Dinner and Bitter Sweet Desert

Story by Wolfwind on SoFurry

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Ok everyone, skipped school today so i could finally finish up this chapter 3. I know they keep getting longer : / I'm sure some people just want the short and sticky stories to get off at, but there's a storyline here I need to get out.

Ok so same as before. Nathan=Flamedramon, Brandon=Windragon. I dont own anything like Flamedramon; those go to their respective owners. If you dont like furries, gays, anal, blah, blah, blah.....THEN WHY ARE YOU EVEN ON THIS SITE?!?! Anyway, there's something at the bottom so be sure to read and comment on it :) ENJOY

We stepped through the school doors and breathed in deep as we walked into the cool December air. The parking lot was almost barren and a few stray brown leaves danced across the concrete in the wind.

"So," I said and turned to Nathan. "What now?"

He came up, embraced me from behind and set his head on my shoulder. I still loved that.

"Now...we eat."

I swiveled my head around to look at him. "Eat?"

"Yup," he took my hand in his and started walking towards the main road behind the school. "If you don't eat after working out, then the whole thing would be kinda pointless. Your body needs something to build muscle off of." He poked my ribcage playfully.

I mock pouted. "But I just ate, and it was actually very tasty."

Nathan grinned and pulled me closer as we turned onto the street's gravel sidewalk. "Well I'll take that as a compliment, but you really do need something a bit more substantial. Actually..." he dug out his cell with his free hand, "I'm really craving barbeque." His thumb flew across the small slider keyboard and in what seemed like less than a second he had the cell pressed against his ear horn. I stared somewhat at how fast he typed, but then shook my head. I guess that's what happens when you have a cell.

After a few seconds I could hear the hint of someone's voice coming from the phone.

"Hey Dad, it's me....yeah I just got done working out and I was wondering if we could have barbeque tonight?...cool, and is it alright if I bring Brandon from the other day?...Ok, see you guys in a bit." He slid the phone close and a grin spread on his face. "Haven't had barbeque in forever..."

I laughed at his excitement for food. "You're drooling," I joked and wiped away the illusionary dribble from the corner of his mouth. An excellent excuse just to touch him.

"Oh, you've never had our family barbeque." He laughed as cars zoomed by. "When you do, you'll have plenty reason to drool too."

"Looking forward to it," I smiled. "Actually can I borrow your phone? I should call my mom and let her know that I'm eating dinner at your house."

"Sure," he replied and handed me the cell. I slid it open and typed in my home phone number, considerably slower than Nathan had typed in his. I hit the send button and held the phone up.

After a few rings there was a click and a voice answered sleepily, "'ello?"

"Hey is Mom there?"

My kid brother grunted, then a few seconds later, "Nah, she's in the shower. What's up?"

"Oh, can you tell her that I'm staying at Nathan's for dinner and maybe for the night?"

I could hear a yawn, "Sure, sure. How'd you do on the government test?"

I grinned. "It was mind numbing, but easy. Thanks for helping me study, Sky."

"No problem. See you later," and the dial tone followed. I handed the cell phone back to Nathan.

"Thanks," he shoved in back into his pocket. "Who was that?"

I shrugged. "My little riolu brother, Skylar."

"Oh, I didn't know you had a brother...wait, riolu? Is he adopted?"

I shook my head, my wet hair finally starting to dry. "Nope."

"Oh..." then Nathan's red eyes widened a bit, "Oh! You never told me you were adopted."

I shrugged again. "It's not really a big deal. I've been with them for a long time and they really are family to me."

The Flamedramon nodded in understanding. "Well that's cool...and did I hear you say your little brother helps you with studying?" he added with a hint of teasing lilt.

I snorted. "You don't know him. The kid's a genius, especially in medicine. I swear his memory is borderline photographic. Skylar could help college students with studying."

Nathan opened his mouth to speak, but the blaring of a car horn interrupted him. We both turned to see a shiny gray sports car speeding past with one of the cougars from before hanging out the rear window.

"FUCKING FAGGOTS!!" he shouted as they raced down the road, the car's engine revving. I looked up at Nathan as I felt him let go of my hand. His normally brilliant red eyes had a dead look to them again. Honestly that look scared the shit out of me.

"Nathan, please don't," I started to say as I saw him rise up onto his tip toes.

"It's ok," he grinned, but the smile didn't reach up to his dead eyes. "I'm just gonna scare them a tad."

I tried to reach for him, but with a blur and explosion of gravel, I clutched at empty space. I frantically looked down the road towards the car of bullies just in time to see a blue and white form streak toward it. The shape quickly caught up with the car and sped in front of it. Nathan came back into focus about a hundred feet in front of the car. Whoever was driving the car, probably Lee, panicked and started swerving across the road. At the point where the car would have hit Nathan, he disappeared again and the streak of blue and white started racing back towards me.

As it got closer it slowed down and I could make out Nathan. He skipped to a halt beside me, with a somewhat smug look on his face. Thank god his eyes held the usual mischief and playfulness once more, but something inside me was still shaken. I've never seen such fast movement from a species that wasn't intended for speed.

