The Model - Chapter Twenty Four

Story by Billy Leigh on SoFurry

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#24 of The Model

This is a gay themed story that has been sitting on my computer for a while, so I decided to develop it into a new short series.After being hired to help with photoshoots for an underwear company, I developed an obsession with one of their models, a handsome Doberman by the name of Kurt Hauser. I never thought I'd stand a chance with someone like that. Until now...

Apologies I've been a little slow with the latest chapters, I've had a few personal things to take care of.

Chapter Twenty Five to follow soon...

"Okay, why have you been trying to call me?"

I waited as I could hear my father breathing at the other end as he thought of a response. "I wanted to say, I sh... shouldn't have yelled," my father slurred. So it seemed Kurt's theory about my father wanting to make amends turned out to be correct. "Your mother and I keep fighting though, I t... try to tell her that I think she needs to back off but she doesn't listen and yells at me. I dunno what to do." I felt torn. On the one hand I wanted to admire the fact my father wanted to apologise, but then again he had chosen to do it drunk. It seemed my mother was also causing problems. I stood in silence, not sure what to say. "Sooo, what are you doing now?" My father asked. "I'm at work," I replied, not wanting to say I'm in my underwear in the middle of a modelling session. "Ahh, okay. I was thinking that I wanna see you again so we can talk through things," my father continued. "We should go somewhere and talk." "I'm not sure that's a good idea," I began, but I sensed someone watching me and I turned to see Kurt in the doorway. "Please Alec," my father begged, and I felt embarrassed by how pathetic he sounded. "I just wanna talk things through in person. I promise I won't get mad." "Okay, but I'll have to discuss this again, I gotta go," I said hurriedly. "Bye father." "Ohh, okay," my father slurred just as I hung up. "You spoke to your father?" Kurt asked as I sighed and threw my phone down onto my pile of clothes. I didn't need to answer Kurt's question, my splayed ears and droopy tail saved me from having to use words. Kurt walked forwards and hugged me. I pressed my face into his muscular chest.

I stayed still for a minute while Kurt nuzzled me. "What did he want?" Kurt asked gently. "He did apologise but he wants to meet me again," I explained. "And he was wasted, in fact he's probably not even going to remember talking to me." "I'm sorry," Kurt sighed. "You were going to have your shoot next, but I explained to Carl you were not feeling good so Doug is going first." "It's okay, I don't want him to get me down," I said, trying to put on a brave smile. Kurt smiled back and led me to the studio. Doug was on stage flexing his muscles and perking his bulge out. Awesome! Now let's take one from the back. Doug turned around, grinned in our direction and did his usual move of pulling the back of his briefs down to flash his butt. "Haha, I love this guy!" Oscar laughed. Doug pulled his briefs back up and kept posing while Carl snapped away. Jerry and Spencer were also watching and chuckling. I suddenly felt glad to be in the studio and I felt all the more determined to enjoy my time. Kurt put his arm around me as we watched. "Okay, I think we've got enough. Thank you Doug!" Carl called. "Who's next?" "I'll go," I volunteered. "Awesome, now if you stand in-between the columns, that's it," Carl instructed. I looked down to see Kurt giving me the thumbs up and grinning enthusiastically. Flex for me Alec, nice! "This kid is good," I heard Oscar say. I was still adjusting to the idea of being a model and feeling conscious of not being as muscular as the others, but the encouragement made me feel relieved and confident. I kept flexing as Carl too more pictures. Okay, now show me your behind. Raise your tail a little, that's great! I tried perking my butt out as Kurt and Doug did. Keep doing that! I flexed my ass and raised my tail as everyone began shouting encouragement. That's enough, great job Alec! I jumped off the set with my tail wagging. Everyone else was applauding. I grinned and bowed. "If I haven't said so before, we want to keep you for as long as you want," Carl said. "Yes, I want to stay here," I replied. "Good choice mate, those people at that movie studio seemed weird as fuck," Doug said, patting me on the shoulder. Kurt walked over and gave me a kiss on the muzzle. "Ew, get a room!" Doug teased. "Do you ever get tired of saying that," Kurt replied, rolling his eyes.

