[COM-03] Naga Parlor Tricks 03

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Writing - Runa

Art - phoenixbat

Saethwr - Saethwr

Onyxia + Gabby - Nalothisal

Part 1 - https://www.sofurry.com/view/1223801

Part 2 - https://www.sofurry.com/view/1226069

Part 3 - https://www.sofurry.com/view/1230089

In this tale, Saethwr is guided towards a massage parlor headed by naga, assured they are the best at what they do. He quickly comes to learn this is true, in more ways than he was ready!

After having indulged himself thoroughly one time, he found that his body remained limber and strong beyond what he expected, so of course he couldn't help but return to where the naga massage artists could offer him a followup!

This time, he is greeted by the intern - a shy naga named Juliana - who is training to be a massage therapist like Gabby and Onyxia. As it turns out, she and he have a lot in common and grow a bit closer than initially intended.

Decisions, decisions. Saethwr was plagued with one decision that could haunt him the rest of the day, had he chose to go home and relax. Both of his massage therapists Gabby and Onyxia had invited him to the back room to join them for lunch after quite the sensual massage, which could mean more intimacy or it could just mean lunch and chatting. In his heart, he wanted to go home to relax and wasn't sure if he wanted to spend the rest of the afternoon with the two naga or not; sure, they were good at their job and seemed pleasant enough, but there was no guarantee that their skill and desire to give him the release he needed would also translate to having them be interesting to chat with.

He stood in place with one hand out, ready to walk out the door without actually moving. He glanced to the waiting room, then to the door that led to the lunch room, then back to the waiting room, all while going over both options in his mind. Just when he was about ready to declare that it was time to go home and relax - he had work the next day - a third naga poked her head out from the side of the door frame. She was an earthy gray and peach scaled serpent with vibrant red feathers on her head.

"H-hey there champ. I take it you're done your massage, and I can't close up the shop until you're gone. So, uh-" She paused and blushed, too shy to continue with her inquisition.

Saethwr shook his head. "Oh, sorry about that, your bosses said I could join them for lunch, so I wasn't heading out yet. Go ahead and lock up." His intention was to save her the embarrassment that came with her awkwardly waiting on the other side of the door for him.

She nodded and flicked her tongue before going to the open sign and flipped it so that those outside could see the shop was closed for lunch. When she turned to return to the massage table room, her pace slowed as she grew closer to Saethwr. He noticed this, so he put his hand out to her.

"Everything alright?" He asked, trying to look her in the eyes. Though he remained naked with his clothes in his hand, his dignity remained as his parts were tucked up nice and deep within his slit. "You seem awfully shy."

The naga simply nodded, trying her best to avoid all eye contact with hands crossed over belly.

"Odd job to have if you're shy, don't you think? You do know what your co workers do, right?" He leaned in closer, hoping she'd take his hand; when she declined he pulled back away. "My name's Saethwr, what's your name?"

Her tongue flicked once as she stared at him for a moment, her head slowly tilting. "Saethwr? That's you?" As she asked, their eyes locked and she smiled. With a sudden lurch forward, she grabbed his hand from his side and started shaking it. "Yeah, yeah it is you! Gabby and Onyxia both told me so much about you and your first trip here! That was a few weeks ago, before I started, and I've hoped to see you come back ever since! Oh, my name's Juliana, but people call me Jules or Julie. You can call me whatever you want, I'll come!" All throughout she remained vigorously shaking her hand, only stopping and pulling back when she realized how overbearing she'd become. "Sorry! I didn't mean to-"

He chuckled a bit, noting that her behaviour reminded him of himself for the most part, as he was also often the shy and reserved one. "It's fine, it's fine. Promise. I am curious what could possibly have been said about me to get you so excited, though. I'm just another dragon, as far as I know."

Juliana lowered her gaze again, every fiery red feather of hers pressed tight to her skull. "Well I don't want to say too much, but they told me what you do and I have to say I must thank you for your service to the country. It's always an honor to have someone like you come here, and it would be an honor to serve you in return."

"But I never told them what I do. I've never discussed that with them, I only came in to enjoy a relaxing massage." He glanced back to the door that led to the lunch room, wondering how they could have gotten that information. "In fact, that makes me more than a little uncomfortable, knowing they-"

"Oh it's not like that, Saethwr. Your friend told them about what you did before you came, at least that's what Gabby and Onyxia said. I don't know for certain, as I wasn't working here yet. I'm only the intern, anyway, so I wouldn't be all too privy on information like that. I just know they were happy to have you, and were eagerly anticipating your return for as long as I've been working here."

