A goth Dragons Tail - family reunion

Story by Demise Uchiha on SoFurry

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here chapter 2 i hope you like it just as much

DISCLAIMER this story containd M/M yiff, incest between and father and son and gay relations if you dont like this then why are you on this site and if you find something against incest just then dont read no ppls under the age of 18 should read this and sooo on and for everyone else enjoy the story ................................

I awoke as the dawn sun slowly crept through the window, the dark purple curtains not fully drawn, a single ray of light ran across my maw as I opened my eyes yawning scanned the room as I noticed I was still hugging my tail. As I got to my feet I saw the little green dragon on the couch and shrugged smiling "cute" I said as I left and ascended the stairs towards the washroom and closed the door with my tail, then using it to turn on the hot water for a shower, I slowly pulled off my clothes looking at myself in the mirror. I was 8 feet tall with metallic purple scales accented by my bright pink underbelly, looking up my reflection I see my bright sapphire eyes staring up at my long silver hair which my purple ears were sticking up from. I had 7 earrings in my right ear and 6 in the left for a total of my lucky number 13.

As the water got to the rite temperature I stepped into the shower and let the hot water run over my scales murring at the wonderful sensation. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmm that's so nice "I whispered to myself as I grabbed the soap and began rubbing it over my wet slippery scales lathering it up getting all bubbly. I murred deeply massaging my scaly chest and abs roughly to scrub off any dirt so my scales shine, I rubbed my body around the hips making my way to the base of my tail scrubbing forcefully letting out a slight moan . "Mmmmmmmmmmmmm that feels so good "I moaned continuing down my body and massaging my scaly ass. I finished washing my tail and rear and moved around lathering my scaly slit and moan letting out a small hiss. As I continued rubbing I leaned against the wall as my cock slowly slide into view , it was already semi hard and had pre running down, moaning I let myself slide down the wall so I sat on the floor rubbing my cock. "O....o......oooooooooooooooo" I moaned as I smiled shyly getting an idea.

I snaked my flexible draconic neck down so my maw was rite over my cock and took a long lick. "Ooooooooooooo......oh god that feels great "I shuddered as I moaned and licked again. As I got more courageous I took the head and my maw and gently sucked on it moaning as I did. I started to bob my head taking in more each time I went down until my entire 13 inch cock was getting deepthroated in my own maw. My entire body shuddered in ecstasy at the feeling of my cock being engulfed my warm maw precum gushed out my cock, I was gulping it down savoring the salty goodness , it ran down my throat as I neared my orgasm another idea struck me . I positioned my tail just rite and the thrust it up into my tail hole letting a loud moan out around my cock , my tail started to get thrusted in and out making me moan and hiss as I sucked my cock, "this is the best thing I've ever done" I thought to myself . I could feel me nearing my orgasm so I thrust my tail deep and my entire body grew tense as thick dragon cum filled my maw and I gulped down as much of the salty sweet seed I could, even gulping it down cum still dripped out my maw running down my chest. My orgasm lasted for 5 minutes and as my cock receded into my slit I rinsed off the cum turning off the water and getting out of the shower.

I walked out into the wall totally naked not remerging Casey was downstairs and walked down the hall. "Mmmmm hey there sexy "a deep voice said as I walked down the hall. I spun around fast hearing the voice and smiled happily and leapt into the arms of a large black dragon that had a purple underbelly. "Daddy your home "I exclaimed as he embraced my scaly form and I murred at the feeling of his strong muscular arms hugged me tightly. "Hey baby "he said looking down at me with a warm smile. "I missed you so much daddy please don't leave again "I sniffled and kissed his neck. "I'm sorry baby "he said still smiling at me and looking at me with beautiful silvereyes. "How can I make it up to you ". I stared into those silver eyes and brought my maw close to his kissing him deeply. I felt his strong muscular tongue slide into my maw and work its way around the inside as I closed my eyes wishing he'd never let me go. We murred deeply in unison as we passionately kissed sucking on each other's long snakelike tongues, which were shoved down each other throats wrestling, the kiss seemed to last hours to me I was lost in a world of bliss. He broke the kiss and chuckled warmly "I recognize that taste it good ". I blushed deeply and looked away at the floor , I couldn't bear to look him in the eyes knowing that he knew what I did , he just chuckled and kissed my snout "don't worry baby it's ok I think it's cute that u can do that ". I blushed severely and kissed him again "....th....thanks d....daddy I love you". He just smiled and cuddled me in his strong loving embrace "I love you to baby".

