The Model - Chapter Four

Story by Billy Leigh on SoFurry

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#4 of The Model

This is a gay themed story that has been sitting on my computer for a while, so I decided to develop it into a new short series.After being hired to help with photoshoots for an underwear company, I developed an obsession with one of their models, a handsome Doberman by the name of Kurt Hauser. I never thought I'd stand a chance with someone like that. Until now...

Chapter Five to follow soon...

I was still on a high as we walked out of the building.

I looked over at Kurt and saw the Doberman was smiling too. "I thought you'd enjoy that," he chuckled. Doug, Spencer and Jerry were making their way towards their cars. "I'm gonna tell Rex we have a cute new model at the office," Doug announced, opening the door to his blue Porsche. I felt amused at going from a set designer to becoming talk to the town. "Want to grab a drink?" Kurt asked. "That sounds like a wonderful idea," I replied, wagging my tail. We waved as the other models drove off before Kurt gestured for me to follow him. "I know a place just down the street," the Doberman continued, taking me by the paw. I instinctively wanted to pull away, but remembered that guys walking paw in paw was pretty common in San Amador, and with Kurt's muscular military figure it was unlikely anyone would cause us any trouble. "So how long have you lived here, I've always been meaning to ask?" Kurt said as we walked. "Four years," I sighed. "But I've barely got to explore the place. I guess I was kinda agoraphobic." "Aw, that's sad," Kurt replied, giving my paw a gentle squeeze. "In that case I want to show you as much of the town as I can." My tail was wagging at the idea and I also felt happy that I had got to keep the briefs we had modelled from the photoshoot; they hugged against my crotch and the silky fabric felt especially comfortable holding my sheath and balls in place. However, as we kept walking feelings of concern kept nagging at my mind.

I'm with the guy I always wanted, but what will my family think?

I pushed the thought from my mind as Kurt led me back towards the seafront. This was one area of San Amador I was familiar with, the Boardwalk. It was a pretty location with small restaurants and cafes facing the sea. "Here we are," Kurt announced, leading me to a small but quaint looking café overlooking the beach. "I got to know all these places after moving here while I was still in the military." Kurt pushed the door open and I followed him inside. The scent of freshly ground coffee and baked pastries hit my nostrils. "Hey Sam," Kurt called to a grey Husky behind the counter. "Do you know everyone in every restaurant around here?" I joked. "Pretty much, often because I'm too lazy to cook," Kurt chuckled as we took a seat. "They do good coffee, or tea." "I'll have a green tea," I replied. "That's one of my favourites." Kurt signalled to the Husky and ordered me green tea and a coffee for himself. "One thing I enjoyed about modelling today, as well as interacting with all you guys, was getting to keep the underwear," I grinned. "Heh, it's certainly one of the biggest perks of the job," Kurt replied as the Husky set our drinks down. "I've got so many pairs now, Doug and I have a habit of giving them to our friends as gifts." "Well, I guess if don't know what to give people as Christmas gifts I have a way out," I joked. Kurt grinned before leaning in closer as if someone could be listening. "Between you and me, Carl and the guy who runs Wolf & Coyote are planning a trip to France to do a photoshoot for some new swimwear being released this summer. The other models don't know yet," Kurt explained. "This morning I overheard Carl saying he wanted you to come with us to model." "Awesome!" I replied as my tail thumped against my chair. "Once the shoot is done, we should travel around France and see some of Europe, and then head onto the UK before flying back here, it's something I had planned to do with Hector," Kurt continued, his brown eyes shining with excitement. I admit my smile shrank by a couple of fangs. Going to France and exploring Europe is something I would have enjoyed.

But my parents will ask questions and this seems a bit forward from Kurt, I mean I dunno if we're actually a couple yet. Then again you've already had sex with him.

