Funeral on a Station (Otherwise Untitled)

#26 of short stories a chaplain holds a funeral service aboard a space station. ~ the station chaplain leaned back from the altar, surveying the arrangement.

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A Patient Death 09: Tradition & Triumph

"now, high chaplain, with respect--" magister baine started, but wrast cut him off. "i am not looking to point fingers magister, but mistakes have been made." the chaplain exclaimed. roland's stomach sank into a hole. _here it comes, the crucifixion.

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Blue Valley Underground - Part 15 - Note

The chaplain explained dolefully, "chaplain sanford was in charge of overseeing her progress. he claims she was cruel and abusive towards him, called him vile names and such.

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Fugitive's Trust Prologue Part 1

It wasn't much, but any comfort she could offer to the chaplain and the rest of the survivors was well worth it. "i'll have something for you in a moment." she told the chaplain.

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Blue Valley Underground - Part 12 - Welcome

chaplain kohl sighed, "she certainly is in need..." clara offered a charming smile and batted her long lashes. the priest chuckled, "very well. just until she finds work."

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Chakat Brokenclaw: Emergance

I'm a chaplain." i took a mouthful of the stew with my spoon, and paused for the rich flavor that slid across my tongue.

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A Patient Death 14: Army of Thieves

High chaplain wrast, the current leader of the inquisition, had used roland to help legitimise this fool company, and now his name was going to be written paw-in-paw with their inevitable epitaph.

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Burden of Command

I looked over and saw the chaplain. i could see the pain in his eyes. he must have done this hundreds of times. how could he stand to do this job?

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Seeds of a Glowing Ember - 08

As he peered around the room, all of the items which the old chaplain traveled with were gone, including the book which had caused so much trouble.

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In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 15)

The black cross on his epaulettes marked him out as a chaplain stop this must be the padre from the borders controlled area headquarters, i thought.

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Zootopia: ZCOPS Sea Knights part 2 last part

We need the chaplain and the grief counselor available at dusky pier. you should notify officer snarloff too so they can't miss the chaplain and the counselor when they arrive. scene: realizing that they can't find the cub.

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