The Model - Chapter Twenty Seven

Story by Billy Leigh on SoFurry

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#27 of The Model

This is a gay themed story that has been sitting on my computer for a while, so I decided to develop it into a new short series.After being hired to help with photoshoots for an underwear company, I developed an obsession with one of their models, a handsome Doberman by the name of Kurt Hauser. I never thought I'd stand a chance with someone like that. Until now...

Chapter Twenty Eight to follow soon...

The sun was out as Kurt and I made our way down the boardwalk.

The Doberman reached over and took my paw. I didn't feel at all nervous about holding his paw in public; San Amador was full of gay guys and having a muscular boyfriend like Kurt by my side didn't make me feel at all intimidated. "Ew, you guys!" I almost jumped out of my fur and turned to see Tobias running up behind us. The younger Doberman was wearing shorts and a wifebeater but I also noticed he was carrying a bag. His behind was waggling as if he was trying to wag his tail. "Hey squirt," Kurt said as he turned to face his brother. "Did mother give you a ride down here?" "She did, and she told me to say that she expects you two to come for dinner tonight," the younger Doberman replied. "I doubt she expects us," Kurt laughed. "But I'm okay with that plan, even if it means having to spend more time with the squirt." "You're a chump," Tobias sighed, although I could see he was trying not to laugh. "I'm gonna meet a guy to go surfing with later before I head home, I've got my swimsuit and towel in here." He added, holding up the bag. "A guy?" Kurt repeated with an interested expression. "Yeah, his name is Peter, he's another Doberman," Tobias explained. "We've been messaging each other a lot. He seems really cool and I, want to get to know him better." The younger Doberman said carefully. "Hmm, did you meet online or something?" Kurt asked. "I'm gonna come along and meet this guy just to check he's not a weirdo." "Oh please don't dude, that would be super embarrassing," Tobias sighed. "It's okay, I met him when I worked for Justin and Charlene," I explained. "He was nothing like them, he was cool." I added as Kurt shot me a horrified glance. "Okay, well, message to let me know you're okay after you go to meet him," Kurt said gruffly. "Hey, I don't message you guys when you're having sex," Tobias protested. "Tobias!" Kurt growled. Tobias didn't say anything but fixed me a cheeky grin and I tried not to chuckle.

We walked until we reached the café owned by Sam the Husky. "So, when is your cousin joining us?" Tobias asked. I sensed he was a little nervous. "They should be here any minute now," I replied. "It's okay, you'll get on well with him." Tobias' question was answered a moment later when I looked up to see Chadwick walking towards us. "Hey dudes," Chadwick called. "Where's Reggie?" I asked. "He sends his apologies, but sadly he had to go for a meeting with his advisor this morning," Chadwick replied. "You must be Tobias. Pleased to meet you dude!" He added, extending a paw. "It's cool to meet you too," Tobias replied, taking his paw. "At least we're evenly matched, two Dobermans and two Coyotes," Chadwick chuckled as we made our way inside.

We sat at the usual table and ordered our drinks. "So are you applying for college soon?" Chadwick asked Tobias. The younger Doberman nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, I'm looking at San Amador Coast," Tobias explained. "Dude they're my sworn enemy," Chadwick chuckled. "Only when it comes to football though." "Oh, that's cool," Kurt laughed. "I play basketball." "Nice one dude, I don't typically watch basketball games, so that means I can support San Amador Coast without feeling bad," Chadwick replied. I grinned at Kurt as the younger Coyote and Doberman began talking about college life. "It's pretty scary at first," Chadwick admitted. "Everyone goes to orientation together and you wonder if you're gonna fit in with everyone, but it's good to talk to as many people as you can. I met Reggie my mate in the line for orientation." He added, wagging his tail. "Oh sweet," Tobias replied. "So what kind of music are you into?" Chadwick asked. I listened as they kept talking and exchanged another grin with Kurt. Sam set our drinks down and we sat in silence for a minute.

