Misthaven Academy: Cai's Chronicle: Chapter #4 (Finale)

Story by Birdpup on SoFurry

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The end.

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Cai had never been trapped in his own mind before, but it was an altogether terrifying experience.

Xaidar must have had some fondness for him, because he was still sitting on that warm tropical beach, with the waves lapping at the shore, wearing nothing but a loose swimsuit around his waist. It seemed he was completely under Xaidar's thumb: no amount of vivid imagining could conjure anything up in this dream-scape, which left him helpless and alone. He didn't dare wander, for fear of Xaidar catching onto his plans and sending something after him. If the Demon was truly as powerful as he said, then Cai feared for his life. He didn't have a body anymore, so he had no explanation for what would happen to him if he was mauled or killed in his strange land.

He had one thing, though: a live feed. One of Xaidar's last laughs, presumably, was some floating screen that hovered over the rolling waves beyond, showing Cai the real world through what was, effectively, his own body's eyes. He could see Xaidar looking down at his hands, Cai's hands, and chuckling to himself. Cai dreaded what the Demon might do with his supple body, and part of him didn't want to look. A number of scenarios ran through his mind, but most of them centred on one thing: Tito. Would the Demon kill him? Siphon off all of his magic and then leave him for dead? He had no idea what the Demon was capable of with his body, nor what he planned to do. Xaidar had mentioned Cai's young body, along with the various mages around them, but that gave Cai little indication of his motives and plans, despite the feline's smarts.

Cai watched the screen and paled as he sat the Demon get to his feet and move over towards the bathroom. He was making a beeline for Tito: Cai knew the Hyena well enough to know he liked to shower in the morning before going to class, and he watched as the Demon pushed open the door, staring over at the silhouette of the Hyena behind the curtains.

Xaidar was still wearing Cai's clothes, or rather, he was still 'wearing' Cai, who happened to be in clothes. He began to peel them off with a certain degree of finesse, sliding out of them until he was in nothing but his underwear, leaving his robes and wizardly fabrics in a heap by the door. He walked silently over towards the curtains, his red eyes gleaming. He could feel Cai panicking in the back of his mind, and he didn't care. The Feline deserved to be panicked. After all, he had tried to betray him: Xaidar didn't take that kind of betrayal lightly.

He grasped the side of the curtain and yanked it open, revealing the naked Hyena behind it. Tito helped and instinctively covered himself, before he relaxed and placed a hand on his heart, a grin spreading across his face when he realised it was only his friend.

"Cai! Christ, you gave me a heart attack. The hell are you doing, sneaking up on me like that, huh?" Tito reached out and thumped his half-naked 'friend' in the shoulder, completely unaware that the entity beneath was anything but his best friend. He faltered for a moment when he saw the wicked grin spread across his friend's face, and looked a little puzzled as Cai stepped into the shower. Not that he complained outright, but it was definitely out of character.

"What, uh...what's up?" He asked quietly, his eyes trailing down Cai's body and watching as those Feline hands dragged over his wet stomach, stroking across Tito's chest. This was very much unlike him, but Tito was clearly too infatuated with what he thought was his friend to realise it wasn't him at all.

"Nothing. I just...you know, you looked a little left out yesterday." Xaidar was good at imitating Cai's words and mannerisms, to the point where it was almost a little too hard to discern one from the other. Even a trained eye like Tito couldn't pick it up, but he was clouded in his own love for the Feline to notice. The Hyena shivered as those fingers crawled up his stomach and stroked along his fur, and the blood pumped to his cock, forcing him to stiffen up and poke from his sheath with little effort.

"Someone's excited." Xaidar smirked a little and reached forwards, grabbing Tito's wet hand and directing it towards the Feline's own crotch. Soon enough, Cai's body was also getting pretty soaked by the shower water, but he didn't seem to care. He let the Hyena openly fondle his package, and watched as Tito's cheeks grew flushed with desire and lust. His fingers danced across the Feline's balls and around his sheath, feeling the member pulse to life within the mage's underwear.

"You want to fuck me, don't you?" Xaidar asked quietly, proving once against how much of a convincing 'Cai' he made, whist forcing the original to watch from his quiet, trapped dream-scape. Tito slowly nodded and the two pressed themselves against one-another, until Tito finally turned the Feline around, pushing him up against the wooden wall opposite the shower. His hands greedily ran over his friend's backside and up around his hips, feeling him all over. He desired him with such a fiery passion, that he didn't even notice the dim red gleam that flashed in Cai's eyes.

Tito's thumbs dipped into Cai's underwear and slid them down past his rump, exposing the mixture of blues, purples and greys that made up a dull, magical mixture in the Feline's fur. His ran his thumbs over the slightly damp behind as he pressed his own naked body up to the Feline's own, sliding his Hyena cock between those plump cheeks, to make the Feline ultimately aware of how aroused he was. Xaidar pushed his hips up against Tito's body and rolled them with a certain degree of experience, squeezing his cheeks together and causing the Hyena to shudder in delight.

"Do it. Fuck me." Cai demanded, and Tito certainly didn't want to disappoint. He pulled his hips back, pressing the slightly tapering end of his member between those cheeks and wriggling for a few seconds until he found his mark. He pushed forwards slowly, but Xaidar grew impatient, thrusting his hips back and swallowed up Tito's member without a second thought. The Hyena gasped and let out a long groan, pressing up against the Feline's body and curling his hands around the cat's hips, gripping him firmly. He pulled back and thrust.

In his dream-scape, Cai was forced to watch, but he ultimately couldn't see that much. He viewed everything from his own eyes, and all he could see was the brown, wooden wall before him. The sounds, however, was remarkably vivid, and chorused through the dream-scape as if they were happening right in Cai's ear: the sounds of the falling water at the bottom of the shower, the mixture of grunts and groans and, worst of all, the wet slaps of Tito's hips bouncing off Xaidar's hips, no, his hips.

He heard could Tito's grunts growing more and more intense. He knew the Hyena was already getting close, and even in that little dream-scape, Cai somehow knew that the Demon was using his magic to influence his friend, making him more lustful, more intent on performing lewd acts. He wasn't sure how he knew; maybe it was the bond that they shared by their contract. In either case, he knew what was happening, and he was powerless to stop it.

