My Mom is Dating a Werewolf 3

Story by OmuYasha on SoFurry

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#4 of My Mom is Dating a Werewolf

Tonight is the night! Gwen finally pressures Randall to show him what his full moon is like. She gets a whole lot more than she bargained for as the already enormous man grew into a colossal monster. How will she be able to fair against this mighty fearsome beast?

Chapter 3 "How to Domesticate a Werewolf"

Three months have passed since that fateful day. The Scandinavian festival was in the fourth day of celebration. A tall hairy imposing man wearing a Viking helmet sat inside a tiny windmill that said, "Finnish Day" and he was going through the pamphlets. He grumbled at the highlight, which it said, "Come for Icelandic Day!" He leaned back in his chair rubbing his forehead as the fan blew air onto his face.

Gwen walked up to the windmill and smiled. "Wow! Is that you Mr. Fenris? You really do look like a Viking" she commented. She wore a light form fitting dress with a tear drop cut out that exposed her cleavage, which he rose an eyebrow with a grumpy scowl. She frowned and rubbed her arm nervously hoping to get a happier expression or at least a compliment from him.

He shook his head. "I'm can't stand this music..." he said.

She laughed at him being overdramatic. "Oh come on! I think it's rather charming" she said.

His eye twitched and snarled. "Try listening to it all looping for five days straight! It's borderline psychological torture" he muttered coldly.

She gulped rubbing her arm again timidly. "I'm sorry" she muttered as she looked away. He sighed heavily feeling bad for snapping at her before she looked back up at him smiling faintly. "When do you get off work?" she asked.

He noticed how she was dressed and began to piece things together " 15 minutes" he said before he grinned. "Are you wanting to grab a bite to eat?" he asked.

She smiled and giggled. "Yes! Since you have great sense in direction and taste, I thought you knew the best places to eat are around here" she said. She winked at him before she leaned in. "I'll come back for you later" she said before she walked off to experience the sights, sounds, and smells of the festival.

20 minutes passed before his replacement walked in, which they were teenagers that did not wear a Viking outfit like Randall wore. Gwen could see Randall very close to turning into a monster for the extra five minutes he spent in that cage. The teenagers stared at her breasts, hips, and legs as she came up to him. She slung her arm around him from behind and gripped his chest. "Let's go hun" she told him.

As he started to walk away she noticed the teens looking at her rear, and she decided to have a little fun. She made him grab her by the hip and placed her hand over her heart. "Oh no! The big and scary Viking is going to kidnap me!" she said playfully. She walked off with him and kept her body up against his as they walked through the crowd. She looked up at him and winked. "I hear there's a supermoon is coming!" she told him.

He growled at her lowly and his eye twitched. "Don't remind me! It's enough I have to deal with one...but three consecutive Supermoons" he said.

She raised an eyebrow. "Is it bad for you?" she asked.

He gritted his teeth and rubbed his forehead. "It is...I mean it isn't. It's just..." he said before she took his hand.

"Can I be with you? You said I would be safe if you turned" she said.

"I said might be safe" he retorted.

"What makes this so much more different than normal full moons?" she asked.

"It's just brighter...I change more into a wolf than usual. Not all full moons are the same mind you. It's really difficult to predict how I'll behave" he said honestly.

She bit her lip and sighed in disappointment. "Honey, you're going to have to show me eventually...if we are going to have a serious meaningful relationship. How am I supposed to take care of you when you lock yourself up in a room all three nights a month? Or when you can't handle the stress" she asked.

He said nothing and pondered to himself. "I don't know...I've never had a relationship last this long to worry about showing it to my girlfriend. I guess I'm going to have to show you...but what about your kids?" he asked.

She looked at him amused. "That's what locks on doors are for. I can come up with something. I just want to know how bad things can get" she said. She thought that he was over exaggerating things, or he was just acting. He could not be a real werewolf, she wondered.

He laughed nervously. "Oh, things can get pretty bad...I don't like being locked up for extended periods of time" he said.

She rolled her eyes at him. "You don't have a problem being locked up in my room" she said.

He scowled at her. "Well that's different! It's was because..." he said before she interrupted him.

"Because I was with you?" she said with a smug look. She gazed at him sensing victory. "Check mate big guy" she said while nudging him. "Don't worry, I can always put you on a leash and restrain you, but then again I think you'll like that" she said.

