Master David leaned in as he gave Kayla her drink. She was very much aware of his strong masculine presence as his body touched hers. She could smell the musky scent of his arousal. She was fascinated by his yellow-green eyes as well. She was not sure what she was seeing in them, but there seemed to be a kindness that belied her present situation. It comforted her. There was also some other emotion just below the surface she could not quite decipher.

The fruit drinks were soon finished. The empty glasses joined the others on the floor beside the bench. Master David's right paw moved to Kayla's belly. He gently rubbed her diaphragm and lower ribs. Kayla sighed. Master David leaned forward and looked down Kayla's front side.

"Looks like you're ready again," he told her with a wink.

Kayla took a quick look down. Her nipples were erect again and her labia were puffed out to display their pink flesh to her Master.

Master David left the bench. He undid the two leather straps securing her feet to the legs of the bench. Taking the ends of the straps, he wrapped them about her ankles twice and tied them off. Her feet were now firmly held together. He folded her legs up and wrapped the remainder of the straps about her upper thighs. He went to a control on the wall and pushed a button. The chain and the hook holding her legs up started to rise. Kayla's legs were pulled up until her knees were about even with her breasts. Her back was curved into a U-shape with her feet and toes pointing almost straight out.

Master David leaned forward and whispered to Kayla, "Last part of your punishment. Don't forget to use your safe word if needed."

Her Master's last words stung Kayla's pride. Many of the other slaves had undergone far worse punishment. She herself had been subjected to some rough floggings and other severe punishments at the Academy when she displeased a guard or instructor. The time she had spent being punished for the escape attempt was pure hell compared to tonight. What was happening to her now was not violent nor even severe. In fact, it had several pleasant aspects including her Master's undivided attention.

Kayla had already let her Master down once tonight. She was determined to make it through whatever else her Master had in store for her punishment. She stared up at him and almost dared him to do his worst with her eyes.

Master David gave her a lopsided grin back and knelt before her. He reached out with his right paw and pulled her tail around so it lay limply underneath her and trailed over the front of the bench with the tip resting between Master David's knees.. He grasped both of her feet in his paws.

Kayla clenched her fists and gritted her teeth again in anticipation of her punishment. She closed her eyes and waited for her Master to begin. She tensed her body in expectation of him resuming his tickling.

Instead Master David began massaging her soles with his thumbs. He rubbed her arches for several minutes. Kayla chanced opening her right eye a crack. She saw him looking intently at her feet as he massaged them.

Apparently satisfied, Master David moved from her arches to just behind her toes. Kayla jerked at his touch, but quickly relaxed as he simply continued her foot massage. She had no idea what her Master was doing, but the steady pressure and rhythmic rubbing were having an effect upon her. Despite her trepidation, Kayla found her entire body relaxing. Her body slid down until she hung limply in the chains. A satisfied smile crossed her muzzle.

Master David had been waiting for Kayla's guard to drop. He bent forward slightly and opened his muzzle. His long, rough tongue came out and ran along the sole of Kayla's right foot from the heel up to her big toe. He then proceeded to lick each of her five toes, pausing to work the tip of his tongue over all of her sensitive webbing as he moved from toe to toe,

As Master David had intended, Kayla was caught totally off guard. Kayla shrieked in shock as she felt the first touch of her Master's warm, damp tongue. He moved it slowly over her unprotected foot. Her Master's wet member quickly caused her to collapse in her bonds in a paroxysm of laughter. His wriggling tongue working between her toes made her laugh so hard she thought she would surely lose her meager dinner.

Master David resumed massaging Kayla's feet. She gradually regained control and stopped tittering.

Master David waited for Kayla to untense again. She felt his paws and fingers working over her tired feet. Her body began to slowly relax again despite her best efforts to remain alert and prevent her Master from surprising her again.

When he noticed Kayla looking off to one side for a moment Master David's tongue darted out. He made a quick series of long, light licks covering her entire left foot's arch several times. Kayla bowed her back and tried to pull away from his tickling tongue, but her bonds held her tight. She was forced to endure her Master's attention with her only release being gales of laughter.