Satisfied, he chuffed and let a bit of smoke out form his nostrils. "Well, they're waiting for me in the lunch room and it wouldn't be kind of me to disappoint. Come with?" He turned and raised an elbow for her to latch on to. When he saw she was uncomfortable, he simply nodded and took a step.

Together they both slipped into the lunch room, with Juliana using her tail to close the door behind them. What they saw was not what Saethwr was expecting. Both Gabby and Onyxia were in the open showers on the two opposite corners of the room, casually rubbing themselves with soap to lather up. The fact that they were nude didn't strike him as odd - naga rarely wore clothes - but they were also taking extra special care of their cloaca, rubbing themselves deep to clean and purge themselves of the seed he'd left in them. He gulped, while Juliana slithered past him to bundle up in a coil next to the coffee table in the middle of the room.

Saethwr took a tentative step forward, not sure how to react to seeing the two naga massaging their own genital slit as it if weren't a big deal. After a moment, he came to realize that he was the odd one out and that to them this was all just part of the job, so he tried his best to be casual as he sat down, hands folded up on the table next to Juliana. "So, um, good day of work, I presume?" As he meekly glanced around the room, he took note of the wall that had the fridge, microwave, coffee maker, tea bags, sink, cupboards, and drawers, which was opposite the side of the room with the two showers. He noticed a box of 'pure Ceylon tea' next to the coffee, a blend he was quite familiar with. Curious, he got up to make himself a cup before settling in.

Gabby poked her head out from the shower as the water cascaded over her scales, each drop beading and falling over her thanks to the oils they'd used to give him his sensual massage. "It was a very good day, but only a half day so far, we usually get more busy after dinner when people are looking for something more intimate. Not a lot of people ask for the full package during the day." She slipped back and kept rubbing herself, maw open to drink some of the water.

Onyxia poked her head out and did the same. "That's why we're showering. We must get the oils off our scales or we'll end up clammy later. Gotta do this in between each client."

He nodded as he grabbed a tea bag and clicked on the coffee maker, heating the water for his beverage. "Makes sense. So how late do you two ladies work most nights? Last time I was here pretty late, I recall."

Juliana's feathers stood on end. "Well past midnight most nights; it depends though. We don't have our hours of operation set in stone, we mostly go with the flow. If there's little or no business, they send me home and they close up shop early but if it's a payday and people are waiting, they stay up very late and have even let me practice my skills a few times!"

"Practice?" Asked Saethwr as he turned, stirring his tea as steam billowed up over his chest. "Aren't you just the receptionist?"

"Mostly, but I'm actually here as part of my internship from school. I'm to be a massage therapist like them and I am learning quite fast but most of what I do is reception work. Every now and then, they let me work on a client, and the client usually gets a bit of a discount since I'm not as experienced as Gabby or Onyxia, but I've not had a complaint yet! In fact I keep getting compliments!"

Just then, Gabby poked her head out of the shower again. "Yeah, she's been doing really well, I'm actually super impressed. Can't wait to bring her on for more full time work, but we need a receptionist to keep track of clients." She explained. "I think Onyxia and I have agreed to hire her when her schooling is done, but for now we need those files sorted and managed properly."

"Exactly." Onyxia added from the other stall without poking her head out.

Saethwr finished stirring the tea and added what was needed to give it the color and flavor he wanted before sitting on a stool at the table next to Juliana. As her body shifted in his presence, he felt her scales brush along his ankles, which made him grin a bit while sipping his tea. "So it seems you've got quite the operation going on here. Can't help but wonder what makes me so special, though. Do you invite other clients back to have lunch with you?"

"Not often." Gabby explained after shutting off her shower. "Only repeat customers and only customers that we feel a connection with."

"And you feel a connection with me? What makes me so special?" He took another sip, masking the blush that was forming in his cheeks. He really wanted to know why they'd allowed him such an impression, even if he was a little too hesitant to make a big deal out of it or bask in the glow of the ego he could have shown off despite having that pride bubble up and nearly guide his actions.

Onyxia turned off her shower as well, slithering out across the floor to join Gabby and the rest at the table. As she leaned over, she lightly touched his tea mug, smiling and flicking her tongue as she did so. "You're doing wonderful things for us, bringing tea to the lands for the the crown, so I was keen on meeting you before I ever met you, Chiryn made sure of that."

