Calicode: Chapter 22 Swimming Confessions

Story by Dars on SoFurry

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#4 of Calicode

Jill walked her bike across the four lanes at SW Allen and Erickson, a Carolina locust's snapping black wings as it flew past, I left a twenty at Momma Russo's for the perfume, was that enough?

"Jill, hurry up," Paul called back to her, getting back on his bike near the fire hydrant on the other side of the street, "the lights about to change."

He probably didn't even notice I'm wearing it, maybe I need more, she jogged and said, "I am, it's not like the drives are going to run me down."

"That guy has cali plates," Timmy said, waiting in the intersection for her, "You never know, you know."

"Are you excited to swim," she asked reaching the other side.

She and Timmy got on their bikes.

"Yeah, just nervous," Timmy said, "You can't fail to learn to swim, can you?"

They rattled over the tree root uneven sidewalk, through shade patches from the Basswoods, Elms, Maples, and Plum trees lining the road.

"You can only fail if you quit," she huffed failing behind, If I switch gears to keep up I'll get sweaty... before swimming, ehh fine. She changed gears and peddled hard to catch up.

"I don't plan to quit," Timmy said slowing down for her, with Paul a block ahead, "That's what mom and dad want me to do, particularly dad, cause then I wouldn't need to shear anymore."

She didn't talk huffing to make gains on them.

"He wants me to be more manly," Timmy said as they turned right onto SW tenth.

"You're a boy," She said, "Why are we going this way?"

Timmy swerved around a mailbox, "Paul, found out that wolf lives on sixth, and I don't feel like it."

"You're getting handsome," she said, as they caught up to Paul who stopped up ahead.

"What's up," Timmy asked, the unmoving Paul.

A Wolf, Moose and Bison walked down SW Stott toward them, she said, "Come on Paul, let's just ignore them."

"They're still bigger," Paul said, looking at her nervously.

"Who cares, they always will be," She said peddling left onto SW Stott.

"Jill wait."

She put on as much speed as she could.

Timmy and Paul hurried to catch up.

The bullies waved casually, and she waved back as she passed them.

Paul caught up, "Jill are you crazy?"

"No, it was fine, people grow up," she said, Particularly Timmy goodness gracious, I hope he goes out for basketball.

"You didn't know they were different," Paul yelled up at her.

"You didn't know they weren't," she yelled back stopping to cross sixth, "Stop being so gay."

"Don't say that Jill, its rude," Timmy said.

"Fine, but if the dress fits," she said peddling the last block to the Aquatic center.

Paul and Timmy smelt angry when they reached her at the bike rack.

"I didn't mean to offend you," she said, "gee wiz guys."

"Thank you," "You didn't," Timmy and Paul said.

While they locked their bikes, she said, "Rule number one, don't be a guppy."

"What's a guppy," Timmy asked.

"Those annoying people at the pool," Paul said, following over the paving stone path to the large glass doors, "you know, they're loud and cut you off when doing laps."

Salt water tickled her nose when the door slid open, "they splash a lot too." "Uhm, I don't swim yet," Timmy said shifting nervously, "How could I cut someone off?"

She slipped helmet off, "Well, until you can do a few full laps, you can't swim in the deep end anyway... Come on, go get dressed."

"I'm already wearing my swim shorts," Timmy said following Jill to the front desk.

"Hey Bridget," She said, to the Beaver at the front desk, "I'm signing in my friend Timmy for his first swimming lesson... Well Timmy, loose the shirt and let's go."

"Aren't sheep all like hydrophobic," Bridget asked, "well, at least he's tall enough to reach the bottom unlike us."

"Who said we need too," she said while Paul leaned on the wall waiting to sign in.

"I have to take off my shirt," Timmy asked, shifting from paw to paw.

"Ah, yeah," she said raising an eye brow at Paul who shrugged, "otherwise what was the point of shearing."

"You were comfortable shirtless at home," Paul said, scooting other to the clipboard, "Anyway my turn."

"Like I said, loose the shirt," she said drumming her nails on the counter.

