A Meeting of Wandering Hearts

Story by souldivide on SoFurry

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Cinnabar Island, home of a beautiful city bustling with both residents and passing trainers alike. It had everything that one would expect of a big city, such as restaurants, stores, apartments, hotels, pokemon centers, and even it's own pokemon gym. However, today the gym was closed, since it wasn't going to get many challengers anyway. Everybody was busy, either trying to find love, or celebrating a love that they already had. Yes, it was Valentine's Day, and even old Blaine, Cinnabar's gym leader, was on the prowl, trying to find the right woman (or any woman that would have him).

Although many of the pokemon trainers that are found on this island are only passing through, there are a few that actually start off here, getting their starting pokemon from friends, family, or the local pokemon adoption center, where abandoned pokemon are cared for until they are taken in by a new owner.

John, who was just over nineteen years old, was just leaving a pokemon store, wearing a big smile on his face as he whistled a tune. In each of his hands was an empty pokeball, one of which was painted a light blue, shining in the light.

"I really hope she likes this." he said to himself, holding up the light blue pokeball.

He had always wanted to be a pokemon trainer, but he was never given the opportunity to do so. His parents didn't like pokemon, and never allowed him to get one. However, now that he had his own apartment and a job, nothing stood between him and his dream.

Although, he didn't know how his girlfriend, Kathy would take it. He knew that she liked pokemon, but had never heard anything from her about pokemon training. So, he decided to surprise her this Valentine's Day by bringing her a pokeball that was painted her favorite color, along with a plain one for himself, so they could go to the adoption center and get their own starter pokemon.

As he finally made it to Kathy's apartment, he quickly pocketed his own pokeball. With his now-free hand he reached into his other pocket, pulling out a small jewelry box. He opened it, put her ball inside, and closed it, sliding it back into his pocket. With that taken care of, he reached up and knocked on her door, barely able to conceal his excitement.

After a moment, the door slowly creaked open, revealing a stunningly beautiful girl. She had long, brown hair, sparkling blue eyes, and a relatively thin figure.

"Hey you!" she said walking forward to give him a tender hug.

"My, you're looking beautiful as always!" he replied, tightly returning her embrace.

"Where have you been...? Leaving me all alone on Valentine's Day like that..." she pouted jokingly, tapping his nose.

"It's only one o'clock, and I had to take care of something before I could come visit." He said with a gentle smile.

"Oh...and what was that 'something'?" she said, allowing him to come in before closing the door behind them.

"Well I couldn't show up at your place on Valentine's Day without getting a little something for you, could I?" he answered, slowly bringing out the small box. Upon seeing the box, she dashed over to him, pressing her lips to his for a quick, warm kiss.

"Oooohh, you know I love jewelry!" she said, smiling at the small box as he handed it over to her.

"Weeeell...It's not jewelry, but I think you will be pleasantly surprised!" He stated, barely able to contain his excitement as he waited for her to open it.

Staring at the box curiously, she slowly lifted the lid.

"It's a...pokeball...? She slowly asked, her happy expression slowly turning to one of disappointment.

"Yeah!" he replied, taking out his own. "Now we can go to the adoption center, pick out some pokemon, and become pokemon trainers! You've told me that you like pokemon, and now we can go on a journey with them together!" he beamed, hoping that she would like the idea.

"Yeah...um...John...? ...I don't want to go on a journey...that's not the kind of life that I want..." she said in a low tone, slowly handing the pokeball back to him.

"Oh...really?" he replied, all of his previous excitement melting away. "Well...we don't have to if you don't wanna...I'm willing to stay here, with you."

"Actually...I've been thinking about...us lately." she said, slowly walking to the side.

"Thinking...?" he questioned, pocketing both of the pokeballs.

"Yeah...I think that we should...see other people..." she continued, averting her gaze.

"See...other people?" he repeated, feeling his heart start to clench.

"Yeah...um, at least you can...you know, go on a pokemon journey..." she stated, still unable to meet his gaze.

