
Story by Mechaknucles on SoFurry

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#10 of An Assassin of my Heart


The rain drenched my fur, every hair on my body pressed tightly against me. Rain, how inappropriate, for this is a glorious day , where Sonic is no longer my protégé. But now he is truly my partner. I went through the modern living room to my bedroom. Turning the knob, the door opened. I turned to the left side of my bed, heading for the bathroom, the shower rather. I pulled the curtains aside and pulled off my heavy coat, letting it fall upon the tiled floor. I looked in the mirror, seeing I was death no longer. My face was not thin, my eyes were passionate with fire, not crystallized ruby, not dulled, and certainly not lifeless.

The stripes in my fur were a strong crimson where as my black fur was no longer dulled to a grayish color, but now shown brightly as a near-metallic jet black. I was, dare I say, again a handsome hedgehog. I chuckled to myself, thinking of when Sonic commented on my appearance, asking if I had taken something illegal. Again I laugh, what is legal now? The world itself commits a crime by going in a large circle year after year, when it is illegal to move without a destination.

My hand felt under the cooling water. Finally, it was cold enough to my liking. I don't know why, but I always enjoyed colder than normal showers. The chills of it, flowing over my fur. To think I used to hate the water. I did everything I could to avoid it, but now, I depend on its cooling, almost soothing properties. Oh how I have changed, how is it that time has moved me, and swayed me into a new state of being?

But, long is it, how long have I been? Of what age? Surely I am younger than the professor, rather, considerably younger since he could not have made me until he was at least 21, the legal age to think and act freely, or almost free. Could, my life be a lie in its entirety? What if my talk with the doctor, was a hallucination? I am, or should be, at least 736 years of age. But I figure the doctor is no older than 84.

I then heard my timer go off. I may have been out a lot of the day, but my turkey was still cooking and if I didn't get out soon, it might burn. So I jumped out of the shower and spin-dried myself. I ran quickly into the kitchen and pulled down the oven door. It was a delicious golden brown.

Upon putting the final touches on the soon-to-be dinner, I heard a knock at the door. Sonic walked in holding red roses, so red, that is seemed as though blood were painted on them, but they hid their dark secret in the overwhelming beauty. He smiled at me, fur clenching his skin from the rain, the same as I was. He walked in and let the flowers drop from his hand.

I opened my mouth to poke fun of his appearance, but he took advantage of my parting lips to slip his tongue into my warm mouth. He forced my tongue, coaxing it to play with his own tongue. I obliged the wish and pushed him back. He tried to prevent his fall until he was over the couch, successfully landing softly on the plush, soft pillows. I became so lost in the kiss, and I could tell that he felt as though he had fallen up and into my infinitely loving eyes. His own emerald orbs shined bright, yet somehow cold, like those of emeralds.

He broke the kiss, admitting he needed more breath than his nostrils could provide. I looked again at his eyes, and saw tears rolling from the yeux. I pulled my head up and licked them away, "Now, now my pet, no need to cry on this day." I had my own set of problems, but they mean nothing on this day, all my problems can wait, and so can his. I just know that everything is gonna be all right.

"Shadow...I've had, the time of my life...and I have never felt this way before..."

"We will have, the time of our lives, and we will feel this way forevermore," I said in poetic song, "Yeah, that's the truth, and I owe all to you."

More tears fell from his face as he said, "I need you, now." He then pushed his tongue again into my mouth. I forced his back wrestling his for dominance and control. We fell off the couch and rolled on the soft floor. His eyes were closed and I was now on top of him. I could feel that he was being the submissive one. He pleaded to be dominated, and I would happily oblige.

I began to tease him, as I lowered my head upon the nub of his nipple, a new little fetish I have found Sonic enjoyed. I suckled it carefully, humming against his flesh beneath the endless ocean of blue fur. He wanted more though, but I felt the urge, an almost sudden one, to take things in my hands and to make him beg. I wanted to know that he needed me, to feel the sensation of being the most adored. But my motives are my own, and he knows I like to torture.

He then said in a teasing, but somehow spaced out tone, "Payback will be a bitch," before again going into his low growl and moan, his own cry of temporary satisfaction. I finally let go of him, and he grunted and pushed my chest back. He then said, "W-wait, I have a better idea."

He pulled himself up and tightened his grip around my wrist, dragging me along for the ride. As we reached the bedroom, he attempted to throw me inside. However, as his grip released me, I wrapped my hand around his, sending us into a vortex at the bed. He fell onto it, and the blankets and pillows were around us, blown aside by the wind we created.

"You, in me, now." he said, half ordering, half begging. "I want you before..." he continued, drifting off into the abyss of his mind. Sonic moved to the edge as I got off of the bed entirely. I lowered my face to his familiar entrance, and gave his opening a long, lazy lick. He moaned in pure delight, and I could feel him shudder from the warm, wet contact of my tongue.

After a few more, long, sensual licks, I released myself from his hole and began taking longer licks on his heavy, fur-covered balls. But soon, my unsheathed member began to throb, telling me of my own need for a release. I pulled myself up again, my prick stiff against the moist tail-hole.

