The Model - Chapter Sixteen

Story by Billy Leigh on SoFurry

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#16 of The Model

This is a gay themed story that has been sitting on my computer for a while, so I decided to develop it into a new short series.After being hired to help with photoshoots for an underwear company, I developed an obsession with one of their models, a handsome Doberman by the name of Kurt Hauser. I never thought I'd stand a chance with someone like that. Until now...

As well as this chapter, I also encourage you to check out Not Your Average Dinner Party written by my husband ColinLeighton which details what Doug, Rex, Diego and Friedrich enjoy getting up to when they socialise (it's pretty sexy, to say the least).

Chapter Seventeen to follow soon...

Thoughts were still running through my head as we ate lunch.

The restaurant Kurt had picked out was good. It lay on the edge of Holland Canyon and was small with a dark interior, but the scent of food wafting from the kitchen made my stomach rumble. The place was run by a friendly Dhole called Lan who Kurt explained was a South Vietnamese veteran. Chadwick was chatting animatedly about the upcoming game against San Amador Coast. "I won't hold it against you if you don't support my side," he added to me with a grin. "But I might just stop talking to you for a month or so if we don't win." "Heh," I replied, putting on a smile. "Aw shit, sorry dude," Chadwick splayed his ears. "That wasn't the best thing to say right now." "It's okay," I replied, trying to smile reassuringly. "I was lost in my own thoughts." Kurt gave my paw a squeeze under the table. "Honestly, I've been thinking through the gathering we had with our parents," I mused out loud. "I'm not sure if I can ever reason with my mother, but my father showed a hint of hope, along with Aunt Alexandra." "Yeah, she was being more talkative with me by the end," Reggie said. "Asking me about school, college and football." "Thankfully, she didn't ask us the same thing George, my best friend from school did when I told him about Reggie," Chadwick sighed. "Which was?" I asked. Uh do you guys, like have sex in the locker room after a game? Chadwick said, in an exaggerated dopey voice before laughing. "I said no we don't, but it gave us ideas." "It's funny, all the guys in our football team support us being gay. They always say they don't care as we're cool and Chadwick is a great captain, one guy in our team even said that although he's straight he thinks we make a cute couple," Reggie continued. "It tends to be those annoying people on campus who are always angry about something and shouting in people's faces. When I tell them I'm gay they try to get me to join in, then get mad when I say no thanks I'd rather play ball than stage a protest in the library over something." He added with a sigh. "The dudes in the team also like it because we bring more cheerleaders and girls along to watch our games to see two gay guys, so it's a win, win for them," Chadwick chuckled. "Hmm, this talk of the locker room is giving me ideas for a shoot at Wolf & Coyote," I teased. "Urgh, don't ruin that for me," Chadwick replied, putting his paws over his ears. "You remind me of my brother Tobias," Kurt laughed. "You two would get along very well." "He should come to San Amador one day, it'd be cool to meet him," Chadwick replied. I was about to reply when Lan appeared with our food.

I had ordered Cao lau, which Kurt had recommended. It consisted of pork and noodles, the scent rising from it was making me hungry. I began eating and it was indeed as tasty as it smelled. Chadwick, Reggie and Kurt were all joking with each other.

Does it matter if your mother is a lost cause? These guys are your family, one half of my mind told me. Then again she is your mother, the other half said.

I decided I didn't want to let my thoughts spoil lunch or relive the awkwardness of that morning so I laughed along with the others as I ate my food. "We gotta do that again," Chadwick said, polishing off the last of his meal. "I'll ask Tobias to join us next time," Kurt added. "He'd enjoy our company." "If we don't all scare him off by being gay," Chadwick chuckled. "Believe me, I wonder about that kid sometimes, he seems a little too obsessed with the idea of Alec and I having sex," Kurt grinned. "He used to do the same with Hector and me." Kurt suddenly stopped himself and the grin vanished for a moment before he forced it back onto his muzzle. "Something wrong dude?" Chadwick asked. "I hope I didn't say something bad." "No, you're good," Kurt replied, before he signalled to Lan to get the cheque. "I'm looking forward to meeting Tobias though," Chadwick continued, trying to lighten the mood again. Kurt grinned and patted Chadwick on the arm as if to say everything was okay and the other Coyote relaxed.