He looked at me, and I don't know what he saw in my eyes, but his smug look instantly evaporated and was replaced by one of guilt.

He cast his eyes down. "Sorry about that," he mumbled. "but if they keep thinking they can push you around, there will just be more trouble later."

For a moment I couldn't say anything. I couldn't think of anything to say. Finally I came up with, "There could have been an accident..." As much as I hated the group of assholes, I'm not sure I would want to condemn them to death.

Nathan's eyes remained glued to the ground and he shoved his hands in his pockets. "I know...I checked the road ahead to make sure there were no oncoming cars...but I guess that's not really needed for an accident to happen."

I walked over to him and put my arms around his stoic form. His eyes refused to come up, so I gently took his chin and nudged his face up to look at mine. "Nathan, I appreciate that you want to protect me. I really do. That was...just a little dangerous." His crimson eyes quivered, then he nodded and gave me a quick kiss on the snout.

"I'm sorry. I'll try not to do anything too stupid again," he said. I giggled and pressed my lips against his in a full kiss. For a while we just stood there embracing each other along the side of the road. Cars were passing by and one or two of them honked, but I hardly noticed. All I cared about was the sweet, and increasingly mysterious, digimon in my arms.

When we parted and I looked into those dazzling red eyes again, suddenly nervousness clutched me. My mind went back to Friday night, when I said I loved him and he had implied the same but didn't put it in words. Now felt like the perfect time to say it again, feeling the love for him making my chest feel like it was full of helium. But I don't know how I would react if Nathan didn't say it back.

I fought the urge to bite my lip. I would wait. If Nathan was going to say those three words, I wanted him to be comfortable saying it, not because I was pressuring him.

Thankfully another car drove by and honked, giving me a reason to laugh slightly and part. Nathan smiled brilliantly back, and we resumed our walk down the sidewalk.

For about half an hour we walked in a peaceful silence. I simply was happy just to have his hand in my own. Evergreen trees were sprouting up more and more along the side of the streets. By the time we crossed the river and got to Nathan's road, the trees fully cloaked anything beyond a hundred feet from the side of the street.

As we started up Nathan's driveway, I could just barely see the top of his house over the trees. We moved up towards it and more of the spectacular home came into view. Nathan had always been modest about it, but anyone would be in awe at the sight. He had always simply described it as "a three story, Victorian style" but that description hardly did it justice. The walls were smooth white and the shillings were a gray blue, an overhang over the front porch was supported by huge columns, and on one corner of the house there was a spire that shot up and had a little glass room that was a 4th story all by itself.

And currently there was a deliciously savory smell hanging on the air around it. I inhaled the scent deeply and could pick up traces of steak.

"Mmmm...that even smells awesome," I sighed as we marched past the very shiny black truck in the driveway and up the marble steps to the door. The Flamey grinned.

"Just wait til you taste it," he said and opened the door. A few more scents assaulted me, such as some very fresh rosemary. Nathan's mom popped around the corner with celery in hand as Nathan closed the door behind us. She was a black Flamedramon dressed in a very smart business suit and walked with incredible grace.

"Hey honnie how was school?" she asked and padded over to us. Nathan slipped his backpack off and put it next to the door. I didn't know what else to do so I followed in suit.

"It was alright. Got a good workout in with Brandon after school ended. Now we're starving," he said with a wry smile. I wondered why he didn't mention the murders. Oh, duh, they probably already knew.

Mrs. Rain grinned back. "Well I'm glad you guys had fun," then she turned to me. "Brandon, nice to see you again. And how was your da...oh honnie, are you alright?" she asked and stepped closer.

"Oh...yeah I'm ok," I said shyly as she reached carefully to examine my swollen eye.

His mom looked at it for a bit before retreating with a concerned look. "Well it's a miracle it hasn't swollen up much yet. What happened?"

I opened my mouth to speak but Nathan beat me to it. "Just some bully trouble at school. It's ok; I was able to take care of it before it got too much worse." Nathan's mom looked at him with concern, to which he answered with exasperation, "No, nobody saw me."

Mrs. Rain nodded the concern still apparent on her features. "Ok. Well, Brandon, let me get you some ice for that. In the mean time, can you guys help with the salad? Your dad is working on the steak out back, and I'm making the biscuits and baked beans. Oh and I invited Chris and his girlfriend over too."

Nathan and I both nodded in unison, and I followed the two Flameys across the granite flooring. We came around the corner to the massive kitchen that connected to the living room. The far wall had several large windows and a French glass door, and I could see Nathan's buff Exveemon father facing a grill.

Nathan's mom pointed to the cutting board, knives and the mass of veggies that were lined up on the island table that took up the middle of the kitchen. "Feel free to start cutting up some vegetables," she said and checked a big pot that was simmering on the stove. Nathan strolled up to counter picked up a knife and lined several carrots up along side each other. I walked up, grabbed my own knife and several stalks of celery. Careful not to get my fingers anywhere close to the blade, I slowly started to chop the celery. Almost cutting myself a few times at the end, I looked at the ragged pieces that I had left strewn across the cutting board.

