My Mom is Dating a Werewolf 4

Story by OmuYasha on SoFurry

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Gwen is a busty curvy single mother who has a run-in with a handsome hunk named Randall. After witnessing his superhuman feats, she falls for him in every sense of the word, and agrees to date him; however, her new lover has a terrifying and dangerous secret. She slowly begins to realizes that her strong stud has bigger problems than her own ex getting out of prison and threatening her family. Just how will her children react to her boyfriend to him? What about to his secret?

Chapter 4 "The neighborhood's dark secret"

The next month passed by very quickly, and what was supposed to be a couples day stay turned into more nights spent at his place than hers. Gwen was so sure that he was the right one that she started telling her parents about him although it turned to bragging, and they agreed that he sounded to be a much better match for her.

A week prior she was supposed to start her period, and as she expected is did not come. Not much changed the next several days, so she decided to stop by the Walmart to get a pregnancy test kit and some other supplies. She rushed back feeling her heart fluttering knowing deep down the outcome, but she was already thinking up a way to tell him.

She took the test, and surprise surprise, it was positive. Afterwards she sat the test strip on a paper towel neatly folded up on the counter by the sink. She pulled out a huge container of ham slices. "So you're the one that's been making me break my diet!" she said to her tummy with amusement as rubbed it tenderly. She started devouring the pound of lunch meat by itself when Randall entered the kitchen.

"Who you talking to?" he asked before she covered her mouth and shoved the empty container in the plastic bag.

"Honey! You're home early!" she shouted with her mouth full. She tried covering her mouth to hide what she was eating, but she knew he had caught her.

"I know you're eating meat" he said before he pointed to his nose. She swallowed her meat and crossed her arms in a huff.

"That damn nose of his!" she muttered.

He stared at her and shook his head. "Why are you trying to hide it?" he asked.

She looked at him guilty, and she started to cry. "I'm trying to be good! I can't control myself! I need it!" she sobbed as she clutched her head.

He was very confused and approached her. "'s okay. Err, it's just meat" he said before he hugged her. "I eat meat all the time. It's nothing to be ashamed of" he said.

"It's not the same! You're a fecken werewolf!" she shouted before she growled at him. "You did this to me! I'm a monster too!" she raised her voice taking her frustration out on him.

He took a step back nervously as she glared at him. "I'm sorry?" he muttered in confusion. He saw her pregnancy test on the counter, which it finally clicked for him. "Oh...the pregnancy thing" he said before he laughed. "The pup's gotta eat, hun" he said.

She looked towards her test and frowned wanting it to be a surprise, and she felt like everything was ruined. "Did you know that I was pregnant even before I took my test?" she asked.

He nodded. "Yea, sort of...I started smelling it a couple weeks ago. You've kind of slept with me every night for the past two weeks. My whole house has been slowly filling up with your things starting with my bathroom and closet, and somehow I ended up with your dog is living with me as well. You pretty much having been living here" he said.

She smiled with a blush. "Well, you do have a really nice big comfy bed...and I really like cuddling up to you in werewolf form. It's really going to be hard for me to sleep without you when the kids come back" she said.

He closed his eyes and chuckled to himself. "I want to feel safe and..." he said before she touched his face.

"I feel loved most of all, and that's what I needed most from a man" she spoke softly.

He murred knowing he was doing a great job as boyfriend. He looked at Cerberus lying on his giant pillow looking up at them with his ears perked. He had taken a liking to Randall and his new home. "Well...uh how are you going to handle going back to your house when your children get here next, Friday?" he asked.

She shrugged and let out a heavy sigh. "I'm just going to have to grin and bear it" she said before she looked at her dog. "You wanna go out to the park and run around? Since you're off?" she asked innocently.

He shrugged thinking nothing of it. "Uh, Sure" he said before he left to find the leash for Cerberus.

She had been to the park that was a part of a new housing development not too far from his house, but she never got to stop to talk to get a feel of his neighbors. She could only assume that they were what you found in the typical middle class suburban neighborhood. She was also eager to bring Randall along as a conversation piece.

