Searching for Galahad Part Five

Story by JinyaKat on SoFurry

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#5 of Searching for Galahad

"Deep breath, Yoshi. Ready and hold!"

Bebe pulled the lacing tight, the corset cinching securely around Yoshi's middle, giving her already slim waist more definition.

"Good girl, now you know the next step. Bend and wiggle."

The tigress bent forward, shaking her shoulders until her breasts were properly positioned thanks to gravity. She loved the way that corsets made her modest assets look more fetching.

Mae sat across from her on the bed in her unlaced dress, giggling. "You always looks so silly doing that."

"I'm glad you feel that way, Mae dear," Bebe replied, cracking her knuckles, "because you're next. And with those mams, you're going to be doing a great deal of wiggling."

As Mae whined and stood up for her fitting, Yoshi stole away to the bathroom to finish suiting up. Aunt Bebe outdid herself with the gown she wore. Wine, with an embroidered corset top and billowing sleeves. The dress needed not just one crinoline petticoat, but two to fill out the sweeping skirt. She felt like a lady of the court as she slid the matching veil over her head, a ring of lace with a matching length of sheer fabric down her back.

"Yoshi, you decent?" Scotty called from the bathroom door. He'd been setting up he and Bebe's room for a quick shoot before they left for the ball.

"More than decent, Uncle Scotty!" The excitement in her voice was so obvious, it nearly jumped an octave.

He smiled winningly at her as she emerged from the room. "Simply gorgeous. We'll have the beat the gents off with sticks when we arrive."

"Ha!" Mae gasped her reply. "There's...only one...she's got her eyes on...Whew! How in the world do you breath in this thing? My lungs are all squished."

"From your chest!" Yoshi and Bebe answered in unison, chuckling voices of experience.

Mae attempted a few breaths as they instructed, her ample breasts pressed together and sitting up high on her chest, imprisoned in thick green cloth and sprung steel binding.

"That's better," said Bebe, then turning to her niece. "Now, about this mystery person you have your eyes on?"

Scotty patted his wife's shoulder. "Don't tease her too much. The whole con's been buzzing about it. You know how gossip gets around."

That caught Yoshi by surprise. They'd barely kissed hours ago. "How?"

Bebe was slipping her dress over her shoulders as she spoke. "The argument in front of Swain's, Ciero Lipshitz storming off in a huff, you're interrupted lunch date that you didn't tell us about." At Yoshi's embarrassed blush, her voice went from scolding to soothing. "You're a grown woman, and I don't want you to feel that you need to ask us for permission or anything, but I want you to be careful, especially if you're earning Cicero's ire. Scotty, I'm ready."

Scotty stood behind her already taking her lacings in his paws. "She's very well known as someone very connected, and very ruthless. Granted I'm glad to hear that Tobias isn't taking her crap anymore, he's a great guy, but we're worried about you."

Yoshi waited until Bebe was fully laced to argue. "But she threatened him. If everyone was paying such close attention to that argument, couldn't that be reported?"

Adjusting her corset in a mirror, Bebe shook her head. "It wasn't a specific threat, Yoshi. Tobias would have reported her if he felt truly threatened. She could have been just bellowing off some steam, for all we know. Just try not to be alone tonight, okay? That would make me feel a lot better."

As irritating as it was to be hear their worries, being not a cub anymore, Yoshi was certain that she would not be alone tonight. Tobias cared for her and he would not see her harmed. He didn't back then, and he certainly wouldn't now.

Tobias adjusted the last button on his coat and gave his hair a brushing. He'd worn this formal get up only rarely, but was surprised that it still fit. If only he could keep his thoughts soley on the ball tonight.

Earlier after his shower, Paul left him a message on his cell.

"Hey man, Cicero's been acting really weird tonight. I'm keeping an eye on her for you, so have a good time for me, alright?"

That Paul, Tobias shook his head. The canine was a good friend. Tobias knew he loved attending anything that would put in him in contact with as many fair females as possible. Having to pupsit his friend's nutty ex was a true sacrifice.

Once fully dressed, and after checking and rechecking and checking his appearance once again, Tobias truly felt he was ready to walk out the door. Yoshi awaited and he hoped that he would get his chance to keep his "sweeping her off her feet" promise.

As he opened the door, Cicero stood, poised to knock. Paul was at her side, holding her by the elbow.

