Wide Awake
"... in later news, the search for the missing teen, Jack McCandless, has come to a halt as..." Cody couldn't believe his ears. "HOW COULD"VE THEY STOPPED SEARCHING FOR HIM?!?!" Cody yelled out loud almost in tears. 3 days ago one of his best...
Wide Receiver
Kay grunted and hissed as he felt his tight hole stretch wide again as the big head and shoulders spread his ass wide. "man, they are eager to get out!" kay panted, "they must be running out of room in there."
Gym Hips
Trying real hard not to dream about your hips and-" he trailed off. "and?" "sorry, still trying to get over the 'oh shit don't let anything out around vera' impulse. hips, ass, thighs.
asses wide open(eyes wide open parody)
(yiff the furs with their asses wide open.)we yiff the furs with their asses wide open, we yiff the furs with their asses wide open, we yiff the furs with their asses wide open, we...
For A Wide Variety of Purposes
Standard disclaimer: This is a furry adult story containing gay males in sexual situations as well as explicit language and descriptions. No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your...
A Smile as Wide as a Mile
He opened his jaws wide and threw another clawful of candy into his maw, before innocently holding the bag out. "want one?" he asked.
World Wide Wabbit
Fat fingers, on a wide hole, daddy's manpussy. he hid his hand, not his mouth.
Pepper Hits The Jackpot
Orman growled to clenched teeth, while pepper looked up at him with wide, twinkling eyes.** **pepper didn't resist as orman began to pump his hips, she relaxed and let the wood elf enjoy himself as he violated her tight, but welcoming throat.
The Candy Capper
The young smaller human followed the path being cleared by levian's full hips with far less enthusiasm. mostly because kenny was busy dragging his oversized trench coat along the floor.
Cake in a Cup
He had spent such a long time cultivating the sway of his hips to lure in potential playmates that he did it without thinking now, alone with no one to show off for.
Affirmation Services
The divot in the feline's plumpness caused by wearing a low-waisted belt for many years diminished, as xer thighs and hips visibly expanded.
The Wide Meadow Part 1
Service" he genuflects and begins to eat his soup, you eat as well, it was delicious to say the least "this is really good, colin" "thanks, i get all my ingredients from my garden"he was a gardener and could cook too, it was like a dream, but you were wide