He just stood there, unable to form the questions that his brain was screaming to ask. She walked over, and kissed his cheek, whispering in his ear, "good bye..." before opening the door behind him, signaling that she wanted him to leave.

"Yeah...uh, okay...see other people...right...so I'll...I guess I'll talk to you...later?" he muttered as he slowly stepped outside and looked at her, feeling the sadness finally hit him.

"Take care of yourself..." she said, then closed the door, leaving him alone outside.

For a few moments, all he could do was stand there in silence, unable to handle such a sudden punch to his heart. After a full minute, he finally managed to turn away and start walking, gazing at the ground before him.

During the next few hours, he wandered around the city aimlessly, as the same simple question kept running through his mind...



Meanwhile, on the shores of Cinnabar Island, a vaporeon had been busy collecting berries and such from the area, carrying them in her mouth as she made her way back to her home. After a short walk on the beach, she arrived at the cliff side that she was looking for, finding the little hole in the rock face that was her dens entrance.

Once she squirmed through a few tunnels, she hopped into a large area. This was her den, which included a small hole in the roof that allowed light into the room, and at the very back was an opening in the floor that was full of water, which lead out into the sea. Along the wall was a few piles of leaves and other such foliage, which served as beds.

"Lunch is here." She called out, dropping the food to the floor. A large blue lump shifted slightly on one of the leaf piles, then slowly lifted itself up. The golduck stretched, popping a series of joints, before slowly making his way towards the food. Without a word, he sat down and started eating, not even acknowledging the vaporeon that provided the meal. She just shook her head and padded over to a leaf pile, laying down to relax.

"You're welcome by the way." She said in a slightly angery tone.

"Mmph mmr gulp for what?" he replied with a smile, before finishing off the last berry.

"Sigh...why do I even bother..." she whispered, looking away as she rested her head on her paws.

"Because a strong male like myself needs to eat," he shouted, "and I can't walk around outside or else some trainer will try to capture me! Not that they could beat me or anything."

"Oh, so you don't care if they try to capture ME?" she retorted, getting up and staring into his eyes defiantly.

"Of course I do, if that happened then I'd have to get my own food." He snapped, glaring back at her.

"You're impossible..." she replied in a sad tone, walking back to her "bed."

"Hey...I know what will cheer ya up! Let's mate!" he yelled walking over to her.

"Is that all you ever want me around for? Food and pleasure?" she asked, giving him a serious look.

"It's not like you're good for anything else really." He replied, turning her over so she was lying on her back.

"What do you think you're doing?" she asked in an annoyed voice.

"I told you we're gonna mate!" he shouted while stroking his exposed rod, getting ready to penetrate her.

"I don't think so." She said bluntly, rolling to her feet and walking away from him.

"You can't say no to me!" he yelled.

"I just did..." she mocked, waving her tail at him while she meandered towards the water tunnel leading to the sea.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked while stepping forward, now more than annoyed with her.

"Out...forever...have fun feeding and mating alone." She said in a cold voice, before leaping into the water, swiftly swimming away.

"Yeah? Well I hope you die out there! Never come back, cause I won't take you back anyway! And thanks for the comfy den too!" he yelled in anger, stomping around looking for something to take his anger out on.

As she emerged from the channel into the open sea, she felt tears streaming from her eyes, lost in the already-salty water. After swimming around mindlessly for a few minutes, she wandered over to the shallows, laying down on the sea floor just 3 feet under the surface.

As she lay there, her mind kept repeating itself as tears continued to pour out of her eyes.

Why did I love him...?


After hours of mindlessly wandering around the city, John ended up walking along the beach, staring at the sunset as it cast an orange glow across the sea. He was a bit tired of walking, so he decided to sit down on the nice, cool sand and enjoy the view that nature was providing.

Once he got comfortable, his thoughts immediately returned to Kathy. After thinking about it all day, he still had no clue as to the reasoning behind her actions. They were happy together, or at least it seemed that way. She had never shown any signs of unhappiness around him, so what could it have been...? Still, he received no answer from his shuffling mind, so he was forced to decide that she was just pretending to be happy the entire time, which only made him feel worse.

