Aldruin, Chapter V: Lovers

Story by Werefox Inari Sachi on SoFurry

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Chapter V: Lovers

By Kimono-Box-Fox

"Yes." Gil said, standing, her heart aflutter, and quite ready to escape Dalnassir, avenge Nicholas, and have this new girl for her own; whatever she was.

"Yes?" Yuriko asked, raising an eyebrow. "'That easily'? Yes? YES?" she raised her voice excitedly, slinking over to Gil on all fours like a predator, licking her palm and fingering--reaching up to touch Gil on her netherlips.

"Yes, please! Just get me out of here! Please?!" Gil panted, closing her eyes in anticipation.

The fox girl sighed. "Gee, Gil. That didn't take long. Are you sure you're not really a man?"

"Wh-what do you mean, Yuri?!" Gil panted, opening one eye.

"See for yourself... Gil. Oh hey, I think I found where Nicholas went--stand at attention, soldier!" She tugged on something Gil could not see, and Gil squealed, a wave of pleasure passing over her suddenly.

"What--Ohhhhhh! Oh my god..." Gil moaned, feeling she'd never had an experience like this one before, not once in her lonely years of self-masturbation. What was the fox girl doing?

"Oh, hey look, a matching pair Gil. I think you'll get along pretty well with them, considering how much 'easier' they are to work out than your old equipment."

Gil trembled, feeling Yuriko touching something that was...'there', that shouldn't have been, before looking down between her legs for what would perhaps be the greatest shock of her adventures with Dalnassir and his minions thus far.

Smack between her legs, hanging plain as day beneath her vulva, were a pair of tight, round testicles, covered in her genital hair--just like the kind that matted her pussy. It had migrated upward, and was now finding a comfortable home beneath her belly, sporting hair just up to beneath her navel. What was more, her clitoris tingled, her vulva felt swollen, and she already felt on the verge of cumming tenfold.

"Y-Y-Yuri-kkk-ko, what did you just DO to me?!" Gil repeated aloud, frantically.

Yuriko smiled wickedly, laughing with a hand to her mouth. "...Just gave you help releasing your manly desires, 'Gil'. Or maybe I should call you 'Jack' now." She said, teasingly, whispering in Gil's left ear, "(Jack's better, right? You are a 'man', after all, Jack. Why don't you see for yourself, though?)"

Gil's eyes shot to Yuriko, her pulse skyrocketing.

"Go ahead, feel them. (See what happens when you take a walk on the wild-side Gil,)" she whispered again, this time in her right ear, getting there in the blink of an eye somehow--even though Gil had only looked away for a second, and making that same devilish cooing as before, while brushing her tail against Gil's new ball sack.

"I... I..." Gil stroked her fingers around her new pair, blushing, feeling how sensitive the thin, leathery layer of itchy skin was. "I... never knew..."

"Yes?" Yuriko intoned, as if waiting for what she would say next...

"I... let's...have sex, Yuriko. Right now... what do I have to do?"

"Well, aren't you a bit ahead of yourself, Gil." The girl remarked plainly. "But I'm a nice fox. I'll fix you right up. Stand up. And don't squeeze them like that, either--it'll hurt!" she snapped.

Gil stood, mesmerized, still sweating and staring blankly at her waist, as she began gently thrusting her pelvis forward, as Yuri placed her back to Gil's stomach. Each thrust made her clitoris tingle more than the last, and something new was happening. She felt a tight, fullness between her legs she couldn't explain. Was this what it felt like when a man was horny?! No wonder they were such perverts! She had to put her seed in Yuriko. Had to help her have children. Had to fuck.

"Feeling more compliant now, Gil?" Yuriko goaded. "That's right, good girl... be a maaaan." She said, in a faux macho coo, which only somehow provoked Gil to gyrate her hips faster.