"F-Fuck..." Tito leant forwards as he squeezed Cai's fleshy hips, pounding his hips back and forth. His balls swayed and bounced off of Cai's own as he thrust the few final times that he needed, before his climax finally came to fruition. He arched his back and let out a long sigh of relief as his cock pulsed and throbbed, spurting thick strings of cum right into the Feline's behind. Whereas it would have normally remained there for the Demon to collect, Xaidar had already begun to cut out the middle man, as the 'essence' itself began to absorb itself into the Demon's body, invigorating him and granting him more power. He groaned to himself, working the barbed member between his legs as if it were his own.

"Damn, Cai, that was..." Tito panted tiredly, kissing along the back of the Feline's neck, rocking his hips against him as he kneaded his member inside that warm behind, milking every last drop of his cum before his cock grew too sensitive. Eventually, he pulled back, shuddering from the sensation as he slipped his member from the Feline's behind, leaning back against the opposite wall. Water ran down his front and he wiped himself over with the liquid, cleaning himself of the sweat that clung to his body. Cai turned and shot Tito a rather mischievous grin, slipping out of the shower and grabbing the last remaining towel from the rack, barely giving Tito any time to recuperate.

"H-Hey!" Tito exclaimed, wanting to go after him, but not wanting to track water around the dorm room. He heard a small chuckle emanating from the Feline as Xaidar moved through into the other room to get dressed. In the dream-scape, Cai blew a sigh of relief. He didn't kill Tito after all.

"Rather dramatic, aren't you?" A voice emanated through the dream-scape, and he knew that Xaidar was speaking to him, likely in the same fashion that Cai used to speak to him in kind.

"Don't hurt him, or I s--" Cai was about to retort diligently and prove he was a good friend, but a low snort of amusement cut him off.

"I'm not going to kill anyone...that is, if they don't get in my way, of course." Xaidar's voiced was dripping with venom and teasing notions, making the panic rise to Cai's throat. He knew the Demon could feel his anxiety on the matter, and that seemed to make him even more amused.

"I'm just going to have a little fun with your body, whilst you watch. Consider it your punishment, at least for the time being...then I'll finally put my real plans into action." Xaidar mused, and Cai sat mulling over his words, worried just what the Demon might be planning. He had no way of knowing, not did he have any way of communicating with anyone outside of this little mind bubble he was trapped in.

Xaidar got himself dressed after towelling off, tugging on his robes and slipping out the door long before Tito stepped out of the bathroom to change himself. The Hyena looked surprised to find himself on his own, and slowly began to question his friend's behaviour. Something was amiss, and he knew it.

Xaidar's antics didn't stop at Tito. No sooner had he stepped into the vast lobby of Misthaven Academy did he start eyeing out potential candidates for his sordid adventures, his eyes running hungrily over the various men that moved from one side of the hall to the other, or lingered and talked in the expansive lobby. Talk of the Inquisitors had subsided since they had left, and no-one seemed to have any idea what was going on. Cai watched through his own eyes as Xaidar sauntered across the lobby, weaving his way through the crowd as he picked out potential candidates.

It didn't take much. A single touch to their arm or shoulder seemed to do something to do them, and they suddenly grew distracted, their eyes quickly falling on the Feline that made their way around them. Xaidar seemed to have applied this strange magic onto 3 different people, before he finally made his way down one of the long corridors, and the 3 mages soon followed him, stalking him down the hallway as Xaidar ran his fingers over the doors, trying to pick a suitable room.

"What did you do to them?" Cai demanded aloud in that Dream-scape, and Xaidar chuckled under his breath.

"Just a little dose of something to make them more...interested." The Demon replied, though he didn't necessarily have to. He was still deliberately coaxing the Feline into thinking he was doing unspeakable things, hinting at something more malevolent, and he seemed to find pleasure in winding up the poor boy. He finally stopped at a door and creaked it open, peeking inside. Satisfied, he stepped through and left it slightly ajar.

It was a quaint little sort of 'chamber', more or less void of any sort of furniture, and likely used as some sort of storage room, or practice room. He guessed the latter as he scanned the walls, noticing a few scorch marks here and there. It only took a couple of seconds for the 3 mages to step through the door, and Xaidar turned to face them, smirking as he looked them up and down. One of them was a Canine, whilst the other two were a Dragon and a Feline, respectively.

"Well?" He grinned, and they seemed to understand. They immediately stepped forwards and began to touch over his body, stroking his sides and up to his chest, groping his lithe form whilst they rubbed themselves against him. It was obvious that they were quite aroused already, and Xaidar didn't waste any time in giving them a few encouraging gropes in return.

The Canine reached down, grasping firmly at the hem of the Feline's robe and hoisting it up over his head, revealing the fluffy fur beneath. The 3 men's hands were already stroking along his body, the occasional hand dancing down and groping and stroking against Xaidar's package, cupping his balls and touching along his inner thigh. Cai could hear their groans of pleasure. Xaidar was using his body for these acts, and Cai couldn't help but feel violated, even if he couldn't actively feel what they were doing.

The other Feline stuck his thumb into Xaidar's underwear and slipped it down over his rump, exposing the bare flesh beneath. A finger slipped down between the crack and kneaded against his pucker, gauging the tautness of the entrance as the Cat's mouth descended, peppering kisses along Xaidar's neck. The other two were already undressing, stroking their cocks and sliding them up against Xaidar's body, smearing small dabs of pre-cum against his fur.

"Mm. That's it, go wild, boys." Xaidar smirked a little, arching his back and rolling his head to the side so he could expose more of his neck, letting the other Feline explore a little more. The Dragon, however, had other ideas, firmly grasping the young Feline and dragging him to the floor. He curled his arms around Xaidar's body, laying down underneath him as his thick, throbbing Dragon cock pulsed between the boy's legs. They all seemed to understand and take different positions, stroking and rubbing against one-another. The Canine, with his thick, knotted cock, lined himself up atop the young Feline, sandwiching Xaidar between him and the Dragon, whilst the Feline knelt down by Xaidar's head, stroking his head and ears as his barbed member pulsed, mere inches from the cat's mouth.