At these new thoughts, he felt his eyes begin to water once more, casting salty beads across his face. After a moment, he reached into his pocket, bringing out one of the pokeballs. It was the red one, the one that he intended to keep for himself.

"sniff...I can't believe I was so stupid...why would she want to travel with me...? If she wanted to go on a journey I would have heard something about it...im so stupid!" he mumbled, staring at the shining orb in his palm. Without another thought, he tossed the pokeball into the ocean and watched as it slowly sank, never wanted to be reminded of this again.

As he reached into his pocket to bring out the other one, something caught his eye...A bright flash emanated from the ocean, around where his pokeball sank!

"What the..." he said in a low tone, quickly standing up and running into the water where the flash came from. He reached into the water, searching frantically with his hand. After a moment, his hand ran across the smooth surface of the pokeball. He grabbed it, bringing it out of the water.

The button was still red, indicating that it wasn't technically caught yet, but it didn't shake at all, not even one little shudder. Before long, the button turned white once more, signaling that the pokemon was now his. Staring at the pokeball, he turned back to the beach and sat down on the sand once more, wondering what it was that he "caught."

Without another thought, he tossed the pokeball to his side, allowing the concealed pokemon to come out in a bright flash of white light. After only a second, the lights vanished, revealing a beautiful, blue vaporeon. However, it just sat there, looking away as tears started streaming from its eyes. Noticing this, he started to feel bad for the poor thing, not wanting to see it cry anymore.

"Hey there..." he said in a welcoming voice as he crawled over to it slightly, settling down a few feet away.

She didn't even glance at him, as if she wasn't even aware of his presence.

"Look, I'm sorry about the pokeball...I didn't mean to catch anything with it...I just tossed it into the ocean out of frustration, and I guess it just happened to land on you..." he explained, trying to cheer it up a little. She stared at him during his little confession, and even though her sadness was mostly caused by what happened to her earlier, rather than her being caught, her tears slowly reducing to a trickle.

"Here..." he said as he reached over to the pokeball and grabbed it. "I'm not gonna snatch your freedom away from you..." He clicked open the empty pokeball, grabbed each half in one hand, and brought it down upon his knee, snapping it in half and effectively breaking it's hold over the vaporeon.

She attentively watched as he grabbed the ball. But as he ripped it apart, she felt surprise and shock wash over her entire body, wondering if she was really seeing it happen.

"There...you're free again..." he said in a low tone, tossing the pokeball halves to the side.

She could only sit there, staring back at the trainer as he smiled at her. After a moment, she got up and padded closer to him, giving him an appreciative smile. To his surprise, she leaned in and gave his cheek a lick, whispering "Vapo...vaporeon..." which he could only guess was some kind of thanks, before turning away and walking down the beach.

"Heh, you're welcome..." he muttered, wiping his cheek. While bring his hand down, it brushed against something in his pocket. It was the light blue pokeball. Reminded of his sadness, he looked down, feeling a few fresh tears lightly trickle down his face.

"Vaporeon...vap?" he heard from the side, and turned to see that the vaporeon was still there.

"Oh...um...it's nothing, don't worry...I'm just...a little sad, that's all..." he stuttered, trying to hide his face. After a moment, the vaporeon brought her tail around him, wiping a tear off of his face with it. He turned to her again, smiling.

"Thanks...I know you're tryin to cheer me up, but don't worry...there's nothing we can do about it..." he stated, rubbing the side of her head.

She turned her head to the side quizzically, and gave a curious "Va...?"

"Heh...well it's this girl...we were together, and I loved her very much...but she decided to leave me, for reasons that are unclear to me..." he admitted, bringing his hands to his face to wipe the rest of his tears away.

"Vapo...Vapo vaporeon va..." she replied, looking down as well, feeling her eyes starting to water up.

"What's wrong...?" he asked, seeing her becoming sad as well. "Did something similar happen to you...?"