"Oh, cmon, seriously, you're not even to the goooood part yet, Gil! (Get that penis out of there and let's party!)" Yuriko teased, tapping Gil with a spittle-soaked finger on the rim of her netherlips--which split open, revealing her clitoris--which had swollen like a grapefruit, and was pushing its way from out of her body at an alarming rate, getting larger with each thrust Gil made.

"Yuuuuri...." Gil panted."

"Gil, don't fight it. Let yourself become a guy. Fuck me." Yuriko said, under her voice, the silly tone disappeared, and replaced with a more serious one that must have been how Yuri really talked.

"Yeah... yeah, alright... ohhh man..."

Gil lost herself, feeling her clitoris extend with each hump, red, tapered, sporting a reduced, upturned glans. Soon, it looked just like a fox's chiseled dick, and she had a nice sheathe in place of her vulva, which had stretched its skin beyond recognition to cover her new member, and now sported a light coat of white fur. Her curly girl pube-hair had shed, replaced by a similar coat of white covering the inside of her hips.

"See, Gil? It's not as easy as you always thought it was to control yourself. But why would you want to, after all... you're only going to give your soul up to me." Yuriko said, as if it didn't matter. Then her tone changed, and became accusatory, and sarcastic.

"But that's not so bad, is it, Gil? You'll be a nice, warm, special... cummy part of me, soon, Gil. And I can make nice foxes with your soul. Dalnassir will be happy. You'll be happy. We'll all be happy, 'right'? Just one more thrust, one step closer to a sticky mess--and eternal happiness. No more Van, no more Nicholas, no more lycanthrope goddess trying to rule your life. Just one hot, wet, slip into my lips, and you can close your eyes on all of that forever and escape Dalnassir. Sounds good right? Yes? You want it?! Yes?"

"Yes!" Gil panted, thrusting against Yuri's lips, which oddly took little coaxing to loosen as she humped into her, but welcomed her before the second thrust was even withdrawn. Soon, Gil felt her member wiggling in, inch by inch, coaxed into the depths of Yuri's pulsing love canal."

"Bend down, Gil. It's time to embrace your fate--the fate of soldiers who like to fuck with foxes without considering the consequences."

"Yes!" she panted, suddenly feeling a tail sprout from her backside, and fur overwhelming her body.

"Just a little more, and--Oh! You're tied. All swollen up, and nowhere to go, Gil."

"Yes! YES!" Gil panted, her hands and feet transforming into paws on legs that kept her mounted to the fox girl's human torso--as Yuri bent to allow Gil, now a girl-headed fox--to continue bucking, thrusting her new dick. "I will, Yuri, I WILL!"

"This was what you wanted all along, right, Gil? The 'best' sex of your life? A complete escape from the world around you?! Yes?!"

"Yes, YES YURI PLEASE!!!" Gil felt herself reach climax now, and her face swelled out into a fox's muzzle, her head flattening, and her intelligence diminishing as the vicious circle was sealed; each thrust now adding more and more 'need' to add another thrust, as Gil felt her downy fox balls slap against her legs. The sensation was incredible, as her loins burst, spilling hot seed into Yuriko's womb.

"Well, it's all over now, Gil, look! You're cumming!" the fox teased, slapping her own ass and returning to her humorous sex tease demeanor, as Gil continued to hump away at her, pushing down on her back with her forepaws and biting into the nape of Yuri's neck hard, drawing a small amount of blood.

Gil squinted as she bit ahold, her body perspiring thick beads of white that began to consume her new coat, turning her sticky, creamy; a semen-covered fox. She was heedless of this change, and continued her humping, until even her new, renard's body began to lose its definition, her tail melting off and thumping to the ground in a splatter.

"Gil, you're making a mess I'm going to have to clean up." Yuri sighed.

