Sidekick Retreat

Story by Doods on SoFurry

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Another Superhero story. But it has, almost, nothing to do with my other one. You don't need to read that one to understand this one though. If you like it, let me know.

Pulse ran, he ran down the street, past the citizens. He wasn't a citizen, he was a superhero. His slick gold and and black costume made him looks like a lightning bolt as he ran past the normal people. It also helped him keep his secret identity, well, a secret. He rounded a corner and his communicator went off. "Pulse, robber, sixth ave, and first street."

"On it," Pulse answered.

Pulse turned left and was on first street, but the cross street was seventy-second ave. He had a bit to run, it'd take him nearly thirty seconds to run the couple miles. Mercury Man would have been half way across the country in that time. But Pulse also only had his powers for fourteen months. The young cheetah had been struck by lightning while swimming, and somehow he ended up with speed, instead of dead, so plus, right? As Pulse thought about it he nearly missed the scene of the crime. He started to skid to a stop twenty feet before the intersection. As he finally stopped he looked around. His amber eyes locking on a group of masked people in the back of a white panel van.

"Hey, guys," Pulse said.

One of the masked men yelled. "It's a super," before he opened fire. As Pulse activated his speed everything slowed. He watched the bullets fly through the air at the speed of a brisk walk, Mercury Man could go fast enough they stopped but not him, not yet. He turned each bullet so they pointed down, before taking the guns from each of the crooks. He next left grabbed some rope, and came back tying the crooks together and then to a light pole. He stood back looking at his work. Cops came around the corner, Pulse looked, smiled at them, and left.

Pulse got to a roof over looking the crime scene. He looked around before he took his mask off. Sitting down by the edge of the building he watched.

"You did a good job," a voice said. "No one got hurt." Pulse didn't move he recognized the voice as Mercury Man.

"Were you here the entire time? And didn't help me?"

"You didn't need it." Pulse had his chin in his had looking down. "You listening, Sam."

"Yeah. I'm just hoping I can get faster."

"You will." Mercury man sat down by Sam, patting his shoulder. "So, are you getting together with the other side kicks tomorrow?"

"I guess, but all those guys have been doing this for so much longer than I have..."

"Good," Mercury man said, before Sam had a chance to finish his thought. "You can learn something from all of them. Listen to their stories, learn from their mistakes. You know the normal stuff you do with me. But with heroes your age."

"Right, right." And Mercury Man was gone. The cops had the crooks in the back of a van and they were off, as was Sam.

Sam, now dressed in his street clothes, snuck into his house, it was nine o'clock and he was supposed to be home by now. His mom came around the corner just as Sam was shutting the door. He used his speed to get around her, he dropped his backpack in his room and was back in the kitchen in front of the fridge in a second. "Did you just get home?" She asked.

"No, I've been home for close to half an hour," he hoped she hadn't been in his room in the past half an hour. "I just got hungry."

"Alright," she said, but as she turned she kept his eyes locked on him.

After she left, Sam grabbed a plastic bowl full of cut up melon and walked to his bed room.

The next day as Sam was leaving the house, his mom stopped him. "So, you're meeting some friends today?"

"Yeah, I told you about a week ago."

"I know, hon, but you have neglected to tell me who these friends were."

It wasn't easy to tell your mom you were going to meet six other teen heroes. "Just friends, mom," Sam said.

"Yes, Sam, you said that. But are they friends from school? Friends that you met on your trip to the university."

"Yeah, they are from the university. They want to help me get set up for the fall."

"See was that so hard to say?"

"No,mom, it wasn't." She gave him a peck on the cheek, and allowed him through the back door. After he had made sure his mom or any one else wasn't looking, he vanished in a lightning flash of speed. He had to run a couple states away to New Mack City. It took him five minutes to get there, he ran up the tallest sky scraper and stopped on top. He changed into his costume. When he finished he pushed a button on his comm. After a moment a gruff male voice came over, he recognized it as Marvelous Man. "Pulse, good to see you did join, Mercury Man didn't think you would."

"Almost didn't, sir."

"Well, you earned me fifty bucks. So, thanks."

"No problem."

"You should meet up with Boy Marvel in just a couple seconds. He left just after you contacted me. Later."