He looked back at her and smirked seductively. "Oh, you sure like it kinky don't you?" he asked. She blushed and looked away, and he touched her shoulder. "I'll show you tonight, alright" he said before he squeezed it gently.

She smiled with excitement. "So you're going to take me to your place then?" she asked. He nodded before she giggled. "Now I get to see just how desperate you are in need of a woman around the house!" she said.

He raised an eyebrow at her. "What do you mean by that?" he muttered.

She looked away amused. "Nothing! Nothing!" she muttered as she envisioned his house to be a total wreck with Clothes strewn all over the place, dishes stacked high in the sink, and Pizza boxes and Chinese take-out cartons that piled on the coffee table. Deep down she wanted to make him better like she meant something.

He watched some people stare at them as they walked past, and they make comments about him. After he shared a Swedish meat pie with her at a quiet park across the railroad tracks, He pulled out his cell phone, which it said, "7:10 pm, Supermoon at 8:00 pm" He put his phone away and began to walk faster. "Shit, you're going to have to eat dinner with me at my place" he said.

She was about to tell him that she was full from the meat pie before she caught a glimpse at his phone while he put it away. More importantly she noticed his veins had already begun to bulge like he had been exercising. She gulped and dismissed this as something unrelated to the full moon. She said before she touched his arm. "Oh, your muscles have gotten bigger since last time" she said.

He looked at her annoyed. "Please, don't draw attention to me..." he said before he pulled away from her. "There's no time to be gawking! This is serious..." he said as he walked towards the parking lot.

She gulped before she followed him. "I'll follow you...okay?" she asked.

He waved her off and took off his costume and placing it into the trunk of his black Passat. He got in quickly and immediately started the car before he sped off leaving Gwen trailing behind. They got stuck in some traffic, and no matter how much he wanted it, he could not force his way through. He could feel his muscles spasm and knot up. It looked like his skin was bubbling; however, it was only sporadic.

35 minutes later, he made it to home. It was a two story 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 2 car garage home with a large 4 acre property that lead up to the forest. The nearest home was a quarter of a mile away passed were a row of hedges blocked their view of his home. The property had many tall fir, cedar, hemlock, yew, pine, and spruce trees, and other side of the road was a large marsh. The air was filled with the peaceful sounds of bull frogs croaking and crickets chirping.

Gwen pulled into the driveway a few minutes later and got out of her red Corolla. "What the hell? Do you have some kind of stick up your ass?" she asked as she walked up to him she noticed that he was breathing heavily like he ran a mile...well several miles for his case. "Babe? Are you alright?" she asked.

He managed to unlock the door before he felt the first pains stabbing him in the back. "Ah! Fuck!" he shouted stiffening up as he clenched his fists. Gwen got worried and helped him onto his house. He was beginning to sweat and his body locked up. " wanted to see this didn't you?" he grunted.

He jerked his head back and his chest erupted out with a gruesome crunch bursting from his tight t-shirt. Gwen closed the door and quietly walked to the couch. "Oh god...this happens to you every full moon?" she asked meekly.

He tore off the rest of his shirt as he got onto his hands and knees. His breathing was more labored now. "Yea" he said as his voice was becoming beastlike. His nose had broadened, enlarged, and began to darken. His ears had become pointed and sprouted hairs. She watched his vertebrae popping out and becoming pronounced on his back. "My tail is growing" he muttered as he desperately reached down with his swelling fingers to undo his pants.

She clutched her hand over her heart hoping that his suffering would end. "Honey! Do you need me to free your tail!?" she shouted.

"I'll be fine! Don't worry about me and make me dinner" he said in a deep beastly tone. He pointed to the door leading to the garage, which his fingers were swollen and darkening. "There's a whole deer one of the freezers..." he said before there a loud crackling noise coming from his back. "...Damn it!!" he shouted as his spine shifted no longer supporting a bipedal gait. "Just hurry...I can't stall much longer. Microwave it for all I care! Just make enough!" he shouted.

She nodded before she ran into the garage to retrieve the deer, but inside the garage were six freezers. She shook her head. "Right!" she said before she went through all the freezers. She rushed back into the kitchen and threw the venison onto a plate while setting the microwave. "I don't want to end up as his dinner" she said shoving the plate inside and starting it up.

She peered into the living room seeing that his body was growing fur rapidly, and his teeth formed more than just fangs, no it was full of razor sharp instruments of carnage. His swollen feet exploded from his shoes elongating becoming digitigrade. The top of his palms and his fingers blackened forming pads, which she presumed his feet followed suit. His pants split down the seams and his tail was now free complete with fur. His member became sheathed, and two huge orbs the size of oranges dangled freely.