Kurt sensed something was wrong. "You okay bud, I hope I didn't say something bad?" the Doberman asked. I paused, not knowing what to say. "No, you're good," I replied, putting on a smile. Dammit tell him the truth. "Well," I stammered, trying to find the right words. "I was thinking that such a grand vacation seems, well, it seems like a big thing to do so soon." "How do you mean?" "I guess I'm a little worried about travelling abroad," I claimed, knowing there was more to it than that. "But it does sound exciting at the same time." "It's okay man, after Hector died I have been searching for someone who would want to go on adventures like this to fill the hole in my life," Kurt admitted as a hint of sadness filled his eyes. "I don't wanna pressure you but it'd be an amazing vacation." "Oh, I," my words floundered about. I suddenly felt very guilty. "Hey bud, please don't worry," Kurt said gently, putting a paw over mine and giving it a reassuring squeeze. He fixed me a smile and I couldn't help but smile back. "I like it when you smile, you should do it more," he commented. I kept smiling as I sipped more of my tea, although the thoughts kept whirring in my mind. "Y'know, we should go for a walk on the beach," the Doberman said, stretching out. I could see his muscles rippling and flexing beneath his hoodie. I wondered if Kurt had flexed his muscles on purpose to grab my attention, and if he had it was certainly putting ideas in my head. "Yeah, I like the sound of that," I grinned. "There's a nice, secluded spot I know," Kurt continued. "Doug and I did a shoot down there once when Wolf & Coyote released their first swimwear range, I got to keep my pair and I have a spare since Doug left his at my apartment and hasn't claimed them back yet." "Do I dare ask what Doug was doing at yours?" I chuckled. "Let's just say it ended with his swimwear around his hind-paws and him pressed against the wall," Kurt chuckled. "That was when we first started modelling together." I smiled at the thought, but I also was impressed with myself for making a joke and laughing about it, something I rarely did before. Kurt seemed to notice. "You've certainly been the waggiest and most smiley I've seen you since we did the shoot, I told you you'd enjoy it," he said, giving my paw another squeeze. My tail was still wagging as Kurt paid the Husky and we left the café together.

The afternoon sun was shining on the water, casting an orange tinge on the waves as they lapped against the sand below. Kurt took my paw as we walked along the Boardwalk. Despite it being late in the afternoon, there weren't many people about. A young Vixen rollerbladed past us and a pair of teenage Otters were standing on the beach with surfboards. I glanced around and noticed another gay couple giving each other a peck on the muzzle as they stepped of a bar; a muscular black and tan Alsatian and a Wolfdog. The Alsatian was wearing a sharp navy blue suit and I wondered if he and the Wolfdog were actors of some sort, but then I recognised the Alsatian as the congressman who represented San Amador as he had sometimes come to my college to give speeches or hand out prizes at award ceremonies. "Evening gentlemen," he said as they passed by. "That's Friedrich Van Holling," Kurt whispered. "He was also stationed here in the military, but he was discharged not long after I arrived and became a politician. The other guy is his boyfriend, Doug has become friends with them as they go to a shooting range Doug's boyfriend works at." "For a politician he's really good looking," I mused. "Yeah, Doug also says he wants Van Holling's boyfriend to come and model with us," Kurt added. I glanced behind; the couple were walking down to the sand and I could see the Wolfdog's perky ass in his black jeans. "I endorse that idea," I chuckled. "Heh, anyway we could retrieve my car, grab some food and then head to the beach?" "Sounds good," I replied. Kurt grinned and took my paw again.

Kurt's green Lotus was waiting for us outside the Wolf & Coyote studio. The Doberman opened the door for me and I climbed into the slow-slung interior. "Ready?" He asked, before firing up the loud engine. The drive to Kurt's apartment didn't take long. "Wait here," he said, before giving me a kiss on the muzzle. "I'll be right back." I waited in the car, listening to the tick, tick of the engine as it cooled. I was excited for going the beach and my tail began wagging, but then the thoughts of my family crept back into my mind as I recalled something I'd overheard my mother saying.

I wouldn't have a problem if one of my friends had a gay son, but I'd feel let down if one of my sons was gay.

I told myself that that was several years ago, parents had said worse to their cubs and I no longer lived with her, but the memory still stung. "You okay?" I was shaken from my thoughts as Kurt climbed into the car. "Yah I'm good," I replied, forcing a smile. "Awesome, I got our swimsuits, I'm sure you'll like them," Kurt said with a wink as he tossed his sports bag in the footwell near my hind-paws. "And I've got dinner sorted for us, we'll just need to pick it up." Kurt fired up the engine and we sped back towards the main road. "Do you like Chinese food?" Kurt asked above the noise of the engine. "I do!" I replied. "Good, I know a place just off Arcadia Street that's awesome. It's not like a typical takeout and they make everything fresh in the restaurant," Kurt explained. "You are like a living tourist guide," I joked. "Well I'm glad I have a cute Coyote I can show around these places," Kurt grinned. I glanced out of the window and saw we were now on Arcadia Street, the main boulevard running through San Amador. Kurt pulled down a side street and stopped outside an inconspicuous looking restaurant called The Chef Imperial. " I'll be right back," Kurt said before he climbed out of the car. My ears perked up; it was somewhere I had not eaten at before. Kurt walked back out the restaurant door a moment later carrying a white plastic bag. "Sorry bud, I promise that's the last time I'll leave you," he said, giving me a kiss on the muzzle. "You don't mind holding these?" "Not at all," I replied, taking the bag and placing it in my lap. The food inside smelled wonderful and I felt my stomach rumble as the scent hit my nostrils. Kurt chuckled before he turned the car back onto Arcadia Street.

