Lysander's Adoption, Part 2

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Obligatory Content Warning: The following story contains GRAPHIC SCENES of a SEXUALLY EXPLICIT NATURE between an ADULT and CUBS, and INCEST BY ADOPTION. GAY SEX OMFG. If any of this offends you, DO NOT READ ON. By reading beyond this point, you waive your right to be offended by my work, because YOU WERE WARNED. For anyone who I haven't scared off... enjoy!

What a day it had been. All at once, Lysander had been taken in by a new family, discovered that his previous foster home had been secretly filming him and spreading the movies around online, and now he was living in a household that was, allegedly, sexually open. Given the way Lys had discovered his internet fame, he didn't doubt that they were sincere, but he was still wary. It was so much to take in all at once!

This first day hadn't been all drama, though. Josh, one of Lys's newly adopted fathers, had made pizza for dinner. It was different than what the cheetahfox was used to, but pizza was pizza, and that was never anything to turn one's nose up to. It was actually pretty good. Still, the boy felt a little awkward at the table, watching as his adopted brother tore into his portion with reckless abandon. He briefly wondered how the squirrelfox could remain so thin if he ate like that. But then he remembered the "activities" that Beau and Josh had disclosed to him, bringing a little cringe to his face, which thankfully went unnoticed by his new family.

"So, um," Lys said, looking up at his newly adopted brother. "W-whussit like... umm... bein' yiffy on camera?"

Beau giggled, answering between bites of pizza. "It's fun! Sometimes we do kinda... weird angles... so the camera can see it better... buh mostly it's jus doin' what we always do... jus makin' video of its!"

Lys nodded. That made sense. Still, though, he wondered... "An, uh... w-whu kinda things do ya usually do?"

The squirrelfox cub grinned. "Well, sometimes Daddies and I suck each other. A lotta times, actually. Havin' peepees in mah mouth is fun!" he said, giggling as the fennec flicked his ear. "Well, it is! And sometimes Daddies put their peepees in my butt. That feels nice, too. Sometimes Daddies'll have sex an I'll jus watch, or Daddy Wuffy'll hump Daddy Fopsie's butt and I'll hump his muz--"

"Beau, don't you think you should show a LITTLE discretion?" Josh said, cutting off the cub.

"Dis-cre-tion? What's that?" Beau asked, tilting his head and looking at the fennec.

Well, at least Lys knew they weren't lying about being open. Still, though, he felt butterflies in his stomach. After everything he had been through, could he really trust these new furs? His... new family? Only time would tell.

Josh shook his head. "One day you'll learn, Beau... one day." The fennec looked over at the cheetahfox. "How was your dinner, sweetie?"

"Huh? Oh, was good!" Lys chirped, taken off-guard by the sudden interest by his new father. "When do I get ta meet my other Daddy?"

"His flight was delayed," Josh replied. "He won't be getting home till late, so you'll have to wait till morning to meet him."

"Aww... otay," Lys said, his ears lowering a little as he pouted.

"Don't worry," Josh said, reaching across and ruffling the boy's headfur. "He's very excited to meet you, lil guy."

Lys smiled and perked up, giggling a bit at the ruffles. "Otay!"

"That's a good -- ack!" Josh gasped, his eyes shutting as he moved his paws under the table.

Lysander raised an eyebrow, then looked over and noticed that his new brother was nowhere to be found. Curious, he peeked under the table... and saw Beau on his knees, his nose buried in Josh's groin. From the suckling sounds and the bobbing movements of the squirrelfox's head, Lys immediately figured out what Beau was doing -- and the cheetahfox couldn't help but to giggle.

Beau flicked his ears, and pulled off the fennec's cock with a slurp. "Gettin' desert," he said over his shoulder, flashing Lys a quick grin before he took the adult's member back into his muzzle and resumed suckling it, his paws reaching up and fondling his balls.

Josh gasped, his paws grabbing onto Beau's ears. "B-Beau... don't you think... ngh... oh gods, don't stop," he moaned, his hips starting to roll to meet the squirrelfox's muzzle bobbing along his length. It was a bit of a family tradition at this point -- after dinner, someone would blow someone else. Usually Beau blowing one or both of his daddies.

