World Building: Nations of Sethera

Story by Unscforces on SoFurry

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#11 of Scales and Honor: Worldbuilding

Some of the nations found in Sethera, with distribution of races. Also some little stats about food, drink, colors, and animal.


Races: Human (65%), Gryphon (20%), Minotaur (10%), Other (5%)

Colors: Brown/Gold

Symbol: Rampant Gryphon

Most worshiped diety: Heldema- The god of protection

Known Drink: Elven Frost Wine: Sloshy blue drink. Stays cool even on hot day.

Known Food: Gryphon's Delight: A fruity dessert, gathered from all over Lumara, some alcohol dashed in.

Country Animal: Eagle

Most used steed: Horse


Races: Human (60%), Gnoll (15%), Elf (20%), Other (5%)

Colors: Tan/ Green

Symbol: Green triangle with a single eye. Rays pointing outwards.

Most worshipped diety: Tyrandaar: The god of magic.

Known Drink: Observer Juice: A strong beverage that earns it's name for making the person see double.

Known Food: Displacer Beast Stew: Made from this illusive creature it has an interesting texture, that delights the senses. Some claim it still wiggles upon eating.

Country Animal: Coyote

Most used steed: Horse


Races: Human (35%) , Elf (25%), Siigonis (20%) , Wolven (10%), Halfling (5%), Other (5%)

Colors: Blue/Gold

Symbol: White Pegasus with wings spread.

Most worshipped diety: Celestriiden- Goddess of stars and wanderers.

Known Drink: Dragon Milk- A very sweet tasting ale. Known for it's particular vanilla flavor.

Known Food: Silverwing roast: A large moth found in the marshes. Served with a tangy sauce, and rice.

Country Animal:Crane

Most used Steed: Dire Wolf

Dwarven Kingdom:

Races: Dwarves (80%), Gnomes (15%) . Other (5%)

Colors: Grey, Black, Brown

Symbol: Large hammer, engraved with runes.

Most worshipped diety: Thor- God of dwarves.

Known Drink: Dwarven Thud Rut: Tart Ale, known to knock most people on their rear ends.

Known Food: Gnomish Flame Chicken: Very spicy dish, served usually with vegetables, and bread.

Country Animal: Bear

Most used Steed: Dire Ram

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