The Dragon rolled his hips back, uncurling a black-scaled arm from around Xaidar so that he could reach down and position his twitching, knotted, 8 inch cock against the Feline's taut entrance, pressing and poking until he was certain he was in the right spot. He eventualy pushed as the grey-furred Canine above them shuffled forwards, wrapping his hand around his cock pulsing, knotted member and Xaidar's own, giving them both an ample squeeze and lightly stroking them back and forth, frotting the two of them together. Xaidar rolled his head back and groaned, feeling the sensation of that large, throbbing insertion, coupled with the pleasure to his cock. The Dragon was particularly thick, stretching Xaidar's rump as he sunk deeper and deeper. The Demon was glad that Cai had been filling his quota every day: it had made the cat's behind stretchy, with little discomfort. He could feel Cai growing agitated and distressed, and that amused him.

Slowly, the Dragon's cock sunk deeper and deeper, until the bulbing knot at his base lodged itself firmly against Xaidar's behind. Growing impatient, the Feline grasped onto the Demon's head and angled him around, pressing his cock against those Feline lips and pushing his hips forward, sliding his barbed member into that warm mouth. Xaidar reached up to grope at the Feline's balls as he rolled his tongue around the member, feeling the barbs flare against his fleshy appendage. He could hear the Feline groaning, and the cat started in on a slow, rhythmic thrusting, utilizing the Feline's mouth whilst he could. The Canine atop Xaidar relentlessly thrust his hips against Xaidar's cock, stroking their members together and spurting tiny dribbles of pre-cum onto the Feline's stomach.

"Fuck, this guy is tight..." The Dragon muttered quietly, pulling back and thrusting up roughly, letting out heated pants as his knot bounced off of Xaidar's behind. The Demon let out small groans and huffs between the cock sliding in and out of his mouth, whilst the Canine atop him greedily jerked himself with the cat's barbed cock, panting happily as his cock continued to dribble pre-cum everywhere. Their lewd actions quickly became a series of groaning, panting gyrations, with Xaidar caught in the middle. He certainly wasn't complaining: after all, this was what he wanted all along!

"Fuck...!" The Feline groaned, pulling his head back and squeezing his cock, dragging his hand up and down rapidly as he orgasmed, spurting thick ropes of cum over Xaidar's face and plastering his nose and mouth with the sweet, sticky nectar. Xaidar opened his mouth and caught a few strings, gulping it down with satisfaction, as the Canine atop him began to pant in earnest, lolling his tongue and wagging his tail like a feral animal. Soon enough, he was climaxing as well, spurting his load all over Xaidar's stomach and splattering his otherwise pristine fur with thick globs of the substance, matting the fur and making it sticky.

All that was left was the Dragon, who was keen to thrust as hard and as fast as he wanted, whilst the other two leant back, panting to themselves as the stroked and worked their members a little, watching the spectacle with bated breath. Xaidar groaned and panted with each powerful thrust, the wet slaps of the Dragon's knot against his entrance filling the air. Eventually, the pleasure of those thrusts was too much to bear, and Xaidar let out a shaky exhale, arching his back as his barbed member twitched and dribbled drops of cum onto his stomach, mixing in with the Canine's own, leaving a thoroughly sticky mess. The hand around Xaidar's body tigthened as the muscles inside the Feline convulsed and squeezed, clamping down around the Dragon's cock and sending him over the edge.

He let out a small snarl of pleasure as he bucked his hips up, pushing as hard as he could, until that knot firmly popped into the Feline's behind. He sighed contently and jerked his hips up and down for just a moment, before his cock finally unloaded itself, pulsing powerfully inside the Feline's innards and spurting thick, delicious ropes of cum inside of him. Each rope was absorbed with eat, invigorating Xaidar with even more magical potential. The Demon let out a long sigh and leant back, breathing heavily, the aftermath of their sex humming through his body. He was in complete bliss, but he could feel Cai's disgust in the back of his mind.

They sat there for a while, the 4 of them panting in a mixture of desire and exhaustion from their actions, with Xaidar leisurely lounging on the Dragon's chest, with the scaled beast's hands wrapped tightly around his waist, cuddling him against his broad chest. The knot inside Xaidar was locked tight, and he doubted it would move anytime soon. He had absorbed every last drop of the Dragon's load and felt like he could fight a thousand people at once. He had missed this feeling. Getting it from Cai was decent enough, but it wasn't the same as getting it for yourself. He was glad to feel it again.

Meanwhile, Tito had made his way into the Lobby, his eyes dancing around to see if he could spot his friend within the crowd, and he cursed under his breath when he was nowhere to be seen. He strode across the hall and up the stairs to the floors above, briskly walking down the corridor as he chanted a mantra in his head, a small set of words that would lead him to his destination. He slowed down after a minute or so and stopped outside a wooden door. He twisted the handle, and stepped inside.

The walls were strewn with inscriptions and parchments, words about Demons and Eldritch phenomenon. Restricted books lay in a pile, written in a variety of languages, and a series of candles sat on their side not too far away. Tito scanned the writing on the wall and cursed. He knew none of this would help now. He'd have to seek outside help. Even if it meant getting into trouble, he had to help, somehow.


A number of days had passed, at least 3, but no more than 5. Cai had lost count of the days in which Xaidar had taken control of his body. The Demon, thankfully, hadn't harmed a single person, but he had been in quite a number of sexual encounters. Honestly, at that point, it was far too much to count, and the tortured feline had grown numb to every act over time, leaving him nothing but a husk of a person. He always grew worried whenever Xaidar decided to toy with Xaidar, but other than that, it was nothing but sex. He couldn't even remember how many cocks Xaidar had taken using his body by now, but he knew it was at least double digits, and much more.

He had barely seen much of Tito, and each time he thought of him, he felt a pang in his heart, reminding him that his soul was still intact. Tito was likely oblivious to what had happened to him, which meant that Cai was trapped within his mind forever, at the whim of a Demon who wanted nothing more than to use his body however he liked.

It had to be at least the 6th day by then that Xaidar had tortured him, and Cai was beginning to get to the end of his tether. It was embarrassing to have to watch Xaidar utilize his body at every waking moment, and often late into the evening. For what had to be the 3rd or 4th time today, Xaidar had lined up yet another person to be coaxed and persuaded into yet another sordid act. This time, it was a particularly lithe-looking mage who looked a little too inexperienced, but Xaidar was keen to get down to it.

