lvl1 hero slave pt12 (final)

Story by okmaster on SoFurry

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The lineage of the empires first couple. While a high number are from the direct line of the emperor and empress not all are. This is due to the fact that the position is not an hereditary title. After the lead emperor/empress of the time feels at their prime the selection process for the next generation begins. And at times when there is no emperor/empress the government set up is stable enough for the next generation to be found. The process is quite simple. Individuals of charisma and leadership are chosen by their potential for training at a young age. When the group is between fifteen to twenty years old they would go to the core world source of the empire. Now the selection process is open to all and may be taken at any time but the final selection is made by the world itself. When the selection of the next generation is done there is a grace of about one year before the former leadership passes the reigns to the next. During that time they are taught the finer details of leading the empire.

There are a rare exception to this process. This involves the 'curse of the emperor'. The mystical protective power of the empire. When the empire will face great strafe and hardship this power will appear in one that is most believed to be the supreme leader of the empire over the current leadership. While they hold the power they reign over even the emperor/empress of the time. Often overthrowing them due to corruption. Even still when the time of peril is over they too must be chosen by the world in the end. Many times they rule short times before the next proper generation comes to be.


We have had the pass secure for nearly a week now. My mate is strong enough to stand again and we got a visitor finally. One of the great dragons appeared. Word had not reached them that we were even here. It makes me fear for the ones that left to inform the others. It took almost a full day to convince him we were not tricking him either. Perhaps what sealed the deal was my mate. The aura of the world that came from him was recognized by the great one. I find it strangely attractive more than normal. The other females are the same. I am not sure but after Loren my mate strait up told me he wanted to not be with any others but me. Not because he did not want to be with them but more of the fear that what I would do to them if I had to watch it again. I will consider it when we breed again. But back to point. The great one, Grrarr, appeared before me and him. We talked about what has happened and about what our plans are. In truth Grrarr is a wise old dragon. He has been looking for a successor to his vast lands and hoard and, Jordan the one we saved, so happens to be a blood relative. A direct descendant. He also agreed to what we did to the others. Once the mind is lost so is all hope. He stayed for near a week to help support our war on the humans and listen to our plans. With this our path to be secure from humans was set.

From the time that we captured the pass to now is now a month. Near a third of the humans in the north have been freed. Half the people have been sent out to cultivate the land or defend them. Winter has come. To the north that only means it is slightly colder and the days shorter but to the south that means snow. Nothing truly changed with the exception of our population increasing. We are starting to enforce and create laws, an educational system, and devising currency and tax. Many of which are not going to be implemented till after every human in the north is dead. The stones of the fallen fortresses walls is being turned into homes for the needed many. Fields are starting to hint at their first yields. Right now my mate was explaining what we will soon do to Jordan. Even thou he sees fear when looking at my mate he remains calm feeling no ill intent from my mate. In truth I am slightly scared of my mate as well. I am a fine fighter but my mate is scary strong with world magic. On top of that he is both clever and a tactical genius. If not for the fact that he is not physically strong he would be the perfect man. Then after being explained in detail our plans from the start of our rebellion to the current to generations to the future Jordan nods. 'In order for the humans to take down a tribe of the dragons half a whole generation has to be lost to them. It is a staggering amount that the dragons can not recover from even with a lot of breeding. The riches to the humans are vast enough to harbor their lust of greed.' Jordan closed his eyes in thought to his own remark. Greed is not a bad thing. You need it in order to not be taken advantage of. Desiring a little extra in order to have for the future is a given thing. I look at my mate and scratched his head. 'I never really been one to want many material things.' These words shocked me. Heros were known to be hoarders even more than dragons. I could not help but laugh. I get a look from the two of confusion to my enlightenment. No wonder he ran away. My mate never wanted to be a hero. That in turn turned him into a true hero in my heart. I grabbed his hand happy.


There is a lot of land in the north. The summers are hot but the winters are mild. The terrain is mountains and valleys with plains as far as the eye can see. There is rivers and a few lakes. Forests and even hot springs. Most dragons do not care about the waterways or the plains. So we do not think the dragons mind if we claim them for the empire. To the west is a port city that was made by the humans for faster transport of goods but was burnt out by the dragons and abandoned. If we can get trade routes to the southern kingdom of the beast kin that will make our sustainability last longer. There is a lot to do as the infrastructure of the empire is still frail but the bare bones of it have a solid makings of a good structure. These are the type of things I been talking to Jordan about. After talking to him some I can easily see how easy it is for a dragon to be a leader. Their mental capacity is far larger than mine. He listens to me as if I am a sage and he my disciple. Hell at this point that comment may be true. The finer things of commanding armies I am not good at. I leave that to my love, but to actual combat planning I have no par in the whole group of leaders. I make plans upon plans. Strategy upon stratagem. I have already plans for the basic structure of the empire. Some of the laws are in effect now. Still however I have that quest to found an empire. Not that I am impatient either it is just I want a little security for our futures.

