[COM-18] Wingin' It; Recharged

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Commission For - forth

Written by - Runa

Cover Art by - zephra

In this story, a gorgeous blue and white Pine Marten named Prescott decides he needs to get away from the city and ends up on Ilorek's Ranch. There, he gets to indulge some of his kinkier fantasies!

Nice little quickie.

Wingin' It; Recharged

Prescott revved his engine on his bike on the lonely country road as the orange leaves swirled in his wake. The edge of the forest was snug against the side of the road, creating a tunnel over the pavement with streaks of light puncturing the canopy above him.

He wore a thick blue and black helmet to protect his face and douse the light, since his speed created a strobe as he drove through the speckled sunlight piercing the leaves. It was autumn, the air was getting cold, and the marten's life was getting a little too hectic; he needed to get away from it all.

After nearly an hour of driving, weaving through the winding road with music blaring in his ears thanks to the custom helmet's wireless capabilities, he paused to pull over and grab his phone. He paused his music and dialed his most recent number, a good friend and companion named Ilorek. Three rings, then when the other end of the line picked up it was a female voice.

"Well hello! Ilorek's out at the moment Prescott, can I take a message?" It was Valencia, Ilorek's mate. He must have left his phone at home so she picked up. That was fine, she was as pleasant as he, and she was cuter.

"What time do you think he'll be home? I ask because I'll be there within half an hour or so; you might not need to take any messages."

She lightly yipped at him, a pleasant outburst. "Oh good! I'll be here. Ilorek's just out riding the gryphon a bit, enjoying the fall leaves. I expect him home within the hour. See you soon! I'll be sure to get out some cookies and a hot beverage."

"For sure. Thanks babe. Bye!" He hung up his phone and navigated the menu to find his music again, turning his tunes back on before slipping the phone in a slot on his thigh. He put his helmet back on and returned to the road, zipping by the trees and eventually out into the open farm land north of town but south of the Vast Emerald Forest. Ilorek's ranch was nestled against the southern edge of said forest, less than half an hour left to go.

The rest of his drive was pleasant and low key, with his atmospheric tunes humming gently in his ear to drown out the revving of his bike's engine. This peaceful serenity allowed him to reflect on his life and the events that led him to decide to take a week off and get out of the city. Though Prescott lived a great life, one full of rewards and loving friends, he found himself to get slowly exhausted by city life. As a natural introvert, dealing with large groups of people drained him emotionally, mentally, and physically, while solitude or small groups of close friends helped him relax and unwind. That was where Ilorek and Valencia came in, as they lived on a ranch with gryphons, dragons, ulokar, horses, cows, and all manner of farm life. Nothing could be more relaxing than spending time on a ranch.

Ilorek remained Prescott's default for any time he needed to get away of the hustle and bustle of city life. Not only was the hippogryph a scholar and a gentleman, but he loved to cuddle and owned a ranch, which was about as far away from busy urban life as one could get without climbing a mountain or getting lost in the Vast Emerald Wood.

It also helped that, for some reason, Ilorek and Valencia were friends of just about everyone they met. The two of them invited anyone out to their ranch for weekly barbecues, had what could be described as a three star hotel suite with five bedrooms in the upper half of their barn, and gave just about everything away free of charge including the potions that they brewed and enchanted themselves. They were generous souls, a kind couple, and accepted Prescott onto their property and into their home whenever he called.

This unending kindness and generosity was as inviting as a nice warm belly, which was why Prescott was so keen on going there first.

Upon arrival, he rolled up their driveway and parked his bike in their miniature, four car parking lot across from the barn. As he turned to head towards the house, Valencia came out with her wing arms spread for a hug, nearly nude. She was a hybrid of wolf and bat, so her arms doubled as wings, with three fingers elongated and connected by membrane while her thumb and forefinger were normal; she kept the wing fingers folded up to her forearm to minimize the interference of her wings.

"Prescott, darling, it's been too long!" She cooed at him as she flutter hopped over to him and wrapped her wings around him. She was a full head shorter than he, and he wasn't particularly large himself. "How have you been, dear?"

He was squished in her arms so he couldn't pull his helmet off. When he responded, she could only hear the muffled sound of his voice beyond his visor.

"Oh, sorry." She apologized, stepping back to let him breathe.