She noticed the pink of lips and around his eyes became black just as his nose did, and whiskers sprouting above his lips. "I think I'm...going tho go full yolf. He'th coming! He'th thaking over" he shouted before he lost the ability to speak with is growing tongue. His ears migrated to the top of his head and turned into wolf ears, and he closed his eyes feeling his mouth jut out forming a snout. When he opened his eyes they were a soul piercing yellow. He turned his head towards her and gave her the most scary leer of her life.

She looked back up at the colossal wolf in disbelief. "Holy shit you'er fecken huge!" she muttered under her breath. She reached for a cast iron skillet. "You must have eaten a lot of humans to get so big! Didn't ya big guy" she said before the wolf licked his chops. He bared his teeth at her and saliva drooled off his canines. His head jerked up and started cocking his head when he heard the microwave start beeping.

She looked at him oddly not expecting him to recognize that audio cue; moreover, he knew what it meant. She set the pan down suspecting that he knew she was his mate, but why was he acting so aggressive towards her, she wondered. She laughed to herself running her hands through her hair realizing that he was always very dominant to begin with. "Okay big bad, I'll fix you up something" she said as she went back to retrieve the venison from the microwave.

She heard him enter the room, which she shivered feeling way out of her element. "It's okay! It's okay! He's still your boyfriend...just as a wolf...a big giant fecking huge wolf" she muttered before checked the temperature of the meat. "Ew, it's still cold" she muttered. She looked back over her shoulder and he disappeared. Her heart began to race before she felt the stove rattle and fur up against her arm. She looked back over seeing the wolf had climbed halfway onto the stove and his snout shoved into the microwave.

"Hey! Get your bloody head out of there!" she shouted shoving at his thick neck. He yanked the venison out dragging it away like a wounded gazelle. She grew angry at him as he smeared the oil, fat, and blood all across the floor. "You made a mess you stupid wolf!" she scolded him.

He looked up at her and snorted before he began to devour the carcass. She blushed and covered her mouth realizing that she just screamed at a werewolf for having bad manners when she was fearful of her life not even a half a minute before. "Maybe I should make you some more instead of raging at ye" she muttered to herself.

After she made him more, she watched him gorge on nearly seventy pounds of meat. Part of her felt sorry for the animal that had to die to sate this beast's voracious appetite, but the other part of her was grateful that it was not her that was inside his belly. She noticed that he was a lot more docile and relaxed once fed. She walked up behind him and touched his back. "Do you need more venison, Honey?" she asked.

He looked back at her and gave her a big licked the side of her face. Her face was all slimy with werewolf slobber. "Plugh, Gross!" she muttered wiping the saliva off her face with her hand. She looked at him awkwardly unsure what to do next. "This is crazy...I really do have a werewolf for a boyfriend" she muttered while watching him pulling out intestines with his mouth.

She began to worry about her children. Would they be in danger? She was pretty sure that he would eat them if they were present. She remembered the microwave and his behavior towards her. Her psychology courses were paying huge dividends. She believed that with time, his wolf could be conditioned to accept her babies as his own. She was just going to figure out a way to keep this secret long enough for them to not fear him. She herself was terrified of him, but with what she observed, she could see only benefits of having him a part of her family.

She blushed at the realization that she had been subconsciously massaging his shoulders. "I think I can live with this" she told him before she stood up. "I think I'm going to need a drink" she said before she went to his fridge. She pulled out a beer and cracked it open taking a swig.

After drinking a few more beers, and he finished his meal and stretched before he licked his paws clean. She looked at him with a drunken gaze smiling at him. "You want to do something real kinky?" she asked. He cocked his head at her cutely and stared at her in disbelief as if saying, "Are you serious?"

She jumped onto his back and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Wolfmen need love too...don't they?" she asked before she tried to wrap her legs around his torso. She moaned into his ear and bit his ear while growling into it.

She got off him and stripped her clothes. Her juices dripped down her thigh as she started fingering her clit. "Mmm, make me your bitch!" she begged him. She got onto her hands and knees still fingering herself. "Take me" she muttered.

The huge wolf took a big whiff of her juices, and his massive red chili pepper slid out from its sheathe. He wasted no time and began to lick her juices. She moaned to his strong tongue mashing into her button right on the dot. "Oh babe...just fuck me now! I can't wait!" she said arching her back.

