Tales of the Thief King: Chapter 6 part 2: The Act

Story by ProudWolfess on SoFurry

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#7 of Tales of the Thief King: Main Storyline

Here it is at last! The promised battle scene between our beloved King's Hunter and the scum known only as the Blood Paw. Sorry it took so long to upload, between life, and just not being satisfied that the battle was the way i wanted it, I kept revising it when i had the chance. I hope it's good enough for you fans as I couldn't make you wait any longer. Hope i tagged it enough.

Dragare POV:

It took a lot longer than I would like to arrive, not for any fault of our own, but rather because we were unlucky enough to enter Vayshun as a Ice Storm rolled in. The village, known now as Port Vayshun, but known in the past as Winter's Hearth, was very used to this weather, in fact, due to how cold it was year round, they simply used the snow and ice to build the city's defensive walls, and as extra protection to their mostly stonework homes, skillfully crafting many wonderful things from it, in many colors made with dyes, as well as using tricks they have found to use it as a source of purified water for their crops and to keep the well as full as needed.

They are also looking into long term solutions for food storage for the rest of the country, however it was of minimal concern for them. But enough of that.

My search lead me and my pet to a Tavern near the outskirts of town named Nate's Grub & Glub, after the proprietor of it, Nathaniel Blackmoore. I had, through either skill or dumb luck, and I am willing to bet that it's more the latter than the former, located someone who says he knows where this Blood Paw is, or rather who he is and how to contact him. If I had more to go on than rumors and hearsay, I wouldn't risk such an obvious trap, however as my resources are even more lacking than they are when I hunt Daemons, I am left with little choice.

As I enter, a large brute of a Crossbreed of some sorts of huge, brown canine, sits his gigantic hand on my shoulder and says in a thick, but easily understandable accent "Oi, none of that here! Ain't no one allowed in heres but Free Men. So how about ya leave yer little pet at home or the inn if ya ain't got none."

I growl and grab his hand, effortlessly twisting it, and bring the brute, plate sized hands and all, to his knees and hiss out "Listen here, Balefi Yaziwa, I am here on Official Orders from The High King. You will not impede my, or my slave's work. Do you understand me? You have three seconds to answer before I rip this limb from its socket."

He nods and says "Yes Sir. Sorry for the misunderstanding, Sir. Can, you please let go, Sir? My hand's starting to feel cold and all tingly."

I let go, with a growl of "Good. See to it that you don't forget it." With that unpleasantness out of the way, I make my way to the bar while Ishon scans the crowd for our Contact. As I order one of my favorite drinks and also a small bit for Ishon, mixed in as a custard, he taps my wrist to indicate that there were six people watching us. A more urgent tap and I spun around, sword drawn, point resting on the neck of a hooded fox. Not the one we were looking for, but still suspicious.

"Hey now! I just was wanting to ask. Is youins the ones that I was expecting? Hunter Noratenoma and

Warhound Ishon?" With that, I grab him by his neck and growl "I told no one our names. How did you get that information?"

"My Master, The Blood Paw, sends his regards. And a message. "Do not come looking for me. I am sparing you as I wish to move on with my life. Tell that lowlife you serve, I will NEVER serve him, and that I will never forgive him either." " the fox says, drawing a dagger, only for Ishon to rip it from his hands and stab another of the Shrouded Figures as it tried to stab one in a nearby booth, Catching it in the neck. As citizens fled the bar, helped by the Bouncer, we managed to battle more freely, and, in moments, we had killed almost all the Assassins, save for the one that must have been our contact.

After making sure the others were dead, and paying Nate for the damages as well as the meal, we sat down, this time with our Bouncer buddy standing near to keep an eye out for more Assassins. "So, are you Velidra?" I say to the pathetic looking Shrouded Fox.

"Yes Sir. I am. Or rather was. I am a Nameless now. An outcast. Though I suppose I could give myself a new name. Hmm, how about Rohak? Yeah, that will do. I take it you are the Hunter I was supposed to do a complicated series of coded phrases with?"

"If not, it would not matter, Rohak. I am here on behalf of the High King, and as such have authority to detain and execute you as I see fit. However I am a man of my word, tell me what I need to know, and you are spared, from me, and if I can, from the Crimson Paw Syndicate." I say, sipping on my eggnog, watching as Ishon gently eats his eggnog custard, looking at the taste a little funny, but not refusing it as it is not often I give him a treat such as this.

"Agreed. Well I'm afraid my information might be useless now if they sent a group of Enforcers after the both of us, but the last place we got our contracts from, and from which I had seen Lord Amtyrst enter and leave is The Frostpeak Monastery, a few miles north from here. I would say he is most likely gone, but just in case, you should hurry there. I'll guide you since the path there is a bit of a maze and dangerous, but I will only be able to take you to the Stairs of the Seven Heavens, From there you will be on your own. Is that alright, Sir Hunter?" Rohak says, looking for all the world like he would prefer me to turn down his offer.

