Birds of a Feather: 01 - Stricken

Story by Oblong Pomegranate on SoFurry

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#1 of Birds of a Feather

Alright, time for something a little bit different from my last story. This is a sort of spin-off of my last series, The Pornstar's Son, which starts here: [](%5C). In case you're not into reading gay incestuous pedophillic stories (although I can't imagine why anyone would have any objections) here's what you need to know for this story:

Kyle is the director/producer/whatever else needs to be done at his own porn studio, "Until It Sleeps" studios. This spin-off is going to focus in around him, and it's going to be told from his point of view. He's a red-tailed hawk.

Jake is the studio's "star" actor, and has been friends with Kyle ever since he began the studio. He's married to Jill, and they're both lions.

Jason is a camera man, and Linda is the make-up woman.

That should be enough set-up for now. Enjoy!

*Chapter 1: Stricken *

"Damn, where the hell is this chick?" Jason said loudly over the background noise of a few ongoing conversations. "She's already half an hour late. We're supposed to be filming right now, not waiting around for her to show up."

"Calm down Jason," I said with a sigh. "Heaven forbid you have to stay here a little longer than usual. Most people wouldn't complain about having to work an average of two hours per day."

"Overtime pay is always nice I guess," Jason said in a more relaxed tone, "it's just that I'm bored to tears."

"You're not the only one," I replied with a lazy yawn.

"This is the problem with the so called free agents," Jason continued after a small pause. "Half the time they don't show for whatever reason."

Unfortunately, that was kind of true. "Free agent" porn actors are usually highly unreliable. They're either new to the business and get so nervous that they don't show, or they're drug addicts who are simply unreliable in their own right.

But, the fans have been clamoring for something a bit different recently, and I have to go out into the market to make that happen. I called up my buddy Phil to see what was available (I guess you could call him a "porn agent", although I use that term loosely. He just happens to know a lot of decent talent... which he gets a small fee from after they finish filming a movie that he helped put them in.) After a little discussion, he told me that he knew the perfect female for me, a young hawk. I was a bit surprised since hawks are a somewhat rare species, but I thought it was just what the fans would want: something rare and exciting. Also, I was also kind of interested in meeting her myself. I'd only been able to meet a handful of other hawks throughout my entire life, so it was always a welcomed occasion when I got to meet another one.

"I've already tried calling her numerous times," I said with another sigh, "but all I keep getting is her voice mail. I even called Phil to see if he could get in contact with her, but he didn't have any luck either."

"For all we know she's dead in some ditch somewhere due to a heroin overdose," Jason replied back.

I let that comment go unacknowledged from me as I simply said, "I'll give her five more minutes before I start calling in replacements." I gently stood up from my director's chair and said in a loud voice, "I'm going to go and see who's available to fill in today. If she manages to show up within the next five minutes then direct her over to Linda." After my announcement, I made my way back to my office so I could begin searching for a decent replacement.

About three minutes later I heard a small commotion outside of my office door, and shortly after that Jake popped his head in and said, "She's here," with a small smile on his face. "Better late than never I guess."

"About time," I said as I pushed the papers I was sorting through aside. "Did you send her to Linda?"

"Took her there myself," Jake replied confidently. "She should be ready in a few minutes."

"Alright," I replied feeling better already, "let's go shoot a porn movie!" I stood up from my office chair and made my way back to the set.

The movie we were filming had a beach theme to it. Jake was supposed to be the best surfer on the beach, and, in turn, he'd be the guy who'd bag and tag all the cute chicks that were watching him. We were going to shoot the necessary outdoor beach scenes tomorrow, but for right now we were concentrating on the beach house sex scenes. We had already shot two of them the day before, and we only had this one to finish up today. With any luck we'd be done within the hour.

When I made it back to the cluster of cameras and lights, I began to do some last minute check-ups on both Jake and the set as we waited for Linda to release our late actress. Just as I was finishing up with some of the last tiny details of the scene, the female hawk quickly strolled into the room.

My beak instantly hit the floor as I gazed at her in awe. She was absolutely gorgeous. She was the most beautiful female I'd ever seen, and, due to the nature of the business I'm in, that is no light statement. She wasn't simply any old hawk either; she was a red-tail... just like me! I don't think I could've imagined a more perfect female if I wanted to!