Pulse looked around, waiting for any sight of another living being. But being someone with super speed, even a second, seemed to take minutes. After a minute, Boy Marvel appeared landing next to Pulse. Boy Marvel, was some sort of canine, but with the dark blue suit it was hard to tell, the only part of him visible was the gray fur of his muzzle. "Boy Marvel?" Pulse asked.

"Yeah, but I hate that name," he said extending his hand. "But I guess until we are more comfortable together we'll have to stick with code names.

Pulse shook his hand. "Yeah, I guess that's true." Pulse's heart quickened. He had seen Boy Marvel on the news. Even though he was still a sidekick technically, his name is just as known as Marvelous Man. "Where are we meeting the rest, people?" Pulse asked.

"We're meeting, Ms. Molecule, Power Boy, and Change-Up, at an old meet up of the Heroes Society, and Cowl is supposed to meet us in the next couple hours. Do you know the way?"

"Uh, kind of."

"Come on, I'll lead the way." Boy Marvel jumped into the air flying away, Pulse followed on the streets, looking for the blue streak.

Outside of New Mack were a range of mountains, nestled in the mountains was a silver disc, that made up the old base of the Heroes Society. From the top it did only appear to be a silver disc, but if approached from the side, one could see that the disc was over twenty feet wall, with shining blue tinted windows along the outside. Pulse ran up the gravel drive to the entrance of the building, Boy Marvel landing next to him. When they stopped a red light scanned them both. A robotic voice came from a speaker that was hidden somewhere. "Welcome, Pulse and Boy Marvel." The doors opened from the center. The two walked through.

"Has Marvelous Man told you what is supposed to happen?" Pulse asked.

"Not really, just that we should talk, and learn from each other. But besides that, he told me to keep my mask on."

"Huh, so same thing Mercury Man told me."

The inside of the base was large, almost cavernous, walls that looked like they should have had pictures, or couches along them were empty. Voices could be heard ahead of them. It sounded like a lively debate, or that one person was being a douche while someone was yelling them not to be said douche. As the two walked in they found Ms. Molecule, her gray suit with two red stripes that crossed on her chest, her whole body was covered, even her eyes which had goggles over them. The person she was yelling at was Power Boy. He didn't wear a mask, he had a blue costume was two yellow lines over his pecks, and a red cape hanging behind him. He was a brown horse, with a white diamond on his forehead. Pulse wondered how he didn't recognized in everyday life, with such a mark.

"I told you, we should keep our identities secret," Ms. Molecule said. "Look these two are."

"I always dress like this," Power Boy said. Rubbing a hand across the sculpted muscle on his chest. "So, go ahead keep your mask on all weekend."

"Weekend?" Pulse asked.

"Yeah, they wanted us here all weekend," Boy Marvel said. "Didn't Mercury Man tell you?"

"No, I can't stay here over night." Pulse looked at the other heroes around him. "Can you guys?"

"Sure. I mean why not?" Power Boy stated.

"Why not, don't you live with your families?"

"Sure," Ms. Molecule said. "But my dad is a hero."

"No, my parents are gone," Power Boy said. "I live on my own, well I have a roommate but still."

"I live with Marvelous Man and his family, after my family was killed." Boy Marvel said

"Oh, well, I live with my mom still. And she thinks I'm coming home."

"Tell her you're not," Power Boy said. "Just say you're having a sleep over with all the other little girls who live with their mommies."

"Quit being a douche," Ms. Molecule yelled.

Pulse walked away from the group, pulling his cellphone from his backpack. "Hey mom," he said as she picked up. "Some of the guys here said they wanted me to stay the weekend. Get me used to the college life."

His mom was silent for a good thirty seconds. "Fine," she said.


"Didn't expect that or something?"

"Well, no."

"You're eighteen, I shouldn't even have a curfew for you, but you're growing up, so yeah, have fun."

"Thanks, mom."

As Pulse hung up he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was light, and he immediately felt a bolt through his back, as his powers activated and he ran around to the opposite side of the person. But a blush spread across his face as he saw the person was Ms. Molecule. "Whoa," she said as Pulse stopped. "Easy there, kitty."

"Sorry, habit."