The victim, a rather clueless Avian, had been lead through into the bathrooms, mumbling and stammering his insecurities as Xaidar lead him into one of the cubicle stalls, shutting the door behind him and making sure to lock it, so that he didn't get bothered.

"H-Hey, uh, I ain't all too sure 'bout this..." The Avian, a pristine white-feathered canary, tweeted his nerves as Xaidar traced a finger down the bird's body, stroking along his chest and watching the way the Avian tensed and shuddered underneath his robes.

"Oh, really? Something tells me you really want this..." Xaidar muttered with a wicked grin, his finger trailing down far enough to brush against the Avian's crotch, and his fingertips danced over the obvious erection that he felt against his digits. The Avian immediately tensed and his eyelids fluttered, a small croon escaping his beak. Nervously, he watched as Xaidar lifted up his robes, dragging them up his legs until his member was fully exposed.

"No underwear? Naughty little bird, aren't you?" Xaidar teased, tucking the robe up against the bird's body as he traced a bare fingertip over the tip of the Avian's cone-like, tapering member, watching the way it pulsed and twitched against his touch. The inexperienced bird let out a small groan of pleasure and gripped the edge of the toilet seat, his breathing heavy, his heart hammering in his chest. A nervous chuckle escaped his lips as the teasing question, but he didn't know what else to say, feeling the colour rise to his cheeks and forcing out a red tint underneath his feathers.

Xaidar's hand slid down, his Feline grip curling around the tapering member. He slid his hand down and watched the way the Avian gasped and squirmed against his assault, a bead of pre-cum oozing from the tip of his member and trickling down the length of the cock, meeting with the Feline's hand eventually. Xaidar scooped it up and quickly slathered it over the length of the member, before he stroked down firmly again in a much slicker motion. He slowly bent his head down, watching the way the Bird shuddered and nervously gulped as his lips drew closer and closer to the member.

"You're a good size. For an Avian, that is. You shouldn't be nervous." Xaidar teased, sliding a hand across the Avian's belly and stroking against his feathers as his lips envoloped over the top of the member, suckling against the tip. A thick dollop of pre-cum met his tongue almost instantly, and he pushed his head down, letting that cock slide across his tongue and up to the roof of his mouth. He felt a feathered hand atop his head, and his tail flicked left and right, amused with himself as his head bowed lower and lower, sliding along the member and slathering it with saliva.

Cai knew that, if he had been doing this sort of act himself, he would have gotten aroused, but with the detached way that he was watching the act, as well as the situation he was in, he simply couldn't get turned on. He was thankful for that, as that would have given Xaidar more grounds to goad and gloat, and he definitely didn't want that. Slowly, he got to his feet in that ocean Dream-scape, standing on the shores of the beach. He turned to face the sea of trees behind him and anxiously stood there for a moment. He had been scared to enter for a long time, but maybe it was time he made his way through.

As Xaidar bowed and bobbed his head, he began to feel Cai's presence receding from the front of his mind, and he quickly realised that Cai had finally stepped out of the Dream-scape and moved into the back of his own mind. What he might find there is not what he might expect, but he would leave that journey up to him. There was no way he would be able to take back control, even if he wanted to.

"T-That's nice..." The Avian spoke, and it snapped Xaidar back to reality. He pulled his head back and watched the cock throb and twitch in the cool air as he raised his head, shooting the Bird another wicked grin, and watching the Avian awkwardly grin back in response.

"Time for the grand finale." Xaidar assured him, clambering up until he was sitting on the Avian's lap. Much like the poor man, Xaidar wasn't wearing any underwear either, making their lewd encounter all the more easier. After some adjustment, Xaidar billowed out his robes to get them comfortable, and lowered his hips, feeling the Avian's slick cock sliding up against his rump, grinding between his cheeks. The Bird put his hands on the Demon's hips and held him tightly, breathing hard through his beak nostrils as he gently pumped his hips up, sliding that cock between those firm buns a few times.

Slowly, Xaidar lifted his hips up, angling his body as he pressed the tapered end of his cock against his relatively stretched out behind. He rolled his hips to get a good angle before sliding his body down, feeling the Avian's member push into him without much difficulty. He felt the Bird's grip tigthen around him, and the man pulled in the young Feline , cuddling against him as his cock sunk deeper and deeper into his behind. Xaidar could tell the poor boy was a virgin, but that was that made their essence all the more potent.

"O-Oh gods..." The Avian stammered out, smoothing his hands over the Feline's rump and holding him tightly as he thrust his hips up, sliding his cock in and out of the Demon's behind. He felt the way that Xaidar squeezed and clenched around his member, which caused his talons to curl in pleasure and a shaky exhale to escape his beak. He nuzzled his beak down into Xaidar's neck, digging his feathered hands into the Feline's flesh as he thrust up in an irregular, pleasured rhythm, every other thrust met with a quiet moan of pure and utter ecstasy.

Xaidar smirked a little to himself, rather smitten with the inexperienced Avian. He had picked him out because he was cute, but he had no idea he'd be THIS cute. He bounced on the Bird's lap, feeling that tapered member thrusting in and out of him. It was mostly easy to take, but grew slightly thicker at the base, which didn't particular bother the Demon in the slightest, and was a welcome addition to heighten his own pleasure. He breathing heavily against the Avain's hidden ear-hole, giving the odd gentle groan that encouraged and urged the Avian to go faster or slower. He could see the moans were turning him on. It was amusing, really; he hadn't even had to control the poor bird. He had seen from a mile away that the inexperienced man was a closet homosexual. It was one of the perks of being an Incubus.

It didn't take long before he felt the Avian shuddering and groaning against him, his breathing coming out in hot, laboured pants as he struggled up keep up a good, consistent rhythm. Xaidar knew he was close, and pushed his hips down, squeezing his insides as he rolled his hips around.