"Plus, one of the perks of being a massage therapist with such sensitive scales is that we can feel your emotions, possibly better than you can." Gabby elaborated as she reached back, her torso hovering over her coils as she grabbed some hot water for her own tea, speaking with a bit of strain. "It may not seem like it, but we can feel the beat of your heart, the pulse in your veins, and the subtle muscle twitches you offer every time we squeeze too hard or get close to a part of your body you're not ready for us to touch, which is how we know when to prod and when to pull back." She returned to the table and stirred her tea, opening her maw to unfold her fang and squirt a bit of venom into the drink where it immediately dissipated.

Saethwr couldn't help but flinch a bit, only to remember that ingested venom was safe.

Gabby continued. "We can tell when someone is just coming in with intentions of taking advantage of when they just want to get off and leave. We know when a person cares, and Saeth, you care. When you first came in and I put my coils on you, I could feel that you not only wanted help but needed to have your back and wings fixed without any ulterior motives. When we got intimate with you, we could tell you wanted it but were too shy to ask, which is why we were okay with going ahead." Her tail slid forth and started to gently prod at Saethwr's ankles, coiling them and squeezing.

He was taken aback by this, certainly a bit shocked that they knew so much from him just by touch. Of course, it made sense. When the lie detector was made they used it to hook a person up with pressure and electrical sensors, thus able to detect erratic responses in a person's pulse and discern their intentions. He hadn't thought that they would do such a thing to him, but it made sense. Though he could have used this revelation to be angry, he mostly was just impressed that they'd been able to do it and furthermore he understood that with their bodies on him like that, it was beyond their control.

"So yeah, that's why we were so keen on you, and why we're happy to have you with us here." Gabby went on, "You seem like an interesting person to us and you don't give us the impression that you've got an unkind bone or muscle in your body. So here we are!" She took a sip of her tea and hissed as she smiled, broadly proud of her declaration.

From then on, with the three naga and Saethwr on the same page, their lunch break went quite well. Saethwr explained what he did for work revolving around tea and flight, Onyxia and Gabby both shared their most unpleasant customer stories, and Juliana shared some information about how her school had taught her to do massage therapy. All of them slowly opened up to the point they were about to go in for another quickie tangle of snake bodies and wings, but then a bell rang. Thus indicated the end of their lunch break and a signal that it was time to return to work.

Juliana returned to the counter, where she flipped the sign to show they were open while the other two both readied for their next clients. To his surprise, Saethwr was asked to stay, to stick around a bit with Juliana at the receptionist's desk to keep her company while the other two took care of clients. As it turned out, their jobs involved a lot of waiting and cleaning, which was pretty boring; boring enough to justify having Saethwr stick around for company without it impacting their work.

Much of the rest of the afternoon went by rather quickly, as Juliana and Saethwr shared more stories about their past, their friends, and what they did when not at work, getting pretty close in the process. One thing that unified them was how reclusive and introverted they preferred to be when not at work; she was sociable and chipper behind the desk, but outside of work she kept to herself while Saethwr had a similar issue when dealing with clients. Perfectly professional and courteous and sociable on the job, but drained by the end of the work day, which is at least partially why he had such stiff wings all the time and needed a proper massage.

Once dinner time had come and passed, Gabby poked her head through the door towards Juliana. "Hey, so Onyxia and I were thinking, maybe you could go home early tonight? We'll still write you down for your full shift for your internship, but we've been a little on the slow side and can handle the paperwork."

Juliana's eyes went wide as she glanced over to Saethwr, then back to Gabby. "So I just get to go home early? No caveats? Nothing about coming in early tomorrow to make up lost time?"

"Nothing like that. Get. Scat. Skidaddle on outta here, you two."

Saethwr feigned offense. "Me? What did I do? I'm just sitting here, relaxing."

"You didn't do anything, Saeth, but....you know what, I'll just say it. You two are cute and should go be alone, we're kinda sick of hearing your saccharine flirting."

Onyxia shouted from the back room, adding to the scene. "I feel like my fangs are rotting out!"

"So yeah, go ahead and do your thing, we'll see you tomorrow." She winked and disappeared through the door, leaving both Saethwr and Juliana in the reception room to look awkwardly at each other. "And don't make excuses!" She added from the massage table room.

They tensed up, glancing at each other and hiding a blush - Saethwr with his wing elbow and Juliana with her tail tip. Neither really knew what to say, at least not at first.

After a brief moment, Juliana pushed herself away from the desk, allowing herself to chuckle. "Well, I guess that's that. Come with?" She asked, extending her hand for Saethwr. "Trust me, once they have made up their mind, there's no turning back. Wanna get an ice cream cone?" Despite having an air of self assurance in her actions and voice, she couldn't help but blush at the prospect.