It seemed incredibly silly to the cheetahfox. Maybe he'd have to try that himself sometime.. For now, though, Lys sat down under the table, watching with amusement as his adopted brother felated their adopted father. He had to admit, the other cub looked like he was having a lot of fun with it. But he wasn't ready to do that yet. For now, he just watched, sitting down crosslegged under the table.

The air filled with the lewd sounds of the pink cub sucking hungrily on the fennec's dick, and its owners soft, pleasured moans. After the little incident of discovering that Lys was unaware of his porn star status, Beau had refrained from his usual routine of sucking dick at every opportunity, and he was determined to make up for it now. The squirrelfox cub glanced over his shoulder, and giggled around his daddy's cock when he spied Lys sitting nearby, watching him perform. He pulled off with a slurp and grinned at his adopted brother. "Wanna have a taste?" he asked.

Lys squeaked and shook his head, inching back a bit. He blushed deeply under his fur -- while the boy was certainly interested, it just seemed... weird... to hop into it so quickly.

Beau giggled at his new brother's response. "Ok. More for me, then!" he said, before diving back down and resuming his suckling. His paws gripped and massaged the fennec's knot, the boy using every technique he'd learned over the years to bring the fox to a quick cum.

A flick of the tongue here, a little squeeze there, and the fox was done for. Josh's left paw twitched uncontrollably as he came in the pink cub's muzzle, his cock pumping a few shots of his seed into the boy's eager maw. Like the seasoned pro he was, Beau milked the adult's cock for all he was worth, and pulled off with a slurp, leaving the fennec's member shiny with spit, but clean of cum.

"Thank you, Daddy!" Beau said, grinning up at the fennec and showing off the load in his muzzle before swallowing it down. Satisfied, he crawled out from under the table, and tapped Lys's shoulder. "C'mon, lil bro, let's go have a bath before bed!"

Lys looked at the adult, taking a moment to watch his deflating cock before Josh tucked it back into his pants, then stood up. He squeaked as the pink boy grabbed his paw and practically dragged him out of the kitchen towards the stairs. "D-does he usually squirt that quick?" Lys asked once they were out of the room.

The pink cub giggled and shook his head. "Nah. I jus know how to get him off real fast. Sometimes I take my time with it, buh I didn't wanna take TOO long tonight, 'cause I wanted plenty of time ta take a bath with ya," he said, pausing as they reached the bathroom upstairs. "Umm.. DO ya wanna take a bath with me?"

This gave the cheetahfox pause. While he had certainly enjoyed the occasional bath with his foster siblings, it had taken him quite a while to build up that level of trust (which, as he had just discovered, had been violated without his knowledge). Beau was certainly a lot more forward than Lys was used to. But could he trust this pink cub?

"It's ok if you don't wanna," Beau said after a minute's silence. "I jus thought it'd be fun, is all."

Lys tugged on the bottom of his t-shirt and stared at his feet. It was a tough question. Part of him wanted to say no. After all, he didn't know if he could trust his new brother yet. But a part of him wanted to say yes, to put some blind faith into the blinding pink fur. Beau did say earlier that he wouldn't have to do anything he didn't want to do...

The cheetahfox squeaked as he suddenly felt a paw tap his shoulder, and looked up to see Beau's smiling face. "Don't worry about it. We can do it some other time," he said, and motioned to the bathroom with his head. "Wanna go first?"

"Uh... I guess," Lys replied, his tail whipping about behind him.

"Kay!" Beau said, and bounced into the bathroom, skidding to a halt in front of the tub. "C'mere," he said, beckoning the snowy-furred cub over with one paw as he fiddled with the faucet with the other.

After a moment's hesitation, Lys padded forward, his paws fiddling with the bottom of his shirt, twisting it this way and that. He paused next to his new brother, watching the water flow from the tap. It still amazed him how large the tub was. It was massive! Easily large enough to fit two adults (plus the fluffy pink hybrid, as the older boy was quick to point out -- and he'd clearly wanted to say more, until Josh stopped him).