Then I heard the fast-paced, rhythmic slicing sound, and looked over to see Nathan's hand swiftly moving the knife across the length of the carrots. When he had reached the end in what was about 3 seconds, he scooped up the neatly cut pieces of carrot with the flat of the blade and added them to an already sizable pile next to the cutting board. I stared as he brought four more carrots out, lined them up and his hand flashed again. Then I saw his eyes flicker towards me, and his cutting pace slowed down.

For a second I was confused. Was he really so modest about everything? Then I figured he probably just didn't want me to feel bad about how slow I was going. I grinned slightly as I went back to cutting more celery. He really was sweet.

For a couple of minutes we all worked on our dish and the smells of food continued to be more and more mouth watering. After a bit Nathan was done cutting his mountain of veggies and started helping me with mine. When Mrs. Rain went out back to set up the table for the dinner, Nathan checked to make sure the coast was clear before he moved around behind me and took both of my hands in his. I grinned as I felt his warm muscular chest push against my back as he glided my hands along the veggies the same way his had. Then his mom came back in to get glasses, and Nathan acted as if he was just reaching around me to get a radish that thought it could escape our blades.

Soon after we had finished slicing the last of the veggies the doorbell rang. Nathan disappeared down the hallway for a second before returning with a Byakko, with a Renamon hanging off his shoulder. I had seen the Byakko hanging with Nathan around school and from the theaters a couple days ago, where he had introduced himself as Chris. The Renamon I didn't know.

Nathan walked up to me. "Chris, you remember Brandon right?"

Chris snorted. "Well duh. Sup Brandon, cool to see ya again. Oh and this is my girlfriend," he shrugged the shoulder that the Renamon was clinging to. She was very confident and offered her paw.

"Hi, I'm Zoey," she said nicely as I shook it. "And your Nate's boyfriend?"

I blushed and looked at Nathan, who was also red in the face and checking out back to make sure his parents hadn't heard.

"Yeah, I am, but I don't think Nathan wants his parents to know just yet." I answered timidly.

"Oh," she said and closed her mouth and acted as though she were locking it and throwing away the key. "I won't say a word."

Then Mrs. Rain came in and saw Chris. "Hey! Chris is here," she said over her shoulder to her husband. Then she turned back to the guests. "And this must be Zoey I keep hearing about? Very nice to meet you," she said and shook Zoey's paw too. "Well now that everyone is here we can start eating. Nathan, can you bring the salad out back?"

"Yup," he replied, then to me, "Wanna help?" I nodded as everyone else went out back.

"Zoey seems nice," I commented as Nathan dug through the drawers for a salad tosser. "Didn't I see him with some Harpy just a few months ago though?"

Nathan nodded as he came up with the overly large spoons. "Yeah, but he goes through women pretty fast." He replied with a tepid chuckle. Then he picked up the big cutting board with one hand and dumped the mounds of veggies that were on it into the salad bowl of lettuce. After a quick toss, he motioned with his head to follow him out back.

When we stepped through the door onto their surprisingly green lawn and I was stunned to see how much food was on the long picnic table they had set up. There were literally stacks of steak on the platter in the middle, two big pots of steaming baked beans, five baskets of rolls, almost a dozen bags of chips and dip, another pot of corn, and now Nathan was adding the giant salad bowl to the end. I stared for another moment in amazement at the amount of food before Nathan patted the empty seat next to him.

His parents were sitting at the end of the table and Chris and Zoey were sitting across from Nathan and me. I leaned over to Nathan, "Did I hear that everyone was here; like no one else is coming?" I figured this was waaaay too much food for only six people. It seemed more likely to feed 10 or more. Nathan just smirked.

"You'll see," he said simply.

"Ok everyone," his dad said with his surprisingly deep voice. "Dig in!"

Chris' fork shot out for a steak, but Zoey touched his shoulder. Then she looked at Nathan's dad. "Actually, do you mind if we do a quick prayer for the victims of the SkyTech building first?"

Nathan's parents looked at each other in surprise, then they both nodded. "Yeah, that's ok," his dad replied awkwardly. Then Zoey took Nathan's and Chris's hands. Nathan took mine and I uncomfortably took that of his mom's. When we had formed a ring of conjoined hands, Zoey quietly lowered her yellow head, and I followed in manner.

After a few moments of what seemed like an incredibly uncomfortable silence rather than a moment to mourn the dead, Zoey raised her head and said, "Amen,"

"Amen," repeated the rest of the family, and they quietly started to pile food onto their plates. Almost immediately Chris took four pieces of steak, the majority of one basket of rolls, and two scoops of baked beans. I watched him in wonder for a moment before I noticed that almost everyone was taking huge portions. Though none of them matched Chris, each of their plates was piled high with assorted food. In fact, the only person who seemed to share my meager appetite was Zoey, and she was watching the rest of the family with the same brand of marvel that I was.