He gave a soft moan as I slid into him, forcing myself into his tight ass. I pulled out and aimed for his prostate, knowing full well where to look. His scream came just as I hit the sensitive area of his cavity. I pulled out and then thrust in again, slamming his sweet spot again. The pleasure was immeasurable and mixed with the overwhelming heat from his anus was sending me into a frenzy.

I began to speed up, taking every single motion to hit his most desired point. I was moving at a pace which would be impossible for most to even imagine, bringing myself almost all the way out, just before slamming back in. With each entry, I seemed to push in a little more, reaching a new point into my lover.

I looked at his crying face and he knew he was hurting from the pain, but his smile, and moans showed the pleasure he received also. He began to push himself down on my cock, forcing me to hit him even harder and faster. Our fur-covered flesh slapped with each thrust into each other.

I found myself, one again clutching onto his cock, which was dripping pre-cum in an almost steady stream. The friction around my prick was becoming almost too much for me too bear, and as I thought, my climax was coming fast. My hand pounded his large, thick dick, massaging it as fast as my hand could go, staying in rhythm with my thrust. Each upward tug, leading to the sensitive cock head, engorged in the intensity and excitement of my thrust.

I took a moment and released my hand from his prick, to roll his sac, which was now heavy with seed. My hand returned to his member, pounding the organ at an even faster momentum. I could feel my heavy sac begin to constrict, signaling the too-soon release of my sperm into my lover.

He began to pant heavily, grunting at each thrust as his cock began to throb in my hand, while I hit his prostate again and again. He threw his head back as he released his spray upon us, covering us in it. I stuck my tongue out to catch some of the creamy essence. At the same moment, his hind muscles began to constrict repeatedly on my thick cock, giving me little time to thrust completly into him before I released myself into his awaiting ass.

We both panted heavily for the following moments. His head turned to the clock on the west wall. "Seven . . . o'clock already?" he asked in a tired, heavy voice.

"And we have not eaten dinner yet." I teased.

"But that means I only have 5 hours to...kill..." he closed his eyes and snored softly, mumbling the name under his breath.

"I will wake you up by then." I whispered to him, as I pulled myself out, and fell upon him. The room went hazy and then completely black.

My dream consisted of more light-hearted memories of Maria. She skipped in the park, sun bringing more golden light to her already beautiful face. Her large blue eyes smiled back at me as I walked behind her. I smiled back at her in a way I have not done in years.

Later that long-lost evening, I had just made love to Maria. She was tired afterwards but did not fall asleep. Instead she got up and looked out upon the world around us, at the people who were still in the streets, all of whom would be arrested for breaking curfew.

"It is not fair.," she commented, "Why do we get such unworldly pleasures to do what we please when so many don't?"

"Because, you are special, and I love you." I said in my then usual romantic tone.

"Maybe, I don't wanna be so special." she replied in a low melancholy voice.

"Come now," I replied, "You are just tired from all the fun we had today."

"Maybe, but I still think, if I could have one wish . . . " she said falling back into my knowing arms. She always carried on like this before going to sleep, but she said something else as I carried her back to bed, "The company motto is more than that Shadow, it is my greatest desire."

We then said it simultaneously, "For all the people, on this planet, to give them a chance to be happy." But then she said, "To give them a chance . . . to be free."

I then saw the memories of getting on the plane in fast-foward. I then saw again, military guards standing erect around us when one of them suddenly slammed me over the head. I fell down, but landed on my right hand, spun around and slammed my fist into his stomach, killing him instantly. I turned to the others, but they already had Maria in their grasp. I felt so weak and stupid. How could this happen?

In despair, I thought of one way out. I ran at the speed of sound around the helicopter and attacked every guard within my reach. I killed all of them, but my whirlwind tore holes in the floor and ceiling. I could not hear at my high speeds, but one of them was fast enough to pull the trigger. Maria was dead.

Again memory put on fast-forward, and I saw that I bluffed my way through, claiming I remembered nothing of the accident. I did research and found the location of all the Chaos Emeralds. I found all of them, but The Firm was not stupid. They caught me with the last one and thanks to the "good doctor's" invention, I was captured.

My dream ended there. I awoke to the sound of thunder outside and water in the shower. I walked into the bathroom and grabbed my coat. But as I picked it up, Sonic threw the shower curtain open and a knife flew at me from his hand. I jumped back, but his speed was equal to mine, and the knife glazed my left muscle.The wound was not too deep. Nevertheless, I threw three knives from my inner coat pocket into the shower. I saw blood splatter and left him for dead.

I rummaged through my drawers and found the stash in the false bottom of my drawer. There lay six of the seven Chaos Emeralds. I put them in the coat pocket which was clearly designed for them. With a final look, I walked out of the apartment and headed for The Firm.

There was only one in the elite car. It was a quiet trip through the tunnels below the city. Rain could be heard falling onto the street only a few feet above me. The lights were dim and the ride was not at all bouncy. The car arrived at the entrance, and I walked into The Firm.

