Letting Down - Wednesday

Story by Theo Winters on SoFurry

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#3 of Letting Down

Letting Down

by: Theo Winters

Written for Fenris49

>> Wednesday

Liz stood in the shower, head lifted up as the hot water rained down over her, soaking her hair and her full breasts. She ran her hands over her body, working them over her skin, lifting and parting her breasts to clean the sweat and grime from her workout off the skin under them.

It had been an interesting session. She had given up on her sports bra for being far too small and had just let her breasts go unrestrained under her sweat suit. There wasn't a single man in the gym who could take his eyes off of her. Even Mark, from the drink counter, had come down to watch her breasts shift and sway under the tight fabric, her fat nipples easily visible through the milk-soaked material. He had a smirk on his face the whole time.

She was glad she had picked up a new bra, a nursing bra this time. Not only was it the only one she could find that would fit, it helped her deal with her leaking breasts. She was now a 36 F and was probably getting bigger, but she wasn't worried about it anymore. The looks she was getting were more than enough to make up for the swelling breasts.

Grasping firmly at her fat nipples, she started to milk herself, relieving some of the pressure so she wouldn't start leaking right away. She had to pull and tease at her nipples to make them flow, and she enjoyed the feeling of her milk letting down and running over her belly.

Liz slipped one hand down over her belly, rubbing the wet skin as she milked her breasts with her other hand. While the milk was warm, it was cooler than the water in the shower and created a chill feeling over her lower belly right under her navel. It made the skin sensitive to her touch.

Lowering her head she let the water wash her long hair around her chest and hands, the ends mingling with the milk and clinging to the skin of her breasts. She closed her eyes, just enjoying the feelings of her body as she finally dropped her hands, the pressure easing up to the point that she wouldn't start leaking for a while.

With a great deal of reluctance she reached up and turned the water off, throwing her head back to flip her hair out of her face. She picked up her towel and started to dry herself off.

As the towel worked over her arms she felt a strange tickling over her skin. Pulling the towel away, she found that some of her skin looked a bit rough and dry, but didn't feel that way. Small hairs were twisting around the dry skin, mixing thin fibers of white and black together.

Unsure of what it might be, she decided to just ignore it. There was too much going on to worry about something as silly as a bit of dry skin. Instead she just worked at drying her hair as she walked to her locker, the towel around her body barely holding its place over her large breasts.

She settled down in front of her locker, letting her towels drop as she pulled out her clothing, hardly noticing the looks the other women were giving her. Her panties and new bra went on, then she added a double layer of nursing pads into her bra, just in case she started to leak again. She had to wiggle to get her skirt on, feeling the tightness of it over her hips and ass.

Liz managed to button up her new shirt; large enough to hold her ample assets, and pulled her suit jacket over it. Then, gathering the last of her things, she hurried out of the locker room. The side trip she had made for the new clothing and bra was risking making her late.

She was almost out the door when she heard a voice call out: "Where do you think you're going?"

It was Mike, back at his position behind the drink bar. Turning around, she looked at him. The well built man was standing there with a smile on his face. "What?"

"You didn't get your milkshake," he said, motioning for her to join him at the bar.

A blush crossed over her face as she walked back to the bar. As she approached he started to make her a milkshake, his eyes never wavering from her chest. Luckily he seemed a very deft hand and did his job without ever having to watch what he was doing.

"You're looking good," he said with a smile.

Liz blushed more, turning her head slightly. "Thank you; the gym is nice."

He nodded. "We're dedicated to making you look your best," he replied, pouring the milkshake into a plastic cup and snapping a lid on top of it. "It seems to be working for you."

Her eyes turned down to look at her cleavage under her shirt. "Oh, do you like how I look?" she asked, finding it strange to flirt with the man, or any man for that matter.

"I think you look perfect," he said, handing her the milkshake.

She took it from him, their hands brushing together for a moment. This brought a smile to his face as he pulled his hand back and crossed his arms.

"Thank you," she said.

"You're welcome. I'll see you tomorrow morning," he replied with a wink.

Liz nodded and took a drink of her milkshake, turning back towards the door and hurrying as fast as she could, her ass swaying under her skirt. She was sure he whistled at her as the doors closed.