Kayla laughed until she could not catch her breath. Master David rested his muzzle on her curled big toes and watched as she lay gasping, her head rolling limply on her right shoulder. It took a minute, but Kayla was eventually able to catch her breath. Master David dropped his muzzle down and returned to massaging her feet.

Kayla now understood her Master's methods. Every time she relaxed and let down her guard he would lick her feet. As good as he was with his massage and tongue, she could be taken from complete relaxation to thrashing about in uncontrollable laughter as many times as her Master desired. She looked down at her Master and swallowed hard. He glanced up and responded with a truly wicked grin and a playful lick of her left sole as she came to understand her plight.

Kayla's punishment continued. The next few times Master David massaged her feet for about five minutes before licking her soles. He alternated between her right and left sole.

Just as Kayla thought she knew what to expect from his tongue, her Master changed his methods. As soon as she regained her breath he took her left big toe in his mouth and ran his tongue over it while suckling on it.

Kayla shot straight up as electric sensations ran through her entire foot and up her leg to her crotch. The Academy had taught her about how her feet and toes were hardwired for sexual enjoyment, but she had never experienced such intense sexual sensations coming from her feet before. She shrieked in pure delight as Master David continued working over her toe. Suddenly her pussy exploded and her body jerked about in yet another orgasm.

Master David did not stop. He changed to her right toes and systematically took each into his mouth, ran his tongue around its base and tip while sucking on it hard, and then moved on to the next. Kayla experienced five small orgasms in rapid succession. Her delighted screams filled the entire dungeon.

Kayla slumped back down in her bonds. She was drained by the quick series of orgasms. She was breathing hard as she watched Master David take her feet into his paws again. He returned to his pleasurable foot massage. She watched him with trepidation. This time he waited over fifteen minutes before sending her off into another fit of laughter.

Kayla's discipline continued for almost two more hours. Master David varied his attack. Sometimes he would use long, slow wet laps of his tongue; other times the tip of his tongue would dart out in delicate caresses over his sensitive flesh. He worked over not only her soles and toes but the tops of her feet and her ankles as well. Kayla never knew quite what to expect from her Master.

Finally Master David stood up. Kayla lay limp on the bench. She was drenched in sweat from her bouts of laughter and over two dozen orgasms of varying intensities. She was gasping for breath and her eyes were glazed. Her responsiveness had dropped off markedly in the last few minutes. It was time to stop.

Master David released Kayla. She slumped down on the bench and lay motionless. He leaned over and picked her up in his arms. Kayla was surprised at how easily he lifted her and the hard muscles she felt beneath his pelt. He took her back to her bathroom and placed her in the bath

Master David drew Kayla a warm bath and turned on the whirlpool jets. She slipped under the turbulent surface and allowed the jets and bubbles to take the pain and stiffness from her body. As she lay underneath the water she realized her Master had been right. Her rib cage did ache. However, it felt like she would be fine after a good night's sleep. Had she been at the Academy she would never have gotten off so lightly. As she knew from personal experience, they would have punished her far more severely over the course of many days in ways that would leave her in constant pain and give her nightmares for weeks.

Kayla surfaced and looked around. Master David was gone. She frowned apprehensively. What more did her Master have in store for her tonight?

The answer was unexpected. Five minutes later Master David returned. He was carrying a large silver platter. In the center was Kayla's favorite food, a smoked salmon fillet cut into paper-thin slices. Surrounding it were crackers and small bowls with several different types of caviar. Two small wine glasses of a chilled white wine were arranged at either end of the fillet. He carried the uncorked wine bottle in his free paw.

Master David set the platter down on the edge of the bath on Kayla's right side. He dropped his briefs and climbed into the tub with her. He sat on her left side facing her.

Mater David sat watching Kayla for several seconds. He was taking in the beauty of the young otteress' shapely white furred breasts surrounded by bubbles. He raised his gaze upwards to her beautiful face. She was wearing a confused look. He smiled at her reassuringly, but her confusion appeared to grow.