"Vap..." she answered with a nod.

"Oh...I'm sorry to hear that..." he said, rubbing her back. He looked to the sky, seeing a dark hue overshadowing the orange tint as the sun was almost completely down for the day.

"Hey...I'm sorry, but I have to get going...It's getting late..." he said, slowly standing up. "Good bye then, was nice talking to you."

She stared after him as he started to walk away feeling a new tinge of sadness wash over her. She didn't know why, but she didn't want him to leave. It was nice having someone around that didn't yell at or abuse you, and listen to her even though he couldn't understand her.

Without another thought, she dashed towards him before he could get out of her sight, shouting "Vapor!"

"Huh...?" he muttered as he turned around. "What's up...?"

She walked right in front of him and sat down, staring up at him with a pleading look.

"You wanna come with me...?" he asked, wondering what she was trying to say. Giving a nod, she got up and stepped back.

"Hehe, okay. I was just about to head to town for a bite to eat, so I guess you can join me." He said with a smile, waving her towards him as he started walking towards the city. She eagerly followed, keeping pace with him to the side.

"Hey, would you mind if I gave you a name, just for tonight? I'd like to address you as something other than "vaporeon," it seems kinda rude to me." He said, scratching the back of his head.

"Va!" she nodded her approval, looking back up at him as they continued walking.

"Okay...how about Alex?" he asked. At that, the vaporeon broke out with laughter, bringing a paw to her face.

"What's so funny...?" he asked, looking at her with a confused look. Once she finished laughing she turned around and lifted her tail.

"What are...ooooohhh!" he shouted as he noticed a small slit beneath her tailhole, turning away with a blush. "I'm so sorry! I didn't know that you were a girl..." he explained, feeling stupid for trying to give her a name like Alex. With a snicker, she followed as he started walking again.

"Well...um...how about Alicia?" he asked after a moment, still embarrassed about his mistake.

That sounded like a wonderful name to her. She nodded in agreement, smiling.

"Okay then, Alicia, I'm John, nice to meet ya. Now, let's get some food! I'm starving!" he shouted, before suddenly taking off in a run. After a second, he was about to look behind him to see if she was keeping up, but before he knew it she was way ahead of him, looking back with a big smile.

"H-Hey! You don't even know where you're going!" he shouted with a laugh, but she kept on running, having fun with the little game.

What have I gotten myself into...? He thought with a smile, enjoying his time with his new friend.


After about half an hour of running around, they finally made it to a restaurant in the city, one of John's personal favorites.

"You're gonna love it here, their food is great." He said as they walked inside. He looked around for a table, noticing how crowded it was. I wonder why there are so many people...oh right...I forgot what day it is... he thought, but refused to let the thought ruin his newfound good mood. After only a second of searching, he spotted an empty booth for them near the back. Alicia hopped up into on of the seats, while John took the one across from her.

"Hello sir, and vaporeon." A waiter greeted with a smile. "What would you two like this evening?"

"Hm..." John said as he looked through the menu. "Alicia, you want me to order for you?" he asked.

"Vap." She said with a firm nod.

"Okay then, I'll have the chicken fried steak...aaaand a grilled salmon plate for her" he said, handing the menu over to the waiter.

"Very good, your order will be out shortly." He said with a bow, then walked off to the kitchen.

"So..." John said. "I'm willing to bet that you've never had cooked fish." She shook her head. Her whole life had been spent in the wild, which restricted her diet to a variety of berries and raw fish. "Well you're in for a treat today. This place has the best fish that I've ever had." he continued, giving her a kind smile. Her mouth watered in anticipation, since raw fish and berries get really old after years of eating nothing else.

John looked around the establishment, looking for something to occupy his time. His gaze came across a man sitting at a table alone, drinking a bottle of beer. Poor guy, he must be alone this Valentine's Day too... he thought, before averting his eyes so he wouldn't seem rude.

A few minutes later, their food arrived, which they instantly dug into. It had been a long day for them both, and neither of them had eaten for a long time.