Where to start? Well, the first thing that stuck me about her was her size and shape. She was around six feet tall and had a very... strong... um...sturdy... um... full-looking body. She wasn't muscular or fat or anything like that though. She was simply... big... bigger than me anyway. And, in a species with reverse sexual dimorphism, that instantly made her incredibly good looking right from the start.

As I slowly traced my eyes down from the top of her head to her talons, the next thing I noticed about her were her eyes. Since she was a hawk, her eyes naturally had a sort of fierce glare to them. But, hidden away beneath that fierce glare was a warm, inviting softness that I couldn't help but be drawn into. I could tell that she was a loving and caring individual, but at the same time there was a hint of... ancestral intensity that gave her deep, dark eyes some real character. Her beak was much the same way: fierce and terrifying looking on the outside, but I there was also a glimpse of a soft and tender expression hiding behind the rough and ferocious exoskeleton.

Her chest was puffed out proudly as she walked, but it wasn't just due to her breasts. In fact, those were no bigger than a small b-cup at best. Avians in general tend to have small mammary glands. We leave those up to, you know, the mammals. It was just the way her body was shaped that made her chest look so... strong. Again, it wasn't like she was really muscular or anything, although there was some slight muscle definition here and there on her frame. She just looked... powerful, both in presence and body. And, with the addition of her two small but firm breasts protruding out on either side of her chest, each covered by a thin layer of beautifully colored deep red fabric, she looked absolutely magnificent.

In addition to the shape of her chest, she also had the most beautiful white and brown feather pattern I'd ever seen running down from her neck to where her talons took over, and on the front of her wings to the underside of her tail feathers. I felt as if I could get lost in the subtle mix of white and various shades of brown for days if I was allowed to stare into it for that long. The pattern was so memorizing, so intricate, and so absolutely beautiful that I couldn't help but stare longingly into it. And, to top it all off, the underside of her wings held a remarkably mesmerizing pattern of brown and white stripes horizontal as well, which were more beautiful than any markings I'd ever seen on any other creature, ever.

As her proud chest began to drop off the farther I went down, her sleek and streamlined midsection eventually began to dominate. As her pelvis met her stomach, her hips began to spread out her frame a bit, but not by much. She still retained a very slim and toned look all throughout her lower body. The feathers on her legs began to get slightly darker in color as they got closer to the beginning of her talons, especially on the inside of her legs, and her talons themselves were constructed just as her wings, beak, and eyes were: big, powerful, and fierce looking, but with an overwhelming sense of softness and femininity. That, in essence, is the perfect description of her.

"You must be Kyle," she said out in the sweetest voice imaginable as she quickly made her way over to me. She extended one of her wings so I could shake it, but I was still so in awe of her that I didn't even realize it for a moment. I looked down at it, and then back at her, and then down at it again in a glazed stupor until the encounter began to turn awkward. "Hi, I'm Amber," she added in rather quickly.

Amber... I remember thinking as she stood no more than two feet away from me. Such a beautiful name for such a beautiful hawk... Snapping to my senses somewhat, I extended my own wing and allowed it to make contact with her own.

"h... Hi," I managed to squeak out as she grasped a hold of my wing and began to shake it for me. Her feathers were so soft... so warm and cozy... and her grip was firm, yet very gentle. Just by touching her wing I felt a warm and comforting feeling shoot up my wing and spread throughout the rest of my body. It felt to me like I was shaking wings with an angel...

"I'm so sorry I'm late," she quickly began to say as she let my wing drop back to my side. I just continued to stare at her in bewilderment as she began to talk in a wonderfully melodic voice that seemed to match her physical beauty. "I had to have driven right by this studio at least five times while I was looking for it. Phil usually gives pretty bad directions, but he didn't even decide to mention that your studio was hidden in among all the other buildings around here. I didn't see a sign out front or anything either, so I really had no idea where I was going. I tired to call you for some better directions, but when I reached for my phone I realized that it was dead. I could've sworn that I plugged it into the charger last night, but for some reason it just didn't charge. I finally decided to stop in and see whether or not this was the right place, or ask for directions, and lo and behold here I am."