At dawn me and my love were awoken in a hurry. What we feared has come to pass. A human army of over one hundred and fifty thousand appeared from the south and immediately started a blockade to prevent us from using merchants greedy for the former slavers gold. At the same time the remaining army of fifty thousand of those capable in the north started a siege as well. The timing is too perfect so I asked some of our best magic users that use communication type magic to look for traces of signals between the north and south. That did not matter much as we were caught at a bad time. We had just sent out the majority of our remaining food to the settlements. That leaves us with three choices. Attack the north and hold the south. Hold the north and attack the south or try to hold each direction. If it comes to a long term siege we can not last. We have no reinforcements and no supplies. We have not consolidated the alliance with the dragons yet either. I close my eyes as everyone is voicing their worry broadly. To the north or south. The north has several dozen heros and generals of humans that are battle hardened. They are also desperate. We have them trapped in a corner. To the south they outnumber us about eight to one, not including those we have to defend the north with. Which is even worse odds. But that wall was made to hold against thirty or even fifty to one. The south will also have slaves. I doubt they would forget the backbone of their military strategy. Also the south will not be death soldiers or highly experienced. Plus the defenses there are weaker. It was an obvious choice. We attack the south.


My brave man. It broke my heart to refuse him. I was surprised he was so stubborn and refused to yield. Of course it was more logical to defend and hold out. Even if we only had supplies for a week left. Twenty thousand barely trained, on average, soldiers can not hope to compete against over one hundred thousand experienced soldiers of the southern suppression army and a conscription of sixty thousand slaves. On the other side we are keeping five thousand there to hold the wall but supplies are slim all around. I too want to defend the world source and the lands of my people, but all we can do is hold. I did not dare try to stop my mate when he went to the armory. All he took was some average quality gear, a simple sword and round shield, and a bow with three arrows. Then he moved to the gate and left threw a guard door. Everyone could not understand as we looked upon the formed battlelines of the humans as he knotted the arrows as he walked. Suddenly a light enveloped his body. 'World magic transformation. Dragonnewt!' I became weak kneed. My mate just changed species. Not as an illusion but as a physical transformation. He then starts walking forward again as he held the bow vertical as he drew it. 'World magic wake of freedom.' I did not understand the move as he loosed the arrows. At the top of their ark they started flying strait toward their targets and a curse net seemed to ensnare every single slave in the opposing army. He then tosses away the bow as he starts to run as instantly sixty thousand of the enemy was taken from the fight. What happened next was even more unbelievable.

'World magic transformation. Pure blood dragon!' He shouted in everyones mind as he came in contact with the army. To the pikemen's surprise his body turned to harder than steel armor as he quickly turned catching a large group in his tail as he inhaled. As he started to face the army again, not a flame but a beam, of fire left his jaws burring across the army in front of him. Annihilating the front line and mid lines instantly. There would have been more damage to the center if a great shield did not block there. After the attack my mate saw that as well and ignored it as he rampaged across the field. At this time I considered he should retreat as I gripped the door he came out of. " Come back, please." I said quietly but yelled loudly in my mind. I unwillingly distracted him as he looked my way as a harpoon entered his hind leg and he opened his jaws without a yell. Even now he was mute, but I can hear him scream. I closed my eyes sorry as another harpoon entered his body then another and another. In his mental screams I hear a word. 'Break!' and his body returned to what it was before he left. So be it bloody and injured now. The one with the shield was a hero. I could tell. My mate could only strike his shield once before becoming their play toy. 'Aim for it. They'll awaken soon.' I heard as he was taken to his knees as he dropped his sword and shield as he looked back at me. " No, don't. You can't." I started to say loudly as I became frantic. 'I love y...uhh.' As he was saying that the hero stabbed my mate in the chest. At my mates last moments I heard what he heard and saw and felt. " What the hell. He was a small fry that only game me four exp." I could feel my mate smirk amused at that comment as life faded from him.

I was full of rage and shame my thoughts of desire as I drew my sword. I started to move forward without will or thought. "World reaper eternal shockwave!" Notice, you created a new ability 'world reaper eternal shockwave'... I pushed the thought from my mind as a blade shockwave doubled in size every sword length it traveled as it approached the enemy. That was my last conscious thought before I surcame to my blood rage. When I became aware later I was looking over a vast battlefield of human bodies. Beast kin of all races and dragon kin of all levels were helping those needing it. A new notice was in my vision. Notice job changed from 'slave rebel leader' to 'empress'.