I whispered to Nathan by my side, who was busy wolfing down bread rolls, "I think I get why there's so much food now. How do you all stay so skinny?"

Nathan grinned around his fork as he stuffed a too-big bite of steak in his muzzle. He pointed to my empty plate. "You better get some before it's all gone."

I quickly snatched a bread roll, a piece of steak, a bit of salad and a small scoop of baked beans. Nathan's mom looked over at my plate.

"Hon, are you sure you don't want more?" she asked between mouthfuls of salad.

"Umm, I think this should be okay. I had a bit to eat before I came over."

She smiled. "Well school lunches were never the most nourishing. What did you have?"

"Sausage and gravy," I said and I heard Nathan sputtered into his glass while he was taking a drink of water. Without looking I kept up the conversation with his mother.

She blinked, "That doesn't sound like the school's food. They must be finally raising their nourishment bar. We always joked about how the school never serves food well in quality or quantity."

I struggled to keep a straight face. "It was actually very tasty. I'd even eat it again sometime." I felt Nathan's foot step lightly on mine, as if to say very funny, now stop.

Mrs. Rain nodded. "Well that's good," then she turned to Chris, "And how are your grades doing, young man?!" she asked in a faux demand.

Chris shrunk back into his seat. "I have an A- ma'am" he answered meekly, then flinched when Nathan's mom started ranting about how unacceptable an A- was. Mr. Rain was smirking at the show and Zoey had a shocked look on her face that said she wasn't sure if their fight was real or not.

I felt Nathan's elbow nudge me playfully in the ribs.

"You ok?" he asked me.

"Yeah, why?"

His wide shoulders rose in a shrug. "You just look really happy."

Until then I hadn't realized how much I was smiling. Though it didn't take much self-reflection to see why. Chris and Mrs. Rain were still carrying on their charade of fighting. Zoey was about to speak up against the fight, but apparently Nathan's dad couldn't hold it in and sniggered while he quickly explained to Zoey that they were joking. The chilly December wind was off set by the warm sun and the very air was thick with the scent of food and laughter. To top it all off I was sitting next to the digimon I loved.

I turned back to Nathan. "It's just a perfect moment. You know?"

The rest of the evening seemed to glide by, almost like a dream. Nathan's dad and I had struck up a lengthy conversation about flying. Apparently he had been on the varsity fly team in his own high school, and we talked for a while about our specialties. He was varsity in endurance while I gotten my letter in agility.

The mountains of food that had occupied the table slowly disappeared and, to my disbelief, vanished entirely. When Chris finally choked down the last of the steak the sky had blossomed into a festive red as the sunset painted oncoming clouds. Nathan's mom carried the stack of dishes away while Mr. Rain and I argued about the best time to catch thermals. Then we both came to an agreement that the perfect time was the warm wind before the torrents of a storm. Dangerous as that time was, it was well worth the risk.

When we all stood to go inside, Chris spoke up, "Call of Duty anyone?"

"Dibs on first game" I spoke up quickly. When Nathan looked at me with an amused expression I said, "What? I'll get your KD up anyway."

He chuckled, then nodded. "True." The five of us strolled across the lawn to the house as the sun fell early due to its winter schedule. Clouds that had been waiting on the eastern horizon were rolling in and I could feel the shifts in the wind. I shivered and paused right before the glass door. Breathing deep and feeling the cool wind sift along my body and wings, I could tell that things were going to change.


My attention snapped back and I saw Nathan waiting in the doorway with a smile playing on the edges of his lips. I grinned back and stepped inside just as the dark gray clouds stepped in front of the sun.

"I think it's going to snow," I whispered to the Flamedramon and the warmth of the house replaced the cool breeze.

We both walked into the living room where the flat screen was coming alive with the white and green colors of XBOX. It was practically aching to be so close to Nathan, and yet be prevented from physical contact by his parents who were watching us sit down. I wanted nothing more to reach down, grab his hand, and feel the warmth of his body against mine, but for right now all I could do was pick up the controller and go to work on random players.

My first game I went 32 kills and 5 deaths, then it was Nathan's turn. He immediately plugged in his iPod to the stereo system and I was surprised to hear All The Right Moves by OneRepublic. On Friday his music library had consisted as almost all rock and punk. When this song came on Nathan swiveled his head around and winked at me.

"You've turned me on to this kinda music," he said with a chuckle and his game started. It turns out that sort of music worked well for him. While he wasn't an as aggressive shooter as I was, his stealthy combat style worked well for him and he finished up the match with 28 kills and an amazing 0 deaths. Nathan picked himself off of the floor and gave to controller to the eager Chris.

Nathan plopped down beside me and almost automatically I inhaled his scent. His fire-type body heat was radiating off of him and I flinched as a hard on gradually grew in against my thigh. It was extremely brutal to have him less than a foot away and not being able to touch him, but his dad sat on the couch across from us and his mom was in the kitchen, watching the gaming with enjoyment and drying the dishes. The skin of my arm closest to him was tingling from his mere proximity.