"But Gil was indifferent now--all she felt was a burning need to be inside Yuri, as deep as she could go. Her ears melted away, oozing down her neck, followed by her head, which lost its grip from Yuri's skin as its teeth melted--as it collapsed on itself, pure semen washing down Yuri's back, full of sperm--as her gooey torso kept humping. Soon, even her legs began dissolving into spooge, dripping in puddles to the ground, and then somehow slithering up into Yuri's netherlips--into her vaginal canal. The whole mess of Gil's torso followed soon after, still quivering on the floor, until finally it burst into a massive puddle, which climbed up and into Yuriko's body of its own accord. Finally, all of Gil was inside Yuri, sucked up into her hungry cunt, and Yuri's belly had swollen to thrice its original size. She rubbed herself, burped, and tickled her lips, cleaning them of leftover fox cum. It was over. The Lieutenant was gone. No more thoughts, nothing but a droning desire to make children, which faded away slowly as Yuriko's stomach churned.

"Gil, you make a good meal, but seriously, get a grip." Yuriko muttered, under her breath. She farted, blushed in frustration, and ended the glamour, returning the Lieutenant her soul.

* * *

"Tell me, Tasmir," the woman said, running her long nails through her icy golden locks, as she watched the Cleric of Vecna scry on their agent through his crystal ball.

"What's that, Auruma? You have something to say, for a change?" the priest turned. He was missing an eye, gouged out by that 'other' Vindicator he despised so much. In its place, was a golden orb, that glowed unnaturally when he spoke, leaving a streak of light as he turned his head to face the ice apparition in her flowing white fishtail gown.

"When you become a deity, as I shall, and we stand beneath our Emperor in the Planes, what do you intend to do?"

"Who can say, Auruma. Who can say." He ran his fingers through his short, black mustache, down to his beard. "I know well enough that it will not be to serve under you. Hmm hmm. I suppose I shall destroy 'him' and everything he loves, first. Maybe I'll bring his family and followers back as wraiths, under my control, and make them slaughter him and his men while I dance with his corpse. That would be something, wouldn't you agree?"

The woman, who was holding a white rod tipped with a blue stone in hand, took her pinky nail and bit it for a second. Tasmir was just like that; a filthy hangnail that kept clinging on. All his minions were hanger-ons, either walking corpses, or idiots who kept getting themselves killed and brought back to life by him.

All recycled junk, she thought. I'll clean them all up, when 'I' become God.

She waved her finger and thumb, flicking the nail into the catacombs below the altar stairway.

"Ugh, your taste for the dead is despicable, Tasmir. I simply cannot understand how the Emperor tolerates it. Do you really think though, that 'he'll' fall that easily? 'He' is our Agent, after all. And a remarkably resourceful Vindicator. I'd almost venture to say he's a match for you, half-elf," she postured.

The cleric sneered, a wicked grin on his face as he continued to stare into the ball, his knobby, ringed knuckles tightening as he watched the Altian soldier, who was a turncoat on the run, transform into a black and onerous creature and slink into a back ally.

"Hold your tongue, witch. Emperor Regbaltar chose me as his Vindicator because I know things that no other mortal knows. It was how I showed him the place where the dead god was buried. It's why we even have the luxury of being able to grasp for godhood to begin with. I am certainly a more capable Vindicator than 'you' and that brothel of--sluts you call Executors. 'I' will make a supreme God." He raved, raking his hands through the air as if he were seizing what was his.

"Yes, but in the end, didn't you fail in the sundering ritual, and allow the god's essence to be scattered, Tasmir? It's why we're dealing with this stupid little girl goddess, and her rabid animal pets, instead of ruling the Planes to begin with, I think...

The cleric growled, stifled, shifting his eyes for but a second. Auruma was an intolerable ice apparition from the mountains of Ossa, the Ghostland where apparitions and demons held reign. She had once held a kingdom of demons under her command, and had been plotting to freeze Aldruin over in an eternal layer of ice. But the Emperor had thwarted her plans, and left her on death's doorstep.

Tasmir only wished the dragon sovereign had slaughtered Auruma, so that he could have re-animated her burnt out shell as his puppet. Her nagging filled his ears day in and day out, as she was the present head of domestic affairs, and attended every meeting of Vindicators since he had known her. She was constantly putting her nose into the other Vindicators' business, and he would be eager to be rid of her, once his plans for the Empire unfolded.

