The Model - Chapter Eleven

Story by Billy Leigh on SoFurry

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#11 of The Model

This is a gay themed story that has been sitting on my computer for a while, so I decided to develop it into a new short series.After being hired to help with photoshoots for an underwear company, I developed an obsession with one of their models, a handsome Doberman by the name of Kurt Hauser. I never thought I'd stand a chance with someone like that. Until now...

Chapter Twelve to follow soon...

"Awesome, that's awesome don't you think?" "Yeah, really awesome."

I was once again sitting across the table from Justin and Charlene. I had drawn another set design which Justin was gazing over. Charlene looked up from her phone every now and again to comment. "I drew what came to mind," I explained. "Wow, you are quite talented Adam," Justin continued. "It's Alec," I replied. "Whatever, I think we're gonna need to keep you here," the Cheetah grinned. "That's the best design of a parking lot I have ever seen." The set I'd had to design was for a scene in which the phantom ATM chases the main characters across a parking lot.

I'd never been asked to draw a parking lot at Wolf & Coyote, but what the hell, I'm getting paid a lot to do this.

The studio had even give me spare cash to buy another set of clothes. Well, we don't want you turning up smelly to a meeting with the studio chief Justin had explained before he had tasked me with drawing the parking lot set. I had marvelled at the very expensive polo and jeans I had been able to buy, but I'd insisted on finding a store that sold Wolf & Coyote underwear. "So, we want you to draw another set," Justin continued, shaking me back to the present. "I want you to draw anything that comes to mind." "Anything?" "Yeah, we need a romantic scene for the end of the movie. Hell, the script no longer looks like the original book this picture is based on, so just come up with whatever you like," the Cheetah explained. "Okay," I replied, trying to conjure up an image of a romantic location in my mind.

I have just the thing.

I had been missing Kurt deeply. Ever since last night I wanted nothing more than for the Doberman to hold me in his muscular arms. I formed an image in my mind's eye and began drawing. I transported myself back to the peaceful cove where Kurt and I had gone swimming. I pictured the sunset, the waves gently lapping against the shore, Kurt's muscular body highlighted by the fading light and the magnificent bulge in his swim briefs.

Okay better not draw Kurt in there, tempting as it is.

Instead, I kept picturing the beach and how perfect everything seemed. A smile spread across my muzzle as I thought back to that evening. I finished drawing and slid the sheet of paper which depicted the beach scene over to Justin and Charlene. The Cheetah leaned over to examine it while the Vixen glanced up from her phone. "So, what do you think?" I asked as my tail wagged with satisfaction. "I think that is complete crap," Justin gasped. "I didn't want a beach!" "But you said to draw..." "The plot takes place in a city, there are no nice beaches nearby, and it's a piece of shit," Justin snapped. "What do you think Charlene?" "Yeah, totally shit," Charlene mumbled, smacking her gum and looking up from her phone. "I suggest you should go away and think of something else," Justin growled, snatching the paper away. "Oh," I replied, not sure what else to say. I simply stood and walked to the studio door. As I walked outside I suddenly felt like going back to yell and growl at Justin.

What a dickish thing of him to say!

I was ready to storm back in when I looked up and saw Ethan watching me. "Oh, hi," I said, trying to sound relaxed. "Justin went off on one of his rants?" The Labrador asked. "Yeah," I huffed. "He does that," Ethan replied. "He had Brandon Greene are both crazy, but hey gotta roll with the punches I guess." "I see," I replied. Inside I was missing Kurt again. Someone like Justin wouldn't have dared be so rude if I'd had the Doberman by my side. "You're not the first designer he's had working here this month," Ethan continued. "He probably pulled your page off the internet in desperation, no offense." "Right," I replied tersely. "Honestly, this studio mostly produces a lot of nonsense which somehow makes a lot of money," Ethan sighed. CUT! Brandon Greene yelled from somewhere indoors. "See what I mean," the Labrador added. "Yeah, I can't say I'd seen any of the movies they've made," I admitted. "Probably wise," Ethan huffed. "They make a lot of money but watching grass grow is more interesting. Anyway, I've gotta head back inside to do stuff." The Labrador ambled in through the door and I was left outside wondering what to do. "Adam, I say Adam are you out here?" Justin's voice called. I cursed and glanced around frantically, wondering whether to run off and hide.