It didn't help that the promise he had made to me in the shower was causing my heart to border on cardiac arrest. My imagination ran wild with the possibilities. What position would we do? Would there be any foreplay or would we go straight for it? Which did I want??

I was startled out of my daydreaming by a weight dropping onto my lap. I looked up to see Mrs. Rain standing next to me. "Sorry sweetie, I forgot to get you some ice before," she said with a friendly grin.

"Oh," I picked up the cold ziplock bag which had managed to drop right on my woody; it did a excellent job of making it shrink fast. "Thanks, I'd forgotten. It's not so sore anymore."

"Well you should still get some ice on it just to make the swelling go down," she suggested and went to sit by her husband. Then I saw that Zoey had her arms wrapped around Chris and Nathan's parents were just now started to cuddle up together in the love seat like they were the same age as the rest of us. The ache to be closer to Nathan instantly returned worse than ever. I grimaced slightly and thankfully the controller had made its way back to me. Losing myself in the game might help.

We all traded off playing Call Of Duty for several hours. Zoey even tried one game, but got carried away in the excitement and stress and ended up squealing when she got killed. She meekly gave to controller back to Chris while the rest of us were on the floor laughing. After Chris had somehow managed to bring the score back up to about even before the match ended, he stood and walked over to Nathan.

"Hey man, I should probably get goin. I still gotta get Zoey home at a decent hour," he said and did the paw pound with my Flamedramon.

Nathan stood up with him. "Yeah dude thanks for coming over."

Chris snorted as they disappeared around corner into the hallway. "Are you kidding? Thank you for the BBQ. Oh and THANK YOU FOR THE GRUB MR. AND MRS. RAIN! BUT TRY TO MAKE MOAR NEXT TIME!!" he shouted from the near the front door. Nathan's parents chuckled from their spot on the love seat.

Nathan came back around the corner and handed me the controller as his parents stood up.

"Hey Nate, we're going to go to bed," Mr. Rain said, stretching his arms up and white wings out.

"Actually, did you ever start more laundry, honey?" his mom queried.

Nathan rolled his eyes and pushed himself off of the couch. "Nah, I'll go get some going." He turned to me. "Keep playing dude. I'll be back in a sec."

I nodded and watched the digimon family exit the room, secretly smug that Nathan wasn't exempt from chores. With a house and family like his I wouldn't be surprised if they had a cleaning maid.

I turned back to the TV and fired up another match. After only 10 minutes into the game though, one of the other players got his kill streak high enough to unlock the nuke. I groaned as the game ended before I could even get a good Kill to Death ratio.

I sighed and put down the controller. Video games were fun, but I only took them in portions in any case. Then I noticed that Nathan wasn't back yet. I frowned as I reasoned that it didn't take 10 minutes to put in a load of clothes. I picked myself off the couch and turned off the XBOX.

The downstairs was empty and almost daunting with most of the lights turned off. Shadows added their own monotone shades to the paintings that already hung on the walls. As I walked down the hallway to the stairs, I observed that there weren't any family pictures like most people would have on the walls.

Before I had more time to reflect on that, I reached the base of the stairs and heard voices from the story above. I paused with one foot above the first step. The voices sounded angry and I could tell that the majority of it belonged to Nathan's parents. For a second I thought it might just be a tussle between husband and wife, but then I heard Nathan's timbre added to the cacophony.

I frowned as I tried to decide. I couldn't really hear the distinct words right now, but did I really want to eavesdrop? His parents had been so nice to me, with his mom being worried about my eye and his dad and I talking about flying. I know I would feel a little guilty about listening in.

I almost turned back to the living room when I realized that they could be fighting about me. What if Mr. and Mrs. Rain figured out about Nathan and me? Nathan had never really said what would happen if they found out their only son was dating another guy.

I paused and held my breath while I though. Finally I let it out in a frustrated sigh. If it was about me, I deserved to know, if it wasn't about me then I would stop right away.

With my decision made, I started to focus my family ability. I remembered the first time I used this trick was when I was initially accepted into my current family. I had always been paranoid as to whether my adoptive mom really wanted me or not, so I used this method to listen into one of her conversations on the phone.

I unfurled my wings, letting them stretch out to their 13 foot span across the hallway. I closed my eyes and focused on the currents of wind flowing through the house. In only a few seconds I was able to ascertain that there were no windows open and only miniscule wind flow was coming in from under the front door. That would make what I was about to do a lot easier. Moving my wing tips in small circles, I started to manipulate the air of the stairwell and the air around me. I concentrated on moving all the air into one, strait funnel between my head and the source of the voices. Once I got all the air set dead in place, I compacted it.

A science book I read when I was younger said that sound moved through things quicker when the molecules were more compact. That way the vibrations of the sound would resonate and travel more easily, which explained why sounds always traveled through solids faster than gases. Using that mentality, I had learned that if I made the air as dense as possible, voices became much clearer.

Almost instantly Mrs. Rain's voice sharpened into the air.

"--te, you know the rule?"