"C'mon, big boy. Cum in me already." He teased, and that seemed to be enough. After a shuddering gasp, the poor Bird rolled his head back and groan in complete and utter ecstasy and he spurted his virgin load into the Demon's behind. Just like every other time, the essence quickly absorbed itself into the Feline's muscles and the power surged through him, giving him an inexplicable high like no other. He sighed out in bliss and cuddled against the bird, who quickly wrapped his own feathery arms around the Feline and squeezed him tight.

"I-I love you..." The Avian weakly choked out as he buried his neck into Xaidar's neck, and the Feline made small, shushing sounds, stroking the back of the Avian's neck.

"Lets not get ahead of ourselves." The Feline muttered quietly, but he wasn't pulling away for the moment. Enjoying their gentle cuddling gave him time to probe around inside Cai's brain for where the Feline's consciousness had wandered off to.

The shores of the Dream-scape were empty and void of Cai's presence, and the only possible explanation was that he had gone into the forest of his own mind.


Cai had regretted not going in here earlier. The fear of exactly how much power Xaidar had in here had kept him from retreating through into the forest from the shores, but it seems that Xaidar was simply using his compelling charm to make it seem as if he had all the power. In fact, the forest itself was completely safe: there wasn't even a bug or an animal in site, and Cai had been walking for what felt like hours.

Surprisingly, he wasn't tired. It was if his body in this land wasn't real, so he couldn't feel things like fatigue, hunger, thirst, or anything in between. It made him worry to think that he wasn't real at all, but the mere fact that he could worry gave him solace. His emotions were still here, his thoughts and feelings were still real. That was enough, for now.

Cai continued to walk and walk, and after a while, he began to lose hope that he might find anything in this strange land. But, just as he was about to give up, he saw a parting in the trees ahead. Filled with a new vigor, he jogged towards the light, and was blinded by it's rays. He had to cover his eyes for a moment until the light faded. When it did, he lowered his hand, and stood there in shock.

He wasn't even in a forest anymore. The entire area around him had changed into what seemed to be the courtyard of the Academy. Before him stood the tall main building, and the dorms were even to the left and right. He turned on his heel, looking around him for a moment. Everything was as he remembers, but the place was eeriely empty. It was hard to believe whether he was in his own mind, or just in the real world on a particularly quiet day. He could still feel the warmth of the sun and the breeze on his face. It was almost too real.

"Pretty good likeness, don't you think?" Someone spoke from behind him, and Cai whirled around to see the perpetrator with his own eyes. He stopped in his tracks when he realised it was Xaidar, in his scaled Dragon form. He must have found him quite easily, if he were here already.

"God damnit. How did you find me?" Cai demanded, but Xaidar's body wavered and flickered, and the Feline wrinkled his nose, looking a little perplexed.

"How else do you think? I have all the power, Cai. I control you. Control your body." He hissed, and the Feline brung his hands to his head, trying to block out his words.

"You're not real, you're not real..." He whispered to himself, hanging his head for a moment, before he finally opened he eyes. He knew he had to face him. But, just as he was about to retort, he stopped; Xaidar was gone. Cai began to question if the apparition of the Demon he saw before him was even real, or just another figment of his imagination, like this place before him. Part of him wished he had a guide to help him.

He felt as if this were some sort of spiritual journey, but it had to be nothing of the sort, considering this was a make of the Demon's design. Why would Xaidar put something like this in? Unless he planned to utilise it to torture Cai with his deepest fears and desires. Of that, he couldn't be sure. Taking a deep breath, the Feline strode up to the hall's main lobby, and he grasped and handles, pushing open the doors.

He hadn't expected the loud din of students inside the foyer when he stepped through. The place was packed with people, talking amongst themselves. Most of them had vague features, only the most basic shapes and structures, without any defining features like mouths, and eyes. It was a little unnerving, but they seemed to grow detailed the closer he got to them.

"How strange..." Cai muttered, reaching out and touching one of them on the cheek. It felt bland and basic, and nothing like he imagined it to be. There was no fur, no scales or feathers, just a smooth surface.

The student, however, reacted to the touch. His head jerked and stared soullessly into Cai's eyes. The Feline took a tentative step back, and soon noticed that the clamouring din of students had abruptly stopped, turning into an eerie silence. All of them had turned their faces upon him, staring him down as if they were judging his every move. He wasn't sure what was scarier: the soulless gaze of the ones closes to him, or the eye-less heads of the ones further back.

The light that shone in through the windows on either side of the lobby slowly began to darken, and the sunny illumination of the students was replaced with the light of the moon. They looked even eerier in this light, enough to send a shiver up Cai's spine. He looked to them all in turn, taking another step back. Maybe he could squeeze past them and head up the stairs, which was his original plan in the first place. When he seemed confident they weren't going to move, he stepped forwards, reaching out a hand.

"Uh, excuse m--" He touched one on the shoulder and immediately, it crumpled like a ragdoll, falling to the floor without hesitation. Cai looked momentarily startled, staring down at the fake student with wide eyes. The panic began to rise up into his throat when he saw blood beginning to pool outwards from the student's body, staining the hem of his clothes.

"Please don't hurt me." One of the other fake students spoke in a monotonous voice, staring right at Cai, before he crumpled to the floor moments after, blood pooling from his body as well. Cai began to panic a little, looking from one student to the other, his breathing growing heavy.

"No. Please. I have a family." Another spoke, and crumpled just like the rest. Soon, the entire room was filled with pleading voices, begging him not to hurt him, to stay back and leave them alone. Cai brung his hands to his head. Was this Xaidar's going? Making him feel as if he's hurting people?

One by one, the bodies fell, crumpling to the floor until none of them remained standing. Blood was covering the floor, staining Cai's robes. He could even feel how warm it was on his feet. The bile rose to his throat as he resisted the urge to retch. This wasn't real. It couldn't be.

"Cai..." Someone spoke, and the Feline snapped his head up, his eyes widening when he realised it was Tito. He looked as vivid as he did in real life, but his own eyes were wide, staring blankly at his friend.

"W...Why...?" The Hyena let out a strange gurgling sound, and he, too, plummeted to the floor. In that moment, Cai felt a pang in his chest, and he waded through the sea of bodies, kneeling down in the blood and grasping his friend, holding and cradling him. The stare in the Hyena's blank, glassy-eyed was too unnerving to look at, and Cai covered his mouth, feeling a sob choke itself up his throat. He squeezed his eyes shut tight, begging himself to make it stop.

