Draconicon's Life Story: Magic Balls 2

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Sponsored by FA: Cyro_the_Purple_Dragon on FA, and chosen from the wish-list that is found here: http://www.sofurry.com/view/1238630

Draconicon continues the process of testing out how magic works, and pulls together a group of students with offers of class credit to allow him to experiment with them. He has to force it, though, as some are not so willing at first.

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Draconicon's Life Story

Magic Balls 2

Sponsored by Cyro_The_Purple_Dragon

By Draconicon

Gaederon was far from the last student that Draconicon enlisted in his efforts, and not even the last 'volunteer' that he took in that didn't know what they were getting into. The black dragon mage had gotten sponsorship from the Academy's archmages, but that meant nothing if he didn't have some sort of result for them soon, and for that, he needed more subjects than they were willing to grant him.

He'd gone through his classes, selecting six different males and three females, each dragon someone that he was pretty sure could either be trusted to keep a secret or had a weak enough mind for him to alter with his pheromones to keep docile. He'd told them all to meet him in the fourth research hall beneath the mountain, and he knew that they'd be there, waiting for him to come and begin the experiments now that classes were over for the day.

The black dragon had to force himself not to run down the halls in eagerness, his mind already rushing ahead to the experiment for the day. Magic was stored in semen for males, he'd already discovered that much, and he'd found out that the magic, at least temporarily, stuck to the seed as it came flying out of the guys when they came. The question that came up after that, and the one that he planned on answering today, was whether that magic could be harvested, or transferred to another person. He already had a number of ideas of the possibilities, and he could feel his cock already rising up beneath his robes as he imagined just how much fun this was going to be.

His bare feet stomped and thumped along the cave floor as he picked up his pace, rushing past some of the other teachers and the older members of the faculty that were heading the other way. One of them - Yirin, the alchemy head - grabbed him by the shoulder before he could rush off.

"You are getting a little too eager, Draconicon."

"It's a promising experiment. Can you really blame me?"

"If you start pushing things too hard, yes. There are...legitimate reasons for what you're doing, but don't take it too far. We have functioned without knowing where our magic comes from for centuries, even millenia already. It isn't a necessity."

"You say that now, but are you going to turn it down if I find a way to empower us even more?"

"I doubt that's possible."

"You wait and see, Yirin. If I'm right, I might have found a way to triple a dragon's power."


"Heh, not so disinterested anymore, are you?"

"I'll let you get back to work. But take care."

"I will, I will."

He ducked out of the green dragon's grip, heading further into the caves. The slight frustration at the delay faded away quickly, though he made a mental note of the other dragon's warnings. If Yirin was bothered, then there were others that would need a little careful handling, as well. Better not to upset too many people, even if he was the Academy's best teacher at the moment.

It didn't take long after that to reach the research hall, and he grinned as he stepped around the corner and found all of his subjects already there. Better still, they were already naked, just as he'd asked.

Admittedly, some of the dragons were more embarrassed, and the dragonesses were standing with their wings covering their bodies rather than showing off their assets, but it was a start. Draconicon walked among them, his robe tented in the front with his own anticipation, and he didn't bother hiding it as some of his students turned to stare. The nine subjects turned to look at him, their cheeks burning as he took his place at the head of the hall.

He glanced around them, and at the equipment gathered. It was certainly different from standard research, but the chains and ropes would ensure that the subjects didn't start squirming out of the way as soon as the experiment started, and there were sufficient toys and stimulants - even a few herbs he'd gathered - that would ensure that everyone would have a good time. The wide hall had plenty of room for the three different groups he had in mind, and he planned on modifying it a bit to create three chambers in a little while, just to make sure that they had the privacy to work.

But that was for later. For now, he needed to calm them down. They looked rather antsy, and even Verii, one of the sluttier ladies of his class, looked like she was reconsidering her choice. Draconicon cleared his throat, drawing their attention back to him.

"Thank you for showing up. I know that this is technically your free time, so I appreciate you coming around for this particular experiment. I wasn't able to give you full details earlier, and from what I saw, the sign-up sheets for the experiment were...sloppily done."

Which was putting it mildly, considering that he'd seen what the administration had done with some of their own pet projects in the past. Gold papers promising massive rewards and giving precise, flattering details? Not for him. He had gotten a few rough sheets of parchment that put down his idea as something that was better considered as drudge-work rather than anything significant. He forced his annoyance down and continued explaining.

