[COM-03] Naga Parlor Tricks 02

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Writing - Runa

Art - phoenixbat

Saethwr - Saethwr

Onyxia + Gabby - Nalothisal

Part 1 - https://www.sofurry.com/view/1223801

Part 2 - https://www.sofurry.com/view/1226069

Part 3 - https://www.sofurry.com/view/1230089

In this tale, Saethwr is guided towards a massage parlor headed by naga, assured they are the best at what they do. He quickly comes to learn this is true, in more ways than he was ready!

After having indulged himself thoroughly one time, he found that his body remained limber and strong beyond what he expected, so of course he couldn't help but return to where the naga massage artists could offer him a followup!

Naga Parlor Tricks

Life changed drastically for Saethwr after that day in the naga parlor, as all of his physical issues seemed to have completely dissipated, gone to the wind like a puff of smoke in a blizzard. He finished his sensual massage, fled home due to his bashfulness around the scaled ladies, and went to bed, his mind racked with the pain and guilt of having felt like he disrespected them and their work by bolting at the first opportunity. He tossed and he turned in bed, thinking about the ways he could properly apologize for his disrespect, but when he woke the next morning, his life had a new outlook.

For the first time in months, his muscles didn't feel sore when he woke up. His back felt limber, his legs flexible, and his arms full of strength so much so that he practically jumped out of bed; when he stretched out his wings he was astounded to find that they were not only devoid of any stiffness or soreness, but he felt like he could carry the world.

Every day since his time at the naga parlor, he woke up and dove out from his loft to fly the skies, doing a dance in the air for hours before he even made it to the job that was now much easier for him. His quality of life was better in every way, and he couldn't thank Gabby and Onyx enough for what they had done for him. Saethwr needed to return to them if only to show his appreciation, but the more he thought about it the more clear it became that he would have to go for another session.

It was really the only option.

Of course, every time he thought about returning, his mind wandered to the things they had done to him and the pleasure they had given him, which made him too shy to return. Sure, he could use the sensuality and pleasure since his job kept him too bust to seek it out otherwise, but at the same time he also knew that doing so would make him flush in embarrassment again, probably leaving. He didn't want to make a fool of himself, so he would chose to not go, letting another day pass as the cycle repeated itself.

Weeks flew by as Saethwr focused on his job and the satisfaction that came with it, the relaxation in his muscles remaining persistent throughout. Eventually, he did find that the stiffness started to creep back into his joints, but only in such a subtle way that he was aware of it without finding it a hindrance. Given how much he got out of the massage last time, he decided that it was time to return and pay for their highest level of service. The first time he'd indulged in their offerings, he was given a free ticket for a full bodied massage so he had no idea what it actually cost.

The more he thought about it, the more he came to realize that the cost really didn't matter to him. He wasn't a rich dragon, hoarding a literal mountain of coin in his den, but he had a job that paid him quite handsomely and his expenses were low given that his job paid for most of his daily meals via a per-diem allowance. Cost wasn't an issue as long as it stayed within a few gold, unless it started to tease at the jade coin level; if it got that high, then he might have to reconsider.

On the other wing, the pleasure and freedom he felt in the absence of the soreness that had plagued him had made him realize how good life could be, as his happiness had grown exponentially over the preceding weeks. Maybe it would be worth the investment, given the feeling of self-worth it had granted him. Either way, he was happy to stock up on coin just in case this fine weekend, and he was off from his home on the cliff to the naga parlor!

With arms spread wide and tail extended behind him for control, Saethwr rolled and danced in the skies near the border, keeping his eyes peeled for the familiar peak of the naga parlor's roof. He swayed back and forth in the light breeze, smiling and occasionally flipping over, doing a barrel roll before casually diving and dipping, his flight pattern all over the place to show off just how limber he felt, showing his aerial skills to any who thought to seek the skies.

At long last, he recognized the steeple of their parlor jutting out above the treeline, its red and peach colors a stark contrast to the green and light blues of the forest that surrounded it and the black of the path that connected it to the road. He smiled again, teeth bared as he hovered one last time before diving straight down with wings folded on his back. The wind whipped at his scales as he built speed, but his confidence assured him that his newly rejuvenated wings would carry him with ease.