We all watched as Jerry and Spencer had their shoots done before Oscar and Frank applauded all of us. "Well, it was a pleasure coming to watch all you fine gents. You all rock my designs really well, and I'm so grateful for you choosing to model for Frank and I," Oscar said. "Yeah, we gotta watch more of these, plus the new model was great," Frank added. "You're just saying that because he's a fellow Yote," Oscar grinned. "But it's appropriate having a new Coyote to model for us." "Oscar used to model the designs when Wolf & Coyote was first founded," Carl explained to me. "It's amazing how it's grown since then," I mused. It felt good to part of something that was growing.

We all made our way to the washroom to get changed and my tail was still wagging.

I just want to be happy with all these guys.

Doug placed his paws over the waistband of his briefs but paused. "I'm gonna keep these on for now," he decided. "Same," I mused, idly fondling the material around my sheath and appreciating how silky it felt. "I wish we could keep the Roman helmets." "So I can wear in it bed?" Kurt teased. "What kind of roleplay do you guys like doing?" Doug laughed. "I can't say I've ever done a historical one." I pulled my shorts on over my new underwear while Kurt placed my red briefs from that morning into his sports bag. "Oi mate, those are mine!" Doug exclaimed. "Stop being an undies thief." "But you forget to claim them back," Kurt replied. "You just left them stuffed down the side of my sofa." "Do I dare asked what happened?" I said. "This was before Rex," Doug explained. "One of the two times Kurt and I hooked up, the other was when he stole my swim briefs." He added, sticking his tongue out at Kurt. "Hey, you just keep leaving them," Kurt retorted. "Okay, to be fair I have a pair of blue briefs that are the same style as those red ones, although technically they're Rex's but we trade undies all the same," Doug shrugged before pulling a blue wifebeater on. "We could head to the beach later once Rex is off work?" "Sounds good," I replied, pulling my shorts and shirt on. "Ace, we could have a barbecue?" Doug suggested. My tail wagged at the Dingo's suggestion. "I like that, what about you?" I asked Kurt. The Doberman nodded. "Sounds like a swell idea to me," he grinned. "That's settled, I'll call Rex when I get home. Catch you later mates," Doug said, giving us a friendly kiss on the muzzle before leaving.

Kurt and I left the building a minute later and walked out to the Lotus. My tail was still wagging. "You seem waggy," Kurt said with a grin. "I'm glad you've perked up bud." "I want to be happy," I replied. "If my father is being ridiculous then let him." Kurt gave my paw a squeeze before we climbed into the car. "We should take some wine tonight," Kurt suggested. "I think I still have some in the kitchen, along with plastic cups." "Heh, I should say I'm happy to go to any beach but Vincentville," I chuckled. "Why?" "That's where I ran into Justin and Charlene, they might still be shooting their movie there," I explained. "Good grief, what were they making this time?" Kurt laughed as we drove from the parking lot. "Something called Stacy and The Spacecats," I replied. "Jeez, that sounds just as bad as The ATM." "So, you don't wanna go see it?" I asked with a grin. "It's not on my list of priorities," Kurt said. "Usually I'd gladly watch anything my boyfriend is involved in but I'm afraid I'll pass on any of Justin's movies." "Probably wise, watching them being filmed was painful enough," I winced. "It still feels like a hilariously bad dream I once had." "It's okay bud, you're safe now," Kurt said gently, reaching over to take my paw. I smiled and leaned over to kiss his muzzle in response.

We reached our apartment a minute later and walked through the door kissing. "I was going to suggest a jog, but I guess we can do that on the beach later," Kurt mused. "Would you like to go to the gym?" "Yeah, we could," I replied. The idea of getting more muscular to fit my job as a model was something that appealed to me. I opened my mouth to say more but my phone began buzzing. I growled, expecting to see my father's name, but Chadwick's number flashed up. "Hey Chadwick." "Hey dude, how's it going?" The other Coyote's voice chirped. "I'm good, I just completed another shoot which was fun," I explained. "The founders of Wolf & Coyote came to watch and I think I've secured a permanent position as a model." "Awesome, I'm really glad that's going well," Chadwick replied and I could imagine the younger Coyote's tail wagging. "So, I was talking to my mom and she wants to meet me and Reggie again, she sounded quite happy about it in fact." "That's great," I said, trying to sound enthusiastic. "You okay?" Chadwick asked. I sighed knowing my tone hadn't been convincing enough. "My parents are still being awkward," I admitted. "Oh, I feel kinda shit calling to say my mom is happy to meet Reggie again," Chadwick sighed and I could picture his tail drooping. "It's okay," I replied, although inside I still felt low. I wasn't sure whether to tell Chadwick all the details.