"What we are here for is to discover the source of dragon magic. In some independent experiments, I've already isolated the source of it for male dragons, but I have yet to find out how it works for females. In addition, I have found certain signs that magic may be harvested and transferred between dragons, allowing for gifts of magic and power between various members of our species."

It was having just the effect he was hoping. His students were fascinated, either because of the theoretical applications or because they were thinking that they might grow stronger. He could see one of the red dragons was definitely interested in that, and made a mental note not to allow him to get too much of it.

"Now, the reason you're all naked."

"Yes, we would like to know about that, professor," a blue dragoness, Tierini, muttered.

"Right. Now, if one of you would do me the honor of casting a truth spell, so you'll know that what I'm saying is meant honestly, without any joke or ill-intent?"

The students glanced among themselves for a little while, until Verii stepped forward. The pink dragoness wove her hands together, and the light of her magic settled over his shoulders, forming an interlocking series of rings around his throat. Draconicon smiled, knowing he could have fought the spell if he wanted, but he didn't bother. He was going to tell the truth, anyway.

"Magic, for males, at least, comes from semen."

The students stared at him, their jaws dropping. Some of the dragonesses tittered to each other, while every single male looked down between their legs, some of them starting to grope themselves at the pronouncement. Draconicon nodded, slowly pulling at his robe and dragging it off.

Heh, go ahead and stare, he thought as the dragonesses and about half of the dragons looked at him, none of them looking away quickly. You're going to get a much closer look at that in the future.

"I have conducted an experiment of magic detection, and through several different procedures, have concluded that magic begins in the balls. It spreads from there through the rest of the body, and can carry magic - or at least, traces of it - out of the body during orgasm."


One of the dragons, a white one named Hasell, raised his hand. Draconicon nodded at him, and he continued.

"You say that it can come out, but...what if..."

"What if you use it all up, and you need magic?"

The white dragon nodded.

"My theories are all I have at this point, as I haven't had the chance to experiment much further. But my thought thus far is that magic is created down there, and stored in semen until it needs to be used. If magic goes unused, it leaves the body with one's semen. If it is used, then semen alone pushes out."

"And how can we know for sure?"

"Well, there are seven males in the room..."

Hasell's eyes went wide, and the dragonesses started giggling again. The black dragon turned to them.

"Of course, you are going to help with this. Both with finding out where feminine magic comes from...and in helping your fellow students get off."

Verii was the only one smiling from that, the pink dragoness grinning as she looked at her classmates. Tierini the blue and Rashara the red were less than pleased, looking like they'd been offended. He made a note of that in the back of his head, as well.

"Anyone that participates in this will receive a full year of credit without any homework, save for the occasional physical task that I will assign."

It was a generous offer, he knew, and he doubted that any of them would turn it down. It essentially meant that they could move towards the next year with quite a bit less work, restoring themselves or partying the days away as they chose. Either way, they'd be better off for it.

Draconicon walked down the line of students, slowly looking down their bodies and measuring them. Most of the males were much better off than Gaederon in terms of their endowments below the waist, and none of them looked like they were stupid enough to work with body alteration spells so early in their magical careers. Much better suited for fucking their cum out later, he supposed.

The ladies were also quite enticing to look at. Tierini was the youngest, perhaps only barely past her adulthood, but she was slender and easy on the eyes, with just barely formed curves.

Verii was every inch the slut that she was described as by her classmates, the pink dragoness sporting breasts that had to have been altered by one of the other teachers. Her hips were wide enough to require some effort getting through the doorways, he was sure, and he had noticed that she'd started going barefoot in his classes when she realized that he was looking around at the bare soles around him.

Last, but not least, Rashara the red. She glared at him as he walked over, her arms wrapped under her chest and lifting her breasts up. Not much more than average, but with much pointier nipples that he was sure would soon get attention. She glared at him before he could look further down.

"You really think we're just going to go along with this?"

"I think that I'm offering quite the set of terms."

"Why? So you can fuck us? So you can just get a sex show for the rest of the year?"

"Um...I did have a truth spell on him," Verii pointed out. "He was telling us the truth."

"Spells can be broken. You seriously think that there's magic in cum, professor? Then prove it."

"You want me to show it off now, then?"

"Yeah. If you can even get it up."