While they got to the park, she was playing a three way catch between him and Cerberus. He would throw the Frisbee to Cerberus, and the dog gave it to her, and she would purposely throw it far distances to get Randall to run and jump in order to showcase her boyfriend's talents. Just as she anticipated, the mothers and young women at the picnic table watched either impressed or alarmed with his athleticism and stamina.

"...Who's the stallion?" A skinny blonde woman asked her friends.

"I dunno, but I think he might be that one who lives down the road" a plump dirty blonde woman answered.

"Wow! He's freaking huge! I didn't think men could get that big" an athletic brunette woman said.

Randall looked over at them oddly from 100 yards away. They looked away and gulped. "I think he heard us?" skinny blonde said.

"Don't be ridiculous, he'd have to super human abilities to hear us that far!" the brunette said before she gulped. "Is he still looking?" she asked.

He walked towards Gwen hearing her cellphone ringing in her purse. The women let out a huge sigh of relief before they resumed talking about him. Gwen pulled out her phone noticing she got a text message from her Mother which said, "We'll be at your home by seven. Maybe you can introduce me to your new boyfriend since he's off work?"

"Oh shit!" She shouted as she clutched her phone.

"What?" He asked trying to look at her phone.

She looked up at him and sighed. "My mom wants to see you when she drops off Jack and Emily" she said.

He looked at her nervously. "So has your mother been talking about me around your kids then?" he muttered. He had a pretty good idea what has been going on, but Gwen touched his shoulder to reassure him.

"Hun, my mom thinks that you'll be a good addition to our family. She's only curious about you after I told you that you could literally bench-press a car" she said.

He stared at her and crossed his arms over his chest annoyed. "You seriously did not tell her that did you?" he asked.

She bit her lip and looked away laughing. "I was joking at the time, but I forget that you are actually that strong sometimes" she said.

"Fine...I guess I can't be completely mad at you. I know how much you like to flaunt me around" he muttered.

She smiled grabbing his hand and yanking him away from the field. Cerberus chased after them and pranced around barking. Randall threw the Frisbee one final time and Cerberus took off after it. Gwen leaned up against him and sighed happily. "Just until you meet my mother...she's the queen of flaunting" she said with a sly grin. Randall could hear the women talking about how much they envied her. He took satisfaction in imagining their reactions to the sight of Gwen roaming around the park with a 6 month pregnant belly. The women looked elsewhere for more eye candy as the couple left the park.

He was met with a kiss on the lips, and he grazed her lip with his fang. "It's not nice to flaunt" he said knowing that they were still in view of the women.

She smirked at him. "If you want flaunting, I can parade us down the park and show off my baby bump" she said as she rubbed her belly. "I know you were thinking that just now, and you know I will be" she added. He blushed and said nothing, but she knew him long enough to know that he did not mind being poked at unlike her ex who would get nasty and distasteful at her. She liked a dominant man, but not an abusive one.

He smirked at her and nudged her playfully. "You are just pure evil aren't you?" he said before he stretched. "You sure you didn't plan on getting pregnant?" he asked.

She blushed and shook her head quickly. "N-n-no...well did I want another one, but I wasn't planning on having one this soon. It just kind of happened" she said as she rubbed her arm. "Alcohol is kinds of my's how I got pregnant the last couple times" she said embarrassed.

"Meh, yea, I told you before that I was expecting this to happen to me eventually. No one is perfect right?" he muttered.

She nodded. "Yea, but still...I didn't think I could get knocked up while you were transformed. It didn't really say that in the book" she said.

He cleared his throat. "Not many humans try to straight up fuck a werewolf when he's transformed in the first place...especially when they are completely wolf" he stated.

"Uh...question. Since werewolves are real, does that mean other monsters are real?" she asked.

"Uh-huh" he answered.

"So-uh...are you one of those rare werewolves that don't eat humans?" she asked.

He laughed evilly. "I didn't say I didn't eat humans" he said before he grabbed her from behind and nibbled her over the neck playfully.