We drove out of the town and along the coast. I didn't say anything, but gazed out of the window. Kurt reached over and turned the stereo on. The sound of A Real Hero by College filled the car and I smiled contently as we drove along. "Here we are," Kurt announced as he turned his car down a side track. "This is a great car to drive, but I don't dare drive anything low slung further down the sand. You okay walking bud?" "That's totally fine." "Awesome, I'll grab the swim stuff if you take the food. It's a short walk." We climbed out of the car and Kurt took my paw to lead the way. The Doberman walked me down a short sandy trail which opened up into a small but peaceful and secluded looking cove. The water lapped gently against the sand, creating a soothing wooshing sound. "Woah," I breathed. "It's pretty." "Mmmhmm, I love it down here, it's a great place to escape to." I watched as Kurt laid out a large towel and placed the sports bag on top. "Normally I swim before I eat, but I don't want the food to get cold," he explained. I set the food down while Kurt pulled off his hoodie. Underneath he was wearing a tight grey tank top that defined his muscular chest. His military dog tags were hanging around his neck. "So, I got us beef noodles, chicken and sweet and sour pork," Kurt explained, reaching down to pull each container of food out. He then pulled out a couple of plastic picnic plates with some spoons and forks. "Here, dig in dude," he grinned. I opened the beef and put some on a plate before handing it to Kurt. The Doberman looked surprised but took the plate before giving me a kiss. I then put some on my plate and began eating. The food tasted fresher that other Chinese takeouts I'd had. "Mmm, that is good," I said, heaping some pork onto my plate. "I'm glad you approve," Kurt replied. "It's somewhere Hector and I would often get food from." I reclined back as I ate and listened to the waves.

Kurt glanced behind us, checked no one else was around and shed his jeans followed by his tank top. I could help but notice the pouch in the front of his briefs was slightly filled out by the outline of his cock.

Clearly Kurt has something on his mind.

I set my plate down and stripped down to my briefs too before laying back down. Kurt reached over and put his paw over mine. "Heh, clothes are overrated," the Doberman chuckled. "I wholeheartedly agree," I replied before Kurt leaned over for a kiss. We lay and watched the waves lap against the shoreline. "I think now would be an awesome time for a swim," Kurt announced. He reached into the bag and threw me a swimsuit. "I'm sure Doug won't mind you if you use his swimwear, although they're technically yours now since he never asked for them back." I turned the swimsuit over in my paw; it was a pair of blue and white swim briefs, the design was not unlike the underwear I had modelled. "For the record Doug is certainly cute, but when I invited you back to mine that was because I saw more than just a friend to have a casual fuck with," Kurt explained. "That's good to know I guess," I replied, although the idea of Kurt having sex with Doug seemed weirdly hot. Without wrapping a towel around his middle, Kurt stripped out of his briefs and pulled his swimwear on. The Doberman's were the same design of speedos to mine, although the trim was red and black. His sheath and bulge were outlined perfectly, something Wolf & Coyote ranges always manage to pull off. "Ready bud?" Kurt asked, taking me by the paw. I smiled as we both ran into the water. It felt cool and refreshing, and I splashed through it until it was deep enough for me to swim in.

Kurt was clearly a good swimmer, no doubt something he had to learn in the military. I splashed and frolicked about less gracefully before floating on my back. Kurt was swimming about nearby and felt I blissful sense of contentment, but as I floated around the feeling of worry about my parents came back.

There's no more hiding it if you stay with Kurt.

