Club Chaos Workout Session!

Story by Mistress Filth on SoFurry

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A sexy commission asked for by Valmont of his up and coming fur, with Mistress Filth!

All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent, as furries mature at a much faster rate them humans, much akin to their feral ancestors. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise.

Enjoy! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Valmont looked around with awe as he arrived at his destination. The gps had just signaled him to turn here and suddenly he was confronted with the sheer scope of the building. Club chaos was HUGE. That seemed so strange considering it's out of the way locale. It seemed rather popular too if one could judge by the amount of vehicles parked in the parking lot. Valmont shook his head, bringing himself back o the now. Maybe this was a mistake.. i mean. it was sure to be crowded in there. He had not been sure initially, when he got the free ticket for admission. He had googled the place, but very little information had come up, beyond how fun and exciting it was. Valmont himself was a rather shy, shut in fur, and it had taken a lot of effort for him to work up the courage to come here. Deciding that it would be a waste if he didn't at least stay for a single drink, he parked his car int he parking lot and stepped out into the open air.

The siamese cat stood about 5'6, and was currently wearing some nondescript clothing. A t-shirt, jeans, a leather belt, and not much else. Looking around though, he did not see any particular mode of dress among the few others currently outside. Looking over at the smokers,he could see the girls where a bit... revealing, but he shouldn't stick out to much. He had a rather girlish frame, and his own pants where a bit snug. From behind it might be hard to tell him a part from a girl, but other furs had a tendency to do that for those of the feline persuasion, at least those with the bottom heavy, slight frame he had.

He could already hear the heavy sounds of bass fro the clubs music, and heck, could feel it thudding in his chest. Keeping his head down he started to make his way to the door, where a rather large bouncer seemed to wait. From what he could see, and he made sure to keep a eye on her, very attractive as she was, the bouncer was a rather muscled elephant, leaning against the wall next to the double doors.

Valmont walked up hesitantly, his ears flicking down to the sides of his head as he approached the very large fur by the doors. He wasn't sure if he had to show his ticket to her or someone inside so he kinda slowed his pace to a crawl prepared to stop but still aimed to walk past her if she didn't stop him, feeling a quiver of nervousness tightening at his chest at the uncertain predicament he'd put himself in, his hands in his pockets clutching the ticket firmly in his paw ready to whip it out and present it at a moments notice should he be asked by the pachyderm at the entrance.

Closer to her now, Valmont could make out a number of interesting tattoos on her legs, where they showed through her rather tattered jeans. As well when he raised his head a little more, certainly not to eye level, but instead finding her chest... and blushing, before looking to her arms, he could see inkwork scrawling like a sleeve up her arms.

"Hey there kitty, welcome to Club Chaos. Don't think I have seen you around here before." She smiled as she spoke, Valmont was able to see this out of the corner of his eyes. She actually seemed to have a surprisingly soothing voice given how deep it was. "It'll be a hundred bucks to go in." She said, prompting him for the entrance fee. She held out one of her large paws. He could see the muscle tone in her arm, and knew she had to be really strong, but supposed as a race, elephant's tended to be strong as a whole.

Valmont's ears folded back a bit more and he winced inwardly as she stopped him, looking up at her and taking a steadying breath before answering "O-oh.. um, yeah I normally I wouldn't. I just, uh, won this thing.. from like a promotion you guys have or something, I don't really know, something my friend told me I should enter so just kinda sent in the form then got this back in the mail.. uuh...." realising he had started to ramble he cuts himself off and thrusts the folded up ticket into the bouncers outstretched hand.

The pachyderm takes the ticket from him and raises it to her eyes. Her other large paw comes up, to lower her sunglasses down a bit so she could make it out. She gives it a few minutes of study and chuckles a bit. "Hmm. These promotional tickets expired a couple weeks ago..." She starts, before eyeing the feline over again. She had a rather lofty view of him, easily at least two feet or more larger then he. Something that Valmont didn't let slip by without notice, it actually caused him to shiver a bit. Though whether or not the elephant mistook that for the cold, or for excitement, he couldn't say. She continued as she pocketed the ticket. "Seeing as this is your first time, well. I think I can make a exception. You seem a little tightly wound. You could probably use a nice day right? You keep it to yourself I let you in with the ticket, and I won't say nothing either, sound good?" She smiled again and offered her large greyskinned paw for a fistbump.