"Everything going alright, boys?"

Lys let out a surprised yelp. He hadn't expected their adopted father to come uptairs so quickly and quietly.

"Yup! Jus' helpin' get a bath ready fer Lyssie," Beau said, beaming up at the fennec before returning his attention to the younger boy in front of him. "How hot d'ya like yur baths? Put a paw in the water, lemme know if it's too hot or too cold."

"Uh... kinna warms?" Lys said, edging over to the tub and kneeling down. He reached a paw under the tap and felt the water. "Umm... widdle hotter?"

Beau nodded and adjusted the taps, then leaned in and snuck a quick lick on Lys's nose, earning a squeak from the younger boy. "There ya go!" Beau said, standing up and pulling off his shirt. He grinned at the younger cub as he pulled off his shorts and undies, freeing his sheath. "Have fun!" he said as he dashed out, dumping his clothes in the hamper by the door on his way.

Lys watched his new brother leave, and looked up at Josh as the fennec walked in. "Umm... d-does he always do that?"

The fennec just rolled his eyes. "All the time," he said as he sat down on the edge of the tub. "Want me to give you your bath, or do you want to do it yourself?"

For a moment, Lys remained quiet. He scanned the bathtub, looking around for bath supplies. Multicolored bottles lined the back of the tub, and he had no idea what any of them were. "Umm... w-would you?" he asked.

Josh smiled and ruffled the cub's headfur. "Sure thing, lil guy." He leaned in and slipped his paws up Lysander's shirt. "Want me to undress you?"

The little cub squeaked at the sudden contact, shivering as he felt the adult's paws on his sides. "I-I can undwess myself..." he muttered, looking down at his feet.

"So can Beau, but he sometimes asks me to undress him for bath time," the fennec replied.

That earned a giggle from the cub. He released the bottom of his shirt and lifted his arms, allowing the adult to remove the article of clothing, which he promptly did. Once his shirt was clear, Josh pulled the little cub into his chest and hugged him, and tickled his belly.

"Ack! Tickles!" Lys squeaked, squirming about in the fennec's arms as he giggled uncontrollably.

"Well, I'll have to remember this," Josh whispered as he slipped his thumbs into Lysander's shorts, his paws guiding the boy's pants and underwear to his ankles. "Step out."

Lysander blushed when he realized that he was naked around this new adult, but stepped out of his clothes, and glanced at the tub. It looked like there was a good amount of water now. Perfect for getting a soak going. As the adult released him, he stepped into the tub and sat down, giggling as the water caused the fur on his legs to float upwards. "Warms..."

Josh grinned and reached over to ruffle the boy's headfur again. "Good temp?" he asked, reaching a paw down to test the water.

"Uh huhs!" Lys replied, splashing a little with his handpaws and kicking his feet. His tail swayed happily behind him as the tub filled up around him, rising to the tops of his legs, covering his groin and teasing the bottom of his tummy. The tub did feel rather empty with only him in it, though. Maybe he would ask Beau to join him after all...

But that was a thought for later. Right now, Lys was warm and safe. He giggled as he laid back, taking a breath as he completely submerged himself in the water. After a few moments, he sat back up, giggling as he felt a cascade of water releasing itself from his soaked fur. He shook his head, inadvertently throwing off some water onto the fennec, then looked over at the line of bottles on the wall side of the tub.

The adult laughed as he was splashed, and reached across the tub, putting a paw on Lys's shoulder. "So, little guy... we've got a few different shampoos to choose from. This one's Beau's favorite," Josh said, tapping a pink bottle with a picture of a strawberry on it. "Strawberry scent, very pronounced. These other three have much lighter scents," he said, tapping three bottles going down the line. "Feel free to grab 'em and smell 'em, see what you like."

Lysander scooted over and examined the bottles more closely, glancing over to the bottles he hadn't mentioned. One in particularly had him curious -- it was simply a black tube, no label. "What are these?" he asked, pointing at the black bottle in particular.

