Dusk Ch. 2 Looming Cloud

Story by Mediteral on SoFurry

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#2 of Dusk

Dusk ch. 2 Enjoy the Moment Under Looming Clouds


It was morning, the rising sun faded out in the cloudy skies. Sitting up slowly, Jack the dragon rubbed his eyes and cleared his fuzzy head with a yawn. He had slept nicely, considering he was on the couch.

"Good morning....You had a fun dream." Jeager, the miniature dragon familiar rawred to a tired Jack.

"So what...can you see my dreams?" Jack yawned loudly, his rather vicious teeth exposed to the air.

"Secret! Hey, I'm just gonna watch today, see how you do for yourself."

"Really!?" Jack's eyes had a sparkle of joy....that died down when Jeager said "With my occasional commentary."

Jack sighed and Jeager waved goodbye before dissapearing in the shadows. The now lonely dragon rubbed his head and gazed around the empty living room; he wondered if the others were awake yet...

He heard talking...It was Talya's comanding voice speaking softly in the kitchen. He stood and shambled to the kitchen doorway. Talya, a blue dragon already fully dressed in her military attire with blonde hair tied back, spoke on a type of radio. She glanced over to Jack, acknowledging his existence, before looking off agin.

"....Ya....I'll be sure to let them know... I'm fully aware of that...." Her voice seemed to battle the gibberish coming from the object in her paw. "...So it's coming here after all..." She sighed and rubbed her scaly forehead "...shit....I'll be there soon....goodbye..." She pressed a button and put the radio-ish thing in a pack on her shoulder.

Leena, the brown feathered and tan furred gryphon, walked in the kitchen, "Good morning." She was wearing some loose PJs. She smiled to Jack.

"Ah Leena, I have to get going already, Good morning though." Leena stepped past her lightly, pattering her shoulder.

"Is something going on?" The curious gryphon asked.

Talya stopped and turned around, like she had just remembered something forgotten. "Ah yes, of course... It seems our home may not remain as secluded as we may hope..." She shook her head before Looking both Leena and Jack very sternly, "Listen you two, this is very important.... If you two see anyone....strange... Let me know right away; Leena, you know how to contact me..." She turned around to leave.

The gryphon nodded nervously. "Okay...Is it okay to show Jack around home?"

The blue dragon stopped, "Ya...sure...But Jack, don't you live here?"

The young dragon looked away with out word, trying to find something to say.

Talya chuckled softly, "Don't worry kid, maybe your family problem has resolved itself by now; don't be afraid to go check on them." Talya nodded to Jack before waving, "Talk to ya later." She left the house, spreading her wings and flying away in the skies.

Leena sat down on one of the kitchen chairs, her scaly forarms resting on the table. She started twirling the fluff of her right arm with her left finger. "Well, as far as I can tell, she doesn't suspect anything." She looked up to Jack with a relieved smile.

Jack stood beside her, leaning on the table beside her. He leaned his head close to hers, with a smile he mutters, "So it seems...What's 'home' like?"

"It's...well, home. The village here is just called 'Home'." Leena explained "I should definitely show you around."

Jack nuzzled her feathery cheek, "I'd really love to just spend some time with you."

"Well aren't you just the sweetheart!" Jeager teased. Wanting to avoid the risk of being caught by Leena, Jack said nothing and tried to ignore the unnecessary commentary.

Leena giggled and said, "Well...there is a place I wanna show you today."

Jack's scaly face brightened, he stood and held Leena's hand, "I can hardly wait! Let's get started." He asked like an excited child.

"Okay, okay. Let me get dressed." She rose to her feet and before she headed off, she turned to him with a sly smirk and asked, "...Would you like to watch?"

Jack stood there with his mouth wide open in a kind of joyous shock.

Leena then laughed, "I'm just kidding, heheh..." Before Jack could feel dissapointed she reassured him by saying, "...But you can later."

Jack only responded with a ":3"

"Pervert." The familiar scolded.