"No big deal, we will always have that, as supers." She removed the goggles from her eyes. Emerald eyes looked out from her costume. This was the most he'd ever seen of her. He was pretty sure it was the most anyone had ever seen of her. "So, you are staying with us?"

"Yeah, mom said it was fine." And he blushed again, having to say his mom said it was fine.

"Don't fret, if my dad wasn't also a hero, I'd probably be the same way. I know my mom also constantly worries about me when I'm out."

"My mom doesn't know I'm Pulse."

"Oh, well, then you're just a big fat liar." She pushed on his nose. When Pulse didn't say anything else. "Dude, just kidding around." But he didn't stop speaking because of that. He had felt a jump in his stomach, and felt his suit become a little more tight in the front. Luckily the armor in the weave of the suit blocked it from showing. "Come on, let's go tell Boy Marvel the good news. I know he was hoping you'd stay."

"What about Power Boy?"

"Do you care?" She asked grabbing his hand and pulling him away.

After the afternoon ended, most of the time the group had fought or argued about food and lodgings. Change-up had shown up with Cowl, they had been fighting a villain, and even though they radioed for help, none of us were on the right frequency. Change-up, had a black and purple, a thin mask across his canine face. Well, his isn't right. Change-up can go in-between male and female, species, colors, anything the hero wanted to change they could.

"You're Pulse?" Change-up asked. He grabbed Pulse's hands and jumped up and down. "You're awesome, zooming around the place. I wish I had speed powers." And as he spoke, his body changed, from a male canine, to a female human, her chest expanding. Her legs becoming more shapely the muscle more concentrated on her upper thigh and butt, Pulse turned his head so no one could see him staring.

Cowl had a gray hood and cape over his head and shoulders. A black cowl over his eyes and nose, along with black body armor. He had gray fur along the visible places on his body. Pulse was pretty sure he was a raccoon, but he didn't know for sure. Cowl stood back and didn't say a word.

Power Boy came up. "Alright, well, because you guys are late you get no choice on the pizza toppings. They are already on the way."

Pizza's arrived being brought in by Mercury Man. He dropped the pizza's off and grabbed Pulse away from the rest of the group, stopping in another part of the base. "Whoa, man, I wanted that pizza," Pulse said.

"You'll be back in a moment. I want you to just go with what happens this weekend."


"Just go with it," he repeated. "It'll help in the long run." And he was gone.

Pulse ran back to the kitchen where the pizzas were. No one had eaten anything, Mercury Man had helped Pulse start his speed so everyone else was in slow motion. His pizza slice he held hadn't even hit the counter yet. He grabbed it and slowed back down. As he did he noticed Ms. Molecule staring at him, those green eyes focused on his. Her pupils were dilated, and were not leaving his eyes. And as he took his bite he felt a rush in his brain.

"Uh, Pulse," Ms. Molecule said. "Would you mind coming with me?"

He heard Mercury Man's voice, just go with it, in his head. "Sure."

They were in the hallway outside of the kitchen and the heroine grabbed Pulse's hand. She pulled him into a run. "Where are we going?" Pulse asked.

"My room," she answered.

"Where is it?"

"Second floor," she couldn't finish, as Pulse picked her up and ran her up to the second floor, he ran through the rooms until he found hers. It was the only one with anything in it. He dropped her on the bed. "Third door. Oh," she smiled at him. She reached behind her head and grabbed a release. Her mask fell slack and she pulled it over her head. Her soft features and dark red fur came out, her large ears flicked as they became free of the mask.

"You're a doe," Pulse said, stupidly.

"I am." She grabbed onto the underside of Pulse's mask and pulled it up over his head. "You're a cheetah."

He smiled. "I am." There lips met crushing together, his tongue shooting into her mouth, wrestling with hers. His hands rubbing along her sides and hips. Her hands gripped the sides of his face, rubbing over his stiff whiskers. He removed his hands for a moment and reached behind him grabbing a release of his own, his whole suit went slack, he stood up to get the suit off of him. Standing in just his jock, as that is all he wore under his costume, his tail wagging back and forth.