"Oh my, it is getting late, isn't it? I must be going Tasmir--I have important affairs to deal with in the City, and you know I prefer the company of slaves and prisoners to madmen and corpses. Oh look, here comes one of your followers, ready to say something demeaning. I think it's that crazy woman you like, Tasmir." She began walking away from the altar, down the cracked and crumbling stone steps. As she passed the berserker, she muttered to no one.

"What was her name again? I had forgotten.'Lame-ari?'"

"It's Executor to you, bitch." Larami snarled, her rose hair mottled, her forehead matted in sweat as she tramped up the countless steps to the altar of Vecna. She was angry today, and itching to cut something into pieces. She didn't have time for the demoness's bogus high-class crap.

"Careful, savage, or I'll have Tasmir here bring you back from the dead again." You know how much you hate having him put you back together after you've been...publically humiliated." Auruma intoned. "Yes, I think you'll make a nice berserker ice cube, Lameari."

Larami's head snapped backwards for a second, and she gave Auruma a toothy up-the-nose sneer before stomping up the stairs, muttering.

"Save it, Auruma, I'm not here for you, I'll hack your bits off when Tazzy becomes a god and has you serving as his personal footstool. Master! Tell me you didn't plan on having our Agent just walk off and kill people on his own! I want to KILL the Altian traitor! I want to be the one who gets to kill the Goddess!"

Tasmir sighed. She was back again, and too soon. What a surprise. She didn't seem to get this, and he was tired of explaining it to the berserker. It was time for another lesson.

"My pet, you seem to keep forgetting that we are trying to keep...a secret." The Cleric intoned, his golden eye glowing, as if he had just cast some sort of spell. Larami froze suddenly, paralyzed, and unable to move.

"Master Tasmir, t-tell me why! Why did you let him go, and not me, damnit?! I wanted to be the one to do it! ME! I'm a better fighter than he is! I can kill the God, Tasmir, just give me the sundering ritual so I can cleave her to pieces and--*hurk*"

The Cleric had lifted a ringed finger, and stabbed it directly into Larami's forehead, without turning from his scrying. A trickle of blood dripped down her face, around an eye, and down to the floor. Her eyes glazed. She was going into seizures.

" idiot," He scoffed. "We cannot allow their Council to know of our plans to invade, until the Goddess is sundered. We must wait for our Agent to orchestrate the final raid on the cultists himself, so that both forces will be occupied in battle. If our Emperor had sent you, you would have cleaved a swath through half their citizens, and we wouldn't 'have' any cultists or lycanthropes to occupy Altia's military with. You would die, uselessly, as you always do, and I would have to resurrect you, as I will now. Do not defy me, or I will feed your body to the Crawlers, and find another Executor to do my killings.

"Guh... oh damn, not again," Larami grunted, her eyes rolling into the back of her head. The Executor fell to the ground, dead as her skull and brains exploded suddenly, spattering across the bone pillars of the shrine.

"Stupid women." The priest Tasmir muttered, kicking Larami's headless corpse into the catacombs. "They never listen to reason--always want to have their way."

He would bring her back later, of course, but his concentration could not be interrupted now, and the Executor was a nuisance with her crying for blood. It was time to tell the Agent what he had to do. The traitor had to be stopped before he ruined things, and there were more important things on the Priest's agenda than women and their protests.

"So, Vindicator. It may be time for you to show your true colors, soon," Tasmir muttered.

* * *

Yuriko sat in the dungeon chamber she had remained in for nearly an hour now, looking across the chamber floor at the Lieutenant, who sat with her knees up, eyes glazed, panting and going into spasms in the demon's glamour world. Cum dripped from between her netherlips, and she was red all over, her fingers caught in her own snatch, completely oblivious to the world around her--masturbating.