Valmont groaned. 'What? How did I miss that? Did I miss read the dates? Fffff....' his internal monologue started going a mile a minute thinking about how stupid he'd been not to catch the expiration date on the ticket as he fought to hide his embarassment from the large gray fur. He almost missed that she was going to let him in anyways, only catching the last bit of it where his ears went from plastered to his head to flicked up in surprise, "R-r-really? Yeah for sure! Thank you!" He ends up accidentally reaching out like he was going to shake her extended fist before noticing it was meant to be a fist bump and ending up with a limp back of his fingers against her knuckles as he shifted to change the gesture to late in the motion. His ears flop back down and he gives a nervous laugh as he lets his arm fall back to his side, "Uh.. yeah.. thanks.." he says then turns awkwardly to the door, hoping he'd make less of a fool of himself on the inside.

He entered the building with the sounds of some rather good natured chuckles behind him. "Next time hun." was the last thing he walked into the club. The last thing before the massive blast of noise anyways. He had to cover his ears for a few moments as his body adjusted to the sounds. Fromt he entryway he could see a rather large dance floor in the middle of the club, a sprawling bar to the left, and numerous furs currently dancing, jumping, drinking, talking. Just... congregating. He wasn't even sure how they heard each other, as the loud rukus was beating in his ears. But after a minute or so, the sound just kind of balanced off as he got used to it, and in fact he could even make the odd word out here and there. Still he didn't mind waiting, as he had moved up against the wall, to be out of the way, and rather enjoyed taking the sights in. He could also see a large stage near the dance floor with two attractive avians dancing around poles. One of them was a flaming red and orange, the other a multi-hued peacock, both seeming very skilled.

Valmont swallowed deep as he took this all in. All the cute furs dancing, all the attractive guys with girls around them, and vice versa. he felt a little singled out by his ordinary looks. Still, He was here to.. try something new. And He figured again having to reassert himself to himself, that he owed this place at least thirty minutes of his time. Where to go first... He could see a number of doors leading off who knew where, the floor, the bar, and a spiraling staircase that had a number of different furs heading up and down every so often.

He took a moment to get his barrings, tracing a path through the crowded club with his eyes before committing to going to the bar first, thinking that he could at lest use a drink or two in him if he was to be around so many people at once for his set forth time goal. Stepping into the mass of bodies he made his way slowly over, ducking arms and weaving around people, waiting for them to move on their own rather than touch them or ask them to move himself, keeping his hands in his pockets and wrinkling his nose slightly at all the different scents of body odor, booze, smoke, and food mixing together in the air of the club. When he finally extracted himself from the mass of bodies and reached the bar he felt like he could breath again, seizing the hard glass counter and sitting into a stool hard as if to anchor himself there to keep from being swept away into it again.

Finally! Valmont took in a couple deep breaths, as he looked around. He hated how shy he was, and seeing all these confident furs striding around just bothered him a little. But finally he got tot he bar, and figured he could order himself something to calm down. Though... he didn't see a menu or anything like that. He'd probably have to talk to someone. Swell. Taking in his current location, he could see a number of folks. he was sitting here with at least 8 or nine other furs currently, and he could see two behind the counter. A petite but boxum female Rat, the nearer of the two, and a tall lithe dalmatian girl a little further away. Wierdly both seemed to have... collars on? Both with a green gem studded in them. Another collared girl was nearby, with a black gem of sorts in hers, arm drapped over a blushing male Husky, seeming to be whispering in his ear.

As Valmont was taking this all in, he could see further down the bar there was even some strange tentacled jellyfish girl wielding a number of knives and cutting apart fish? Valmont chuckled to himself softly, wondering what kinda of food he could get here too. It seemd like it was one of those places where the chef cooked in front of you if you sat there, and probably could make a number of things that came to yourmind. A drink seemed fine enough for the moment though. Fidgeting he sat there quietly, waiting for one of the two here to approach him... It took a few minutes, but he was used to this, far to nervous to get their attention. Finally the rat approached him. "Hey there cutie, what can I do for you?"

"C-could I get something to drink? Not sure you're specials or anything..." he said rubbing the back of his neck in a nervous tic.