After getting dressed, the two flew from to over the trees of the forest. It was still cloudy... It was a warm day and the winds were pleasantly cool; the wind howled in Jack's ears under his hair and there was a light whistle from his wings cutting through the air.

Soon enough, a town at the base of the mountain was in sight. "There it is! Any requests, Jack?" Leena spoke exitedely in flight.

"No, nothing in particurlar" The soaring dragon responded with a growl a content.

The town was a calm mountain town, not too busy and the like. The two landed on a lonely road in front of a post office, other citizens of the town wandering along to their next objectives of their days. Leena showed the very lost looking dragon around town. An old style cafe that had floating tables and a black and red checker color floor; a town hall, library, there was even a school there. At the end of the tour, Leena and Jack finally stumbled upon a textile and clothing shop. It was called Tatsumi Textiles....

"You know Leena...Tatsumi kinda stands out among the rest of the names I've seen in this town..." Jack pointed out.

Leena held his his as they strolled in, "That's because the owner is from a different country." She chirped as they entered the clothing section. Past many lines of hanging shirts and rings of pants hanging on display, Leena approached to the cashier and she leaned on the counter, eyeing the employee; a black scaled reptilian with pink hair and yellow eyes. "Hi Liz, I want to you to meet someone!" Leena cooed in joy.

The lizzard, apparently named 'Liz', leaned forward with a grin and he eyed her companion, the hazel scaled Jack. "Hey man, what's up? I'm Liz."

Jack nodded, waved slightly, and said "I'm Jack and not much I guess, just checking out this town and stuff.

Liz's yellow eyes slightened to concentraded slits as his tongue snaked past his lips, "Hey..." He rubbed his chin "...Hazel scales, brown hair...Haven't we met?"

Jack rubbed his hair and nervously growled to himself, "I...don't think so...Mistaken identity?"

Liz shrugged with a snakelike smirk, "I dunno, let's find out!" He cupped his lizard paws around his maw and and hissed out in the direction of a clothing ring, "Alright, come on out Medi, you're not fooling anyone!"

Leena turned around to see the rustling of jeans; she stepped back with hawk-like awareness as a hazel scaled, brown haired, dragon poked his head out. With a glare worthy of the most vicious dragons, Medi growled a "How did you know I was here?"

Liz shook his head, "Well, for starters, you don't choose very creative places to hide; and second...I saw that your tail was poking out."

The discombobulated dragon snaked around the pants to see tail jutting out, noticably obvious. He grumbled and stepped out, holding a pencil and notepad full of written text, "...What do you want?" he asked, scribbling away half attentatively.

Liz chuckled softly and asked, "Anyways, I gotta ask...Why does Jack here look just like you?"

Medi looked to the dragon in question.

"Wow, you really do look just like him; you could be his twin!?" Leena squawked in surprise.

Jack and Medi looked like reflections in a mirror...there were some subtle differences though; Jack's muzzle was more pointy and edged than Medi and his eyes, although the same color, were different. Medi had star designs in his eyes that look like star shaped pupils, while Jack had normal slit eyes. Finally, Jack was taller...by a bit.

Medi huffed a puff of smoke and rubbed his scaly forehead, "We're not the same dragon, I assure you..."

"Well then, I think you're just getting lazy...." Liz quipped.

"Well then, I think you need to get back to work," Medi quipped back with a smirk, "...And please...Stop breaking the fourth wall..." He sighed.

Liz chuckled softly, "Ok then; go have fun now."

Medi grinned and with a soft breath, puffed a heart-shaped smoke ring to Liz. He then turned to Jack and Riza, pointing a warning paw to them, "You two....didn't see me....And Jack?"


"...Listen to yourself..." Medi advised cryptically

Jack and Leena looked at each other and at that moment, Medi dived back into the hanging pants, out of sight.

"Damn, what a freak, am I right?" Jeager chimed in Jack's head.