"How about this, in order for me to not break my promise, draw a map, then leave this place. I will find you later to let you know if you can return here, if you so desire." I say, handing him a scroll and a fountain pen.

"Yeah! Sure! Uhm, I mean, Yes Sir!" he squeals, quickly drawing a map, and writing instructions, before handing it to me and sprinting from the bar.

"That was fun, wasn't it pet?" I say with a laugh. Ishon smiles and nods "Yes Master. It was."

I let Ishon finish his treat, and I gulp mine down, before we head on out into the village. The blizzard had died down, but it was still snowing.

Sighing at how cold this was going to be, I adjust my armor, and shift forms, allowing me to move faster, and carry Ishon.

As we left town, I swore I noticed someone following me. I paid it no mind, thinking it was Rohak trailing behind for a bit to be sure we were really going, after all, I was positive that I had killed all the other Shrouded Foxes.

Eventually, I had to rest. Thankfully, we were at the start of the path, sitting in a little aclove when the blizzard started back up. I used some magic to summon a flame, and made a decent stew from some meat and onions I had in my pack. Having has the foresight that we might end up having to camp.

Ishon and I ate it and curled up for some rest, when Ishon jumped up and charged at something, flying backwards into the cave as I got to my feet. A loud boom sounded, and suddenly the entrance was blocked by snow and rock, leaving us trapped inside. Even in my Natural Form, there was simply too much weight for me to shift.

I sigh and sit back down. Not used to failing, and not used to being in a situation where I had no way out, I keep trying to figure it out.

Neither myself, nor Ishon knew spells that would safely get us out. We had plenty that would remove the rocks, and probably us as well as small as the cave was. However, Ishon sighed, mumbled "Forgive me, Master." and stepped up, using a telekinetic spell to dislodge a good sized boulder, making them fall in towards him, in a panic, I run forward, grabbing him as the rocks fall behind me, sliding over the top of us, but just barely, I push up on the large boulder, wincing in pain as the rocks stop flowing, panting heavily and shifting the boulder to the side. "Ishon! Our stuff!" I yell, seeing that we couldn't get back in the cave.

"And that is why I apologized, Master. That, and I was saying goodbye if my plan failed. The one who did this, Master. I believe that it was The Blood Paw himself." Ishon says, pointing at a Crimson Paw print on the outside of the cave, still freshly dripping.

I sniff it, but the scent overpowers my heightened senses and Ishon's nose is still limited by being a regular Rhean Lycori, and not a Daemon like me. Growling at my stupidity, I motion for Ishon to follow, and head on, fighting the bitter cold as we reach the landing for the Stairs of the Seven Heavens.

I sit down at the shrine and sigh, my best sword was still in the cave, I would most likely have to pay someone to excavate the cave to get my stuff back. All I had was my dagger I had made from a Leviathan Fang, and my claws. Well that, and my magic. Ishon ONLY had his magic, not that he usually needed more than that. It turns out he was naturally one of the most Gifted in ages. If he wasn't a Marked Slave, I dare to say he'd be the current Grand Magus instead of Regulus Darkscorn.

After a moment, Ishon and I get up and start the climb, slowly making our way up, ever on guard for assailants. It took nearly an hour longer than it should have, both because of the weather, and us being extra cautious, although in truth it seemed the the Crimson Paw Syndicate believed us dead and buried. There wasn't even a guard in sight, though the sounds of partying could be heard from the Seventh Heaven Shrine.

After making sure the area was clear, I jumped to the nearest ledge and clambered up to the balcony that was overlooking the door.

Ishon followed, levitating into place, however right as he landed, one of the Assassins suddenly appeared to my right. Swearing at how stupid I had been, wondering if my drink had been poisoned to affect my intellect and dull my senses, I swipe at him. He easily blocks it, acting almost like my attack had no substance to them.

"Nice try Hunter, But if I can survive several direct hits from Seirkaru, what makes you think that you have any hope of hurting me?" he laughs, jumping back and hopping up on a ledge before saying "Congrats on surviving. I thought for sure that you would die in there. Oh, and you might want to get your little pet some help. He has only a week before the poison kills him. You got lucky. I didn't anticipate you being a Daemonblood, so I used something that, at worst, should affect you like a bad cold. If you value your life, you will leave now and never return to My Territory. I can kill anyone, Mr. Noratenoma. Even so called "Immortals" such as Seirkaru, and their offspring, such as you. I had tried to leave this life, and yes, I suppose I am pleading, leave me alone. And tell your bastard Master that he will never break me nor have me serve him. If anything, HE will be the one serving ME! As it should be!"

