Out Of This World pt.1

Story by blinded_by_fire on SoFurry

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Ok, so this is my first story here, and it's just something that came to me in a dream (a pretty good one at that) and thought that I might as well make a story out of it, so yeah, it has been extended to give it a bit of a story ^^ Anyway, this story contains sexual relations between two males, if you are not comfortable with that kind of thing, or is illegal for you to view such content(age, etc) please leave, or dont tell me that I didn't warn you. Now that the formalities are out of the way, might as well start :D

The characters and storyline as far as I can tell are predominantly mine, so uhh . . . I guess that counts as a copyright? xD


At day, the temperature exceeds 45oC, with the night not any better. In army camp, we are trained to fight through the conditions, use them to our advantage, and so on and so forth. They tell us that we should never be surprised about what we are to come across in our journeys, but they never knew what was going to happen to our squad . . . not that it was a bad thing though.

We were sent to fight on some far off planet called Premora or something like that, because Earth decided to have a bit of a diplomatic dust-up, and sent us in as just another punch in the fight. Our squad was made up of 5 guys, all built like tanks, muscle evident all over their bodies, but not in excess. There is me, Hunter, a 6'1 tall Lion, our Squad leader, a stocky 5'4 Human named Bradley, also known as Phoenix or, Paul aka Shadow, a Wolf standing at 5'9, and the two brothers Rick and Jaime, known to us as Yin and Yang, due to their contrasting colour of fur. Both are 6'4 Horses, but Ricks fur is a dark brown, almost black, while Jaime's is a light tan. Anyway, as we all were in the transport ship, as we looked out and saw the planet that we were approaching, a slight amount of dread ran along the faces of all us furs. Desert-like conditions just aren't favourable for our kind, and with all the combat armour, makes this mission seem a lot less appealing.

As the ship came to land on the surface in the already operational command base, we prepared for the heat that we were about to endure, with Bradley standing in front of us, chuckling at our 'ordeal'. As the doors to the ship opened, and as we prepared for a massive wave of heat to rush over us, quite the opposite happened. I opened my eyes and noticed that we were under the surface of the planet in some kind of underground city. Following Phoenix out of the ship, we all looked around in awe at the place that we currently found our selves in. It was not what we had expected, all metal, not a touch of dust that would be expected on a desert planet . . . just clean and cool.

Shadow, Yin, Yang and I were told by Phoenix to explore some of the training facilities that they had there while he took care of some of the official business, so we all went as a group through the halls of the place, stopping every now and then to check out certain facilities. It wasn't until we made it almost to the surface that we all stumbled across something that we all found some kind of fascination with. We looked through the glass windows out onto the surface to something that looked quite remarkably like a relatively small training ground, for both team and free for all weapons training. We didn't quite understand what it was for, so we searched nearby for someone who could explain what it was for.

After waiting a bit, and not finding anyone, Phoenix came wandering through while talking to another human, but a female, who was wearing what looked like a lab coat.

"Oh hey guys . . . what's up? you liking what you see so far down here?" Phoenix said with his deep gravely voice.

Noone decided to speak up, so I decided to say what we were all thinking. "Well yeah, it looks pretty interesting . . . but uhh . . . .what is this thing back here for?" I asked, pointing a thumb backwards towards the training area.

"Well . . . " the human started to speak. "As you might have already guessed, it is a training ground for those such as yourselves . . . but with a bit of a difference." She said with a bit of a smirk.

"You see, we have been able to make it so that you may use real guns and ammunition, but you wont be killed permenantly from them, as soon as you are 'killed' . . . " she said using her fingers to imitate inverted commas. "your body will be transported back to the safe platform at the start, and will enable you to go out and train even more"

"So . . . . " Shadow started, scratching his temple. " . . . it's almost like those First Person Shooter video games?"

The female gave a light chuckle, "well . . . if you want to put it like that, then yes, it is like being in a video game. Would you four like to give it a go?" she asked, walking slowly towards the entrance of the training area.

We all looked at each other excitedly, and nodded in sync, following her into the training area, complete with its own armoury. As the human explained to us all the safety rules and regulations, the four of us picked out our weapons of choice and stocked up on ammo, while Phoenix looked in curiously through the bullet proof glass observation windows. As we got to our starting markers, Shadow decided that a bit of friendly smack talk was in order.

"Im gonna fuck you three up so badly you'll wanna be dead by the end of this" this only generated a few chuckles from myself and Yang. Yin had other ideas though.

"Yeah, well im gonna fuck you up now, and then im gonna fuck you afterwards, cause that's how good im going to be" he boasted, adding a bit of a laugh at the end. As the training simulation started, we all found a corner of the area each to work from, using the natural landscape and other man-made obstacles for cover. The heat from being exposed to the natural elements started to take its toll on the four of us, with sweat rolling all over our fur, and accuracy starting to waver.

"hey . . . " I started to yell, completely out of energy. "How about . . . . next kill wins and gets to fuck the loser" I said, laughing as the notion went trough my head, getting me slightly excited at the same time. As I heard three other "yeps!" coming from the other guys, the energy levels from all of us picked up as we all really wanted to win, not for the opportunity to fuck the loser, as that was just a joke, but for the bragging rights among the squad.