And just like that, it was. He didn't know how, or why, but when he opened his eyes again, they were all gone. The floor was pristine, his clothes unstained. For a moment, the Feline stared down at the floor and at his hands, before he curled himself up into a ball for a moment and shakily gripped himself tight. He didn't know how much more he could take of this, and he'd barely just stared to unravel his own thoughts. He had to find a way out of here, and fast, and he was going to go insane.

He took a moment to sit there and recuperate, before he finally got to his feet, dusting himself off and making his way up the staircase. He wished he'd just wanted to stay normal, to stay ordinary and simple. His aspirations are what got him into this mess in the first place, and put his friends in danger. He wished he could take it all back and go back to being a simple Feline with no extraordinary magic powers to speak of.

He made his way into a long corridor which seemed to have no end, but this was no surprised: just about every corridor in the Academy was like this. What made this eerie was that there were no candles to light the way, and he was staring into an abyss of darkness. He wavered for a moment, before swallowing his fear and striding forwards. He did the same as always: thought in his mind where he wanted to go. In this instance, he wanted access to his soul. He hoped that he might be able to free himself if he could go to the 'command center', as it were, and drive Xaidar out before he caused any lasting damage to his body.

He walked for a while before he realised he was getting nowhere, and he cursed himself, running a hand over his fur and halting in his tracks. There had to be another way, some sort of loophole he could utilise, but he was no expert in this kind of field. Part of him wished he had outside help, but if any of the teachers knew his predicament, he'd be expelled for sure. He raised his head and stared down the corridor again.

The door to his left caught his eyes, and he faltered for a moment when he saw the writing on it's face. Scrawled in bright red paint were the words 'Open Me', and Cai had the distinct feeling it was deliberately meant for him. Was this another trick of the mind, or had Xaidar finally found him and was coaxing him out? Nervously, he stepped forwards and turned the grass handle. The door creaked open and he peeked his head inside.

He paled at the sight before him. It was him, of course, but he was surrounded by men of varying shapes and sizes. He was stark naked, and so were they, and it didn't take much to put two and two together. He was in amongst these men, and the sloppy sounds of suckling and the groaning of their men around his fake self was enough to make Cai's skin crawl.

"Oh! Good of you to finally join us." His other self spoke and stared at Cai directly in the eyes, removing his hands from the various throbbing appendages around him to reach down. He slid his fingers down his body until his hands touched against his own throbbing erection, and the real Cai cleared his throat, looking a little embarrassed.

"Why so shy? It's just your own cock." The fake version of himself deliberately emphasised the last word as the other men around him started to jerk themselves off, squeezing their various shaped members in the fake Cai's direction.

"This is you, isn't it? It's what you want. Don't kid yourself into thinking the Demon made you this way," The fake remarked, reaching over to push his head down on one of the nearby members, before sliding his head back and licking along the underside. "You've wanted this for a long time."

"No." Cai found himself retorted before he could stop himself, and he realised he might have sounded childish. This was apparently picked up by the various people around them, who started to chuckle and giggle.

"Please," The fake version chuckled with a sultry gaze. "I'm you, remember? I know how much you crave being used, being submissive."

At those words, the fake version of Cai was suddenly swarmed by the men around him, man-handled and moved around until he was on his front, being rammed by someone from the back, and used from the front. A number of them rubbed their cocks along his fur as the real Cai watched in horror at the strange events unfolding in front of him. He heard the murmuring of words: homophobic and racial slurs, 'whore' and 'slut' that made the Feline want to cover his ears and drown them out.

It was all over within a matter of minutes, and the fake Cai lay in a panting heap, covered in seed from head to toe. He grinned toothily over at the real Cai and coaxed him forwards with a finger, but the Feline refused to move. Instead, he backed out, turning around and leaving the room, quickly slamming the door behind him. He pressed himself against the wall and brung his hands to his head, taking in a deep breath.

Was he ever going to get out of this place?


Xaidar had spent a couple of hours probing through his mind, and grew frustrated when he was unable to find Cai's presence. The Feline had dug himself in deep and made it impossible for him to find him. The Demon wasn't too worried: he held all the cards, and there was no feasible way for Cai to push him out, but part of him was still irritated: he wanted to torture the Feline, and he wasn't going to be able to do that if he was going to hide, after all.

Despite that, Xaidar was at least having a good time. Having already gone through multiple men on Campus, he was steadily beginning to run out of desirable, attractive Males, and that irked him to a degree. His final options were the teachers, and a number of them were interesting, but no necessarily workable.

He strode through the Lobby of the Academy as a number of the Male students turned away and tried to avoid him, likely concerned and vividly remembering what they had gotten up to with the small Feline. As Xaidar made his way towards the stairs, he was blocked.

Two guards stood in his path, both with set jaws and serious faces. They didn't specifically look at him, but he knew they were deliberately making sure he didn't pass them. As he tried to step around, they moved to intercept him, and the Demon grew irritated particularly quickly. The strange spectacle had amassed a series of people nearby who turned to look, but kept their distance: they seemed to be aware that the guards were not a good sign.

"C'mon, let me through." The Demon hissed, and he put a hand on the side of one of the guards, employing a little bit of magic to loosen his inhibitions. He was surprised to find the guardsman still didn't budge, and his eyes narrowed. He began to realise that something was amiss, if that were not obvious already.

He felt the presence of someone nearby, and he turned to face whoever it was. Alnheim, the Grand Warlock who wandered the lands to keep peace between the nations, stood at the entrance to the Academy, with a number of people standing beside him: notably, two Elite Inquisitors, emblazoned with the royal insignia and wielding magic blades, and Tito, anxiously standing off to the side. So, the Hyena had figured out something was wrong after all.

Alnheim, a Peacock of prestigious standing, with world renown and powerful magic at this fingertips, stepped forwards, leaning on a cane that he used to get around His eyes were fixated on Xaidar, and the crowd quickly backed up enough to give them ample room. They seemed to know a fight was about to occur, and they didn't want to get into the middle of it.

Somewhere in Cai's mind, the Feline seemed to know what was transpiring. It was as if he was watching through his own eyes one more, flashing and visions of the Peacock stepping forwards. He knew who he was, and he knew this wasn't good. He scrambled to find a way to eject the Demon before it was too late.