He plucked his helmet from his head and laid it down on his bike seat, smiling gently at her. "Val, I was just here two weeks ago for the barbecue, it hasn't been that long, has it?" He took her hand and the both of them made their way to the split-story ranch home connected to the stables.

She chuckled gently, leaning into him with her head on her shoulders. "Well, I didn't get to spend much time with you, then. You mostly sat to the side, drinking and enjoying the roast. You're not the most active at our parties, you know."

He nodded in agreement; he was an introvert, after all. "You got me! Well, I'm here now! Can't wait to get settled in for the weekend." He knew that they would be so amicable to his company he didn't even ask if he could stay; he had been told multiple times that he was always welcome.

"Well there are no other guests at this time, so the whole suite is yours if you want it. But for now I've got a kettle of water boiling for ya. Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, it's all fair game. Got any preference?" She opened the door and let Prescott go in first, hopping in after him. Since she wore only her jewelry and a light sash around her hips, she didn't need to take time to disrobe.

Prescott unzipped his jacket and stepped out of his riding pants, hanging them up on a rack next to the front door of their home. He watched as Valencia skipped her way over to the kitchen half of their home, tail wagging vigorously behind her every step of the way. Their home was very open, with a kitchen and dining room on one side, with the living room on the other side. A set of five steps cut the home in half down the middle, with the entire living room having a higher ceiling and playing host to the indoor stables, access to the door that led to their elevated bedroom - a place that Prescott had visited in the past - and a bar down below. Everything on the living room side was golden brown and rustic, while the kitchen and dining room side was white and modern.

"Why stop there?" Valencia mused, smiling as she hopped up to the counter to stir up some of her tea. "You've taken your jacket and riding pants off, why are you still wearing shorts and a t-shirt?"

He huffed at her, half-cocking a grin. "Well, I don't really know! Why haven't you taken them off me? You know I don't say no."

Valencia pulled her sash from her hips and tossed it to the ground, revealing her loins to him. "Is this what you want, perv?" She joked. "Because that's what you get when you come to this homestead. You mind if I keep you occupied while you wait for Ilorek?" She licked her lips and revealed her sharp fang-like canines before hopping over the kitchen table to perch on him, feet on his hips and wing hands wrapped around his shoulder.

Prescott noted how light she was while hanging off his chest, weighing practically nothing. "Well, I wouldn't dare say no to a lady such as yourself. Not like I have much of a choice in the matter at this time, right?" He stumbled backwards a bit, blue fur standing on end as she leaned in close to his neck and started nuzzling against him, sharp fangs mere inches away from his throat.

Her claws dug into his hips and shoulders as she pressed her chest to his, soft breasts squishing against his shirt while she whispered in his ear. "I guess not. Now take this shirt off before I have an accident with it." She used her toes to tug around the bottom rim of his shirt, a clear indication of what she expected next.

Though she was quite aggressive, sexually, Prescott knew that was part of the deal at the ranch and was fine with it. Part of the glory of escaping the city was distancing himself from the prudish nature of the general populace, and free fun with a cute winged canine like Valencia was about as pleasant a day as he could imagine short of also being taken from behind by a stallion stud like Ilorek.

Sensing she was getting quite ravenous, he hurriedly grabbed at the bottom of his shirt and peeled it up, wincing in pain as her paws and claws curled into his sides while she flapped to hold herself erect since she couldn't hold onto his shoulders. After tossing his garment over to the floor next to her sash, He wrapped his arms around her back and held her close, ensuring her breasts rubbed against his chest fluff.

"Why'd you wait so long?" She growled in his ear, one of her dexterous feet paws grabbing at his waistband and pulling down. The lower his pants were pushed, the deeper into his neck she went, nuzzling and nibbling at him with her sharp teeth plucking at his flesh.

Prescott grabbed at his pants and pushed them down, stepping out of them with ease before hobbling down the stairs to the living room and flopping down at the big, comfortable chair with Valencia on his lap. He didn't bother answering her questions, as he rightly believed that she didn't care about the answers, she just liked to talk while she was putting her body on his.

With him sitting in the chair with his legs partially spread, she gave his neck one last bite before sliding backwards down his body, melting over him before resting on her knees between his legs. "You know, it's been a whole week since I've gotten a taste of a male." She cooed at him, thumb and forefingers of her wing hands gripping at his thighs and giving a gentle squeeze. "Ilorek greatly prefers it when he fills my pussy, but then I don't get to enjoy his offers directly. You won't disappoint me like that, will you?"