When he flared out to tightly bank around a tree, he was proven right as his wings caught the air and tightly pulled him around the trunk, allowing him one final flip in midair before he fluttered to his feet. When he landed, he got down to one knee with his wings spread and fist down on the pathway, trying to look as cool as he could if anyone was watching.

Upon looking up, he did see that someone had saw him. It was a green dragon with an amulet on his chest and a vibrant flow of yellow and orange along his spines, and he nodded in silent approval, but the realization that he'd been watched actually made his scales flush as he averted his eyes.

The green dragon smiled as he walked past, having just come from the parlor. "Cool hero landing." He said, winking and nodding towards Saethwr.

"Th-thanks." Saethwr mumbled as he lowered his gaze, letting the dragon walk by him. Not until the dragon had disappeared beyond the bend in the path did Saethwr feel comfortable stepping up to the front porch of the parlor. He took in a deep breath and folded up his wings on his back before grabbing the handle and opening up the door, eager to meet and greet the two snakes who had done a miracle on him those weeks prior.

As the door swung open, Saethwr's heart dropped as he saw that unlike last time, the parlor was not empty or devoid of customers. There had to be at least a half dozen blokes in the waiting room alone, not including whomever was being worked on at the time. In that moment, Saethwr seriously considered turning around and leaving, too shy to risk being noticed in such a place given the naga's propensity to delve into the more sensual pleasures of a massage. This parlor could have been seen as seedy if it wasn't also employing miracle workers who did wonders for his limbs.

"Hey, you here for the wing special?" One of the other patrons, a large purple dragon, asked with a smile. "I know I am. I hear the ladies here are more thorough than anywhere else." His tail flicked eagerly as his wings fluttered a bit.

This didn't make Saethwr any less nervous, as he winced a bit and nodded. "Y-yeah. Need my wings for work, and their massage gave me more bounce and energy than..." He paused, then averted his eyes. "They're good, yes."

A second of the people in the waiting room chirped at him, this one a brown scaled biped dragon with a robotic arm and a kilt that seemed to be holstering a cock as big around as his waist. "Best I've ever had. I come back every week! In all of Epicelia, I've not found a masseuse that can do what these two do. And hey, c'mere." He motioned for Saethwr to come in closer so he could whisper, which Saethwr obliged. "Ask for the venom treatment, it's really quite nice."

"What?" That didn't make much sense to Saethwr, as he understood the biology of how venom worked. "Why in the world would I want venom in me? That sounds....are you sure you've been here before?"

The brown dragon nodded, chuckling gently. "It's a common concern. Yeah, Venom can be deadly when it's injected in large enough quantities or close enough to the heart, but when it's controlled it can actually be quite pleasant. Have you ever been stung by a bee and our forearm feels tingly and super sensitive? Imagine that, but without any of the pain and just the tingly sensitivity all over you. It lets you feel every scale and every twitch of their muscles even more so than normal. It sounds dangerous, but it's a special form of heaven." He laid his head back and smiled, his horns gently scraping on the wall as the bulge in his kilt swelled.

Saethwr blushed a bit and stepped over to the other side of the room, lightly tipping his invisible hat to the brown dragon before sitting down. He didn't wish to be rude, but he was done with that conversation, as he didn't want to see the other male getting aroused. If he wasn't in public it would have been a whole different situation.

While he sat there, he grabbed at a nearby magazine and started flipping through the pages to look busy; he wasn't actually reading anything, just eager to pass the time while he waited for the naga to come out and greet him. It wasn't until they called in the next guest - the purple dragon - that he thought to look at the title of the magazine. After flipping the cover, he chuckled at himself, seeing that it was a home and garden magazine focusing on vegetables and fruits. Luckily for him, he was quite fond of gardening so he didn't have to pretend to be interested anymore! Now, he could actually read an article about maximizing spice in home grown hot peppers and not feel like an outcast.