One month passed before I heard the voice of the world. It was faint but I was not the only one to hear it. Around me were the leaders of each dragon house and all the powerful warriors of the war. Even not we are seized but we are in a position of power and can hold the checkpoint indefinitely. All the slaves me and my mate saved were now becoming people. Fields were tilled and planted in the rich soil. Towns were being built and cities made out of the human fortresses. Including the capitol. I have been very tired and strained when I heard the voice call me. It was as my mate said. I feel shame every time I think about when I doubted him. How my first attack left no trace of his body when it came in contact with the hero's shield where my mate left the world curse mark. I came to the pool as instructed as the light enveloped the area. It was not long before a shadow of something could be seen raising from inside the pool. The moment I realized what it was I rushed into the pool after stripping all my gear. I have not swam sense my mate taught me so many months ago, but now I was with nothing on. As soon as I got to the being, the dragonnewt, that raised from the waters I was crying in joy. Especially as his eyes opened. He put a gentle hand on the side of my head. " I told you we should follow the worlds plan." The voice was so familiar but strange as well. " My mate, I I.... I'm sorry I did not believe you." His gentle warmth enveloped me with his smile as his lower half went into the water. " It does not matter now. I am a hero that will always be reborn if my body remains." I looked at him a little confused. " But I destroyed your body?" He shook his head and embraced me. " You destroyed a shell the humans put on my soul. That was not my body on this plain. I have no natural body on this plain. That is how heros can cheat death so easily." I was still confused as he held me in his arms. " The world gave me a mortal form. One that will not cheat death, but with the full benefits of life." He smiled at me very happy as I feel his touch under the water. " I believe your desires were bigger and thicker. With my new body I also match the vigor needed." Notice, restraints cast upon you on the world has ended. Your mating season has began. Due to world contribution stamina and hunger levels will decrease at a 20% slower rate. I looked deep into his eyes and his mine. " I will never betray you." I was relieved. Deep down I always had my worry. A small fragment of my being always resisted even him, but now. I accepted. I opened myself to him with complete trust. And he took me with complete gentleness of an inexperienced man. One afraid to ever have to break that trust for any reason. And that is why I love him.


talents unlocked

solo destroyer of 100,000 army- when faced against an army of massive size you feel calmer and more relaxed compared to others. You can see the average strength of their forces at a glance and can read their formations and movements ahead of their actual deployment. Charisma/leadership +50 when commanding others against such a force. Charisma/leadership +25 all other stats +5

World bound- you have given your life for the world. You have been given life again by the world to repay this debt. Your body has transformed to better suit your place in the world. All former negative effects of skills, talents and abilities have been removed or changed. You can not be reborn again in this era.

Heart of the dragon- you have successfully bred a dragon blood mate in heat to satisfaction to both individuals. The female will bear your child and there is a higher chance of bearing child in the future with your mate. The inheritance rate from both parents is at the maximum.

Kind hearted- you are loved by those around you and you care for them equally. You are less likely to be taken advantage of from those that are in the same factions as you. You more easily earn the trust of strangers.

Emperor- You rule the north with your mate. You will be remembered in the folds of history as founding a world superpower that will never be of equal again. Your essence will be the eternal foundation and your wisdom the bar to never be matched. All stats +10 Charisma/leadership + 30.


Name- Emperor

Age- 19 (soul 31) 2 incarnation

Level- 01 exp 00% (affected by exp null effect)

Class- world's hero

Profession- emperor of the north

Strength- 62 (30 from passive mate bonus + 6 base from world bonus + 20 from other bonuses)

Endurance- 75 (30 from passive mate bonus + 6 base from world bonus + 20 from other bonuses)

Agility- 60 (30 from passive mate bonus + 6 from base world bonus + 20 from other bonuses)

Intellect- 121 (18 from passive mate bonus +6 from base world bonus + base doubled from related talent + 20 from other bonuses)

Wisdom- 68 (22 from passive mate bonus + 6 base from world bonus + bonus from accumulation of random skills + 20 from other bonuses)

Charisma/leadership- 254 (30 from passive mate bonus + 6 base from world bonus + 10 base with tactics talent + 2 due to aspirations of the emperor + 20 from other bonuses + 100 from achievements and position during a war)

Vigor- 85 (8 from passive mate bonus + 16 base from world bonus + 1 from lover skill + 14 from mate of dragon blood and related world bonus + 20 from other bonuses)

mental resistance- max

magic resistance- max

physical resistance- 15%

poison resistance- 35%

exhaustion resistance- 35%

disease resistance- 12%

corruption resistance- max

karma alignment- + 10,856,799

notoriety- +17,986 / -1,302

kingdom of humans- -max

quest complete 'found an empire'

quest complete 'create a lineage'

quest updated '??????'

I did not pay attention to the notifications as I held my love in my arms nor the time before up till my awakening. They were small things in the big picture of the world. And I did not need them to tell me my place in it right now.


The time following the empire was difficult for it's citizens. The month before the emperor's resurrection was hard on the newly freed slaves. Some died of hunger or to the elements but the empress persevered in setting the basic foundation the emperor built upon for the next ten years of his life. With the help of the dragon tribes they finished clearing the land of humans and defined boarders. The majority of the empire's population settled down. Food, construction, and medicine were needed more than armor and weapons. The eighty thousand noncombatants and the surviving seventy thousand army became one hundred twenty thousand noncombatants. Among them was the emperor himself. The reason being because of a simple line he spoke. The only time he spoke auditory to any outside his life long partner or their children. " If you all make me do any more then I would have been better off living as a hermit." The population that served then understood this meaning as. 'I did all this for you all. Now earn your worth.' The emperor has done so much for them. He freed them from slavery, lead them to a new home and built the foundations to create their society. He was entitled to a rest. He deserved it. As they knew. The weight on his shoulders were heavy and he wore that weight with a gentle smile every day for them.