He humbly shook his head, unsure of what to do next. He wanted to grab her, to urge her lips over his member, or to be active in some way, but he knew Valencia liked to be in charge and was very good at what she did for him every time he showed up. As such, he simply laid back and nestled tight into the chair, gripping at the arm rests as the batty canine bitch started gently nuzzling at his groin.

Val looked up at him and smiled a toothy grin, her long, tendril-like tapered tongue sticking out to barely flick over the tip of his member. "You know, I notice that every time you come over, you can't help but take advantage of my generosity." She joked with a wink, easing down to lightly prod and lap at his member, teasing him ever so gently.

"I'd apologize, but I really don't think it's a problem. I mean, if I dared to not try to take advantage of you, I get the impression you'd force your kindness upon me." He said back to her, slowly letting his head rest in the cushion of the chair while spreading his legs. The gentle prodding sensation of her claw tips on his thighs was quite nice, but it was the subtle slurping motion of her tongue cradling the underside of his member. He even flinched as her sharp fangs lightly scraped along the side of the head, catching on the skin there without puncturing.

The added danger of her pointy canines excited him even more, to the point his member throbbed and pushed a bead of precum out the tip.

Valencia paused from her oral fixation and looked up at him, her shining green eyes glistening in the midday sun. "Don't tell me you're finishing up already, dear Prescott. I would hate to end prematurely." She leaned down with her maw open, tongue wrapping around the rim of his cock tip and giving a squeeze before slithering off and licking up the slimy bead of pre in the process, swallowing it down.

Prescott whimpered a bit as his lower body tensed up, the subtle friction of her tongue on his member coaxing a little more excitement from him. "Nope, nowhere near close to done, Val, you're just very, very good at this." He shuddered gently and bucked up, pressing his cock tip directly onto one of her fangs.

In response, she eased herself into position and grabbed at the base of his cock to keep control of it as she wrapped her lips around his shaft, careful to ensure her fangs didn't snag on him. Smiling all the while, she looked up at him as she began to gently bob up and down, her tongue bunched up under his member to cradle it and rub against his cock tip in waves.

"Hngph, wow. That's....are you getting even better?" He managed to ask between grunts and amidst a gentle writhing accented by the sounds of his claws lightly digging at the chair's arm rests. He wasn't lying, either. Her tongue was gently snaking back and forth in her maw, slithering while pressing its soft textured surface against his glans. The pressure, moisture, texture, and heat all combined to make him whimper and shudder in delight, knowing that his pent up desires may conspire to make a fool of him within mere minutes of having her take him in her maw.

Valencia slurped and pulled away, as if she'd been responding to his concerns, leaving his wet cock dripping with saliva and precum down its length. With one sweeping lick of her fangs and lips, she gulped what she could down and gave his member a gentle peck of a kiss. "I'm going too fast for you, aren't I? I can slow down if you'd like. Who knows when Ilorek will be home."

Her reminder made Prescott pause a moment, not sure if he'd rather finish quick and have a second go with Ilorek later or hold off and build it up for the studly male of the house. While caught up in his personal decisions, Valencia grabbed his cock and lightly suckled at the tip again, bobbing her head and cradling it with her tongue, pausing every few motions to wrap her prehensile tongue around the end and squeeze before pulling off and eagerly swallowing him down to the groin again. Given her size and his length, his member was half buried in her throat when she did that, allowing her gullet to gulp and swallow at him even as her tongue manipulated his length over and over again.

All those motions and the overwhelming sensations urged him to start bucking his hips, ramming his cock deep into Val's maw time and time again as he felt all four of her fangs gently nibble and poke at his groin, barely missing his furred orbs and the softness of his lower belly. He was sure to play it safe, not wanting to be too rough with his host; he knew she liked it when her partners were as aggressive as she, but he was concerned that he could be seen as rude or callous if he was too forceful.

Instead of grabbing her ears for leverage or anything as dominant as that, he cradled her cheeks and lightly gyrated his hips, pumping his length down her throat as gently as he could while also realizing that she was starting to offer him a passionate love bite around the base of his cock alongside the rhythmic gulps of her gullet. So many things happening all at once ensured that he didn't hear the sound of the door's handle rattling before being pushed open, revealing Ilorek's silhouette standing tall.