Once Kurt had paid we made our way outside and back to our cars. "Was Hector Kurt's ex?" Chadwick whispered to me. "Kind of, he died in an accident though," I whispered back. "Oh, damn I feel really tactless. I've done that twice today," Chadwick splayed his ears. "It's okay, you weren't to know, and Kurt isn't angry," I replied. "You two okay?" Kurt called. "We're good," we replied in unison. "It was great to see you two again," Kurt said, giving both Chadwick and Reggie a hug. "Even if the first half was a little awkward." "Likewise, take care dudes," Chadwick replied, waving his paw to us as he and Reggie walked back to their car. I climbed into the driver's seat as Kurt got in beside me. "Wanna head to the beach for a little while?" He asked. "Why not," I smiled. "That'd be a good way to end this afternoon on a positive note." We drove to our apartment to pick up our swimsuits and beach towels before heading back.

The seafront along the San Amador boardwalk was mostly full of families and young people splashing about in the water, but as we kept driving the crowds on the sand thinned out until we reached the usual cove that Kurt and I had swum at. As I'd hoped, the place was empty as I drove the car along the track. The advantage of my old Mazda being higher off the ground was being able to get it closer to the water. Kurt climbed out and pulled off his button up shirt and I could see he had his military dog tags around his neck, probably a good thing my mother hadn't noticed. I pushed the thought from my mind as Kurt confidently shed his jeans followed by his briefs before pulling his black and red speedo up his hind-paws. As always, his muscular body was highlighted by the afternoon sun. "I kept thinking about you on the beach when I was over in LA," I admitted. "That's probably why I drew you in that demented topless bar idea of Justin's." Kurt laughed. "Well, I'm glad I can finally make it reality. Now mister, why are you not in your swimsuit?" My tail was wagging as I shed my clothes and pulled on my swim briefs. I had gotten accustomed to wearing them now and didn't want to wear anything else in the water. Kurt took my paw and we ran down to the waves. The Doberman immediately launched himself into the water and swam around effortlessly while I paddled behind him. "I'm guessing they taught you in the military to be a strong swimmer?" I asked. "That's something I've always assumed." "They required you to be a strong swimmer but I already knew how," Kurt replied as he rolled onto his back. "My father had me learn at a young age, which he did with a lot of things. He taught me to drive when I turned fifteen, showed me how to fire a gun, how to build a camp sire." Kurt listed all the things on his paw as he floated around. "I wish my father had done some of those, neither of my parents were exactly inspiring as I was growing up," I sighed. "Sorry bud, I wasn't trying to show off. I hope I didn't make you feel bad by talking about that," Kurt said as he swam over and cupped my face in his paws. "No, it's fine," I smiled. "I was just feeling wistful. I think it's cool your father did all those things."

But I still wish mine had.

"My parents were all about getting a steady job, living in a suburb and believing that means you're all set," I explained. "Well, we'll have a lot of adventures together," Kurt grinned, although I wondered if I could detect sadness in his eyes. "Is something wrong?" I asked. "Yeah, I said the same thing to Hector when we swam here," the Doberman sighed. "Oh, I'm sorry," I replied, splaying my ears. I also felt worried since it felt like a long time since Kurt had mentioned Hector's name. "It's okay," Kurt smiled before kissing me on the snoot. I held onto the muscular Doberman as we floated around in the water. Up above the sun was starting to descend and the sky was turning to its shade of fiery red. "Let's dry off in the sunset," Kurt whispered into my ear. We swam back to the beach and waded from the water. I was always amazed at how effortless Kurt made it look while I stumbled about.

Kurt spread a large beach towel on the ground and we lay on our fronts. I glanced behind and took a moment to appreciate Kurt's perky ass in his swim briefs. The thought of sliding them down to look at the heart shaped tan patch was causing my dick to stiffen. The sight was made even sexier by the fact Kurt was trying to wag his nub, causing his butt to shake gently from side to side. Kurt saw me looking at grinned as he slid his speedo down a fraction, showing me more of the curve of his rump and his crack. "You'll see more later," he chuckled as he slid his swimsuit back up. Kurt then placed his arm over my shoulders and kissed me again, but I thought I could see the sad look in his brown eyes and I immediately knew why it was there. "You were thinking of Hector?" I asked. "Yeah," Kurt replied. "I like to think he's looking down on us and is happy I found someone." "I never used to think much about afterlives, but I like to think that is the case," I replied. "Hector would be pleased to see that you're happy." "Heh, I can tell you that in a combat situation the afterlife is something you can't help but think about," Kurt explained. "But I like to think he's watching down from somewhere. Believe it or not, he was more muscular than me and a year older. He helped me through the military, so I went from the dorky, awkward kid with weird hair- you saw the photo at my parents' house, to becoming who I am now." The Doberman paused and the sad expression in his eyes remained. I reached over and took his paw. "I don't believe you were ever dorky," I replied. "Heh, well the military changes people," Kurt reasoned. I kept holding onto his paw and leaned over to give him another kiss. Slowly, the sad gaze seemed to fade and the grin I had become accustomed to seeing but still loved returned to Kurt's muzzle.