"Hey Leena, do weird moments like that always happen here?" Jack inquired, ignoring his familiar.

"From time to time." She cheerfully anwered. She turned to Liz, "Alright, I guess we'll leave you alone now."

"hmm...Wait, before you go; the store is having a sale on womens clothing this week; care to buy undies?" Liz asked in a sarcastic and teasingly yet strangely seductive tone.

Leena shook her head, "No that's okay, but I'll let Talya know!"

Liz gave a sheepish grin, "Aww, but I tried them on, just for you." he joked.

Leena chirped cheerfully in laughter, a laughter that actually made Jack smile shyly. "Oh, you tease!" She joked back, "Alright, I'll see ya later Liz." She grabbed Jack's scaly paw with her own and she nodded to the entryway. Jack waved good bye to Liz as they left the store.

"I bet he wasn't lying about that." Whispered Jeager. "Shut up," Jack replied quietly.

"Lataz sweetie, heh." Liz called out before he turned back to the cashier.


"It's raining..." Jack observed as a heavy drop of water landed on his snout with a *thunk*. They stood outside the textile "...What now, Leena?"

"What now?" Leena pulled him out to the street, "It's the perfect weather for what I want to show you!" She peeped with joy. "Come on Jack, follow me!" She flew up into the air and flew in a circle waiting for Jack, "I'm coming..." he said as he followed her in the skies.


They flew for a short while towards the mountain. The rain was a soft torrent that pelted against Jack's scales and seemingly repelled off Leena's feathers. In no time later, Leena lowered from the skies and dropped upon a small but strange lake that had a small island with a tree in the middle, Jack followed suit.

On the wet grassy bank, Leena waited for Jack, "Here we are!"

Jack landed and eyed the lake. It was bubbling in the rain and there appeared to be...steam rising from the water. Jack put the peices together and guessed, "A hot spring?"

Leena nodded, "It's a secret place that Talya showed me. It's raining right now, that makes it the perfect weather to be here." Leena motioned to the sky and then to the lake, "This is a special spring...when it's cold or raining, it becomes a hot spring, but when it's hot..."

"It becomes cold water." Jack assumed, to which Leena nodded. Jack looked to the strange spring...and before he knew it, a fabric landed on his scaly face. He froze for a bit, now blind...he could smell a scent on it, it wasn't any kind of strange scent though, it just smelled like...Leena. This belonged to Leena, this fabric did, he assumed. He shook his head and held it in his paw, it was Leena's red hoodie with a white under shirt... He heard a splash and he knew exactly what it was, his gaze drifted up to see Leena sitting in the warm water...completely shirtless.

Jack blushed to the greatest of reds, "A-Are you...naked?"

Leena pointed to a spot and he looked to see the rest of clothes in a dry spot under a rock...her pants and her....panties...

"Well...aren't you gonna jump in too?" Lena chirped sweetly.

"Finally!!" Jeager cheered, thanks to his own obvious pervertedness.

Suffice to say and as much as he hated to admit it, he kind of agreed with the rude dragon familiar. Despite his apparent shyness, Jack had no qualms about ripping off his shirt and snaking out of his jeans and boxers. He tossed his clothes beside Leena's.

Leena giggled slightly. Jack looked at her with a murr of curiosty. Leena chirped a "You're really cute naked, you got a nice butt."

Jack nearly fell over and he suddenly felt like a little child. He shook some sense into himself and he slowly stepped into the warm water. It made his scales tingle, it even kinda tickled him.

He sat next to Leena in the water...an odd silence occured and only the sound of the rain hitting the water filled the air...

"Jack?" Leena asked, recieving a "What is it, Leena?" from him. The brown feathered gryphon girl blushed and looked into his eyes, "Do you remember anything...?"

"What do you mean?" Jack tilted his head.

"...you said you didn't remember..."

"...Well...I don't..."

"What about when we first met?"

Jack's eyes opened in shock, "Of course I do....I remember all of that...what you went through..."