"Uh, not sure, I guess, but there's no real harm in it." He took her hand and escorted her out of the parlor, where the both of them happily walked and slithered down the path with few cares for her place of work. Now it was time to just relax, now that Juilana had the rest of the day off. The sun was starting to set and the night sky was encroaching on the horizon, which made the view through the tree branches and leaves a nice accented dark blue and orange fade. He knew that Juliana was on the shy side - much like him - but he also knew that they got along well enough that he could lead the conversation. "So, were you serious about ice cream? Not sure if....snake folk such as yourself can eat that, can they?"

"You don't think that's a little ignorant do you? I'm a naga, not a vegetable!"

Saethwr froze up and gulped, assuming he'd caused great offense. "N-no, I-"

She stopped him by lightly slapping him on the wing shoulder, the power of her slap nearly knocking him over by mistake. "Of course we can. I mean, we don't really get much nutrition for it, but it tastes wonderful. I like to flick my tongue over it, but I can't do much more than that or my gums freeze. Not pleasant unless I'm being careful. How about you?"

His shock from being nearly knocked over quickly faded and he managed to walk in time with her again. "Yeah, ice cream is nice. Not something we get around here often because of how long the summers last and how quickly it melts, but in the spring and autumn - when the temperature is just right - I like it a lot. I don't think there's much nutrition to be had in ice cream either way, so that's not just you. Have you got any flavors you like more than others?"

"Strawberry." She declared with a flick of her tongue and a trill from deep within her chest. "Nothing compares to a proper strawberry ice cream. Or just vanilla with strawberry topping."

"So, um, how exactly do you eat ice cream? I mean, maybe I'm not familiar with serpent anatomy, but isn't your tongue used to smell, not taste? Isn't licking something sort of similar to what I'd get if I shoved it up my nostril?" He jokingly jabbed at his snout a bit, claw tugging at the hole.

Juliana tried to laugh, but just lowered her head, somewhat bashful about it. "I s-suppose you could say that. For naga, the tongue does both. Okay, I don't how how much you know about reptilian biology in general - you're a dragon so I assume you're well versed - but I'll start from what I know." She poked at Saethwr's lower jaw, prying his mouth open a bit without realizing how awkward that was, just to stab at his tongue. "Your tongue tastes the flavors such as sweet, salty, bitter, sour, and umami, right? Well, your nose is what gives each of your foods an exact flavor. If you've ever tried to eat food while you're sick, I bet the flavor just isn't as intense, right?"

His eyes went wide as he licked the roof of his mouth, realizing that what she said was true. "Y-yeah! I hadn't thought of that!"

"Okay, so with me, the tongue does both." She flicked it, leaving it out long so she could grab his hand and lightly drag the forked tips over his palm. "So when I smell you, I'm also tasting you. Anything I touch to my tongue gives me an intense blast of sensation, both taste and smell. That's why when I drink teas or get ice cream, I'm very keen about having only a small amount despite the size of my body, I don't need much to feel satisfied." She paused a moment, realizing that what she said could be seen as an innuendo.

Saethwr may have normally been the shy one - especially around females - but Juliana's reservations gave him the confidence to make a joke about her potentially poor choice of phrasing. "Well, I'm glad to hear that! Won't take much for me to keep you happy, then!" He instantly regretted his choice of words, which silenced him. "Oh, uh, yeah. Sorry."

She blushed, averting her gaze as her body propelled her along the path without stopping. It was clear he may have gone a little too far, even though the path was clear of others. When he caught back up, the two traveled in silence together, close enough to be able to chat but far enough that his wings didn't touch her. Eventually, as they walked over a small bridge with a gentle stream trickling over rocks beneath it, she turned to him and blurted out, "That would be nice." That was all she said, so it wasn't clear what she meant.

"What would be nice?" Asked Saethwr, apparently ready to move on to the next topic while being completely oblivious that she was referring to his last words. "Ice cream? Yeah, I agree."

She shook her head, not sure how to clarify without coming across too blunt or forward. "No, I mean...you know what I mean. I just, do I really have to say it?" The scales on her cheeks grew firm as the flesh beneath them flushed red, giving her a rosy glow as all of the feathers on her head and neck flattened against her spine.

Though her words remained unclear, Saethwr was able to discern what she meant by the look on her face and the bashfulness he sensed in her eyes. "You...want that?" He asked, pointing his thumb back towards the parlor. "I mean, I could, I guess. Uh, are you-"

She leaned in close so that she could whisper at him, cutting him off in the process. "They get all the fun, taking all the clients. I just want to show how good I am and get rewarded for it, too. I've got needs, you know. I go into season same as any other naga, dragon, or saurossin, and it leave me...it leaves me..." She paused and tailed off, eyes darting around as she realized the boldness of her statement and how it made her look. "Just, never mind, come on and let's go get some ice cream." She grabbed him by the hand and tensed her body to slither away, only to have him stand his ground and tug on her arm, keeping her on the bridge.