She dug her fingers into the carpet as he stuck his tongue up her love canal. Her toes curled imagining what it would feel like to get him to breed with her. She bit her lip as she closed her eyes feeling her first orgasm. "Mmmm! I love you big bad" she said.

He mounted her, before he rammed his rocket up inside her. "Agh! Yes! That it!" she shouted throwing her head back. The wolf had a good purchase on her as he bashed that thing into her repeatedly. She was so stretched out from having sex with him many times before that his was no longer painful to her except when he goes too deep, which he was doing now.

She did not care if his rod tore her up inside. She wanted to be his, and she knew he had all the power. She reached down feeling his slimy shaft, and she found his huge knot. She began massaging the knot as he pounded into her, and he growled loudly getting very into this. Eventually, this got the wolf to orgasm, and she kept on rubbing his knot while he filled her up. She moaned feeling full, and very proud of herself. "Good boy!" she told him.

The next morning, she woke up spooning with him naked on the floor with her being the big spoon. She remembered bits and pieces from the night before, but she saw her boyfriend had returned to human form. "Randall?" she called out. He lay in the floor not responding, which she jerked his arm. "Randall!?" she rose her voice. Again he did not respond, which she kneed a pressure point in his back. "Hey!" she yelled.

He yelped from the knee before he rolled onto his back. "Ow!" he muttered as he rubbed his back. "What!?" he snapped.

She inched her way up to the nook of his arm as she pressed her body up against his side reaching over his chest to give him a vigorous rub down while she lifted her leg to rub against his lower body and thigh. "I really want you to be in my life...I can't stand to be apart from you" she said before she blushed. "Can I get pregnant having sex with a werewolf while he's transformed?" she asked.

He looked at her confused. "I'm pretty sure you can...why?" he asked.

She laughed nervously. "Well...remember that recall they had on my pills? With the placebos?" she asked.

His eyes widened in horror. "Oh god we had sex last night didn't we?" he asked.

She blushed and nodded. "Yea, we did..." she answered feeling ashamed for it all. She did not want to be pegged as a sexual deviant, but she heard him begin to snicker lowly. She looked at him curiously. "What? Why are you laughing?" she asked.

He sighed happily. "I was expecting much worse out of this than you getting pregnant...It's funny how opposite my fears turned out. Instead of my wolf taking a life, he chose the make a life" he said.

She bit her lip and giggled. "Well, if you don't mind, I would like to keep this one. I love babies" she said.

He shook his head and laughed. "I can't imagine how you managed to make it all work?" he muttered.

She snickered. "I'm surprised it all worked out too" she said before she started massaging his chest. "Don't worry about knocking me up. Recently, every time I see a baby, it hurts me. I know I have a good man around with fantastic genes, and I feel obligated to bear your offspring" she said before she buried her face into his chest hoping he did not find her to be stupid.

She sobbed as he gulped and rubbed her back. "It's alright...It was bound to happen to me eventually" he said with a happy chuckle. "I'm glad it was with you. You're a great mother" he told her.

She climbed on top of him and looked down upon him "Aw, thanks honey" she said before she started rubbing his chest. She noticed that his muscles had knots in them all over his body. "Are you sore after going through all that transformation stuff?" she asked.

He nodded and looked away never before showing his most vulnerable state before. She however was very happy to see this side of him as she felt very useful now. "Here baby! I'm going to make it all better" she said as she began to give him a rub down and popped bones back into place.

While she worked on him, she looked around his home noting how everything was a lot more orderly than she expected. "You have a real nice home...bigger than my piece of shit" she said. She made him flip onto his back, and she sat on him like a horse as she started putting all her body weight into his spine making them crack like rice cereal.

He had closed his eyes enjoying his massage, but he enjoyed feeling her heft heavy hooters mash and press up against his back. "You know...I think I won't have a problem with you can moving in with long as you promise to keep your children from me during my moons" he said.

Her heart began to flutter and smiled. "Don't worry you leave that to me, big bad" she said.

"Big bad?" he asked.

She giggled lightly. "Yea, I started calling you that last night. You're my big bad wolf you like it?" she asked.

He laughed nervously. ", you won't use it around your kids right?" he asked.

She grinned. "It might have a Freudian slip here and there, but I'll promise to be good and only use it in the bedroom" she said before she leaned back in to massage his shoulders and upper arms. "I love you, big bad" she said.