I pushed the thought away, not wanting it to ruin my happiness. After a few minutes of swimming it began to grow dark. "We'd better head back in," Kurt called. I nodded and swam after him. Kurt waded out of the water in front of me and I marvelled at his perfectly toned body and the way the Wolf & Coyote speedos emphasised his ass in the evening light. Kurt knew I what I was looking at as he perked his butt out and slid the swimwear down a fraction to show me his bare behind before pulling them up again. "Didn't I tell you it's rude to stare," he chuckled. "I can't help it," I replied. Kurt lay down on the towel and patted the spot next to him. "This has been wonderful," I said as I lay down. "I'm glad to hear that," Kurt replied, wrapping his arm around me. My tail thumped against the towel as our muzzles met for kiss. I closed my eyes and allowed him to slide his tongue into my muzzle.

This is what true happiness feels like.

Kurt broke off and slipped a paw down the front of my swimsuit. He fixed me his trademark grin as he fondled my sheath and balls. I closed my eyes as he rubbed the tip of my cock. "You guys must get a lot of practice at this in the studio washroom," I huffed as Kurt kept fondling. "Heh, we do, but I have the most fun doing it with you," Kurt said sincerely. "I haven't had a truly romantic moment like this since Hector died, we used to come here a lot and now I have a _new_cute guy to bring to the beach." My dick was emerging from its sheath as Kurt kept rubbing. "My, someone's getting excited," Kurt teased. "We could head back to mine and continue?" "That sounds like a great idea," I smiled. "The idea of sex on the beach sounds appealing until you get sand in your sheath," Kurt explained as he stood to pull his jeans and tank top back on. The Doberman didn't bother to change out of his speedos and slid his jeans over them so I did the same. "Thank you for taking me here," I said as we gathered our belongings. "No problem, I want to do it again," Kurt replied, taking me by the paw and walking me back to the car.

The sun had completely set by the time we reached the main road again. "I like driving around town at night," Kurt observed. I glanced out of the window; the streets lit by the Victorian street lamps did hold a certain charm. "I used to do it with Hector all the time, either in my car or on his bike. But now I'm glad I have you." Although Kurt's comment was intended to be flattering, something in the way he kept mentioning Hector and me felt strange, but I couldn't put my paw on precisely why. Instead, I reached out and took his paw. I saw the look of sadness in Kurt's eyes as we past a street lamp that lit up the inside of the car. I squeezed his paw and he turned to give me a reassuring smile. I felt concerned for the Doberman, but also intrigued that a strong and muscular canine could show a raw sign of sadness. "Here we go, home," Kurt announced as we pulled up by his apartment building. The Doberman turned to me, and now his expression was one of mischief. He reached out and groped the outline of my cock through the material of my jeans and swimsuit. "When we get inside I want to see you model your speedo before we go any further," Kurt growled playfully. "It's so I can pass on all your credentials to Carl before our next shoot." "Permission granted," I replied, shooting Kurt a cheeky grin. Kurt cupped my face in his paws and we shared another kiss.

A minute later we stumbled through the front door of his apartment kissing and pawing each other's bulges. "Okay Coyote, strike me your best pose," Kurt growled as he broke off. I shed my jeans and shirt and stood in the middle of his living room in my newly acquired Wolf & Coyote swimsuit. Kurt gave a wolf whistle as his eyes looked me up and down. "I guess it's only fair I do the same," he added, stripping down to his speedo. The moonlight shining through a gap in the blinds highlighted his abs and pecs. The sight wanted me to get frisky there and then. "Let's shower and have some fun," Kurt grinned. "We probably wanna get the sand off our fur first." I followed Kurt to the bathroom and watched as he turned the shower on. As I anticipated, the Doberman perked his rump out again and I could appreciate the curve of his ass in his speedo.

Damn, Dobermans have fine butts.

Kurt grinned as he seductively slid his swim briefs down his rump. "You know I worked as a stripper once in LA," I admitted. "Really, or in some ways that doesn't surprise me," I laughed. "Yup, not long after finishing in the military, although only for two nights. I was mostly performing for drunk middle aged women who screamed a lot." "Well, I hope I'm more enjoyable to strip for," I teased, again feeling amazed at how my confidence had grown. "Heh, you are by a long shot," Kurt chuckled. "Now off with that swimsuit mister." I shed my speedo and took Kurt's paw as he led me under the running water. Kurt grabbed the shower gel and performed his routine of rubbing it into my fur before allowing me to rinse it out. I took the bottle and returned the favour to Kurt, exploring his toned chest and pecs with my paw. "Thanks bud," Kurt said as he rinsed off the suds. I squeezed some more into my paw and began massaging it onto his sheath and cupping his balls. Only now I had them in my paw could I then appreciate how big they were and was amazed he could fit them into the tight underwear he modelled. Kurt took the shower gel and began rubbing some into my sheath too. My cock was still poking out and Kurt began stroking the shaft. "Hnng," I huffed, enjoying the feeling of him jerking me. "Heh, I better save it for when we get to the bedroom," Kurt chuckled as he rinsed himself. "I don't know about you but I'm feeling clean now." I nodded and Kurt shut off the water.