The fox knew this was the time to take Gil's soul, but she did not. The Lieutenant was her ally, if not her friend, and Yuriko thought she had learned her lesson by now. Instead she sighed, raised a clawed hand, and slapped Gil hard across the face, breaking the Lieutenant from her fast-paced, sexual panting, and ending the glamour--the illusion world that the demon had placed her in. The Lieutenant's eyes dialated, and her breathing began to return to normal. She quickly began looking around, confused, wondering how she'd returned to being human.

"BAD!" The fox girl shouted. "You're too easy to trick, Gil! How did you ever even make it this far in the Watch like that?!" She admonished. "Dalnassir 'trapped' you? A Lieutenant? I don't buy that for a second, you're a trap enough for yourself, and you're more like a big, swollen, stubborn-headed Private, always bucking between someone's legs for something to hide your ego inside!"

"But... Yuri, I thought..." Gil looked down, all of the changes from her dream having been fantasies. There was no male member between her legs. She was a human, and a woman. "What just happened? I thought we were going to escape..." she looked at Yuriko, tears beginning to form in her eyes.

Yuri gave a sigh, and placed a hand on the red welt on Gil's face--gently, this time. "Look, it's nothing personal Gil. You're my only ally. I have to make sure you're strong. Think about it like this: what if that had been another demon, instead of me? What if that had been one of those cultists, or Dalnassir, and they tried to trick you? That would have been the end, Gil. No more fighting, no more insults. You'd be theirs."

Gil was speechless. What had she consigned herself to? Had she lost her mind, having sex with Yuriko?!

The Demon assuaged her self-questioning though, with a deep hug, and a kiss to the cheek. She whispered in Gil's ear, this time in a much different tone of voice than Gil remembered from their escapade minutes ago.

"Listen sugar. Dalnassir is still not my friend. I'm doing this for you, not for him. He only thinks it's for him because he's a pompous psychopath. But Dalnassir will resort to tricks just like that. He does all the time."

"Wh-what?" Gil asked incredulously, her attention fully snapped to Yuri's face.

Yuriko grabbed Gil by the face, a single, uncried tear forming between her very serious demon eyes. Gil had to be warned, so she would not become like Yuriko.

"Gil, that bastard will tell you anything he thinks will help him get what he wants. He'll do anything he has to. Even if it means putting you under a glamour like that." She shook Gil slightly, then held the girl's head against her soft breasts. "Did you ever consider for a second that you were just his information source, Gil, and the rest was a game to him? To see if he could get behind your defenses?"

"No, no! He couldn't Yuri..."

The demon sighed, looking down and then nodding to Gil with her eyes shut in melancholy thought.

"Sad, but that's the gist of it, Gil."

"He TRICKED ME?!" Gil shouted, enraged, tears streaming from her cheeks.

And so the dark truth had been revealed, of Dalnassir's plan to turn Gil's powers into an asset. You see, his duty to the Council had merely been to retrieve the knowledge of the wrathful deity; Gil's liberation had been a pretense Dalnassir had spun; a light of hope for Gil to chase after--within the pitcher plant. It was a promise he offered only in attempt to break the Lieutenant and her Captain.

It is difficult for a person like you or I to understand the Elf, being young an innocent creatures; humans with only merest fantasies and forays of corruption--but Dalnassir saw Van as a challenge to his world of power, and cold, calculated control. In truth, he cared very little for Gil at all.

But the Captain was a strong and stoic soul, and a good officer; and the Councilor had never been able to touch him directly. The Councilor had always hated Gil's rebellion; every remark, every piercing glare into his discarded soul--but it was because he saw the Captain in her, looking on his sins, and denying Dalnassir absolution for them. This had been the Councilor's chance to strike at the Captain; by doing him a favor he would owe the Elf for--yes, but also by making Gil his own possession. The beautiful and cunning Yuriko had revealed Dalnassir's hidden ambition to Gil. And now, she wanted payback.