He murred softly. "I love you too, little red" he said before his stomach growled.

She shook her head getting used to this routine. After the night before, this was a cake walk. She stood up and felt soreness in her pelvic region which was enough to make her cringe. She managed to walk although she had to move awkwardly to do so. She recalled were the food was in his fridge from earlier and how to prepare them. This was the first time in almost a decade that she actually put effort into preparing red meat. She did not count throwing it into a microwave as effort.

"Randall?" she called out.

"Yea?" he muttered.

"Thank you for agreeing to let my family move in with you...I promise to make it up to you later" she said as the aroma of eggs, bacon, sausage, and other meats, started to fill the room.

"I thought you were going to take this slow" He muttered as he struggled to stand up. "Ow" he groaned.

She giggled as she sprinkled cheese on the omelet. "I'm going to wait for my lease to end in a few months, and then we'll start moving in" she said cheerfully.

He walked gingerly into the kitchen as his stomach scratched at him to feed it. He groaned rubbing his sore bicep. His feelings were mixed with euphoria and malaise. He was relieved to know that this woman had accepted him, all of him. When he saw his girlfriend making him breakfast after the full moon, it reaffirmed his decision to make an exception to his rule was probably the best he made of his life.

She had her phone on the counter with an ebook titled, "How to care for your werewolf". He got nosy and started to skim through it curious to see if it was a joke or an actual self-help book. The language used was so subtle that anyone uninitiated would assume it was a joke, but he could relate to ninety percent of the things that was said in the book.

She looked back at him and caught him snooping in her phone. "Find anything you like?" she asked.

He looked back at her and raised an eyebrow. "So this was what you've been up to. Is this why you didn't freak out last night?" he asked.

She laughed nervously. "Oh I did freak out last night...the book said that the last thing I needed to do was to run away. I mean wolves love to chase things...right?" she asked.

He laughed nervously as well. "Yea, that's right...heh, so when did you start reading this?" he replied.

"Um, a while ago I guess. I thought full moons were going to be simple. I didn't think there was a cycle on top of a cycle. Jez, this shit got really complicated with supermoons. I didn't think you'd turn into a complete wolf on me" she said.

He nodded. "Yea, well, with supermoons there's a couple night added to when I transform. So, I have to plan things out accordingly" he said.

She thought for a moment. "So, what happens on a...what do you call opposite of a supermoon?" she asked.

"A wimpymoon? He joked. He then shrugged his shoulders and laughed. "I only transform one day, and it's minimal just extra hair, fangs, and claws. Hardly much of a transformation" he finished.

"So when you say more nights, how many nights have you transformed so far?" she asked.

"Uh, this was my third night, I have two more to go" He answered.

"Jesus, No wonder why you looked miserable when I saw you. You poor thing" she said feeling really bad for taking this lightly.

"No, no, this is me at my worst. I don't transform as much the next couple of nights" he said.

She shook her head. "How do you figure out how many extra days that you will transform?" she asked.

"Uh...math?" He said looking at her strangely.

She rolled her eyes at him and shook her head. "Smart ass!" she mumbled before she turned back to continue cooking. "Do you have the equation written down?" she asked.

He cleared his throat. "I don't have an exact equation. I just look up the moon's distance from earth online and I guestimate it from there. I have a spreadsheet if you want to look at it" he muttered.

"Yea, I'd love to see it" she said with excitement. She reached for a plate in the drying rack near the sink, and she piled the food onto it. "So, what about eclipses? How do they affect you?" she wondered.

"Uh, depends on the kind of eclipse. We will transform a little during a total solar eclipse, but an annular or partial solar eclipse won't affect us. The same can be true for lunar eclipses, but it's extremely rare for us to turn human during them, just we are less wolf normally if that makes sense" he stated.

She nodded. "I understand" she said as she brought him his meal. "So uh...can you transform at will or when you're stressed out?" she asked.

He nodded. "Yea, we can...I try to let my wolf out any time I can if you know what I mean. Heh, I try to get a good run every day or go out hunting. That way I'll be a little more in control of my transformations" he explained.

"Oh, I see...yea, I read that in the book. Sounds to me like you've been a werewolf for a while? When were you bitten?" she added.

He scratched the back of his head. "Uh, bitten? I wasn't bitten. I was born a werewolf" he said.

Her eyes widened in shock. "You were...born as one? Is it possible for our child to be one?" she asked as she placed her hand over her belly.