"Umm... well, a couple of those are conditioners," Josh said, pausing as he locked eyes on where Lys was pointing. "And that one is, uh... well, that's for when we... play... in the tub."

The cheetahfox bent backwards, looking upside down at the adult. He hadn't heard of using shampoo to play. It seemed kinda silly, but if he could play fun games with it, he wanted to know! "How d'ya play with that stuff?" he asked.

It took a few moments for the adult to respond. "It's... lube. You know, for making your penis slick for when you're gonna put it in someone," Josh said.

"Oh," Lys said, looking back at the bottle. "Ya keep that heres?" he asked.

"We keep bottles all over the house," Josh said. "Beau's got quite the sex drive. We found it's just easier to keep them concealed around the living areas, and just out in the bedrooms and bathrooms." He chuckled and shook his head. "He's actually been very reserved today, believe it or not. I know he was excited to finally get a sibling. Don't worry, though, he won't make you do anything. He might beg you to play with him, but he'll respect your boundaries if you say no to anything."

Well, that was a little surprising. Guess it made sense, though. And again, this emphasis on doing what he wanted. That seemed a little strange, but to this point, Lysander's whole life had been a little strange. For now, he'd put that out of his mind. Lys reached over and grabbed the pink shampoo bottle. He looked at it for a moment before popping it open and sniffing. A powerful scent of strawberry immediately assaulted the cub's nose, and he sneezed, then closed the bottle.

Behind him, the adult could barely suppress a laugh. "I had that same reaction the first time I smelled that shampoo," he said, ruffling the cheetahfox's headfur. He reached over and grabbed another bottle and popped it open, then offered it to Lys. "This one's got a much lighter scent."

Lys leaned in and sniffed the other bottle. This one was indeed much lighter, vaguely flowery. He didn't know what it was, but it did smell nice, so he put the pink bottle back on the shelf and smiled up at the fennec. "I like this one," he said, pointing at the bottle.

"Lavender it is, then," Josh said as he poured some out onto his paw. He placed the bottle down as he began to massage the shampoo into Lys's fur, earning no shortage of giggles from the cub.

Giggles turned to purrs as the adult worked from the cub's head and shoulders to his chest and back. It felt nice, having someone give him a bath. At his foster home, he'd usually just bathe himself, or later on, with his foster siblings, once he'd gotten to know them. A fresh flurry of giggles rose from Lysander as Josh pulled his legs from the water and washed them, especially when the adult tickled the cub's pawpads.

"Alright, lil guy, I need you to stand up for a minute so I can get your bits and bottom," Josh said.

There was a moment's hesitation on the cub's part. Yeah, they all kept saying they wouldn't do anything he didn't want, but they were also clearly playful with each other. But he could trust the fennec, right?

With slightly trembling paws, Lysander grabbed onto the sides of the tub for support as he stood. A cascade of water freed itself from his fur as he stood. His tail flicked behind him as the adult's paws reached for his groin. Moment of truth...

Lysander giggled as the fennec's paws started lathering shampoo into his crotchfur. It was kinda tickly. He shivered as the adult's paws moved around to his bottom, and he squeaked when Josh gave his rump a little pat.

"There ya go," Josh said, smiling at the cub. "Have a seat so you can rinse that out, then feel free to soak for however long you want," he said as he stood.

Huh. Sure enough, the adult hadn't even tried anything with him. Just washed him. Lysander nodded and sat down in the tub, and looked up at the adult as he was leaving. "Umm... Josh?"

The fennec stopped and turned to look at the cheetahfox. "Yes, Lys?"

"Umm... c-could ya mebbe ask Beau if he'd wanna... uh... soak in da tub wif me? Is kinda big... and lonely," Lys said, trailing off.

Josh grinned. "I'm sure he'd be more than happy to," he said. "Back in a sec."

He didn't have long to wait. Less than a minute later, the pink cub ran through the door, giggling madly. "Brobath!" he cried as he leapt into the tub, splashing water all over the bathroom.