* * *

Liz dropped the remains of her plastic cup as she walked into the office only half an hour late. She could still taste the milkshake, cold and creamy on her tongue yet warming her stomach. She let one hand drift down to rub at her belly, enjoying the lingering feeling and the slight tenderness under her top.

As usual, Daisy was at her desk. Her fingers moved quickly over the computer, doing the things that she did every day. The blonde looked up as soon as Liz came in, her jaw dropping open in surprise. It only lasted a moment before she closed her mouth, her lips pressing into a smile. "You look amazing," she finally said.

Coming to a stop, Liz glanced down at her chest. Her nipples were very visible, even through the clothing and the pads in her bra. The hard nubs announced the presence of her new chest in way that no one could ignore. "It was hard to find a shirt that looked nice but still fit," she said with a slight blush, her hands reaching down to rub at the tightness around her hips.

Daisy stood up and walked over to her girlfriend, running the back of her hands over Liz's arms, then up along her neck and over her red cheeks. Gently she grasped the other woman's face, and then pulled her down. Their lips met, sparking a jolt of lust that ran through both of their bodies.

It only took a moment for the busty woman to return the kiss, wrapping her arms around the blonde's back and pulling her close. Their breasts pressed firmly against each other, but Daisy's were dominated by the huge rack pressed tightly against them.

Liz and Daisy pressed against each other, lips parting and tongues making loving contact with each other. Hands moved and explored, grabbing and holding each other. The lust was growing thick in the room and Liz was about ready to throw her girlfriend down onto the desk and ravage her until they both reached a screaming orgasm.

She got as far as grasping Daisy firmly by the sides, ready to throw her to the floor. Instead she pushed the incredibly attractive blond away, breaking the kiss and taking in a deep gasp of much needed air. Stumbling back, she pressed a hand to her head, her brown hair fluttering around her face as she tried to compose herself.

"I'm sorry, I... I just lost control," she finally said in a soft whisper.

Daisy smirked and moved a bit closer to Liz, only to frown and the busty woman took a step away. "Fuck control! Let's take the day off, go back to your place, and flatten the bed!"

The blush returned to Liz's face as the image grew in her mind of Daisy laid out on her bed like a perfect beauty, open and inviting, waiting for Liz to ravage her. The image was intoxicating and pulled at her love and lust for the cute blonde before her.

"I... I think that-" she stopped, and took another gulp of air. With a shake of her head she cleared the image of Daisy out of her head. "I have too much to do, but this weekend we will not be leaving the house," she said with a leer.

Daisy gave her a critical look then sighed, slumping slightly forward. "Okay... but I'm keeping you to that," she said, then turned, picking up the empty coffee cup and heading towards the break room.

Liz just stood there, watching her sexy ass shift under her skirt as she walked out of the room. She regretted not taking her up on her offer, but there was just too much to do. She couldn't even take a day off, though maybe she was right. Maybe it was time for a vacation.

Running her hands through her hair she turned to her office door. She was surprised to find that it was locked. She didn't believe it at first, jiggling the handle a couple more times to see if the extra movement would release the latch, but with no luck.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that," Daisy said as she came back into the room. Gently she pushed Liz away, handing her the hot cup of coffee.

Stepping back and taking a drink of her coffee she watched as the blonde pulled a key out of her desk and unlocked the door. "I'm sorry, I didn't get a chance to unlock it yet," she stumbled out.

"Why was it even locked?"

Daisy paused for a moment, shifting her weight slightly. "Um, the cleaning crew locks it every night," she said before pushing the door open.

"Oh, okay," Liz replied, taking another long drink of her coffee, reaching behind herself to try and adjust her panties without being to noticeable. They had started to ride up in the most uncomfortable way, but she couldn't get a grip on them through her tight skirt.

The moment the doorway was clear she hurried into her office and set her coffee cup down next to the stack of work she had to do. As she bent over to open the bottom drawer of her desk she felt a strange pressure over her hips and ass, followed a moment later by the unmistakable sound of ripping fabric.

She shot up and reached behind to feel over her skirt. Instead of fabric, her hands encountered the skin of her ass and the elastic of her panties. Letting out a surprised gasp she moved her hands, trying to find the extent of the damage as she craned her head back around to see what had happened.

