a tale of dragons part 12

Story by Xianyu on SoFurry

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#12 of A tale of dragons

A pure yiff chapter this time. I haven't written any yiff for a while, and the temptation to write a hot sex scene is just too powerful to overcome, so, enjoy. I'm thinking of starting up a whole new series of pure yiffiness, what colour do you lot want the dragoness to be?

Oh and this chapter is going to be short too, sorry.

Oh yes, I forgot to mention in the earlier chapters that the woman that Brian had sex with was not names Jordan, her name is actually Frethyl, and if you remember, she is one of the dragons that takes human form to chase down men. (As said near the end of chapter 1)

Someone made a comment on dragonrider, the story I was originally going to post first, that you all know how it started. Wrong. Sorry. I first wrote a yiffy scene nearly four years ago. It was a handwritten yiffy scene, (I had never even heard the word yiff yet) between Miralage and Brian, alternating between them two and Debri and Kershahk. (They were all in the original.)

Oh, and here's a little teaser of things to come, just to keep you hooked. (and possibly pissed off, because it's a LONG way till the story gets to this point but...) Brian and Matimura embark upon a quest to reclaim something that was stolen from both of them, and had been stolen from people all over the lands. Brian is in love with Miralage, but Miralage is not the one who has his children. (Hooked yet?)

The first person to e-mail me with the answer to the following question can name the dragon in the new short story I'm writing, which is to be called 'dragon's lust'. The question is, 'what objects will be stolen from both Matimura and Brian?'

And the person who answers the question, 'Who gives birth to Brian's children?' will get to name the dragon that's in 'love at first yiff'.

Both questions are answerable, but they aren't easy, you'll have to figure out some of the plot to answer the second question, and a bit part of the plot to answer question one. All the clues are there; trust me. Both questions require that you know the answer to the question posed in chapter 9, otherwise you're just guessing.

A tale of dragon's part 12

Kylara relaxed back on the bed, stretching luxuriously, enjoying the way Matimura trailed kisses down her neck, gently moving downwards, running his tongue across her scales.

"Are you sure about this?" She asked uncertainly, twisting so that she could look him in the face.

"I wouldn't be doing this if I wasn't." He stated, gently running a hand up and down her wings.

But, secretly, doubts circled themselves in his head. Did he really want to spend the rest of his life with a dragon? Did he want to have children who would have wings and tails? Not to mention that whole fire-breathing thing. And hoarding treasure. Human children could be bad for stealing money, but dragonets must be absolutely horrible for it.

Matimura put these thoughts out of his head, letting all the doubts go away. He would worry about fire breathing and treasure hoarding when it started, right now he was just going to focus on Kylara. He knew that he loved her, even though he hadn't even known her for more than two months, and he also knew that if having eggs would make her happy, then it would make him happy too.

Matimura gently kissed her stomach, a stomach that would soon be filled with eggs, his eggs, and felt strange warmth fill him inside and out, and wondered what it could be? Elation?

Matimura made his way lower, deliberately not laying any kisses on the lips of her sex, but moving past it, down her tail, right to the very end, and then worked his way back up, kissing along her back this time, up between her wings, back up her neck, and then down her forehead, across her snout and onto her mouth, where they eagerly wrapped their tongues around each other.

Kylara rose up, and then pushed him onto his back, raking her claws across his chest, tearing his shirt off.

"Hey!" Matimura said as she tossed the now-useless rags to the side.

"I'll but you a new one." She hissed into his mouth, still kissing him eagerly, hot juices seeping from her slit as she became extremely aroused.

She pulled his pants down, and he kicked them off hurriedly.

She stared at his erection for a second, then leaned in and gave it a long, slow, sensual lick, right from the bottom to the very top, swirling her tongue around the head, and then lowering her mouth over it, taking him in and suckling gently.

Matimura moaned and almost came in her mouth, resting his hands on her cheeks and gasping as she continued sucking.

She kept going, increasing the pace and force of her sucks, until Matimura was sure that she was trying to suck his eyeballs out through his erection.