"We sure do hunny!" The cute rat smiled at him. "Tell you what, you sit here and relax, and I'll get you a Dirty Backdoor." She giggled a bit and turned away from him, calling out to the canine nearby to come help. Once again Valmont's eyes wandered, always seeming to be looking about, and he caught sight of the cute, small jellyfish chef assembling some sushi it seemed to a number of laughing furs. He got a good minute of glances in her direction before the rodent arrived back with his drink.

Unfortunetly for him he had looked away as those nearby had looked on tot he drink making. Much like many furs before him, he glanced away at the wrong moment. The rat, empty from earlier, had the canine herm pull out her cock and piss into five diffrent martini glasses. With the smells int he air, it didn't add much, but many here enjoyed watching this drink get made, and most loved the taste of it. And deviancies of drinking it. it also had become a game for some of the patrons to distract newbies so they ddin't get in on it till much later. Not that they needed to this time. Still dripping piss the canine went back to cleaning the bar top, as therodent finished mixing the drinks, and handed them out down the line, eventually handing one to Valmont.

"Here you are cutie. Hollar if you want anything else!" She seemed a little distracted with the work load, and with some of the other furs waiting for drinks, all whom seemed to be talking to her, unlike Valmont himself. The drink she deposited was in a martini glass, and seemed to glow almost, a interesting florecent green. Valmont sighed, knowing in no way would he be able to be social enough to get either of their attention for any length of time. Even the cute vixen who was now working her way between furs at the counter, female and males alike, passed him by. It didn't help that when she smiled and approached, he just dipped his head down into his drink, his ears burning, his eyes just focusing on the activity of the chef cooking further down the bar. The vixen probably miffed at his rude display (not knowing he was just way out of his element) skipped him buy and moved to the large croc a few seats down from him.

Valmont sighs at his lack of social skills and sniffs the strange almost glowing green drink in front of him, catching the fruity hint coming off of the martini glass contents "Hmm.." he shrugs and takes a drink of it. He nearly does a spit take as the bitter liquid touches his tongue, screwing up his face and forcing himself to swallow it before shaking his head and rolling out his tongue "Blech.." he comments softly to himself, maybe it was just how off guard it'd caught him but something that bitter shouldn't come from something that smelled that sweet. But whatever, they called it liquid courage for a reason right? He steeled himself and took a deep breath before downing the rest of the drink in one go.

He ended up sitting at the bar for a good twenty minutes. He just watched some of the dancing furs on the floor, and kept a good eye on the stage as well. He was a nervous shy fur, but it was hard for him not to stare along with the rest of the furs as the two danced on stage, evening pausing to caress each other and kiss each other. That really turned Valmont on. Thankfully... the only silver lining to his cock really, was that his four inch cat cock was pretty hard to detect even when it got hard like this. He tried to calm himself down a little, nursing the bottom half of his drink for much of that time.

Eventually he was approached from the side, and spoken too. "Hey there cutie. What brings a cute gi- Wait. Oh sorry bro. Heh, did anyone ever tell you you look kinda like a chick?"

Valmont had blushed and stammered out a "I'm s-sorry!" before leaving the bar, and the puzzled large moose fur to his own devices. The Siamese feline didn't pay attention to exactly where he was going though and wound up amidst a number of dancing furs and his barrings where lost, even most of the women here where taller then him! He picked a random direction and tried to move that way, trying his best to not step on any toes, or bump into anyone.

He found it hard to keep his wits about him to stay on a single course, the only thing he could see above the crowd was the stage where the birds were strutting around. He headed in what he thought was as straight a line as he could towards it, more than a little distracted at the lightly clothed bodies both on stage and surrounding him now as the dancers on the clubs open floor bumped and grind each other most obscenely, though he does his best to avert his eyes and stay on course. He ends up facing a wall with a stair case leading upwards with very few people around it and gives a sigh of relief, maybe it was a stair that would lead up to a balcony or the roof where he could maybe get some fresh air from the hot stuffy air of the club, that thought spurred him onward and upward away from the noise below.