His gaze matched hers as his expression remained firm like stone, holding back a smirk. "I didn't know you felt that way. I don't suppose I could ask for a personal demonstration, could I?"

"Not tonight, no. They sent me home early so I can't just-"

"I don't mean at the parlor, Juliana. How about just you and I, alone in the woods. You can give me a demonstration of what you can do, and I can return the favor to the best of my ability." His eyes showed his sincerity in their warmth, the subtly upturned edges of a genuine smile.

Still, Juliana wasn't prepared to do that so she went to slither away one more time, and just like the first was anchored by him holding her hand. "I really don't think I should be doing something like that, I just-"

"I'm not forcing you into anything, Jules. I just think that it might be good for you to relax a bit. You seem a little uptight, and I can't think of many ways to help let you limber up. Come on, this stream leads to a nice little pond in a forest grove, I saw it from above when I was flying here. We'll have some privacy, and you can show me what you've learned." He tugged on her hand, urging her to follow him off the bridge and down the embankment to the stream.

She remained hesitant, her body only slowly sliding between the sticks and rocks of the forest's underbrush. "I-I guess?" Though unsure, she did eventually make her way down to the stream, both of them getting wet as they followed its meandering path through the forest. Before long, they did in fact emerge into an open grove with a pond in the middle and stacks of mossy rocks lining half of it.

"See? I told you this would be nice. Just you and I, alone in the forest where no others will see us. You can do whatever it is you want, and I'll reciprocate." He pulled off his shirt and his shorts, kicking them onto a pile on one of the nearest rocks. This felt quite odd to him, taking control and showing brash confidence, but given his company it felt like the right move. She was just as shy as he - perhaps even more so - and that meant that he was able to show off his rarely seen assertive side even if that made him feel a little uncomfortable. "Now, the control is in your coils."

"Are you sure?" She squeaked out, fumbling with her fingers a bit as her body pulled up into a coil behind her, bits of dirt and debris clinging to her scales thanks to how wet she'd become post stream-trekking. "I don't want to get you all muddy, Saeth."

He looked over to see the bits of twigs and soil and half-cracked fallen leaves all over her, and quickly found himself agreeing. "Yeah, I don't want that either. Well, I don't imagine you brought you massage oils anyway, so how about we-" He stopped mid sentence as he heard the light plip of a frog diving into the pond nearby. This tiny disturbance gave him an idea, so he nodded his head with a grin and leapt up onto the rock, diving into what appeared to be the deep end of the pond. "So why don't you have a go at me while we're in the water? I hear that the water helps with conductivity so you might be able to better feel the electrical impulses through my scales." He tread water a bit, with his wings lightly flapping to keep him afloat with minimal effort.

Juliana couldn't help but be impressed, his knowledge breaking her out of her shy spell. "That's actually correct. I'm not sure my body could do much of a massage in the water, though. I can press against you, but that's not my forte." She extended her upper body over the pond while her tail wrapped tight around the trunk of a nearby tree, looking directly down into the lightly rippling water to see that the bottom was lined with thick vegetation and she couldn't actually see the pond's bed. "But I dunno, what if there are bitey turtles or something in here?"

Saethwr looked down, seeing that the pond water was almost entirely clear where he was and a few meters deep - so deep that he couldn't touch the bottom - with no plants or anything below him, just the steep rock shelf that he'd dove off. "It's fine. Over here there's nothing, just some lightly algae crusted rocks and a log. No gators, no mud-snappers, nothing like that. And to be honest, the water's really nice. Cool but not frigid, you know?" He kicked backwards through the water until he found himself nestled between two large rocks, both of which crested the water's surface so that he could use them to rest his arms upon. "Even if you don't want to do the massage thing, I'd love to share your company in the peacefulness of the pond this evening."

While still extended over the water, she flicked her tongue nervously and glanced around to make sure nobody was nearby and none could see them from the pathway up the embankment. It was clear they were too far away from the path and the bridge, with the trees being too thick to see through and potentially even too thick to hear through, so she lightly submerged herself and let go of the tree she was using as an anchor, allowing herself to disappear beneath the surface. A moment later she popped her head up near Saethwr, smiling at him as the water trickled over her scales.