Please don't get mad at me again.

Justin appeared at the door with a smile on his muzzle as if his outburst over the beach drawing hadn't happened. "Hey Adam, wanna come and meet the studio head?" He asked in a friendly tone. "We're having a meeting about our movie." "Uh," I hesitated. "Don't be shy, you'll like Tyler Yelling. He's a very talented guy." "Tyler Yelling?" I repeated. Without saying another word Justin gestured for me to follow and I walked nervously behind him. The Cheetah led me to a building next to the sound stage. At the same moment a black Mercedes drew up outside and a plump Setter climbed out. "There he is," Justin whispered. We followed the Setter into the building and Justin walked me into a large conference room. The place was taken up by a table laden with pastries, sandwiches and coffee. Charlene was already at the table texting on her phone. I gingerly took a seat as Justin sat next to me. A few other canines and felines in suits were sitting around the table too. "Okay, what is the latest?" Tyler said, sinking into a chair at the head of the table which creaked under his weight. "What is it we're working on now, The Bank Teller?" "It's The ATM," Justin replied. "We're doing reshoots, we lost our set designer but we have a new guy here." "Okay, is he any good?" Tyler asked bluntly. "He's okay. He designed an awesome parking lot set," Justin explained. "Like, so cool," Charlene added, smacking her gum. "Although he then designed a beach that wasn't as good, we need a nice setting for the final scene," Justin continued. "Yeah, it was like really bad," Charlene added, looking up from her phone. "Okay, so are we on schedule with this movie?" The Setter asked. "Well, not quite. It's overrunning by four months, we're gonna have to push the release date back," Justin explained. "Hmm, well get it done within four months. I want it out so we can start on our next project, whatever that is," Tyler grumbled. "Our next one is Stacy and The Space Cats," Justin explained. "What the fuck is that about?" Tyler growled. "It's about a stripper from Reno who gets mistaken for an astronaut and goes into space," Justin replied. "It's hilarious." "Like, so funny," Charlene added. "Well, whatever the fuck it is I don't care, just so long as people pay to watch it. Now, I wanna eat, it's been an hour since breakfast. Pour me some coffee." I watched as Charlene poured Tyler a cup of coffee while the Setter began pulling plates of food in his direction.

Justin stood and gestured for me to follow. "He's a great guy," the Cheetah cooed as we walked from the building. "Yeah," I replied neutrally. "So, I know you can do this, I want you to keep designing a set for our final scene. It's got to be nice, romantic. A perfect setting. Anything that comes to your mind." "Okay." We walked back into the sound stage and to the room where I had done all my designs at the table. "Do you have anything specific you want me to draw?" I asked. "Just whatever comes to mind," Justin began, before his phone began buzzing. Without a word to me he walked off and answered it. "Yeah, anything that comes to mind," I grumbled to myself. I picked up a pencil and began to draw on a blank sheet. As my paw moved to create the shapes all I could picture was Kurt on the beach in his speedo, or the way his brown eyes reflected the light while we sat in his apartment or in the seafood restaurant on our first date. If Justin didn't like the beach I decided I would draw a nice restaurant for a romantic finish. I formed the image of the seafood place in San Amador in my mind and began drawing.

Justin reappeared a minute later with Charlene in tow. "Okay, let's see what you have for us," the Cheetah said, tugging the sheet of paper away from me. "Oh, a restaurant. It looks... kinda crappy. What kind of restaurant is it?" "One by the ocean," I replied defensively. "It makes for a good romantic setting." "Hmm, it's like that beach idea. Completely shitty," Justin growled as the friendliness vanished. "Ain't it shitty?" "Yeah, like so shit it's unbelievable," Charlene mumbled, glancing up from her phone before going back to playing a game. Justin growled before closing his eyes and counting to five. "But no matter I can improve this," the Cheetah said in a calmer voice, scratching his muzzle. "Instead of a restaurant make it a topless bar." "I'm sorry?" I replied. "Nice evocative setting, perfect for the main characters to share an intimate moment after defeating the ATM, don't you think Charlene?" "Yeah, totally." "Okay, keep the design something similar to that, but make it a topless bar. I want a pool table there," Justin said, gesturing at the design. "And a jukebox there, oh and some topless girls behind the bar. All this creativity of mine has put me in the mood for an organic latte. You get to work Adam, chop, chop."