Prescott paused and grunted a bit, voice pinching into a squeak as his body tensed up, his motions halting while Valencia kept at his cock. She kept at him, bobbing her head and suckling and coiling him with her tongue for a full minute before casually turning her head to look over at Ilorek, fang poking at his shaft and slobber drooling over her lip as she smiled.

"You're home early!" She squeaked at him, chuckling before returning to Prescott.

This was always the most awkward time with him, as he knew that both Valencia and Ilorek were open to this sort of thing and he'd even planned on cavorting about with both of them, but being walked in upon was nerve wracking regardless of the context.

Ilorek wore only a kilt, which he let slide over his thighs and land on the floor next to the front door as it closed behind him. As a hippogryph, he was half avian and half equine, with the parts between both species mixed and matched so that his feet, head, upper arms, and chest were avian, but his midsection down to the ankles and arms from the elbow down to fingertips were equine, bushy equine feathering on his wrists and ankles.

He rolled his neck and shoulders while rubbing his hands together, the plumage on his chest standing on end to make him look bigger and even more muscled than he actually was. His equine sheath was swollen and tender looking, the rolls of it plumping up to prepare for his member to unfold from within as he took his first steps forward. "Val, why didn't you tell me you were going to have a guest? I would have come home even earlier." As he spoke, his cock slipped from its depths and dangled before him, swinging heavily with every step and accented by the moisture of his musky precum dripping out the tip.

Valencia gave Prescott one last suckle before standing up, stroking his member with her thumb and wing-free finger as she turned to Ilorek with her other hand on her pushed out hips. She put on her attitude voice, feigning indignation. "Well, had you remembered to take your phone with you, Prescott here would have gotten a hold of you instead of me. What did I tell you about leaving your phone here when you go out into the northern wilds?"

The massive hippogryph stallion took another step closer so that he was standing next to Val, showing that he was literally twice as tall as she; her face was perfectly at crotch level. "And what did I tell you about going dragon riding? I don't like taking the phone because it's a distraction."

She squeaked at him while cradling the end of his cock in her wing hand, nuzzling gently as she looked up at him. "Well that makes this your fault, doesn't it?" With that, she immediately hoisted his cock up and bit down on it sideways, fangs trapping its girth in her maw like a stick, which in turn made Ilorek's member throb and swell to full girth.

All the while, Prescott remained on the chair, watching the two lovers fool around by the front door with a hard on still dribbling saliva and precum. He raised his paw to say something, only to be cut off by Ilorek.

"You! Long time no see!" The hippogryph chirped at him, picking Valencia up and tossing her over his back to ride him like a rucksack. He took a few steps down to the chair in which Prescott sat, his massive cock bobbing in the air above the blue-furred pine marten. "What brings ya here? Must have been a bad week if Val's this hungry for your flesh."

Prescott squirmed a bit and retracted his groin so that his member mostly returned to its sheath. "Well, I was hoping to maybe relieve some stress up here on the ranch. You know, go for a ride, get away from the city." He gulped as Ilorek's hypnotic member swayed from side to side, drooling precum onto Prescott's lap. His instinct was to reach out and suck it as Val had done to him, but he knew that if a stallion flared up in his maw, his jaw would be hurting for days. Instead, he reached out with a single finger to capture some of the dripping mess that was leaking out of Ilorek's throbbing urethra to put it in his mouth and gulp it down.

Ilorek smiled and positioned him in front of Prescott, leaning over him with one knee on the edge and his hands on the chair's backrest and his cock hanging just above the little guy's member. "I think you've come to the right place at just the right time, then. I'm sure we can find a few creative ways to help you relieve that stress, if you'll let us and don't mind taking control." His intense amber eyes stared directly at Prescott, beak agape in a grin while his cock throbbed and leaked a hefty gob of precum in stringy webs beneath him.

In his time coming to the ranch, Prescott knew that this was code for 'use me, don't be shy', so he kept staring directly at Ilorek as he wrapped both hands around the hippogryph's cock, squeezing and tugging while drawing out as much of the musky precum all over his own member, lubing himself up from tip to base. "Well, if you say so." He chuckled, shifting in the chair so that he was on his knees and his cock was pressing against Ilorek's tip, nestled within the urethral divot.