"I have no choice in this manner. And more is at stake than just you, Amtiryst. Seirkaru and the High King have said they would declare almost all of Veyshun in Defiance and Mark them for Destruction and Enslavement if I don't bring you back!. For their sake, I have to bring you back, ALIVE!" I growl, sprinting forward to grab him, only for him to vanish in a cloud of smoke with wicked laugh.

"Hmmm. Then we shall fight till the bitter end. Enter the front doors if you truly wish to fight me, or else be gone so I can prepare for the conflict sure to follow. Please don't break the windows, they are antiques and irreplaceable, plus there's a blizzard on. You wouldn't want to be responsible for even more senseless deaths, would you?" Blood Paw says snidely from seemingly nowhere as the doors open below, letting both light and wonderful heat spill out, along with the sounds of the party inside.

Ishon jumps down, and falls to the ground, in a panic I jump down, sinking into the snow a bit, and check him. He's breathing, but unconscious. I notice a needle in his neck, and it unfurls into a letter as I remove it.

It reads 'This needle has a coating that should render your pet unconscious. It will slow down the poison, but not cure it. I do this not for you, but for him. His life has undoubtedly been hard enough, made only worse by filthy slavers like you and your so called King. If you can best me in a contest, I will give you the cure, for HIM. But if I best you, your slave shall be freed and entrusted into my care and you shall be slated for public torture and execution. If you agree to this, come to my arena, unarmed. If you have any sort of weapon on you, or my Mages detect Magicks being used prior to the start of the battle, your life shall be forfeit."

I furl the note back up and carry Ishon inside, one of the Crimson Paw Guards walked up.

"Sir Hunter, please, follow me to the medical ward to deposit your, uhm, friend." he says, obviously not wanting to use the words that define exactly who and what Ishon is to me.

"He is my Slave, don't be afraid to say it. He is what he is, as I am what I am. Thank you kindly though. But if I find out he's been harmed any more than he has now, your Master won't be the only one to find out just how horrible my claws can be." I chide before following him to the makeshift Medical Triage and lay Isshon on the bed.

"The Master has ordered us to ensure Ishon lives, so no one will harm him. You, however, we are not afraid of, nor are we overly concerned for. Your wounds will be your own to deal with, should you survive. Odds are that you will not. The Master is old.... Far older than a normal man should be, but without being a Daemon. At least, without showing any signs other than his slowed aging. Now begone, Sir Hunter. I have duties to attend to, and the Master is being polite by offering a one on one duel. It would be unwise to keep him waiting any longer than necessary." the Guard says as he goes to work hydrating and medicating Ishon.

I sigh and pop my joints and head through the Hall to a large amphitheater like area in the middle of the building. I could see the balcony he had ambushed me at, and the banners with the Crimson Paw symbol all around it. The party had long since quieted down, a jeering and booing taking its place the very moment I crossed the threshold.

Once I was in the center, several things happened in one quick sequence....

First, a double thick portcullis slammed down blocking the hall I had just left, the crowd went silent, and an explosion rocked the ground a few yards from me as a large flame shot down from the ceiling.

I quickly recovered my senses and saw that it wasn't a flame, but rather Blood Paw himself, in a rather decidedly different outfit, standing in a small crater, exactly where the explosion had occurred.

Almost immediately, the Syndicate started cheering for him as loud as they could, until he stuck his right hand in the air.

The description I was given was entirely wrong. His paw wasn't just blood colored, but it shimmered like it was made of the stuff. To everyone else, they would assume he was just a Blood Mage, but to my Trained eyes, the best I could make, he was indeed NOT a daemon. He was an Abomination! He was undoubtedly the offspring of a Blood Djinni and a Vampyric Mage, an Abomination that should not be possible to occur on accident, much less at all!

I snarl, rage starting to take hold, as it always does near Abominations. This creature, if it really did think itself Rhean, and had no idea of its past, I MIGHT be able to rest easy giving it to the Thief King, but otherwise....

I'm actually not sure, to be honest. Killing it would mean forfeiting Ishon, not to the Syndicate, but to Seirkaru, as it would mean failing my mission. Which also would condemn the city. But at the same time, letting it live would mean, yes I get Ishon, but I'm also putting so many lives at risk by letting it live. There wasn't an easy choice in sight for me.

"Are you ready, you despicable Abomination?" Blood Paw says, with a smirk as he stares me down.

"At least I admit I am one!" I growl, lashing out with a claw, charged up with a lighting spell, suddenly finding my claws hitting nothing but blood-like liquid where he had once been, hearing the howl of a weapon swinging behind me, and crying out as I feel it bury into my shoulder blade.

With a howl, I spin around and cast a fireball where he should have been , only to hit another vapor cloud.

I snarl and jerk the blade from my shoulder, quickly repositioning it in my hand and start swinging best I can blindly to my side, and I hear a yelp, and smell the blood of an Abomination. I had scored a hit!