We lay in silence for a moment listening to the waves lapping against the sand. The smile on Kurt's muzzle became mischievous. "You know, while you were staring at my ass I was admiring your cute Coyote rump too," he growled playfully. The Doberman jumped to his hind-paws and straddled over me. "How about I give the Coyote a massage before we go any further?" he growled into my ear. "Are we gonna get frisky here on the beach?" I asked, glancing around nervously. "No one else is here," Kurt grinned. I felt his gentle but strong paws gently massage up and down my back. The sensation was made even more pleasurable when I felt the Doberman's bulge press into the seat of my swim briefs. "You like that?" Kurt growled into my ear. "Yes," I whispered back. "Good." Kurt's paws massaged even lower and I felt his snoot press into my speedo until it was touching my tail hole through the material. "Let's get these off," Kurt said as he began to slide them down my hind-paws, but suddenly I felt him yank them back up as if he was trying to give me a wedgie. "Ouch, what the fuck..." I began. "Oh gosh, I'm sorry bud," Kurt whispered apologetically. "I didn't mean to hurt you, but someone is coming." I looked up to see two canines walking along the sand towards us, silhouetted against the setting sun; one was an Alsatian with a very muscular build, even bigger than Kurt's. The other looked like an Alsatian until they got closer and I realised that he was a Wolfdog of some kind. I gave a start as I recognised the muscular Alsatian.

Friedrich Van Holling.

Friedrich and his boyfriend were dressed in similar swimsuits to ours, and I could see the Alsatian was also sporting his dog tags around his neck. I had to remind myself he was a politician and not an actor from an action movie. Kurt was now on his hind-paws as if trying to stand to attention, but there was still a bulge in his speedo. The Doberman gulped and covered it with his paws. "You failed to check your blind spots soldier, and that was not a proper massage technique. I used to be a massage therapist," Friedrich said sternly. Kurt looked as if he was unsure whether or not to snap into a salute. A mischievous smile spread across Friedrich's muzzle. "It's all right, I have a very lame sense of humour sometimes," he chuckled. "There's no need to stand to attention, we're not on the base anymore, oh and don't worry about moving your paws. You have a fine looking mate here so my reaction would have been the same." Kurt smiled nervously and relaxed. "If you forgive me for saying it's strange seeing you in a civilian setting," he admitted. "I wish, I reneged on my brief period civilian life when I was elected to office," Friedrich replied. "You don't mind if we join you?" "Not at all," I replied, getting to my hind-paws. "This is Diego Redfield, my mate," Friedrich explained, gesturing to the Wolfdog. Diego was just as handsome as Friedrich and shared his movie star looks. "Hey dudes," Diego said. The Wolfdog spoke in a street-style tone similar to Chadwick's, which contrasted Friedrich's well-spoken demeanour. "I'm glad we bumped into you two," Friedrich said as we all sat on the towel. "Doug was telling me all about you." "He was?" Kurt replied, looking confused. Friedrich chuckled and squeezed Kurt on the shoulder to reassure him. "Doug and Rex are friends of ours, as Diego and I often go to the shooting range Rex works at," the Alsatian explained. "Yeah, that Shep is pretty... talented," Diego added with a wry grin. I couldn't help but let out a laugh as I guessed what the Wolfdog was referring to. "Doug was telling me about your shoots," Friedrich continued. "They sound fun, but I'm also trying to do the rounds of local businesses to see how I can help them." "And to be honest dudes, I wanna try modelling too," Diego added. "You would," Friedrich replied, fixing his boyfriend a wink. Kurt still looked lost for words. "You'd better talk to Carl," I replied to both of them before handing over the Jackal's details. "Thanks," Friedrich replied with a smile. "I don't think we've been properly introduced, as much as I hate that expression, but I know from Doug that your name is Alec and I believe we have met briefly in person before." "It's okay," I replied. "And yeah I met you a few times when was a student at San Amador Coast, in fact we shook paws when you came to an awards ceremony once, and incidentally you are neighbours with my cousin's boyfriend's Aunt." "Heh, goodness that is six degrees of separation," Friedrich laughed. "That would be Margot, and her nephew is Reggie. They've been to my house for dinner a couple of times, Reggie seemed like a nice boy." As Friedrich spoke, I couldn't help but admire his and Diego's muscular bodies, and I could tell from how form-fitting the material of their swimsuits were that they must be pretty well-endowed. "Diego should try modelling," I said out loud. Both Friedrich and Diego laughed again. "Doug keeps encouraging it," Diego grinned. "Standing with all you cute dudes in underwear sounds like a recipe for... fun." Friedrich shot his boyfriend a mock stern glance but turned to me and Kurt with a smile. "I'm sorry Friedrich," Kurt said, still looking bemused. "I can't get my around the fact that I'm more used to saluting you back on the base." "I thought it was a shame you weren't in my unit, from what I heard you were an excellent recruit and would have fitted in with my men given your record," Friedrich said.