The whole back of her skirt had torn apart along the seams. The only place that was still intact was the waist band; the rest of the material was hanging from it and swaying freely over her exposed back side. Grasping at the edges of her skirt, she tried to pull them back together, but it didn't help, the ripped edges just didn't seem to meet, and her panties were pulling up over her ass, almost like a thong.

Finally she signed and turned to face the door. "Daisy," she called out, only to find the blonde standing in the doorway, her hands on her hips and a smile on her face.

"You should just go around in your panties today, I don't think anyone would mind," she said with a soft giggle.

Liz signed and shook her head, carefully bending down to fish her keys from her purse. "Can you get my gym clothing from the car? I can wear them for the rest of the day." She threw the keys to her girlfriend as she spoke.

Daisy caught them and dangling them from her fingers. "I don't know, no one else is here, and I think it would be fun seeing if you can get across the office like this."

She signed and shook her head. "Please?" she asked, her voice growing softer.

The blonde smiled a bit and shook her head. "Okay, but you owe me," she said, then slipped back out of the office.

With a deep sigh Liz dropped down into her chair and placed her head in her hands, wondering why the week had been so hard on her. No answer seemed to be forthcoming, and Daisy took well over half an hour to return with her gym clothing. While waiting she tried to focus on her work, but her mind kept wandering back to what her girlfriend had said.

She could imagine herself hurrying through the office, tattered skirt sweeping around her legs, her panties pulled so tight that her ass was on display for anyone to see. She was hurrying as fast as she could across the empty office, hoping no one would come in and see her in the state of partial undress.

The image sent a pleasant chill through her body, causing her to squirm in her chair. She started to regret not doing as Daisy had suggested.

Liz was about ready to run out of her office to find her secretary when she sauntered back in, gym bag held causally in her hand.

"Oh, thank you, Princess. I was getting worried," Liz said, standing up from her chair and hurrying over to where the blonde stood resting against the doorway.

Daisy smiled a bit and moved the bag behind her back. "Not so fast, your panties aren't going to be lasting much longer. You had better take them off first."

A blush crashed over Liz's face, turning her tan skin a bright red. "Take them off?" she stuttered out, her hands slipping down to the hem of her former skirt.

"Yes, better do it now before they burst around that bubble butt of yours."

She blushed even more, cupping her firm ass in her hands. "But..."

Daisy shook her head and hid the gym bag behind her back. "Off, if you want to get your gym clothing."

With a slight shiver Liz hooked her fingers into the hem of her old skirt and wiggled it off her hips, having to strain the fabric to get it past the wide curves. As soon as it was over her hips, the fabric dropped to the floor.

After a moment of hesitation, she grabbed the edge of her panties and pulled the stretchy fabric wide. In a single motion she pulled them off herself and down to the floor, bending over as she did so. The restrained weight of her breasts made her stumble and nearly fall to the floor. She caught herself, stepping out of her clothing as she did so, and then slowly stood back up.

She felt flushed and embarrassed, her hands falling down to cover her crotch. It was silly; there was no reason at all to be embarrassed. Daisy had seen her nude dozens of time, but all of those had been the precursor to sex, not this.

Daisy smiled and looked her over, then wiggled her fingers. "Drop your hands."

Liz did as she was told, exposing herself.

Her girlfriend smiled and gave her a long look, then threw the gym bag to the floor.

"Thank you," Liz said, picking the bag up. She zipped it open and dug around for her sweat pants, letting out a pleased sigh when she found them.

"I'm glad to help, oh, and your shirt is wet."

Looking down at her chest she let out a sigh when she saw the wet spots over her breasts. Now that she was paying attention to them she could feel that her pads were soaked with her milk. This brought yet another blush from her.

Daisy smiled and started out of the office. "With all that milk, maybe I should start calling you Bessie," she said before closing the door.

Feeling the blush still burning over her face, Liz started to pull on her pants.

* * *

Liz tried to relax, but by late afternoon she wasn't getting anything done and was in the process of changing her breast pads for the third time that day. She had her shirt unbuttoned and the cups of her nursing bra open. It was easy enough to dispose the wet pads, but she was running out of dry ones. She wondered if she would have enough to make it back home.