She froze and her heart skipped a beat before she moaned softly. "I'm being serious now" she said as she tried pushing him away hoping that he was just being sexual. She looked up at him nervously noticing that he was being dead serious. "Do you eat humans?" she asked.

He cleared his throat. "I don't have a preference to hunt humans, but I have eaten a couple of humans that I killed in self-defense" he said before he held he hands up. "Werewolves will pretty much eat anything. Humans is a part of that anything" he said nervously.

She took a deep breath and sighed. "Okay, so...I see why you're nervous about being away from my kids during the full moon" she muttered.

He laughed. "Don't get me wrong. As long as I'm fed, I'm not much of a problem. You already know that. I just don't want your kids blabbing to everyone that their mom is dating a werewolf. I don't normally date mothers for this reason" he said.

She raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest hefting her mammoth mammaries stopping in her tracks staring him down. "So why would you date me then?" she asked.

He stopped and looked back at her sternly before looking off. "Because I believe that you deserve better. I can't stand to think about him abusing a wonderful woman like you. I've seen how bad domestic calls gets...I've been to a few murder-suicide calls. There was one not too long ago where a man killed his ex and burned down her house with their kids inside. I thought about those things" he said before he looked back up at her. "I was right to worry about you. I'm glad that you accepted my baggage as well" he said.

She frowned and rubbed her arm. "You are really nice to me" she said as she walked up to him. She grabbed his hand and looked up into his eyes deeply. "I've noticed that you've been a lot happier since you showed me" she said before she got on her tip toes to kiss him on the chin. "Let's get going, honey" she said.

They drove back to her house which parked outside was a red minivan. Gwen got out from her car, and a little boy with orange hair ran up to her, shouting "Mom!" as he hugged her tightly. The kid looked like young Rupert Grint.

A plump redhead woman with some streaks of white struggled out of the driver's seat with her huge boulders for buxoms. She rubbed her back before she waddled up to her daughter. Her everything below her waist was supersized including her arms, but she was not a blob very voluptuous, which it was easy to tell that Gwen would age well. He could also see that Gwen was very afraid of turning into her mother as her.

A redheaded girl rushed up to hug her mommy before all eyes were locked onto Randall as he climbed out of the car. Jack and Emily were in disbelief but their grandmother's jaw dropped in awe. "Oh wow, ye weren't exaggerating, He's absolutely gigantic dear! We could definitely use his help around the farm sometime" she said with a super thick Scottish accent, which Gwen giggled seeing her mother blushing as she grinned ear to ear.

"I know right? He humongous" she said before she looked towards her children and smiled warmly. "Kids, this is Randall. Mommy has been seeing him while you two were on holiday with granny and granda" she said.

Randall did his best to not look scary, but Emily was very timid to see such a large man. Jack felt as if her mother dragged in a wild animal back home with her. He was very against his mother moving on and bringing another man in to take charge and order him about. This time, he felt that this man could turn him into a pretzel with zero effort.

Gwen pulled out a zip lock bag from her purse. Her mother looked at the pregnancy test in the bag, and she looked up at her daughter amused although not surprised that her daughter was pregnant thanks to this stud.

"How far along are ye?" she asked.

Gwen shrugged and looked back at Randall. "I dunno, but we both want to keep it" she said.

Her mother smiled thinking about what their child would look like and how big and talented they would get. "Ye know, we could always use more hands on the farm" she said amending her first comment before she slapped him on the arm showing her strength. "Welcome to the family, son-in-law" she said with massive fanfare.

"Wow, your mom sure reminds me of my mother" he commented before scratched at the back of his head. "So, she's not mad at me for, you know?" he asked his mate.

Gwen's mother shrugged understanding the circumstances. "I do watch the news. Oh, speaking of which, there's a class action lawsuit going on. Maybe ye can get a rebate for yer wee...happy accident" she said.

Randall shrugged skeptical about the idea. "Like it will be that much. Heh, they'll just settle out of court and pay all the plaintiffs what like five bucks?" he muttered.

"Five bucks can get you a few lotto tickets" Gwen said.

