The Meaning of Freedom Ch.2 The Kind One

Story by Chester MoistMuffins on SoFurry

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He had been walking for some time now, hoping to see any trace of civilization since he left the last town he was in.

"Two damn days and nothing! Not even another person!" Cody said to himself, agitated by the fact he spent longer walking down this route than he would have liked.

Cody was a young man of nineteen, with dark brown hair and hazelnut eyes. He was wearing his usual attire, consisting of a light grey t-shirt, a pair of grey jeans, white and black sneakers, a silver beaded necklace, and a black military jacket. He also wore a backpack for carrying supplies, like potions, antidotes, food, and camping gear.

As he was walking he checked his watched to check the time, since the sun was pretty low in the sky. He saw it was almost 7:30 and figured he'd better make camp somewhere, since walking down any route after dark is more risky than it's worth.

He decided to check the forest on the right side of the road to see if they was a clearing he could set up his equipment at, if not he could just got the other side to see if he would have more luck.

"I hope there is someplace here I can stop, cause I really don't want to walk anymore." he said as he was scanning the area.

He almost didn't notice it, but a second glance show him that there was a clearing he nearly passed by that would be perfect, "Yes! Score!" he then walked towards it at a brisk pace, trying to get out from amidst the trees.

When he finally got there he smiled to himself and scoped out the surrounding area, until his eyes fell upon...something. He wasn't sure what it was but he could see it despite the fact that the sky was a little dark.

He decided to go investigate it, walking towards it at an even pace until he could see the colors of it, 'Pink and red? What pokemon do I know of that was pink and red....?' He pondered over this as he got closer, noticing the red part of it seemed wet for some reason. It didn't hit him until he got close enough and he smelled a certain coppery scent in the air. 'Oh my god...'

He immediately broke into a dash towards the fallen creature, realizing that it was hurt. After quickly closing the distance to it he noticed it was still unconscious, which he probably didn't realize would be a good thing for him. He immediately set his pack down and got into action, taking out a few hyper potions and some white bandages. He searched body to find the injuries and noticed the large gash in its left thigh.

'Poor thing...' he thought to himself. He sprayed a hyper potion over the large wound to disinfect it and speed up the healing process, and then proceeded the wrap the thigh in a bandage to help protect it.

He searched for the other wound and found it on it's right shoulder. If he didn't know any better, he would swear it had to be a gun shot wound! Seeing as it goes through it's shoulder, he applied a heavy amount of hyper potion to the front and back of the pink creatures wound, and wrapped a bandage around that as well. He would have to get the pokemon to a PC for that wound though, since he can only do so much for it.

As tied of the bandage a realized that it was really dark now. It'd be a good idea to set up a campfire now. After a few minutes of searching he came back close to where the creature was and set up some of the logs and sticks for a simple fire. He added some dead leaves to help get the fire going, and used a match to light it, blowing on it until the fire really got going. Afterwards he set up his small two person tent nearby and rolled out his sleeping bag inside it, even though he wasn't going to sleep just yet.

After all that was done, he figured it would be as good a time as any check on the strange being he just helped. He walked over to it and got on his knees to look at it more closely. He didn't recognize the creature at all, although he was pretty sure it was a pokemon. He noticed it was very slim and human like, and was surprised to see two lumps on it's chest that appear to be breasts! He was dumbfounded by this, also making realize that it was apparently female.

As he was still scanning her body, failed to hear a grunt from her and didn't bother to look up at her face....that was, until he heard a feminine voice scream, ~HUMAN!~ in his mind and looked up at her face in surprise, and was suddenly suspended in mid air, staring into fearful and hateful eyes of the creature with a fear of his own.


She was sore, and in pain, aching from her previous efforts of escape. She didn't want to wake up, but she had to, just to make sure she didn't get caught, can't stay in one area for too long.

She starting to wake up and could tell something was different before her eyes were even open. She could feel pressure on her thigh and shoulders.

'Bandages...?' she thought to herself. Being treated for injuries back at the compound made her familiar with the feeling. That scared her to death though because that could mean she was brought back after she passed out!

Her eyes snapped open with a grunt and she noticed she was still outside. She was relived to know the she wasn't actually caught, but it did leave her more confused as to how she got these bandages.

She came to the conclusion when she looked to her left and saw someone scanning over her body, someone who appeared to be a... a...

~HUMAN!~ She screamed in her head, although she unintentionally sent it to is mind as well.

The human snapped his eyes to hers and she panicked, using psychic to lift him into the air and hold him there, away from her. She looked at herself and realized he must have been the one to heal her, and then was going take her back to that horrible place!

She became infuriated and stared right into his eyes, ~You disgusting thing! You were going to take me back to them!~ she said to him.

Blinking a couple times, confused at the voice that was invading his mind, but then realized it must be her saying it. "Wh-what are you talking about?" he said in a panicked voice. It's hard to talk casually when someone is holding you in mid air with a psychic attack with a look that could kill.

~Don't play dumb with me...You were going to take me back to that laboratory, weren't you!?~

"I wasn't planning on kidnapping you or anything! I swear!"

~Like I'll believe a human...~

He had to think fast! She was probably going to kill him in the next few seconds!

'Damn! What can I say to get her to believe me...' he thought to himself.

Picking up on his thought, she replied, ~There is nothing you can say human.~

He opened his eyes a little in surprise, "Wait, you can read my mind?"

She narrowed her eyes at him, ~ Of course I can fool! I'm a psychic type!~

"Well can't just red my mind to see if I'm just telling the truth or not!?"

She quirked an eyebrow at this, that idea didn't even cross her mind. He was a human after all, they're all alike to her in her mind. She figured there was no need for it, but she decided to humor him anyway.