As the gunfire picked up again, I noticed Yin and Shadow start to exchange clips, with neither getting anywhere, so I thought that it would've been the best opportunity to take Yin out and win the training simulation. I picked up a long range hunting rifle from an earlier skirmish, and aimed down the sights towards Yin. As I pulled the trigger, nothing happened, as I neglected to check to see if it had any ammo, but before I could find any, or change to another weapon, Yang had snuck up behind me and put several rounds into my back, ending the simulation, much to the dismay of Shadow, Yin and myself.

Yang was beaming, grinning from ear to ear and his chest puffed out in a victory stance-like pose. As we all retreated to the relative cool and serenity of the indoors, us three losers dreaded finding out the final scores, with the loser to be ridiculed for the rest of the mission, or at least until the next simulation.

"Ok . . . do we really want to know who came last in this?" Yin sheepishly asked as we approached the score display. The four of us examined it for a bit, with me being the first to speak.

"Huh . . . so Yang, it seems that overall that you were the lowest scorer, but since you won because you got the final kill . . . the second lowest score is . . . " Shadow and I gulped as Yang started to laugh. We both tied for the second last spot. After a bit of laughing and joking around, we were about to leave the training area, but Phoenix met us at the entrance.

"So guys, I see you had fun in there . . . but there are a few things that I noticed while I was watching from here. Hunter, I noticed that you seemed to get quite a few assisted kills, and helped with quite a few others, but one-on-one you seem to be lacking that steely trigger finger. Yin and Yang, to both of you . . . your size gives you away far to easily, you both need to learn to use cover more effectively and more efficiently, and Shadow, your aim is good, you seem to have it all down pat, but your tactical awareness is quite lacking. There were some points where you lost some kills and died a few times due to bad tactics . . . . but anyway, here's a gps tracker to help you get to your quarters, why don't you all go and clean up, I have some other business to take care of." He said and walked off in the other direction. We all started walking towards our quarters, using the gps as our guide, while still talking about the training simulation.

When we got to our own individual rooms, we all unpacked all of our things that were brought here by the assisting staff, and got used to our surroundings. I closed my door and sat down in the single chair by the desk situated by the corner, and took my shirt off, letting the cool breeze of the air-con brush over my sweat soaked body, closing my eyes and leaning back as I revelled in the feeling of the cold. I brought my left hand up and rubbed it over my chest, stopping to slightly play with my right nipple, taking in a deep breath as the pleasure slowly started to course through my body. I could feel my erection start to grow, but suddenly a knock came at my door, snapping me out of my trance-like state, just in time to see Shadow open the door, shirtless also, and sat on the foot of my bed:

"Hey Hunter buddy, don't worry about the scores from today, and the way the Yin and Yang were going on, it was only training, and nothing really is going to happen because of it." I started to laugh a little because of the slightly serious facial expression that Shadow was giving me.

"Ha, why would I worry about it? I was one bullet away from winning that, that's gotta mean something, there's no need to take it so seriously." I said, patting him on the shoulder as I got up and headed for the door. "Anyway, im gonna hit the showers, nice talk though" I managed to say without laughing all that much, but still managing to poke my tongue out at him as I left my room and headed for the showers.

I gently strolled down the private hall towards the showers, towel slung over one shoulder and mind completely on other world, not noticing that Phoenix was still in one of the showers. As I walked in on our squad leader, completely in the nude, but only being able to see him from behind, caught me completely off guard, and gave a bit of a yelp, causing Phoenix to turn around revealing his naked form before my eyes. He smiled at my shocked expression, not making any attempt to cover himself up as he continued to clean himself in front of me.

"Oh hey Hunter, didn't see hear you come in" he cheerfully exclaimed, while I remained glued to the spot. "Come on now, we're all men here, not like we haven't seen a cock before." He said as he laughed a bit and turned back to his shower head. I finally found some courage to move, so I slowly made my way towards the sink, and lay my towel on the bench and started to undo the drawstring on my pants. As I pulled them down along with my boxers, leaving me totally nude, I could feel the human's eyes staring at my behind, just watching . . . and surveying, but when I put my cloths next to my towel and turned around, Phoenix was facing towards his own shower, minding his own business. I made my way over to the shower next to the other and turned on the hot water first, and then the cold to balance out the temperature. As the warm water rushed throughout my fur and over my tired aching muscles, I started to softly groan a bit, breathing a little deeper than what I was before. With my eyes closed, I didn't notice my cock starting to poke out from my sheath a bit, and it wasn't until I felt it start to get quite hard that I noticed that I was getting hard right next to my squad leader. Panic rushed through my mind, but when I looked over at him, I saw his eyes staring at my own erect cock, with his hand slowly starting to stroke his own slowly stiffening shaft. The sight was mesmerising, as I couldn't keep my eyes off the very different looking human cock that was becoming erect right before my eyes.