Chadwick sipped at his milkshake before turning to me. "So, how are things with your parents?" he asked. I hesitated. "All over the place," I admitted. "My father is getting more accustomed to Kurt, which is good." "That's awesome dude!" Chadwick said, wagging his tail. "But he's having problems with my mother, namely he's wondering whether they should divorce," I sighed. "Woah," Chadwick breathed. "That's an interesting turn of events." "Yeah," I sighed. "My mother is becoming a little too much for him. He claims she's been acting really controlling and it's pushing him to get drunk." Both Tobias and Chadwick were listening with wide eyes. "I think he needs to get a grip personally," I sighed. "And stop being such a beta, although I also feel guilty for thinking that since he was polite to Kurt when we saw him the other day." "Hmm, tricky one dude," Chadwick murmured before splaying his ears. "I feel kinda guilty saying Reggie and me got on really well with my mom yesterday. She's come to terms with it." "It's fine," I replied, shooting Chadwick a reassuring smile. "I'm glad your mother is okay with it all." "I wonder if your mother has stopped talking to her," Chadwick said. "She doesn't mention yours ever and the last time I was at home they were having a pretty loud conversation on the phone." "Ouch," I sighed. "I feel kinda bad for all this." "Aww, please don't dude, it's not your fault," Chadwick replied. "If you don't mind me saying it seems like something crawled up your mom's ass and died." "Probably," I sighed. "Don't worry, I'm not going to tell my parents any of this," Tobias added. "If it's any consolation they both really like you." "I'm glad," I replied. "They've always been nice every time I've gone to their place. Actually, you know what let's discuss something positive. Focusing on my mother is kinda draining." "That's a good idea," Tobias chimed in. "What's a fun thing to talk about. Ah yes, the time I stole Kurt's clothes when he decided to go skinny dipping in a lake." "Tobias!" Kurt growled. "Let me remember, ah yes we went hiking up into the mountains and stopped to swim in a lake. Some other people came hiking down the trail, so I decided to help Kurt conceal himself by hiding all of his clothes, so he had to sit in the lake until they passed by, only they stopped and chatted to him for ten minutes while he knelt down in the water to disguise the fact he had no clothes on." We all listened to the story as Kurt rolled to his eyes and growled to himself before laughing. "Sorry babe," I said, holding Kurt's paw. "Yes Tobias, that really helped by hiding all my clothes," Kurt sighed gruffly. "Hey, I gave them back afterwards," Tobias shrugged. "I guess I should tell them about the time you got freaked out over a giant teddy bear," Kurt grinned as the smile vanished from Tobias' muzzle. "Go on?" I encouraged. "That's because you put in in my room when I was asleep, and I was like seven at the time," Tobias replied. "You were fourteen," Kurt countered. "I don't think you knew the f-word when you were seven. Anyway, when we were cubs an aunt of ours gave us a giant teddy bear, and I say giant because it was almost the size of a door. Tobias was freaked out by it, so mom had to stash it in a wardrobe. One day when our parents were away and I was looking after Tobias not long before I joined the military, I decided to put it in his room as a nice surprise for when he woke up." "Yeah, great surprise dude," Tobias huffed. "He woke up not long after I left as I heard him scream followed by fuck!" Kurt laughed. "Although I got a telling off for that, Tobias got away with everything." "It's because I'm the youngest," Tobias shrugged. "It's an unwritten rule for siblings." We all laughed again and I felt the familiar warm and reassuring feeling I felt whenever I was with friends.

Eventually Tobias checked his phone and sighed. "I'm really sorry, I gotta go meet Peter soon," he explained. "It's okay, we'll see you later," I replied. "Text me when you go to meet Peter," Kurt said sternly. "I want to make sure you're okay." "Yeah, all right Dad," Tobias said, rolling his eyes. "Speaking of which, there's my number if you want any more advice on college," Chadwick said, handing his phone over to Tobias. The younger Doberman copied it into his phone before we all hugged each other. "Take care dudes, and good luck with your college application Tobias," Chadwick called. "He was cool," Tobias said as we began walking in the other direction. "Yeah, he's a good guy to have on your side," I agreed. "Anyway, I gotta run and see Peter," Tobias said as he hugged Kurt and I. "See you two chumps later!" "Tobias, do you need a ride home?" Kurt asked. "Actually, yeah if that's okay?" The younger Doberman nodded. "Okay, we'll take the Lotus and strap you to the roof," Kurt chuckled. "It's okay, we can take my car," I added with a laugh as I saw Tobias' horrified expression. "Text us when you need picking up," Kurt said. Tobias' behind waggled as he waved to us before heading towards the beach. "I hope that Peter guy he's meeting is not a creep," Kurt sighed as we began walking back in the direction of our apartment. "He seemed fine when I met him," I replied, giving Kurt's paw a reassuring squeeze. I found it endearing that he cared about his younger brother and it made me feel wistful that I had been an only child.

We headed back to Kurt's apartment and sprawled out on the sofa. I looked down at my phone to see I had missed a call from my father. "I was thinking of heading to the gym, but given I don't want to miss a call from Tobias I might do some working out here if you don't mind," Kurt said. "That's fine," I replied, although I was only half-listening.

Should I call my father back?