"I don't want everyone to see," Timmy said avoiding her eyes.

"Fine," she said, "Bridget pass me the step ladder."

"I think it's in the back," Bridget said.

"Still need it," she said arms crossed, "I have to yell in his ear or strip him, not sure yet."

Timmy stepped back kneading his paws, "But, I don't have anywhere to put it."

"My bag," she said glancing down, Oh goddess, where did I put it.

She ran out to her bike the bag leaned against the back tire.

When she got back inside, Timmy stood in a speedo, Paul disappeared, and Bridget held board shorts.

"If you don't want that," Bridget said.

"Where's Paul," she asked, "And why did you strip in the lobby?"

"Paul said to change," Timmy said, "and I had the suit on underneath."

"He doesn't like the suit," Bridget said.

"Let me guess," Jill said holding in a laugh, "Your mom got it without you."

"It wouldn't be weird too," Timmy asked Bridget, "I mean someone else was in them."

"Oh gosh, he is so cute," Bridget said, "just keep on the speedo and remember we wash the lost and found... fleas."

"Get in these," Jill said passing the shorts over, "Meet me in the pool," then she took Timmy shirt and pants then stuffed them in her back pack.

She went to the girl's locker room, Swimming cap or no... Paul would think I'm cuter without it, but I don't want water in my ears.

She locked up her bag stopping briefly at the mirror, No food in my teeth that's good, but should I brush them? Goddess why is my tail so long and my boobs so small... Whatever, work what you got girl.

She practiced a seductive smile, Paul, you're so funny, she giggled then gave up on her grimace heading out to the pool.

Timmy stood shivering by the pool all wet.

"Are you ok," she asked.

"I'm fine," Timmy said teeth chattering in the chilly salty room, "Paul said to go ahead, and that I need to take a cold shower cause it makes you swim better."

"Goddess Paul," she said heading to the boy's locker room door, "Hurry up, Paul."

"Go away," Paul yelled back.

"Whatever," she led Timmy to the built-in steps in the shallow end of the large L-shaped pool, "Normally, I do this part not in the water, because kids get distracted, but your older than the normal learner and you look cold."

"Ok, what do I do," Timmy said shivering and nervous.

She stepped down into the warm caress of the water, "Watch your step getting in and follow me."

Timmy stepped down, slipped and splashed to his paws, with that goofy grim he always wore, "Wow, its warmer than I thought."

Dripping from ear to tail she glared at Timmy, "For my peace of mind hold the wall till the safety lessons over."

"Will do, coach," Timmy said, "Should we wait?"

"That's sensei to you," She said bouncing off the bottom to keep her head above the four-foot water then balanced on her tail, "Paul already knows how to swim. So, what is the number one thing that you're trying to manage when swimming?"

"Not drowning," Timmy said, grinning more.

"Cute," she said the water shifting her around a little, "I think I prefer teaching five to seven-year old's."

"Sorry, go on master," Timmy bowing till his pink nose hit the water.

"Goof," she said, holding one paw out of the water, "Swimming is about managing resistance to create buoyancy."

Timmy slumped on the shoulder resting along the wall, "Oh, so this is a boring lesson."

She splashed him, "Goddess, just like dance class, the principle behind things are important. Fine will you-"

"Cannon ball," Paul leapt into view. His impact on the water knocked her off her tail.

She treaded to the surface and wiped the water out of her eyes, then she growled, "I hate you both right now."

The water buffeted her around as the two idiotic hooligans wrestled, "Paul, Timmy will have to leave the pool if you don't let him finish his lesson."


"You need to call her Sensei."

"Boys," she said, balancing on her tail again, "So the point is to keep the resistance low above you and high below you."

"Resistance," Paul whispered, nudging Timmy with a shoulder, "If that's the theme, why did she make us stop wrestling."

"Shhhh, she's a mean sensei," Timmy said bowing again, "So sorry master Greyhouse."

A better behaved eight-year old she coached swam past, she clicked her teeth, "Fine, Paul come stand here, you're part of the lesson now so you don't distract anymore."