"You're going that route, are you?" Ilorek observed, smiling as he glanced down to see the slimy webs of his precum bridging from his member to Prescott's cock and hands. Then, with one fluid motion, he forced his hips downward so that his cock swallowed up Prescott's, the bulbous half-swollen tip pressed tight against his hips with the opening drooling mess all over.

Prescott tensed up and angled his hips upward, thrusting into Ilorek's cock while both of his hands squeezed the shaft. "W-wow, you'll actually let me do this?" He muttered, mostly to himself. Though he and Ilorek had done some fun and creative things in the past, cock fucking was not one of them and it was quite refreshing to try it with such a massive, supple cock. Eager to enjoy all he could of the hippogryph's body, Prescott leaned in so that the shaft was pressed up against his chest and belly, with Ilorek's musky sheath mere centimeters from the end of his snout; while there, he hugged Ilorek's cock up the shaft to eventually cradle both of those huge horse balls of his.

Ilorek remained bent over Prescott, smiling and grinning as the pine marten had his way with his loins. His member surged and throbbed, the shaft's many veins pressing out against Prescott's fingers and palms while his urethral passage constricted around the cock within it. This seemed to excite Prescott even more, as the cock throbbing served only to better give him a nice and snug hole to mate with.

"W-wow..." Prescott whimpered as he reached up and kneaded at Ilorek's sheath and ball sack, smearing the cummy mess of musk and precum all over both Ilorek's body and his own face. His hips bucked upwards, grinding and gyrating as if he'd been sat on by a tight partner as his eyes squinted and he gasped gentle at the apex of each of his thrusts. Having slowly let himself get lost in the sensations of the moment, he wrapped both hands around Ilorek's shaft and started using his cock to masturbate.

Sensing that Prescott was getting into this in the wrong way, Ilorek gently placed his hand on both of Prescott's wrists, gently pushing him away from where the two cocks met. "Come now, my friend. We both know there's more to this than just your self pleasure. You deserve better, and I want to have some fun too." While still hovering over him, Ilorek grabbed Prescott by the shoulders and lifted him up off the chair, yanking his cock out while turning to sit in the chair himself. Valencia quickly hopped up onto his lap, sharing space with Prescott.

"See, this is much better." Valencia cooed at him, rubbing both members with each of her wing hands. "Now we can take turns on this studly drake's..." She paused to squeeze at Ilorek's glans until it swelled against her palm, some gooey mess oozing out over her wng.

Prescott giggled a bit, blushing as he watched the stallion's member throb and squirt before him, and all he could do was wince as none of it was on his face. He quickly leaned over to push Val's hand off Ilorek's cock, replacing it with his own muzzle as he started rubbing his snout up into Ilorek's gaping cock hole, soft tongue prodding at the precum-soaked depths while he kneaded at the stallion's balls. It was sensory overload for him, and while he was usually quite the collected gentleman, the presence of horse cock tended to drive him wild and he couldn't resist.

While he was ravenously licking and nuzzling at Ilorek's stallion cock, he failed to realize that the urethral opening was gradually expanding, and his muzzle was slowly slipping inside as the flare slid towards the crest of his skull. Upon opening his eyes, he saw Ilorek's spongy flare pressed right up against him. While this was a massive turn on, he did freak out for a moment and push away, his snout bursting from the hungry cock hole to leave it gaping and drooling gooey pre-seed all over.

"What's the matter?" Ilorek cooed at him, stroking the heads of both Prescott and Valencia. "I hope I didn't startle you." He said, chirping gently.

Valencia grinned over at Prescott, staring him directly in the eye and never breaking eye contact as she grabbed Ilorek's cock, wrapped one hand around it for control, then folded up her other wing arm and slipped it into Ilorek's cock right down to the base. She wiggled her wing fingers around a bit, making the stallion's member squirm and bulge in all the right places before she pulled out and grabbed at the urethral opening with the forefingers of each of her hands, gaping him out wide enough to swallow either her or Prescott's head. "See? Very malleable. I thought you knew by now that virtually anything was possible on the ranch."

Astounded by what he'd just seen, Prescott took in a series of deep breaths and glanced around, eyes darting from side to side as he struggled with what to do next. Did he dive in? Try it for himself? Could he maybe ask for a demonstration first? He had dozens of ideas in his head, but most of them involved him asking a whole lot of questions that he wasn't prepared to ask, so he just nodded gently and grabbed at Ilorek's member, pulling it closer to him so that he could slip his own fingers in and spread the opening wide.