We collapsed on the bed in a tangle of arms and hind-paws, kissing and holding each other's dick. Kurt growled playfully, pinned me down by my wrists and began kissing down my chest. I squirmed as I could feel him get closer to my cock. The Doberman gripped it in his paw and began licking the tip while kneading my balls. I gritted my teeth as he licked up the pre-cum that was leaking out before sliding the entire length of my shaft down his muzzle. He worked his way up and down while gripping the base around my knot. I gripped the sheets as his motions grew more frantic. "Kurt, I'm gonna..." I began before I came hard into his muzzle. Kurt kept his head in place and swallowed all of my load. "You were definitely pent up after the shoot and me pawing you just now," Kurt panted as he pulled away and licked his lips. "That was a big load." The Doberman then straddled me and shuffled forwards. "I was wondering if you wanted to return the favour?" I glanced up at his thick pink cock as it hung before my face. The tip was wet with pre-cum that dripped off and hit me on my chest. "Wow, you pre almost as much as I cum," I observed. "Mmmhmm, and would you like to clean it up?" I sat up and licked gingerly at the tip. The taste of Kurt's pre was sweet and not unpleasant. I kept licking until the tip was clean. "How do I suck it?" I asked, splaying my ears as I realised how silly the question must sound. "Just place it in your mouth and follow the motions I did, watch your teeth though," Kurt advised. I placed the tip in my mouth and sucked while using my paw to jerk Kurt's shaft. The Doberman let out a deep grunt and a moan which suggested that he liked what I was doing. I kept sucking at the tip while jerking his dick, hoping to make him cum. Kurt was still grunting, but didn't show any sign of being at the point near orgasm. I tried sliding his shaft into my mouth but instinctively gagged. "Hey, it's okay bud. It comes with practice," Kurt said, stroking my face with his paw. "We'll try something else." Kurt gripped his dick and began jerking himself. I watched as he closed his eyes and panted. "Hnng, you want it in your mouth or on your face?" "My mouth," I replied with a grin. "Open wide!" Kurt growled. I opened up and he placed the tip of his cock between my lips. A warm load of cum shot out and filled up my muzzle instantly. I tried swallowing, but gagged again as the load continued to shoot out. I managed to get most of it down my throat but let out a cough. "Heh, sorry I should have warned it was a big one. Doing shoots do get me pent up too," Kurt admitted. He wrapped me in his strong arms and held me to his chest. "You were great though." He whispered. I smiled and lay my head against his chest.

A moment later Kurt set me down on the covers and yawned. "We should sleep," he said, getting up to turn the light off. I shuffled under the covers and Kurt slid in beside me. "I had fun today," I whispered he wrapped an arm around me. "Me too bud." In the intimacy of laying under the covers and thinking about the fun I'd had at the shoot, the idea of travelling to France with Kurt suddenly seemed very appealing. You only have one life, one shot at these sorts of things. Take it. "Um, Kurt may I ask something?" "Sure?" "Are we boyfriends now?" I asked carefully. "Would you like to be?" "I guess," I replied. Kurt smiled. "Then Alec we are boyfriends," he replied, giving me a kiss on the muzzle. I grinned and kissed him back. A thought suddenly occurred to me.

He used my name, not bud or man!

Kurt let out a yawn. "Uh, 'scuse me," he sighed, giving me one last kiss. "I love you, and good night." "I love you too Kurt," I replied. Kurt smiled and then his eyes closed as sleep came to him. I couldn't sleep, I felt, well there wasn't a single word I could use to describe how I felt; shocked, elated, buzzing, euphoric.

I have a boyfriend!

However, as the feelings of elation coursed through me, a gnawing sense of dread suddenly entered my mind. I knew I had to do it, but right at that point was crazy. However as I turned and rolled over in bed I knew the thought would eat at me all night. Sighing, I got up from bed and retrieved my phone from my jeans pocket. I felt like a guilty prisoner being taken to the guillotine as I sat down on the sofa and punched in a number. I held my breath as I heard the tone at the other end before a sleepy voice answered. "Hello?"

"Dad, I have something to tell you."