WOW! This is delicious! Alicia thought after her first bite, continuing to assault the food in front of her.

"Heh, told ya you would love it." John said before picking up his fork and knife, but she didn't seem to notice as she continued feasting on the fish. He laughed, knowing that she must be as hungry as him, then began eating his own food.

By the time that Alicia had finished her plate, licking it clean, John was only about half way done with his steak. She sat patiently, watching as he ate while occasionally flicking her tail.

"Heh, sorry that I'm such a slow eater, but some of us have to cut our food into pieces." he joked, noticing that she had nothing to do but just sit there. She smirked, knowing that he was just teasing her. "Here, try a piece of this steak while you're waiting." He offered, placing a small piece in his hand and bringing it to her. She took a quick sniff at it, before lapping it off of his hand. As she chewed, a big smile formed on her face.

Just then, John heard something from across the room, making him freeze over as his heart tightened up.

"Hey Kathy, glad ya made it."

At hearing this, John slowly turned his head to see the source. The man that was "alone" was now standing, taking a few steps towards a girl with long brown hair. After giving her a quick kiss, he offered her a chair, then sat down with her.

Alicia stared at John, wondering what had him so shaken, and followed his gaze, staring at the couple as well.

So...I guess that answers today's question... he thought as his throat started to get a lump in it, still staring at them.

A second later, Kathy looked around and noticed that John was sitting at a table not far from hers, staring at her and her new date with a bewildered expression. She stared right back at him, slowly forming a smile, of all things!

"Excuse me for one sec, okay hun?" she said to the man, giving him another kiss while she looked at John, before slowly trotting over, the smile never leaving her lips.

"Well well..." she said in a condescending tone. "Strange seeing you here of all places...I thought you would have left this island by now."

"How long...?" he replied, starting to feel a rage build up inside of him.

"Oh, long enough. You were fun while you lasted, by the way. I'll never forget you, or all the jewelry you got me." she mocked, crossing her arms. John opened his mouth, but no words came out as he looked down at the floor, unable to accept what he had heard.

Alicia just sat there staring at the strange woman, not knowing exactly what was going on. This must be John's x-mate... she thought. She doesn't seem too nice...I wonder what he saw in her... At that thought, she was reminded of herself. Maybe she's just like he was...

_ _

"Oh come on, stop looking so sad. At least you found another beautiful woman to replace me with!" she said as she pointed at Alicia, bursting with laughter. At that comment, both Alicia and John looked up, then at each other. Alicia slightly blushed, while John quickly looked back at Kathy, standing up.

"Even if that were the case, she would be much better than a cold hearted whore like you! She doesn't take pleasure in toying with the emotions of others, just to get a few shiny pebbles!" he shouted while pointing to her necklace, which he gave her on the day that they met. He grabbed the light blue pendant and yanked it off, throwing it to the floor.

"That's mine!" she shouted, bringing her hand back to slap him. However, before she could bring her hand to his face, Alicia stood and unleashed a Water Gun at her, drenching her as she fell right on her ass.

"Hey!" came a deep voice from across the room, as the man that was with Kathy ran towards John. Before he reached him, another water gun flew across the room and hit him square in the chest, knocking him down. John turned around, seeing Alicia standing on the table staring back at him. He smiled, and rubbed the side of her head.

"Thanks a lot Alicia..." he said in a light voice, before feeling a hand roughly grab his shoulder. He quickly turned around to face the new adversary, but was surprised to see his waiter.

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. Now." He ordered, pointing towards the exit.

"Fine with me...c'mon Alicia lets go." He said as he walked towards the door, motioning for Alicia to follow.

John was silent as they walked back to the beach, taking in all that happened. I can't believe she was cheating on me...she never seemed to be that kind of person...I'm glad that Alicia gave her what she deserved...and Alicia...she's nice, playful, caring, and she really helped me out... come to think of it, she would make the perfect girlfriend, if she were a human.

"Vaporeon va...?" Alicia asked, bringing John out of his stupor.