His new plan worked well, and he was quickly passing the time as each of the two naga would come out, one at a time to go through each of the people one at a time, getting the brown dragon, a peach colored gryphon, two lovers who were quite excited, and what appeared to be a father and son. Only the son went in, presumably as a rite of passage. A little weird, but whatever. Saethwr didn't pay much attention until he'd noticed that Gabby and Onyxia as well as some unknown third naga had come and gone a half dozen times and not once had they taken his order or asked what he wanted.

Naturally, the correct response was to stand up and try to get their attention when they came out to next get a client, but he didn't want to impose so he stayed sitting with his snout in the magazine, occasionally looking up when he heard any sound coming from the two doors that led to the massage rooms. Eventually, Gabby recognized him and smiled with a gaped grin, waving wildly.

"Saethwr? Is that you?" She asked, slithering over to him with a grin upon her broad face.

He lowered his snout farther into the book, still not wanting to be identified by the other two people still in the waiting room. "Y-yeah that's me. How has business been?" He was trying his best to keep his eyes focused on the words on the page, but was failing miserably as she got closer thanks to how sultry she was moving and how seductive her waving body looked to him.

"Business has been well. Kind of shocked it took you this long to come back! Were you not happy with your massage therapy session last time?" Her head cocked to the side, eyes glimmering a bit as though she were about to cry.

"Skies above no, it's not that at all!" He assured her as he tossed the magazine to the side and smiled. "Quite the opposite. The work you did on me was so good that I didn't feel the need to get a follow up! Until just three days ago, I felt perfect! Even now the stiffness in my joints is very subtle, very minor. I just, uhm...." He trailed off, the vigor of his assurance waning as he realized that other people in the room were staring at him. In time he was able to regain the courage to speak, but only in a whisper. "I really enjoyed your work last time, but I was too shy to come back. You know what happened at the end last time."

She chuckled a bit and nodded. "Yeah, but that's normal. Many of our clients are either first timers or people who aren't here for that kind of a massage and are taken aback when we get to that." After a nervous look around, she leaned in close to whisper in his ear. "You are here for that kind of massage, right? I sure hope so, I'd love to have a proper go at you if you're down for it."

His scales flushed an even darker red as they grew firm and hot. "I, uh, I don't think I, um...." He fumbled over his words, gulping heavily and glancing around the room in every effort to not make eye contact. Eventually, he was able to squeak out a simple inquiry. "H-how much?"

"Normally I'd give you one free, but you already used the ticket so we gotta charge you, yeah. Let's see, full bodied wing special with a bit extra is..." She counted on her fingers, tongue flicking gently as she concentrated. "Seventy-six silver is what we've got. Usually one gold, but the special is on so this is what we're at. All good?"

Saethwr blinked as a smile tugged at his lips. "Much more affordable than I was expecting for the quality of the massage. How do you keep it so cheap?" He felt a little awkward asking about their business practices, but in an odd way the purely practical inquiry took some of the emotional sting out of his embarrassment so it gave him a comfort of sorts.

In response, Gabby gave a smug smile as she nodded. "We're good, we're quick, and we have a lot of guests so there are people coming and going all the time. I wouldn't dig too much into it. Anyway, there's only one person ahead of you, would you like to pay now?"

"Oh, right! Sorry!" He dug into his pouch and fished out a few coins, finding three high-silver and one regular silver, equalling seventy-six before he tossed in a mid-silver as well. Each high silver was worth twenty-five and a mid-silver was worth ten. A complicated coin management system, but it worked. "I think this is enough with a bit of a tip, if that's customary."

She happily took and counted the coins, nodding with a flick of her snakelike tongue. "It can be, but it's up to the customer. Some do, some don't, and we're okay with that. Anyway, I think you're coming up soon, Onyxia and I are just cleaning up and-" A winged wolf walked in through the front door, cutting her off and walking over to the last customer in the room. He spoke a few words in hushed whispers and the two of them quickly rushed out, with the customer apologizing. As soon as the door closed behind him, Gabby turned back to Saethwr and shrugged. "Okay, I guess you're next. Follow me, then?"