"Wow, your, hot," she said with a smile. He smiled again as he climbed over her, their lips meeting again. Ms. Molecule's hand rubbed over his stomach, her hands touching the strap of his jock, she wiggled her fingers in and pushed it down. His cock and balls flopping free. She gripped onto his hardening dick, pulling it a little, the skin enveloping the head as it was still kind of soft. But it didn't stay that way too long as he became rigid. "What's your name?" She asked.

"Sam, you?"

"Laura," she smiled. Laura continued to jerk on Sam. "Have you ever... You know."

"Once or twice, you?"

"Yeah." She vanished from under Sam.

"Uh, Laura," Sam didn't have a chance to move as Laura grew back, her head lower on the bed. She opened her mouth, raising her head, and letting his cock slide into her mouth. Closing her lips around him, her tongue lashing out and licking across the pink flesh. Her hand grabbing onto his furry sack, rolling his balls around. Sam lowered the top half of his body letting out a moan. Laura's mouth sliding up and down his length, the head of his cock reaching the back of her mouth, tickling the back of her throat before she let her head fall back to the mattress. The pleasure building in his body, without his knowledge his body began vibrating at high speed. Laura's mouth suckling at him, shaking her head. She brought her hands to her his hips pulling her head up so his cock went down her throat. The vibrations spreading through her body. Pleasant feeling through her nerves, her cunt becoming moist. She had found his butt cheeks, kneading at the firm globes. The thought of how muscular and how damn sexy he was, spread through her mind. She gripped his cheeks harder, pushing down on his ass, his cock buried as far as it could go down her throat, her body trying to swallow the object in her mouth. "Fuck," Sam said as he began squirting his seed straight down her throat. Laura never let go of his ass, keeping his squirting dick in her throat, swallowing more and more, Sam in almost excruciating pleasure.

When he stopped spasming, she released him. He slowly pulled his dick from her mouth and flopped down onto the bed. "That was awesome," Laura said. "You seemed to have fun."

"Yeah," he took a deep breath in. "Thanks." His dick still stood, rigid and pulsing with his heartbeat. "So, want me to return the favor?" Sam said, rolling to his side.

"I'd love it." She vanished, although this time her suit was left behind. Sam felt something push his shoulder and he rolled onto his back. Laura reappeared her cunt over Sam's face, rubbing her lips on his nose. "Come on, hero, I'm waiting." Sam's tongue shot out, sinking in-between her lips, her taste exploding on his tongue. Laura grabbed the top of Sam's head, pushing her body down on his face more, she let out a long moan. Grinding her body hard, using his tongue to rub the insides of her body. He moved his tongue up and down, swirling it around, all while she pushed against face, juices leaking out matting his fur.

Sam's hands explored the Laura's body, along her butt up her back, he couldn't go far, as her legs blocked his movement. He opened his eyes, and saw her tits bounce as she moved on his face. They weren't large, they'd fit perfectly into his hands. And he wanted to touch them, but couldn't, if she'd just move her legs. She bent forward, and Sam could feel a small nub on his tongue, he pushed hard against it, and Laura squealed. Juices spilling across Sam's face. Panting, Laura bent over, she moved her crotch from his mouth, sitting on his chest. Her tits hovered close to his face, he reached up, grabbing onto her nipple with his lips, suckling on her. She moaned, a little coo. His teeth grazing the tip of her nipple. "Oh, Sam stop it." She rubbed the top of his head. "They're sensitive right now." She pulled her chest away from Sam's mouth. Scooting down his body more, she lay down on his body her crotch against his, his hard cock pressed between their bodies. She kissed his jaw bone, as they lay together. "So, what now?"

After Sam and Laura left the other heroes, stayed, eating their pizza and talking. Well, except Cowl, who didn't say anything. Boy Marvel looked over at Change-up. She had changed into a bird of some type, large wings, with turquoise furthers, extending from her back, or his back? Boy Marvel didn't know. Change-up, turned and saw him looking. The bird smiled at him, and gestured to the left. Boy Marvel got the hint, stretched and got up.

"Where are you going?" Power Boy asked.

"Bathroom, want to hold it for me?"