But he had seriously hurt me, between the poison still coursing through my veins, and the dagger having been in my shoulder, I was feeling worn down already. More than I expected, actually. The weapons must be coated with the same poison!

Panting, and smelling blood pooling nearby, I decide to do something, had I not been so desperate to keep Ishon, I most likely would have NEVER done, as I hate giving into the Curse.

I drop to all fours and rush towards the pool of blood, knowing the abomination had jumped behind me the moment I swung around. I drink the small puddle of unholy smelling blood, it burned like Hellfire as it went into me. I blacked out for a moment, and when I awoke again, I felt stronger than I had ever felt before. I had what felt like new senses, new abilities. And I had about twelve daggers in my chest and the Abomination looking panicked as he kept stabbing me and started to run, but being stopped by what I can guess was a barrier that had been placed to ensure I couldn't retreat once the battle started.

Through a red-filled haze in my vision, I grabbed him, and lifted him up high, and slammed him to the ground with a sickening crack.

Groaning, he whines out "I surrender! Lift the barriers!

Slowly, my vision returned to normal, but I still felt like I had extra power coursing through my body.

"You can't be serious, giving up already?" I snarl out at him in disgust.

"You're half right. Your slave is yours again, but I never promised you'd get out alive! NOW!" Blood Paw screams as he tries to disappear in a cloud of vapor, but passing out as I squeeze him hard enough to make a crunch sound occur. Most likely I just broke more of his ribs, but seeing that he never really had to take damage before, he probably was overcome with the pain.

"Halt, or your Master, as well as your village, will die!" I yell, being sure to hold him up with one paw to show how strong I had become and how serious I was.

The crowd, all shocked, backed off.

I pointed at three and shouted "You three, bring me a cage, and a runic collar. Hurry up unless you want to join The Bloodpaw in serving the High King directly!"

They nodded and ran off, quickly procuring the items I needed.

"Bloodpaw is no longer your leader. You all now work for the High King. Cure my pet, make sure he is okay, and then we shall leave for Fort Bragg without killing anymore of your Order. I shall be back shortly after that with your new Commander and his regiment of Knights of Valor who will train you. . Here are your current standing orders. Guard the town, keep the peace, and uphold, and learn, the laws of the Kingdom." I bark at the remaining Syndicate members.

Once I had a little time to myself, I rearranged the Runes in the collar to prevent BloodPaw from using his powers without permission from the holder of the matching crystal.

I then inscribed a crystal I found nearby to work with the collar. After locking Bloodpaw in the cage, I headed back to the medbay to find Ishon stirring, a scared Sydicate member working to make sure my pet had no ill complication.

Ishon, looking terrified, whimpered out "M-Master?"

"Yes pet, it's me. How you feeling?" I say with a gentle smile as I pet his head, fighting back the nausea as my body fights the toxins coursing through my blood.

"Better, Master. Still dizzy, but better than I was feeling. What happened with you, Sir? Do you feel okay?" he said, a slight smile on his muzzle.

I nodded, forcing a big smile as I say, "I feel better than ever, pet! I'll explain on the way back what happened though."

"Alright sir, I'm glad you are okay." he smiles and nods back off.

"How long till he can travel safely?" I say to the medic.

"About two days, Lord Hunter. I'm sorry, but it is the best I can do." he says in a slight panic.

"That's fine, as long as there is no permanent damage done. And don;t be scared, I know you acted on the orders of The Bloodpaw. So long as you obey my orders now, you are safe. Rest well, but take good care of my pet, and have someone bring The Bloodpaw some water and whatever you got that would be considered food for him." I say, going over to a nearby empty cot and slamming down onto it.

"Yes Lord Hunter!" he exclaims before running off. I smile, watching him and the others hop to my orders. I didn't feel tired, nor did I trust them enough to not try to free him, so I stayed right where I was watching, for the next two days till Ishon was healthy enough for travel, and I was free of the poison. I would not let them try to take him from me again. None of them. Not even Seirkaru or the Thief King.

Chapter 2: Shipping and Lessons Learned

Aelon's POV I was awakened too early for my liking by that damned Vampyre. To be exact, he slapped me in the face with one of his wings, catching me just below the eye with a claw. "Up slave, I want you on your hands and knees, like a good little...

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Chapter 1: The Raid

Aelon's POV I suppose my story also starts with that stupid Slaver Raid on my now long gone hometown of Jadespire in the Territory of Alaum. It was just two days after my 18th birthday and the one biggest thought on my mind had been the letter from...

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School for Slaves: Chapter 2

The next day I was awoken early and lead to the Lead Handler's office. Really a place no slave wants to be when they first wake up, or even any time after as it usually means we are in big trouble. After a few minutes mocking me for my stupidity, he...

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