He started up the staircase, moving towards the second floor of the club. A small relief to his eardrums anyways, as he thankfully felt the loud music fading away a bit as he reached the landing to the second floor. The staircase continued to curve upwards no doubt to a floor above him, and here he could see along hall way with many doors dotting it's walls. He could see the sign for a bathroom, as well, as a number of markings he did not quite get on the other doors. But he heard the sounds of laughter coming from the hallway, panting too? Even with the din from below muffled somewhat, the sounds on this floor where still a little hard to make out. He could see furs walking around though, just in less numbers, and some exiting and entering rooms, so they didn't seem to all be private. Some of the furs he could see where the attractive girls (and a few men) with collars, those he had pegged down as workers here, and a equal number of guests. The hallway forked way ahead, making it seem like this floor was fairly large, maybe as large as the one below.

Valmont crept down the hall, avoiding any of the people that happened out of the rooms along the hall, but catching glimpses into the rooms they come from briefly a few times. He saw nothing in one or two, but in one was a naked female draped over the end of a bed with her head hanging over the side and a distant look on her face, he flushed brightly and hurried faster down the hall at seeing this. Then came one with more activity going on within, of all different descriptions, some drawing his eye embarrassingly, others disgusting him and quickening his pace, all of them driving him farther up the hall. Panting unevenly, his tiny feline prick hard in his pants rubbing uncomfortably against his boxers dryly being out of its sheath this long with the speed of his movements not helping the matter. He took the path through the building that led him as far away from the noise below and around as he could, his ears swivelling around seeking quiet and listening for a door that could lead to the outside.

Finally he seemed to arrive in a section of the club... if he could even call it that! More like a brothel.. or fuck house or whatever, that seemed to be less populated. The young feline panted as he caught his breath cocking his ears and sighing in relief as the sounds of moaning seemed to have vanished for the moment, and the doors here seemed to all be closed, and he didn't see a fur in sight.

Then he heard footsteps and chatting. It sounded like a large group. He could make out a bit of their conversations.

"Oh fuck. Yah he had a huge cock. I mean, no mistress' but mmm... my ass is gonna have this hot feeling for days I bet"

"Heh lucky you! i was with this like. Tiny little guy. poor thing, probably didn't have more then a 6 inch cock. I mean i swore it was huge to him, I think he bought it"

There was a giggling sound. Blushing Valmont looked around, seeing a door partly open. Deciding quickly he ducked inside and closed it, hoping to wait out the owners of those girly voices. Turning around putting his back to the door he did a double take. It didn't seem he was quite alone in here either. It seemed he had arrived in some sort of gym, rather big for a home. He could see a number of different equipment sets here, not that he could name any of them really. And on one of the benches, currently benchpressing some sizable iron, was a female fur. At least, partly. He could see a bulge in her tight shorts, showing she may have a little extra. He would also make out her breasts, obviously bra-less, fairly well int he sweat soaked tanktop the fur was wearing. She seemed to be a skunk of sort, her large tail and stripes giving it away, though her stripes seemed to be oddly, like a tiger or zebras. Still he stood there mouth open watching her for a few moments. He could see the sweat beading on her brow, her eyes closed. He could see the contours of her muscled chest under the tank top, and fully see her toned calfs, and her obviously powerful arms moving that weight up and down. She wasn't a amazon... but she was close. The smell of musk was almost palpable here. And from the small pool of white at the base of one of the other devices here, this room seemed to fall into the same role as the others he had seen Valmont would venture to guess.

Still... he couldn't take his eyes off her.

"Ungh. Finally your back slut. Bad timing to have it go down the wrong hole. I think I am done for now. So Lily, get your wolfy butt over here, and help me with this thing k?" Came a powerful voice from the figure ahead of him. Valmont could see her hefting the large weights she was benching, and easily deduced she seemed to be asking for help getting them back in the position above her, secured. He fidgeted unsure what he should do. It seemed she was benching what looked like more then he weighed, not that that was any particular sign, but it was hard to tell at all how unversed he was. He didn't know she was working on 300lbs there, but could tell those muscles he was admiring where not for show.

"Hurry up slut. before mistress gets mad. I Can always get another pet in here for my post-workout fuck."

"Er.." he shifted uncertainly but decided to go help her guide the bar into place best he could, he didn't want her to get hurt trying it herself after all. He scuttled over, "Um.. hi.. sorry not who you thought.." he apologises briefly as he attempts to guide the bar she was hefting to the hook on either side, lending nothing but direction to the bar really as the heavy laden rod clinked into place. He stepped back and cleared his throat embarrassed a bit at his weakness but also at how crude and candid she had been expecting him to be someone else. "Yeah.. sorry, I just... I think I got lost up here.. first time in being here was looking for a balcony or something..." he trailed off, not sure what he was explaining himself for.