The midnight girl had no idea who I was, but she knew my face well enough to let me pass. I took the stairs over the elevator to be more discreet. I zoomed by the empty offices and reached the fifteenth floor in mere moments. The floor was one big office for the First CEO of The Firm. She was the only CEO because this was no longer a public company. And so the highest office was chief. As I expected, the office was empty.

I was wrong however, because as I stepped into the room, I only looked in through the glass door. The moment I stepped in, a flashy blue hedgehog emerged from the corroded floor. He raised his left hand and missiles launched from it. I ran to the right in the large office, but they were seeking me out. I then ran behind the blue hedgehog, and held him in front. The missiles neared and I jumped back, releasing him just as they exploded on impact.

I then heard clapping at the entrance to Maria's office. "Well done Shadow, well done." His cold piercing eyes shot at me through his spectacles as he asked, "Now, what will you do about the real thing?" As he said this, Sonic walked up from the stairs and with a single punch, he shattered the doors glass and stepped through it. "The machine was a proto-type of Gerald's invention called 'Robo-Sonic.' It is relatively new, but a similar one got the best of you the last time you possessed the seventh emerald."

I glared at him as he said, "Sonic. Get him." Sonic went into dash at me, throwing a knife aimed at my face. I jumped back and caught it in a midair spin. I landed and tossed the knife at him while approached. It hit his left shoulder, and blood oozed from the wound, but it did not faze his pace. What could be motivating him so much that pain means nothing?

I turned back and saw the portrait of Maria and Robotnik standing together happy. I turned from him and ran at it, aiming for the safe behind it. Our speeds were matched, but I knew he could not keep up the pace. I had already treated my leg wound, but he could not stop and look at his without being left behind.

I had just enough time to move the portrait and get the safe open just before he tackled me. Until that chase, I never noticed the enormous size of the office. Moving at our fast pace, it still took us a little while to reach the end. Sonic held a knife over my head, causing me to lose my train of thought.

Sonic's knife was steadily held in the air. Chief finished walking to us, stepping over the wreckage strewn about the ancient office. His legs were draped over mine, knees bent back where they met the ground. I turned my attention back to Chief, who was pulling the emerald from the safe. The gem was a dull gray, drained of it's negative energy. In order to stay off the government's radar, Maria thought it best not to use the Power Plant and used a Chaos Emerald to power The Firm.

i Maria /i

However, it is the last part of my conquest, and it is not getting away. "Sonic," The Chief said as he walked away, "Kill him, and you will get your old life back." The words echoed in my ears. i Old Life? /i I questioned myself.

Sonic raised the knife behind his head, before suddenly thrusting it upon me with great force. I immediately reacted by bucking my hips fiercely, causing him to fall to the side. I jumped up, chasing my former boss, who had also taken up a sprint. My coat tugged in the air behind me.

I slipped my hand into my left coat pocket, and threw all but one of my knives at my target. Three of the projectiles hit their mark, and he exclaimed in his insane rage, "Ha! You will still die Shadow! Sonic, take this and finish him! If you do, my colleagues will reunite you with Miles." He threw the Chaos Emerald over my jumping range when Sonic caught it in air, jumping from his sprint.

He muttered the words "Sonic Wind." as he landed. A blue tornado erupted from the gray emerald, ready to surround me in the twirling winds. I, however, was faster. I merely replied, "Chaos Control." and the emeralds in my possession reacted, transporting me behind my counter-part. I then struck his neck, and he dropped to the floor.

The emerald hit the floor, tossing itself a foot away from Sonic's hand. I grabbed it and placed it safely in my pocket. I grabbed Sonic around his waist and cried slightly as I did so. I whispered the words again and warped to Miles house. The sign in front read, "Miles T. Prower" The house was more laboratory than a home, but I left my beloved upon the doorstep anyway. I also left a quickly scripted message atop him, so they might understand. My eyes filled with tears as I teleported back to The Firm, this time, on the roof.

I took off my coat and placed it on the side. I took out my last knife and surrounded it by a circle of the Chaos Emeralds. I took the knife and slit both wrists, vertical along the vein. I held my arms out and turned in a circle to splatter my blood upon all seven emeralds. My eyes shut as the emeralds grew ever brighter. All seven of them flowed around me, becoming one with me.

My spines suddenly flowed freely. My eyes were only opened halfway, but I could see clearer than I ever could before. The land around me, I could already see it, was looking on a brighter tomorrow. The sun rose, shining light through clouds, and ending a seemingly perpetual night. I still saw the moon and wished myself there, but work was to be done before I made my way to the other side of the sky.

The Firm was in war with the government. However, The Firm mysteriously vanished. I worked for The Firm now, and therefore, the two entities were actually one in the same. If I am to fulfill that wish, I must get rid of The Firm, which is the governing body. I must give them a chance to be happy.

With my mere will, I warped a mile above The Firm. Blood was still pouring from my body, draining in my bed. I held out my hand, wrist red with the crimson liquid. Falling to the earth, I began to spiral on my descent. I yelled one last time, "Chaos!" A powerful black orb appeared in my hand, and surrounded me. "CONTROL!" The orb grew, enveloping both The Firm and myself in its dark electrical orb. With a bright flash and transcending tears, I warped us into oblivion.