He nodded and smiled, keeping pace with her as he daintily stepped around her slithering body all the way back to the massage room. The last customer walked out the other door on the opposite side of the receptionist desk with the third unknown serpent as Saethwr entered, leaving only he and the two naga from last time alone in the back room. "So I guess you want me to go ahead and lay down on the table, then?" He asked, pacing his way over to the same place he'd laid last time. It felt almost odd to him, acting so calm and confident, but for a brief moment he felt only professionalism and that allowed him to shed his reservations.

Onyxia dashed up to stop him, putting her arm between him and the massage table. "Not yet, dear. We have to clean first."

Saethwr's face contorted as he came to realize what that meant. "Sorry, I'll wait." He apologized, then started padding around the room, taking in the environment and the various accoutrements while he waited, taking extra special care to not watch them cleaning up the table. Behind him, he could hear both Gabby and Onyxia fiddling with cleaning agents, cloths, buckets, sanitizing spray, and towels to completely clean and disinfect their work space, which gave him the confidence he needed to trust them. Clearly the two of them took their jobs seriously, even if their work often resulted in messes of the sexual kind.

When he was certain they were done with their clean-up, he turned and rubbed his talons together in an attempt to initiate his massage, only to feel the welled up confidence get stuck in his throat, which forced him to gulp down and whimper a bit.

"Are you okay?" Asked Onyxia as she patted down the leather and fabric of the table. "You clearly seem concerned. Shall I get you a drink?"

Gabby laughed at her a bit. "Don't worry too much about ol' Saethwr! He's just the shy type. Don't you remember from last time? We used our tails on him and he ran out before we could clean him off!" She used the end of her tail to extend across the room and tug on his ankle, eager to have him come closer and join them.

Onyxia nodded slowly, rubbing her chin and flicking her tongue. "Yeah, now that you mention it I do remember that! Sweet guy. Come on dear, no need to be shy. The table is all but ready and done for you and we can attend to your needs in just a moment."

"You're our last customer before lunch, so we can be very slow and very thorough, if that's what you were hoping for." Gabby added, slapping her hand down on the flat of the massage table. "At least I hope that's what you're looking for. I'd love to feel you giving us a bit of a massage back." Her tongue flicked as well, gauging his response.

In his mind, Saethwr felt a sudden eruption of blood spew out from his nose, and he imagined it coming out with such force that he was knocked onto his back with legs up and hands twitching. Not often a sensual, skilled, intelligent female was so forward and blunt with their desires, and that was both refreshing and terrifying. Given his position, he felt he needed to say something to break the tension that was building, so he nodded. "I'm sure we can work something out." He said, realizing too late that he sounded cold and professional, not sensual and kind.

Neither of them seemed to matter, as they once again returned to the same process they had taken the first time by oiling up their bodies, patiently waiting for him to hop up onto the table. The main difference this time was that they were acting seductive and sensual as they rubbed their bodies, smiling directly at him as he inched his way closer. "Well, come on." Gabby urged, cocking her head towards the table. "Don't want to waste time gawking and acting all shy and stuff. Got some sensual massage to attend to!" She grabbed at his arm and forcefully pulled him onto the table, her sheer strength shocking him.

"Eep!" He squeaked out, eyes wide and body tense as he was forced onto his belly. After a few blinks, he decided to take in one of those deep breaths and relax while he waited for them to proceed. He'd been here before, and while it had been weeks since his last encounter with the two naga he still remembered everything they had done the last time and the wonders they'd worked on him. As his memories resurfaced, he came to relax again, just in time to feel Gabby's body pull its way up onto him, her hands holding onto the handles on either side of his head.

Just like last time, she pressed down against his back with all her weight, slithering in tight swishes over him as her muscles knotted and tensed in waves that pressed down against his spine and pushed outward. She was careful to not put too much weight on his wings, opting instead to focus her body on his spine, the tight bends nearly covering his torso entirely even as she moved in a seductive rhythm. The oils that lubricated their scales seemed to be drying up quicker than last time, so she tagged out and Onyxia pulled herself to take Gabby's place.