Mater David leaned over Kayla and took the glasses from the platter. He handed the one in his left paw to her. She almost reluctantly accepted it from him. He lifted his glass and gently touched it to Kayla's. The clear ring of the fine cut crystal briefly rang above the sound of the whirlpool.

"Cheers!" Master David said before sipping his wine.

Kayla was not certain what was happening, but her Master seemed to be unusually happy. For now all she could do was go along with him and hope to learn what was happening. She took her first sip of wine.

Kayla closed her eyes and savored every drop of the clear fluid ran over her tongue. She practically purred as the wine slid down her throat. Master David had introduced her to many fine wines, but none had been even close to this good. She slowly downed half the glass before she opened her eyes again.

Master David sat sipping his wine and watching Kayla. He had a strangely satisfied and happy grin on his face.

Kayla frowned. Something was not right here. Instead of being mad at her or, at best, indifferent, her Master seemed to be actually celebrating something. She knew he was not cruel, so it could not be her punishment. He had made it clear several times including tonight that he would not rape her, so he could not be anticipating mating with her tonight. What could be making him so happy?

Her thoughts were interrupted when Master David reached across her body again. He placed a dollop of one of the caviars in the center of a piece of salmon, wrapped the salmon up, and placed it on a cracker. He held it up to Kayla's muzzle.

"Eat," he instructed her.

Kayla bit into the proffered food. As with the wine, the salmon and caviar were of the highest quality available. Both seemed to melt in her mouth. She quickly finished eating the food and licked her lips and muzzle clean.

Master David laughed before placing more caviar and salmon on a cracker and giving it to her. He continued to feed her for several minutes. Despite her hunger Kayla was nervous about the attention that her Master was lavishing on her. The Academy had made it clear she was to serve her Master, not vice versa.

"I thought you might be hungry after not getting much for dinner," Master David told Kayla as he prepared more food for her. "But I was afraid you would lose your dinner if I let you have a normal dinner. I hope this makes up for it."

"It more than makes up for it, Master," Kayla replied. "This is wonderful food."

"Good! Now eat."

Soon the food had all been eaten with Kayla getting a disproportionately high share. After the sparse dinner and physical activity of the night her stomach was glad for the nourishment. Master David reached over the edge of the whirlpool and picked up the wine bottle.

"More wine, Kayla?" he asked.

At first Kayla was inclined to say no because the wine was obviously too good to serve to a mere sex slave, but the memory of the taste was too much. She held out her glass, and Master David refilled it. He placed the bottle on the edge of the tub in easy reach if needed again and lay back in the whirlpool, sipping his wine and watching the beautiful otteress.

Kayla could not take it any more. She gathered all her courage together.


"Yes, Kayla?"

"You seem to be inordinately pleased tonight."

He just grinned at her and waited.

She swallowed but pressed on with her question.

"Why, Master?"

Master David took a sip of his wine and placed his glass on the side of the bathtub. He reached out and took her feet in his left paw. He absently stroked the top of them with his right paw.

"Kayla, what do you think would have happened if you had escaped when you had the chance?"

Kayla thought hard, but no good answer came to mind.

After several seconds she replied, "I'm not sure. I would have tried to get out the front doors and into the city. Once there I would have changed clothes and tried to find someplace to stay. After that... "

Kayla closed her eyes and lowered her muzzle and voice.

"I don't know."

Master David replied, "Actually I know exactly what would have happened. You would have been met by Mike and two very large security furs that would probably scare most of the Academy guards. Mike would have given you an envelope and put you in a taxi with my security furs. They would have taken you to an apartment where you would have found a new identity and a job at one of my subsidiaries waiting for you. The letter in the envelope would have told you that you were free and that your manumission papers would be ready in a few days. It would also have wished you luck in your new life."

Kayla stared dumbfounded at her Master.

He looked off to his right and continued in a lower voice, "About half of my slaves have run away like that. Many took off in the first week before I even got a chance to really start to know them."