The weight had felt as unmovable as a building to him, his own weak skinny arms little use to the skunk as she maneuvered the iron pole back into it's position. He was a bit amazed with her at the moment really. And that did not change as she first sat up, then stood. For a few moments she was silent as she looked him over. he felt a little more uncomfortable, trailing off because of the way he felt next to her. Insignificant would be the best word. She was easily a head taller then him, maybe more, and her frame was wider, her arms at least twice as thick as his own. She retained a feminine figure, but one that screamed powerful. And screamed loudly. She snorted as she looked down at him, then around the room, her large tail fanning the air behind her. It actually caused his nostrils to burn a little at the salty scent of her sweat and musk she had worked up in here, obviously from a intense session, based on her top, which was nearly see through due to sweat. Heck, he could actually see a piercing in her right nipple.

"Hmmm... Strange. Normally one of my pets would be here. I wonder if something came up." She mused to herself before looking down at him again, licking her lips. She didn't even mention his help, though he assumed she probably oticed he really hadn't offered much. That motion, and the casual dismissal, made him shiver for a moment. like she was seizing him up... for something. She reached out towards him and he instinctively cringed, causing a chuckle to escape her muzzle. She grabbed him by his lower jaw and pulled him a little closer, looking down at him with her vibrant green eyes. "Hmmm... not one of mine. Hell, how old are you boy. If your a boy at all? Hell, I'm a herm, and I'm having a hard time with you. You a boy, or a small chested girl?" She asks, kinda rudely, her strong paw digging into his cheeks.

"Ah... A b-boy. Miss. I um. I'm a boy..." He said, a little muffled by the way she was scrunching his face, mixed with a little shame at her not being able to tell.

"Hmmm. Well I suppose doesn't matter anyways." She said, a grin slowly spreading on her muzzle. "Mmm. It seems to be your lucky day. Generally it's my pets that get to play with me. But I always feel so horny after a workout... so.. Buff and charged. I need to nut off once or twice. What do you think?" The skunkess said, her voice a little gruff, and he could tell from the savage glint in her eyes that she probably doesn't plan to take no as an answer.

"I, uh. I mean. I don't i d-" He tries to speak out, sputtering a bit as she lets go of his jaw. As he moved a paw up to rub it, he saw her pull off her tank top, her large breasts pulling up with it, before falling and bouncing once or twice, completely derailing his train of thought. With her fur matted in sweat and sticking close to her body, he could make out the ab muscles that seemed to linger right below the fur. God she looked strong. His head was perfectl leveled with those beautiful tits.

"You think I am pretty, don't you?" She asked, feigning concern. But he could tell she didn't mean it by the cocky smirk on her face. Still, he couldn't really do much but admire the craftsmanship of her body.

"D-divine..." Her murmured out, panting a bit. His cock was once again at full mast in his pants, his hands gripping the sides of his shirts, as he felt self conscious about there to have them, what they should be doing.

"Awww... answered just like one of my pets..." She stepped towards him leaning down and purring in his ear. He was immediately conscious again of how much taller, broader and more... intense she was then he. "Divine you say, and if something is divine... should it not be worshiped?" She asked, one of her claws coming to his neck and tracing downwards, tearing through his tee-shirt till it hung form his arms but left his bare, feminine chest showing.

"W-worshiped? yess..." He gasped out, shuddering as a small trail of blood beaded where she had scratched him. Not a lot, but he could feel a small heat from the area. She pulled back and he looked at her his, eyes a bit off-focus as he stared into her intent green pupils, his notrils flaring as he inhaled. This woman... goddess, in front of him. Smelled so much more... manly then he.

"Then... you'll be my special work out buddy today?"

"Yesss... please... yes..."

Suddenly she squatted down, her head beocmming level with his navel. "Well, let's see what we have down here then. Maybe my pussy will get some work out, it's been awhile and..." She trailed off for a moment as she pulled down his pants to his ankles, and saw his four inch feline cock from inches away. He sucked in his breath, almost as if he was about to try and explain, when he was cut off with laughter. Loud laughter!