She did the same thing, tightly coiling and pressing out against him for what seemed like only a few minutes before Gabby rejoined her, oiled up once again. With the two of them on top of him, they coiled around his limbs in unison, each taking an arm, each taking a wing, and each taking a leg to squeeze and massage his muscles. Once his limbs were tenderized from their powerful squeezing, they took turns on his tail, slowly going down from the base to the tip.

Though Saethwr took note of the clock and was able to discern that this session lasted just as long as his last one, he couldn't shake the feeling that they were rushing. Their bodies seemed to move with liquid ease over him, folds and coils of scales cascading over him with such precision that it almost felt like they were just trying to get him finished up so they could move on and have lunch.

Of course, the theory that formulated in his mind made him wonder why two snakes needed to have a lunch break at all. If they were reptilian in any way, then they would be cold blooded and therefore need only sun and heat to keep their energy up for weeks without a meal. Furthermore, they were warm to the touch so of course they didn't need to replenish themselves. Many things swirled through his mind as he struggled with his own sense of unease, so much so that he forgot to enjoy himself right up until he felt Gabby's tail around his upper thigh.

The sensation of her body so close to his loins pulled him from his mindscape, only to have her give a tug and gently force him over onto his back. When he blinked, he was greeted to both naga hovering over him, alternating tongue flicks as their tails each took a hold of a knee and spread his legs apart, exposing his genital slit. He wasn't hard, or even exposed, given how distracted he had become, but that didn't stop them from demanding his affection.

"Something wrong?" Gabby joked as her tail tip prodded at his exposed slit, parting his lips and caressing the underside of his entrenched shaft. "You were so eager to be with us last time."

Onyxia followed suit but didn't speak as her tail prodded at his genital opening alongside Gabby's, both of them pulling at each other as they wormed their way into him. She stared directly into his eye as her tongue flicked over her snout, hands exploring his chest and teasing at the purple scales.

"S-so I guess we're getting right to this, aren't we?" Saethwr asked followed by an idle gulp. He could feel the stirring warmth in his loins coaxing his cock from his slit as the two tendril-like coild around his length to squeeze and give a gentle tug, knowing fully well that he wouldn't remain hidden for much longer. "I guess I should...." He trailed off as he felt a particularly tight coil around the base of his cock deep within his sheath, the pressure and warmth of it coaxing him out.

Gabby smiled and pecked him on the cheek as her tail pulled him completely out of his slit, smiling and hissing gently as her hand walked its way over his well-toned belly. "That's more like it. I told you we had a lunch date, wouldn't want to waste too much time on your body when your manhood deserves attention." Her hand grasped at his shaft, cradling the tip with her fingers while her tail continued to squeeze and Onyxia's pushed deeper into him. As the two tails pumped in and round his member, Gabby started stroking at Onyxia's tail like it was a cock, flicking her tongue seductively as she shifted her body to mostly cover Saethwr's chest.

He looked up and down her form, breasts right in his face as he massaged the serpent's sides, not sure where to rest his palms since she lacked hips. Still, that didn't stop him from gently stroking at her sides as her tail continued to stroke and tug at his member, much of her body smothering his one side with Onyxia on the other side. Together, they gave his entire torso from neck to loins a proper caress, their bodies writhing and squirming atop him with strands of gooey slime bridging from one body to the next every time they parted ways.

Gabby leaned in to press her cheek to his in a casual nuzzle, her lips sliding past his chin and down his neck to peck at his scales every bit of the way. Right as she got to where shoulder met neck, she opened up her mouth a bit to clamp down on him, the pointy tips of both her large fangs prodding at his scales. This made him panic a bit, muscles tensing up all over as he gasped and held his breath. Gabby noticed this, so she folded her fangs back up and kissed her way back up to his cheek, neck coiled around his to double up on the touch they shared. "Everything alright?" She hissed in his ear.