"Oh...um, Alicia...thanks for what you did back there...It could have turned ugly if you didn't intervene. Plus you really gave Kathy what she deserved." He said, smiling down at her. Alicia just smiled back, happy that she helped him.

It wasn't long before they were back at the beach, walking across the soft sand together. Suddenly, John felt something push against his back, causing him to fall face first into the cushiony ground.

"Uuuhhh, what the heck was that...?" he asked as he slowly rolled over to see his attacker. Alicia stood before him, giggling as she leapt on top of him. After licking his cheek, she jumped off and started to slowly run away.

"Heh, I'm gonna get you for that!" he shouted and he got to his feet and dashed towards her. Just as he caught up to her, she used Quick Attack and started bolting in circles around him. He started to get dizzy, before closing his eyes, smiling.

"You think that can work on me...?" he muttered, not allowing his eyes to try and keep up with her movements, since it would only make him dizzy again. After a moment, he opened his eyes and leapt forward, catching the speedy vaporeon and tumbling a short distance with her.

"Gotcha!" he said triumphantly, using one hand to give her a light noogie. However, as soon as he loosened his grip she launched off of him and into the air, hitting him with light Water Gun.

She landed a few feet away as he slowly got up, drenched and spitting out water. He looked hilarious, and she couldn't help but laugh at him.

"Hey, heh, that's not funny." He muttered with a smile, starting to shiver. "If I catch a cold I'm holding you responsible!" She just stuck her tongue out at him, giggling.

He walked a short distance away, lifting his shirt up and off, wringing it to get some of the water out. Then he did the same with his pants, leaving his shorts on. Alicia watched as he did this, her cheeks turning red as she stared at his partially naked form. He turned around after leaving the cloths spread out on the ground, seeing Alicia giving him a strange look...

"What...?" he asked, starting to feel a little embarrassed about undressing in front of a girl, even if she was a pokemon.

"Vap Vapor..." she said as she let out a small chuckle, still blushing heavily.

"Well..." John started. "I think it's time that I head back home..." Alicia frowned at that, not wanting him to leave. "It's been fun, and I'm glad that I got to meet you..." he said as he knelt down beside her, embracing her in a tight, warm hug. She hugged him back as best she could, nuzzling her head against his cheek. "You're free to go" he whispered as he let her go, standing up. She felt tears starting to form in her eyes, not wanting to be alone again...

Before she could voice her opinion, a loud chuckle filled the air, coming from down the beach. Alicia gasped as she recognized the voice, turning to see her x-mate holding his sides as he laughed.

She stepped forward to face him, while John just stood there, unaware of who the golduck was or why he was laughing.

The pokemon stepped forward after his fit of laughter, staring right into Alicia's eyes.

"This..." he taunted, pointing at John. "...is what you've been doing since you left? Becoming some humans pet?"

Alicia winced at being called a "pet", walking closer. "I'm not his pet, andhe's not my master, or any such thing!" she yelled back at him.

"Hmph, then what are you doing with this human, hmmm? Searching for a new mate or something...?" he mocked, crossing his arms. She just stood there, looking back at John, then back to the golduck, anger showing through her eyes. "Now why don't you just come back to my den and we can settle this with a little mating, eh?" he said with an evil-looking grin.

"Never!" she shouted at him. "I'll never go anywhere near you again! You're a selfish prick who only wants me for sex and food! Even if I was looking to become mates with this human, he would certainly be a much better one than you could ever hope be!"

Letting his anger boil out, he dashed wildly towards her. If he couldn't reason with her, he would drag her unconscious body back with him!

"Alicia!" John shouted, seeing the golduck try to rush her.

Alicia leapt back, unleashing a massive hydro pump at the golduck, causing him to fly backwards. Once she landed, she shot an ice beam at his drenched from, instantly freezing him.

Satisfied that she had ended it that quickly, she walked over to his frozen body, smiling at how helpless he looked. However, just as she got within reach, he burst from his icy cocoon, grabbing Alicia by the throat and holding her high above him.

