a tail of magic and mystery chapter 5

Story by twobunny on SoFurry

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#5 of a tail of magic and mystery

Chapter five

I go into research and development after checking that Michael knows some spells. The first thing I do is invent a variable speed perpetual motion machine and I test it with a electrical generator, replacing the engine and attached to it is a light bulb. I activate the device and success, It works. The next thing I invent is a device to separate hydrogen from oxygen in water and make it small enough to be practical. It takes a little time and finally I succeed. And finally, I create a high capacity energy storage device. This device has the capability of storing enough power to run your average television for a month straight and it is the size of a six volt battery and it is rechargeable.

I watch the news and from the information I am getting, there is going to be a conflict in the small country of Iran. I get the call from the Secretary of Defense. First he gives me a plan to be inserted as a commando to take out defense targets for the sea landing. I give him an option of having me as the entire force. He asks me how.

"I take off from an aircraft carrier flying low and using magic to take out the weapon systems. I continue inland taking out incidental targets and once at the capital, I find the leadership of the country and get him to surrender. The only thing I have to worry about is Alice and Michael. I don't trust anyone with their care."

"Not even the government."

"Especially the government. I'm sorry but I cannot participate in the battle."

"What if I make a guarantee that your children will be personally cared for while you are attacking Iran."

"And who would volunteer for that assignment."

"Let me get back to you on that."

Mr Secretary hangs up and a half an hour later he calls me back.

"I relayed the request through the President."


"The President himself and the First Lady volunteered. They say that if you can prevent any Allied causalities the least they could do is look after your children. They wonder why not your parents?"

"My father is in prison doing a life sentence for killing my mother. I was raised in multiple foster care homes."

"I'm sorry to have brought it up."

"It's like this, I hated my father for what he did. I loved my mother. And he took her away from me."

I am given a minute to compose myself.

"Sorry, I will have to tell the kids what is going to happen."

I get off the phone and ask Alice and Michael to come here and sit on the couch.

"Alice, Michael, Daddy has something to tell you."

Alice says, "What is it, Daddy?"

"Daddy has to do something and he can't bring you two along."

"Why, Daddy?"

"One thing is that you might get hurt. Remember in training, when I cast too many spells and the last one hit Michael."

"Yes, Daddy. He was hurt badly until you fixed him."

"Daddy doesn't want to you to be hurt like that. Daddy has found you a babysitter to look after you."

"How long will you be gone, Daddy?"

"Daddy doesn't know, but Daddy will make it as quick as possible."

"We'll miss you, Daddy."

"I'll miss you too, kids."

"When is the babysitter going to get here."

"He's not, you are going to the babysitter. He lives in Washington D.C. at the White House. You two are going to stay there."

"Really, Daddy."

"Yes, really. The President and the First Lady volunteered to take care of the two of you. I want you two to behave while I am gone."

"We will, Daddy."

"And I am going to teach you a spell that allows you to see and talk to me anytime through a television screen."

I cast the spell and using the television I see myself. And in an image that I can only see, I see what is looking at the television.

A week later, I gather and pack clothing for Alice and Michael. Enough for a week. Five days later I am flying from the secret location to Andrews Air Force base. From there, we are driven to the White House.

The Secretary of Defense introduces us.

"Mr. President, this is Alex Brown and his children Alice and Michael."

Michael hides behind me.

"Well, hello there. I'm not going to bite. You must be Alice. And you must be Michael."

"Yes, sir."

"Drop the sir, Just call me Uncle Jack."

"Yes, Uncle Jack."

"Is there anything I need to know about them."

I tell them about their vegetarian lifestyle and their love of ice cream and that they are allowed it once a week if they have been good. I tell them that Michael is an artist and is good with crayons (He does not have the fine motor control to use color pencils.) and Alice loves to listen to music. (her favorites are classical and anything oldies.) I am asked to stay overnight to help adjust the kids to the new environment and I don't refuse.

The next morning breakfast is brought to us and an aid assists the kids. I tell my goodbyes to Alice and Michael and we hug and I kiss them on the nose. I drive off to Andrews and catch the first flight to the aircraft carrier.

I stand there and watch as Daddy drives off. I know why he is going. He is going to keep others from getting hurt but I don't tell that to Michael. The aid that is assigned to us gives us crayons and paper and she wants us to know what we would like to do. Michael says that he wants to see dinosaurs, trains and planes. So a trip to the Natural History Museum, Union Station and the Air and Space Museum is in order. I, on the other hand, would like to see money being made. So that means that we are going to see the Treasury and the Mint. Then there are several other sites that is offered like the National Zoo and the National Aquarium. We rest for the day, eating lunch and dinner and an hour before bed, I am sitting in a very comfortable chair watching children's programming and Michael is asleep next to me. The next thing is that Daddy appears on the television.

"Hello, Alice."

"Hi, Daddy. I miss you."

"I miss you, too. How is everything at the White House."

"Just fine, Daddy. Tomorrow we are going to the Natural History Museum so Michael can see the dinosaurs and if we have time we are going to the Mint."

"That is good to hear. I hope Uncle Jack doesn't spoil you two."

"He won't, Daddy. Come home soon, Daddy."

"I will, my little bunny rabbit."

