Slutcat and Sworddog #16

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#2 of Slutcat

So Close, Slutcat. So Close.

In which someone gets lucky.


Slutcat and Sworddog climbed down from the cliff they had emerged onto and looked around to get their bearings.

"I think that's the river we walked beside the other day with Ralof. If I'm right, there should be a path just across on the other side of the river and Riverwood should be off to our left," said Sworddog.

Slutcat looked around and agreed with Sworddog's assessment and they headed to the river.

"Do you want me to take off your armor to swim?" Slutcat asked, but Sworddog shook her head.

"No need, it's not that heavy. Let's go."

And with that they headed out into the stream.

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As predicted they found the path once they'd swam across the river and they started walking towards Riverwood.

"Come on!" Slutcat said, picking up the pace and running. "I want to see how much we'll get for this claw!"

Sworddog kept up as best she could, but suddenly she saw Slutcat come to a halt ahead.

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"What is it?" Sworddog said as she caught up with her friend.

"Something over there... growling. I think it's one of your wolf studs," Slutcat said, readying her Sparks.

"Oh for heaven's sake, Slutcat, put those away. They won't be needed. I see him.

A large grey wolf came cautiously towards Slutcat and Sworddog, the latter of which made some whining noises and approached the wolf cautiously.

"Aww! He's so cute!" Slutcat said, stepping towards the wolf and apparently ready to pet the beast.

"Slutcat, if you take one more step I am quite certain he will tear your throat out. Why don't you just go on to Riverwood? I'll meet you there."

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"Oh! Well, okay. I'll either be at the store or at the inn. It may be morning, but I feel a little thirsty. Wow! He's really... frisky isn't he!? Are you sure you'll be okay!"

"Yeow! That's a really cold nose you've got there big boy!" Sworddog said, ignoring Slutcat.

Slutcat decided Sworddog knew best so she went on to Riverwood alone.

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First she stopped in at the Riverwood Trader, where the shopkeeper was overjoyed to see his Golden Claw returned. He handed Slutcat 400 gold, which she felt was maybe a little less than deserved, but she took it without complaint. She was even able to sell some of the items she had found in the Barrow as well, essentially bankrupting the good shopkeep of gold before she'd sold everything.

"Say, now that you've got some gold, maybe there's a thing or two I could sell you? Surely you could use some Health Potions?" he offered.

"Now that you mention it, yes I could! I think four. And give me some of those Magic potions too."

"Oh! A mage are you? Certainly! How many?"

"Four of those too. Yeah, I'm learning anyway."

"You should go to the College in Winterhold. They teach mages up there."

"Oh? I might just have to do so!" Slutcat said, putting away the potions in her inventory. She bought a couple of spell-books as well, then turned back around and sold the shopkeeper some more odds and ends she'd brought back from the Barrow as well.

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When she left the shop, there was no sign of Sworddog so she headed to the Sleeping Giant Inn. Of course, the place was deserted save for the bartender at this time of day. She double-checked in fact, then strode over to him with her most sultry walk.

"Slow morning?" she asked. He looked up at her and blinked hard, twice.

"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?"

"Good morning," he said, gulping. "What can I get you?"

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"Oh I've just spent the most HORRIBLE night up in that Barrow", she said.

Disregarding the various bottles and cheeses on the bar, she jumped up to sit directly on the bar top.

"You wouldn't believe the things I had to do to survive in there! It just makes me shudder. Those dead things. I tell you they were awful. And me all alone but for my trusty dog. It really makes you yearn for life, you know?" she said, emphasizing her breasts by stretching her arms up over her head.

"You went in the Barrow?!" the bartender said, incredulously.

Slutcat smiled inwardly though, noticing that his gaze was a little lower than it had any right to be.

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"Oh yes!" Slutcat said, laying across the bar and knocking over various bottles as she told her tale of woe to the bartender, making sure the most interesting parts of her were right in front of him.

"And that's not all," she swooned. "There were bandits too! Terrible men. They tried to do such things to me. Lusty, depraved things. Why, if it werent for my brave dog, who knows what terrible fate would have awaited me? But now I'm back here, back among civilized men like yourself. Oh it makes me so happy to see a handsome face like yours again."

"Me? I mean. Well.. thank you! What's your name Miss?"

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Slutcat sat up, now sitting facing the bartender directly.

"Oh, names aren't important are they? What's important is that we're here, alive and safe. I want to celebrate life. To celebrate it with a man like you. Oh good bartender, show me life and love right here. Let me remember that I'm a woman, and not one of those horrendous creatures. Make sweet, sweet love to me right here, behind the bar. That's all the privacy I require. I need to feel the warmth of a man pressing against me. That's what I need. Surely you wouldn't deprive someone so THIRSTY as I am of a little of your time would you? Why, it's practically your DUTY as the bartender to please you patrons isn't it!?"

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The man was obviously flustered, but she could sense interest too. She smiled inwardly. This is one that would not get away!

"What? You want me to..."

And with that she grabbed him around the waist and neck and wrapped her legs around his back, forcing him to hold her to him.

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"Oh, do I have to say it? Would you make me spell it out so boldly and clearly? Ravish me good barkeep! Have your way with me. Make me your woman, if only for an hour. Let me feel your warmth and heat so I can forget those cold, dead things that walk the Barrow. I am ready for you. I am yours!" she said, grinding her bottom against him as her legs pulled him even tighter.

"He hasn't even mopped the floor back here yet, cat," said a gruff but feminine voice beside her.

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"DELPHINE!" the bartender cried.

Suddenly the bartender stopped supporting her ass and Slutcat scrabbled in vain to hold onto his neck. When she picked herself up off the floor, she couldn't help but feel the stickiness on her rear that proved the newcomer's words to be true.

Slutcat stood up, indignant. "Who are you and what business is it of yours what me and this fine gentleman do!?" Slutcat demanded.

She didn't see the bartender shaking his head.

"My name is Delphine and I am the OWNER of this business! I'd say that makes what you and this 'fine gentleman' do my business wouldn't you say?"

Slutcat was momentarily at a loss for words.

"Now get out, you! This may not be high end Inn, but we're not some sort of halfway house for furry hussies either!" Delphine said, and her surprisingly strong hands grabbed Slutcat unceremoniously and practically dragged her bodily to the door.

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As the door swung open, Slutcat was glad to see Sworddog sitting watching outside.

"AND STAY OUT YOU WHORE!" Delphine screamed, ejecting Slutcat bodily as heads in the street turned. For the second time in as many minutes, her butt hit the floor. She stood up, mustering as much dignity as she could and pretended she had fallen on her ass intentionally as she walked down the stairs.

"I'm not a whore you bitch! I'm a slut! There's a difference!"

Sworddog looked up at Slutcat.

"No big loss, it was a shitty Inn anyway. Probably had stale beer," she said stalking out of Riverwood.

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Sworddog said nothing as Slutcat sulked.

"So how was your fuck?" she finally said as they reached the edge of Riverwood. "Did your wolf lover hump the shit out of you?"

"Now now Slutcat. There's no need to be vulgar."

Slutcat sulked silently a little more as they crossed the bridge and headed towards Whiterun.

"If you're really interested, he was an attentive and quite enthusiastic lover, thank you for asking," Sworddog said.

Slutcat's anger finally broke at that. "Dammit Sworddog, all I want is a little physical love! Is that so much to ask? Even my own dog scores more than me!"

"Well, there's always the next town Slutcat. And I'm not your dog, but I appreciate the thought anyway."

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