Kurt walked off to the bedroom and I called my father's number. "Hi Alec," he said as he picked up. "How are things with you?" I asked cautiously. "Nooot too good," my father slurred and my heart sunk as I realised he was drunk again. "Oh," I replied neutrally. "Did you take Kurt's suggestions on board?" "Yeah, I, I did," my father said as his words slurred about. "She thought it was silly." "Maybe try asking her again, when you're sober," I sighed. Kurt reappeared and shot me a quizzical look. "Listen father, I've got to go. Bye." I said and hung up before my father could say any more. "Tobias texted, he said he was fine. Is everything okay bud?" Kurt asked. "My father, drunk again," I huffed. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that bud," Kurt sighed as he hugged me close to his chest. "Would a small work out session help?" "Sure," I shrugged. Kurt removed his clothes so he was just in his briefs. He dropped to the floor and began performing push ups as his dog tags bounced around his neck. I was momentarily distracted by the sight of Kurt's ass in his briefs flexing as he pushed up and down. I snapped myself to attention and shed my clothes before joining Kurt on the floor for push ups. I tried to keep up with Kurt's steady rhythm but found I quickly ran out of breath while Kurt was barely breaking a sweat. "I'm sorry," I puffed as I sat up to catch my breath. "It's okay bud," Kurt said, sitting up to put his arm around me. "I feel kinda deficient not being as strong as you," I sighed. "Alec you're not deficient," Kurt said firmly. The Doberman kiss me on the muzzle. "Sorry bud, suggesting a work out was probably a bad idea." He added with a sigh. "It's okay," I replied. "I just wished I was as muscular as you." "It'll come, if you keep working out," Kurt replied. "I used to be skinny as a teenager, and I guess channelled a lot of the frustration I had at the time into working out, and then serving in the military obviously helped too." "Let's continue then," I said with a smile.

We continued doing push ups in our underwear. I paused to regain my breath and I couldn't help but glance at Kurt's ass again. It looked so sexy and cute as it flexed under the material of his briefs. He was wearing a close-fitting blue pair that hugged his rump perfectly. Being a Coyote I couldn't help but grin mischievously as I reached out and placed a paw on it. Kurt fixed me a grin. "Oh, I see how it goes bud," he growled playfully. "Would a wrestling match interest the Coyote?" "Yes," I replied with a grin. I knew I'd loose, but the idea of having the muscular Doberman on top of me suddenly felt very appealing. Kurt jumped to his hind-paws and we began circling. I tried jumping at Kurt but the Doberman caught me in his arms and pushed me to the floor. Kurt growled in my face and I couldn't help but squirm and laugh. "I think you know your place bud," Kurt grinned as he pinned me down by my wrists. He began grinding the bulge in his briefs against mine before our muzzles met for a kiss. In the background a phone started buzzing and I sighed. "I hope that's not my father again," I said. "I think that's my phone," Kurt replied as he jumped to his hind-paws. "It's Tobias." He added before answering it.

I climbed back up as Kurt chatted on the phone to his brother. "Okay, we'll be there in a minute," Kurt said before hanging up. "He's ready to go." He explained before sniffing at himself. "I don't smell sweaty but I'm gonna wash myself quickly before we go." I followed Kurt to the bathroom where the Doberman washed himself at the sink before spraying some deodorant and aftershave on himself. I washed myself too and Kurt handed me the deodorant before we went to the bedroom to get changed. I felt a twinge of disappointment as Kurt's briefs clad ass disappeared under his jeans. I pulled on a fresh pair of jeans and a clean polo shirt before Kurt and I walked out to my car.

Tobias was waiting for us near the beach. He grinned as he saw my car pull up and he opened the door to climb into the back. "How did it go?" Kurt asked. "It was awesome," Tobias replied as we drove off. "Peter is such a nice guy, the surf wasn't great so we just sat on the beach and chatted for a while." "I'm glad to hear it went well," I added as I pulled the car onto the boulevard running through San Amador. "Oh, also grandma is coming for dinner too," Tobias said. "I spoke to mom on the phone just before you guys showed up." "Oh, nice," I replied, although I felt nervous inside. "She's chill," Tobias explained. "Although she's pretty deaf so you have to talk loudly." Kurt reached over and put a reassuring paw on my thigh. "Although you guys don't mind if you don't tell them I was with Peter, and say I was with another school friend instead if she asks?" Tobias said. Kurt and I exchanged a knowing grin. "Of course," Kurt replied. "You're secret is safe with us, if you want to take it any further or be serious with this guy you're gonna have to tell her eventually though." "What's it like telling them, I mean Alec has problems with his parents?" Tobias asked. "Sorry if that was a bad thing to say." "It's fine," I replied, although inside I was still thinking about my father calling drunk. "Your parents seem understanding, so I'm sure they'll be fine, plus after Kurt they've already had to deal with it once so it's not like they're unfamiliar with this kind of thing." "Perhaps I should tell mom I like girls too, just so she knows she might get grandcubs," Tobias mused. "Hey, I want to have cubs. I've thought about adopting a Doberman cub," Kurt cut in. Although I hadn't given the idea much thought previously I suddenly liked the idea as I could picture Kurt being an attentive father. "If you want a Doberman that is?" Kurt added to me. "Heh, how about one Doberman, one Coyote?" I suggested. "Oh and Tobias, my advice is just be yourself. Tell them you like girls and boys, and you're happy the way you are." "Thanks for the advice," Tobias replied. I glanced in the mirror and felt glad to see the younger Doberman looked relieved.