"Yes, I understand," that one belonged to Nathan and was much quieter.

"And are you going to obey the rule?"

"...I understand."

"That's not good enough," his mom growled angrily. I almost lost my concentration in shock. Mrs. Rain had been so nice earlier.

"I'm not going to risk anything with this relationship. I'm smarter than that," this time Nathan had a deep edge of resentment in his voice, and in an instant memories of his fights earlier today came flooding back into my mind.

"It doesn't matter how smart you think you are. If the rest of the family discovers you're dating Brandon with no intention of breaking up with him, you could get into some serious trouble." I froze as my name came out of his dad's mouth. My panicky mind tried to sift through it. It sounded like his parents didn't mind Nathan being with me, but the rest of his family did? Were they really homophobic or something? Who was the rest of his family anyway?

Shit. I was so focused in my thoughts that I lost control of the air and it blew in opposite directions with a slight puff. The voices upstairs abruptly halted and my heart seized up. Could they have really heard that small sound?

Then my eyes went wide when I heard a door open from upstairs. My muscles refused to move as footsteps padded quickly towards me.

I let out a deep sigh as it was Nathan's head to pop into view at the top of the stairs and not one of his parents. Then I saw his expression. I guess today's earlier training session had been useless. Nathan had the same look of intense pain in his normally beautiful eyes.

He flew down the stairs and I gave a startled yelp as he grabbed my hand. He shot back up the flight, practically dragging me with him. He led me across the hall in the fast pace to the next flight of stairs at the end. As he passed the open doors to the right he glared bloody daggers into the room. When I was dragged across the open doors, my heart almost stopped again when I saw his parents standing next to their bed, perfectly holding the same dead, apathetic eyes that had been scaring me so much lately.

They were quickly taken out of view as I skipped to keep up with Nathan. We reached the next set of stairs and he bounded up them, taking three at a time and I still had to work my tail off to keep up. We reached the top and instantly turned left into Nathan's room. He dragged me in front of him and unconsciously almost threw me onto his bed. He turned and was about ready to fling his door shut, but breathed heavily and closed it with an exaggerated tenderness. Then he just stayed there, facing the door with its knob clenched in his hand.

I was frozen near his bed, my mind completely numb and running unbelievably fast at the same time. I walked up behind him and hesitantly put my hand on his shoulder. I gave a slight shiver as his warmth rolled up my arm.

"Nathan..." I paused. For the life of me I couldn't think of anything else to say.

For a moment we both just stood there. Then his low voice broke through the silence.

"How much did you hear?" he asked simply, his voice completely void of any life.

"That you have some other family that would be mad at you for going out with me," I frowned in confusion. "Why? Was there more?"

Nathan sighed deeply and hung his head. "Yeah, there was a lot more, but you shouldn't have had to have heard any of it. I'm really sorry Brandon."

I thought about asking what else they had discussed. But now didn't seem like the right time. "Are you going to be ok?" was all I could think of to ask.

After a few seconds of not responding he shook his head. "I don't know."

"Hug or kiss?"

Nathan swiveled his head around to look at me. There was still the anguish in his eyes, but now they were blended with a touch of wonder.


I came up behind him and pressed my body against his, sighing again at his body heat. "I hate it when you're sad like this. It hurts me too you know. So to make you feel better, which is it: a hug or a kiss?"

The intensity of his eyes softened and when he spoke up his voice cracked slightly.

"Hug...I could really use a hug."

With that my heart tugged and I wrapped my arms around him, relishing how his heat completely consumed my whole chest. He remained still for a split moment before turning around in my embrace and held me just as tight as I held him. The yearning I had felt for him during just a few minutes ago melted away. Nerves started lighting up across my skin and soon my whole body was tingling. He rested his head on my shoulder and I could feel him sniff slightly at my hair.

"Your hair smells purty," he said quietly, adding a slight chuckle on the end.

I laughed as sincerely as I could in this situation. "Yeah, thanks for that."

I turned us around so now he was the one with his back to the bed. When he was aligned right, I forced us both down onto his camo comforter, me on top of him. I felt his head lift away from my shoulder, so I held myself over him and brought my face back to see his looking with a strange passion fired in his irises.

"Now kiss," he murmured lowly and arched his neck up, his lips pressing softly against my own. I immediately yielded and any strength I had left to hold my body over his failed. I liquefied along the curves of his muscled torso and lower body. Each bit of contact lit a fire under the surface of my skin, but none so fierce as the one that blazed against my lips. I hardly felt his hands that came up underneath my shirt and started rubbing along my sides. I only became aware when Nathan broke the kiss so he could pull the bothersome article of clothing over my head.

We fell back into the kiss, just as slow and tender as before. Nathan continued to let his hands roam over my sides and across my chest. The room became hotter and hotter, just as the kiss did. It had morphed from an unhurried, loving kiss to a fiercely passionate and soon my sensitive nose began to pick up on the changing smells.