He carried me downstairs and sat me on a chair looking over at the couch "who's that baby "he said pointing to the little grassy green dragon and smirking "is he your boyfriend?". I looked at Casey and blushed dark red and giggled "no daddy he's just a friend I helped last night I told him he could stay here with me because I didn't know you'd be back" I giggled in answer. He just smiled and patted his lap and I walked over sitting with him as he held me close murring "I promise I won't leave u again my sexy little baby " I just sniffled and nuzzled his chest, he had taken off his shirt exposing his muscular torso , "thank you daddy .

Casey mumbled and woke up slowly to see me cuddling with my dad and sat up staring in shock "what .....What.. Are you doing josh" he managed to say. I looked over and stared at him hating myself for not releasing he was there. "I'm sorry Casey I just love my daddy and I haven't seen him in a long time and...and...and ". Casey stared and smiled at me "its ok josh I understand he is pretty good looking anyway, I think I'm going to have a shower if that's ok with you sir "he asked my dad. My dad nodded and Casey walked upstairs and I heard the water turn on as I looked back into my dad's beautiful silver eyes and was lost in them ". He smiled warmly and kissed me again, once again I became lost in a world of bliss, he rubbed the base of my tail making me moan into the kiss and he chuckled a little. "Oh horny little baby are we "he asked in a seductive tone. Once again I turned red with blush as he continued rubbing my tail and I felt the bulge in his jeans grow larger "why da.....d.....daddy do .....Do.... you...wanna...fi....fi....fix that ...for ...m...me" I asked nervously. He blushed modestly and nodded as he undid his belt and I jumped onto the floor watching him slowly take off his tight jeans and I saw his gigantic large cock in his boxers was fully hard. I stared in awe and he noticed as my erection grew fully hard "baby likes what he sees does he "he chuckled. I was still blushing and nodded drooling as he slowly pulled off his boxer letting out his enormous 21 inch cock "oooo...o.....oooo. D...ddaddy it so big I want it "I nervously giggled. He sat back on the chair and slowly stroked himself making me even hornier, I murred and started to stroke myself and pre squirted out. "So does baby wanna ride daddy's cock?

I climbed up onto his lap facing him positioning my tail hole over his giant cock. "U ready baby "he asked in a caring tone. I nodded and blushed as he slowly lowered me onto his cock and I felt his head start to push its way into me. I let out a loud moan and closed my eyes murring "daddy I missed having u in me so much ....ooooooooooo.oooooo... DADDY!!!!" I yelped as his entire cock slide into me rubbing my prostate. I shuddered and he chuckled "u sure u wanna do this baby "he asked me kissing my nose. I nodded and moaned as he slowly started thrusting in and out grunting as he did. My moans were loud and accompanied by a low hiss as I fell into a world of ecstasy having my dad's giant cock inside me fucking me slow and passionately. I started to paw myself off slowly and I heard my daddy grunt more as he began fucking me faster. "d..d.,..daddy harder harder.......pl...p..please". He nodded and began t fuck me hard and fast his cock pounding against my prostate making me moan at every movement he made I started to lick the black nipples on his dark purple scaly chest. He moaned and held my hips as he thrusted into me more and he gushed pre cum on my inside making me squirm as I started to suckle on one of his nipple making him as horny as possible. I begged him to fuck me and to make me his "d...d...daddy plea....please cum .....fo...fo.....for me da...dd.....daddy ...cum ...for...me" . As I started to suckle his other nipple he moaned and grunted "I'm almost there baby almost there" he panted. I kept licking his nipples and moaned as I felt more pre gush onto my insides. " RAWR!!! " my dad roared loudly in ecstasy as his thick warm dragon seed filled my ass and started to drip out my tail hole. "D.....d...d....DADDY!!! " I screamed as I felt the warm thick liquid move inside me. I panted and collapsed onto his chest falling asleep in his warm muscular embrace as he carried me up to his room and gently laid with me in his large comfy bed pulling the blankets over us as he held me close I drifted into the land of dreams once again


I once again stood in the ruins of the castle looking around. I spotted the guilmon again but this time he stood and had a warm smile on his maw. He walked towards me in a seductive way swishing his tail in an extremely sexy way I stared in awe watching the sexy dino walk towards. he came up to me and I embraced him in a warm up his tears of joy ran down his maw and dripped onto my arms I held him close and whispered into his ear "what's wrong my little friend "and he sniffled and answered me "no one loves me ill never find true love I don't know why I exist ". I place a claw against his lips and gave him a passionate kiss ..................

End chapter 2