Saethwr couldn't help but pull his one hand up from the side of her body to lightly feel at his shoulder at the two points where her fangs had prodded at him, noting the gentlest of tingling sensations there. "D-did you bite me?" He asked, voice wavering in concern, despite there being no pain whatsoever.

"Just a little nip, darling." Gabby said as she put her hand on his to rub at his shoulder. "No venom, I'm not a monster, my dear. Just like to nibble. I hope you don't mind." She opened her maw to lightly rub at her one fang, showing off her gullet in the process.

He looked away, finding the glistening teeth and the long needlepoint fangs to be a little intimidating at the time, as he was not prepared for such acts. "Not today, please. I'm really not into that at the moment. I love what you're doing...down there...but no fangs today. Maybe some day I can try that sort of thing, but not today." He was being surprisingly articulate despite how he couldn't keep eye contact and kept glancing down towards his crotch, but that didn't stop him from enjoying himself.

She nodded in response, slinking backwards down his torso as her body fell off to the side of him, both her length and Onyxia's cradling him on either side while pinning him down on the table. "I'll remember that next time. There will be a next time, right?" She grabbed at Onyxia's tail with one hand and Saethwr's cock with the other, pushing tail in and tugging on member at the same time. "There better be a next time."

He bit his lip and slowly nodded in reluctant agreement, hips bucking up into her grip while the clenching of his loins nearly forced Onyxia's tail out of him. The sensation of having her caressing his flesh from inside felt heavenly to the point his member was inflating against their touch partially beyond his own will. No words came from him, as he could not form the proper thoughts to sound witty or to sound like he had even a modicum of control. By this point, he was merely relaxing and letting the two serpent ladies have their way with him, since that's clearly what they wanted.

Saethwr felt no need to protest or resist such serpentine passion.

"That's a bit more like it." Onyxia hissed, noticing that his muscles had relaxed and his body had mostly gone limp, leaving him more receptive to their massage. "Now stay like that and we'll have you in a puddle of your own desires soon enough." As she spoke, she pumped her tail in even deeper, coiling the tip into a ball before pulling out with a wet squelch only to extend again and plunge back into him as deep as it would go, the end hitting the back wall of his genital slit and curling up as she forced more of herself into him.

Unable to hold back, Saethwr threw his head back and moaned gently, smiling and whimpering as he willingly spread his legs farther and tried to push down on her penetrating tail, bucking his hips against Gabby's hand and coiled tail.

Slowly, Gabby pulled her tail away from his loins to release him, her entire body shifting and squirming to keep much of her weight atop him, grinning as she did so. She had something in mind, but it wasn't clear to Saethwr what that might have been, so he wrapped his arms around her body to feel her muscles tensing and releasing, squeezing her as she slithered through his grip and cradled his chin, forcing him to look in her eyes.

This felt more than a little awkward for Saethwr at first, as he wasn't too keen on having others force his gaze upon them, but Gabby was sweet and she was so gentle with her every motion that he gave into her wiles. She wasn't hypnotizing him, but she was alluring enough to make him fall into the depths of her eyes as her companion squirmed her way up and around, tail gripping at his member as Gabby's body shifted away from his lower region.

Saethwr didn't quite know what it was that they were planning on doing, but their bodies were scrunching up, stretching out, pressing against him, and knotting together as they shifted position, all while Gabby kept her fingers on his chin to keep him from glancing down over his body. While their bodies moved, Gabby's length clasped his arm, folded over his chest, bent around his other arm, and she used her weight to hold him in place as her tail and cloaca emerged before him, right next to her face and right in front of his.

While he was transfixed at the glistening scales before him, he felt Onyxia's body shift over his thighs and lower body while never letting go of his cock, all the while massaging his every muscle on the way. Part of her length - a few coils worth - propped up his legs and forced his knees up as her tail dipped over his belly, surprising him with the feel of moist cloaca rubbing at his tip. This sensation - that of the velvety flesh rubbing his cock tip as he got a good waft of aroma from Gabby's before him - made his entire body melt and quiver in delight, his focus waning and his reservations dissipating.