"It seems that our efforts to locate the scroll were in vain, but it appears they were used, as we feared." Alnheim spoke slowly, and Xaidar stared him down, his eyes glowering a dim red, and his fists clenched. The tension between the two parties was palpable. Xaidar knew he was strong, but was he as strong as a Grand Warlock? Of that, he couldn't be certain, but there was nowhere to run. At least it wasn't his own body that he was damaging.

"That's right." A wicked grin spread across Xaidar's face, a flash of confidence shooting through his body. He relaxing his clenched fists and took in a deep breath, expecting Alnheim to make the first move.

"The poor child you inhabit...is but an innocent, someone who, like us all, felt a moment of weakness. We implore you to release him before we have to take drastic measures." Alnheim was a diplomat at heart, that much was obvious, but Xaidar snorted, cracking his knuckles. That seemed to be answer enough, and the Peacock bowed his head, taking a step back. On cue, the Inquisitors charged forwards in unison, blades drawn, ready to strike.

They swiped down at the same time, but Xaidar had anticipated their attack and turned to smoke at the last second, wafting through the air until he was floating above them. He coalesced back into a more bipedal form and clenched his fist. His eyes smouldered with fury as runic circles floated in the air. They hovered for a moment, before fireballs shot forth like a cannon from each one, pelting the ground below with a barrage of flame and ash. The 'arena' was covered in smoke as Xaidar made sure to lay on his barrage thick, before he halted the assault, waiting, watching.

The smoke cleared, and the Inquisitors were still standing, having shielded themselves from the blast. Irritated, the Feline wisped himself back down to the ground and darted forwards, getting in close. One swiped to intercept him, but the Feline split his body in two by way of smoke, avoiding any damage as he turned and twisted, landing his palm directly against the Inquistor's stomach. After a moment, a force erupted from his head that send the Battlemage across the room like a cannonball, lodging himself into a nearby pillar and causing serious structural damage.

The other attempted to attack, holding up his forcefield whilst trying to jab and swipe at the Feline who intended to harm him. Xaidar seemed to predict his moves and twisted and turned himself to avoid getting sliced, until he managed to reach his palm up to the man's chin. The Inquistor's eyes bulged in fear, but it was too late. A small jet of flames erupted from Xaidar's hand: short and sweet, burning through the man's skull. The Inquistor crumpled to the floor. The most elite were defeated. Tito, standing in the wings, covered his mouth, and a number of nearby students screamed in horror.

Alnheim soon realised that it would have to be him, and him alone, who stopped this Demon and his rampage. He took a step forwards, but Xaidar was growing impatient. He flung a series of fireballs in the Wizard's direction, but they peetered out and fizzled into nothingness before they got even close to touching the Peacock's body. The Warlock had impressive defensive auras, and he wasn't going to let them drop.

All this time, Cai had been watching, knowing that Xaidar had just killed two Inquisitors because they got in his way. It was just as he had said, after all. Panicked, Cai had been striding back and forth in the fake hallway, trying to call forth some sort of aid, some way to drive the Demon out. He had racked his brains to think of how and why the Demon had possession of his body, what he had a hold of that imperative to his entire operations. Cai had quickly realised that that was down to his soul, but any attempts to access it had been cut off.

The two continued to fight. A barragge of elemental and physical spells were fired back and forth like fireworks, bouncing off of their protective shields, each one trying to wittle down the other so that they could damage the physical flesh beneath. It was proving futile on both parts: either the two were evenly matched, or Xaidar simply had matching defensive spells. In either case, it was neck and neck with no signs of stopping soon.

Cai knew, hoever, that each bit of magic used made the person weaker until they recuperated. Xaidar wouldn't be able to keep this up for long, and conversely, neither would Alnheim. It all depended on who gave out first, and Cai was definitely not betting on Xaidar winning out. He paced the dark hallway of his mind and tried to will for a way into his Soul to open, so that he could get inside.

Then, just like that, it did. As Cai paced and wandered, he turned to see a shining door unlike any other, and knew it had to be the right place. He wondered for a moment why it was open now, and not later. Perhaps it was because Xaidar had been consciously blocking Cai out, but now had to divert his attention for a moment, allowing the Feline access. Cai knew he'd better now waste the opportunity, and he stepped forwards, turning the handle and quickly stepping through.

It was...not how he had expected his soul to look like. The door behind had vanished, and all around him was a sea of white. He couldn't see a thing other than that: there was no perception of depth, because there were no shadows. He couldn't quite fathom how far the plane stretched out for.

In front of him shimmered a vision, the silhouette of someone that slowly came to fruition. Cai stepped forwards and found it grew closer as he moved, so he picked up the pace to greet it. The closer he got, the more he could make out, until he realised who it was, and what he was looking at.

The figure was Xaidar, as he drew closer, things began to surface. He was sitting in a chair, for one, and his eyes were closed: Cai could only assume that this was how he was taking control of his body, or perhaps it was his soul's way of perceiving it that made it easier for him to understand. He stepped around the Demon, watching the way his face winced and his grip tightened on the chair he was sitting on. He looked just as he had when Cai first met him: all scales and brimstone. Nothing like the fluffy kitsune colours he had sported in the past.

Cai felt visions in his mind of the battle currently transpiring. He could see the Xaidar was losing under the magical barrage of the Grand Warlock and had started to play it safe, dodging and moving around, floating up into the air and swooping around to dodge projectiles. Whilst clever, it was likely the reason why his attention was diverted, to the point where he didn't even realise that Cai was in there with him, just about ready to kick him out. He needed to do it now before things got out of hand.

He grabbed Xaidar by the shoulders, and in the Real World, the possessed Feline lurched and moved, his eyes bulging in shock. Alnheim, for a split second, stopped to wonder what might be transpiring, before he kept up the assault, and Xaidar was forced to multitask, attempting to dodge.

Inside his soul, Xaidar's eyes flew open and stared right at Cai, who glared down at him. The Demon snarled in his face, and Cai built up the courage that he should have had a long time ago. He reached a hand back and balled it into a fist, before whirling it forward. He struck the representation of Xaidar across the face and the Demon tumbled, rolling off of the seat long enough for Cai to slip into it. Immediately, he felt a jarring pain spiking throughout his body, and his vision blurred.