"He LIED to me." Gil clenched her fists, sobbing.

"That's how Dalnassir 'works', Gil," Yuri replied, swishing her musky tail and running her fingers through Gil's hair. "He finds things you need him for, and makes you owe him favors, when in truth, he's really using you, and breaking you while he's at it. It's why he's in the Council. It's how he captured me, too."

Gil picked herself up, gently allowing Yuriko to let go, and sat next to her, new feelings of understanding kindled for the demon. She had to ask, now that she had seen the truth.

"You said that before, Yuri; that he captured you--but you never explained what you meant. What did Dalnassir do to make you help him?"

Yuriko turned, surprised for a second that Gil would really ask, and then replied;

"He promised me he'd help me get my soul back, so I could be a human again..." she said, looking away from Gil. Her ears drooped for a moment, before perking up again agitatedly, her fangs bared as she turned back to Gil with a grimace, placing her arms around the Lieutenant's shoulders.

"But he lied, Gil. He 'always' lies. Dalnassir will take you to where you want to be, Gil--and then he'll drop you, hard. You can't let him drag you into his world anymore, Gil. Stay with me, and I'll help you grow strong, so you don't have to go through that same trap yourself."

Gil's expression changed drastically, from curiosity to shock, as she placed her hands on Yuri's legs. "Could Dalnassir really do something like that, though, Yuri? Retrieve a lost soul?! Is he that powerful, Yuriko?"

Gil shivered. She had a feeling that despite the disillusionment Yuriko was providing, Selem Dalnassir was still the one with a drastic advantage.

"I thought he could, when I first met him, Gil." Yuri said sadly, looking down at the floor, and drawing a little, snide-faced elf in a long mantle, in the dust with her claw.

"He was a powerful wizard, to be able to find me in my home land, Gil, and he wasn't fooled for a second by my tricks like you were. He knew what I was, and he told me I could have a soul of my own, if I helped him trick people he needed manipulated.

"And he kept you as a slave, Yuri?" Gil asked, getting to her knees, and holding Yuriko by her shoulders.

Yuri nodded, a venomous, fanged smile on her face now, as she began scratching little orcs around the elf, with clubs and spears, and drew an X over the elf. Her hair and tail stood up like hackles as she dished the Councilor's dirty laundry.

"He said he would help me find 'a' soul, Gil--not retrieve my lost soul, just a soul. But that was a long time ago, and I was a foolish fox, then, who didn't understand the nature of a geas. He made me agree to become a slave, and in return, I got other people's souls, but that's no good. He never said he would help me get mine back. Just be his slave, and take on the shape of many important people for him, when I stole their souls, so I could impersonate them and pull strings for the Councilor. I was a fool, Gil. Just like you. Although I feel worse for you, because your military duty forces you to obey him almost without question. I was just an idiot."

"What did he do with all the people you took, Yuri?"

Yuriko closed her eyes. She was getting closer to having to explain the unpleasant part, which would scare Gil away from her for good. She did not want to do that, so she dodged that subject for now.

"Everyone who serves Dalnassir owes him something, or is afraid of what will happen if he reveals their secrets. And if they're not, he makes them owe him, Gil. Doesn't matter if they've lost their soul, or their reputation, Gil. He owns them. They're all broken souls, like me, and he tempts them with what they want most. I was just another way of breaking people he needed broken, and replacing the ones he had to. Honestly, I want him dead, but I can't do it on my own, Gil, so you have to help me. Leave your duties as a Watch Officer, and join me in getting revenge."

"He was going to teach me how to use my abilities, though! So I would be valuable to Van. So that I wouldn't get anybody killed, like Nicholas, anymore. He told the Council about the Goddess, too, to save a lot of people," She argued.