"I'm really sorry about all this, honest!" she continued after a small pause, "But, I can assure you that I've got the entire script memorized. I know all of the lines and the cues perfectly. I spent the past week going over everything time and time again. I can promise you that you won't have to do a second take because of me screwing something up."

When she finished, there was another awkward pause between us. I had become lost in her face, especially her eyes, the entire time she'd been talking, so I hadn't really heard anything she said. Nevertheless, I had enough cognizant thought left to get the general idea. "It's... um, it's... it's fine," I slowly sputtered out. "Don't worry about it."

"Thanks for understanding," she said before quickly adding, "This will turn out to be the best scene you've ever shot, just wait and see!"

With a dopey smile on my face, I quietly said, "I know it will be..." She gave me a heart-liquefying cute smile in return before turning around and making her way over to talk with Jake. As she began to walk away, I began to admire the dark brown feathers which layered over her back in the most beautiful way. Also, I couldn't help but stare at her rust red-tipped tail feathers in their gorgeous fanned out formation as they gently swayed back and forth while she walked.

Even when she was a good twenty feet away from me, I still kept my gaze locked on her as she talked with Jake. At one point in their conversation, I noticed Jake look back at me, and his gaze was quickly followed by Amber's. I tried hard to make it look like I wasn't staring directly at her the entire time, but I'm not sure how effective I was in doing so. They both only gave me a quick glance anyway, so after a short period of time I felt that it was safe to start focusing my attention back onto her. But, just as I was starting to do so, they both turned around, and Jake quickly said, "Hey Kyle, we ready to start filming yet?"

"Um... um, Yeah!" I said trying to find my voice. "Um, places everyone!"

I had to force myself to take my eyes off of the female hawk long enough to walk over to my director's chair, but once I had sat down my eyes quickly locked onto her once again. I was able to catch one final glimpse of her before she went through the "door" of the set and "hid" herself on the other side. Even though I couldn't see her directly from my vantage point, I kept both of my eyes trained on the spot that I knew she'd eventually have to appear from. I'm not sure how long I actually did that for, but eventually I heard Jake yell out, "Whenever you're ready, Kyle."

I had to struggle to find my voice once again, but eventually I managed to say, "Um... Lights, camera ACTION!" I then quickly returned my focus to the soon-to-be-filled door that she was supposed to come in through.

Now, I'm a pretty vocal director, and I like to guide the scene as much as possible without getting in the way of the audio. Normally, at this point in the scene, I would be instructing my cameramen on how to get some good shots of the empty room to use as an intro. But, since most of my crew had been around for a while, they happened to know what I wanted pretty well without me actually having to say anything. That was a good thing too, or else the entire scene would've ground to a halt pretty quickly. I had all my attention focused on that door, waiting for that stunning hawk to once again come into my view, so I didn't actually say, well, anything the entire time.

After it was apparent that I wasn't going to say anything, and that the cameramen had gotten more than their fair share of empty room shots, Jake finally entered the scene by himself, carrying his surfboard tucked under his left arm. As he leaned it up against the wall, I finally saw the hawk reveal herself to me once again. There she stood, leaning up against the door frame in her beautiful red bikini, while Jake was busy tending to his surf board.

"Hey there hot stuff," she said in an incredibly sexy tone of voice.

Jake's ears twitched and perked up a bit as he slowly turned around. He brushed his damp mane out of his eyes before saying, "Well, well, well. What's a sexy bird like you doing in a place like this?"

She slowly and sexily walked over to Jake before brushing one of her wings along his exposed and muscular chest. "I saw you out there on the ocean," she replied while gently continuing to rub her wing up and down Jake's chest and abs. "And I just thought that, after an impressive work out like that, you needed someone to help you... relax a little bit."

She slowly placed both of her wings onto Jake's chest and slowly began to drag them down until they were at the waistband of Jake's swim trunks. With a devilish grin, she hooked her wingtips between the fabric and Jake's fur before slowly beginning to pull them down.

She lowered her upper body down along with the swim trunks, and by the time Jake's swim trunks were laying at his feet, Amber was eye to eye with Jake's semi-erect cock. With another devilish grin, she slowly brought her wings back up Jake's legs until she gently grabbed a hold of Jake's cock and balls. All it took was some gentle attention from Amber before Jake's cock sprung up to it's full length.