"See? Not that hard is it?" He said as he brought his foot up to trace a line through the surface of the water. "No harm in relaxing a bit. And if there are any animals in the depths, they know better than to bite at you. Just...here." He turned around so that his back was to her, wings spread in the pond water with his arms crossed on the rocks, tail out far.

She leaned in close and grabbed him by the shoulder, flipping him back around as her body pulled up and half-wrapped around him, her maw nuzzling into his neck. Was this a hug? Saethwr wasn't sure, but he embraced her either way, lightly patting her on the back as he nuzzled back.

"So, what exactly is this?" He asked, glancing around awkwardly as he did so.

Juliana squeezed a bit harder as her neck hooked around his, tongue flicking out to lightly slap at his shoulder. "You're so kind, Saeth. I don't see others as nice as you, and it's so refreshing." She explained, giving him one last squeeze before letting herself float off him, her coils bobbing in the pond behind her. She kept a hold of his hands, leaving head and shoulders above the water but most of the rest of her submerged. The naga patted his chest, lightly touching his sales and squeezing gently as she smiled. "I can feel your heart beat in my palms, it's the pulse of passion." She then grabbed his hand and put it on her chest. "Can you feel mine?"

He closed his eyes and tried his best to focus, but found it difficult to feel anything through her thick scales. "I'm sorry, I don't. I can feel your breaths, but not your-"

She knew where he was going, so she swung her tail around and pressed his hand to her cloaca, squeezing it and her tail end between both of her palms. "What about now?"

Her heart was racing, and Saethwr could feel it in the soft flesh of her vent, but that didn't mean that he wasn't shocked by her actions or that he knew what it was he should do in a situation like this. He gulped heavily and curled his fingers to pry open her ventral scale, middle digit slipping into her to feel the gummy, slimy arousal deep within her and the light clenches of her muscles. The sensations of his fingers being gently squeezed made him smile and shudder a bit, the pleasure coaxing his member from its slit under water.

"Do you feel it now? Can you feel my heart beating? Can you feel my depths contracting? Tell me, what does it feel like from the other side. I only ever get to feel my client's heart, but I want to know what others feel when I get excited." Her eyes darted around as she tried her best to keep herself steady, but it was clear she was incredibly nervous with how forward she was being.

Considering just how uncomfortable this was making Juliana, Saethwr felt he had no choice but to take control and make her feel proper. He pulled her tail in close to him and gave a gentle caress inside, squeezing her spine with one hand while his other one squished in between her ventral scales. Though he had a difficult time discerning exactly what was a throb of desire and what was a beat of the heart, he was able to close his eyes and single out the rhythmic pulses, emulating them with his maw and chuckling a bit with a grin every time he felt her muscles twitch around him. "It's hard to describe, but I like it."

She tried to pull away, either content with his assertion or massively uncomfortable with how callous he was being. Either way, she felt it was time to part ways.

But Saethwr didn't let go. Instead, he kept a firm grip and continued to caress her opening with all of his fingers at once, gumming his digits up in the gooey slime that her depths were secreting. He kept his gaze trained on her as he pulled himself out and dragged his claws down her belly scales rubbing in circles with his fingertips and lightly prodding in and out of her. "You like that, don't you? Maybe you deserve a massage of your own." He kept at her, pulling her tail end close to his body so that he could feel her scales against his while her body bobbed in the tranquil water of the pond.

Juliana seemed to melt as her entire torso and upper body disappeared into the water, leaving only the top half of her head above the surface. Her eye lids fluttered and her pupils dilated as they lost their focus, the faint hint of a pleasured smile curling at the edges of her maw. She naturally had no words for him, only the pelvic squeezes and subtle waves of her spine that pushed her cloaca up to him - the only reaction she could do as she averted her eyes from his.

Saethwr was perceptive enough to see that his attention and the focus he was giving her seemed to make her very happy, so he leaned back and pulled her tail up close to his chest, hugging it so her ventral opening pressed up between his pectoral muscles, squishing her natural lubricant against his scales in the process. With one arm wrapped around her tail and the other pinned between them with fingers still idly caressing at her opening, he leaned down and pressed his snout right into her, shifting so that each of his hands were gripping either side of her body to hold her in place. This was proven to be a challenge, as her lubricant mixed with the water from the pond made her scales slick as could be.

Bubbles started to form above her snout as her body shuddered in delight. Her tail curled up over her spine, the muscles peeling back her ventral scale to gape her open ever so slightly - wide enough to invite Saethwr to take from her depths like a bee hungering for nectar. In time, she pulled her body underneath the water completely, with her belly pressed flat to the pond's bed and only her tail end and cloaca above the surface where they were getting serviced by her dragon companion. Not quite the massage she had in mind, but the stark contrast between the cold of her body under the water and the gentle warmth of the portion above the water seemed to accent her pleasure perfectly.