Her nipples were incredible hard, fatter and longer than she had ever seen them before. Each one was almost as thick as her finger. Every touch sent a jolt of pleasure through her large breasts and down to her sex. It was such a wonderful feeling that she had to fight to pull her hands away.

It was then, breasts out and nipples hard while reaching for fresh pads, that her office door opened and Daisy walked in. She was holding a fresh cup of coffee, and let out a soft gasp when she saw the exposed breasts. With a quick look over her shoulders she pulled the door closed and walked towards the desk.

Liz tried to cover her breasts, but the blonde just smiled and shook her head. "No, I want to see them." It was enough to make the busty woman drop her hands down to the desk.

Hurrying to the desk Daisy set the cup of coffee down. "I think Bessie is a good name for you; just look at that," she said, pointing the exposed breasts.

With a quick glance downwards she saw a fat pearl of milk hanging from the end of each nipple. Each one was bright white, almost glowing in the florescent lights of the office. It was nothing like the thin watery milk from the night before.

Daisy reached out and pressed a finger to the wet nipple, slowly running it over the fat teat, teasing the firm skin and collecting the milk. Lifting it up, being careful not to shake it lose, she brought her finger to her lips, then licked it clean. "Oh, you taste wonderful."

It surprised Liz that her blush didn't set the air on fire. She could feel the heat from it radiating from her skin like a beacon.

The blonde moved a bit closer, reaching down to rub the exposed breasts. "You're so full and tight. You're going to need something more than those pads to drain them." She gently pinched one nipple, running her fingers along the length and bringing forth a small squirt of milk.

Liz let out a sharp gasp and shoved her chair back and out of reach. "Please, not at work," she begged.

"And why not?" Daisy asked, reaching over to the other nipple and giving it a pinch as well.

"Someone might see, or wonder why you've been in here for so long," Liz said, stumbling over the words as she tried to speak through her burning arousal.

Daisy let out a slight pout at this, but turned it into a small smile. "Well then, I guess you should just please yourself." As she spoke, she took Liz's hand and pushed it down to press at her sweat pant clad crotch.

Letting out a gasp, Liz pushed back from her girlfriend's touch, pulling her hands free. "I..."

The blonde smirked and gave her fingers another lick. "I'll leave you to your own pleasure," she said, then walked out of the room, swinging her hips with every step that she took.

Liz watched Daisy's ass shake with every step until she opened the door and left the office. She was so entranced by the lovely ass that she didn't even try to cover her breasts. Luckily no one was looking into the office.

She was broken out of her trace by the closing of the office door.

Letting out a long breath, Liz leaned back in her chair, feeling her blush starting to fade from her cheeks.

Composing herself she picked up the clean pads, grasping her bra as she started to tuck them in. The pressure from the bra sent a new jolt of pleasure through her. Without a thought, she dropped the pads and grasped her breasts with one hand, squeezing them firmly and biting her lip to keep a moan from escaping.

As she started to rub her breasts with one hand, her other slipped down and pressed inside of her pants to stroke over the edges of her nether lips. The touch was enough to bring another moan from her.

Her arousal was burning over her with bright embers on her nipples and in her pussy. It pushed her on, her fingers slipping into her sex, teasing along the folds and stroking over the lips. She bucked against her hand, pressing her fingers deeper as she moved to pull at her fat nipples.

Each pull of her tits sent another squirt of milk arching through the air to spatter on the carpet around her. Leaning back she humped at her hands, twisting her body as she twisted her fingers, each little movement increasing the strength of her arousal.

Liz whimpered, pulling her breasts one last time as she started to orgasm. She bit her lip, trying to hold it in but finally let out a long moan as she pressed deeply into herself. Her whole body shook with pleasure, milk squirting freely from her nipples, arching high over her and splattering onto the wall across the room.

When the shaking finally stopped she gasped and pulled her hands away. She leaned back in her chair, eyes half closed as she panted, trying to compose herself. She could feel her milk dribbling over her hand and dripping from her fingers.

Slowly Liz composed herself, her eyes fluttering open as the lust fell back to a manageable level. Her blush returned as she gathered up her pads, tucking them into her bra and pulling it closed, wincing a bit at the pressure it generated.