"Come on, Cici, you know he's going to the ball, so let 'em.." Paul was telling her, then looked up to Tobias. "Sorry man, but she wanted to see if ya wanted to hit the hotel bar for the night."

"Shut up, Paul, I can talk for myself," the vixen snapped. In a loose white blouse and brown peasant's skirt, she looked far less glamorous than usual. The look in her eyes, though, were still keen as they roamed over Tobias' body. "You don't really want to go to that stupid ball, do you? You hate dressing up and dancing. I know you..."


"Cici, baby.." she pressed a paw to his chest, cooing. "Come on with us. You'll have a far better time with a more mature crowd that giggling with some young stupid girls. We're your friends and you're abandoning us."

Tobias pinched the bridge of his muzzle for a moment before responding, slowly. "Cicero, I'm going to this ball, like I promised. If you weren't acting so jealous, Paul would be there too, and you know you'd be there. I'm...I'm sorry, but I really like this girl. If you were really my friend, you would understand."

The slap came before he could finish the sentence, hard, snapping against his cheek He turned to respond, but Cicero was already storming towards the elevators, Paul at her heels. The dog turned to look back at his friend with a look of worry, but gave a thumbs up all the same.

"Don't worry about this man, you go and have a good time, alright?"

As they left, Tobias felt a sting of guilt, for both his friends. But a promise was a promise, and Paul would never let him hear the end of it if he didn't get down to the ball and sweep the reason for all this drama off her pretty feline feet. It would be all worth it in the end, of this he was certain.

To be safe, though, he would take the stairwell instead.

"Presenting Lord and Lady Townsend of Curties!"

Being part of a vendor group had its perks, like being announced like royalty upon entering the ball. Scotty and Bebe walked inside ahead of Mae and Yoshi to a burst of applause.

"Do you lovely maidens with to be announced together?" The guard, a hyena dressed like a page, asked them.

Mae shoved Yoshi at the door. "Oh no, she needs her own announcement. Go for it, princess!"

"Mae!" Yoshi grabbed her paw to stop the shove. "You're my friend, we go in together."

"But don't you want your 'knight' to see you all by yourself first? That sounds so romantic." The bunny smiled sweetly with a sigh.

Yoshi linked her arms with her friend's, shaking her smiling head. "You mush bucket, I'm sure he'll be able to tell us apart if he's already inside."

"Oh, Lord Swain's been inside for about 15 minutes," the guard added. "Best not keep him waiting."

Yoshi's face flushed brightly as she and Mae stepped through the threshold to the sound of "Presenting Lady Yosshi and Lady Mae, also of Cursties!"

The girls were surprised by how much applause they received coming in. All eyes were glued as they walked to were Bebe and Scotty were waiting for them near the dance floor. Tobias was with them,saying something to Scotty, stopping at half his sentence to look the tigress up and down. He straighten up his stance and approached her, looking quite sharp in a deep blue waistcoat and trousers. Yoshi's knees weaken a bit at the matching gaze in his eyes.

Bowing low, he took her paw and kissed it softly. "I hope I would have found you before you got too busy dancing."

"Sorry, my dance card just got full for the rest of the night," Yoshi brushed their intertwined paws against her cheek, then his. Unfortunately, it was the same smarting paw from earlier and he winced. "Are...are you alright?"

He gripped their paws a bit tighter, kissing hers again. "It's alright, darlin'. Ah, Cicero wasn't all too happy that I was still coming down here."

Concern swept over her face. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to be so much trouble for you."

He chucked then, pulling her close, and for that moment, Yoshi didn't give another thought to sore cheeks. Her hero was holding her. Life was perfect.

Before she knew it, they were on the dance floor, moving in a honest to goodness waltz. She hadn't' danced like this since the last Faire, and assumed that it was were Tobias learned his moves. She would have asked, if just looking him in the eyes didn't render her speechless.

After a few songs has passed, Tobias moved to her ear and whispered. "Yoshi, I am so glad you came and found me. You've grown up so beautifully."

"I hope you don't see me at 12 still," She pressed close, purring softly. "Or that I'm just grateful..."

His answering shudder made her feel even warmer inside. "Oh my God, no. I see you as a beautiful young woman, one I can't help but fall for. It's so sudden, isn't it? I've been thinking about you all these years, and now I see you and I, God help me, Yoshi, but I want you."

The tigress felt as if she was dancing on air. It was just what she wanted to hear. "I have always been yours, my knight. I've felt this way for longer than I realized, so it's not all that sudden for me."