"My, my," Amber said in a sexy tone, "you're bigger than I imagined."

"Is that going to be a problem?" Jake asked proudly.

"Far from it," Amber replied with a smirk. She moved her wingtips back down to the base of Jake's cock, and positioned it where she wanted it. Then, in one quick swoop, she took about half the length straight into her mouth.

Now, oral sex with avians is usually a risky proposition, especially when a raptor is involved. Sharp beaks and very sensitive organs don't usually get along well unless both parties know exactly what they're doing. I hadn't seen Jake receive oral from very many avians, so he looked slightly nervous. But, Amber seemed to know exactly what she was doing. She wasted no time in bobbing back and forth over almost the entire length of Jake's cock. She started out kind of slow and tentative, either for Jake's sake or for her own, but she quickly sped up the pace and intensity. Before long she was taking Jake's entire length on each pass without any physical discomfort, a feat that I've seen many people fail at before. And, while her beak was smashed into Jake's crotch, she even managed to extend her tongue and give his balls a few gentle licks.

Jake seemed to be enjoying the treatment a bit more than he usually did actually. I've watched him receive plenty of blowjobs before, but he had never been as into it as he was now. And I was pretty sure that he wasn't acting either. The scene didn't call for him to be over the top in his emotions, so whatever was coming out through his facial expressions had to be the real deal. His breathing had also become quick and sharp in a short amount of time, and he also began to thrust his hips in time with Amber's bobs, forcing her to deep throat him on every single thrust. But Amber didn't seem to mind. In fact, she kind of looked like she was enjoying it a little bit.

This went on for a good five minutes or so, but it seemed like hours to me. I simply lost myself to the bizarre elegance of the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen deepthroating a decent sized cock with incredible ease and fluidity.

Sensing that it was time to change the scene, Amber popped off of Jake's cock one last time before giving him a few last rubs with her wingtips. Jake looked disappointed that his oral stimulation was gone, but he watched Amber intently as she slowly began to stand up. Once she was at eye level with Jake, she reached around behind her back to undue her bikini top. With a single tug on the cord, it slipped off her chest and landed on the floor next to Jake's swim trunks. With her small yet firm breasts fully exposed to Jake and the cameras, she slowly and quietly said, "Fuck me," in the sexiest voice I'd ever heard. After delicately tracing her wingtips across the side of Jake's face and chest one last time, she slowly turned around and strutted over to the couch in the middle of the room. Once there, she slowly bent over the arm of the couch and fanned out her tail feathers to expose her perfectly shaped back side to everyone who wanted to see it. With a small giggle, she reached back with both wings and grabbed a hold of the straps which kept the small piece of fabric between her legs in place. Tantalizingly slowly, she began to wiggle her hips - making sure to slide her bikini bottom down around her ass ever so slightly with each wiggle. Eventually, there reached a point where the bikini bottom was just barely hanging on, and then, with on last tug, Amber was fully exposed to the world.

She let the bikini bottom fall down to her ankles, and, with a swift kick, managed to get one of her talons free. She gave the other leg a flick and sent the bikini bottom flying over towards Jake, who was still standing "in awe" in the same position that he'd gotten his blowjob in. Once free of the bikini bottom, she turned her head around and gave Jake a seductive look. At the same time, she reached behind her with both of her wings, and spread her butt cheeks wide open for everyone to get a good look at what was between them. "Come here big boy," she said in a dominant, but not overly so, voice.

"I'd love to," Jake said with a grin as he stepped out of his swim trunks and began to make his way over; cock bobbing at full attention the entire way.

He stopped a short distance behind Amber, and all of a sudden dropped to his knees. Amber looked a bit "confused" at Jake's actions, but once his tongue made contact with her feathered pussy, she let out a long moan of approval. While Amber continued to hold her butt cheeks apart, Jake dove right on in with his muzzle and began to go to work. He placed both of his paws on either side of Amber's hips for support as he gave her a few long and slow licks along the entire length of her slit.

"Ooh," Amber said lustfully, "your rough tongue feels so good!"