Am I drawing a set or your masturbation fantasies?

"Okay," I replied, forcing a smile onto my muzzle. "Good, now we'll leave you in peace and come back in a couple of hours," Justin said before he and Charlene walked off. I buried my head in my paws and felt like running away. I heard noise outside and I glanced around the door into the sound stage. Brandon Greene was getting ready to shoot another scene which was one the same street set as the previous day, albeit the façade of a bank had been built into the wall. Two guys were standing on the set outside the bank; an Otter and a Racoon. Brandon sat down in his chair to direct them. "Right you two, you're gonna walk by the bank. Bradley, you say your line jeez, I really need to find a loan with lower interest," the Bear called to the Otter. "And Jason you reply with why not try this bank here. Got it?" The two actors nodded. Brandon picked up his megaphone as the call of rolling went out. Three... two... one... action! "Jeez, I really need to find a loan with lower interest." "Why not try this bank here?" Cut! Bradley I want more urgency, like you've really gotta get that loan like your life depends on it. Action! "Jeez, I really need to find a loan with lower interest." Cut! More urgency, imagine you need that loan to pay off some Russian gangsters and to pay for your Great Aunt Mary's transplant. Channel that urgency and express how desperate you are. You really, really need that loan. Lemme hear that urgency. Aaaand, action! "JEEZ! I really need to find a loan with lower interest." CUT! I didn't say shout that line. I decided this was getting too excruciating. I rolled the paper up under my arm and made for the exit.

I would finish the drawing at the hotel and call Kurt.

The taxi dropped me at the hotel entrance ten minutes later and I hurried up to my room. I threw the roll of paper onto the bed and pulled out my phone, but as I unlocked the screen I saw a message from Chadwick.

Hey dude, hope you're good. I heard you got a new job. Congrats! I also wanna speak to you about something, message me back when you can.

I decided that I wanted to speak to Chadwick over the phone, just to hear someone's voice that wasn't anything to do with the studio. I punched in his number and waited. "Hey dude!" Chadwick's jovial voice answered. "How is the new job." "It's..." I began, trying to find the right word to describe it. "Difficult." I finally settled on. "Aw man, I'm sorry to hear that," the Coyote sighed. "So, do you want some interesting news?" "Go on?" "My mother said she and yours have been talking, they want to organise a family get together sometime soon," the Coyote explained. "A family get together? Hmm, well this could either be a positive thing, or they'll hire some crazy guy to purge the gay from us." "Oh gosh, I hope not." "It's just that the last conversation I had with my mother didn't go well," I sighed. "It was basically the whole have you tried not being gay thing again." "Aw man, not that again," Chadwick replied. "If it's any consolation my mom was more relaxed, perhaps she could persuade yours to come to terms with it. I guess I'll bring Reggie and you bring Kurt, he'd make a badass bodyguard if we're being a united front." "I hope your mother could convince mine to be more relaxed about it," I replied. "And I'd like them to meet Kurt, although not as a bodyguard hopefully." "So, what's this new job about?" Chadwick asked. "I'm working on a movie," I replied. "Woah! That's really cool dude," the Coyote exclaimed. "What's it called?" "It's called The ATM." "The ATM? Based on the Steven Prince book?" Chadwick asked. "I assume, but I never read it," I replied. "It... kinda sucks, but that's still awesome you're working on it," Chadwick laughed. I admit my ears splayed as Chadwick's words. "Anyway dude, I'll let you know when my mother organises this gathering of hers," the Coyote added. "Please do, oh and thanks for speaking with me. It's nice to hear a sane voice," I admitted. "Me, sane? Dude, you should hang around us when we get a crate of beer in after a football game and see what Reggie and I get up to. Reggie found that he could tie my paws together using my jock before..." "Okay, that's a bit too much information," I cut in. "But I'm glad you could speak." "Me too dude, take care," Chadwick said before hanging up.