"What the fuck is this thing! Hahahahaha" He could see she actually had a tear inher eye. He blushed as he squirmed, not really able to move away though. he just instead tried to will himself to not exist. "Hahahaha. I thought you said you where a boy. This is barely more then a oversize clit. Actually, my hyena is bigger then you and that's what she sports!" She reached out and caught his cock between her index and thumb pulling it roughly. "Ha. Well that idea out, this little... weewee isn't good for much is it. Pathetic."

"S-sorry ma'am..." He whimpered out.

"Hahaha. Heh. You should be." She scoffed again as her pulling at it, and rough treatment... and he was ashamed to know, her teasing, caused him to cum right then and there. His cock started to splutter a rope or two of thin waterlike cum, splattering her tits. She didn't even seem to notice or care. "Well, at least we can say, even fucking a little girlyboy like you in the ass, I'm filling up a pussy either way. Right kitty?" She let go of his sputtering cock, and gave his smallish testicles a smack, as he let out a whine and nodded, ashamed.

"Kneel down tiny" She ordered. And he imediatly dropped to his knees, looking down at his own cock. Why did he have to be born so pathetic... He was musing to himself as she walked away for a moment. He missed the way she looked back though, but he heard a renewed roud of giggles, and knew she was thinking of his cock again. Then he saw a small bottle bounce and roll into reach. "Take that and lube your ass-pussy up. While your doing that, why don't I show you a real cock." He grabbed the bottle and looked up as he saw her legs come into view. her toned... muscular legs. he was sure if she tried she could break his body with a single kick. he saw her shorts start to come down and was hit with a sudden wave of musk. hot cock scent. his eyes watered a bit as her horsecock came into view.

How unfair was that! She had a fudging horsecock! Was the first thought that entered his head, before a second. Oh my goddess. That cock... Hell her large black balls where bigger then his fists, and that thick vieny shaft. Was more then twice his arm in thickness.

"Mmm... what's it like seeing a real cock... does it make you ashamed to be so puny... have you ever even satisfied a girl before?" The skunk teased, seeing how he was reacting to her shaft.

"Yes miss, y-your cock... is so much better then mine." He moaned out as he started to use the bottle he had, squirting lube into his paws and using both to slather his own asshole where he knelt, sliding his fingers into his ass. "And no... no... I mean... i ha-had sex once... g-grad night. But... She just... Laid there..."

"Well tonight you will satisfy me won't you... let me use your tight ass to get off? It might as well be a pussy right? For me to fuck.. since your cock is so useless anyways." The skunk replied, caressing his face with on her of her claws, before digging them into his cheek and neck with a purr.

He started to nod, moaning as he began to flick his tongue out, licking over her meaty shaft. He almost fainted from the taste, she tasted... more macho then him, this woman, this goddess, tasted more man then him and it drove him crazy with lust. Grunting, he started to work the lube bottle into his ass instead, giving into this evening.

This arrangement stood for a number of minutes. She continued to barrage him with insults about his cock as he fucked his own ass in preparation. She seemed to be wanting to give him time to fully understand the scope of difference between them, even allowing his shoulder to numb from the weight on it for so long. Finally, she she seemed to tire of mocking him, her eyes actually having grown more lustful over the last little bit. "I think it is time we fucked bitch." That was all the warning she gave as she grabbed him by the scruff of his neck. He squeaked in surprise as he was dragged over to one of the workout benches, his fumbling paws losing grip on the slippery lube bottle and it fell from his widened ass. She positioned herself, spread legged and let her tail slip through them, under her butt, between her legs, and under her cock, it fell over the bench like a drape. Grunting she hefted him and lifted him, dropping him belly down onto her soft, musk reeking tail. His cock slipped into the tailfur as he shuddered.

Then he felt her paws on his ass cheeks, and he groaned lifting them towards her submissively. "P-please... fuck my... p-pussy." he moaned out towards her, begging her to fuck his ass in a way even in his now lust addled mind, knew she would love. He heard a satisfied grunt in response, and knew he had hit a mark. She was becoming more and more... feral seeming. Maybe it was the testosterone of her workout. Suddenly he felt a pinching sensation and a intense pressure. he could feel the bulbous head of her massive cock pressed to his asshole.

