Kobold in a field (Otherwise Untitled)

Story by Moriar on SoFurry

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#27 of Short Stories

A kobold sits in the field as it rains.

~ The kobold sat alone in a field, beneath a sky of clouds. The day's heat had finally broken, and cool rain beaded off her scales and seeped into the cloth of her jacket. Arms wrapped around her knees, the kobold buried her face into her knees. With the arrival of raindrops, it was safe to cry. None would be able to see her tears, and the dull rumble of thunder in the distance would drown out her sobs.

~ As she cried amongst the grass, the pain and truth of the others' words was slowly quenched in the downpour. It wouldn't take long for her jacket to be soaked through, but it was both warm enough to not be a problem and dark enough of a moment for the kobold to not pay heed to the next few steps of her life's tale.

~ A kobold sat alone in the field, beneath a sky of clouds. There was no one else to provide support, advice, or additional stinging truths. She cried in the rain.

Funeral on a Station (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The station chaplain leaned back from the altar, surveying the arrangement. The cactus from his office stood prominently in the middle, a loud reminder to keep to hope. The small figurine of Death, a hooded gryphon with face unseen, took the...

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Mornings in the Dark (Otherwise Untitled)

~ Frank rolled over with a groan. The ceiling was a soft blue-ish glow, and he could faintly make out the shadows cast in moonlight on his far wall. The otter looked to the clock. One in the morning. He resumed staring into the featureless sea of dimly...

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Abandoned Gas Station, Cold (Otherwise Untitled)

~ Feril, stepping out of his car into the cold Winter night, counted the luck he'd found. He'd just managed to coast his car to a stop at what appeared to be the rusted out remains of a gas station long since given up for dust. The husk of a building...

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