"You need to be really careful with immortals and near-immortals," Yuri warned, stroking her smooth claws lightly through Gil's hair again, picking out loose ends and scratching her neck. "We're tricky creatures, and most of us see less experienced mortals as playthings, or at the very worst, obstacles, Gil. Dalnassir is a really old elf, and he knows things most people shouldn't know. Why would he think to waste his time using you as a weapon?" She tussled with Gil's hair, finally getting it to look neat again, and lapped at the back of her neck, sending a shiver down the Lieutenant's spine.

"I didn't know the Councilor the way I do now, Yuri. I was naïve, and thought I could withstand him. And I listened to my Captain, Yuri. I trust Van, and he said he could count on me to succeed, and come back on his squad, when I mastered my changes. I just thought... that I was doing this for Van."

"But Gil, you don't have to stay here to master your changes. You don't have to worry about going crazy anymore. Dalnassir's men already told me so... Gil. That mage, Malcolm told me you were just unable to change. Looks like Dalnassir let you think you needed to master something you didn't, so he could keep you here as his plaything."

Yuri's eyes opened widely, suddenly but then narrowed, and she looked melancholy.

"I...just had an idea. But first I have to tell you something so you can decide if you want to be with me. This time for real, Gil."

"I like you a lot, Yuri. You showed me a part of me I can't look away from now. There's no way I could leave you." Gil said, beginning to cry a little.

"Gil, listen, because this is really serious--my job as a nogitsune--a wild-fox, is to trick people, and sex is one of the ways I'm supposed to do it." Yuri said, with a serious tone in her voice. "I steal the souls of people like you, Gil, and I eat them. It's how I'm supposed to survive. I've killed...a lot of important people for Dalnassir that way."

Gils eyes contracted and yellowed, her pupils becoming vulpine slits as she looked at Yuri in the torchlight. She lowered her head, and looked at the wall, in thought.

"So that's what you did with them all. But why would you tell me that, Yuri?" she asked."

"Gil, you're in my trap now... you've already been seduced. I'm supposed to eat your soul now. Or part of it, at least. Dalnassir would not allow it, Gil, but he can still order me to do it if he thinks you're beyond help. That's what wild-foxes do, Gil. Then we use the leftover soul to help make more wild-foxes be born."

"But Yuri, I love you," Gil protested, quivering as she felt an urge to fall onto all fours growing. A tail burst from her backside--this time real, and covered in sherbet fur; tipped pure white.

"Gil, that's a big thing to say to a demon like me, let alone to a human being. Be careful of your promises!" The fox protested. She raised her head for a second, her red eyes twinkling as she looked at Gil thoughtfully.

Then she walked around Gil's back.

"I...I've decided I'm not going to do that to you though, Gil. I know I'll get punished for it, but I'm going to let you live. Even if I had to break a geas and suffer to stop myself from hurting you, I like you, Gil. I really want to be your lover for real, but I can't. Not as a demon. We can have sex, but it can never be anything other than feeding, for me."

"How can you be unable to love, Yuri? I don't get it." Gil said, laughing uncomfortably suddenly, as if the idea was ridiculous to contemplate--but worried her nonetheless.

Yuriko closed her eyes, sighing, as she began the subtle masturbation she was so talented at facilitating--in either sex. Gil had no understanding of demons, or how they operated yet, so she had to have been an innocent soul, still. After so much time with corrupt souls, Yuri liked Gil this way, even if she was a little easy.

"We have to break Dalnassir's control on me, Gil. His old geas is long since broken, since the terms were met, so I don't have to kill people for him anymore--but he bound me to this plane and anchored my essence to this dungeon with an abjuration spell that he keeps somewhere. He tortures me just like you, and he can command me to do things I don't want to still. We have to destroy it, somehow, and get away from him."

"Alright, Yuri. Let's break free and find it. If you teach me to change later, I'll do that for you." Gil said, her mind made up.

"But there's one thing, Gil. Just one more thing before we escape."