After buttoning up her shirt she took a deep breath and looked back at her desk. She took a long drink of her coffee, feeling it warm her as her lust continued to cool. It was going to be hard to finish her work, but she wasn't going to let it go undone.

Half an hour later Liz was still on the first page of the work she had to do. No matter how much she tried to focus she just couldn't seem to get anything done. The heat of her own body was rising over her, and the pressure in her breasts was growing with each moment. At the same time she could feel pressure over her stomach, and the pressure was growing as the day wore on.

When she heard the office door open again she let out a grown and looked up at Daisy as she came back in.

"You don't look good," she said, hurrying over to Liz.

Liz sighed and pushed away from the desk. "My breasts are too full." She motioned to her swollen chest as she spoke.

"Take the rest of the day off and pick up a breast pump; it should be easier than trying to milk yourself with your fingers," the blonde instructed, looking around at the milk sprayed all over the room.

She wanted to protest, there was still too much for her to do, but instead just let out a sigh. It wasn't worth fighting anymore. "You're right. If I can't think, I can't get my job done. I'll catch up tomorrow."

Daisy smiled and pressed a hand on Liz's shoulder. "Good Bessie," she said, then bent down and kissed her on the cheek.

Liz blushed at the nickname, casting her head down slightly. It was a silly name, but she couldn't find it in herself to object to it.

"Get going," Daisy said with a pat on her head.

Liz nodded and gathered the rest of her things, hurrying out of the office as fast as she could go.

* * *

Her top was nearly soaked through when Liz pushed her way past her front door. She could feel the soaked pads rubbing over her nipple, the bra itself pulled tight over her large breasts. The pressure was forcing the milk out of the pads, leaving a growing wetness over her top.

Kicking the door closed she dropped her bags on the ground and pulled her shirt off, throwing it to the side. She spent a minute fumbling with her bra before finally puling it open, the wet pads dropping the moment the pressure was released.

Liz threw the bra to the ground and arched her back, rubbing her hands over the small of it. There was a low ache all the way along her spine, probably from the increased mass of her chest. Rubbing her back she sat down in her chair, pulling her bag to her side.

Reaching inside the bag she pulled out her new breast pump. The base was large with two hoses running out to the small cups she needed to put over her tits. Under each cup was a collection bottle. It was all made of light plastic and seemed far too fragile for what it was made for.

It took her a few moments to put everything together and clean it all as per the instructions. Finally she was able to plug the pump in and turned it on. The cups made soft sucking noises, almost like they were eager to nurse on her tits.

She was happy to oblige them, pressing them to her fat tits. She let out a surprised gasp as they were sucked into the cups, the hard plastic pressing around her soft flesh. With each pull of the pump milk gushed out and swirled into the bottles and a new jolt of pleasure rushed through her body.

Liz closed her eyes, leaning back in her chair and enjoying the feeling of the pump working over her. It was nothing like she had expected it to be--it was much better. She rubbed her breasts around the pump, teasing the flesh, feeling the pressure starting to drop.

Sadly the pump came to a sudden stop after only ten minutes of work, leaving a great deal of pressure behind her skin.

With a frown she opened her eyes and looked down at the pump, wondering what was wrong. It was obvious on first glance; both of the collection bottles were full of milk.

Sighing she unscrewed the bottles and took them into the kitchen. It was with a little bit of regret that she drained the bright white milk into the sink, watching it swirl down the drain. Strangely it felt like a waste to see it go unused.

She felt a little annoyed at herself as she reattached the breast pump and turned it back on. The feeling of the pump was nice, but not as good as it was before. Leaning back, letting the machine milk her, she closed her eyes and just tried to forget the discomfort of letting her milk go to waste.


This story was written and copyright 2009 by Theo Winters, reposting and archiving are allowed as long as this copyright notice and the author's name are not removed. This story cannot be published without permission of the author. Violators will be milked.

Letting Down - Tuesday

Letting Down by: Theo Winters Written for Fenris49 \>\> Tuesday Liz looked down at her sports bra; the white cotton was pulled tight over her full breasts and soaked with sweat from her workout, both front and back. The wet cotton...

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Letting Down - Monday

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