Lysander squealed as he was suddenly overwhelmed with water. He'd barely had time to recover before the naked pink cub was hugging him. "Ack! Beau! Too tight!" he squeaked.

"Sorry," Beau said, still giggling as he loosened his grip on the cheetahfox.

As Lysander regained his ability to breathe, he noticed the familiar feel of a stiffy poking against his leg. Well, they HAD said that Beau was a horny boy, and he felt a momentary twinge of guilt. What if he'd interrupted Beau while he had been playing with himself? But the thought was quickly lost as his new brother released him and splashed him again.

Well, TWO could play at THAT game!

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Rain beat heavily against the windshield as the wolf pulled his car up the short driveway. Days like this made Stuart especially thankful that his home had a garage. He watched as the door slid open, and let out a little sigh of relief. It was good to be home. Just a shame he had to get in so late.

A low rumble of thunder shook the house as the wolf turned off the car. As he climbed out, he glanced toward the trunk and shook his head. No need to bring his bags in tonight. They'd be fine in the car until morning.

Stuart slipped through the door from the garage, passing through the cloak room into the kitchen, and paused at the fridge. A drink couldn't hurt. Flying always dehydrated him, and the considerable amount of alcohol he drank at the airport and on the plane didn't help matters. He pulled a glass from the cabinet and filled it from the water dispenser in the door, and downed it. That was better.

The wolf's ears flicked as he set his glass in the sink. Their new cub would be here now. He stretched, then made for the stairs, his footfalls silent against the tiles. Despite his size, he could be quite stealthy when he needed to, and given the time, he didn't want to risk waking the cubs. He reached the top of the stairs without making a sound, his ears perked. The gentle thumping of rain against the roof and windows greeted his ears as he snuck down the hall and opened the door to the cubs' room.

Stuart grinned as his eyes fell on the bunk bed. The familiar pink boy was in the top bunk, lying on his stomach, his mouth open. A little puddle of drool sparkled against the pillow, and Beau's right arm and leg were hanging off the bed, showing that for once, the boy had worn pajamas to bed. The wolf wondered how long that would continue. Probably until the new boy got comfortable. Speaking of...

His eyes drifted to the bottom bunk, and he made out the shape of the white cheetahfox, snuggled up in a ball under the blankets. Lysander was facing toward the door, and in his arms he clutched a cat plushie. He looked so peaceful.

In a flash, Stuart was across the room, kneeling next to the lower bunk. He reached out a paw and laid it on the younger boy's shoulder, then leaned in and give him a light kiss on the forehead. Lysander stirred, but remained asleep. 'Can't wait to introduce myself to him,' Stuart thought as he stood up. Suppressing a chuckle, the wolf leaned in and gave Beau a kiss on the cheek, then slipped from the room as quietly as he had entered, pulling the door shut behind him.

As Stuart made his way back down the hall, he noted the thin line of light under the bedroom door. Josh might have stayed up to greet him. He glanced at his watch. The digital display showed 2:47. Equal odds the fennec might have fallen asleep with the light on. He eased the door open as quietly as he could, just in case.

"Evening, handsome."

Stuart grinned as he slipped inside, shutting the door behind him. The fennec was sitting up in their king size bed, illuminated by the lamp on the bedside table. His back was propped against the headboard, with a pillow tucked behind his head. The blanket was pulled up his legs, but Stuart could easily tell that the fennec wasn't wearing anything beneath it. "Hey, stranger," he said, unbuttoning his shirt as he closed the distance between himself and the bed.

"How was your flight?" Josh asked as he leaned across the bed, tastefully concealing his groin with his tail as his paws went for the wolf's belt.

The wolf groaned as he finished unbuttoning his shirt. "Fine once we actually got going," he said, chuckling as he felt his pants loosen. "Fucking delays... I've never had an on time flight out of Heathrow. Really should try to avoid that airport," he said as he slipped off his shirt.