Having noticed that she was below the water, Saethwr didn't bother making noises as he started lapping heavily at her vent, kissing it passionately and using his thumbs to pry her open so he could nuzzle even deeper. The taste was tangy - far more pleasant and sweet than Gabby or Onyxia - which told him that she was definitely in the deepest trenches of her seasonal needs. That was, if the gooey concoction her vaginal canal was secreting wasn't proof enough.

He wanted more, to feel her flesh squeezing around him, but he had no idea what sort of depths his body could explore within her so he opted not to pry her lips apart and bury his entire head in her. Given their difference in size and a snake's ability to stretch he was sure he could do it, but she didn't seem the type.

At least not yet.

As he kept at her, he noticed her body writhing and squirming beneath the surface of the water with increased vigor. He tried to keep an eye out for her head so she couldn't surprise him, but he was a lot more focused on having his snout buried under her tail and his tongue exploring her depths. As he bobbed his head into her and against her vent, he felt his cock slowly emerging from his own slit, the length of it coated in its own thin layer of lubricant that didn't mix with the water, which was nice.

It was then that he felt her hands on him, feeling around between his inner thighs and grabbing for his member. He hadn't been able to find her head, and now he knew why: she had been slithering about underneath herself to surprise him! Within seconds, he'd been shocked to feel her maw wrapped around him, the powerful jaws squeezing just right while also being careful to not let any of her teeth snag on his flesh.

Together they focused on each other, with Saethwr keeping a rhythim between her lips as she kept her own motions on him. Clearly she could hold her breath a long time as she hadn't come up for air for many minutes, which made his mind start to wander a bit, leaving his lips on autopilot. Was this a sixty-nine? Could that even happen with a naga? Was this comically more like an eight-hundred, eighty-nine? Since all the coils and such. The thought made him chuckle, yet only a few laughs had escaped him before she pulled away and slid her chin up his chest next to her tail.

"Everything okay? You seem a little distracted." She said before taking in a deep breath that pressed her body up tight against him. "I could feel the deflation in your....you know."

"It's nothing, I was just chuckling to myself about what we'd call this. It's not a sixty-nine!"

Her coils clenched tighter and she looked down through the lightly rippling water. "I suppose not. More like three thousand, eight hundred and sixty-nine, right? All the coils!"

"That's what I was thinking!"

They shared a laugh, slapping at the water and having a good time for an entirely too long time to no longer be awkward. While in their fits of nervous laughter, they both slid up out of the water to sit on the rocks that lined the side of the pond, letting the water dry from their bodies as the sun finally set, leaving them alone in the silence of the night. The mood had somewhat subsided thanks to the jokes.

Juliana's massive body was coiled around his, with her belly down on the rocks and her head resting on her coil next to him. Her tail was off to the side, allowing the two of them to focus on the emerging stars rather than allow themselves to get distracted by the arousal they both felt for one another. Despite having chemistry, both seemed too awkward and shy to pick back up where they left off once they started joking around. All the while, they talked about her work again, as well as his work with all the flying he did.

It was a great day for both of them, even if neither got to properly finish their fun. After nearly an hour of relaxing in the pond, giving each other the subtlest of massages, they both agreed it was time to part ways and head to their respective homes.

"It's truly been wonderful meeting you, Saethwr." She declared, extending a hand for a shake.

"The pleasure is all mine." He answered back, then the two shared yet another long and awkward gaze into each others' eyes as Saethwr's mind raced. He knew what he wanted, and he was building up the courage to go ahead and do it. In they moved closer and closer, his snout nearing hers before she offered a gentle flick of her tongue that he had to struggle to not take in his mouth. Then, just as their lips were about to touch, his tail curled around hers and pulled it in close to him, allowing him to grab it and gently caress it's underside.

She gasped as her head feathers flattened in pleasure as her tail lifted up, arcing up away from his touch to expose her cloaca without pulling away. She wanted his touch, she admired his touch, and she wanted to feel more of him but remained too bashful to ask for it.

His gambit quickly turned pleasant as he was able to once again slip a few fingers into her, gently caressing her flesh as his own loins stirred to life. He held her head to his neck as he focused most of his effort on her vent, easing it up between his legs and aiming his cock at her opening. With one thrust of his hips, his member plunged deep into her and popped in through her ventral scales to have her lips touch his belly scales.

