Random Poetry 2

Story by Seiji Hashimotto on SoFurry

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Hello again. As you can see, I have some more Random Poetry for you. Yes, it is depressing, just like the last one, but this one has more a plot. I know, it's wierd for a few poems to have a plot, but thats just how it worked out. And again, I am NOT suicidal, that's just how my poetry comes out making me look.

So, any and all comments are appreciated. And even though it's depressing, try to enjoy it.


I shot me in the heart

My uncle was a cop,

But that was just a disguise.

A do-gooder by day,

A villain by night.

You see,

I went to him one day,

And professed to him, "I'm gay!"

He didn't much like that.

Then he figured out why

I'm always around so many guys.

"Which one is he?

The one that turned you gay!

I swear to God I'll kill him

Before the end of this day!"

His screaming scared me,

So I unthinkingly said, "Barry."

My husband of three years

Was now about to die,

And all because

I couldn't stand to cry...

I shot me in the heart (a year later)

They came to me one day,

One calm spring afternoon.

A man about my age

Had been raped, tortured, and murdered too.

They offered me sympathy,

And questions as I cried.

When they left,

One cop stayed behind.

He looked at me

With fierce blue eyes,

And waited for me

As I cried and cried.

Eventually I got up,

And went to my room.

I said to him as he followed,

"Just do what you have to do..."

He looked at me and said,

"I'm gonna enjoy killing you."

"For you see, it was me,

Who killed that faggot, Barry."

I really surprised him

With the next thing I said.

Though he has always been

A dumbass redneck.

"I knew it was you.

Do you think my mind that askew?"

He stared at me wide eyed,

As he went for his gun.

His hand went down,

And mine went back.

He hit empty holster,

As I drew his gun from my back.

I put the muzzle between his eyes,

And calmly said, "Bye-bye."

A jerk of my finger,

And the deed was done.

I'll probably go to jail,

For killing another loved one...

I shot me in the heart (two years later)

So they finally found me,

Here in Mexico City.

Well, I had a good run,

Can't say I didn't have fun.

Guess I have no choice but to

Relive my dramatic past,

And cry as I talk to

Some damn judge with "class".

No, gotta keep my mind on the task.

Do I pull the trigger, or make a mad dash?

Suicide might work,

Unless they somehow saved me...

Times up,

Decision time is now,

'Cause my bedroom door

Just came crashing down.

Hang on, Barry,

Here I come.

Finger on the trigger,

Squeeze from the thumb.