The fennec tut tutted. "I suppose that's on you," he said as he unzipped the wolf's pants. "Lysander was disappointed that he couldn't stay up to meet you, and Beau was disappointed that he couldn't... well, you know." Josh looked up at his husband and gave a wink as he slipped his fingers into the waist of the wolf's pants and underwear and started dragging both down his legs.

Stuart rolled his eyes, and groaned again as he felt a familiar paw fondling his balls. "I think Beau will be fine until morning," he said, bringing a paw to his husband's head. His fingers played across one of the fennec's massive ears. God, how he found those sexy... just feeling them was getting him stiff, his tip slipping from his sheath.

"Mmmm... tonight, this is all mine," Josh whispered as he cupped the wolf's sheath with his other paw, massaging it to tease out more of his husband's length.

"Oh, babe," Stuart moaned. More of his member slipped from his sheath as the fennec's paws worked him. A week away from home left the wolf pent up.

A loud crack shook the house, almost immediately followed by a bright flash.

Stuart chuckled. "Can't escape the rain. First Britain, n-"

The wolf broke off his observation as an ear-splitting cry reached his ears. He locked eyes with Josh for a moment, then looked toward the door. That definitely came from the cubs' room.

Forgetting about his current state of undress, Stuart went for the door, nearly tripping over his pants and underwear around his ankles. He kicked them off as his mate leapt from the bed and pulled open the door, and the two adults scrambled down the hall.

"Beau?! Lysander?!" Stuart called as he ran down the hall. He skidded to a halt in front of the door, the fenenc close behind, and threw open the door.

By the dim light of the nightlight, Stuart spied Lysander in the corner of the room, curled up in a ball and whimpering madly. A quick glance to the bed showed Beau kneeling on the top bunk, his face screwed up in a mixture of sleepy confusion and fear. Situation assessed: something scared the shit out of Lysander. Probably the lightning. He crossed the room toward the cheetahfox.

"Lysander... Lysander, are you ok?" Stuart said as he approached, leaning down and offering his open arms to the cub.

The snowy cub lifted his head to look at the wolf, and shrieked anew. Pushed by adrenaline, the cub lashed out with his claws, catching the wolf on the nose.

Stuart stumbled backwards, pulling his arms back as the cub swiped again. He caught the cub's claws on his left arm, keeping the cub from striking his face, and eased backwards as Josh rushed in to take his place.

"Lys, what's wrong?" Josh asked, gathering up the boy in his arms.

As Josh replaced him, Stuart slipped back. Time to reassess. The cub was terrified by him. Injuries: a scratch and a few claw punctures. Nothing major. The cub was hyperventilating. Lysander's file had noted that he was asthmatic.

The wolf whipped around to look at Beau. The pink cub was still obviously groggy, but more awake now. "Beau. Did Lys have an inhaler?"

Beau blinked, and tilted his head. "Uh... I think so? Maybe in his backpack," he said, pointing toward the cub's pack by the desk.

Stuart leaped over and opened it up. Sure enough, near the top was a rescue inhaler. He grabbed it and leapt back toward his husband and the cub, holding out the inhaler. "Josh. Give this to him."

The fennec took the inhaler and popped off the cap, and brought it to Lysander's mouth. "Inhale, sweetie," he instructed as he pushed the inhaler to the cub's lips and depressed the canister.

The cheetahfox inhaled sharply, holding his breath for a few seconds before letting it out. His breathing was still hard, but it was less out of control now that he was in the fennec's arms. He muttered a few incoherent syllables before burying his face in Josh's chest.

"Shh, shh, it's ok," Josh whispered. "Daddy's here..."

A soft whump to his left caught Stuart's attention. He didn't have to look to know that Beau had slipped out of bed to check on Lys. The wolf wiggled his nose, testing how deep the cut felt, and picked up the scent of urine coming from the corner. Lysander probably wet himself, poor boy.

"Daddy Wuffy... is Lys ok?" Beau whispered.

"He will be," Stuart said, putting an arm around the cub's waist as Beau walked up to him.

"F-f-funder," Lys whimpered.