Every coil of hers tensed, every muscle squeezing gently as part of her constricted his torso and pressed tight against his wings. Her pelvic contractions held him tight and firm, squeezing at his member with the force to nearly push him out, but he persisted and kept grinding at her, his belly scales pressed to hers as her tail coiled up between his legs and hooked itself on the base of his tail, anchoring itself there for him.

Saethwr's hands patted along her sides, holding her body against his as he thrust into her, slowly at first but with increased vigor every few thrusts. The sounds that emanated from between them were luscious and juicy, but got lost in the forest around them while the faint scents of her arousal and his musk began to billow up between them, having been freed from the cleansing properties of the water. Now, the grove around them was filled with the pleasant aroma of the two of them mixed together, an intense scent that could incite arousal in any dragon type.

Juliana wrapped her arms around his sides, pulling him into a hug while the rest of her body half-coiled around him. Every bit of her spine moved in waves along him, caressing his belly before grinding down against his member. Then, as she was squeezing him and gyrating on his cock, she pressed her lips tight to his neck and gave a nibble, the needlepoint teeth of hers snagging on his outer layer of scales.

He tensed up at the sensation of having his neck punctured and the tiny droplet of blood that started to trickle down his neck, the extra sensation making his loins tingle beyond what he'd already been feeling. Her entire body had tensed up, tugging at his neck scales and constricting his member tighter than before; the sudden shift in pressure and sensation with the drastic difference between the pleasure of their mating and the sharpness of the bite brought him to climax quite quickly, his loins and legs tensing up as wave after wave of silky seed got deposited deep within her.

She could feel this - in fact she could feel and discern every twitch of his loins and every beat of his heart in his cock - so she pushed down as hard as she could while also bending her tail and forcing the tip into his rump for extra stability. This seemed to send him over the edge, as he quickly blew another load into her as he hissed and smoke started to billow out form the sides of his maw.

He kept at her, growling and thrusting into her soft-fleshed depths as his loins throbbed and pumped more and more of his essence into her. Given the sheer depth and size of her, he found none of his seed was coming out even as her muscles squeezed tight, creating a seal of her cloaca flesh at his slit. Though he tried to keep at her by digging his claws into her lower back and keeping at his motions, he quickly found his thrusting to be growing erratic and inconsistent, so he slowed to a stop.

The very moment his bucks halted, Juliana peeled her teeth out of his neck and nuzzled his cheek, tongue slapping near his ear. "I needed that." She whispered to him. "Thanks for not giving up when things got weird."

Saethwr's words came out between deep breaths. "Thanks for...Just thanks." He chuckled as he struggled to pull his hand up from her side through the tangle of her coils around his body so he could rub at the puncture spots on his neck. He could feel the blood, but it was little more than a pinprick so he rubbed it on the moss of the rock they lay on. With that last motion, he felt his member grow soft within her, so she relaxed her muscles and pulled away, giving him one final tug and squeeze before parting.

"You know, you really should still let me try an actual massage on you for fun. That's fun, but it's very localized on your groin. I'm sure you could use some kneading elsewhere, too." She pecked him on the cheek and fell into a pile of coils next to him, loops of her body dangling over the side of the rock and her tail idly drawing circles in the water below. "Want to set up a followup appointment?"

He raised an eyebrow and rubbed his loins, easing his member back up into the slit. "I do think that would be a good idea, my work keeps me busy and I could imagine myself needing regularly scheduled massage therapy. Want to be my go-to?"

"I'd love that. But only if you make a deposit every time!" She winked and they laughed together once more, the shyness and bashfulness evaporating with every passing minute.

Eventually, he came to realize just how late it was getting and that he had work in the morning. "Hey, this has been great, truly, but I do fear I might have to book it home. I must be up early and I don't have a job that thinks highly of employees who are late, so I can't stay much longer. Outside of the parlor, where can I find you?"

"Mostly just at the parlor, every day. I'll take you back to my place some day, but I don't have an official address so it would be hard to describe." She leaned in for a kiss, stopping just far enough out that when she flicked her tongue it lightly slapped at his lips.

He gave her the slightest of pecks as he cradled her cheek. "Sounds like a date. I'll see you around, okay?"

"Fly, you fool." She joked, then flopped back on the rock, staring at the sky as the last of the sun disappeared over the horizon. Above her, Saethwr spread his wings and leapt high, flapping and gaining enough altitude to catch a light breeze that took him above tree level, smiling down at her with a proud roar.

The dragon couldn't help but keep a broad grin as he banked and flapped his way south of the path that would take him to his home overlooking the cliffs. There, he would have a nice and long discussion with himself about the benefits of experiencing those naga parlor tricks and when he would be able to do so again.

Soon. Hopefully very soon.