"Hehehe, you're still as weak as you were when we first met...remember...?" he said, laughing as she tried to wrench free. "You needed me to protect you that day, just like you need me right now!" he shouted, tightening his grip. "Now, are you gonna be a good girl and come ho-"WHAM he was interrupted as a massive force collided with his skull, sending him flying.

Alicia coughed as she struggled to catch her breathe, unsure of what had happened. She looked up, seeing John above her, his fist still extended from his punch.

"You okay Alicia...?" he asked, kneeling at her side and cradling her head.

"Vapor..." she replied, nodding and giving his wrist a lick.

"Golduck! Golduck gol!" John heard from ahead, before it used Quick Attack to kick him across the beach.

"John!!!" Alicia shouted, coughing as she tried to stand up. It dashed at John, seeking revenge as it leapt forward, preparing to use its claws on his face. However, right as he made the swipe, John ducked beneath him, grabbing his leg. He gripped it with both hands, spun him around twice, then let him loose, throwing him right into the nearby cliff side with a sickening crack.

After a few moments, the golduck slowly got to his feet. "Y...you'll pay for this...both of you...!" he shouted, before limping away and out of sight.

John turned his attention back to Alicia, who was standing up, looking at John with a surprised expression...

Did he just...fight against a pokemon himself? And to save me no less...? She thought, knowing that humans didn't have any kind of power. He put his own life in danger to protect me...

"Are you okay?" he asked, kneeling in front of her once more, now that he wouldn't be interrupted again. She nodded, looking up at him with an affectionate smile.

"Good, I'm glad you're safe." He said as he hugged her tightly while she nuzzled against him roughly, licking his neck. After about a minute, she backed away slightly, so that they were staring into each others eyes, smiling. Unable to control herself, she slowly leaned forward and closed her eyes, placing her lips on his for a loving kiss.

John's eyes went wide for a second, wondering what she was doing, before he slowly closed them and relaxed into the kiss, enjoying the feel of her lips pressed against his.

After a few magical moments, she slowly backed off, looking back into his eyes. He looked back at her, a loving smile on his face. "Vap Vapor..." she whispered, hoping he would know what she said. He gently lifted his head, giving her forehead a tender kiss before saying "I love you, too..."

Hearing that, Alicia joyfully leaned forward and locked lips with him once more, being much more passionate this time. She pressed forward into the kiss, causing John to lean back and lay on the ground. As they continued holding their lips together, she felt his tongue slowly ease its way out of his mouth, and eagerly allowed it to slip into hers, caressing his tongue with her own as she stood over him. In the midst of their passionate kissing, Alicia started to feel something rubbing against her stomach. Knowing what it was, she started grinding against it as they continued to mesh their tongues together, gasping every time it rubbed against her pussy. After a few minutes of this, she slowly broke their kiss, giving John a lustful stare as she moved her paw to stroke at the tent in his boxers, which had become quite wet from her grinding.

To his disappointment, she soon backed off, her eyes never leaving his. However, she soon turned around and lifted her tail up into the air, exposing her moist slit. John's eyes went wide as he gazed upon the tight entrance, unable to look away...

"Vapo, vaporeon..." she said in a heavy tone, lightly flicking her tail in his direction.

"You want me to...um...?" he asked, receiving a nod in return as she shook her rump, not wanting to wait any longer.

He slowly got up and removed his boxers, kicking them to the side near his other cloths. Alicia's gaze instantly moved to his erect member, a slight blush forming on her cheeks. She turned her head away in anticipation, overjoyed that she was about to do this with someone that she loved. After a moment, she felt something brush up against her slit, but it was soft and wet. She cocked her head to the side to see what was going on, wondering what felt so weird against her. To her surprise, she saw that John was licking her! She had never experienced anything like this in the wild, but she wasn't complaining, loving the sensations that were running through her entire body as her mouth hung open, gasping for air.