Draconicon smiled at the red dragoness, turning away from her and taking a few steps back. His magic flared in his hand, black fire shooting from his fingers to the cavern floor. With no more a gesture than that, the ground erupted upwards, forming a throne for him to sit on, and he did so, lounging back in it and looking back at the students gathered before him.

"I'll make you a deal. If I can prove that magic exists in my seed, then I can start the experiments. My way."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You'll still get everything else, but I ensure that you obey me in the way that I choose. No paperwork, no contracts enforcing your obedience. I do what works, and we get on with the experiments."

"...You're not going to be able to prove anything, so I don't think I have anything to worry about. Deal."

Naïve little student, he thought, looking down the line. The other dragons and dragonesses all slowly nodded their heads, agreeing with Rashara. Well, if you want to doom yourselves, then that's your choice. I was hoping for a little more willingness, with all the free sex, but if I have to use the pheromones as well, then I'll do that.

From the way that they looked at him, they expected him to be shy, to hold back and not be able to actually finish for them. Instead, Draconicon leaned back in his throne, throwing his legs over the side and reaching down to grab at his balls. He gave them a little tug, a little squeeze, and it didn't take long before his cock was slowly rising up, pushing up for him to get a grip on it. As he stroked himself, he looked from one dragon to another, taking in their dicks, their pussies, everything that they had on display.

It was different from the times that he had cast a spell over the class and simply made them sit there, blanking their minds afterwards when he had had his fun with them. They were fully conscious this time, staring at him as he exposed himself, and he knew that some of them were appreciating the show much more than others.

Rashara groaned, turning her head to the side as she blushed.

"I thought you were going to prove something, not just jerk off."

"I have to have a sample to prove what I'm saying is true."

"You pervert...I'll make sure that everyone knows not to take your classes in the future."

"Whatever makes you feel better about it, Rashara. Does anyone here have knowledge of magic detection spells?"

Hasell the white raised his hand, and Draconicon gestured him forward. The white dragon stood at his side, and judging from the slight lift to his cock, was enjoying the show more than he wanted to admit. He smiled.

"So, Hasell. I want you to get a spell ready that will detect magic. Make it as flashy as you can, so that there's no doubt what it's picking up. Do you understand?"

"Of course, sir."

"Do you like what you see?"


"Heh, there's no shame in enjoying your teacher's cock, you know."

"Speak for your fucking self," Rashara growled.

"Are we getting worried, hmm? I thought you were saying that I was nothing but a pervert, yet you're starting to get all sorts of agitated."

"I'm...I'm not. I'm just waiting for this stupid show to end."

Wait as much as you like. This is no show, and I need all of your help, he thought as he glanced over them.

More signs of arousal were starting to pop up. At least two other males were getting hard to the show, and he could see that Verii was shamelessly fingering herself to the display. He wasn't sure what Tierini was doing, but she was hiding behind her wings in a way that none of the dragonesses had done, even at the start, so he supposed she might be enjoying herself back there.

He put it out of his mind, thinking instead of what he would be doing in a little while. The mental images of scaly asses, thick cocks, spread holes, and curling toes filled his mind, and he growled.

"Mmmph...getting close. Hasell, the spell."

"Yes, sir."

The white dragon blushed beside him as he wove the spell, holding it in place as a floating rune between Draconicon and the floor. The black dragon leaned forward, his cock dripping, shimmering at the edge of the rune. Some of the students were talking, wondering if there was magic already, and he couldn't help but have the same thought. After all, pre was something that did come from the same tubing network, though it came from further up it. Was there a biological link, enough of one for this to carry magic as well?

Another thing to test, but not...not now.

With a few more pumps of his hand, Draconicon came, shooting his seed all over the floor. The ropes of cum passed under the rune, and as soon as they did, they burned with bright flames. For a moment, he almost thought that they'd been transformed to fire, but no. It was just the sign that Hasell had picked for his revelation.

It wasn't what he might have chosen, but it worked. The dramatic display, the proof that his cum was magic, had everyone staring with their eyes gone wide, and with their mouths hanging open. He looked from one to the other, chuckling as he saw the incredulity on every face. He'd wanted to make a point, and Rashara had made it all too easy. Even Hasell was looking down at the fiery cum with his eyes wide, his cheeks burning...and his cock rock hard.

