Into the Horizon: An Unlikely Alli Part One

Story by Talon Drago on SoFurry

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#11 of Into the Horizon

Hello all and the next chapter is here or at least the first part. You know the drill, if you are under 18 then go away. Enjoy, oh and just wait for part two if you want some "action." I'll not spoil it though. I'll also say that anohter character will soon be joining the group. I wonder who it will be?


Into the Horizon: An Unlikely Alli Part One

Admiral Williams sat on the bride of his ship. He had finally tracked down the three ships that had been wreaking havoc among all parties of the war. He hoped they would somehow forgive him for what he was going to do. He had to follow through with his orders from the Emperor, but he wasn't about to destroy the only hope they had of ending this damn war. Unknown to the trio and the Capitan's following them, their actions had created quite a stir among the three factions. For the first time since the war started, people had started questioning the validity of it all. They had more support than they realized, which made them dangerous in the eyes of the Empire. The Empire wanted to win the war at all costs, but not many of the people involved in the war even remembered why they started the war in the first place.

Explosions rocked though the Siberia and the Justice. They were no match for the wolf ships, and the Titan was too far away to be of any help. Bane raced though the shaking ship, he had to reach the Bridge and see what their condition was. As he exited the elevator and stepped onto the bridge, he began assessing the situation.

"Capitan what's going..."

Bane never got a chance to finish his words. There was a tremendous bang which shook the ship violently, then everything went white; it reminded him a lot of his arrival to the current time. Once again, everything went black and he passed out. Bane was one of the first ones to open his eyes. He was momentarily confused, he knew he was on his back looking at the roof, but he couldn't remember laying down. A sudden pain in the back of his head reminded him that he hadn't laid down and had instead fallen. As he got up he could see a few of the bridge officers and crew had started waking up, but he couldn't understand why or how they had all been knocked out. As he got to his feet he walked to the operations station to check the ships status. As he was the only person on the bridge currently up and walking around, it made him in charge. They were damaged, but not critically. The hull was intact, although if they had been hit a few more times it wouldn't have been. Shields were down, and somehow all backup power had been drained. Main power was functional, but only just.

"Somebody Report," ordered a very groggy and confused Max.

"Capitan, we are in good shape. We have some damage, but its nothing Scott can't handle" reported Bane.

"What the hell did they hit us with?"

"I have no idea Capitan, but whatever it was it was enough to put us to sleep and the crew of the Justice to sleep as well."

"What's their condition?"

"The Justice reports minor damages, but nothing Ron can't handle."

"Ok, now to ask the obvious question. They had us dead to rights, why did they let us live?" After a brief pause he then added, "not that I'm complaining."

"I'm not sure," as Bane continued checking the ships systems something caught his eye.

"Capitan you need to call a meeting with the captains, I think I know what's going on."

As the Titan was the only ship not currently under repairs, it was agreed that the meeting would be held there. As everybody gathered around the oval conference table that was in the center of the large briefing room aboard the Titan. Bane stood up and walked to the front of the room by where a large view screen was located.

"Gentleman, I have an answer as to why the Admiral didn't kill us," began Bane. He pressed a flashing button on the screens control panel and a recording flickered to life.

"Members of the Terrain Alliance, my name is Admiral Bill Williams. I am the leader of the fleet of starships that recently attacked two of your vessels. I apologize for this, but it was the only way to deliver my message to you. Your actions have inspired a great number within the Empire. Capitan's and military commanders are having a much more difficult time gathering the support of those under them. The war is being questioned, especially after it was leaked about the potential use of an Omega Bomb. I wish to offer my support to your cause, however I feel as though I can be of more help where I am. To that end, I have knocked both ships unconscious as to avoid having to destroy you, I have also added a set of coordinates into your navigation computer. At those coordinates is an old abandoned Wolf base. Its been almost a hundred years since anybody's been to it, and it has been long forgotten by almost everybody, however it is very much still there. Use it, and I will contact you again when I have more information that may be of use to you. Until then good luck. "

With that, the recording ended and everybody present sat in silence. Chances are it was a trap. However, they all knew they couldn't continue to just roam the universe. Eventually somebody would catch up with them, and their luck wouldn't continue to hold. A Wolf Admiral was offering them help. If he was being honest with them, then this could be a great benefit to them. If he was being deceitful then a fleet of Wolf Ships would be waiting on them and blast them to hell. However, he could have killed them, yet he didn't. Bane was the first to speak up.