We reached Alvarado about half an hour later and I pulled up on the driveway of Ralph and Mia's place. The front door opened and Mia stood in the doorway smiling as we walked up. "Hello boys, how did the surfing go Tobias?" she asked. "It went good," Tobias replied as we walked in through the door. I could smell cooking and I tried not to let my stomach rumble. Ralph appeared and I saw a smile appear on his muzzle as he saw us. "Hello Alec," he said, walking forwards. "How has your week been?" "It's been good thank you sir," I said, before silently cursing at the fact I added sir on the end. "You don't have to call me sir, although I can tell by your expression you didn't mean to," Ralph chuckled. "I'm glad your week went well though. My mother is in the living room, would you like to meet her?" I followed Ralph into the living room while Kurt walked behind. There was an elder Doberman sitting in the armchair near the fireplace. She was dressed smartly in a lilac jacket and dress, but apart from a slight greying on her muzzle she didn't look as old as I imagined she would be. "Mother, this is Alec, Kurt's friend," Ralph said in a louder tone than usual. "Alec, this is my mother, Julia." "How do you do?" I said, extending my paw. Julia smiled and took it. "Pleased to meet you," she said in a thick accent, and I remembered Kurt telling me she was of Swiss descent. "So did you serve in the military with Kurt?" She asked. "No, I went to college and work in design," I explained. "Sorry, you're going to have to speak a little louder," Julia replied. I repeated what I said as she gestured for me to sit opposite her. Kurt sat nearby on the sofa. "Will you keep me company before dinner is ready?" Julia asked with a smile. "Usually Ralph parks me in here and wanders off, and I can't walk around as well now. Old age is what it is." She added with a dry chuckle.

I listened as Julia spoke about her background and parts of her childhood in Switzerland. "Oh, the mountains are so pretty, especially in the spring. They are so green and covered in pine trees. I used to fly there every spring but sadly I'm too old now," she sighed. I was enjoying listening to her talk, but I became aware of my phone buzzing in my pocket again. I ignored it and hoped that Julia wouldn't be able to hear it. "Dinner is ready," Mia called, putting her head around the door. Julia got slowly to her hind-paws and began walking to the kitchen. "I'm just going to wash my paws," I claimed, darting towards the downstairs bathroom. I didn't want to worry Kurt by telling him my father had been trying to call again. I locked the door and pulled my phone out. Sure enough, my father's number appeared on the missed calls log. I weighed my phone in my paw, wondering what to do. I remembered last time I ignored him he had kept calling me. Sighing, I called his number back. "Hello Alec," my father said. I could hear music in the background. "Father, where are you?" I asked. "At the bar," he slurred. I felt like burying my head in my paws. "Okay, look you're gonna have to sort this out yourself," I began before my father could say any more. "I'm at Kurt's parents' house." "You're where?" my father asked. "Kurt's parents'," I repeated. "Ohhh," my father replied. "Why did you want to go there?" "I'm here for dinner," I snapped. "Now just piss off and leave me alone." I added sharply before hanging up.

I put the phone down, gripped onto the sink and sighed. I had enjoyed the day up until now, and then he had to go and ruin it. I felt a twinge of guilt for being so blunt and cursing, but it also felt somewhat therapeutic. "Alec, you okay bud?" I heard Kurt calling and I unlocked the bathroom door. Kurt stood on the other side with a concerned expression on my face. "My father called again," I explained before Kurt could ask. "But you know what, I'm just going to ignore it now. I'd rather have fun with your family." Kurt looked as if he was about to say something, but he paused and nodded before reaching out to grip my paw. I followed him to the kitchen where everyone was chatting and smiling as they sat down to eat. "Where did you go Alec? Here come and join us," Mia said as she gestured to an empty chair. I sat down as Kurt took the seat next to me. I glanced around at the family of Dobermans and despite me being a different breed of canine, I felt at home.

This is where I want to be.