"Oh, and ye two know what? Randall here is a firefighter" Gwen's mother told the children.

Jack and Emily remained well hidden behind their grandmother. Emily saw how well her mother and grandmother got along with this man. "Is he my new daddy?" she asked sweetly.

Jack glared at her very offended at that notion. "He's not our dad!" he corrected her.

Emily frowned and Gwen glared at her son for his rudeness towards his sister, but he ran off before she could say anything. Gwen turned to her daughter and smiled. She kneeled down and touched her daughter's shoulder. "He can be your daddy if you want him to be" she said sweetly.

"He's a big big daddy" she said happily.

Gwen bit her tongue unsure whether or not to announce her pregnancy to her daughter, but she thought of a cryptic way in telling her. "Honey? How would you feel about being a big sister?" she asked.

Emily's eyes lit up with excitement. "Can I have I little sister? Please!?" she shouted.

Gwen's mother laughed. "I want a strong grandson!" she said eagerly.

Randall laughed nervously. "Now hold on! Let's not be talking about a new brother or sister just yet. I don't want you to jinx us and give us twins" he said.

"I love yer thinking son-in-law" Gwen's mother teased.

"Oh hell no!" Gwen said.

"Ye know twins run on my side of the family. Wur huge suckers aren't just for fun ye know dearie?" her mother said.

Randall gulped and laughed nervously. "So is she in Kindergarten or first grade?" he asked trying to change the subject.

"She's going to be in first grade this year. Her birthday is next week" Gwen said quickly very relieved of her lover's quick thinking.

Emily nodded quickly. "Uh-huh! Mommy is giving me a huge birthday party at Splash!" she shouted.

"She is eh?" Randall muttered before he wondered if Gwen was secretively trying to get him in a speedo or something to show him off. "Why haven't you told me about this?" he asked her.

"Uh...surprise?" Gwen said with a sly grin.

"That's not how surprise birthday's work, hun..." he said before her mother laughed at them.

"What? Ye afraid to get a wee tad wet there laddie?" she asked giving him another slap on the arm.

"No, I just don't want people complaining about my fur plugging up the drain" he said.

Gwen started busting a gut with laughter before she wiped a tear from her eye. "Aw, you're not that hairy" she said as she stroked his chest. Her mother tried her best not to laugh, but he still got a chuckle out of her.

"You're just saying that" Randall said before he looked towards the corner of the house at Jack. "Are you just going to hide back there and shoot me dirty looks" he asked. The boy flinched and ducked back behind the house not expecting to be spotted so quickly.

Gwen looked around for her son, and she looked back at Randall worried. "Randall, he's just scared" she said.

"I am not!" Jack shouted from his hiding spot.

"You're supposed to be hiding aren't you!?" Randall remarked.

Jack growled in frustration and stepped out from behind the house. "I'm not afraid of you!" he shouted.

"What's that? I couldn't hear ye! Come over here, laddie!" Gwen's mother shouted.

"No!" he shouted back.

"Let's get inside! Huh, honey?" Gwen asked before she walked up to her front doorstep. Randall walked up with Emily following behind cutely.

As they all got inside, Gwen's mother looked around and noticed that there was dust gathering around things. "Ooh, this place certainly doesn't look like it has been lived in for a while" she remarked.

Gwen blushed feeling a bit embarrassed for her lack of up keeping her home. "Well, I've been visiting Randall a lot lately. I guess that I've kind of been neglecting my chores a little" she said.

Her mother could see where this was going, so she looked towards Randall briefly and smiled. "So how is his house?" she inquired.

Gwen beamed with pride as she looked towards Randall as well. "Oh, he has a huge house, a huge backyard, a huge everything! It's a little out of the way but he's very well off" she said proudly.

"Well, I'm happy to hear that. I can definitely tell that he's not the Charlie dunderheed. I think it would be best for ye to move out of this place the sooner the better. I can see the neighborhood has been a bad influence on Jack. Are there kids around his age there?" she asked.