~Fine, but if you were lying, I'll make your death as painful as possible...~ she said with an unmistakable hint of malice.

He gulped nervously at her threat, having no doubt she would follow through on her threat if he was lying.

She closed her eyes and concentrated on his mind, breaking through the barriers to try to keep her out. She came across his memory of when he first saw her. She could sense the curiosity coming from him at that point, then it shifted to shock, and then concern.

She was confused by this, he was genuinely concerned about her? A human was?

Next she came across he memory of when he was fixing her up, and noticed how gentle he was being. Nothing like the doctors back at the compound, they were always so rough with her.

She wanted to see his intention for her now though, to see what he was planning to do with her...but she couldn't find anything. He wasn't hiding from her, she could tell, it's just there was nothing there at all.

She decided that he was telling the truth for the most part, but was still confused of why he helped in the first place.

She opened her eyes and gently floated him back to the ground, but didn't let him go without a warning, ~Don't try anything or I'll hurt you, understand?~

He nodded his head vigorously, "Y-yeah, I gotcha." he said.

She let him go and laid back down on the ground, exhausted from still having little to no energy left from using her psychic attack, coupled with the fact she was already injured.

Cody noticed this and asked, "How do you feel by the way...?"

She rolled her eyes at him and said, ~Basically how I look genius.~

"Right, right, how stupid of me to be concerned about you...." She heard that and narrowed eyes at him, making him regret it immediately, "Sorry, sorry!" he said, raising his arms in defense.

She let it slip this time, but she was still curious about something she couldn't get from his mind, ~What do you plan to do with me?~

He blinked, "Excuse me?"

She rolled her eyes and gave and exaggerated sigh, ~Are you deaf?~

He was a little peeved by her attitude, but he kept himself in check, "No, I just really wasn't expecting you to ask that now..."

~Well I did, so I'll say it again, what are your plans for me?~

He looked away from her, appearing to be thinking to himself, "I...don't know. I didn't really think that far ahead." He looked back to her and gave a shrug.

She decided that she pretty much had to take his word for it, till another question popped up, ~Were you even planning to catch me?~

Cody seemed to be surprised by, and maybe even a little offend, although she wasn't sure why, "What? Of course not!"

Now it was her turn to be shocked, ~Huh? But, why not? I'm already weak and wouldn't be able to put up much of a fight!~

"That's why."

~I...Don't understand?~ Indeed, this human was weird.

"I never take advantage of a pokemon when they are already weak, it's wrong."

She almost couldn't believe what she heard, this human was way different than the ones at the facility. ~I see...~

Cody just stood there for a minute looking at her, until something hit him, "Do you have a name?"

She realized she never gave him her name, normally she wouldn't care but he did help her, so she at least owed him that much, ~Mewtwo...~

"Mewtwo huh?" He took a seat on the ground and put his hand to his chin, thinking, "I don't think I've ever heard of a pokemon like you before."

~Look, while I would love to talk with a...human. I'm really tired, just let me sleep.~

"Oh! Right, you still seem exhausted from...whatever happened to you. Think you can tell what happened in the morning?"

~And what makes you think I'll still be here in the morning?~

"Because you're to heavily injured to do anything on your own." he said smugly.

'Damn! He's right....'

" you need anything from me before we go to sleep?"


"Well, there is still something I think you're going to need anyway..." he says as he gets up and move towards his ten.

Mewtwo kept a cautious eye on him to see what he was doing, making sure he wasn't going to try anything.

He came back out with the sleeping bag he rolled out earlier and laid it out next to her. She was perplexed by it, for she had no idea what it was, ~What is it?~

"A sleeping bag."

~What am I suppose to do with it?~

"Uh, sleep in it?" he was a little confused too, he never he would have to explain something like this to someone.

~How am I suppose to get in it? I can barely move!~

"I' you..." he said nervously.

~What?~ she said as she quirked an eyebrow at him.

"I can help you get into it, if you let me help you."

She had no real reason to refuse his offer, after all, he did help her this far, ~Fine, I guess...just be gentle.~

He smiled, "You got it."

He unzipped the bag so he could have it open for her. He then when over to her and put one arm under her legs, and one behind her shoulders and gently lifted her. She put her left arm around the back of his neck and laid her right one on her stomach, for it was limp from her shoulder injury. He then proceeded to carefully lay her in the open bag, being careful not to irritate her injuries. After making sure she was comfortable, he zipped the bag up, encasing her in a cocoon of warmth.

~What is this for exactly anyway?~ she asked.

"It's to keep you warm and comfortable at night, it can get kinda cold around her when the sun sets."

~But won't you get cold since I have the only one?~

Cody was confused on how she knew, "How did you...?"

She points to her own head, ~I'm a psychic, remember?~

"Oh, right." he said as he embarrassedly rubs the back of his head, "And I'll be fine, my clothes will keep me warm."

After he makes sure she was comfortable, Cody gets back up and heads over to his tent, but before he could enter it, he hears a quiet, ~Thank you...~ in the back of his mind. He smiles to himself, and heads inside and zips up the flap.

Mewtwo laid there a little befuddled by all this. She never expected to meet a nice human, least of all one that actually cared about her.

She looked up into the night sky thinking about everything that happened to her recently. The prison lab, her escape, her first glimpse of the outside world, and the human that helped her...Cody. He didn't tell her his name, he didn't need to, she was a psychic after all. As she thought about him she felt a little more relaxed, and warm. Why was she feeling this way when she thought about him? She shrugged to herself and decided she could think about it some other time. She closed her eyes and waited for sleep to take her, but right before she did, she thought of Cody, and right when she fell asleep, a warm smile slowly came across her face.