Fuck it, he's your cousin.

I took a deep breath. "My mother isn't really talking to me, my father seemed to reject her idea of cutting me out, but my mother is still pushing him around. We got into a fight at his work and now he's getting drunk," I sighed. "Aww dude, I'm really sorry," Chadwick sighed. "Do you think it's a lost cause with your parents?" "Probably," I admitted. "My father wanted to talk things through again but he's not gonna remember talking to me judging by how hammered he sounded." "That's not good," Chadwick replied. "If it goes well with my mom we should have a family get together with her." "My mother would probably never forgive yours," I reasoned. "We should do another next generation and get together like we did at the restaurant in San Amador." "Yeah, I like that idea dude," Chadwick replied, sounding perkier. "I'll do this gathering with my mom tomorrow and then we can arrange something." "I can tell Kurt to bring his brother too," I suggested. "I'm sure you two would get along." "That'd be awesome. Listen dude I gotta go, but stay waggy. I remember when Grandma used to say everything works out in the end." "I remember that too," I replied. "Take care man." "You too dude, bye!" Chadwick hung up and I turned to face Kurt who was watching me with interest. "How was Chadwick?" He asked. "Good," I replied. "He suggested meeting up again and I said we should bring Tobias." "He'd like that," Kurt replied, and I could see his behind wiggling as if he wanted to wag his tail.

We went to change into our gym clothes in the bedroom and I felt glad that I had Chadwick, as well as supportive friends who wanted to help me get through the nonsense with my parents.

Focus all your energy on them from now on.

Kurt pulled on his gym shorts and a skin-tight UnderArmour wifebeater while I changed into my gym clothes. I took a moment to appreciate how Kurt's shirt emphasised his toned chest. Kurt grinned before leading me out to the Lotus.

The gym was only a short drive from Kurt's apartment and was located near the boardwalk next door to a gay bar. "Heh, I can see why you came in here," I teased. "Believe it or not I never got frisky in here," Kurt laughed, before leading me inside. The gym itself was almost empty. The owner was a white Husky who (as always) knew Kurt. "Hey Demetrious," Kurt called as we walked in. "Yo Kurt, I see you got a newbie with you," the Husky grinned. I felt a little nervous under the muscular Husky's gaze. "We'll go in the corner," Kurt said, giving my paw a squeeze. "Mind if I control the music?" "Be my guest," Demetrious chuckled. Kurt carried his phone over to a speaker system and put a pounding, techno style tune over the sound system. "It gives us a good beat to work to," he explained before leading me over to the weights. Kurt showed me how to stretch out properly before picking up a heavy set of weights. I sighed as I picked up a smaller set that looked suited to my strength. "You'll get to the heavier set soon, trust me," Kurt said as he began lifting.

I copied Kurt's motions and concentrated. The music indeed gave me a beat to work to, but my mind began to stray. While I was glad all my friends were supportive, I felt embarrassed that my father was getting drunk and letting my mother dictate his opinions. It was frankly cringe worthy. In some ways, I wondered if it would be better if they had both simply cut me out as an equal decision, then I wouldn't have to deal with a father who showed me a hint of hope, only to renege on it because my mother told him so.

Forget about them!

I pushed them from my mind as Kurt and I swapped the weights for kettle bells and began lifting those for the next five minutes before walking to the treadmills. "It's funny how you don't get as tired on these," I mused as I ran. "Heh, it's because you can't see the distance you're going," Kurt replied. "I can't imagine you ever get tired running," I panted. "Think about swimming in the water at the beach," Kurt replied. "That's our reward." I thought about swimming but the image of Kurt in his speedo filled my mind. Instantly I felt a bulge growing in my shorts and I reluctantly pushed the image away. Kurt glanced over and I saw him grin. "Save that for later," he laughed. "How can you laugh and run at the same time," I panted. "Practice, especially when I faced the occasional silly moment during basic training," Kurt explained. I gritted my teeth and kept running.