He scratched his head. "Uh, It's very possible" he said.

She gasped thinking about her baby bursting out of her belly like a chestburster in alien, and she thought about her spine breaking. "Baby! Am I in danger? I mean you're freakishly strong even human. What if it tears its way out?" she asked.

He laughed at her and munched on a piece of bacon. "You'll be fine. I didn't start getting freakishly strong until puberty. I experienced my first transformation when I was twelve. Luckily for me I didn't start turning full on wolf until I was seventeen. Heh, I remember those days very well" he rambled on.

She sighed happily feeling better about being pregnant with a werewolf pup. "Oh, that's good. Were you scared about transforming for the first time?" she asked.

He shrugged. "Was a little...I tried hiding it the first couple of times. I was ashamed that mine didn't look like my parents" he muttered before he dug into his breakfast.

"Will you introduce me to your parents?" She asked. He gasped and started choking, which he looked at her like she was crazy. She frowned feeling that they would not like their son dating a human. "What? Is it because I'm human?" she asked.

He pounded his chest and drank a glass of orange juice. "No, it's just uh..." he muttered before he started playing with his food. "Um, they don't care if I'm dating a human, but uh...heh. You werewolf families, ahem. Less civil...not to mention my parents look like they are thirty" he said before mumbling the last part lowly.

Her eyes widened in shock. "No way! I thought you looked really young for your age. How old are your parents?" she asked.

"Heh, they are like pushing sixty right now" he said.

"Jesus Christ! I'm guessing you have a huge family too!" She shrieked.

He scratched the back of his head and nodded. "Yup, my mom loves children" he said nervously.

She laughed at him. "I might like a couple more with you" she said before she touched his hand. "I grew up in a big family too. I knew deep down I was destined to have a big one...just not with a werewolf" she said giggling as she looked into his eye endearingly.

He smirked and murred softly knowing deep down his wolf would really like that. She knew she was speaking to his wolf directly because in her view that wolf was all a part of him and nothing separate. She felt what she did with him last night was perfectly acceptable and natural. He was her boyfriend, and who cares how she has sex with him. She loved him and that was all that matters.

"Do you like being a werewolf? It must suck sometimes huh?" she asked.

He smiled faintly. "Heh, with you around, I enjoy it more. I can be more natural, you know" he said before she looked over the table snickering.

"I walking around the house naked is normal werewolf behavior?" she asked.

He scowled at her. "Do you know how uncomfortable it is you have clothes digging into your flesh when you transform?" he said.

"Touché" she said before she giggled. "You know...I kind of get turned on seeing you burst out of your clothes. Maybe we can make your full moons our special play time, huh?" she asked.

He laughed nervously. "Heh, uh...sure? Can't complain if you're into that kind of thing thought I can't afford to waste money on clothes" he said before she laughed at him.

"Oh, I got a bunch of my ex's old clothes, They'd look better stretched out over your huge muscles anyways" she said with a hint of malice towards her ex.

"Okay" he said in a deadpan tone.

Later that day she left, but she came back bringing Cerberus with her along with a bunch of stuff. He looked at his bathroom oddly noticing that she was already leaving her shampoo, toothbrush, brush, makeup, and hairdryer in spaces that was normally empty. In his closet he found her shoes and dresses. Why is all of her stuff...Oh my god she's moving in. He thought to himself.

He turned around noticing a towel wrapped around her waist and wet hair. She looked at his horrified expression with confusion. "What?" she asked.

He shook his head and sighed heavily. "Nothing. I'm just adjusting" he said before he looked towards her dog. "Is he going to be here tonight?" he asked.

She frowned looking at her dog. "Of course he is. I can't leave him all by himself when I'm taking care of you" she said.

He looked at her strangely. "Taking care of me?" he mumbled. He thought about what she said earlier, and her curiosity about his transformations. "Uh, I'm going to be fine babe. It's not a big deal. I can handle my full moons by myself" he said before she glared at him.

"Do you not want me to sleep with you tonight?" she asked.

He shook his head. "Uh, no...I'm just not used to this level of...uh, intimacy?" he said before he blushed. "I wasn't expecting you to worry about me this much" he said before he looked away.

Her anger went away, and she came up to him and draped her hands over his shoulders. "I worry about you because I love you big bad" she said before she got on her tip toes and kissed him on his jawline. He was not sure what to think, was she his girlfriend or his mother? Or was she his wife?