Kayla collected her wits enough to ask, "You've had pleasure slaves before?"

Master David looked back at Kayla.

"No, not pleasure slaves, and certainly no fur from the infamous Academy! Mainly unfortunate youngsters that got caught up in the system. Like that young male bear you mentioned who was sold into slavery to pay the debt for his mother's medical expenses. They were all taken into the system for some reason and eventually sold to me."

Master David paused and looked away again. His eyes seemed to cloud over. Very softly he said, "I have a soft spot for them, and I wanted to make sure they did not suffer as slaves for the rest of their lives."

Master David fell silent. Kayla prodded him with another question.

"Master, you said 'About half of my slaves have run away. What about the other half?"

Master David turned back to Kayla. His smile returned.

"Oh, those slaves. They chose to stay with me. I kept them here until they were of legal age or had spent three to six months in my service. Then I gave them their freedom and a position in my company as a personal assistant to me. Most still work for me. I find them to be very loyal and hard workers."

"And me, Master David?"

Master David's grin grew even wider.

"You, Kayla, have the honor of being the very first of my slaves to escape and return of her own free will. And you didn't even have to leave the penthouse to do it!"

Master David lifted Kayla's feet so that her toes were clear of the water. She sucked in her breath as he bent forward, but he simply kissed the tips of her big toes.

"And that, Kayla, makes you even more special to me," Master David told Kayla.

He surprised her by continuing, "Tonight I am celebrating being alive and having you here with me."

Together Master David and Kayla finished off the wine while making small talk, but Kayla's mind was distracted as she tried to understand her Master's words and understand his feelings towards her. It was early morning when they climbed out of the tub and into the fur drier. Each ran their paws through the other's back fur to help dry it. Master David's strong fingers felt good massaging Kayla's aching back muscles.

Kayla had almost expected Master David to insist on doing her front as well, but he remained a gentlefur and went no further than she allowed him. In a strange way, she was slightly disappointed. She felt that she would actually like him groping her breasts tonight.

Later that night Kayla lay beside Master David in his bed. She was relaxed physically, but her brain ran through all that had happened to her and the things she had learned.

She had always assumed Master David had many more pleasure slaves somewhere. He seemed to be virile and young enough to desire a harem, and with his wealth he could easily buy or hire as many female furs of whatever species he desired. Now she knew otherwise. She also now knew that he had helped young furs that had come to him as slaves to a better life as free adults. In some ways it was strange that a rich fur like Master David would do so, but it also was perfectly in character with the fur she was coming to know.

Kayla's thoughts eventually turned to her own situation. What did Master David want with her? He seemed to want to keep her, he was definitely happy she was still here, and yet he refused to do more than some looking and a little touching. Her boyfriends and dates growing up had often been far worse on the first date let alone when they were randy and wanted to sleep with her.

Kayla tossed and turned until the first light of day crept into the bedroom. Exhaustion overtook her finally, and she fell asleep still not knowing what fate awaited her at her Master's paws.

Kayla: Chapter One - Sold

# Kayla ## Chapter 1 - Sold ### S.M. Wolf * * * _Copyright 2002, 2010 by S.M. Wolf. Based on characters and situations created by Kittiara. All rights reserved by the author. Master David Wolf, Valentia, Todd, Mike and this story copyright S.M....

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Jenna Epilogue - My Name Is Jenna

# The Good Epilogue - My Name Is Jenna ## S.M. Wolf * * * _Story © 2006, 2009 by S.M. Wolf. Based on situations created by Kittiara. All rights reserved by the author. Master Coshocton, Jenna, and Cynthia © S.M. Wolf. Reproduction and distribution...

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Jenna Chapter 3 - In-Laws And Other Demons

# The Good ## Jenna Chapter 3 In-laws And Other Demons * * * _Copyright © 2007 by S.M. Wolf. Based on situations created by Kittiara. All rights reserved by the author. Master Coshocton, Jenna, Rajah, Hans, Fritz, Sasha, Debbie, Mr. and Mrs....

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