He could see straight down Ilorek's throbbing shaft, and all he could think about was burying his muzzle in that gently writhing cavern of black and chestnut marbled flesh. Gobs of precum were being squeezed out in waves, cascading over the side of the equine's flare like a volcano, soaking his hands and wrists in the process. Still, even with an open invitation such as that, Prescott was not ready for such an intense session and instead let go of the gaping cock, nestling into Ilorek's arms. "I'm not sure if I'm ready for that kind of adventure." He said without conviction.

Ilorek rubbed him on the shoulder and neck while his member bobbed and came to rest on his belly. "That's okay, I'm sure we can have some fun like that another time. For now, I have a better idea." He patted his chest, urging Prescott to crawl up onto him, standing tall with paws on the hippogryph's hips and hands on his shoulders. "See? Now you're exactly the right height!" He exclaimed, grabbing his own member to rub it up under Prescott's tail, smearing his precum and natural lubricants on the pine marten's pucker.

Naturally, Prescott wasn't quite ready for such a massive cock in him, but it stood to reason that if the urethral passage and the flesh of his member expanded with ease, it could shrink, too! Eager to feel it inside him and curious if it would fit, he reached back with one hand and dipped his back with his tail raised high, exposing his tender pucker, helping Ilorek to guide himself in.

"I thought you said you weren't in the mood for adventure?" Ilorek mused, gently wrapping his free hand around Prescott's back to hold in in a tight hug as he bucked his hips, engorged stallion flare popping into Prescott with relative ease, flare squishing to slip in and inflating once it burst past the smaller one's rump opening.

Prescott gasped and threw his head back as he stallion's flare exploded within him, forming a sort of plug just inside him and tugging on his tail hole from within. There was a slight hint of discomfort as the massive spongy cock tip jerked and throbbed inside him. This lasted for only a few moments before Ilorek relaxed, pulling the engorged flare out with a juicy pop followed by a gush of combined lubricants.

"W-wow, just..I didn't expect-" Prescott started, only to be cut off when Ilorek gave his body another squeeze to hold him in place followed by another, slightly deeper thrust that buried the flare deep enough to cause a gentle bulge in his belly. Adjusting to this deeper, more full stuffing took another few seconds, but Prescott did manage to relax amidst a series of deep breaths and shuddering body quivers. "Well, okay then." He squeaked out, slapping Ilorek on the chest. "I guess that means it's time to finish you up, is it?"

Ilorek gape grinned at him and squeezed him back in for a full bodied hug, pressing their chests together as he started wildly bucking in a series of intense yet shallow thrusts that forced his flare to pump in and out of Prescott's tail hole time and time again, gradually loosening and tenderizing his anal flesh in the process.

He tried to gasp, to whimper or show some form of affection or to make sure Ilorek knew he wasn't hurting him, but the steady assault on his rear rendered him weak at the knees and without breath as the plump, spongy flare squeezed through him with a pop and a squish in a steady, repetitive rhythm. This quickly got to be more than he could handle, and couldn't stop himself from crying out as his cock spewed his hot seed all over Ilorek's chest feathers.

Within seconds of releasing his own gooey mess all over his host, Ilorek's flare pumped to full girth one last time, releasing a torrent of thick, gooey hippogryph seed into his rump, bloating his belly before sucking it all out in a glorious mess as the flare formed a seal and fell out of his loosened rump.

Valencia dove in, letting Ilorek's essence splash over her snout as she started fervently licking at Prescott's leaking rump until it was clean. Every touch of her tongue to his pucker made his toes curl and body shudder until he eventually collapsed in on himself, body nestled gently in Ilorek's arm with his head resting against the hippogryph's chest plumage. Valencia saw this and perched on the arm of the chair, licking her lips as she watched. "Think he's got another round in him?" She asked.

Ilorek held Prescott up close, glancing down at the pine marten's blue and white fur. "If so, I'm sure he'll let me know. I think he needs some time to recover."

And recovery he needed. After being anally reamed and pumped full of the hot seed that helped him reach his own explosive orgasm, Prescott was ready for a nap. Perhaps, when he woke, he'd have the wherewithal to ask more about the hungry cock of Ilorek's.

Yes, that was quite the plan. In the mean time, he needed to relax, basking in the musky aroma of the three of them and the mess they'd worked together to create.