Kinktober Day 3: Toys

Story by Darkhom on SoFurry

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#3 of Kinktober 2017

Was gonna post this yesterday, but SF was being wonky at the time so I decided to wait until the site seemed stable. I really like going outside the box on these challenges.

"Hurry up Aiden. You're not getting bashful now, are you?"

"Not bashful. Just worried how much this is going to hurt my wallet."

Maxine pouted playfully as she pulled Aiden into the adult toy store, a bounce in her step and a blush on her cheeks. The two had come to the store to do some shopping, wanting to look for some fun new toys to spice up their already heated sex life. They painted an odd picture as they browsed through the store, holding hands and making quiet jokes as they passed the pornography. Most other patrons quietly kept to themselves, discreetly browsing their personal kinks while trying too hard to act normal. But neither Max nor Aiden cared what the others in the shop might think of them, too busy enjoying each others' company, and determined to take home a winning toy or two.

"So, what would you like to use on me?" Maxi asked once they finally got to the adult toys. "Something guaranteed, or maybe a little out of the box?"

"There's some stiff competition back home." Aiden replied, chuckling at the pun. "How about we go all out with this monster egg beater?"

"Oh my god." Maxine's green eyes went wide as Aiden held up a massive, dick shaped vibrator, lines with nubs and ridges. "I think that may be a bit too big for me, dear. And, egg beater?"

"Don't think about it too hard." Aiden said with a wink as he put the massive toy down, looking for something more reasonable."

"Egg beater... oh. Oh Aiden that's terrible!" Max stuck her tongue out playfully. "Just for that, I'm finding something thick to shove up your butt."

"Oh please. If you did you'd probably just steal it for yourself."

"That's it, mister. It's the strap on for you tonight."

"Whatever you say, Momma." Aiden chuckled, teasing her with the nickname she used whenever she got dominant. "I thought you wanted to get something to use on you?"

"I don't see why we can't both have a fun new toy. Like this!" With a grin she held up a long tube with a rubber pump attached to one end. "I bet we could have some fun with this."

"Seriously? You want to make me even bigger?" Aiden smirked, taking the pump from her and giving it a closer look. "Although, it might be nice getting up to an even foot long. Should we get some mustard, too?"

"You know what, you're right. For the sake of my butt you're not getting this. Give it back."

"Now wait a minute." Aiden countered, easily holding the pump out of her reach. "You might be onto something here. Just think how deep I could get after using this thing."

"The last thing you need is too thick heads." Max said, managing to wrestle the pump away from the fox and put it back on the shelf. "But getting something for my butt is a good idea. How about something for long term use?"

"Another plug?" Aiden offered seriously. "Maybe something a bit thicker? They have some nice decent sized ones here, though they look rather tacky."

"No, I like my plug. But there is something I've wanted for a long time, I just hope they have... oh!" The busty skunk reached into a shelf and pulled out a string of beads that had caught her eye. "Anal beads. Nice, pretty, smooth ones. Not these specifically, but yeah. Aiden, I want anal beads."

"Plenty to choose from." Aiden said with a whistle, looking over the collection available. "Shaped ones, too. Want some stars, or hearts?"

"Maybe not for my first set." Maxi admitted with a bit of hesitation. "Let's stick to standard beads for now. Do you think they have glass beads? Maybe something with a pretty design, like some nice marbling."

"Marbles for you butt." Aiden chuckled. "Should we get some jacks, too?"


"Nevermind." Aiden said, still chuckling. "Hey, these ones look nice. They have swirls of blue and green. Seems appropriate, huh?"

"So pretty." Max's eyes sparked as Aiden handed her the twelve inch rope of glass beads, indeed layered with swirls that matched their eyes. "And the size is perfect. Not too big, but not so small that I should still enjoy them. How much are they?"

"More than I expected them to be." Aiden admitted.

"I don't care. We can afford them and it's okay to treat yourself every once in awhile." Max insisted, determination in her eyes. "You don't buy anal beads often, after all."

"I suppose not." Aiden relented. "Can't say no you look like that anyway."

"Yay! You're coming home with me, little beads."

"Do we need any lube?" Aiden asked, glancing around as Maxi nuzzled her new toy. "I don't remember how much we have."

"Enough." She replied. "And there's a specific kind I like anyway, that I order online. I doubt they have it here."

Aiden just shrugged. It was her rear end after all. "Anything else you want to look at while we're here?"

"I'm happy with these. Anything you want?"

"You're more than enough for me, babe." Aiden replied, giving her a kiss before she could argue. Not that she intended to, blushing softly as she returned the kiss.

"Okay then, babe. Let's buy these and go home then. I can't wait to feel you slowly push each and every one into me."

"And then slowly pull them out again, eventually." Aiden replied, wrapping his arm around the woman's waist as they made their way to the counter, both eager to get home.

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