Then, just as he was about to reach out and grab at Gabby, he felt the dexterous muscles of Onyxia's tail and lower body twist and contort in just the right way, coiling around his cock to keep him in place as her cloaca descended upon him, forcing the entirety of his cock to disappear between her ventral scales. To his delight, her flesh was warm and supple, slick and dripping down his shaft to soak him between his legs, every twitch and tension of her muscles giving him a light squeeze that clamped tight around him and massaged in waves.

Saethwr hadn't quite expected such a caress so soon, but he wasn't resisting and he certainly wasn't going to protest at all. With the flesh that smothered his cock and the aromatic vent before him, he found the only thing he could do thanks to the bodies that were weighing him down was to reach out and rub his snout under Gabby's tail, licking at her opening to prod at her lips and taste her depths.

She smiled at him and curled her body up, farther exposing herself and pressing her lips to his, smearing her fluid all over his snout. As she did this, her entire body kept gently squeezing and pressing against his, massaging his muscles to continue with the job she was paid for even when she went above and beyond to pleasure him. All the while, Onyxia also kept at him as she pushed back against his legs where Gabby pushed down, clenching his thighs and cock between both of their bodies. There was nothing Saethwr could do to actively pleasure either of his naga masseuses, not with their bodies weight down on him, so he bucked his hips, extended his neck, and hoped for reciprocation.

Luckily for him, he got precisely that. With him leaning in to prod at Gabby's nether lips, she pushed back as hard as she could to smear and rub herself all over him, happy to feel his tongue prodding at his depths to the point that her ventral scales parted and expanded to wrap around his snout! Given that she was a serpent and her body was prepared for a meal thrice her girth with ease, it made perfect sense that her cloaca could stretch the same way. All the while, Onyxia's lower body kept at him, pumping her cloaca up and down on his member, stroking him like a tailhole hand job with such inner muscle control it actually felt like she was milking him.

He knew in his heart and mind both that there was no way he was going to last this long with their warm flesh squeezing and caressing him so, yet he had little to no choice in the matter. Their powerful bodies kept him held down even as their bellies caressed him, and the both of them worked in tandem to hold him in place while they kept at his cock, with Gabby pressing her vent to his lips, still.

With all of his might, he pulled away from their grip with his one hand and grabbed Gabby's tail end, holding it in place as he pushed his snout into her; he didn't go deep, but he did relish in the sensation of his muzzle pressing against her well lubricated scales, and her flesh spreading apart to smother him up to the ridge between his eyes. He opened his maw within her, spreading her open and prodding even deeper at her depths while she undulated and pushed back against him, her muscles twitching and threatening to squeeze him out. As this happened, Onyxia was giving his shoulders a back rub as though she were trying to distract him from the pleasure her other end kept giving him.

In his eyes, there was literally nothing she could do to to make this any better, at least that's what he thought until Gabby pulled her tail away from his snout with a wet squelch, ventral scales closing up before his eyes and pushing out the gooey mess of her arousal and his saliva over his chest and chin. As she did that, her tail tip darted down over his body and curled around Onyxia's back end to slip inside of the other, thinner snake alongside Saethwr's throbbing member.

The added pressure of the tail accompanying him inside Onyxia's cloaca only made his pleasure jump, as now he had the sensation of scales caressing him and flesh massaging him at the same time. In spite of his best efforts to hold back and draw out his pleasure longer than the last time - a feat he'd accomplished multiple times over by now - he could tell he wasn't going to last much longer if they kept at him like that, a truth he revealed as his hips twitched and he let out a long winded whimper.

"Do you hear that, Ony?" Gabby asked, tensing her muscles against Saethwr and plunging her tail in deeper. "I think he's having a hard time holding back! Wanna test his limits?"

Onyxia leaned in close, still massaging his shoulders as she whispered next to his ear but aimed at Gabby. "I don't know, Gab, I don't think he has much left in him to hold back. Worth a look, though, isn't it?" She gave him a peck on the cheek and gave another full bodied squeeze, her coils tightening around his legs and arms as Gabby did the same, their combined constriction seemed designed to force as much blood into his member as possible.