The next several days we visit museums and other local sights. Uncle Jack gave the aid some money for us to get anything we needed or wanted. Michael found a set of dinosaurs and have been playing with them ever since. Me, on the other hand, I am looking for something special. At the Mint they sell collectible coins. So I ask if I could have a set. I get the set with one of each coin in circulation with the current year on it. And every night we speak to Daddy until he reaches the launch site.

"Alice, Michael. I am not going to be able to speak to you for a few days. Daddy has a very important mission to take care of and when I am done, I will have a very important message for you to tell Uncle Jack."

"What is the message, Daddy."

"Daddy will tell you when he has finished the job."

"Okay, Daddy. Be safe and come home to us."

"I will.."

The next four days we hear nothing from Daddy. On the morning of the fifth day, Daddy appears and gives me the message. I ask to see Uncle Jack, telling the Aid that I have a message from Daddy for him. I am taken to the Oval Office and Uncle Jack asks for the message.

I tell him, "Iran has fallen, Tehran is in his control."

Uncle Jack asks if he could talk to Daddy. I say sure and we search for a television.

"Daddy, Uncle Jack wants to speak to you."

"Yes, sir, Mr. President."

"Fine job, how much resistance did you meet."

"Quite a lot at first until their weapons started to go off before I got into their range. And yesterday they pulled everything they had and tried to attack me and failed. I captured the Supreme leader and forced a surrender to me."

"Do you think their will be any resistance."

"I doubt it unless they use knives. Everything explosive in the country has been detonated and every gun is useless without bullets. And I have spells in place preventing unauthorized materials from coming in."

"How can you tell what is authorized and what isn't?"

"That is the nature of the spell. When a person crosses the border with weapons, the spell determines the intent of the driver. If the driver is hostile or has no knowledge of the weapons, they go off. If a US aircraft enters the airspace and has no hostile intent, then it's weapons systems are safe. You may send in the military in now."

Uncle Jack goes to a telephone and makes a call.


"Yes, Daddy."

"Tell Michael that I will be home as soon as I am relieved here."

"Okay, Daddy."

I watch as Daddy and Uncle Jack take care of business and sign off. I get lead back to the room I share with Michael and tell him that Daddy is coming home.

Three days later, we are flown by helicopter to Andrews Air Force base and we stand on a platform next to Uncle Jack. We see a big airplane come in and drive itself next to the platform. The doors open and Daddy gets out and walks over to the platform. Me and Michael run off the platform and into Daddy's arms.

"I missed you, Daddy."

"I missed you both, too."

We walk back to the platform and Daddy gives Uncle Jack a handshake.

"Nice job there, Alex."

"Thank you, sir"

"We have several things for you."

And that is when Daddy is given several medals for his bravery from Uncle Jack and the Department of Defense. I hug my Daddy as they hand the first medal to him. Michael does the same thing.

We head back to the White House to gather our things and Daddy and Uncle Jack are talking.

"These two haven't been any trouble, have they."

"At first, a little. But when Michael got his dinosaurs and Alice first saw the Mint, they became perfect little angels."

"That is good to here. I hate to have to punish them."

"How do you punish them?"

"I cast a freeze spell which prevents them from moving on their own. Especially during a temper tantrum."

"Won't that kill them?"

"No, all autonomic functions are allowed. Breathing and heartbeat are regulated as if the child is asleep but the brain is active."

"I wish I had that ability when my children were growing up."

"Most parents wish that, too."

We arrive at the White House and pack everything up and head for a local hotel. (Paid by Uncle Jack.) When we get there we order room service and Daddy tries to tell us what happened.

"Well, the trip on board the aircraft carrier was uneventful. When we got off shore, I created my pet dragon, Lucy."

"What does Lucy look like?"

I create a baby sized copy of Lucy.


"Then Daddy got on Lucy and she flew into Iran. Lucy can breath fireballs at targets to scare off anyone. Then Daddy had a problem. Daddy was getting shot at by those bad men, so Daddy cast a spell that stopped their weapons from working."

"Can you teach us that spell?"

"When we get home."

"The next thing I had to do is stop the airplanes that were trying to hurt Daddy. So Daddy flew to where the airplanes were and melted them."


"The last thing I had to do is find this one person. The Supreme Leader. I cast a spell that allowed me to find him. It also allowed me to hear what is going on."

Thank goodness that I had understand languages made permanent after meeting with the Kitsunes.

"I found out that he was massing everyone he could find to attack Daddy. I hid for a day waiting for them. When it was time, I got on Lucy, cast several spells to prevent them from hurting me and flew into battle. They were surprised when their guns didn't work and they ran away. I did a little search and found the Supreme Leader and made him surrender."

"Did you hurt many people."

"Daddy didn't want to hurt anyone, but it did happen." There were over 10,000 casualties.

I didn't go on from there.

A tail of magic and mystery chapter four

Chapter four Five days later the three of us, Me, Alice, and General White are flying in to D.C. and get first class treatment all the way. We are driven to Capital hill and shown to a closed room and several members of Congress await...

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a tail of magic and mystery chapter three

Chapter three This day I follow my mistress out to the dojo. The streets are clear except for a lone kitsune. My mistress stops in the middle of the street and I almost run into her. The other kitsune speaks, "Miss Kino, you...

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a tail of magic and mystery chapter 2

Chapter two I have successfully taken out the leadership of the terrorist group in the region and left them with a power vacuum. I am sent home and placed in secured housing in a secret location. I am allowed to go nowhere...

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