Power Boy laughed and waved his hand. Boy Marvel left the room heading out into the hallway, Change-up followed shortly after. When Change-up arrived. She was a black cat, slick and smooth, the same height as Boy Marvel, the cat, rubbed her hands, down the blue suit of the young Marvel. Her lips met his, kissing the canine. "Whoa, whoa, what's going on?" He asked grabbing her hands.

"Didn't you want this, this is what I meant by..." she shook her head like she had before.

"Oh, okay," and she kissed him again.

They kissed until they burst into Boy Marvel's room. Change-up kicked the door shut, and locked it. Her hands wrapped around the male heroes neck, biting his neck. The costume around Change-up vanished, and the black cat stood in the buff in front of him. "So, can I see what's under that mask?" The cat said placing her hands on the blue mask.

"Uh, sure," he said, she pushed up the mask, his eyes blinking a couple of times as the mask was taken off.

"Cute," she said.

"Thanks. What about you? Can I see the real you?"

"How do you know this isn't the real me?"

"Is it?"

"No," she said.

"Can I?"

"How about my real name, and we can go from there?"


"Chris," she said.

"That's not helpful," Boy Marvel said.


"River, my name's River." Chris kissed River. Her hands rubbing across the embalm on his chest, the claws dragging slightly on the grooves of the costume. River broke away. "Can I ask you something?"


"Uh, are you male or female?"

Chris kissed along River's neck. "Does it matter, I'm a female right now?"

"Well, uh..."

Chris pulled her head away from River. "Are you?" She stopped, her eyes narrowing at him. "Are you gay?"

"No, no, no..." River stopped. "No, bisexual, bi-curious." Chris rubbed her hand along River's face. "I've been with a girl before, I'd kind of like to try a guy, or a herm."

"Oh, ho, freaky hero." A dark red six inch long cock shot out from above the pink pussy lips. "Kind of like this?" River licked his lips. "I'll take that as a yes." Chris pushed River back onto his bed, climbing up his body. Until she reached his neck and kissed his neck. "So, want to try giving me a blowjob?" Chris asked.

"Uh, yeah, I don't know how good I'll be though," River said.

"We'll work through it, promise." Chris rolled off of River. The cock falling down onto her belly. River rolled over, turning sideways on the bed, wrapping a hand around the base of the cock, he picked it up, licking up the side of the cock. Chris shivered. River kissed the head, along the ridge of the cock head. "You sure, you haven't done this?"

"Porn," he said, as he nibbled slightly on the side. Opening his mouth River took the cock into his mouth, letting his lips drag down the shaft, he didn't know how far he should take it in, but his nose met fur and he stopped. He pulled it back up slowly.

"Come on," Chris said. "You can go faster, think of the porn." River moved fast, bobbing his head, sucking hard on the member. He looked at the lips, covered with a clear fluid. River rubbed a finger up and down the opening, pushing through the lips. "Oh, shit," Chris said. She put her hands on the back of River's head and thrust forward, her cock slamming into River's mouth. River felt thick streams hit the back of his throat, he swallowed them down, some leaking down her cock and touching his tongue. The flavor something between salty and sweet. When her hands left the back of River's head he pulled off. "Dude, if you learned all that from watching porn, you are in the wrong profession."

River smiled. He could still taste her cum, he licked his lips. "Thanks." A blush spread across his cheeks. Chris wrapped her arms around River.

"So, how far would you like to go?" Chris smiled. "I can even change." Chris changed into a dalmatian. "Or I could just be you." She changed into the spitting image of River, except she still had a pussy, tits, and a cock. "Or is this too weird." Her voice was the same as Rivers.

"A bit strange, but still." She giggled. "How about that dalmatian?"

She changed back to the dalmatian. "Oh, ho, a thing for a firehouse dog?"

"Something like that." In truth the first boy River had ever liked was a dalmatian by the name of Colby, but that was a story for a different time. River bent over and latched his mouth onto Chris' neck. River's hands finding the cock, it felt thicker in his hand, he looked down, and it had grown a couple of inches, longer and thicker, the balls looked swollen. "Um," River started.

"Thought you'd like it." He did. "Let's get that costume off." River undid the snap in the back and quickly got himself out. River's powers had super strength so his body was in great shape. Chris, couldn't help but become more aroused. His body, his face, his cock, at almost seven inches and dark red, just hanging and thick, heavy balls hanging underneath. "You are huge," she muttered.