He continued his tongues assault, slowly spreading her apart to massage her inner walls. Discovering that he greatly enjoying the taste of his lover's juices, which were steadily flowing out of her, he continued moving his tongue all around her in an attempt to collect as much of the delicious fluid as possible. However, it wasn't long before he felt her slit start to convulse, signaling the approach of her climax. Wanting to make it feel amazing for her, he redoubled his efforts, swiftly moving his tongue all around her as he used one of his hands to massage her clit, which instantly sent her over the edge.

"Vapooooooo!" she screamed out in ecstasy as her orgasm hit, unleashing a torrent of fluids into John's mouth and all over his face as she trembled, arching her back as far as she could. It felt amazing! She had never had such a long, gratifying orgasm in her life.

Once the sensations slowly faded, she eased onto the ground, rolling to smile at John, who smiled back at her after using a hand to wipe the excess juices off of his face. After a moment he crawled over to her face, planting a warm-hearted kiss onto her lips, which she gratefully returned.

After breaking the kiss, she rolled so that she was on top of him, positioning his rock hard member just outside of her pussy. After a firm nod from him, she slammed herself down, and threw her head back, piercing her cunt with his thick cock. John brought his hands to her hips while she placed her paws onto his chest, allowing her to get used to the feeling. Once she was ready to continue, she slowly lifted herself off of him, until only his tip remained buried inside of her, before crashing back down, staring into his eyes as she rode him.

While he continued his thrusting, he slowly maneuvered to sit up, embracing Alicia as she brought her paws over his shoulders while he held her across her waist. She was much more comfortable in this position, since she didn't have to strain her back legs as much.

As they slowly picked up their pace, Alicia started gasping for air, occasionally letting out a small "Va..." as he relentlessly pounded into her. She could feel her second orgasm approaching fast, but she wanted this to last, so she tried with all her might to suppress it. A few moments later, John's thrusts became slightly more sporadic, and he began grunting every time that he slammed into her.

"Uhh...I'm...I'm gonna..." he said, and with one final, brutal thrust, he hilted himself within her, completely embedding his cock as wave after wave of his seed shot out and into her womb. The sensations of his seed coating her innards was enough to send her spiraling out of control as well, a large amount of her own cum splattering out of their union as they held onto each other tightly, not wanting the moment to end.

Once their orgasms had passed, they just sat there, lovingly holding each other in their afterglow. Alicia continued to nuzzle against his face, until he slowly pulled his spent member out of her, sending shivers up their spines.

"Alicia...that was amazing..." he said as he stood up, cradling her in his arms.

"Vapor..." she responded, licking his chin affectionately.

He lowered his head to give her another loving kiss, tightly pressing his lips to hers as he walked towards his cloths and discarded boxers. Once there, he reluctantly broke the kiss and gently set her down. She sat down and watched as he put his boxers back on. However, as he reached for his pants and lifted them up, Alicia noticed that something fell out of one of its pockets. It was the light blue pokeball.

"Va...?" she asked as she nudged it closer to John, who just finished sliding on the still-moist pants.

"Oh...that...I bought it for the one I loved earlier today, hoping to travel with her...I guess I forgot about it..." he said, bending to pick it up.

"Vapor, Vaporeon Va Vapor Vaporeon Va..." she said, smiling up at him with an affectionate look, then looking back to the ball.

For reasons unknown to him, he felt that he understood what she said. He couldn't understand her, but it was just a gut feeling telling him what she was getting at.

"Well, I guess that it could still be for the one I love now, couldn't it...?" he stated matter-of-factly as he pushed the button to bring it to full size. Alicia jumped into his arms, tackling him and giving him a firm kiss as the ball touched her, bringing her into its depths. The button instantly turned white, signaling that the pokemon was caught. He immediately dropped the ball to his side while he sat up, allowing her to be free once more. She appeared sitting beside him, a contented smile across her face.

"Well, looks like we can start traveling together now, eh...?" he said as he scooped her up into his arms once more, before moving her so she was riding his back. She giggled at this, but wasn't going to complain about getting a free ride as she licked his forehead. He let out a small laugh as she rested her head against his as they made there way back to town, both feeling complete and full of love...