"Guys we can't continue to warp all over the universe. Eventually we're gonna run up against somebody we can't beat. Hell, they had us if they had wanted to kill us. We need this base; I don't see where we have any choice in the matter. We need a central location to operate out off, and this is the best we're gonna get."

This was followed by some brief discussion, and some rather rude remarks concerning the battle tactics of the Admiral. It was agreed upon that this was their best option and all ships sat their course towards the unknown coordinates. It was on the far side of the galaxy. In fact, it was a ways out of all three factions' territories. It was indeed neutral ground. The Wolf Empire had once been considerably larger than it currently was, however they lost a great deal of it during the civil war that formed the current Royal bloodline. They had had to divert much of the empires resources to keeping the closer worlds under imperial rule. This caused many of the outer worlds to slip away.

It took two days for all repairs to be completed on the damaged Justice and Siberia. Once repairs were complete, Ron thought it was time to continue his discussion with his friends. He didn't like the way things had ended, but they were attacked before he had a chance to return. On the up side he figured the recent turn of events had gotten his friends minds off each other and back into a more objective state. As he walked though the Siberia, he began feeling apprehensive about speaking with them. They had really taken him seriously, and Bane was not happy with him. Nevertheless, he must set things right. He approached the door and pressed in the entry code to find that it had been changed. Apparently Bane had told Scott of what he had said, and Scott was more pissed than he had first thought, the codes were supposed to be permanent. He resorted to pressing the buzzer and hoping they would open the door.

Bane lay in bed with Scott, nothing could have possible bothered him. They usually slept apart, but Scott wanted to have a nap with him for a change. Bane certainly wasn't going to complain. He still hadn't told Scott that he had hit Ron, or that he felt more than he was showing. He had no intentions of telling either. As he laid there, arms wrapped around Scott, the Buzzing of the front door brought him out of his dazed state.

"Damn it who the hell could that be," asked Scott as he got up and jumped on his top bunk.

Bane got up and walked over to the door being careful to step over white liquid that was in a puddle on the floor from previous activities. As the door opened he suddenly wish he hadn't opened it.

"Bane," said an obviously nervous Ron, "please let me in, I want to talk to you and Scott."

Bane reluctantly moved aside. Instantly the mixed smell of Bane and Scott filled his nose. It gave him satisfaction to know that at least he hadn't stopped them from enjoying each other.

"Look," began Ron as everybody took seats in the room, "I made an ass of myself the other day." "I took a beautiful moment and destroyed it, and I'm sorry."

"You mean you're sorry for considering blackmailing me into letting you fuck me," said Scott with a considerable amount of bite in his voice. He may have only been a Human, but he had the temper of a Wolf.

"Scott I never intended to carry though with that threat, I was joking. But I made comments I shouldn't have and hurt the ones that mean the most to me. I didn't take the two of you seriously, and I was thinking with my dick instead of my head. Please, you two are all I have."

Both Bane and Scott were shocked as they looked at the fox. Ron had never been one to admit when he was wrong. Even when they were at the academy he had been strong headed. They had actually had to give him the silent treatment for a month to get him to apologize for posting a dating advertisement for the both of them as a joke under which he placed "call for a good time." Even when he did admit he was wrong, he certainly never teared up when apologizing. Yet before them sat a fox who apologized and was starting to cry. Bane just sat and felt like a royal ass for hitting him. He didn't take into account the affect of their situation on Ron. Both Scott and Bane got up and walked over to Ron and sat on the bed beside him and wrapped him in a hug.

"Ron its ok, we shouldn't have gotten upset," began Bane.

Then shocking both Ron and Bane Scott added, "and had you wanted to fuck me all you had to do was ask."