"Oh, they just put in a new development in not too far from his place. There's a new house being done every month. Randall's worried about it swallowing up the nature around him. He feel's claustrophobic" she said.

"Don't remind me" Randall muttered.

Gwen's mother laughed. "Oh, well, that's urban sprawl for ye. Like I've said before, we could always have help on the farm if ye can't stand the city life" she said.

"What do you farm?" he asked curiously.

"A wee bit of everything. I don't mean to boast, but we do have the best quality wool in the entire Willamette Valley if I don't say so myself" she said proudly.

Gwen bit her lip and tried not to make a joke, but she decided to anyway. "Yea hun! You could protect them from the wolves" she said.

Randall shot her a strange look, but her mother looked between them oddly. "Wolves? I'm sorry, but did I miss something? There haven't been wolves around for at least a hundred years" she asked.

Randall took a deep breath before Gwen giggled. "No, it's just a joke between me and him" she said.

"I thought I told you to not talk about it out of the bedroom" he growled at her.

Her mother covered her mouth trying her best not to laugh at him. "Do I...want to even know?" she asked.

"No...I'll just leave it at that" Gwen said before she touched her lover's shoulder. "Relax, you made a joke too" she said.

He closed his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest in protest. "Mine was actually funny" he said.

She scowled at him. "If mom only knew, she'd die of laughter" she said.

"No! She'd die of a heart attack if she knew" he whispered into her ear.

Jack came inside and started rummaging through everything. Gwen watched him curiously. "Jack? What are you looking for?" she asked.

Jack frowned. "I can't find Cerberus anywhere. He didn't get hit by a car did he?" he asked.

Gwen looked at him appalled that he would think something like that. She shook her head quickly before she asked, "No, why did you think that he got hit by a car?"

Jack kept looking behind the couches and chairs. "Someone said that someone hit someone and caused a car wreck. They said it happened in front of our house and someone or something died" he muttered.

"Oh dear, that sounds terrible. They actually died?" Gwen's mother asked.

"No, they died before the accident" Gwen muttered before she looked towards Randall. "I already told you about that, mum" she said before she sighed heavily. "Cerberus is at Randall's house" she answered Jack's question.

Jack stared at her confused. "Why is he at his house?" he muttered.

"Cerberus just adores Randall" Gwen said before she looked towards her mother. "You should have seen Cerberus when he first met him" she said.

"Oh, I bet Cerberus was rearing to rip him apart! Ye know that's what his parents are like. They can get very mean around trespassers" Her mother said.

Gwen giggled. "Actually...he just disappeared. Cerberus couldn't even control his bladder around him. It wasn't until he saw Randall protect me that he started to like him" she said.

"Oh my! So was Randall involved with that car accident?" Her mother asked.

"I thought I told you about the accident?" she muttered.

"Ye didn't tell me that much" she said before she looked over at Randall even more proud of him. "I want to know that my son-in-law has protected my darling from Charlie's chavs" she said with satisfaction.

Jack stood by the door with his arms crossed impatiently. "Can I see my dog now?" he asked.

"Ye know what? Why don't ye show us yer house?" Gwen's mother chimed in.

"I like that idea" Gwen added.

After Randall took them back to his home, Jack took off to find Cerberus. Emily wondered around the house and backyard taking in just how massive everything was. She wanted this place to be her new home. Her grandmother was equally impressed, but she did note all the dog hair.

"I thought Cerberus was done shedding?" she muttered.

"Oh, well..." Gwen muttered.

"Ye have a very nice house. It seems a wee too big for just one person. Gwen will make sure to help ye fill it up and make it seem not as oversized. Ye're going to marry her right?" her mother remarked.

Gwen blushed rubbing her tummy. "Oh mum" she said before she rubbed the back of her head. "Don't scare him off!" she said.

Randall looked at her with a grin. "I'm considering it...You know my mother has been pushing me to marry for a long time...not to mention start a family" he muttered.

"Ye're at that age to be settling down. I'm surprised a laddie like ye hasn't yet" Gwen's mother said before she took in a deep breath. "Doesn't matter anymore, ye have Gwen now" she said. Randall looked at her oddly before he scratched the back of his head.