So that was it, then. Just as Stuart suspected. He stood up and ruffled Beau's headfur. "Josh, why don't you take the boys to the basement. I'm just going to grab a robe real quick," Stuart said as he left the room.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

After a quick sponge bath and change of clothes, Lysander found himself on a massive bed in the sound-proofed basement "studio," curled up with Josh and Beau. The initial shock of meeting Stuart had worn off, and he felt a little bad for scratching him, even though the wolf had assured him that it was fine.

"Well, damn," Josh said as he squeezed the cub, guiding the cub against his plush bathrobe. "You think they could have TOLD us that you're scared of thunderstorms."

Lysander whimpered, shivering as he felt the wolf give him a gentle pat on the leg.

"It's not your fault, lil guy," Stuart said. "But at least we know now so we can be better prepared."

The cheetahfox whimpered again. It felt weird being down here. The lights were brighter, the room warmer, the bed softer and more comfortable, but still something about it reminded him of that night he was taken into foster care. Flashes of memory, of a bed, a knife, then the thunder... all of the thunder... and waking up later in a hospital. It probably just slipped the foster care lady's mind that he was removed from his parents in a thunderstorm.

But he was surrounded by furs who loved him. Or at least, claimed they loved him. His foster family did the same, but they apparently betrayed that trust. Time would tell if his new forever family would be the same. For now, he was satisfied being snuggled between his brother and one of his dads while the other sat nearby. He was safe here... wasn't he?

Suddenly, a muzzle closed around the top of one of Lysander's ears. He squeaked as he felt his ear tugged, and the bed shook as Beau squirmed behind him, tugging playfully on the captured appendage. "Ack! Mah ear!"

"Mine now!" Beau exclaimed, nomming back onto it and continuing his little tugs. "Mmmmmf."

The smaller cub squirmed helplessly between his brother and dad, giggling at the silliness of it all. "Josh! Help! Save me!"

The fennec looked up at his mate, then down at the cub, and grinned. "But your giggles are so infectious." He watched for a moment, then tapped Beau's head. "Alright, let up, Beau. We don't want to push him too far. Last thing we need is another asthma attack."

Beau whimpered at that, but released Lys's ear. "Oh... right... forgot," he said, giving Lys a little squeeze. "Was jus... I'm so happy to have a lil brother."

As Lys settled down, he pressed back against Beau. Time would tell if he could really trust his new family. But for now, he was warm, he was safe, and he was comfortable. He yawned, and Josh leaned in and planted a kiss on his forehead.

"You two could sleep down here tonight if you want," Stuart said. "Might be better than upstairs, in case the storm picks up again."

Lys nodded and shut his eyes, curling up into a little ball. "Yes pwease."

The bed shifted as Stuart stood up, and walked around to the cubs, giving Beau and Lys quick kisses between their ears. "Alright, lil guys. Sleep well," he said. "Shall we head to bed ourselves, sweet heart?"

Josh nodded and gave the cubs a kiss himself, and started to climb out, until Lys reached out and grabbed his arm.

"Umm... M-misser Josh... w... would you stay too?" Lys whispered.

The adults exchanged glances.

"Stay with them, Josh," Stuart said. "And I can get properly acquainted with Lysander in the morning." He crossed to the other side of the bed and shared a quick kiss with his mate, then walked to the stairs.

The bed shifted again as Beau slipped out. "I'll be back soon, ok, Lyssie?" he said.

The cheetahfox looked up in time to see the pink blur heading up the stairs, dragging along the chuckling wolf. Three guesses as to what they were about to do. He shrugged and settled in against the fennec, yawning again as his tiredness began to overtake him. Though not before he realized something was missing.

"W-where's mah plushie?" Lys whispered.

Josh rolled onto his back, then rolled back onto his side, bringing the plushie from the bedside table. "Right here. Beau grabbed it while we were cleaning you up, in case you'd want it."

Lys nodded and took the plushie, squeezing it tight as he settled in against the fenenc. As he drifted toward sleep, time losing all meaning, he felt the bed shift again, and the warm body of his brother press up against him. For now, Lys was safe. But for how long?