The throbbing sensitivity that resulted from his cock being squeezed tight and inflating to its max firmness while inside Onyxia made his toes curl, fists ball up, and his spine arch to push against them both with all his might.

All at once he found he couldn't hold back any longer. As he bucked with one powerful thrust into Onyxia, Gabby pulled out and wrapped her tailtip around the base of his cock to farther add to the pressure while his veins throbbed and his cock expanded as far as it would go. The warmth and friction and the gentle caress of velvet flesh massaged him in quick, rhythmic waves as he felt that familiar tingle of climax building up in his shaft and right down to the base of his spine. Then, as he was about to relax and try to hold back, he felt an explosion of pleasure bursting through his cock, resulting in a gooey mess erupting into Onyxia's pussy.

She slammed down on him as hard as she could, taking as much of his length into her as possible, tail pressed tight to his belly and hooked around his hip to hold in place as she squeezed in an attempt to hold in his ejaculate. Her vent constricted and created a seal within her, forcing his essence to travel deep through her walls rather than burst out alongside his throbbing eruptions.

This lasted almost a full minute, with both Gabby and Onyxia squeezing tight in a mutual constriction that kept his member firm long after it should have started going soft. When they realized he was all but out of seed, they loosened their grip and let his blood flow return to normal.

Saethwr panted and heaved, once again able to breathe properly as the blood once again rushed to his head and his member twitched one final time before deflating and growing limp inside her. He noted, in that brief moment between climax and release, that Onyxia's depths were squeezing him just right, a perfect constriction to keep him satisfied without letting the cum out yet not so tight that it forced him out.

It wasn't until she pulled away, ventral scales tugging on his cock flesh with a gentle squelch, before he realized that his time was up and everyone had to go back to living their life. Within seconds of his flesh parting ways with her vent, both Onyxia and Gabby had taken turns cradling his chin for a light kiss and tongue flick, and were gently hissing as they pulled away from him, leaving him splayed out on the table, alone and quickly growing cold.

Onyxia went about her business, immediately heading for what Saethwr assumed was a shower while Gabby stayed behind, resting her head on the table next to him while her thick body coiled up beneath her by the table. "So, weeks later, was it everything you remembered? You're not going to go rushing away blushing again, are ya?" She lightly poked his haunches while flicking her tongue.

Still basking in the pleasured glow of his lingering climax, Saethwr found the wherewithal to cup his hands over his crotch but didn't feel like running. "Not this time, Gabby. Just, I hope you don't mind if I relax for a bit, do you?" He wasn't over his shyness or anything, but with both of them being so casual and helpful towards him, he really didn't feel like he needed to run away in terror. Sure, he felt a flush in his cheeks thanks to how exposed he felt, but he knew gabby would be heading to lunch in a moment and yet still chose to sit with him and chat instead.

Everything felt full of deja vu for Saethwr, yet he stayed in place and rolled onto his side, struggling to ensure his wings folded up on his back as he looked Gabby in the eyes. His legs clenched together, closing off his slit and keeping him relatively modest in the process. "I don't suppose you give discounts for repeat customers, do you?" Though he was only partially serious, he still wanted to hear what Gabby had to say.

She inched in, pecked him on the snout, and chuckled to herself. "Sometimes. I'm sure we can work something out. You wanna come back to the lunch room with us? I gotta clean up from the oils and stuff, and I get the impression you'd make for a good lunch break partner. Meet me there?" she cocked her head towards one of the doors on the opposite end of the room from where the waiting room led to the massage room before offering a wink and slithering away.

Left alone to his privacy with no other customers waiting and both the massage therapists around, he hopped off the table and got to his feet, finding his knees to be a touch on the weak side before gathering strength and stretching out. Once again, he felt rejuvenated beyond belief, like he could carry the world in his talons as he flew.

In that moment, he had a choice. Did he go home and relax with his now-relieved body, or did he head back to the lunch room to indulge his curiosities about what two warm-fleshed naga had for lunch?