"You, your cock," she stammered. "I, uh, can't believe it."

"Oh, when my powers activated, everything, just got bigger." He touched his stomach.

Chris touched his hips, pulling him close. His cock was half-hard, as she opened her mouth and suckled on the head. Taking some into her muzzle. She pulled him closer, instead of moving her mouth. As soon as their feet touched she started to bob her head. The cock became fully hard, it touched the back of her throat. She let it slide down her throat, trying to reach his pubic bone, but couldn't quite do it. She grabbed his cheeks, spreading them, her finger stretched longer than a normal finger and touched his tight hole. River moaned. Chris pulled her mouth off of him. The now ten inch cock, standing proud and throbbing. "Are you sure I can't just sit here with this in my mouth?" River looked down at her but didn't speak. "I mean, I just," she licked the side. "I just love it."

"I mean, you can. But I'd like you to have some fun. And you know..." He didn't want to say it but he did want it to happen.

"Okay, okay. But, you have to promise, that I get some time with you cock later too."

"I promise."

"Lay on your stomach. Let me get you ready." River did as told. Chris climbed behind him. She separated his cheeks, his pink hole inside. Moving down, she stuck her tongue out licking his opening. A shudder went through River, Chris smiled as he did it. She licked him several more times until his body relaxed and allowed her to insert her tongue into him. Leaving a generous amount of spit in his hole, she had to bring her tongue back into her mouth and do it again and again. She wanted to make sure he was lubed, the last thing she wanted to do was hurt him. "Ready?" She asked after leaving his butt.

"Yeah, go slow though, please?"

"Of course." Pulling him up onto his knees to open him a bit more, she placed her red cock at his opening. She pushed the head into his slick hole, he moaned loud as he was stretched for the first time. Sliding her cock in him deeper and deeper, until her body met his. Wrapping her arms around his stomach and laying her head against his back. "How are you feeling?"

"Stretched," he moaned. "But good." He looked under his body, a stream of pre leaked from his cock. "Real good."

"Good." She humped him slowly, only removing a little bit of her cock before pushing it back in. They both groaned. "Faster?" She asked. He didn't speak but he did moan, she took that as a yes. She slammed her dick home hard, pre spurting from his cock onto the bed. She humped him harder and faster, her cock coming out several inches each time before slamming back home. A slapping each time her hips hit his butt cheeks. His hole gripped her tight, he kept squeezing it down, sending pleasure through both of them.

"Oh, fuck," River said, before he shot a load onto the bed below. His hole squeezed and spasamed around her cock.

"River I'm gonna cum," Chris said before she filled his body with her cum. They both fell over, River rolling to his side, with Chris still deep in him. Panting and heaving, Chris finally said. "That was awesome."

"Yeah. I'm glad you came in me. I didn't know if you were going to or not."

"I was going to ask, but didn't have the chance before I did it." River laughed a bit. "Careful, I'm still in you, and really sensitive."

"Maybe I want to."

"Not yet. Besides next I get time with your cock, remember."

Back in the kitchen Cowl and Power Boy sat eating. Power Boy finished the last piece of pizza while Cowl ate his salad. "Where is everyone?" Power Boy asked.

"Having sex, probably," Cowl said.


"There was a drug on that pizza. I didn't eat it and it seems not to work on you."

"Ah man," Power Boy said.

_I ended here, I was going to have another scene, if you would like another one, cool, maybe I'll do it. _

Camping Trip, pt2

When Ben woke up the next morning, the first thing he noticed was the taste of cum still in his mouth. He opened his eyes and saw Cody sleeping, a white crusty substance on his mouth. Yeah, Ben thought, not a dream, we sucked on each other last night....

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Rainy days

The rain had fallen for days on end, and today was no different. So, as Alex walked to school, he kept his hood up, which was difficult over his budding antlers. Being a reindeer wasn't always easy. His dark red fur matted along his nose and mouth, as...

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Like Mother, Like Daughter

Ben was balls deep in Val at the moment. He was humping her cunt with all his might. They had decided that he no longer had to wear condoms, the new feeling running through his cock were awesome. They were currently in Andy's room, he had her against...

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