Still moving in the waltz, Tobias tucked his paw under her chin, pulling her face up. Yoshi closed her eyes and awaited the meeting of their lips, finally, and damn anyone that would try to stop them this time. She moaned a bit at the first soft touch, the teasing, the tasting.

"Just as I thought, you even taste sweet," he whispered against her cheek. The music changed to something faster, but they kept their slow rocking side to side, trading kisses back and forth. Three songs passed before Scotty tapped Tobias' shoulder.

"If I may have a twirl with my niece for a moment?" his grin was wide, making Yoshi blush even more.

"Of course," Tobias stepped back, allowing the bruin to his place for a more active jig, matching the current tune. From the corner of her eye, Yoshi saw Mae grab the wolf's paw, pulling him closer to the dance floor. His sheepish look at the bunny's enthusiasm made her laugh.

"Yoshika," Scotty began, "you have found yourself a fine gentleman to be enamored with. We're proud of you, and I'm sure your folks will adore him. Now, tonight may seem kinda special, and..."

"I've had the birds and bees talk years ago, Uncle Scotty. Don't worry."

The bear coughed into his fist, then cleared his throat. "Ahem. That wasn't what I was trying to say. I was going to tell you that Bebe and I were heading off to a private gathering a few floors up and we're taking Mae with us - a few of the Eastern Mysteries girls are attending. If you don't happen to return to your room tonight, we won't notice, at least not to the report that we'll be telling your Mom and Dad."

Now it was Yoshi's turn to clear her own throat in embarrassment. Did he mean what she thought he meant. "Well, um, Uncle Scotty.."

"Just be back in time for the Ophelia shoot, okay? It's going to be just me and you setting up, and I want us to be done in time to check out of the hotel. Understand?"

Smiling, she happily nodded. "Thank you!"

Taking her by the waist, Scotty led her to where Mae was whipping Tobias around the dance floor. With one good turn, she sent him stumbling in their direction. Yoshi braced herself for impact, one leg behind the other and both arms up. Tobias managed to slow down before bumping into her forearms.

Mae tittered behind him, following Scotty to the other side of the ballroom. "How fun, you two!"

Yoshi mock swiped at her friend, then found herself pulled tight against Tobias' chest, his mouth seeking hers. She felt his heart hammering against her paws and his quickened breath. Breathing deeply through her nose, she picked up a subtle change in his scent, musky and sharp. Her mind reeled through her memories, attempting to place that scent.

It was the smell of an aroused male. The realization made her clamp her thighs together tightly, as if that would keep her body from responding in kind. Too late, she noticed, feeling the fur on her inner thighs grow damp with a groan of her own. The workings of his tongue within her mouth and his paws rubbing her body only make the reaction stronger, giving off her own scent.

Tobias broke the kiss and buried his face into her neck, breathing deeply. "I'm sorry, Yoshi, but your friend, she told me about you longing for me...and what she thinks you did while thinking of me last night. I couldn't help getting so turned on."

What she did last night? Yoshi wondered, confused until it hit her. Guess she didn't hide her masturbating as well as she thought she did. Damn Mae for tellign him that. She'll have to get her back later. Right now felt too good.

"..and here I am, acting like some horny 16 year old, damn near humping your leg. This isn't how I want you to remember tonight."

At the same time, he was holding back so much that Yoshi could feel him trembling. Such restraint touched her heart, but she'd much rather he keep touching her body. She craved more and soon, less she end up leaving a trail of wetness on the dance floor. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she proved that it was possible to press closer, letting her deepened purr speak for her.

"Are...are you sure, honey? I'm not just talking about a tumble in my hotel room. I'm playing for keeps."

"I want that, Tobias. Don't make me wait any longer, please." Just saying those words made her lightheaded. Finally, her deepest fantasy was about to come true.

He was quiet a moment, then murmured softly. "Then let me make this special for you. Care to meet me in the garden?"

"The garden?" She fully expected to be whisked away to said hotel room. But the garden did sound nice...even a little naughty.

"Yes, I want to grab a few things, a blanket and such. To be honest, this just popped up in my mind as a good idea, and well, seeing you modeling in the garden really, know?"

She laughed and kissed his cheek. He turned his muzzle and kissed her back, hard and deep, but quick. Before she knew it, he'd pulled away and was off and heading out of the ballroom. She immediately missed his touch, and used that desire to unfreeze herself from where she stood. The sooner she got to the garden, the sooner she could be in his arms again.