"You ain't seen anything yet," Jake replied with a smile before aiming his tongue directly at her clit. She let out a fidgety screech as her most sensitive spot was assaulted for the first time by Jake's rough feline tongue. He made a few more passes and took a few more licks around the immediate area before going back to explore the rest of the hawk's pussy with his tongue.

Amber was really putting on a show at the other end as Jake had his way with her. There wasn't a moment that went by where she didn't let out a moan, a scream, or some other kind of vocal noise. I had been witness to many other females who did the same thing, but Amber was different. You could tell that most of the other girls were faking their pleasure to some degree. Amber's actions, however, seemed to be completely genuine. It wasn't over the top like many of the other actresses. It was simply... natural. And guys always love to see a woman squirm and moan in her own pleasure, especially when it looks and sounds real.

Jake was doing a phenomenal job as well. His tongue was busy swirling around every inch of the hawk pussy in front of him, and it looked like he was enjoying it just as much as Amber had enjoyed the blowjob. He enjoyed stretching out her hole as he dove his tongue deep into her love canal. He enjoyed taking those big, all encompassing, slow licks with his large and rough tongue all the way across her slit. He enjoyed delicately probing in between all of her folds with his skillful yet gentle tongue, all the way from the outer most reaches of her pussy right down to the core. And, he especially enjoyed applying some slight suction to the moaning female's clit.

A good tongue bath was all well and good, but it's when Jake's paws came into the mix that things really started to pick up. He started off by slowly slipping a digit into Amber's wet passage before slowly beginning to move it back and forth. After a while, a second digit joined the party, and then a third. Meanwhile, Amber had moved one of her wings down to play with her clit, which left Jake's tongue to reign supreme over all the other regions of Amber's pussy. Both Jake and Amber's intensities quickly began to pick up as Amber's soaking wet pussy began to drip all over Jake's chest.

Just as the action seemed to be reaching its climax however, Amber quickly wiggled herself away from Jake as best as she could. She looked back to meet Jake's stare as a fiery passion burned in her eyes. "Fuck me," she repeated with lust and desire. "I need you inside me... now!"

"Your wish is my command," Jake said as he quickly stood up and positioned himself behind the hawk. After lining himself up with her entrance, he slowly began to push himself into her.

A breathtaking moan escaped both of their mouths as Jake sunk his cock into Amber's depths. Amber's wing tips dug in between the cushions of the couch and squeezed the soft seat tightly as Jake's length slowly disappeared into her. "Oh my god!" she said with a pained but pleasured tone between her sharp breaths, "it's so big!"

"And you're going to take it all you little slut!" Jake replied with some authority as he drove the rest of his cock into the panting bird beneath him. She let out a tiny whine as Jake pushed himself in to the hilt, but it quickly turned into a long and pleasurable moan as she was stretched both wide and deep by the massive intruder.

In order to give her some time to adjust, albeit only a few extra seconds, Jake leaned in over the hawk's back and quietly said into her ear, "I hope you're ready for this, baby. It's gonna be a bumpy ride."

There was a small look of "what have I gotten myself into" on Amber's face as Jake straightened up his body. Then, all of a sudden, Jake pulled himself out fairly quickly before ramming himself back in. Amber's wings tightened their grip on the edge of the couch cushion, and her beak opened into a silent scream/moan as Jake forcefully drove into her. She eventually managed to let out a sporadic and choppy moan as the force of Jake's initial thrust swept through her body. Jake took a moment to realign himself before adding another hard thrust into the mix. This gave almost the same result as the first one, but the moan that came from Amber was much more solid sounding this time around.

As Jake continued with his hard but slow thrusts, Amber's expression slowly turned from a pained pleasure to a full on lustful pleasure. She seemed to be really enjoying herself as she started to anticipate and even match Jake's thrusts. Her wings were still clenched around the end of the seat cushion, but not out of pain. Instead, she used her wings to keep her balance as she thrust backwards towards Jake. Her beak had gone from being stuck in a pained moan to being caught in a lustful grin as she abused Jake just as much as he was abusing her.