"Uh, yeah, heh heh. Who knows why I haven't settled down sooner" he muttered awkwardly.

"It's because ye were waiting for the right one" her mother suggested.

Jack found a leash and hooked it up to Cerberus's collar. "Mom, I'm taking Cerberus out for a walk to the park!" he shouted.

Gwen smiled at him. "Okay honey, oh and take your sister with you" she requested.

"Oh fine" Jack huffed as he waited for his sister stop roaming around.

After five minutes, they were off to the park. Emily skipped down the gravel road looking off to the marsh and fields. "I like this place. Cerberus likes it here too" she said happily. Jack glared and kicked a rock down the road. The rock hit Cerberus's hind leg causing him to jump and look back whimpering with his ears pinned back hoping that he did not upset Jack.

"Hey! Don't hurt him!" Emily shouted.

Jack felt betrayed. "He's just a stupid dog. He doesn't even know who his master is" he said coldly.

Emily walked up to Cerberus and stroked the fur on the back of his neck. "You're mean! You're not his master! He's our family! Our protector" she said before she leaned her head into her dog's ear. "It's okay" she said softly.

"Tch, He hid from Randall when he first saw him. Some protector he is..." he muttered.

She glared back at him finding him to be a big hypocrite. "Randall is super big...he's got a scary voice too. You ran away too you know!" she said.

"Shut up! I didn't run from him! He's not our dad either! You wouldn't know! You never met our dad!" He shouted at her.

She looked down at the ground, and her lip quivered. "But...I never heard mommy or granny, or granda say good things about him. They don't like to talk about..." she said before Jack interrupted.

"You're just stupid! They don't like to talk about him because he's in prison! Just you wait! You'll see that he's not a bad guy!" He muttered before he walked faster.

Jack when they got to the park, he met a boy he recognized from school. The black haired boy looked a bit like a young Elijah Wood. "Jack!? Is that you? What are you doing over here?" he shouted with excitement.

Jack's eyes lit up. "Sam? This is where you moved to? I thought you moved far away?" he asked.

Sam shook his head. "Nope, Just to a new school. Hey! Let me show you my new house?" he asked.

Sam took Jack to his house that was only a couple blocks away from Randall's house. He knocked on the door, and soon a dirty blonde haired sixteen year old girl came to the door. She smiled at him before she turned back. "Mom! Jack's here!" she shouted up the stairs.

"What?" She shouted before she rushed back down stairs. She stood behind her daughter looking over, and her eyes widened in shock. "Oh, Jack...where's your mom?" she asked him as she looked around outside hoping to see a car.

"She's back at the house" he said.

The mother looked at him horrified. "You walked all the way from Mohawk with your sister!?" she asked.

He shook his head. "No, mom is found a guy down the road..." he said.

Emily nodded. "Uh-huh, he's really big and really nice" she said before the mother let out a huge sigh of relief as Jack walked inside. Sam followed him into the family room to play video games.

Sam's sister followed them and leaned against the wall acting cool. She looked down at them and smirking. "So did you see that house down the road?" she asked. Jack looked at her confused before she snickered. "Okay, okay since you're not from around here. I'm going to fill you in on a little rumor I heard from David...He says that he and his friends were out in the fields last month and they said they saw the guy who lived there" she said.

Her thirteen year old brother came out of his bedroom and crossed his arms over his chest grinning. "You telling him about the werewolf?" he asked.

Jack stared at him confused. "There's a werewolf around here?" he asked.

Her brother laughed. "Yup! He ate a hunter two years ago. There was hardly anything left of fact the only thing left to identify the body was his head" he said before he pulled out his phone. "Check out how freaking huge he is!" he said showing a picture.

Jack squinted at the picture seeing the large dark blurry figure in the field. It looked like it was running towards the camera, but the lighting was too poor to make out much of anything. "You're just trying to scare me. Werewolves aren't real!" he said. Her brother flipped through his phone showing a better picture of the figure but a figure of a woman on her tip toes holding hands with the larger figure about ready to kiss it. Jack shivered familiar with the woman's very large breasts and figure, but the other shape looked very human as well. "Mom?" he muttered.