Kurt and Friedrich began discussing past military anecdotes while Diego turned to me. "So dude, how did you get into modelling?" He asked. "By accident," I admitted. "I used to take the photos but had to fill in for Doug one day, and it kinda snowballed from there." "Rad!" Diego grinned. "Sometimes these things happen for a reason but we come to appreciate them." "You're right," I replied, and began telling Diego about modelling, how much I'd started to enjoy it and then attempting to work at the movie studio. "Ouch, those people sound batshit," Diego winced as I moved on to Justin. "You dodged a bullet there dude." "Yeah, I think I did," I sighed. Friedrich and Kurt had stopped talking, and there was a question I was meaning to ask but I wondered if the Alsatian would consider it rude. Go on, just do it. "How did you become a politician?" I asked Friedrich. "I mean, you don't look like a typical politician and being a gay guy, sorry if that sounds like a weird question." "Not at all, I get it a lot," Friedrich replied. "Well, it sounds like a cliché but I wanted to make a difference and I knew ranting at the television wouldn't do it. I was frustrated at the direction things were going, how the military was being treated, how ordinary people felt disconnected but also because I've always loved living in San Amador and wanted to serve it. I can't shake off old military habits I guess. But the two things I did to make it through all the primaries was being assertive and true to myself, not dancing to someone else's tune. You'd be amazed at how much people appreciate you being yourself rather than putting on an image, but realistically you have to keep asserting yourself. You can get pushed about, brushed aside very easily or moulded by someone else's actions if not." I nodded as the Alsatian spoke. "I can see why," I replied. "I managed to annoy my mother by bringing up your name recently, although I like you." "Heh, well I can't please everyone," Friedrich shrugged. The Alsatian then glanced at a large diving watch strapped to his wrist and sighed. "I hate to run off on you guys, but my daughter is at a school friend's house for dinner and I need to pick her up soon." Friedrich jumped to his hind-paws and we stood to gather the towel.

Friedrich's Dodge Challenger wasn't parked far from my car. "It was great to catch up with you both," Friedrich smiled as his tail wagged. The Alsatian pulled on a shirt and shorts over his swimsuit before reaching into the glove compartment of his car. "This is a bit formal, but that's my business card. Unfortunately I stopped giving out my personal cell due to all the usual security precautions." Kurt took the card while Diego and I shared a fist bump. "I wanna come to the studio soon dude," the Wolfdog said. "We should talk to Doug and we can all hang out." "That's sounds great, I'll mention that to him at our next shoot," I replied. "Rad, anyway have a good evening dudes!" Friedrich and Diego climbed into their car before waving goodbye.

We waved as the Dodge Challenger pulled off. Kurt pulled his shirt and jeans on over his speedo and placed our underwear on the back seat with the towels. "Shall we," he said, holding the driver's door open for me. I hopped in as Kurt ran to the other side and climbed into the passenger seat. "I enjoyed talking with them," I said as we drove off. "Hector and I had a crush on Friedrich," Kurt admitted. "We had no idea he was gay at the time." "I can see why," I admitted as we reached the outskirts of San Amador. "Something Friedrich said got me thinking though. If my father stood up to my mother and was more assertive, perhaps he would be a more accepting," I mused as Kurt reached over to stroke my cheek. "Possibly," Friedrich replied. "You said he sounded a little more relaxed this morning." "He was, after his initial disappointment, but I wonder if my mother is influencing his decisions." I kept mulling the thought over until we reached our apartment.