He opened his eyes and found himself floating in the air of Misthaven Academy, a series of students staring up at him from the ground with shocked faces. He looked around him long enough to realise he had taken back control. He was in the real world.

"Wait, stop! I--" Cai cried out, holding out his arms in surrender as he teetered in his hovering position. Alnheim had fired off a spell too late, and a vertical beam shot in Cai's direction. The Feline had barely a second to move, and he yanked his body to the right.

The next thing he could remember was that he was falling. His body hit the cold floor with a sharp thud, and pain rang through his body at the impact. He stared up at the ceiling as blood trickled from his mouth, his eyes bulged wide. He heard the murmuring chorus of students and the wailing of his name, before his ears picked up the sound of a clattering cane, and he felt a mass rush to his side.

"Hold him steady." Someone spoke, and he felt a cool hand on his forehead. A head came into vision: Tito. He smiled tearily down at his friend, shushing him and wiping the blood from his cheek.

"It's going to be okay. It's going to be okay." Tito whispered over and over as Cai heard the deep chanting of someone else to his left. He couldn't make out the words: a number of them were foreign and unrecognisable. His eyes flicked up to stare up at Tito.

"I...why can't I feel my arm...?" He weakly spluttered out, and Tito shook his head, taking in a deep breath through his nose and rubbing the ears from his eyes. He stroked Cai's head and held him gingerly.

Suddenly, a painful lurching shot through Cai's body, and he cried out in pain, tensing up. He arched his back, gritted his teeth as the pain seared through his body, as if his very insides were in fire. Tears rolled down his cheeks from the excruciating agony, and the chanting to his left grew louder and louder. Each chant seemed to make the pain worse until it was almost too much to bear.

He opened his mouth to scream, but something else came out instead: a billow of smoke bellowed from his mouth and shot up into the air, circling around the cieling for a moment, angrily hissing and whispering all on it's own. The pain numbed in Cai's body and subsided, but lingered as an irritable ache. His eyes centered on the smoke wafting about the ceiling, and somehow, he knew it was Xaidar, trying to find his way back or escape.

Alnheim reached up with a hand, and the smoke was encased in a strange, floating magical box. It grew smaller and smaller, squeezing the smoke down until it was nothing but a tiny cube. Then, with a wave of his hand, the cube vanished.

Cai couldn't take anymore. With a long exhale, he closed his eyes.


Dawn broke over a small rural village, and the first sound that signified the morning was a rooster, calling in the morning light. People stirred to begin their day to day activities.

"Cai! Come in for breakfast, would ya?"

"Yeah, yeah. Comin', Mom."

It was all over. Cai sat slouched on a hay bale in loose cloth garments, with a tunic covering his chest. In one hand, he held a rake, the metal end stuck neatly in the ground. The other was...well, non-existent.

In the final moments of the battle, Cai had swerved to dodge an incoming magical attack, but his lack of defensive knowledge and mild bewilderment had meant he couldn't save all of himself. His arm had been sliced clean off, leaving him one-armed for the rest of his life.

The Demon was gone. Xaidar had been exorcised appropriately back at the Inquisitor's headquarters. Whilst Cai was relieved to see the Demon gone, that didn't mean he was off the hook. He had a number of offences to his name: stealing magical property, consorting with Demons, assaulting an Inquisitor, and the murder of two Inquisitor soldiers. All were serious offences, but Alnheim had made the deciding verdict on the Academy's behalf. All charges were waved, chalked up to inexperience and a lack of suitable staff at the Library. His only condition was his expulsion from the Academy, and Cai was not at all surprised that he would have to leave.

It wasn't the end, however. Cai still had all of his magical books. Having left the Academy, he moved back in with his parents on the farm, who wer glad to see him, but mortified of his injury. He didn't go into the details of why he left, and they didn't ask: he didn't want them being disappointed in him. He kept his books under his best and practised day and night. The magic that the Demon had gave him lingered still, which gave him enough potential to do some good in the world. His goal now, instead of being a summoner, was an Alchemist. He wanted to make remedies for his village to atone for his sins and crimes. He had matured so much in such a short space of time that even his parents were astounded.

His summoning hadn't stopped, however. As Cai got to his feet and pulled the rake from the ground, he leant the tool against him and whistled with his thumb and forefinger. From the fields came a small little thing: a blue-scaled, dragon-like creature that waddled on two legs, barely 2 foot tall. He held his hands like a baby to be picked up, and the Feline smirked down at him. He had found a scroll amongst his things for this very familiar, and he had summoned him as his own.

"Alright, come on." He concentrated for a moment, and a corporeal hand erupted from his empty sleeve, forming a magical phantom arm that he could use for day to day activities. He lifted the little familiar up and was about to step inside the house, when he saw someone waving from the path nearby.

"Tito!" Cai set the familiar down and jogged across towards the gate, clambering over it and running down the path to catch his friend in a wild hug. The two of them giggled against one-another for a moment, before Tito pulled his hand back and planting a sweet kiss on Cai's lips.

Xaidar's purging wasn't the only thing to transpire. Cai had had to spend a number of weeks recuperating from the battle, and in that time, Tito had been the only one there for him. Cai owed him everything: if it weren't for Tito sussing out Xaidar's plans and realising he had possessed him, he might not even been here now. That gratefullness has blossomed into a passionate romance that the two shared.

"I didn't know you were coming back so soon." Cai remarked, and Tito shot him a cheeky grin.

"Well, I had the weekend off." He mused. Tito had been able to remain in the Academy under a strict probation period. The academy was quite far by carriage, but Tito had started to learn teleportation magic so that he could visit Cai at any time.

"Well, come on. My Mom's making breakfast. She'll be happy to see you." Cai put an arm around his friend, now lover, and the two made their way around to the front door, giggling and talking amongst themselves.

Cai might not have gotten the life he wanted, but at this point, he was just lucky to be alive. He should have remained true to his friends and wished he hadn't gone so far for his aspirations. He'd leartn his lesson by now, and hoped that he'd life a fruitful life in the future, full of love and happiness.