Leena looked away and Jack leaned forward and held her feathery cheek, "I would never forget about you..." he purred softly.

Jack got a bit closer and he nuzzled Leena's wet beak. The gryphon smiled softly...she looked kinda sad... "I'm sorry....about what I did, Leena...." he said.

She looked up to him, "You don't need to apologize....you already have...and I've already forgiven you...It's just a bad memory now..." Leena leaned towards his nose and slowly kissed him...

Jeager couldn't help but chime in and say to Jack's mind, "Whoever said gryphons can't kiss was full of crap!" Jack just ignored him.

Leena hugged him. Jack blushed and his heart beat twice as fast when he felt her chest on his own...Gryphon females don't have breasts...but they do have that feminine shape that definitely identifies them as femmes...

"I wanna be happy, not dwell on the sad past....Jack, you know what I mean?" Leena leaned back and touched to tip of her beak to Jack's snout.

There was another quiet moment between them...

The blushing dragon purred as he made the first move and rubbed his paw from her cheek to the tip of her beak... "Then...let's be happy. There's nothing stopping us."

Leena smiled and nodded. She slowly kissed Jack again....Feeling a playful mood rise inside her...her scaly talon paws rubbed the dragon's underside, from his chest to near his groin...

Jack gasped and blushed with a smile, "Y-You...know what you're doing...right?"

Leena giggled, "Um...of course I do!" She blushed as her scaly forepaws rubbed his shoulders and she nuzzled his scaly neck.

"Well...I guess I do too..." Jack murred and his draggy paws traveled around her body. He was hugging her now and he pulled her in for a sweet little kiss.

As the cold rain pattered against his shoulders and drenched his hair, the steam rose from the water and engulfed their bodies. They slowly began to make out and lowered to where Jack's head was just above the bubbling water with Leena holding onto him, atop him.

His heart pounced in his chest and his face had a deep blush, he felt like as if all of his blood had traveled from his brain to his senstitive area. Without a doubt, as Leena lightly nibbled his neck, he moaned lightly as his dragonhood hardened and he found himself in fully wanting pleasure. It was a light pink color, standing out from the rest of his body. It possessed a spear-like look to it, with a pointed tip and had ridges on the side of the shaft and at the ends of the glans. It was...a suffecient length and thickness, the kind that would feel suitable to any need in some way. It's veins visibly pumped blood through it's length, pulsing with his heart.

As if she could read his mind, Leena lightly tickled the needy member with her index finger. Jack moaned loudly as her scaly paw slowly grasped the pulsing shaft under the water. She cooed slightly as she messaged it with a kind of odd curiosity.

Jack leaned back and looked up to the rainy sky, his paws gripped at anything under the water, trying to find some hold as his dragonhood was being groped excitedly. He moaned again and let out a deep breath and he pondered to himself. He couldn't just do nothing while she was doing this for him... An idea quickly came to him and a slutty grin appeared on his face. He thought about his tail...controlling it carefully, the scaly tip traveled in the water and tickled the fur of Leena's thigh. Not seeing a reaction in particular from the gryphon focusing on her task, he decided to just 'go for it' and his tail traveled up until the tip poked past her vaginal lips.

Leena suddenly gasped and jumped slightly. Jack looked to her and said, "I-I'm sorry...I-I shouldn't have...I should have asked..."

Leena shook her head and said, "No...no...I was just...I didn't expect it and I didn't know how to react..."

Jack, still feeling needy, he apologized again, "I'm sorry..." his tail relaxed and he pulled away slowly.

"W-Wait...Don't...I...keep doing it... truth be told...I kinda liked it..." Leena asked nervously.

"Are...you sure?" The distraught dragon asked.

Leena nodded and rubbed his member again, "Let's keep going...this is fun." She spoke softly, despite her naughty intentions.

Jack tilted his head, "You say that like...you didn't know...Have you done anything like this before?"