Draconicon stood up slowly, patting the white dragon on the back and thanking him for his assistance. As Hasell nodded dumbly and walked back to the line, he looked over his students.

"All of you were of the same mind as Rashara, thinking that you needed proof despite the spell. The only one here that seemed willing to believe me was Verii..."

He looked at the pink dragoness, who was still fingering herself. He chuckled.

"And I think she's eager enough to jump into this experiment anyway. But the rest of you...I think we need to talk through experiment enforcement."

"You...you tricked me!"

Rashara's shout echoed through the room, and she glared at him. He looked back, slowly shaking his head at her embarrassed blush.

"I was just honest with you. I told you all the facts, and you refused to believe me. I asked you if you were willing to stake your obedience on it, and you said you were."

"I thought you were lying!"

"Well, I wasn't. Come here."

"No, screw this! I'm not going to be part of some pervert's sex fantasy. I'm - what are you doing?!"

She floated through the air on wings of black flame, conjured from his hands and sliding around her body. The red dragoness was placed in front of him, her feet shackled to the floor with his power, and she glared up at him with every ounce of intensity that she could manage. Draconicon shook his head a few times.

"I did tell you that I'd enforce obedience in a different way than contracts. And you agreed to it. Are you seriously going to back out now?"

"I haven't agreed to anything!"

"You said that if I was able to prove that magic existed in my cum, you'd go along with it. Are you going to say that you're taking back your word? Are you going to dishonor yourself?"


She looked around, trying to find support, but there was none to be had, just as he'd expected. It was one thing to feel tricked. It was another thing to throw an angry tantrum and try and get out of a promise. He waited until she turned back to him, shaking her head.

"No...I'm not going to take back my word."


"Just...what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to make sure that you're...eager."

Draconicon smiled, reaching down to his cock and giving it a few strokes, even running his fingers down to his balls. There was a light coating of pre left, enough for some of the pheromones that built up in his musk to be enhanced. It wouldn't take much, he was sure; she was already wet despite her anger, and a little dose of it should take her the rest of the way.

He brought his hand up, rubbing the wetness on his fingertips along her nose. She yanked her head back, but it was already too late. She breathed it in, and the red dragoness gasped, her eyes flicking back open and her mouth opening wide. Her body shook, trembling, and she fell to her knees. The rest of the students started to take a step forward, but stopped as he held up a hand, keeping them back where they stood.

Instead, he looked down at her, watched as her eyes went blank, her mind obviously going hazy. Her nostrils flared again and again, sucking in the musk from his pre, pulling it into her mind and imprinting herself on it. She giggled slowly, her body swaying from side to side as she started to get high on it, and he could both see and smell the slow dribble of her juices from her pussy to the ground.


"Yes, Rashara?"

"Can I be fucked now?"

"You can be, in a minute."

Draconicon smiled, patting her head. That strength should hold her for a few hours, leaving her giddy and horny. He looked down the line of students, some of them getting hard at the sight of what had happened to Rashara, some freaked out, and some -


Verii, in particular, already lunging forward and huffing at his balls. He looked down at the pink dragoness, shaking his head as she had a spontaneous orgasm from his scent, and stepped around her as she started fingering herself eagerly.

"Let's get this done with, everyone. Line up, and we'll get you ready."

"Even...even us?" Hasell asked.

"Even you. We've got a long day ahead of us, and I want to make sure that you all have a steady surge of arousal to get through it."

"But I'm not into guys!" the red dragon he'd made a note of earlier shouted. "I just...you can't be serious about this."

"Look. It's just pheromones. You get a hit, you get horny, and you'll do what I tell you for a while. That's it. I'm not changing who you are, I'm just making it so that you listen to what I tell you. Now. Are you going to line up, or are we going to argue about this until I shackle you down and force it down your nose anyway?"

It didn't take long for the students to line up after that. Draconicon went down the line, giving a little hit of cock-musk to all but one of the males before reaching the last of the females. Tierini looked up at him, blushing so hard that he half-thought that she was someone else, and he smiled.

"Do you want to do something else?"

"I...I don't...maybe?"

"Alright. Sit down, then."

She did, the blue female looking up at him in confusion as he stood on one foot, lifting the other up and holding it in front of her face. When she looked at it and then up at him, he chuckled.

"It's an alternative. If you don't want a cock in your face, you could take a sniff of this instead."

"That...that's a little silly, professor."

