Kobold in a field (Otherwise Untitled)
#27 of short stories a kobold sits in the field as it rains. ~ the kobold sat alone in a field, beneath a sky of clouds.
A Memorable View - medium poem
The flat plain of fields full of corn fly past the window of the speeding car. in the distance you see small patches of trees. they become dense, more frequent as you flee the rural land. the hills begin surrounding the road.
Field Research - Thesis and Introduction
#1 of field research i forget the exact story that lead to this. simply, i wanted to do a sequel to academic study starring macie, because i really like the idea of a nerdy girl exploring her sexuality in semi-scientific way.
Ice Flower Field
_My heart is gone and the only thing left is a black hole of,_ _Hate,_ _Rage,_ _Sadness,_ _And fear._ _I feel all the bad things every year._ _I look into myself to try and find the good but,_ _I never can for the black hole takes all...
Hodges Field: Chapter 1
The clouds had parted and the sun was shining through them down onto hodges field. the field was enclosed by natural barriers. there were large hills and a mountain range that closed the field off, except for four gaps between the hills.
The Field
**the field** i crave to be out in the field. to be stalking my prey in the tall grass. my senses at their peak and feeling my heart beat. sitting silently while watching my prey, learning its weakness and strengths.
The Field
fields were to his left, and the long browning grass swayed in the breeze as leaves danced past him and towards the rise. colour danced in the field, asters and daisies and cornflowers, and he could smell the last of the summer about him.
In the Field
_Apr 5, '97_ _Spoke with Col. Maurice today. He says the guerilla fighters are going to move against the security checkpoints in Yorber. He's an idiot. They won't attack in that pattern again - They're too smart for that. I know they're going after...
Cosmic Stars - Chapter Twenty
"there is still no sign of any infections but we'll continue our sweep of the asteroid field." "focus on any large candidates in the nearby area first," yukiomaru ordered, doing his best to ignore tang.
Field Research Entry 1: Losing It
#2 of field research well, here's the first. thanks again to phsuke for allowing me to borrow macie. see you in two weeks. macie belongs to phsuke, used with permission. i've gone into heat. i've expected, even anticipated this.
The Story of Dyona
They were going to the fields to pick the white cotten. on rare occasion they were given gloves or found them. most things that have been dropped are picked up by the workers, and placed in they're huts.
the milf and I
My name is greg, i'm a nice person, about 5'3 brown with white belly and a long thin tail i'm a field mouse. my age is 17 my friend pete is a skunk, about my height if a bit taller, about 5'5 same age black with the white stripe going down his back.