Leena shook her head, "Have you?"

Jack thought for a second...Was he a virgin? He remembered that when he first met Leena...he was a little child too...

"No...I've never done this before either...Personally, I'm kind of just doing what comes to me, you know?" He answered.

Leena nodded and she returned to messaging him, her fingers running over the small veins pulsing in his shaft. Jack, on the other paw, returned his tail to her leg and slowly tickled her...

Leena moaned quietly while she pawed off the dragon beneath her. She looked at the pointy tip of the dragon cock...the pink tip was slightly above the water. It was leaking a clear fluid and appeared to have it's own expression that urged for a release. Her mind was somewhat blank as ripples of stimulation pulsed through her. She closed her eyes calmly and licked the cock; recieving a pleased moan from Jack.

At the feeling of her pointy tongue tickling his member's head, he murred sweetly. His tongue licked at the canines of his teeth and his paws gripped at the rocks under the steamy water. The tip of the gryphons tongue tickled his urethral hole and licked away the drops of his pre, sending shivers throughout his body.

The tip of his tail had now snaked it's way into her vagina and it tickled its way deeper in. Its slight twitch matched along with the rapid beats of his heart. He let his tail penetrate Leena's loving sex. It twisted around inside her and it tickled the barrier at the end, practically teasing it while rubbing it fully to reward it every few heartbeats it lasted.

As his mind fogged up from all the steam and erotic fun, he felt a strangely tell-tale tingling right below his waist, like behind his groin area, it was like he was seeing stars...

The couple pleasured each other for a couple minutes that seemed like heaven to each other. The rain only seemed to increase the tingling alll over their bodies and they slowly reached their climaxes. The droplets of water pelted Leena's feathers and rolled down her back to her furry tail-base.

In almost perfect unison, Jack and Leena gasped loudly as their bodies tightened and all they saw was a white light and felt a huge release... Jack's member lazily shot out a hot string of white seed onto Leena's fingers and the tip of her beak, repeated streams shooting out as Jack couldn't help but a roar in pleasure. Leena was also releasing her orgasm, her insides burning and twisting, shooting out strange fluid on Jack's tail, which was washed away by the steamy water. Their flashes of euphoria lasted for only half a minute but it felt like an hour to them before it died down.

Leena let go of Jack's spent dragonhood. With a slutty grin, the panting dragon held the gruphons cummy fingers and he licked them clean for her. Leena blushed deeply and gasped lightly as Jack's tail removed itself from her sensitive love. Jack chuckled and he licked her beak clean before moving into a warm kiss.

A calm afterglow of warmth reigned around them, Jack cuddled Leena's head in his arms as she rested on his chest. Despite their lewd acts, they felt clean in the steamy water and they both felt like a weight had been raised from their minds.

Jeager was trying to say something but his snide comments fell on deaf ears as Leena and Jack soon lost consciousness. They felt exhausted from their little activity... They didn't want to deal with anything at that moment....they just wanted to rest and save their words for later...

...They just enjoyed their moment as the looming raincloud passed on by...


To be continued...

Dusk Ch. 1 Reunion

Dusk Ch. 1 Reunion Mediteral With his winged back on the grass, Jack, the hazel dragon held the crying gryphon, Leena, in his arms. It wasn't a sad cry, but a cry of happiness at their reunion. Her beak nuzzled into his chest and he rubbed...

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Dusk (Dawn Alternate Ending)

Dusk (Dawn Alternate Ending) Mediteral Blood trickled from the gash on my head, my matted hair covered my blackened right eye. Blood trickled from my snout into my lips, blood was the only taste I knew then... Blood trickled from inside me,...

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A Story For Leena (Dawn Epilogue)

A Story for Leena (Dawn Epilogue) Mediteral. _"Daddy? Is that you?" Spoke a lost sounding little gryphon girl standing in a field of clouds. Her sky blue sundress blended in perfectly. A larger gryphon appeared dressed in soldier gear....

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