As Jake's pace slowly began to escalate, the sounds of wet sex began to spread throughout the room. On each thrust, Amber's wet pussy slurped eagerly as Jake's cock filled her up, and then slurped just as eagerly as the cock began to retreat. The sound of Jake's balls rhythmically slapping against wet thigh flesh was dulled a bit by the feathers, but it was still one of the loudest noises in the room. The creaking wood frame of the couch was also being pushed to it's limits as each of Jake's thrusts sent a powerful burst of energy through Amber and into the arm rest, making both of them move and shake violently. And, last but not least, the moans, groans, and pants from the two actors seemed to fight for dominance as each one grew a bit louder than the next.

A pounding like that was pretty difficult to maintain for long periods of time, and eventually Jake began to tire as he said, "I'm... gonna... cum," with short and sharp words in between his short and sharp breaths.

"Fill me!" Amber screamed through her own short and sharp breaths, "fill me up!"

Jake's face contorted into a pained and twisted landscape as he let his last final thrusts fly. Then, with a mighty roar, he hilted himself inside Amber one last time as his balls began to pump their seed into her. Shortly after Jake's roar, Amber let out a few quick screeches of her own pleasure as she orgasmed, which was followed by a series of ever diminishing moans as the full power of her orgasm began to overtake her body.

Both of the participants were busy panting and wheezing as their afterglows took hold, but Jake was simply having trouble standing up straight on his two tired legs. He leaned against the back of the couch for a few moments as his cock softened somewhat, and then he slowly began to slide it out of the used and abused orifice it had been wrapped up in for the past ten minutes or so. It slid out with a wet slurp, and a small stream of cum seemed to follow it out and over Amber's soaked thighs. Jake, barely able to stand up at this point, stumbled over to the nearby bed as the camera got a close-up of the creampie he'd left behind. As soon as Jake was near enough to the bed, he fell onto it face first in exhaustion, which gave the cameras a good shot of his ass, his balls, and his slowly softening but still slick cock.

This was where the scene was supposed to end, but I was so busy staring at the exhausted but delighted looking hawk that I didn't even think I could've made any words at that point. It took about a minute for everyone to start becoming somewhat antsy and tired of shooting/being in the same positions. Eventually, Jason made his way over to me and nudged me a little while he quietly said, "We're done with the scene, right?"

It was then my mind finally snapped back into the reality of what was truly happening, and I finally managed to weakly say, "Um... CUT!"

The tension of the moment finally released itself all around me, and everyone began to breathe normally since the scene had now officially ended. I watched Amber give both her wings and legs a good stretch before slowly raising herself off of the armrest. Once she was standing upright again, she clasped her wings over her head and began to stretch out some more. I would've loved nothing more to stay and admire her beautifully naked form, but I had... other business to attend to at that point.

I jumped out of my chair and quickly said, "I'll be right back. I really have to use the bathroom," as I darted across the set and down the hallway. When I reached the bathroom door, I quickly swung it open and locked it behind me just as quickly. It was only then that I felt safe releasing the button on my jeans to let off some pressure. My underwear still managed to contain it somewhat, but, as I quickly pulled those down, my raging erection was finally able to pop out, unrestrained, into the open.

It was such a huge relief to finally release all of that pressure that had been building up ever since... well, ever since Amber first walked out onto the set. I wasted no time in wrapping my wing tips around the fleshy rod as I began to vigorously stroke it up and down. It didn't take long at all for me to feel my orgasm building up inside me, and with a screech of my own that I hoped that no one actually heard, I began to shoot my load all over the bathroom floor.

It was one of the most intense orgasms I'd ever had, and all I did was watch the filming of a porn scene. As my intense afterglow began to hit me, I realized just how crazy of a situation I was really in. This had never happened before. In fact, it had never even come close to happening before. Normally, I didn't even think about getting excited when filming a scene. I was normally too busy focusing in on how everything looked to the cameras instead of taking any real notice of what was actually going on in the scene. There were a very small number of them which I had actually gotten slightly aroused from, but all of those quickly passed after the shooting was over. This... this was insane!

As I stood there holding my still dripping cock in my wing and listening to my deep post-orgasmic breaths, I finally realized just how attracted I was to the female hawk. I wasn't sure how to really feel at that moment exactly. Ashamed? Embarrassed? Thankful? I mean, I had just masturbated to a porno... my own porno! It was such a weird feeling that I was having trouble grasping it. So, instead of rattling my pleasure confused brain to find an answer, I simply decided to finish my job first and think about it all later. After cleaning up my mess with a few clumps of toilet paper, and giving my wings a good washing, I slowly made my way back out to the stage.