Nathan's musk reached inside of me and stirred my loins. His tongue slid along my lips, begging for entry and I had no choice but to comply. I opened my mouth and sighed in exuberance when that wet muscle skimmed over my gums, teeth and my own tongue. Desire guided my hands under his shirt while we maintained the kiss. I felt along the curves of each muscle, then let my hand descend across the bottom of his stomach. I could feel the bulge growing between us and I grasped and rubbed it with my palm.

Nathan moaned and I took the opening to ram my own tongue into his mouth before he had a chance. While he was distracted with me exploring his mouth, I slowly unbuttoned his pants. I couldn't see it, but with another run along the underwear this time, I could tell he was getting big fast.

What I didn't notice was what his hands were doing. My eyes popped open in surprise when I felt the button pop on my jeans and my pre-soaked cock springing out of my pulled down briefs. Nathan opened his eyes too and grinned in mischief.

"Tonight's your night remember? I want you to take me Brandon. I need you to take me," his voice bordered on pleading. I grinned along with him. He was right. Tonight, Nathan was all mine.

Instead of returning the kiss to his lips, I let them press to his neck. He exhaled heavily and I shifted all my weight to my upper body, so I was leaning on his chest while I pulled my pants and briefs completely off. The heat of the digimon left no room to be cold.

After flinging my pants off to the side, I returned my hands to stroking his sides. But this time, every time I rubbed my hands past his hips, I slipped his pants a little further down his legs. Eventually they reached the ankles and I lowered myself down the bed until I was looking at Nathan's tented deep gray boxer briefs. I smirked when I saw the shiny wet pre spot on the front of them. Pulling his pants all the way off, I grabbed his blue and white legs and threw them over each shoulder, then shoved my muzzle deep against the bulging underwear. I inhaled deeply, enjoying the blissful warmth that accompanied each breath of musk.

I heard Nathan groan, "Aww god Brandon...you would tease me." He wound his fingers into my hair. I peeked up at him, doing my best to match that playful grin of his.

"You think that's teasing?" I murmured mischievously. I raised the legs over above my shoulders and pulled his underwear off over my head. For a second I had no option but to stare.

At eight inches of pulsing meat, the hunger grew deep within me to wrap my tongue around that pre-glistening cock head, and have him thrust it deep into my muzzle,

But I staved off that hunger. Tonight was still my night.

Nathan cooed as I grabbed his length and raised it up so I could see the underside. Now without that annoying underwear the scent reached all the faster. I buried my nose into the fleshy part in between the base of his shaft and the round orbs that were his balls. I took several, very deep breaths, each one stirring my own lustful desire more than the last. After only very moments of deep breathing my own seven incher was standing at full mast, waiting for any form of attention.

That's when I brought my gaze lower still, to where Nathan's tight tailhole waited near the base of his tail. I examined it in need before I leaned forward and slurped at the opening. Nathan shuddered slightly and his tail straightened into a perfect line. I laughed as I heard him take a trembling breath.

"Nggghh...you're going to make me beg aren't you?" his voice quavered from near the top of the bed. I peered up over the top of his erection to where his face blushing.

"It might not be such a bad idea," I said as I thought about it.

He grinned, his brilliant crimson eyes twinkling. "Nathan, I neeeed you inside of me, now. Please...fill me up with everything you got."

"Now that wasn't so bad," I whispered as I raised my self up. Keeping his knees over my shoulders, I brought my pelvis up to his rump. The edges of my mouth turned upward slightly as I grabbed the base of my member and rubbed the sensitive tip around the pucker, lubing the entrance up with my precum. His tail twitched between my knees.

"God, you are such a pain," he panted teasingly.

I grinned at the pun, whether it was intentional or not. "Hopefully not too much of a pain." But I could tell he was getting impatient with his desire.

So without hesitation, I began to press myself against the tailhole. It wouldn't yield for a second, then with a 'pop' my head slipped in. Nathan trembled and bit his lip. I'm glad we had ended up in this position; I could see his face and knew when I was causing any pain.

"Want me to wait for a moment?" I asked, my own breath starting to come out in gasps. Goddamn it felt good inside of him. I longed to just stuff every inch of me into him right there and then.

Nathan stopped biting his lip. "No...it's ok, keep going. Just do it slowly,"

I nodded and leaned forward for a quick kiss. "Sure thing, hun."

I started to push more of myself into him. Little by little, my cock became more encompassed by Nathan's heavenly tight and hot hole. There were several times I had to stop, not just for Nathan's comfort, but because I was terribly close to orgasming before we had even started.

After several minutes of stop-and-goes, I was finally deeply hilted inside of Nathan, my balls dangling near his tail. For a second I collapsed on top of my Flamedramon, just giving myself a minute to adjust to the mind-numbing pleasure. My head was laying against Nathan's chest and I could hear the air rushing in and out of his lungs just as fast as mine. We just laid there for a moment, his legs in the crooks of my arms. Something about the ephemeral "one-ness" of us seemed unreal. We were, at this moment, two beings completely merged into one. It set my mind in a state of harmony I had never felt before.

Then I felt him kiss the top of my head. "I'm ready Brandon," he whispered.