We made our way inside and Friedrich stripped out of his shirt. "Let's open some wine," he suggested, removing his jeans so he was once again just clad in his speedo. I reached for wine bottle but glanced over to admire Kurt's butt. The Doberman could tell I was looking and he perked his ass out as he reached for some glasses. I handed him the bottle and shed my shirt and jeans too. Kurt poured us some wine and scratched his muzzle as he glanced at a space on the kitchen wall. "I meant to get our photos printed and framed, and no not the ones of Doug and Rex flashing their asses," he grinned. "But I was thinking of hanging it there." "I like that idea," I replied, sipping my wine. Although I noticed the space was close to where Kurt had the photo of him and Hector. I could tell by Kurt's expression that he was thinking the same thing, and the look of sadness returned to his eyes. I took the Doberman's paw and squeezed it. "Shall we dance?" I asked. "I was thinking of that time when we danced to Stand By Me." "Yeah, let's," Kurt grinned, the look of sadness was replaced by one of mischief. The Doberman took a sip of his wine before he plugged his phone to his speakers. The sound of Ain't No Mountain High Enough filled the kitchen. Kurt took my paw and we began dancing. The idea of dancing around the kitchen in my swimsuit while holding a glass of wine seemed comical, but I soon became lost in Kurt's soft brown eyes.

We danced closer so the bulges in our speedos were almost touching in a similar manner to how we had stood in our first shoot together. I took another sip of wine and set my glass down. Kurt did the same before he let out a playful growl and pulled me closer, grinding his bulge against mine. I closed my eyes as my cock emerged rock hard from its sheath, causing the material of my swim briefs to grow even tighter. I moaned as we kept grinding our bulges before Kurt took me by the paw and led me to the bathroom. I was already grinning as I knew what was about to happen. The Doberman turned the water on and perked his ass at me before gyrating and slowly easing his speedo down so his butt crack became gradually visible. I watched with my tongue hanging comically out as Kurt moved closer so his rump was gyrating against my bulge. "I like having a cute Coyote to do this in front of," Kurt grinned as he dropped his swimsuit to reveal his black and tank rear. I could see the pink skin around the hole beneath his nub and my tongue was already itching to get in there.

The thoughts of the awkwardness or conflict with my parents felt far away.

I just want Kurt; his body, his affection.

I was shaken from my thoughts as I looked up to see Kurt was now facing me with a domineering expression on his face. "Ahem, I think you should take those speedos off mister," he said, putting his paws on his hips. I grinned as I tugged my swimsuit down and my erect cock flopped out, the end already wet with pre. Kurt took my paw and led me beneath the water.

A minute later we collapsed on the bed, our fur was wet but we didn't care as we passionately kissed and I allowed Kurt's tongue to stroke the surface of mine. "Okay bud, I know you were eyeing up my ass for some time," Kurt grinned before getting off me. He repositioned himself so his behind was my in my face. I needed no encouragement. I buried my muzzle between his rump cheeks and began kissing the skin around his hole. Kurt groaned as I began lapping, plastering his hole with wet licks before I got the tip of my tongue into the opening. Kurt then gripped my dick below the knot and began licking at the tip, sucking off the pre before working his muzzle up and down. I kept my muzzle firmly embedded in his ass, licking and slurping at his hole, getting it coated with saliva. Kurt was working his muzzle up and down more frantically, but he broke off and I moaned as I felt the Doberman's rough tongue against my tail hole. "Heh, you like that?" Kurt growled. "Yes," I moaned, before going back to licking his hole. Kurt continued lapping my tail hole before he went back to my cock and began sucking at the tip while jerking the shaft. I felt the familiar but wonderful surging sensation. "Kurt, I'm gonna..." I began, before I came into Kurt's muzzle. The Doberman swallowed my load and I felt my chest become sticky as his dick erupted with cum which splashed all over me. Kurt rolled off me and we lay on the bed panting.

Once the afterglow had subsided, Kurt glanced over my chest and laughed. "Sorry bud, you might have to go back in the shower," he shrugged. "It's... it's okay," I panted. "Honestly, thanks for making today more joyful after this morning." "Don't mention it," Kurt smiled. I grinned back before glancing out of the bedroom window at the moon shining down on the marina.

Here is where I am happy.