"Sorry," I said to everyone as I calmly walked back out. I tried not to look at Amber on the way back to my director's chair, but I couldn't help but quickly glancing at her a few times. She had retrieved her top and put it back on, but she simply held her bottoms in her right wing as she casually talked with Jake. The area in between her legs was a soaking wet mess, so I guess she preferred to keep her bikini clean instead of worrying about covering herself up. It might have been convenient for her, but it was torture for me as I worked hard to keep from springing up another boner at the sight.

As I sat back down in my director's chair, I finally gave my attention to the computer monitor to my right. Now, normally I would take a quick look through what the cameras had recorded to see if we had gotten a decent number of good shots, but I quickly ran into a problem when I started to review the scene. I felt my hard on coming back the instant I saw Amber appear on screen, and, in order to avoid another masturbation session, I quickly minimized the movie while I pulled up something a little less arousing to stare at for a few moments.

"It looks great," I said after I had myself back under control again. "I think we've got plenty of good shots to fill out the scene. Let's call it a day."

The crew quickly began powering down their equipment when they heard me say those words, but over the commotion I heard Amber call out, "See, I told you we'd only need one take," in a kind of 'I told you so' voice. The only thing I could do in response was to twist my face into a dopey smile as I blushed intensely underneath my feathers. But, just as quickly as her gaze had shifted to me, it shifted right back to Jake once again.

I couldn't really hear what they were talking about as I continued to secretly gaze at the gorgeous hawk, but I was finally able to pick up Jake saying, "Yeah, we have a shower in the back if you want to get cleaned up. There should be some clean towels as well as some soap and shampoo if you need it. It isn't the most glamorous thing in the world, but it gets the job done."

Amber then said something which I couldn't hear (since her back was turned to me), and Jake responded with, "Well, guests get to go first. I'll take one once you're done." Then, with a small smile spread across her beak, she sexily began to walk off the set and into the hallway, tail feathers swaying seductively with each step.

I continued to watch her until she finally made the turn around the corner. After she was gone, I finally managed to focus my attention back where it was needed, on saving all the data the cameras had just taken in. But, as I proceeded to do what I needed to do on the computer, I noticed an eerie silence in the room. I casually looked up and saw everyone else in the room staring straight at me with grins on all their faces.

"What?" I said as innocently as I could. That caused a round of laughter to resonate around the room.

"Oh man!" Jake said once his laughter died down, "you're not even trying to hide it, are you?"

"Hide what?" I said while trying to do my best to act natural. That got another round of laughter from the crew.

"Amber," Jake simply said in response.

"What about her?" I asked which was my last line of defense.

A small chuckle spread through the room as Jake walked over to me and said, "You've fallen in love with her, haven't you?"

"What!?!" I quickly responded as if I was shocked. "No! What makes you think that?"

"Oh, I don't know," Jake responded casually, "the stumbling speech, the stupefied glares, the trip to the bathroom after the shoot..."

I swallowed nervously as he mentioned the last one.

"You didn't do what I think you did... did you?" Jake asked as if he already knew the answer. All I could do was shrink back into my seat and start to blush intensely under my feathers.

"Oh my god, you did!" Jake said with a huge smile on his face. The crew all stared at me with the same expression before they all burst out into laughter once again.

I felt as if my cheeks were going to burst into flames at any moment from the embarrassment, but, in order to defend myself, I weakly managed to say, "She's a very good looking hawk."

Jake's face turned a bit more serious at my admission, and in a less teasing tone he said, "Does she look good because you haven't seen another female hawk in a while, or does she look good because... she just looks good?"

I thought for a moment before saying, "Both, but it's heavily weighed toward the second part." I pulled myself out of my chair a bit before continuing. "She's the most beautiful creature I've ever seen, be it hawk, dragon, fox, or whatever! And not only is she extremely beautiful, she's an incredibly thoughtful and caring person too. I mean... she's perfect!"

Jake cocked an eyebrow as he said, "You do realize that you only 'talked' to her for less than a minute in person, right?"