She crossed her arms, "It's that or you both head home."

"Fine, what am I doing," Paul asked moving to where she indicated.

"You're being supportive," she said winking, "hold out your arms."

"Seriously, Jill come on," Paul said but complied.

"Timmy, come lay across Paul's arms," she said bobbing.

"Come on Jill," Paul said, shifting as a kid dove in nearby, "I don't see how this will help."

"Timmy weighs more," she said, "so, you should want him to get it rather quickly."

"How do we do this," Timmy asked pink nose reddening.

"You were just in Paul's arms," she said splashing them.

"That just happened," Paul said.

"Well just happen again," she said while swimming a slow loop around then tail trailing like a streamer.

"Well, if you-"

She dipped under and swam down touched the bottom then popped up.

Timmy had climbed on Paul.

Paul yell while falling over, "No, don't put your arm around my neck, your supposed to be face down to the wa-"

"But then I'll breathe it in," Timmy said standing water at shoulder level.

"Guys," she said sighed swimming back over, "you're drifting to the deep end."

"It's his fault," they said.

She dove under, how do I describe making water stream past you, in a way they'll get it.

Back at the four-foot depth, "Prime Timmy, stop pulling my fur."

"I'm not trying to," Timmy said splashing and squirming in Paul's arms, "you're crushing me."

"No, I'm not, Im just... oh."

Timmy and Paul floundered around.

She swam over, "Stop splashing so I can fix this."

They teetered.

She moved Paul's left paw lower on Timmy's hip bone and the right higher on Timmy's chest, "There, much better, now for the lesson."

Paul and Timmy's ears were back and Timmy's nose went bright red.

"Ok, so I need your focus," she said balancing on her tail, cupping one paw outside of the water, "for everyone that doesn't have webbed paws, you have to cup it like this."

"Stop that tickles," Timmy yelled floundering.

"What, I just cupped my paw," Paul said rebalancing, "I didn't know you were ticklish."

"I'm not, but ... maybe there I-"

"Guy's focus," she said splashing them, "By cupping your paw you make resistance in the water you can pull with."

"Timmy, are you-"

"Put me down, I need to pee," Timmy said trying to elbow away from Paul.

Paul struggled to hold Timmy, "No, man just chill or people will-"

"You are both the worst," she said, crossing her arms bobbing in their waves as people chattered in the deep end, "I have better eight-year-old students than you."

"Sorry, Jill," Paul said barely keeping Timmy afloat.

"Paul, I have to... pee ahh" Timmy said then gave one final splash from bodily jerking as Paul dropped him.

When Timmy surfaced, Paul wide eyed asked, "Timmy did you just-"

"I don't know," Timmy said nose bright red, "I think I peed."

"Everyone pees in the pool," a golden retriever said swimming past.

"You too are ridiculous," she said, slowly moving away from the retriever, "Paul you deserve getting peed on for being a distraction, anyway maybe now we can focus cause this lesson has been so gay."

"It's not," Timmy said moving to Paul.

"No, you just, you know," Paul said moving away and adjusting his swimsuit.

"Goddess Paul," She said swimming further away, "Don't telling you have to pee too I have to work in here after you leave, this is so gay."

"Stop that Jill," Timmy said, ears down.

"Stop what," she said arms crossed, "because I don't care if you guys are embarrassed but I don't want to work in a toilet."

"Timmy don't," Paul said moving forward.

"I am embarrassed about that," Timmy said, "but please stop calling everything gay."

"If the dress fits," She said splashing them, "Everyone says it."

Paul stood wide eyed.

"They shouldn't," Timmy said.

"Fine PC police," she said, "Why does it matter anyway?"

What's wrong with Paul.

"Remember how I was never Arthur," Timmy asked nose barely above the water as he crouched.

"No... Yeah, so," She said crossing her arms, "Timmy you're being ga-weird."

"No, I am being gay," Timmy said, "Jill, I think... no I-I'm gay."

Paul stood wide eyed.

She said, "Oh."

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