"What's your mom doing with the werewolf?" David asked.

"I don't see a werewolf" Jack raised his voice.

The mother came in the room and put her hand on her hip. "David! I thought I told you to quit making up stories! That was a bear in the field and you know it!" she shouted at him.

David snickered. "I wasn't mom! I was just showing him the pictures of the bear" he said before he started texting someone. The mother rolled her eyes at him before she looked at Jack severely.

"Why don't you go back outside? Emily is waiting for you outside" she suggested before she left.

David's phone vibrated, and he smirked. "Tony's meeting us at the corner...he's got video of the werewolf on his phone. He can show us it" he said. Sam and Jack got off the couch and followed David outside. Tony stood at the corner before he met up with them. David grinned. "Hey! Hey! Show him the video of the werewolf!" he said.

Tony stared at him and gulped. " baby sister got a hold of my phone, and she deleted all my pictures" he said.

David growled. "Dude! You serious!?" he yelled clenching his fist. "How are we supposed to prove that there's a werewolf in the neighborhood now!?" he yelled.

"What's a werewolf?" Emily asked cutely. They ignored her, and she looked to Cerberus sadly feeling left out.

There was a loud howl and a woman's scream turned into a moan. David's sister held out her phone playing a video. The all looked back at her in shock. "You have a video?" David shrieked.

"I might...maybe I should delete it" she said.

"Come on Katie! Show us it!" David begged.

Katie turned around smirking. "Nope...not until you promise to let me go to the fields with you" she said waving her phone.

"Deal! We'll do whatever you say!" David shouted while he stretched his hand out.

Katie grinned wider knowing she had them. "And you better give me all the chocolate bars I want during Halloween...and don't hold out on me either!" she said. David hesitated, which she pushed delete. "Oops!" she muttered showing him the message deleted on her screen.

"No!" David shouted falling to his knees.

"I'm down to the last ones...want me to delete 'em too?" she asked.

"Tch! I bet you're trying to trick us! You don't have any video" David said.

Katie turned to Emily and showed her a video. "Oh cool! So that's a werewolf? He's really big and scary!" the little girl said.

David stared at her and growled. "That could be any Youtube video" he said.

"Look! It's Randall's house!" Emily said pointing at the phone.

"Who's Randall, sweetie?" Katie asked.

"Randall is my new daddy. Mom and Grandma really like him" Emily said innocently.

"How long has your Mom been with him?" Katie asked.

"Uh...I don't know, the whole summer?" Emily said cutely.

Katie thought about it for a moment before she looked back at Jack and her brothers. She started deleting her videos in front of them covering up the dates, and David gasped in shock.

"You dumb blonde! Do you know what you just did?" David shouted.

Katie rolled her eyes at him. "I don't want to start up drama with a werewolf. He hasn't done anything to us. The video wasn't that good anyway" she said before she walked inside.

David grabbed onto Emily looking into her eyes intensely. "What did it look like! Did he look like a wolf or man? I gotta know!" he shouted.

"Uh, both! I think he was dragging a deer across the field" she said.

Tony sighed. "Maybe next full moon we can go back out to the field" he said.

"Uh, maybe I can stay the night at your place?" Jack said feeling nervous with Katie's reaction. He never saw her get cold feet midway through one of her extortion bouts.

"Yea...wait...when is the next full moon?" Sam asked.

David pulled out his phone and held it near his mouth. "Okay google! When is the next full moon?" he asked.

"The next full moon will be on Monday the Seventh of October" the phone said, but the phone also showed a couple nights before was the last full moon.

"Shit! That's a school night!" David shouted. "Uh...what about the next one?" he asked as he skimmed through the full moon chart. "Well we can do it in December" he muttered before Jack gulped.

"But by then my mom will be living with him!" he shouted.

"And?" David muttered.

"That means I'll be living with him too, dummy!" Jack added.