Yuriko sighed again, knowing this was the inevitable part she would never get Gil to accept. To Yuri, what she was doing to Gil was the same as opening and closing her mouth to chew food. She knew Gil didn't understand--how cold her heart really was underneath the raw, rutting sensations--How little love meant to a creature that lived by preying on sexual tensions. It was a world of cruelty Dalnassir was more at home with--to be sure, and Yuri knew this. She lied a lot to control people, and she was hiding things from Gil still.

But Yuri did not like that world, and was not incapable of feeling pity, and she wanted Gil to have more than the empty promise of being a fox's meal. So she did something special for Gil that would change both their lives forever. Something impossible for a demon to do: she began to love Gil. And this is how it happened;

"Alright, Gil. I'll be your companion," Yuri said, But there's one thing. I'm going to take your soul. In return, so you can still live, I'll possess you with some of my demonic essence. It won't make you lose your ability to feel, or hurt you any, but I'll be a part of you from now on, and you'll have to take me with you wherever you go, whether you like it or not." She said, opening Gil's lips and beginning to stroke the inside of her gently with her wet fingers, getting ready for Gil's inevitable response. She would trick Gil when she said no. She would go back on what she had just said, and send the girl into another glamour. She would have to find a new way. The Lieutenant would never offer her soul willingly, after what she had been through; after all the torments that had been visited upon her already. Perhaps she would have to take the girl hostage, and use her life as some kind of leverage with Dalnassir. She didn't know. She hated being what she was.

"Yuriko..." Gil paused, clenching her hands, and gritting her teeth.

Yuri closed her eyes. Here it was. Gil would refuse Yuriko. She began trembling, as she got ready to perform another glamour on the Lieutenant. One she could barely bring herself to perform.


"Yuri... I'm a little scared, but I think I'd like you to have a part of me," Gil said, to Yuriko's complete surprise.

She was dumbstruck. What sane person would offer their soul up to a demon?! She was truly a crazy girl, Gil Alastor.

"Gil! Why would you do that for me? It's your soul, Gil!" Yuri cried.

But Gil began to smile, and gave Yuriko a deep, long kiss. Yuriko was dumbstruck. After all the seductions, and glamours, and tricks she had performed on other humans...this one simple kiss was something she did not understand. But she wanted to. She wanted to understand the Lieutenant's craziness. Was this that thing, then, that others had that she did not? Was this Love?

"I really... like what you did to me, Yuri. Even if it was just a pretense to get me to see my naivety--No, because it was, Yuri. You were protecting me from myself, and you hurt me to make me see what I was doing to myself."

"Gil, I tricked you...I still am. Please don't thank me for that."

"I'll give you my soul, Yuri. Let's be together, forever. Or at least, until we can make Dalnassir pay and get you restored to your old self."

"Gil, if you die without your soul though, you'll disappear! You know that, right? There won't be any chance for resurrection, and you won't go to a Heaven or Hell. You'll just disappear, Gil."

"I know, Yuri. But look at where we're both at. We're lost like this, in the grip of someone we both hate. This is worse than disappearing. And you said it yourself..."

"...We are opposite halves, Gil... I am a fox... with the body of a girl. You are a fox with the soul of one." The demon nodded, realizing that her salacious suggestion was entirely true, whether it applied to sexual attraction--or existence in general. This Gil Alastor made Yuriko curious. She would do it. She would see where things could go between them.

"Yes, Yuri...we belong together. I love you." Gil said.

"Gil, show me what love is like..." Yuriko whispered, sharing the Lieutenant's gentle gaze with an uncertain one of her own.

The two shared a deep, passionate kiss for several minutes. Yuri collected herself, though, holding Gil around the shoulders and giving her another serious expression.

"Alright Gil, I don't know about love, yet... but hold out your hand. I'm going to make you a part of me. And not just spooge in a fox's womb, this time."

Gil smiled, a tear running down one cheek. They would both be free soon, and she would have a new companion; one wiser than her who would help her grow strong, and never stray far. This was much better than even the excitement she had felt before.

"Yes," she said, for the second time that day. "I'd like that much better, Yuri."

End of Chapter V