"It's not that much sillier than what we're all doing, and it's a bit less lewd."

"I guess..."

She hesitated for a moment, then leaned in. Draconicon gently encouraged her with his tail on the back of her head, holding her against his sole as she took in one breath, and then another, and another after that. At the fourth one, her mouth hung open, her eyes dazed and her cheeks turning up a little in a smile. She started to stick out her tongue, trying to push it against his sole, but he pulled his foot away before she could do that.

With all but one student's mind under the effect of his scent, he turned to the last dragon. The red one, named Palthenal, glared at him, shaking his head.

"I ain't sniffing your feet, your dick, or anything else."

"You're going to be like Rashara, then?"

"I'm not gay! I'm not gonna get off on this."


Draconicon pointed down. Palthenal looked down, and blushed.

"That means nothing!"

"It's just a reaction to scents, that's true. But you are rock hard, now, and there's not much you can do about that without getting some action."

"Then let me get some action without getting controlled!"

"Not going to happen, I'm afraid. Now, let me tell you how this is going to go."

Draconicon took a step forward, past the moaning blue dragoness who had flopped down with her wings apart to show off her body. He grabbed Palthenal by the shoulder, turning him around so that they were facing away from the rest of the group.

"You have three choices. You can take in cock scent...foot scent...or I can shove you down, and sit on your face until you have a fascination with my ass instead. These are your options, and if you don't choose quickly, I'm going to choose for you."

"But...but why?"

"Two reasons. One, because you're fighting me so hard right now, which means you're going to do it again later when we start doing more advanced tests. I can't allow that, because it could put other students in danger, and it might ruin the whole experiment."

"...And two?"

"Because you're annoying the hell out of me, and I'm sick of waiting. So, pick."


Draconicon stood up from Palthenal, shaking his head at the dazed look in the other dragon's eyes. He'd left a bit of an imprint from sitting on the big red, but it was something that he'd had to do. Just a pity that he'd needed to push it so far; if his student hadn't been fighting it so much, it would have gone much easier.

He snapped his fingers, and all the dazed, giddy dragons turned their attention to him.

"Come on, everyone, stand up. Let's divide into groups of three, one dragoness and two dragons in each."

They slowly did it. The musk zonking that he'd done had made them giddier than they'd normally be, but not stupider. They were still themselves, still quite competent in the things that they had to do, but they were more likely to indulge in something sexy rather than something useful, and they were more open to commands from the source of the musk that they'd been inhaling.

Tierini was the first to pick out a group, and he walked over to her, patting her head.

"I want you to start with blowing these two dragons. Suck them off, slurp on their cocks, jerk them off. Make sure that they feel good. But always make sure that their loads go in your mouth, and see if you can feel any magic from it. If you do, call for me."

"Mmm, yes, sir. Hehehe...I think...I think I can see why Verii does this, now."

"I bet. Now, get to work."

He put Verii in the group with Palthenal, mostly as a way of making the red dragon feel a bit more comfortable beneath everything, and set her to bouncing on one dick after another, taking their cum into her pussy. He made sure to lay a charm over her belly, ensuring that no eggs would come from it, but he told her the same thing that he'd told Tierini. If she felt any magic burning in her blood, if she felt any additional power, he was to be told immediately.

The last group consisted of Rashara the red, Hasell the white, and a bronze dragon named Yuivon. He'd picked them for the way that both Hasell and Yuivon had been more interested in staring at the cocks around them than the dragonesses, a more unique means of studying the magic transference as a possibility.

He gave them instructions to fuck back and forth, for the males to determine whether they could absorb cum through sex with each other. Rather than having Rashara join in, he had her lay on her back between the males, and stare up at them with a few spells.

"Study how their magic interacts with each other, and keep it in your head. Do you understand?"

"Mmmph...yes sir..."


He patted her head, and then stepped away, moving to the center of the room and looking at the three groups. It would be interesting to see what developed from this first stage. He had many doubts as to how well magic actually shifted from one dragon to another via this means of transference, but that was part of the experiment. How did it work? Did it work at all?

And could magic be built up quicker...if one didn't have any sexual contact at all for a time?

He glanced at the cages that he'd had made, little metal tubes that he'd be wrapping around every dragon and belts on every dragoness after this session. It'd be over a week between their research sessions, so it'd be interesting to see what the results were after draining all nine of his volunteers dry.

The End