"That was more than enough time to see her true personality," I added in with a love filled sigh as I thought back upon the situation.

"Man," Jake said in almost a worried tone, "this is serious. I don't think I was even this bad when I first met Jill..."

There was a moment of silence before I slowly asked, "Did... did she say anything about me while you were talking?"

"Other than the fact that you really had your attention focused on her, not really," Jake replied.

Those words instantly struck me through the heart. "Oh man!" I said in an almost outright fear, "oh man, I hope she doesn't think I'm some perv or something! What should I do?!?"

"Relax man," Jake said as he placed one of his paws on my shoulder. "Take a few deep breaths and calm down. Now, if you're really as crazy about her as you're letting off, then the best thing to do is to get to know her a little bit first. Start up a conversation about something. Compliment her on her work. Everyone likes to hear compliments. But, most of all, just be casual and don't over do it."

I swallowed out of nervousness one more time as I said, "Thanks Jake," in a sort of weak tone.

"But, be sure that she's single before you start really going after her," Jake added in. "For all you know she's got a huge, muscular, and incredibly jealous boyfriend waiting for her outside..."

I swallowed hard at the thought of getting ripped apart by some bear or bull for hitting on their girlfriend. "Um, thanks Jake," I said even weaker than I had before. He just smiled and turned back towards the set.

After Jake left to go do... whatever it is that Jake went to do, I gave a quick glance to my crew around me. They were all still staring at me, but as our eyes made contact they quickly shied away and went about their business, some with lingering smirks on their faces. I eventually got back down to business too. I finished saving all the footage, and I began to help pack up all the equipment. Tomorrow we were going to be shooting all of the 'non-pornographic' scenes out on the beach, and we needed to move all the equipment out there before morning. As I was packing up, I'd gotten to the point where Amber was just outside my most important thoughts for the moment. That is, until I heard the telltale click of talons on concrete walking down the hallway. I tried not to look up for as long as I possibly could, but eventually I just couldn't help myself.

There stood a slightly damp hawk holding a pair of wet towels in her left wing. She was now dressed in a small sleeveless crop-top and a short pair of cut-off jean shorts. It was almost as revealing as her bikini, but for some reason it made her look even sexier than she had before. I was just in time to close up my slightly drooling beak as she walked over to me and said, "Um... I'm not sure where to put these," as she held up the damp towels.

I simply held out my own wing slowly as I struggled to say, "I... I'll take them." With a small smile, she handed them over to me, and I tossed them under my wing.

Before I had a chance to say anything (and/or make an even bigger fool of myself), Amber responded with, "It was nice meeting you and everyone else today. I'm still really sorry about how everything started out, but in the end we finished the scene almost on time, right?"

"Um... yeah," I said as a nervous smile spread across my beak.

"I'm glad you understand," she said with another cute smile. "I've worked with directors before who would've replaced me if I had shown up even a minute late. Thankfully you're better than most of them."

I was dumbstruck at the complement, and I simply let the conversation hang as we both stood there together. But, just as she looked like she was beginning to turn away, I somehow managed to get out, "Um... you... uh, you did a really good job too."

She just smiled as she said, "Aww, thanks hun." As I began to melt from the inside out, there was a little pause after that before she said, "Well, I guess I'll see you all tomorrow. Six o'clock out on Pacific Beach, right?"

All I could do was nod my head slowly a few times in response.

"I'll make absolutely sure that I plug in my phone tonight," Jill said as she started walking out towards the door to the studio, "and I'll even make sure to be there early this time!"

I continued to watch her until the door slammed closed behind her, at which point everyone else in the room began to laugh hysterically once again.

"What?!?" I said in a mix of anger and embarrassment, "I think that went well."

This inspired another small round of laughter before Jake finally said, "I guess it could've gone worse..." I did feel a little bit of anger towards Jake after his remark, but I also knew he was only teasing. After a short time I came to my senses and helped to finish packing up all the stuff.

Once it was all in my car, I was finally able to make my way back home. It was somewhat late at this point, and I had to get up early the next morning, so all I had time to do was to grab some old Chinese food from the fridge, "relieve" myself one more time to today's events, and plop myself into bed. Tomorrow was going to be the day that I finally told Amber how I felt. I could only hope that she felt the same way about me...