Once we had finished on the treadmills we finished off with some sit and push ups (I marvelled at how Kurt could do his on one arm) before we finished and made our way back outside. "Should we shower at home?" I asked. "The sea will wash us," Kurt replied. "I already packed our swimsuits, towels and the wine in our gym bag. I picked red so it's okay not chilled." I grinned as we drove to the beach, already looking forward to our next escapade with Doug and Rex. My phone began vibrating in my pocket and checked to see my father's number again. I swiped to cancel the call.

If he wants to play that game I'm simply going to ignore him.

We arrived at our usual spot on the beach and Kurt retrieved our swim briefs and towels. There was no one else around so we changed by the car. "Doug must be on his way," Kurt mused as he adjusted his balls inside his speedo. "Race you to the water?" I offered. Kurt grinned and we ran down to the waves. We splashed through the surf and Kurt began his graceful swimming strokes while I swam behind. "Oi, you two got in the water without us?" I heard a voice call. We both turned to see Doug and Rex also clad in their swim briefs. They were jogging down the sand towards us with their tails wagging. I covered my eyes as Doug splashed through the water towards us and began swimming with Kurt. Rex swam up and stood on the bottom next to me. "Hey, how have you been since the rescue?" He asked, his tail thrashing in the water. "I've been good," I replied, wagging my tail in response. "I'm glad, although Doug said your folks were causing some more trouble," Rex sighed. "Yeah," I replied neutrally. "I'm trying not to let it get to me though." "That's the spirit," Rex replied. "I'm also glad you and Kurt seem to be okay, we were a little worried about you guys. I didn't wanna intrude, but I wanted to check everything was all right." "We're all good," I said with a smile as I tried to float on my back. "All is well." Rex grinned and gave me the thumbs up. Doug swam up behind Rex and put his arms around his boyfriend's chest. "Shall we eat in a little while," the Dingo asked, giving Rex a kiss on the muzzle. "Let's," Rex replied and we all swam to the shore.

I walked back up to Kurt's Lotus to check all my belongings were fine. I looked down and saw a message from my father. I sighed as I opened it, expecting to see more drunken nonsense.


Please forgive me for calling repeatedly. I want to meet you and Kurt again in person to talk things through. I don't want to shout, I want you to help me reason with your mother.

Your father.

I frowned. His message was surprisingly polite but I didn't see why he couldn't just stand up to my mother himself. Did he want someone big like Kurt to help him? He hadn't exactly made a good advert for himself when Kurt had last saw him so I doubted Kurt would willingly help. "What is it bud?" Kurt asked as he walked up to the car. I didn't reply but allowed the Doberman to read the message over my shoulder. "Don't go." Kurt said sharply. "I dunno, he seems fairly lucid and civil in this message, considering how drunk he sounded earlier," I replied, scratching my muzzle. "Seriously bud, don't go," Kurt repeated. "You'll just end up hurting again." I felt torn. The feeling of guilt crept across me as I remembered he was my father, then again as Kurt said it could go horribly wrong. Kurt's brown eyes were pleading with me not to message my fatherback. "Oi mates, mind giving me a hand with all this?" Doug called. I put my phone back down and Kurt smiled.

A minute later we were all on the sand sitting around a camp range. "It's cheating, but it's quicker," Doug reasoned. The sun was setting over the water and I distracted myself from worries about my father by appreciating how the light reflected in Kurt's eyes. "Anyone want some wine?" Kurt asked. We all nodded enthusiastically. Kurt stood to retrieve the bottle and I couldn't help but fixate on his butt as he bent over in his swim briefs, showing off the curve of his behind as he picked up the wine and cups. I turned to see Doug and Rex both gazing too. "Ahem, and you call Rex and me pervs when we go jogging," I said indignantly. "Hey, there's nothing wrong with window shopping," Doug replied with a shrug. "So, I am not window shopping with you when we go jogging?" I shot back. "Settle down kids," Kurt laughed as he poured the wine. My paw went for a little venture and squeezed Kurt's speedo clad butt. Kurt responded with a playful growl as he reached over and groped my sheath through the material of my swim briefs. "Aw bloody hell, already? We're not even drunk yet!" Doug sighed. Kurt and I grinned before sharing a kiss.

These were the kinds of moments I wanted to focus on; romance and fun times with friends. But as I broke off and laughed at Doug's exaggerated gagging sounds my father's message still occupied the thoughts at the back of my mind.

_Should I see if his offer was genuine? _