I picked myself off of his chest and nodded, looking lovingly into those eyes. Then I rocked my hips back, groaning as I slid out. I stopped myself before the head came out, and pushed right back in, murring as I felt a couple more strings of pre unload deep into him. With the added lubrication, I gradually started to pick up my speed.

Each thrust sent me into euphoria before I pulled out, then the same sensation clouded my mind as I thrust back in. I closed my eyes, focusing on the pure tightness around my cock and the bliss that took over with hump. Far off I could hear Nathan panting. I peeked through one eye to see that he had his hands set on the head board so he could push himself against me in time with each of my thrusts.

Precum continued to leak out of me like I was some broken faucet. It made every movement slide along with the littlest friction. Eventually some of it worked its way out between Nathan and I, and occasionally made a wet 'splat' every time our flesh met.

With one particularly deep thrust, I felt my head brush up against something. I moaned and clenched my teeth as it rubbed up along the sensitive tissue in just the right way. I could feel the numbness building in my lower gut and balls. I picked up my pace, my balls slapping to the base of his tail several times a second.

"Nathan....I'm going to ...ahhh...I'm going to cu-" I was interrupted when Nathan grabbed the back of my head and pushed my lips to his. The tingling crept up and consumed my entire body. Moaning hard into the kiss, I rammed my hips hard against his ass and pumped shot after shot of seed into him. My legs strained as I pushed all the harder into him and I felt some of the spunk dribble out the sides of it. Wave after wave of pleasure rolled through me as I strained to contain my shouts into Nathan's mouth.

After the last of the seed left my balls, I slumped down on top of the digimon. We were both breathing heavily into the kiss, but my heart was finally starting to settle. The world returned to perceivable and I glanced down when I felt wetness between our stomachs. I giggled when I saw pools of clear sticky liquid clinging to our skin. I looked back at Nathan questioningly.

"It was incredible," he said simply with a goofy grin. "I didn't even touch myself."

I smiled back. "It was amazing on my end too. Thank you Nathan." I kissed him again. Then he opened his mouth wide and proceeded to yawn. Naturally, seeing the yawn, some unseen virus took me and forced myself to yawn as well.

When my mouth snapped shut I peered at Nathan. "A wittle sleepy?" I asked teasingly?

Nathan chuckled, and I could feel it reverberate in his body beneath me. "A wittle. I just ate a massive amount of food for dinner, then exerted myself quite thoroughly."

I nodded. "It's ok, go to sleep," I couldn't stop another yawn from taking my speech away. "Yeah, I'm not far behind you."

Nathan grinned and kissed me one last time. "Goodnight Brandon."

I contemplated saying the 'L' word, but decided against it. No reason to worry this night with worrying. "Goodnight Nathan."

I know I'll get him to say those three words someday.

So without even bothering to pull out of my lover, I pulled my wings over the both of us and fell into dreams under white feathers.

I was in the middle of a street at night. The lights of the city buildings were lit around me, and people were walking about in their usual nighttime business. Mothers were pushing along strollers, businessfurs constantly checking their watches as they had that fast walk that told they were late for a meeting. Teenagers off near the entrances of allies, skateboarding on the bus stop benches. The buildings and the lamp lights along each side of the streets lit all.

The only thing that seemed out of place was that there were no cars. Which was odd. In Seattle the roads never seemed devoid of cars and busses. But here I stood in the center of an intersection, with no traffic in any direction.

Suddenly a piercing wail cried out behind me. I whipped around to see one of the wolf teenagers with a blade protruding from his furry chest. A shadowy figure stood behind him, blood red eyes the only color emitting from the pitch black form. The blade pulled out of the young wolf and he fell to the concrete sidewalk.

The black figure disappeared in sync with another scream to my left. This time it was two businessfurs clutching their throats as lifeblood spilt out. Then the night came alive with yells and shouting. People were dropping all around me in complete chaos. I turned to find the dark shadow, but it always seemed to flicker just out of the edge of my vision as it went about its massacre.

Then I was alone. The streets and sidewalks were littered with the bodies of fur, scales, skin. But always blood.

The shadow appeared in front of me. My heart constricted. I ran and punched at him, but my body felt as if it were making its way through molasses. The dark form caught my hand and, from the contact, color erupted over him. Blue and white sprang up on his hands. A white thermal formed over his upper body, a blue tail sprouted out from behind him. Then the bright cheerful red eyes came into focus on his Flamedramon face.

Then the eyes deadened.

"I love you Brandon," Nathan said.

My eyes went wide as the blade bit deep into my stomach.

Ok I know it's gotten pretty dark this chapter. Now here's my problem. I've set things up so I could go one of two ways. I could add in a really sad chapter that will be a no-yiff, but it will add a lot to the storyline. OR I could just go with the next chapter I had planned originally that will probably have yiff and unviel the HUGE surprise I have in wait :P . So please feel free to cast your vote in the comments. And I appreciate other comments as well, such as what you like, what you didnt like, and any advise for better writing (^^,) THANKS