After about half a minute of both of us starting at each other's cocks, Phoenix looked up at me and just smiled at me. I managed to look up at his rugged face for long enough to see the smile, and then cautiously looked around the room to see if there was anyone else around. When I didn't see or hear anyone else in the near vicinity, I made a small sidewards step towards the other male, which made him smile even more, turning to face his whole front to face me. I made another small step while still cautiously looking around, until I was standing right next to Phoenix.

"So uhh . . . Phoenix? umm, where do you want to go from here?" I asked nervously, as this would be my first time with another guy. He just laughed and patted me on the shoulder.

"Ha, well . . . for starters, at this point . . . you can call me Brad, and how about we just start with a hug, this seems to be your first time with another guy." He said, holding out his arms and waiting for an embrace, which I nervously took. The hug alone was nice, to feel those muscle in his arms hold me tight, those solid pecs and firm abs rubbing softly against mine, but even better was to feel his cock against mine, the feeling sending shivers up my spine. As we hugged, Brad started to grind his lower body with mine, causing me to gasp slightly, and start to move my body with his, feeling the pleasure of both cocks coursing throughout my body, and making my legs tingle slightly.

After a while Brad pulled away, but still held on to my shoulders. I could feel his arms press down on my shoulders as he smiled and started to nod his head slightly, motioning me towards his lower body, and in my current state, I was more than willing to comply, getting down on my knees, looking up towards his approving face. With his hands still on my shoulders, and my hands falling to lay on his hips, and looked forward and saw his 81/2" cock staring me right in the eyes, causing me to gulp. I knew mine was fairly big at 8", but this was something else. I brought my left hand off his hip and slowly started to stroke up and down the shaft, inhaling sharply at the feel of the human cock. The warmth of the skin, the pulse running through the shaft, and the steady stream of pre leaking from the tip, lubricating my hand. As more pre came out, the more I wanted to lick it, taste it, swallow it . . . so nervously I brought my face closer to the head of Bradley's cock, and stuck out my tongue and ran it over the tip, causing the human above me to gasp suddenly.

The taste wasn't all that bad, so I continued to lick at the tip, causing the male above me to quicken his breathing. I eventually took the tip into my mouth and started to suck on it, extracting more groans above me, with one of his hands migrating from my shoulder to the back of my head, slowly forcing my mouth down the length of his cock. I took my mouth off his cock and maneuvered his body around so that his back was leaning up against the wall of the shower, and then took the head of his cock back in my mouth, with one of my hands tightly gripping his thigh as the other roamed the rest of his body, rubbing over his abs and chest. I slowly started to work my mouth down his shaft, using my tongue as much as I could to stimulate whatever my lips weren't able to.

Both of his hands moved to the back of my head, and he started to slowly buck his hips into my face, forcing his cock deeper into my mouth. As I felt the head of his cock start to poke at the entrance to my throat, I started to gag a little, and tried to pull off the cock slightly, but Brad's climax was fast approaching, and was thrusting and fucking my face at a pace that made it hard to stop. It was only until he made one final deep thrust into my throat, and I felt his cock tense up, that I felt his cum go up through his shaft and spurt directly into my stomach. As I tried to pull off his cock, a few stray spurts of cum landed on the side of my face, so I used a finger to wipe it off and licked it off my finger. The taste wasn't all that bad either, and the whole ordeal was actually quite a turn-on, with my cock standing as hard as ever. Brad crouched down slightly and smiled cheekily at me.

"Now since you were one of the two who lost today . . . " he said as the realisation hit me, and terror shot across my face, cause the human to smirk. "That's right, would you like it to be me to give you your prize, or would you rather I bring good ol' Yang in here to give it to you. As the words started to sink in, the thought of being taken by Yang, the more attractive of the two brothers, seemed like a pretty good proposition. I think Phoenix saw the thought run through my eyes, and chuckled a bit as he patted my on the side of the face and stood up.

"Ha! maybe not right now . . . too many guys spending too much time in the showers together can start to get a few people suspicious, how about you talk to him about it privately, and sort some kind of arrangement between you two." Phoenix said as he started to dry himself off with his towel and put his clothes back on. "Oh, and if it actually does happen between you two . . . you must let me know" He said, letting out a bit of a chuckle as he left the showers.

I just sat there under the shower, still running warm, as the pictures of what just went on run through my mind, making me slightly hard again, which this time I decided to take care of in private. After riding upon a wonderful climax, and making sure the no evidence of what happened in there was apparent, I turned off the shower, dried off, got dressed and went back to the join room that our squad shared, and sat down on the sofa next to shadow and watched some tv. Every now and then my eyes would slowly drift over to where Yang was sitting, and trying to suss out just what kind of man muscle is present under all that covering, but that would have to wait, I would have to ask him when we managed to get some time alone.

The rest of the evening was uneventful, without giving me any chance alone with Yang to propose my plan to give him his 'prize' for winning. as we all went to our own rooms, and eventually went to bed, the thoughts of what has already happened, and what could possibly happen here on Premora, is serious out of this world.


Ok . . . . so this was my first ever story like this, so please be easy on my with the comments :P I know sometimes the story shifts from present the past tense and other little things like that which I screwed up, but this is just a start, and this was actually just the first part of that dream that I had xD so there should probably be more to come ;)