I tried working on my sketch a little, but drawing outlines of a topless bar was not something I felt like doing at that moment. Instead, I picked up the my phone and called Kurt. "Hey Alec," the Doberman said as he answered. "How is the studio?" "Difficult," I repeated. "Oh," Kurt replied, even with one word I could hear the concern in his voice. "Would you like to come back?" "Honestly, that feels like a tempting proposition right now," I sighed. "Okay, well we'll look at flights," Kurt said firmly. "I'll pay for it." I opened my laptop and searched for flights. "Oh no," I breathed as my heart sunk. "What is it?" Kurt said. I could hear him tapping at his laptop before he cursed as he saw the same thing I had. Domestic flights from LA to San Fernando were still suspended because of the strike and wouldn't resume until tomorrow. "Do you really want to come back?" Kurt asked. "Yes," I replied. "Today has been crazy, the guy who did the interview got mad at me for doing what he asked me to do, and then he keeps changing my ideas. Basically all the people here are insane." "I'm honestly quite sad to hear this," Kurt sighed. "You were really looking forward to it." "I was," I admitted. "I don't know whether to hang on and see if it gets better or come back." "Hearing your voice sound so pained makes me want you to come back," Kurt admitted. "And no one gets mad at my boyfriend for silly reasons. That guy sounds like a jerk. I wanna come up there and give them a piece of my mind." Part of me wanted to reason with Kurt, but it was a tempting idea. "I wouldn't complain," the words came out of my muzzle. "You know what, I don't want you there for another day," Kurt huffed. "I'm going to drive down there and get you myself." "If you're sure..." I began. "Of course, I don't want you stuck there with all those crazy people," Kurt continued. "You deserve better." "To be honest, Chadwick called and said our mothers had spoken about some kind of gathering, I guess I need to get back for that, and I want you to come." "That makes it all the more important," Kurt replied. "I love you Alec, hang in there, I'm coming to rescue you." "Thank you Kurt, and I love you too," I replied before hanging up. I glanced at the clock on the bedside table; it was probably time to head back to the studio.

I sighed and gathered the drawing before going down to the lobby to call for a taxi.

As the taxi arrived and I climbed into the back, I was suddenly apprehensive about the idea of Kurt showing up. Would the Doberman cause a scene and get us into trouble? I knew Kurt well enough by now to know that he was a rational and relaxed guy for the most part. However, as the taxi drove off and I saw the sign for the studio approaching I wanted nothing more than for Kurt to arrive and rescue me.

I paid the driver and walked back to the sound stage, bracing myself for Justin to go crazy again. There was no sign of the Cheetah in the room by the set, so I sat down and continued my work on the design. Although I drew what Justin had wanted I painted a picture of Kurt in my mind...

His muscular body, toned abs and pecs, his grin and soft brown eyes, a bulge in his swimsuit or underwear.

I smiled as I pictured Kurt in the underwear from the shoot we had done before I'd slept with him for the first time, and remembered how the camo Alpha briefs had emphasised his sheath and balls perfectly.

I just want to feel his abs and pecs, before I reach down and stroke that fine bulge in his briefs.

I glanced down and saw a bulge in my new jeans that was almost touching the underside of the table. I knew at heart that it wasn't just Kurt's good looks I missed, but over twenty four hours away from my boyfriend was causing withdrawal symptoms. A sign that I wanted to be with him over everything else? I glanced down at my drawing at saw among the crude figures of topless people in the bar I had sketched the faint outline of a muscular Doberman in the background. CUT! More desperation, imagine you want the teller to cash your cheque urgently because you need to pay for your wedding, cub's birthday party, for a new washing machine as your old one is broken and to buy off the Mafia. Aaaand action! Brandon shouted from somewhere, shattering the sexy image I had of my boyfriend.

I sighed.

Please hurry here and take me home Kurt.