Going For a Ride (Otherwise Untitled)

Story by Moriar on SoFurry

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#54 of Short Stories

A bemused gryphon has a frank discussion with an aroused raccoon.

~ The gryphon sighed, handing over the riding bridle. "This isn't going to come close to working with my beak."

~ The raccoon's face seemed a bit crestfallen.

~ Flaring his wings for a bit of emphasis, ".. and I think this saddle would break at least one wing..", handing it over as well.

~ The raccoon's erection seemed a bit sadder, somehow.

~ "Now this...", holding up the riding crop as his feather tufts of ears perked to match his own erection's vigor.

~ The raccoon's loins concurred.

Gryphon's Secret

~ The gryphon's loins flared to life as the raccoon inquired of his opinion. The catbird kept his belly to the cool floor, his posture of feigned serenity. ~ "Oh, yes. That bikini bottom is a nice pattern against your fur.", for once thankful for the...

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Gryphon's Reply (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The tip of the gryphon's beak trailed a path up along her waist and to her belly, tongue following behind on a teasing retreat from her damp regions. ~ Pausing his precise attentions, the gryphon answered, "I'm all mammal where it counts, hon."


Raccoon's Grip (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The raccoon's fingers gripped tightly around the gryphon's ears and head as though to guide the attentions of his beak to precisely to best spot. His annoyance with her disregard for the fragility of feathers manifested as a hungry rumbling growl,...

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