"Kylara!" He gasped, trying to tell her that he was going to cum, but she either didn't here him, or didn't care, and sucked harder still, forcing him to cum in her mouth.

Matimura gave a groan of pleasure and came in her mouth.

Kylara wrapped her tongue around the length of his cock, undulating it against him in serpentine waves, milking his cock for his semen as he came in her mouth. She gave him one hard suck as he came in her mouth, a rush of hot cum spilling between her lips, coating her tongue in the substance, and making her purr as she tilted her head back and swallowed eagerly.

Matimura stared at her as her tongue came to a halt over his erection, and she stared back, licking her lips and smiling sweetly.

"You taste so good." She commented, as if she were a little girl talking about a new lollipop she had just bought.

Matimura laughed and pulled her closer, kissing her once before flipping her onto her back. "Time to repay the favor." He said, licking his lips bestially, making Kylara giggle with anticipation and spread her back legs as wide as possible.

Matimura could only stare in fascination as a drop of hot juice spilled from her and slid slowly down her scales.

He leaned in and lapped it up eagerly, pressing his mouth against her pussy and lapping furiously, his hands coming up and resting on her belly, which he massaged gently, his tongue pressing deeper inside her.

Kylara squealed and pressed her body towards him, needing to feel his tongue deeper inside her.

She squealed again as his tongue flicked across her clit, exiting her further, making her arch her back like a cat and give a hiss of pure pleasure.

Matimura licked her again, feeling her muscles convulsing against his tongue, and stopped.

Kylara made a sound of displeasure as her orgasm slipped away.

Matimura gave her another quick lick, smiling as it almost pushed her over the edge, her muscles straining at him.

Matimura waited a few seconds, and gave her another quick lick, causing her to squeal with mingled pleasure and anger as her orgasm came so close and then receded again.

Matimura gave her another lick, just to keep her horny, and crawled back up her body, kissing her and noting the look of anger in her eyes.

"Are you angry about something?" He asked, gently rubbing his hard cock against her entrance.

"No." She said, even though she looked like she wanted to bite his head off at that moment.

"Oh well, I guess you can wait for a while then." He said, smiling at her innocently.

"NO!" She almost roared, and Matimura suddenly thrust into her, filling her with a single movement, causing her to cry out in pleasure.

Kylara bucked against him, already close to coming, but Matimura held back, holding her in place with his hands, slowly thrusting into her, causing her pleasure to increase ten-fold, teasing her with his thrusts, withholding her orgasm.

Kylara whimpered, licking his neck entreatingly, begging for release.

But Matimura kept pumping slowly, gently inflaming her body with lust, forcing her to feel every movement of him inside her, turning her on more than she thought possible.

Kylara started to buck against him again, her muscles straining in an effort to get enough friction to reach orgasm, but Matimura held back, countering her every movement.

He let go of her suddenly, changing his position slightly, bracing himself.

Her suddenly thrust into her hard, causing her to scream with pleasure as her orgasm finally struck.

She shuddered hard, feeling his erection thrusting between her convulsing lips again and again, filling her completely with each pump.

And the most amazing thing seemed to happen, instead of her orgasm slowly fading into the usual afterglow, it kept building, increasing in momentum with each thrust until she was screaming with pleasure, one long, unbroken squeal of orgasmic pleasure that must have been heard all the way back at the camp.

Matimura came himself, inundating the waves of her lust with a tide of white semen, pushing her into her final orgasm, the biggest one yet.

She gave a true draconic roar of pleasure, the walls vibrating with the force of it, her sex milking him hard, forcing his cum deep into her womb, flame shotting from her mouth involuntarily, lighting the room completely as her roar slowly died down into weak whimpers.

She fell to the bed completely limp, unable to move as pleasure continued to run through her body, wracking her with little shudders and whimpers of pure pleasure.

Matimura rested his hand on her belly, gently rubbing, trying to calm her down, pulling her closer and kissing her neck lovingly.

"I take it you enjoyed that?" he asked in a weak whisper.

She was too tired to reply, the only thing she could do was kiss him weakly and fall asleep. Matimura smiled as he rubbed her stomach, wondering how long it took for a dragon to become pregnant.