"This is what your prom date should have felt kitty. This is what a real cock feels like." Came a growl from behind him, almost as if she was chewing on the words, and with a grunt from both of them he felt her head breach his anal ring and slide inches into his ass. Valmont howled. Uncaring the skunk above him pulled back and slid forward deeper inside him. Valmont grasped at her tail and the bench underneath as he bit his lip. He grimaced again as both her claws paws found his hips and dug in deep, gripping him hard as she pulled back and only three thrusts in he could feel her cock's median ring bumping at his cheeks.

"No... can't... to much..." He grunted out, his cock spasming again and spluttering out another load onto the skunks tail.

"To bad." Came the grunted reply as she pulled back and started to pound away.


Came a rhythmic sound as she fucked his ass, his legs spread lewdly over the bench, his muzzle pressed deep into her tail as he nipped his lip again, and inhaled her raw scent. Forced to do so as he was buried in her tail. She fucked him and she fucked him good. All he felt was stretching and heat for the first few minutes, her massive spire of meat molding his ass around itself, stretching him in ways he would not have thought possible. All the while her claws gripped into him and he moaned like a bitch in heat with every deep thrust. Just as he was finally starting to adjust though, one of the clawed paws moved form hip to the back of his neck, holding him down as with a deep horse-like snort, the half-zebra skunk pulled back and thrust again, her medial ring spreading his cheeks further apart before popping in his ass.


Her rhythm broke now as she started to thrust in harder and with less skill, seemingly more concerned with cramming all her massive cock into his lithe kitty frame. he tried to struggle, but he felt her, claw around his neck, squeezing as he gasped for her musk tainted air, one on his hip digging in. he felt her looming over him, almost as if she took up all the room around him. It was like he was claustrophobic, and she was the room closing in on him. It was amazing. Even his ass, aching and sore was starting to feel pleasure again. It always did, but... now it was more then the heat, the raw pushing. He gasped as her grip losened for a moment, before gripping again around his throat with bestial intensity.

Suddenly he heard a victorious growl from the woman pushing him down. He felt her SO deep inside him, but now every thrust was accompanied by a slapping sound. her heavy black orbs slapping into his own puny ones, like two thick soft apples battering against his grapes. It reminded him again, not that he needed it, how pathetically insignificant his body was compared to hers. Suddenly the rhythm was found again. A steady quick rhythm now. Faster then before.


Came the sounds of her hips smacking into his ass.


Came the sounds of her balls so completely battering and slapping agasint his.

He could feel her swelling inside of him. He came again. His useless cock sputtering out a single spurt of seed this time as he felt her cock rubbing against his prostate, her massive flat head growing even more obscenely big as it battered against his feline colon. Seconds latter he would feel her thrust in and stay there hilted so so deep inside of him Valmont could hear her groan, feel her tense as she started to flood his backside with skunk spunk. Seconds later he could feel it splashing outside, seeping around her cock onto her tail, and coating his own meager cock in her dominant jizz. It was almost poetic the way his own one little spurt of spunk was washed away in a tidal wave of skunk spunk that had been churning in her zebra sized black orbs.

He heard the skunk whisper "Your pussy feels great..." as he felt her cock throbbing in his ass. His girlish ass. He could feel every vein as the massive shaft pulsed in his espanded rump, the flat head inside him stuck no doubt till it shrank, even after rope after sticky wet rope of cum was flooding into him.

That was the last thing Valmont remembered. He woke up on a bed on the second floor, not even cleaned. His cock was now crusty with the skunks cum, obviously having been left on as a mark. Beside him was a was a cute white cabbit with a collar and a green stone in it. She explained to him, her mistress sometimes gets a little aggressive after she works out. And with a smirk would relay to him how her mistress enjoyed using his pussy, and how even if he did have a tiny little prick, he was welcome back if he ever wanted to work out again. Valmont blushed, embarrassed as this total stranger smirked obviously with full knowledge of what happened and his own inadequacies. He grabbed his cloths, and hurried out, apologizing. It was early int he morning now. Very few people where in the club to see the nude, cum spattered feline make his way to the car.




A couple days later, he arrived in the parking lot of Club Chaos. He nervously made his way over. He spoke with the bouncer, who smiled at him. "Can I help you hun? Back again?"

Valmont nodded, his head low as he whispered. "I um. I'm here to... w-work out with mistress..."